Forum Archive => Score Submission Threads => Topic started by: corey.chambers on July 05, 2013, 06:16:32 pm
Title: DK Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 05, 2013, 06:16:32 pm
Please use this thread to post any new scores or improvements. In order to be eligible for acceptance on the High Score List you will need to read and play according to the List Submission Rules ( If for some reason you do not have sufficient evidence for a complete score submission then please feel free to post your score here in this thread anyways. Everyone enjoys a good game of Donkey Kong!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: joekassel on July 05, 2013, 10:24:44 pm
I, Joe Kassel, am submitting my high score of 327,700 on DK on MAME (achieved 7/5/13). (
Zip file only contains .inp file and not the .wlf file. I only converted the .inp into zip and not the .wlf file as well. And since doing this, I have hit 'play and record', thus overwriting my high score .wlf file. Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SQUIIDUX on July 06, 2013, 05:15:39 am
just watched the inp. everything seems legit to me, dont know about this no .wlf though. COREY WE NEED A RULING!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on July 06, 2013, 08:46:27 am
July 6, 2013 Mame New Personal Best! 267,100! Jason Corey Brittain .inp and .wlf files included (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rick Fothergill on July 06, 2013, 09:27:58 am
Congratulations Joe Kassel on your new PB. I am sure you can beat this score and submit it with both the .inp file and the .wlf file, as the high score keeper Corey has to be able to draw the line somewhere and unfortunately this will result in some players having there best games not recognized. You could look at this as motivation to beat your score again and have it accepted. I am sure that most players would agree that we must maintain a certain standard and that standard has to be uncompromising for it to have any meaning. Go for 400k Joe, I am sure you can do it. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 06, 2013, 10:21:49 am
Thanks Joe and Jason for your updated scores and for posting them in this new thread!
Jason's score will be updated because he has the .inp and .wlf files. This is the ideal and normative means along with streaming on Twitch.
Joe's score will be accepted according to Auxiliary Rule #9 "The requirement for .inp and .wlf files addresses the possible falsification of a streamed game. If for some reason the player does not record their input along with their stream then they must demonstrate other evidences to address these concerns. These concerns predominantly include window capture only streaming formats. These evidences include: 1) showing the start up process of the game by clicking on the game in mame so we can see it is being started by the mame program. 2) At the end of the game, after the initials are entered, start another game while the game is still running. 3) Using the monitor capture format or using a webcam facing your monitor will enable people to see that you do not have any video software open on the bottom of the screen and that you are actually starting and playing a game live on Twitch."
EDIT: We do have the inp file that we can see which matches the stream. We have known Joe for awhile and we have watched his streaming, can see him, hear him and the inputs. There is sufficient evidence here, especially because of the .inp file which matches the stream. If we did not know Joe that well, or if there was no .inp file and he was a new streamer, and if it was a higher score, and we have not seen him play long before the score happened, etc, there would be more question. If someone suspect streamed the start up process only of a game without an inp where we could not see the programs that are running on the screen then it would probably be rejected, pending further notice. Even if it was rejected, I would allow some way for the player to offer support, such as play another game which was at least 80% of what was done before with a proper stream with the inp. And perhaps after consideration it could be accepted even if it were pending at one time. If it was real, I want it on the list, but if it wasn't then I don't.
If everyone has not read the updated Submission Rules then please do so. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 07, 2013, 09:37:53 am
WOO-HOO! i finally got that ape off my back and finished (well almost) a game at decent pace, final score: 1,025,200 ;D
just a normal 2 hammer game not much to say about it really, ended on level 21-6 with one rivet to got, i went for a few extra fireball smashes so i could get above the 1.027 score i thought was in 10th, dont think i even needed to but i did and it cost me the killscreen, but so what right! ;D
this game was on the arcade platform and was not streamed, i recorded (pre) with the general TG rules and (post) by the old TG DK rules, only second time iv ever done the post game filming and it was very clumsy, but i think i got everything!
i will stream the recording at some point soon...
8) ;D 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 07, 2013, 09:58:03 am
Nice job! Yeah, I can update the list as soon as you are either verified by TG or you stream all of what you will be sending them and I will definitely be looking forward to checking it all out! :) Stream the pre-game, the game, and the post-game, it is all very interesting and useful for evaluation purposes.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JCHarrist on July 07, 2013, 11:01:29 am
Wow,congrats Jon! The list of million point players just keeps growing.
New badge coming up! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on July 07, 2013, 11:26:17 am
Wow, that's a good score Fast_Eddie! For a first 1m+ game with two hammers, 1.025m is high! I'm impressed, I didn't expect that.
And don't worry even if you didn't get in top 10 (not even top 12, you came 1k short of Dave's score, you're 13th right now). I know that there will be a lot of new scores in the following weeks before the Kong Off 3, so keep playing to improve your score!
But I still know how you feel about coming very short of a score, trust me... haha.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on July 07, 2013, 12:14:42 pm
Kongrats on the score! Onward to beat Steve and Billy! ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on July 07, 2013, 12:17:14 pm
way to go, jonathan. great stuff!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on July 07, 2013, 02:44:54 pm
Holy crap! Way to go!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 07, 2013, 03:06:46 pm
cheers guys! and thanks for the badge Jeff ;D
im about to stream the replay to twitch...
i do not plan to submit this game to TG...,
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 07, 2013, 03:10:03 pm
Been a long road for you!
Was your first TG submission the 666K MAME game from 3 years ago?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 07, 2013, 03:28:25 pm
yup, and scored 860k at 1m pace on mame maybe a year after that, so yeah its been a very long road getting to 1m!
been a target since then to get a 1m score up on TG, but i guess times have changed and im just not inclined to bother...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 07, 2013, 03:39:13 pm
I remember that score well because my first submission to TG was 606,500, and yours was the next spot up at 666,400, so it was "the score to beat" for a couple months.
Actually, the REAL score I wanted to beat was Brian Kuh's (697,500), but in any case, I was definitely chasing those two spots...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 07, 2013, 06:31:46 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: danman123456 on July 07, 2013, 06:39:58 pm
Arggg nice score you coulda had that KS without pressing that rivet board :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 07, 2013, 08:50:34 pm
One of our newest members to the forum and streaming list, Matt, put up a score of 367,500. ( He said that his personal best is over 500K. I have not got to know him yet besides the few questions I had about his cab and his TKG-4 board, but I can definitely see some potential. I sent him a Twitch message about the submission rules and everything so I wait to see if he plans on submitting anything officially or if he is just playing for fun. Wasn't sure if the Twitch messages were glitchy too so I also send a personal message via the forum. I eagerly await our new rising star!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 07, 2013, 09:16:44 pm
Jon, I'm surprised you're not gonna submit that score to TG, especially because your verification looks more than adequate.
Are you shooting for a better score first?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 07, 2013, 10:45:00 pm
Jon's score of 1,025,200 for number 13th on the list has been updated. Excellent achievement!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: d3scride on July 08, 2013, 12:17:33 am
Jon, I'm surprised you're not gonna submit that score to TG, especially because your verification looks more than adequate.
Are you shooting for a better score first?
Because he doesn't want to give TG $60 to verify his score would be my guess. Nice Score Jon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on July 08, 2013, 01:08:20 am
Congrats Jon,
Great to see a big 1M in the UK.
Well done!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 08, 2013, 01:30:49 am
cheers Jonsey ;)
thanks Corey much appreciated!
TG were gone for so long, then they came back charging a relatively large fee, it just seems like they are no longer in the picture... esspecially for us DK players as in the meantime we now have our own forum and leaderboard, iv barely even been on the new TG site...
i know you cant expect much for free these days, but i think a leaderboard you have to pay to get on is a greatly devalued product so i dont really want to support this new model...
i also cant afford to drop £1000+ to go to the KO3 so i dont see any value in making the score 'TG official', maybe i would think twice if i scored 1.07m...i can always submit the game at a later date if i want to...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on July 08, 2013, 05:13:21 am
Finally upped my PB to 255,300. Ended on L=8 elevators. I'm still last, but finally out of my slump. Anyway, I'm attaching the zip file with the .inp and .wlf files included. I'm also submitting to MARP. The game will also be available on Twitch, since it was streamed live.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 08, 2013, 05:18:10 am
Finally upped my PB to 255,300. Ended on L=8 elevators. I'm still last, but finally out of my slump. Anyway, I'm attaching the zip file with the .inp and .wlf files included. I'm also submitting to MARP. The game will also be available on Twitch, since it was streamed live.
Sweet! I feel like I haven't seen you streaming much lately, but that could just be me not paying attention. Hopefully I'll catch your next PB!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on July 08, 2013, 06:05:29 am
Corey, that zip file might not work. If you have any problems, here's another .zip containing the .wlf and .inp files for my 255300 game. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 08, 2013, 04:10:05 pm
Just a reminder to people that the text under the List takes more work than you think. Please allow at least 48 hours before sending me any personal reminders. Usually if it takes as much time as 48 hours it is possible I simply forgot and that a simple personal message in the forum would be appreciated. Sometimes there are multiple scores to update and it is possible that I can miss one. I go through a process that takes more time as well. I check out the inp and wlf files with wlfviewer and I start the game. I double check to make sure the link I have is an actual highlight and not a broadcast, or if a link if not provided I hunt one down. This is true for retrieving the date as well, having to go to the stream, since I review it anyways. These things take time to verify. Not to mention that 2 day nibbler performance over there in that stack of tapes... lol jk. Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 08, 2013, 04:43:58 pm
I have updated the following scores:
Jason Brittain - Just get rid of those spring deaths and you will improve that score in no time. I have never seen someone use the weave and freestyle so often, but somehow you pull it off, even if I think that this is a riskier way to play.
Jason Nugent - Nice work on those rivets, couldn't have done better myself.
Great job to both of you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on July 08, 2013, 11:04:16 pm
New personal DK High Score! 307,700! :-) July 9/13 Enclosed are my .inp and .wlf
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 08, 2013, 11:53:10 pm
Well, Jason, there is a few ways I could address this. I am included to wait three days to update your score because you are just going to beat it again. :o Why don't we just save ourselves the trouble and wait a couple days to submit your next best and then submit it once you have not beaten it in a week. ;D In all fairness it takes me on average about 10 min to do everything for one of your score submissions. Give me a break would ya! :P Hey, have you seen my Rivet Training Video yet? ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on July 08, 2013, 11:53:41 pm ( 307,700 New Personal Best! :-). July 8/13 close to Midnight July 9/13 Jason Corey Brittain Here is my Twitch video too Corey and the Files! I tried recording the first time and streamed but it didn't record my whole game so I just re-recorded it on Twitch! :-). So here it is! :-). Finally Broke the 300,000 mark! :-)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 09, 2013, 12:55:29 am
Corey, I was actually going to mention the other day that you might want to institute a rule about submission limits. However you wanna do it, but maybe limit it by time, or by score threshold (ie, if you're below 600K, you have to beat your best by 50K or whatever...)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 09, 2013, 05:06:26 pm
Chris, yeah, I agree, I mean I have updated scores for Jason several times now and as soon as I get it up their he beats it again, but at the same time I don't want to wait too long because it is exciting for a player to see their new score on the list immediately.
Speaking of which, I just updated Brian Allen's score. He posted it on MARP so I got it on our list too. Brian, if you want to highlight your stream and post the link here then I can add that to the list too! Great work on your first killscreen. Yeah, I said, first, I expect to see you do that again, that was awesome! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on July 09, 2013, 06:01:11 pm
...but at the same time I don't want to wait too long because it is exciting for a player to see their new score on the list immediately.
I certainly wish I was playing well enough to update my high score every few days! I think the compromise is that people should be able to submit scores as often as they want (or can), but with the understanding that it takes time for the verification process to happen. With Corey being the only one verifying and updating, it's not unreasonable for people to show a little patience with the process.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on July 09, 2013, 06:41:33 pm
Jeff Wolfe, you should start a No-Hammer high score list! ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on July 09, 2013, 07:27:25 pm
Mitch it looks like Corey is doing just that!
On a side note I thought of you today when I agreed to buy an 11 foot commercial V-plow for my tractor. Thing was built 60+ years ago and weighs about 2500 pounds. when it gets moving look out.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Monstabonza on July 10, 2013, 01:03:31 am
Hey Corey here ya go Bud New Pb 391800 Twitch Highlight ( and hopefully the zip file attaches
Edit--- Post number 100 level Firefox
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 10, 2013, 01:43:55 am
awesome Jeff, well done! been a while since no hammer track saw any new scores...i catch that game later...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on July 11, 2013, 11:41:36 am
Jason Nugent - Donkey Kong (US Set 1) - 300,800 - streamed live on Twitch on 7/11/2013 around 2-2:30pm Also submitting to MARP. I deleted my earlier submission from yesterday. Thanks. .inp and .wlf are attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tom bradley on July 11, 2013, 02:08:36 pm
Finally I'm on the High Scores! (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 11, 2013, 02:48:43 pm
Tom, great score! If you haven't you may want to do a quick read through of the Submission Rules. ( Do you have an .inp and .wlf file of your game?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tom bradley on July 11, 2013, 11:43:10 pm
No, I knew this would happen :(. I didn't bother because I thought no-one cared about scores this low down the high scores :P. So Isn't there any way I can get on it now?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 12, 2013, 12:05:38 am
Tom, thanks for your question. This is definitely the thread to post your new scores whether they fit the criteria or not. Whether it fits the criteria or not is another question. I wrote and advertised the updated rules since before the WCR #3, and put some more details to it recently and reformatted the list rules. I had this posted on the front of the page as well in the thread to make sure that everyone has read and understood the criteria. Essentially, the criteria is there to protect the integrity of the list and I am sure we all agree gives value to the list. I appreciate you sharing your link, but unfortunately I have never reversed any of the development which the criteria has gone through. No matter how low or high the score I must apply the criteria to every submission without extending any favoritism or applying a double standard. It was suggested at one time for there to be a "non-verified' or a "semi-verified" division but at the same time the posts in this thread serve as a good way for players to update the community. If you have a blog thread, that would be a great place to keep us updated on your progress. I would like for you to get a score that would not require any special exception. If you have done it once, I know you will do it again. Always bother to gather as much evidence for your game as possible. I want the same level of certainty to exist for all the scores on the list, not just the top half of the list. Don't let this be a discouragement to you, keep at it, and you will not only beat this score, but we will make sure that it gets on the list next time. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tom bradley on July 12, 2013, 12:10:43 am
Ah, ok. I'll have to do It again soon then :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 12, 2013, 07:40:57 pm
Tom, Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Everyone, I am about 3 minutes away from completing the score updates for the following people:
Jason Nugent Nick Sheils Jason Brittain
I apologize for the lapse of time. As you may already know I had been completing the finishing touches on the Barrel Training Video, both parts.
Also, once I put this next list update up in a few moments, you may also note that I added the Twitch link for Vincent's high score, and with the permission of Jeff Willms, I included the INP for his game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 12, 2013, 09:06:31 pm
1,237,900 for the no killscreen track :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 12, 2013, 09:39:04 pm
Thanks, Jon, it will be up and ready very shortly. To be honest, I now have these no killscreen files and the wild barrel hack files and I still don't understand how to use them, lol. Any suggestions?
Mitch has first place in wild barrel hack doesn't he?
I think it should be required for the no killscreen submission to be at least beyond the killscreen for the score to be posted, otherwise the list is not relevant to the reason of the list.
EDIT: Jon, the inp that I have only plays to about 40K, I would need to know how to work with the rom files you shared with me, thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 12, 2013, 10:11:48 pm
they just go in the rom folder, then you play like normal, but the rom has to be called dkong so you can only have one in there at a time...
i just make copies of the whole mame folder as its only like 43mb with no inps, then put the copies in my mame folder and name them wild barrel hack, killscreen fix etc. then i go to the one i want to play, so im starting a different mame.exe for each rom and dont have to mess around renaming/moving files...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 12, 2013, 10:24:37 pm
thats wierd i would expect it to play right up to the killscreen then kill me on a normal rom, just tested on mine and it plays past 50k, ill attach again...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 12, 2013, 10:45:49 pm
I thought it was strange also. I got your rom to work and it plays past that point so we are good. Still can't get the wild barrel hack to work though. :'(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 12, 2013, 11:04:10 pm
Corey, the Jasons' scores are reversed in the HSL. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 12, 2013, 11:39:40 pm
Jeremy, thanks for bringing that to my attention. The reversal has been reversed. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 13, 2013, 12:02:40 pm
Adrian put up another good game up on youtube. A score of 474,900! I would like to get this verified, Adrian! [noembed]Adrian's Youtube Video ([/noembed]
I would recommend subscribing to his channel. I am sure he will be showing his DK machine and improving his score again very soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on July 13, 2013, 08:03:32 pm
Are we making a list for the WB-hack? If so, I need to get some new ram so I can stream MAME!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 13, 2013, 08:15:57 pm
This is correct, Mitch. I am still trying to get the Barrel hack to work on my computer. Are there instuctions on how to do this?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 15, 2013, 06:06:49 am
Those submitting scores to the No-Killscreen Track will need to use the attached rom so that everything will be the same. This will be linked in the High Score List for No-Killscreen track.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 15, 2013, 06:21:54 am
If you are submitting to the Wild Barrel HSL then you need to use the attached Rom.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on July 15, 2013, 07:06:21 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 15, 2013, 07:13:15 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on July 15, 2013, 07:16:32 pm
yer buddy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sevenup1203 on July 15, 2013, 08:56:25 pm
Most of you were there for my 882400 game, but I did just post it on MARP-
And here is the twitch link-
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tessler1134 on July 16, 2013, 10:31:01 pm
Congrats to Jon and everyone else who is getting 1 mil+ or kill screens, man a lot of going on right now in Donkey Kong, perfect timing for the next online contest!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 16, 2013, 10:49:58 pm
I agree and am looking forward to the upcoming context. I will be updating some scores soon. Thanks for your patience.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 17, 2013, 05:15:57 am
No sense in having a 1-1 list without an easy score for everyone to pass! ;D
Here's my first real attempt at 1-1, 8200, and probably my first successful completion of that board using two hammers. ZIP attached and Twitch link below.
Here's my first real attempt at 1-1, 8200, and probably my first successful completion of that board using two hammers.
Nice job, Jeremy.
Many years ago, when I was using a "top hammer only" approach on all barrel boards, my Level 1-1 scores were typically in the 5100 to 6100 range. The first time I took both hammers and successfully completed the stage, I was pleased to finally reach 7000.
You're already ahead of where I was, at this early stage in your double hammer career. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Phame on July 20, 2013, 03:04:21 am
wow fast eddie congrats mate nice . who are you lol
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 20, 2013, 05:52:22 am
hi TehChos3nOn3, im Fast Eddie Mckinnell, i drink and hustle DK on the road ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on July 20, 2013, 12:34:58 pm
just upped my PB on the no hammer track to 554,900 :D
just a small increase and doesnt move me up the list but still a very pleasing game! ended L16 rivets...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 21, 2013, 10:28:49 pm
The following scores have been updated:
Jon - No Hammer Chris - High Score Jeremy and Ethan - Level 1-1
Thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on July 22, 2013, 06:10:15 am
I had no idea you were tracking 1-1 over here now also, that is cool. I checked the list, are you planning on merging the actual TG list into this?
Another thing, why are you allowing attempts after the 1st man? I know it's not adding the points, but does it change anything?
I know it's a pain starting over, and I'm not a master on DK code, but does playing the board on 2nd and 3rd man and accumulated point change anything with barrel controlling response, etc...or is everyone pretty confident that 1-1 plays the same regardless? For example, say you started on 3 men, and accumlutad 30K and got an extra man, will that 4 man on level 1-1 be exactly the same difficulty/challenge as the 1st man starting with 000 points?
This is just speaking through the eyes of past TG I guess, and 1-1 has always been a sacred track and wanted to keep it pure.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 22, 2013, 06:32:40 am
Another thing, why are you allowing attempts after the 1st man? I know it's not adding the points, but does it change anything?
My best guess, without delving into the code for confirmation, is that Level 1-1 plays exactly the same, whether it's your 1st man or your 4th. As for allowing attempts that use multiple lives, I'm also guessing that it's to accommodate players who wish to submit a score on the arcade platform, where restarting (after killing off your remaining lives) is less straightforward than it is on MAME.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 22, 2013, 07:44:47 am
Dave. Yeah, I will be merging the list from TG. The Level 1-1 track is still under-construction and like the high score list will have a minimum score requirement. I will need to decide what that will be. Any suggestions anyone? As far as I know the internal difficulty is the only factor in the code influencing how the game assesses inputs and position regarding whether the barrel takes the ladder or not. It would definitely be a concern if some evidence can be presented to show that it is different, like the multi-pcb issue concerning its emulation of the game. TG does not track Arcade 1-1 and it makes sense to allow any man on 1-1 if there is no reason to reject it. As a community, we have the code so if we feel comfortable with it or know more in this regard than TG when that rule was made then we can continue allowing any man.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on July 22, 2013, 10:29:01 am
The Level 1-1 track is still under-construction and like the high score list will have a minimum score requirement. I will need to decide what that will be. Any suggestions anyone?
Well, the number I would pick would be 10,000. Breaking 10K was what originally brought up tracking 1-1 to see how far it could be pushed. So, I would say if you haven't broken 10K then no need to submit yet.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 22, 2013, 10:41:22 am
If it were a CAGDC tourney, minimum score would either be 2500 or 17k.
(Clicks the "Like" button)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: joekassel on July 24, 2013, 02:51:43 pm
I, Joe Kassel, am submitting a score of 338,100 for DK on MAME. Achieved on 7/24/2013 ( (highlight shows startup).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on July 28, 2013, 12:42:02 am
As I said before, feel free to post any kind of improvement in your games on this thread. Today I got a new high score on my cabinet, scoring 901,200 points. My mame score is higher but this is still an improvement on the cab while practicing for the Kong Off 3 and trying to get a million points. Here is the link: ( I actually cried at the end so I left that out of my highlight, lol. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on July 28, 2013, 02:30:39 pm ( Upped my 1-1 score today by 600pts. When watching the replay, I noticed nothing special about the screen, so I'm somewhat surprised by the final score (11900).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 29, 2013, 05:34:09 am
Goal pace was 915K, I pulled back near the end to stay safe (my REAL goal was just to crack 900K, and the 915K pace was a redundancy, so I got what I wanted).
I didn't realize there was a little scoreboard cluster right around there. If I'd known that I could have jumped from 33rd to 29th with 5K more, I would have pushed a little harder. Maybe edge out JC by 100 points and then kill off my last guy. ;D
10 minutes of "post-game commentary" start at 1:53.
It's nuts that this is 33rd on our list, yet it would be good for 16th at TG (, by just 300 points. (In fact, #16 himself was there, sweating my last kill screen hammer smash! 300 points! BOOM! No tie for you!)
Now I'm DEFINITELY taking a break until the tourney...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on July 31, 2013, 09:18:54 pm
Hello. I, Jason Nugent, am submitting my new DK (US Set 1) MAME score of 328,900 achieved on 7/31/2013. I am attaching the .inp and .wlf files in a zip archive. It was streamed live on Twitch, the link is ( Thanks, and take your time posting it. There is one very brief false start at the beginning of the twitch link.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 31, 2013, 09:24:54 pm
I am attaching the .inp and .wlf files in a zip archive.
I don't see a ZIP file attached here. :'(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on July 31, 2013, 09:31:21 pm
Oops. Just realized... here it is.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 01, 2013, 12:49:56 am
Nice scores, Joe, Ethan, Chris, Jason. I will be updating your scores tomorrow. Sorry, I have been more focused on playing, applying for jobs (may be a hardware sales associate at Walmart), and getting a new donkey kong machine. Forgive me Joe, I think you have been waiting the longest.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 01, 2013, 05:52:07 am
Jeremy Young submitting a new PB for DK. 421,900. ZIP of INP/WLF attached and Twitch link below. Thanks!
Hey Corey, when the latest scores are updated, could you also correct the duplicate rank issue? You may have missed the original post, as it was first mentioned in the General Discussion ( thread.
Nice scores, Joe, Ethan, Chris, Jason. I will be updating your scores tomorrow. Sorry, I have been more focused on playing, applying for jobs (may be a hardware sales associate at Walmart), and getting a new donkey kong machine. Forgive me Joe, I think you have been waiting the longest.
Perhaps I've been out of the loop (Twitch chat, shoutbox, etc.), but what happened to the DK cabinet you obtained a few weeks ago?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 01, 2013, 07:18:01 am
Nice work Jeremy! I will get your improvement updated today as well.
Scott, I will try to remember to fix that issue. :) My wife had suggested I buy another, and use the best parts from both to make a better one and then either fix the other one up well, sell it in whole or in parts, or keep in case something breaks on the other. And I said, sure! :) So I now have two cabs. Besides, I want to learn how to build cabinets and fix these. I already learned things last night about cabs just because I had another one to look at. I can see what the screw sizes are for myself on the most recent cab.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: .adrian. on August 01, 2013, 12:58:54 pm
Hey Corey,
I'd like to submit a score of 546,800 achieved on 7/29/13. Below is the link to the game:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 01, 2013, 01:41:09 pm
good stuff! keep it up
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 01, 2013, 01:58:16 pm
Congrats Adrian! Well Done, and welcome aboard :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on August 02, 2013, 12:25:25 am
August 2, 2013 No Hammer 84,500 Files and check Twitch too if you want Jason Corey Brittain (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: joekassel on August 02, 2013, 02:47:16 am
I, Joe Kassel, am submitting a score of 498,200 for DK on MAME. Achieved on 8/2/2013 ( (highlight shows startup).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 02, 2013, 03:58:34 am
All scores have been updated. Great games everyone. Keep up the good work. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 02, 2013, 08:20:27 am
I just updated a score for Colman Paolo. On 7/15/13 he achieved a score of 307,200 on Mame. Here is his link: (
Since there was not an inp for this game, I had to evaluate other factors. We can see him in the video and yes it is him :). We can hear all of his inputs which matches the game play. He is a good standing member of our community. And his skills on other games speak for themselves. We can see his entire desktop in the very beginning, and can see that Mame is open, and then again in the end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 02, 2013, 11:40:02 am
I realize you already verified the score, but just wanted to chime in that I witnessed Colman's game on 7/15/13 live on Twitch - great new PB, Colman!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 03, 2013, 11:51:11 am
Wanna help populate the 1-1 HSL. Here's me doing 11,000: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Simpsons99 on August 03, 2013, 06:06:49 pm
This afternoon on my Twitch Channel from my DK Arcade game .. I got a score of 10,700 for 1-1
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 05, 2013, 03:34:28 pm
Phil Tudose just streamed a Donkey Kong MAME game of 1,089,400.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 06, 2013, 12:26:03 am
Brian, could you create a highlight of your 1-1 score? I just checked your stream and the best I can surmise is that you achieved this score some where in your 3 hour broadcast on 8/3/13. And if you could, please post the link in your score submission. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 06, 2013, 12:44:09 am
I would like to submit my 1-1 score of 11,100 achieved back on 3/23/13. Would someone be willing to verify my inp for me since it would seem odd for me to verify my own scores. Thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 06, 2013, 12:45:24 am
I have updated the scores for Mitch and Phil. Looks like Phil has moved up on the front page. Nice work Phil. And Mitch, no I am not submitting 11,100 just because you got 11,000. I just keep forgetting about it. :)
Phil, if you wanted to highlight the game on Twitch I can add that link as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 06, 2013, 05:38:05 am
I would like to submit my 1-1 score of 11,100 achieved back on 3/23/13. Would someone be willing to verify my inp for me since it would seem odd for me to verify my own scores. Thanks
Hey Corey, I just verified your 11,100 Level 1-1 score.
I was a bit confused at first. The 4 x 800 blue smashes had me convinced I was watching a Vincent Lemay INP (he had 5 x 800 in his 13,300 Level 1-1 personal best, and "Vincentesque Luck" has been an ongoing joke ever since).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 06, 2013, 06:58:25 am
I have updated the scores for Mitch and Phil. Looks like Phil has moved up on the front page. Nice work Phil. And Mitch, no I am not submitting 11,100 just because you got 11,000. I just keep forgetting about it. :)
Phil, if you wanted to highlight the game on Twitch I can add that link as well.
i think the stream cut out at one point so its not in 1 part. i wont be highlighting the game. im going to beat that score soon anyway
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 06, 2013, 12:23:55 pm
Thanks, Scott. I once had some really great grouping on 1-1 and got a lot of points and I calculated that I would have had over 13,000 if my blue smashes was favorable. With this inp you just saw, I had the blue smash luck that I needed but I was not very efficient in my grouping. If I can only get both at once....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 07, 2013, 02:09:11 pm
I hit 290,200 after 7 levels for a pace of 1.073M with no grouping under kong levels 5 through 7. Though unfortunately the game began to unravel somewhere during level 8. Donkey Kong 1.073M Pace After Seven Levels 290,200 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 08, 2013, 07:00:03 am
Score submission
1-1 Score of 10,100 Adam Mon (Drunkguy89)
Inp/wlf and twitch highlight included
Only post if you have spare time, theres no rush.
Oh yeah I grabed a purse on the rivet stage adding 300 points making 10,400 so just deduct that, 10,100
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 08, 2013, 07:59:11 am
Corey, I just verified Adam's Level 1-1 score.
Nice job, Adam. A 300 point re-jump of that 2 barrel combo prior to the top hammer grab, a 500 point smash of the fireball that got away, and 200 points for the pair of "bagels" (2 barrel jumps that yielded 0 points), and you could have gone over 11k. Then again, a gameplay alteration of even 1 pixel changes how everything else plays out.
One suggestion: on the rivet screen, if you want to kill off your remaining lives quickly, just run left, climb the 2 ladders, and walk off the edge of the platform.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 08, 2013, 08:56:33 am
Thanks Scott :)
yeah I got lucky with that wild barrel! and thanks for the tip on the rivet stage, I never thought of that ::)
Cheers :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 08, 2013, 09:04:26 am
Adam Mon Score Submission
Twitch highlight url/ inp/ wlf files attatched
Only a tiny improvement so theres really no need to post it but if you ever are updating the scoreboard i thought id throw it in,
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 08, 2013, 12:42:29 pm
Hey Corey, I've also verified Adam's latest submission of 510,800 (ending on Level 14-2).
Congratulations again, Adam. With 2 personal bests in 2 hours, you've clearly had a more productive afternoon than me. The last time I submitted a high score of any kind on this forum was . . . uhhh . . . never.
Also, nice job on your last man, passing 33 consecutive boards before the final conveyor death.
Lastly, I've attached some additional information, for your dining and dancing pleasure. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 08, 2013, 01:00:16 pm
;) Thanks again Scott, I appretciate it, That damn lvl 14 Pie stage killed me again just like last time :D I hope it does'nt become a habbit haha
Thank you
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 08, 2013, 02:24:35 pm
Nice job, Adam. I know that you are in for a 600K breakthrough soon. Thanks for your help, Scott. I will update the recent scores this evening.
I will be creating a Start High Score List. I wanted to create an official verified list of what score people achieve after finishing level 4. I had created the no-hammer score because I really wanted to highlight Jeff Wolfe's accomplishment. Now I want to create this list because I want to highlight Phil's recent accomplishment. I will be adding phil's score to the 1-1 list as well, and really should add the other scores if I feel up to it. I do not believe that I will be creating any more lists after this start one.
Begin to submit your best Start scores in the same manner according to the submission rules. When I feel ambitious I can scan some of your INPs that I already have and add people to this list according to those starts. If you happen to have a video link or an inp of your best start then please post them in this thread. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on August 09, 2013, 02:05:51 am
Hi all, I'd like to submit my first score. 456,200 by Graham Hawkins on August 5th, 2013. Big improvement over my previous of 316k a week before. Misses at 186,400, 239,400, 438,600.
Score has also been submitted to MARP. Hopefully it's verifiable, if only so I can pursue a higher score in confidence. I've found my PC is too slow to play with Twitch streaming. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 09, 2013, 02:44:34 am
Hi, Jason Nugent (JNugent) here. Just scored a new PB with 402,900. I am submitting this score to the high score list for DK. Inp and wlf attached. Played in WolfMAME 106. Streamed live on Twitch with acrjoey as a witness. Warning, the twitch stream is a bit silly at times. ( Also submitting to MARP. Thanks, and take your time Corey. I appreciate all you do for the DK community!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 09, 2013, 09:39:52 am
Hi all, I'd like to submit my first score. 456,200 by Graham Hawkins on August 5th, 2013. Big improvement over my previous of 316k a week before.
I have verified Graham Hawkins' submission of 456,200 (ending on L12-4), achieved on 08/05/13.
Welcome to the forum, Graham!
It was unfortunate you weren't awarded any points for that nifty barrel jump on Level 6-1, where you started to climb the center ladder on the 2nd girder, had to retreat, and then jumped between an oncoming rolling barrel and the barrel coming down the ladder. It may have been lucky, but I prefer to think of it as pixel perfect execution. :)
Additional game statistics are attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 09, 2013, 10:12:49 am
Hi, Jason Nugent (JNugent) here. Just scored a new PB with 402,900. I am submitting this score to the high score list for DK. Inp and wlf attached. Played in WolfMAME 106. Streamed live on Twitch with acrjoey as a witness. Warning, the twitch stream is a bit silly at times.
I have verified Jason Nugent's submission of 402,900 (ending on L11-5), achieved on 08/09/13.
Congratulations on hurdling the 400k barrier, Jason! I see that you've already updated the title of your next broadcast. "Going for 500K on DK!" indeed.
Since I watched the INP playback of your game, and not the Twitch highlight, I have to ask:
Was "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" playing during the stream at some point? If so, I'm sorry I missed the live session. Believe it or not, my copy of "Ummagumma" is still in factory sealed condition. :o
What about the basic game stats? Glad you asked. They're attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 09, 2013, 11:38:40 am
Ha! Thanks Scott! No Floyd this time around. As a matter of fact, I listened to nothing but Tears for Fears this time around! I appreciate the stats buddy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 01:54:28 pm
Scott, those images you attach are great, I am glad that you are adding them when you verify a score. Nice improvements everyone, I am trying to get these updated today. Thanks for your support and continual increase of scores. I love to add it to the lists.
I am posting my highest start that I got an inp for.
I am also posting Phil's 1-1 and his best start for sourcing purposes on the list.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 02:32:37 pm
I was thinking about placing a 80,000 point minimum for the no-hammer score list. Let me know if anyone objects to this. I am also considering a 9,000 point minimum for the 1-1 list. 10,000 seems a bit too high for newer players and I want to encourage them to get on the list, so I thought 9,000 points would help that process.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 03:30:53 pm
I have placed a 100,000 point limit on the Start High Score List.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 04:27:44 pm
I have verified and updated Phil's two scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 09, 2013, 04:47:08 pm
Quote from: Donkey Kong Start High Score List
Special Rules: The score at the end of level 4 will be accepted for this list. You must achieve this start without losing a life. You must have a minimum of 100,000 points.
Might I suggest removing the "zero deaths" requirement? If a player's score is 145,000 at the end of Level 04, and includes a 1600 point spring death, it would be a shame to ignore the legit 143,400 start. The Level 1-1 list allows for adjusted scores, why not do the same thing here?
My recommendation would be to edit the special rules and specify not including points from deaths.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 05:12:38 pm
Thanks for the suggestion Scott. I suppose there are two different ways of looking at this. With the 1-1 adjustment it is more focused on what can be achieved by with one man on 1-1 without dying. I am just allowing this to be done on any man to make it more expedient for people.
Now, being able to achieve a straight Start with no deaths at all is ideal and is what we all aim for. If you allow for your suggestion then one could in theory "accidentally" kill themselves off while grouping under Kong if they had an unfavorable bottom hammer. This would give them another attempt on that board. Because of this possibility I propose that we keep the rules as they are presently stated. Do you agree, Scott?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 06:40:39 pm
I have updated the following scores:
Kyle Goewart - Pending verification Steve Wiltshire - Pending verification
My 1-1 Adam Mon's 1-1 Adam Mon Graham Hawkins Jason Nugent
pending 3rd party verification, my start inp
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 09, 2013, 06:52:47 pm
Thanks for the suggestion Scott. I suppose there are two different ways of looking at this. With the 1-1 adjustment it is more focused on what can be achieved by with one man on 1-1 without dying. I am just allowing this to be done on any man to make it more expedient for people.
Now, being able to achieve a straight Start with no deaths at all is ideal and is what we all aim for. If you allow for your suggestion then one could in theory "accidentally" kill themselves off while grouping under Kong if they had an unfavorable bottom hammer. This would give them another attempt on that board. Because of this possibility I propose that we keep the rules as they are presently stated. Do you agree, Scott?
Points well taken. I understand that the 1-1 situation is not identical, and I acknowledge that a "clean" start represents the ideal.
True, a player whose sole intent is to secure a huge start (unconcerned with final score) could tank one or more lives to improve their chances. Personally, I wouldn't do it, but I'll bet Vincent would (relax, Vincent, just kidding).
So yeah, I can see it both ways. I just think it's unfortunate that a genuine 140k start (a rare accomplishment for most of us) could go largely unrecognized.
I'm curious to hear what others think. I could very well be in the minority on this one. If so, I will happily shut up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 07:48:15 pm
Thanks for your response Scott. I guess the way I would at it is that a start consists of what the game gave you the first time all the way through. Even if someone just made a mistake then this would not be the case and therefore would not be the same for all players.
Jason, that is because I only updated my excel spreadsheet, but then forgot to update the post. Thanks for letting me know. It has now been updated for real this time.
I just completed updating the 1-1 score list. If you see any errors then please let me know. I want to make the list with a minimum of 9000, so I am still waiting on Jeremy for permission. I think he said somewhere that would be fine. I just don't remember where it is or if I am just imagining things.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 09, 2013, 08:19:40 pm
I agree with Corey about the starts. If deaths are allowed, then it becomes a lot easier to get good starts. If deaths were counted, people could purposely play all-out and get maybe a 160k start, since they'd press all the barrel boards on levels 3 and 4 to the max in kinda the same why as people do on 1-1. People'd be getting insane barrel scores, but 2-3 deaths.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 08:42:39 pm
I wanted to get a feel if 80,000 minimum on No-Hammer was too high so I tried a no hammer game for the first time ever. No really a no hammer person.
I got a score of 316,000. I lost about 6,000 points on an elevator because my infant threw up on my wife. The date of achievement was today 8/9/2013.
Inp is attached. Don't think badly of me when you see it. I don't really have any no hammer strategies. I just did the best I could.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 09, 2013, 10:15:56 pm
I added about 11 scores from TG that were not on our list.
I also updated John McNeil's score from TG because it was higher than his WCR #2 score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 10, 2013, 06:07:42 am
I wanted to get a feel if 80,000 minimum on No-Hammer was too high so I tried a no hammer game for the first time ever. No really a no hammer person.
I got a score of 316,000. I lost about 6,000 points on an elevator because my infant threw up on my wife. The date of achievement was today 8/9/2013.
Inp is attached. Don't think badly of me when you see it. I don't really have any no hammer strategies. I just did the best I could.
Corey, I just verified your no hammer score of 316,000 (ending on L10-6), achieved on 08/09/13.
I'm guessing that Level 09 is where your infant decided to graphically express displeasure with your overall pace. ;)
As usual, I've attached a snapshot of the game stats, since a few details may be of interest:
The number of deaths that occur on screens other than conveyors & rivets (in your case, none; that's good!)
The stage and level averages, compared to those in a traditional game
An estimate of what a potential no hammer killscreen score might be (aka pace)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 10, 2013, 07:56:27 am
Thanks for all your help Scott, you are awesome! Yeah, level 9 springs is when I had to race away from the computer. The infant was fully loaded and blasted my wife. It happened about 2 or 3 boards back so I made her wait for my help until the springs.
Yeah, that was a very good game until the level 10 conveyor. The deaths were not very good, just kind of unraveled really.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 10, 2013, 04:32:35 pm
I updated my best start that I have an inp for and what may be the only no hammer game I will ever play.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 11, 2013, 04:16:01 am
Jeremy Young submitting a slightly less sh*tty score for 1-1. 9,500 achieved on 8/9/2013. ZIP and Twitch highlight below. Please note that the INP goes beyond 1-1 for a few levels.
Jeremy Young submitting a slightly less sh*tty score for 1-1. 9,500 achieved on 8/9/2013.
Jeremy, your 9,500 Level 1-1 score, achieved on 08/09/13, has been verified.
As I was watching, I thought you had a decent chance at a 120k start. It was unfortunate that you ran into some difficulty on Level 4-1. I can certainly empathize with you, especially on the 2nd and 3rd deaths; I've been victimized by those situations more times than I care to remember.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 11, 2013, 07:31:04 am
Jeremy Young submitting a new PR for DK. 550,900. August 11, 2013.
The first death on 4-4 was a true pro move; not even Dean can do it. ::) Boy I wish I had that extra man now. 99% of the time I would restart with a death that early, but I felt like it was going to be the last game of the night so I played it out. Good decision. 8) Thanks to everyone who watched and rooted me on!
Jeremy Young submitting a new PR for DK. 550,900. August 11, 2013.
Hey Jeremy, your submission of 550,900 (ending on L14-5), achieved on 08/11/13, has been verified.
Congratulations on yet another personal high score!
A few observations:
Your pace was above 900k through Level 11-2.
As for that Level 4-4 pro moment, you've got some elite company. Ross suffered a similar spring death during his personal best 993,900 game (on Level 19, no less).
The Level 9-2 conveyor situation (death #3) would likely have nailed many of us. I didn't expect the fireball to unfreeze that quickly, and was genuinely surprised when it did.
Your game stats are attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 11, 2013, 08:09:09 am
Jeremy Young submitting a new PR for DK. 550,900. August 11, 2013.
The first death on 4-4 was a true pro move; not even Dean can do it. ::) Boy I wish I had that extra man now. 99% of the time I would restart with a death that early, but I felt like it was going to be the last game of the night so I played it out. Good decision. 8) Thanks to everyone who watched and rooted me on!
The first death on 4-4 was a true pro move; not even Dean can do it. ::) 550,900 14-5 (
Trust me, I have died EVERY possible way.
Just yesterday I WALKED off the platform on 2-2 while reading the chat. 8)
It's pretty amazing how many ways there are to die in this game. Hopefully someone will edit together a video of deaths for our amusement, hehe.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 12, 2013, 08:03:23 am
Well...that didn't take long. Jeremy Young with another new score submission for DK! 605,200 on a game that ended on 16-2. First man was 421,500 and lasted until 12-2. I guess I wanted to take Dustin's advice and save some for the next Wildcard. 8) Thanks to everybody who watched!
Well...that didn't take long. Another new score submission for DK! 605,200 on a game that ended on 16-2. First man was 421,500 and lasted until 12-2. I guess I wanted to take Dustin's advice and save some for the next Wildcard. 8) Thanks to everybody who watched!
Congrats, Jeremy! I'll verify your score later today. When I do, I'll just edit this post instead of creating another one.
EDIT: Ok, Jeremy's latest submission of 605,200 (ending on L16-2), achieved on 08/12/13, has been verified.
On the Level 15-1 barrel stage, with 6600 remaining on the bonus timer, the 5th top hammer smash instantly relegated yesterday's game to "previous high score" status.
Also noteworthy is that only one death occurred over the course of 79 boards. Nice work!
As for the game stats, you know the drill. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 12, 2013, 09:14:17 am
Scott, I am watching/verifying it right now (started 12:13pm EST). Oh, and I dont have mame, so I am actually just watching it...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 12, 2013, 09:51:47 am
Very good Jeremy! Thanks Scott. Ethan, inp verification requires more than just watching it on Twitch.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 12, 2013, 10:00:35 am
Please note the following for inp verification: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 12, 2013, 12:22:46 pm
I attempted some verification at the end, but it's pretty bad. Was after midnight when I was finished, was not able to drag the machine out. If you need any more verification, let me know.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 12, 2013, 10:19:49 pm
gg matt. shitty way for it to end like that. keep it up mate
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 13, 2013, 04:05:19 am
First submission here. Matt Douglas 8/12/13 748,200 Lost 3rd life on 6-3 and lost last man on 17-2.
I attempted some verification at the end, but it's pretty bad. Was after midnight when I was finished, was not able to drag the machine out. If you need any more verification, let me know.
Wtf man! It's the first time I ever see you, and you tell us that you have a 748k PB. Man, the new DK generation improve so freaking fast, lol. Keep going mate, kill screen or bust!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 13, 2013, 04:39:04 am
First submission here. Matt Douglas 8/12/13 748,200 Lost 3rd life on 6-3 and lost last man on 17-2.
Wow, nice work, Matt!
That score puts you only 9200 behind me, and you needed one less complete level to get there. I haven't seen the video yet, but I'm estimating that your pace was between 995K and 1.005M, depending on the start.
I have a feeling my days in the Top 50 are numbered.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MrDontsMildRide on August 13, 2013, 06:15:05 pm
Thanks folks. Full disclosure, I have been playing for about 2 years or so, this 700+ was a long time coming. The way it ended was very disappointing.
Any criticisms, witticisms or mysticisms are welcome if you are inclined to watch the performance.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on August 14, 2013, 01:56:31 am
Hi, Here is a score of mine from early this year: 282700 with No Hammer. Super pleased with this effort.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 14, 2013, 06:00:29 am
Hi, Here is a score of mine from early this year: 282700 with No Hammer. Super pleased with this effort.
Martin Laing's DK No Hammer score of 282,700 (ending on L10-1), achieved on 03/04/13, has been verified.
Unfortunate wild barrel death on that last board. Once you've committed to the running jump, there's nothing you can do. Dean suffered a similar final death on L16-5, in that same location on the 4th girder, to end one of his deeper games at 1.2M+ pace. Each time it happens to me, I keep muttering to myself, "Standing jump, standing jump."
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 14, 2013, 12:04:05 pm
Matt, I could see your dipswitches and the title screen said "Nintendo of America" but I really couldn't see anything else really well at all. It was a good attempt though. Sorry that something got broke in the process. I didn't expect that to happen to anyone at all. If you could show a few more things I am sure that would be sufficient. Maybe show the underside of the joystick, a few of the rom chips on the cpu side, the Z80 processor near the bottom right of the cpu side, and the TKG-4 on the pcb as well. I am sure that with the title screen with "nintendo of America" it should be fine but just to show people what you are working with always lends credibility to a score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on August 15, 2013, 12:37:54 am
That was a quick viewing. I have been waiting nearly 3 weeks for TG to verify my last score. Yes, I hate random barrels and keep telling myself to do a standing jump. Makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 15, 2013, 08:35:58 am
I have updated the following scores:
Jeremy Young - 1-1, High Martin Laing - No-Hammer
Matt Douglas - High but listed as Pending
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 15, 2013, 09:37:49 am
I'd like to submit a 124,100 no-death start I did about 15 minutes ago. Also, Adam was watching my stream. I decided to keep going, even though I had about 5k less than I would like after level 1.
I just verified this score. I initially saw it live, then re-watched the Twitch highlight and viewed the INP. Great job, Adam. Bummer about those last two wild barrels.
-1,700 after bottom girder leeching with 3700 on the Bonus Timer -Grabs first hammer with 3,600 points at 2300 on the Bonus Timer -Finishes first hammer with 7,400 at 1800 on the Bonus Timer -8,200 points with 800 on the Bonus Timer after the transition and into 2nd hammer -10,600 after 2nd hammer with 300 on the Bonus Timer
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 15, 2013, 05:14:24 pm
Thanks a mill buddy :) Knock em dead this week end, Hopefully Il get to watch a game or two of yours depending on the time difference. get that KS, You're tearing it up recently, big big big!! ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dustin(tiptop)Myers on August 18, 2013, 08:28:08 pm
I, Dustin Myers, have a new streamed PB 440,600 points on my Donkey Kong machine 8). Achieved 8/18/2013.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tessler1134 on August 18, 2013, 09:00:41 pm
My new personal best on Donkey Kong! Double hammer until level 18 and then I slowed it up because I was so nervous! This was done on my DK arcade machine that has a high score kit installed.
Name: Eric Tessler Link: ( Score: 966,000 Date: 8/18/2013
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: The Butcher on August 19, 2013, 05:50:24 am
New personal best achieved in the tournament for me!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on August 19, 2013, 10:39:55 am
Sorry wrong button, Jason Brittain ( 392,300 New Personal Best! Dunno why I couldn't do this over the weekend Corey! :-). LOL! Had to happen today! ( Here is the attachments for the recording too! :-). Stupid game! :-). LOL!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 20, 2013, 02:13:59 pm
I will be going through all the new scores shortly, and will be sifting through the tournament scores to see which ones will be eligible.
Please remember that if you are sending me a link to a game on Twitch it is preferred that you highlight the game. If people click on the link that I use to support your game on the list and they have to sift through it to find your game or your broadcast gets deleted for some reason then the link would not work at all. Please highlight your games and then repost that link to this list. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 20, 2013, 02:18:31 pm
The list submission rules states: "...a link to the broadcast highlight. Be sure to highlight your game so it will be saved on your Twitch account and so that players can readily view the game. This highlight will be linked to the list so you will want to ensure it remains and is presentable."
This is actually a requirement.
One time a player had posted a 1-1 score and gave me a link to their 3 hour broadcast, really? :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 20, 2013, 03:12:37 pm
Here is my best start for the game for DK so far Corey! Jason Brittain August 20/13 124,700 Enclosed is the .inp files! :-). I had 302,600 today too! I'm hoping to break the 400k barrier soon! :-). Or practice till the October tournament! :-).
Jason, if you're trying to get on the "Donkey Kong Start High Score List", then according to the rules you need to have a score over 100,000 at the end of Level 4. Your Level 4 score was 86,300. Also, your first death on 5-6 was at 127,400, not 124,700. Great job on getting that far on your first man, and the INP/WLF files were in good shape.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 20, 2013, 04:06:20 pm
Just upped my score to 690,500! 8) (
I have to say just staying in the top 75 have been a battle. In two months I went from 64th to 69th, and knew the writing was on the wall if I did not up my score in the next 2 or 3 months. Glad I did. I should be in the top 75 now for at least another 6 months! ;)
Edit: I got to level 18-2 by the way. 23 more boards to go until the killscreen! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 20, 2013, 05:08:06 pm
Just upped my score to 690,500! 8) (
I have to say just staying in the top 75 have been a battle. In two months I went from 64th to 69th, and knew the writing was on the wall if I did not up my score in the next 2 or 3 months. Glad I did. I should be in the top 75 now for at least another 6 months! ;)
Edit: I got to level 18-2 by the way. 23 more boards to go until the killscreen! 8)
Congratulations, George! So close to 700k.
A word of warning, though: Once you've entered the "House of 700k Blues", leaving is no simple matter. Mitch and I have both been trying to find a way out. Every time we get close to the exit, the bouncer comes over and tells us to sit down and shut up. :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shane_NC on August 20, 2013, 06:35:54 pm
Hey George kongrats on the new PB, was that game streamed? Also about the 700k blues, mitch doesnt play enough, its not like he is even trying to get a KS except once every few months he plays a game or two lol.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 20, 2013, 06:43:08 pm
Hey George kongrats on the new PB, was that game streamed? Also about the 700k blues, mitch doesnt play enough, its not like he is even trying to get a KS except once every few months he plays a game or two lol.
Thanks both Shane, and Mike for the props. No the game was not streamed. I just live in an area that really doesn't have the greatest internet service. Also as far has the 700k house of blues it should be noted that I had the 300k house of blues myself. I had a 319,200, and I went 535 days before my score even increased. So I am hoping being stuck already for a long time once did the charm for something like 700k. Truth be told I would not be surprised if the 800k, and 900k house of blues is actually harder to pass than 700k since you have to do extra stuff to get out of those houses.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 20, 2013, 06:47:35 pm
Here is some information I would like to have to complete all the updating:
*Ben Falls: 1,012,700 INP? Thanks for the highlights!
*Matt Douglas: still pending further verification
*Aaron Rounsaville: 441,700 Highlight? IS broadcast saved forever? INP?
*Jason Nugent: 420,800 Highlight? INP?
Thanks for your guy's help to make this list a reality. Please continue to post your scores and verification. :)
I will need a few days to get caught up with updating/verifying. I just started a new job so I feel a bit stretched.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 20, 2013, 07:17:01 pm
Truth be told I would not be surprised if the 800k, and 900k house of blues is actually harder to pass than 700k since you have to do extra stuff to get out of those houses.
I'm obviously not speaking from experience, but both 800K and 900K are fairly seamless transitions. They're certainly more accessible than 1 million. A killscreen game with an efficient board-running scheme, decent spring averages, and a lack of conveyor/rivet screwings should push you past 900K. Nearly every game I've played in the past year, where I was running boards and managed to survive beyond Level 12, has been at 920-950K pace.
The 1M milestone is another story, in that utilization of the bottom hammer is almost mandatory. It's possible to get there without it, but unlikely. I don't believe anyone has done it yet, although Ross came close (972,600).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on August 20, 2013, 08:15:07 pm
A killscreen game with an efficient board-running scheme, decent spring averages, and a lack of conveyor/rivet screwings should push you past 900K. Nearly every game I've played in the past year, where I was running boards and managed to survive beyond Level 12, has been at 920-950K pace.
Wow, 950??
With just top hammer, and no grouping (Ross grouped in his 970 game), it's very hard to average better than 8,700 per barrel screen.
To get 950 pace, you'd have to have a big start (120K+) and beast averages on the other screens (like 8K conveyor, 7K springs, 7K rivets).
If you're routinely pacing 920-950K on (halfway-or-further) top-hammer games, I'm very impressed!
When I am running boards even with good, shit-through-a-goose efficiency, I can't sustain much better than 900-910. Maybe for a few levels, but not deep. It corrects itself eventually.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 20, 2013, 08:34:27 pm
Also about the 700k blues, mitch doesnt play enough, its not like he is even trying to get a KS except once every few months he plays a game or two lol.
My bad.
And even when I play at Brian Allen + 100 pace (861,900), I literally mean that: I will stop my game as soon as I get that score! lol
Like I've been saying, I wanna save my first KS for a special game. For me, that's like 1.05m+. Otherwise, I'll try to set up the 4th man sac on 21-6. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 21, 2013, 05:40:15 am
Okay, here's the highlight and inp/wlf files for my 420,800 score from the WCQ #2. ( Of note is the fact that I carried my first man to 349,800 in this game. Had the potential to be HUGE, but you know how DK is...
I give credit for that first man to the fact that the Grateful Dead's "American Beauty" played in the background throughout the game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on August 21, 2013, 06:23:00 am
Yea how does that work? Does Twitch allow a certain amount of memory per account, and once you reach that level Twitch starts erasing your recordings to make room for the new streams you are currently doing?
I'm kinda bummed I didn't save my 1M game stream...but I guess I have it all on tape via camcorder so i'm ok with it.
Great game by the way Ben. I watched the last few levels and wow, DK can be so evil.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 21, 2013, 07:08:45 am
I give credit for that first man to the fact that the Grateful Dead's "American Beauty" played in the background throughout the game.
An excellent choice, Jason.
The Dead continue to inspire both tie-dyed music fans and gamers alike, nearly 50 years after their inception.
Phil, Jerry, and Bobby each sing about the journey to Level 22-1, more than a decade before DK was introduced:
Box of Rain (Phil)
Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land Maybe you're tired and broken Your tongue is twisted with words half spoken and thoughts unclear
Ripple (Jerry)
There is a road, no simple highway Between the dawn and the dark of night And if you go no one may follow That path is for your steps alone
Truckin' (Bobby)
Sometimes the light's all shining on me Other times I can barely see Lately it occurs to me What a long, strange trip it's been
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 21, 2013, 07:16:16 am
Yea how does that work? Does Twitch allow a certain amount of memory per account, and once you reach that level Twitch starts erasing your recordings to make room for the new streams you are currently doing?
Mike, I think Ben is talking about the INP file.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on August 21, 2013, 11:30:06 am
Yea how does that work? Does Twitch allow a certain amount of memory per account, and once you reach that level Twitch starts erasing your recordings to make room for the new streams you are currently doing?
Oh ok, oops. Mike, I think Ben is talking about the INP file.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 21, 2013, 03:24:38 pm
I am very surprised and delighted to report a game of 555,000! I streamed it live on Twitch, here is the highlight link, and the INP/WLF files are attached. Yer Buddy!
I am very surprised and delighted to report a game of 555,000! I streamed it live on Twitch, here is the highlight link, and the INP/WLF files are attached. Yer Buddy!
I am very surprised and delighted to report a game of 555,000! I streamed it live on Twitch, here is the highlight link, and the INP/WLF files are attached. Yer Buddy!
Congratulations, Jason! With your recent flurry of personal bests, the WCQ #3 coming up in October, and the Kong Off 3 in November, you're kicking your game into high gear at just the right time.
As we should all recognize by now, it's the Summer/Autumn of Jason "Don't Call Me Ted" Nugent:
July August September October November
I should have your score verified later this evening.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 21, 2013, 05:52:03 pm
I am very surprised and delighted to report a game of 555,000! I streamed it live on Twitch, here is the highlight link, and the INP/WLF files are attached. Yer Buddy!
Hey Jason, your latest PB of 555,000 (ending on L15-2), achieved on 08/21/13, has been verified.
I'll be checking out ESPN tomorrow morning to see if that double wall jump on the Level 05 conveyors makes the list of Top 10 plays. It was nearly a triple, rarely attempted during international competition. ;)
Congratulations again. Great job.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 21, 2013, 05:58:12 pm
Scott, thanks a lot for the verification and the stats! I should have died with those ridiculous wall jumps!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on August 22, 2013, 10:58:25 am
Jason Brittain 107,000 Start in DK! Here is my .inp files for it! :-)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shane_NC on August 23, 2013, 07:07:00 pm
Just broke my pb in the most depressing fashion, 700,700. (
had 2 men left on 19-2 and lost them both on same screen, 16 boards from KS
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 23, 2013, 07:51:18 pm
Just broke my pb in the most depressing fashion, 700,700. (
had 2 men left on 19-2 and lost them both on same screen, 16 boards from KS
Congratulations on the new personal best, Shane, despite the nastiness that came with the Level 19-2 conveyor stage.
I know it was a disappointing finish, but you can take pride at having surpassed the 700K milestone.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 24, 2013, 07:53:01 pm
The following scores have been updated:
Start List
Mitch 124,100 Jason B. 107,000
1-1 List
Shane 10,500 Adam 10,700
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 24, 2013, 11:38:15 pm
The following scores have been updated:
High Score List
Dustin Myers Eric Tessler Jason Brittain Shawn Robinson George Riley Shane Mosher Jason Nugent Ben Falls
Matt Douglas - Pending
Honorable mentions - Matt Ziolkowski got a score of 243,800. Aaron Rounsaville: 441,700 during Wildcard 3 Q#2 Stream name tyr1ck has a score of 790,600, has the initials BJC. Does anyone know this individual?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 24, 2013, 11:44:24 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: gstrain on August 25, 2013, 12:59:14 am
George Strain - I posted a 569,900 WolfMAME game to MARP earlier tonight: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 25, 2013, 05:19:50 am
George Strain - I posted a 569,900 WolfMAME game to MARP earlier tonight: (
Congrats George! Great score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 25, 2013, 05:56:14 am
George Strain - I posted a 569,900 WolfMAME game to MARP earlier tonight: (
George Strain's submission of 569,900 (ending on L15-6), achieved on 08/25/13, has been verified.
Hey George, this latest score represents a 73.1% increase over your previous personal best (329,300), and has catapulted you into the Top 75. You've not only improved your high score, you've obliterated it. Congratulations!
After 3 early "Oh no!" moments before the end of Level 06, George scored just over 400K on his last man, passing 56 consecutive boards in the process. Outstanding job.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 25, 2013, 07:11:50 am
Ben's score was fixed to a non-killscreen score.
Strain was updated on the high score list.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on August 25, 2013, 01:37:50 pm
Stream name tyr1ck has a score of 790,600, has the initials BJC. Does anyone know this individual?
This guy used to come to my channel and watch my stream pretty often although I'm not sure if I (or anyone else) ever got to know him on a real name basis or not -- if I did, it slips my mind right now. Cool to see him put up a great score. He may not be aware of these forums but I'm sure he could be tracked down in Twitch at some point.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on August 25, 2013, 01:48:52 pm
Stream name tyr1ck has a score of 790,600, has the initials BJC. Does anyone know this individual?
This guy used to come to my channel and watch my stream pretty often although I'm not sure if I (or anyone else) ever got to know him on a real name basis or not -- if I did, it slips my mind right now. Cool to see him put up a great score. He may not be aware of these forums but I'm sure he could be tracked down in Twitch at some point.
His name is Terry Minnich and he goes by "Trickman Terry".
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: gstrain on August 25, 2013, 04:43:23 pm
Quote from: JNugent
Congrats George! Great score!
Thanks! You've been making a lot of progress to, keep at it!
Quote from: stella_blue
Hey George, this latest score represents a 73.1% increase over your previous personal best (329,300), and has catapulted you into the Top 75. You've not only improved your high score, you've obliterated it. Congratulations!
Thanks, although my previous personal best was actually an unrecorded 391K on an arcade cab. Still, it was a nice jump, and the last life run of 400K was a confidence builder.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 25, 2013, 05:30:39 pm
The question might be raised why I updated Ben's score without an inp when he was using a window capture format. Streaming rule 4 which requires the inp states if there is no inp then the player must have "as much supporting evidence as possible so that there can be no question concerning the validity of your scores." Ben had a valid score over one million a couple times. This pb is only about 1,000 points so there is no real significant issue here. It did not move him up in the ranking at all. Thankfully, Ben is well known and streams in this format all the time and usually has the inp/wlf files. His scores on other games are epic and there can be no question as to his integrity. The audio captures all of his inputs that matches his game play as it always does. The usual BEN initials are put in. There is no real issue with this case to merit further review. This is a good case of dealing with a score on a case by case basis where many different factors play a role in the acceptance of a score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on August 25, 2013, 05:48:50 pm
Clearly Ben's game was a fake. I mean, just look how it ended ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 25, 2013, 06:01:11 pm
Tell me about it, he plays a great game and then misses that obvious ladder to the 3rd girder at the end. Does not seem like Ben at all. Though it makes sense, some people like myself, not saying this is true in Ben's, but when I get close to my pb I start playing poorly, lol.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 25, 2013, 11:26:50 pm
I'd like to submit my 11,900 1-1 score from earlier:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on August 27, 2013, 08:44:33 am
Allen Staal 562,800 points on Arcade Aug. 26th, 2013 ( High Score List Submission
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 30, 2013, 06:59:09 am
Adam Mon Score Sub 553,000
No rush at all,
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on August 30, 2013, 10:56:52 am
Huge score, Adam! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 30, 2013, 03:01:12 pm
Hey Adam, your latest score of 553,000 (ending on L15-1), achieved on 08/30/13, has been verified.
I wouldn't blame you for wanting a do-over on those 3 barrel deaths. That appeared to be one of those games where, at the beginning of Level 15, you could have been cruising along with 2 lives in reserve. I know it's frustrating; I've been there myself on a number of occasions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 30, 2013, 03:27:45 pm
Thanks a mil Scott, much appreciated,
yeah im especially annoyed at the last death... I shoulda cleard the barrels that where already on the top girder but couldnt resist that blue coming down the ladder.
A well learnt lesson (I got greedy) ;D
Thanks again for taking the time Buddy. Cheers Scott.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 30, 2013, 10:47:55 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on September 04, 2013, 08:51:56 pm
Posting the .inp for my current personal best of 1,186,700 here. This was done on Wolfmame .106 in case anyone is interested in downloading and watching the game.
Whoops, it looks like the file is just a hair too large to upload (it was a long game!) -- let me know what I should do and I'll edit this post and upload the attachment here. The zip file is 1.11M.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 04, 2013, 09:35:01 pm
Whoops, it looks like the file is just a hair too large to upload (it was a long game!) -- let me know what I should do and I'll edit this post and upload the attachment here. The zip file is 1.11M.
Can you say 'My-game-was-so-good-that-it broke-the-highscore-list swag'? ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JCHarrist on September 04, 2013, 09:37:51 pm
Posting the .inp for my current personal best of 1,186,700 here. This was done on Wolfmame .106 in case anyone is interested in downloading and watching the game.
Whoops, it looks like the file is just a hair too large to upload (it was a long game!) -- let me know what I should do and I'll edit this post and upload the attachment here. The zip file is 1.11M.
Congrats Dean! Amazing game!
I increased the attachment size limit so you should be able to upload it now.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 04, 2013, 09:53:37 pm
I have updated the following scores:
Level 1-1 Mitch Ethan
High Score: Staal Adam Dean - waiting for zip file
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 04, 2013, 10:07:39 pm
Thanks, Corey!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 05, 2013, 07:09:48 am
I see that Dean's inp is over at MARP. So here it is.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 06, 2013, 07:26:29 am
OK, time to up my score a few notches! Got 851,500! 8)
Hey George, your new high score of 851,500 (ending on L21-4), achieved on 09/06/13, has been verified.
Screen Type
All Stages
As for the ongoing "100 man analysis", I have no other details on your current batch of games, but I predict that your overall results will not be negatively affected by these numbers. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 06, 2013, 07:13:20 pm
Wow, nice scores guys! Good work. I will updated soon. Just wanted to say that getting to level 21 is very good! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on September 06, 2013, 11:11:03 pm
Wht da?! How did I miss this? Yer buddy, that is a MONSTER score! Well done!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on September 07, 2013, 03:44:01 am
good games George and Adam, more KSs a coming!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on September 07, 2013, 06:47:02 am
You just never know in Donkey Kong... I thought I was headed to a mediocre score. Not sure yet what I got on my last man but it must be a personal best.
This is dedicated to Mr Staal for making all those mistakes I learned so much from. ;D
621,800 (15-6) (up from 456k)
Thanks for taking the time to verify!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 07, 2013, 10:26:03 am
Nice score Graham, you are a beast! I tried my hand at Jr, can't even get to 100K. I watch a video here and there, I will break 100K soon. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on September 07, 2013, 10:57:25 am
I think you're thinking of a different Graham...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 07, 2013, 11:02:08 am
That is possible. How many Graham's are there now?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 07, 2013, 12:53:57 pm
Edit: 6th of september, I believe I attatched a read me document with an incorrect date
Unfortunately, I must reject your submission due to the incorrect date in the "read me" file. :(
Just kidding, Adam. Please resume normal breathing. ;)
Your latest high score of 625,000 (ending on L17-1), achieved on 09/06/13, has been verified.
You had a 100% survival rate on the conveyor, elevator, and rivet stages. Outstanding.
If not for the unfortunate (yet avoidable) barrel deaths, the game had serious killscreen potential.
In addition to the usual game stats, I've also attached a save state (dkong-11-5.sta) of the Level 11-5 barrel stage, a few seconds before the first death. WolfMAME 0.106 is required, and the STA file must be renamed (since I don't want Adam, or anyone else, to accidentally overwrite an existing file). I experimented with the save state for over an hour, and found more than a dozen possible jump combinations (straight, forward, back, wall) to survive the 3 oncoming barrels.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on September 07, 2013, 01:28:53 pm
So who's going to tell Scott what happened while he was typing that post?
I guess Adam will...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 07, 2013, 01:40:31 pm
So who's going to tell Scott what happened while he was typing that post?
I guess Adam will...
I have a pretty good guess, after noticing a "shoutbox curse" reference.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on September 07, 2013, 02:14:32 pm
Hey Scott , thanks a million mate :)
I feel terible for doing this.... but....
I'd like to submit a new score of 709,900, ::)
Please dont go out of your way for this, or to whomever verify's it, you all deserve a vacation ;) and as always thanks in advance.
I really appretiate the time ya'll put into this score keeping.
Like a boss Kappa 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 07, 2013, 06:48:37 pm
Sweet. Adam, perhaps I should tell you that with your scores you should killscreen within a week. Maybe we should wait a week and just put up your killscreen score. What do you say? :P It may be a week anyways. I like to update in sessions. Much easier to do when you are in the mood and on a roll. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 07, 2013, 08:57:18 pm
You had a 100% survival rate on the conveyor, elevator, and rivet stages. Outstanding.
If not for the unfortunate (yet avoidable) barrel deaths, the game had serious killscreen potential.
Wow! I don't even remember the last time I played a serious game where all of my deaths were barrel deaths! I usually have either 3 rivet screwings or 3 conveyor screwings (more usually the latter), as well as one stupid/completely-my-fault death.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 08, 2013, 12:14:25 am
You just never know in Donkey Kong... I thought I was headed to a mediocre score. Not sure yet what I got on my last man but it must be a personal best.
This is dedicated to Mr Staal for making all those mistakes I learned so much from. ;D
621,800 (15-6) (up from 456k)
Thanks for taking the time to verify!
Nicely done, Graham. Your new high score of 621,800 (ending on L15-6), achieved on 09/08/13, has been verified.
It was unfortunate the game ended on a rivet board. Up until that point, the rivets had been your most consistent stage, with a scoring average greater than 8000 for much of the game. Perhaps you were trying to spread the love among the 4 screen types (one death on each). :)
EDIT: Since you were wondering, on your last man you survived 50 consecutive boards and scored 381,800 points.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on September 08, 2013, 02:55:43 am
Sweet. Adam, perhaps I should tell you that with your scores you should killscreen within a week. Maybe we should wait a week and just put up your killscreen score. What do you say? :P It may be a week anyways. I like to update in sessions. Much easier to do when you are in the mood and on a roll. :D
I absolutley agree, 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 08, 2013, 07:48:48 am
What an amazing coincidence, I'd like to verify a new score! ;)
Adam, your new personal best of 709,900 (ending on L18-6), achieved on 09/07/13, has been verified.
Epic 2nd man during this game: 461,200 points awarded, 62 consecutive boards cleared.
I won't ask what happened on that final death. Some mysteries are best left unsolved.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on September 08, 2013, 08:03:43 am
Thanks a million buddy, and I promise no more submissions....well till the KS that is ;)
As for the last death, I really dont know how to put that into words.....these emotes speak volumes reguarding that last man :o :-X ::) :'( ;)
Thanks again for taking the time,
P.S Please stream!! :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on September 08, 2013, 07:09:00 pm
Thanks stella_blue for the helpful rundown.
A point about the scoreboard: The wrong Twitch account has been linked for me. My Twitch nick is actually 'stormdata'. Thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 08, 2013, 09:25:47 pm
Thanks for letting me know. When I skim through through this thread for updating I will hit this comment and fix that for you. Sorry about that, I get people confused sometimes. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 11, 2013, 11:00:48 pm
I'd like to submit 12,300 on 1-1. Ironically, I don't even climb a spot on the list with this improvement.
Congratulations on your new 1-1 personal best, Mitch!
A score of 12,000 or greater is quite rare, unless your name happens to be Dean or Phil. Since I started focusing my attention on full games (back in Jan 2012), I've really toned down the Level 1-1 aggressiveness. In the past 20 months, I've managed to crack 12K only once (or maybe I was just daydreaming).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on September 12, 2013, 03:01:27 am
12,300! Nice one Mitch, Congrats.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: The Butcher on September 15, 2013, 08:27:47 pm
New personal best for me! 283,100. Level 9-1. Was one barrel away from getting to 9-2 and my chance at 300k :(
Still, stoked.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on September 18, 2013, 03:55:16 am
New high score beating my 621k score from 10 days ago. Misses at 277,200 (8-6*); 280,500 (8-6*); 356,300 (10-3*). Lucky opening on the fireballs at the end of 12-6...whew!
Thanks once again for verifying. Sorry to submit another so soon, but my old score didn't get on the high score list yet.
705,900 (18-2)
*Thanks Scott for the correction (wrongly stated as 8-2s & 10-1).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 18, 2013, 06:31:05 am
New high score beating my 621k score from 10 days ago. Misses at 277,200 (8-2); 280,500 (8-2); 356,300 (10-1). Lucky opening on the fireballs at the end of 12-6...whew!
Thanks once again for verifying. Sorry to submit another so soon. My old score didn't get on the high score list yet!
705,900 (18-2)
Graham, your new personal best of 705,900 (ending on L18-2), achieved on 09/18/13, has been verified.
At first, I wasn't sure if I was watching the correct INP. You've listed 8-2, 8-2, and 10-1 as the stages for your first 3 deaths (they actually occurred on 8-6, 8-6, and 10-3).
Another solid last man, much like your previous submission, clearing 47 consecutive boards.
I suspect your high score hasn't quite plateaued yet. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 18, 2013, 06:55:45 am
Good games. Thanks for verifying Scott. I will be updating in the next couple of days. Thanks for your patience.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shane_NC on September 20, 2013, 04:21:52 pm
I would like to submit my latest game to the HSL, 865,300 Killscreen game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 20, 2013, 04:42:10 pm
Congratulations again, Shane!
I was hoping your score would erroneously be added to the DK Junior High Score List, so I could enjoy the #50 spot for at least a few more days. Unfortunately, my plan was foiled by Mitch.
900K on the horizon, if not the million. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 20, 2013, 05:05:14 pm
Well, I could always submit my new high score from last month. It would enable me to climb 2 spots and negate being bumped by both George and Shane. But I think I'll wait, since I know I can do better (much like yourself).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bliss1083 on September 20, 2013, 07:11:25 pm
Stella we got some catching up to do! We're getting left behind. Lol.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 21, 2013, 07:44:56 pm
I have updated the following scores:
Mitch 1-1 12,300
Fixed stream name for Graham Hawkins
George Riley 851,500 Adam Mon 709,900 Graham Hawkins 708,900
Shane Mosher Killscreener and Killscreen score of 865,300
Great work everyone and thanks for your patience :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on September 23, 2013, 10:57:19 am
1054900 DK score:
Part one (
part two (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 24, 2013, 10:21:59 pm
I, Corey Chambers, officially post my game of 1,008,100 points for verification achieved on 9/24/2013: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 24, 2013, 10:42:57 pm
The following scores have been updated:
Jeff Wolfe 1,054,900 Corey Chambers 1,008,100 Shawn Robinson 837,00 First Killscreen
The top 20 scores are now all officially over one million points! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 26, 2013, 07:15:04 pm
I'm getting some errors while trying to highlight this clip of me doing a 13,200 1-1, so here's the whole session: (
The 1-1 PB starts at 53:30. Gonna try to keep highlighting it so I can edit in the specific section as one video later.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 26, 2013, 08:13:46 pm
Congrats on the 13,200 score! That is definitely is quite the accomplishment! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 26, 2013, 11:52:58 pm
Try the highlight tomorrow Mitch. I read a note about twitch and highlighting this evening. Try again and it should work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 26, 2013, 11:56:35 pm
Yeah, I saw that popup as well. I will highlight it soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 27, 2013, 07:38:47 am
So, I got 13,200 today on 1-1, that means I've achieved a goal I've been working on for quite a while now -which was to get 13k+ on 1-1. I eventually want to break the WR on this track, but I'm gonna put that aside for now and come back to it after I work on some of my other DK goals. Next on the Docket (and this should make a bunch of people happy ;) ): Significantly improve my DK PB! Love it!
Very impressive, Mitch. Rarefied air indeed!
You've gained admission to quite an exclusive club, without having to slip the doorman $50. :)
I can appreciate what it takes to get there, having tried and failed on my own . . . several thousand times.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on September 27, 2013, 07:47:13 am
Oh I didn't see this, Congrat Mitch. You know, I believe that is the official highest 1-1 on arcade if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 27, 2013, 02:53:58 pm
Oh I didn't see this, Congrat Mitch. You know, I believe that is the official highest 1-1 on arcade if I'm not mistaken.
It might possibly be... the only score I think I've heard of on arcade that is higher was Brian Kuh's claim 13k+ (maybe 14k???).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 27, 2013, 03:00:10 pm
Twitch got their highlighting feature fixed, so here is the 13,200 all on its own: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shane_NC on September 27, 2013, 03:49:41 pm
Wow, Mitch you are on a whole other level. Very impressive
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 27, 2013, 07:16:02 pm
Scores have been updated: Mitch 13,200 1-1 Ross 1,136,500 High Score
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 28, 2013, 01:56:59 am
Good News!: My old macbook runs well enough that I can run windows on parallel and play wolfmame106 on there without lag! Because of this discovery, I played some WBH for the first time in a long time -wow, I was out of shape!
I did this 26,600 below though! This type of score used to be no big deal for me, but I can already see myself progressing back towards the level I was at.
I'm sure I'll have more mame submissions incoming in the near future! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on September 28, 2013, 05:04:43 pm
Jason Corey Brittain September 28/2013 523,100 New Personal DK Best! :-) ( Here is my Twitch upload! :-). I also Highlighted it too Corey! :-). Enclosed is the attachment as well! :-)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 28, 2013, 05:34:22 pm
Jason's score has been updated.
Mitch, I am still trying to figure out how to playback your inp.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 28, 2013, 10:36:15 pm
Hmmm... I hope I did it right. :/ If not, I can get a better score again somewhere down the line. I just wanted to get the list moving and inspire others to compete!
1. Make sure you change the inp name back to 'dkong'. 2. Make sure you have the WBH rom titled 'dkong' as well (rename the real DK rom something like 'dkongreal' first and save it someplace safe)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on September 29, 2013, 11:25:22 pm
Thanks, Mitch. I got it to work. I tried a little bit today to get to the top on that hack and I have respect for you to get through two full barrels let alone one. :) I will add it soon, just not tonight, time for sleep.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 30, 2013, 11:20:10 pm
Stupid me, I forgot what the hundreds place was, but I just got 66,xxx on the WBH (my wolfmame playback is not working for some reason, so I couldn't recheck what it was -but I know the issue is not with the file). I think I'm back in my old form now! Still had 2 very dumb deaths! No cashed men yet (in my pb of 92,300 I had 3 cashed men for like 30k on three very lucky rivets in a row), so 66k is within reach of my goal of 100k+, if all goes perfectly!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 02, 2013, 04:47:22 pm
I, Corey Chambers, submit a score of 37,000 points on the Wild Barrel hack done on 10/2/13.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Simpsons99 on October 02, 2013, 04:58:56 pm
was this game ever watched?
862,500 Martin Laing 7/14/2013 MAME
He sent in the wrong Inp recording to Marp
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 02, 2013, 05:50:41 pm
I watched it. I verify everything. The game is verified by TG as well. Originally he sent the wrong one to MARP and he has messaged them about it. Why do you ask on the forum? Just ask me in person if you have any concerns about scores otherwise people may interpret your intentions incorrectly.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shane_NC on October 02, 2013, 05:52:00 pm
he did however send the correct input to DKF... so his score on DKF is legit, once he sends the correct inp file to marp his will be good there too
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 02, 2013, 06:00:58 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 02, 2013, 06:25:27 pm
This is an example of things that you (Brian) say that will upset people. It is almost as if you want to get a negative response from people so that you can use it to support a victim mentality. So you do those things that would incur those kinds of responses. So it seems... correct me if I am wrong. I apologize if this is not accurate. I would recommend saying things that would incur more positive responses.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Simpsons99 on October 02, 2013, 06:33:35 pm
This is an example of things that you (Brian) say that will upset people. It is almost as if you want to get a negative response from people so that you can use it to support a victim mentality. So you do those things that would incur those kinds of responses. So it seems... correct me if I am wrong. I apologize if this is not accurate. I would recommend saying things that would incur more positive responses.
We talked about this on FB your wrong about your feelings towards me..
I am glad his score is right here ..
This is a dk fourm so I asked the question why hide it?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 02, 2013, 07:39:58 pm
I don't feel that way about you Brian, I am trying to rationalize why you do and say what you do. It is not hiding Brian, it would demonstrate social intelligence. You questioned whether or not someone had watched the game but you know that the score is already on the list. Did you think for one moment that I would put a score on the HSL without verifying it? What kind of person do you think I am. You asked the question in the wrong way. Instead of asking a question in the manner that you did it would have been more acceptable for you to either ask me about it in person since I am the one who puts the scores on this list or simply click on the inp that I sourced on the list and see for yourself. Ask yourself this question: Why are we having this conversation? I hope that you have enough insight to know but again, in your own words, I have been wrong about you before, or am I?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Simpsons99 on October 03, 2013, 09:10:12 am
I do not keep track of who is watching the scores or how things come about here .... I just know what happened with Marp and His score ..
The fact he hasn't cleared up his score on Marp. I have told him how to do so.
Anyways this is a fourm anyone should be able to ask anything of anyone at any time .. A history can not be made of PM Messages . Again I do not question that this game didn't happen ... Martin told me after hearing about my KS he went out and did this KS for him self ....
He thanked me ..
BTW Corey I am glad you got a Millon points congrads Since we are no longer friends Gl to you and your Future .
I don't feel that way about you Brian, I am trying to rationalize why you do and say what you do. It is not hiding Brian, it would demonstrate social intelligence. You questioned whether or not someone had watched the game but you know that the score is already on the list. Did you think for one moment that I would put a score on the HSL without verifying it? What kind of person do you think I am. You asked the question in the wrong way. Instead of asking a question in the manner that you did it would have been more acceptable for you to either ask me about it in person since I am the one who puts the scores on this list or simply click on the inp that I sourced on the list and see for yourself. Ask yourself this question: Why are we having this conversation? I hope that you have enough insight to know but again, in your own words, I have been wrong about you before, or am I?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 03, 2013, 09:53:39 am
Brian, I understand your intent, that much is clear. All I am saying is if you want to get different responses from people you need to do something about how you conduct yourself. Instead I hear you blame other people for your choices. Reflect on this. IF you want things to change, though I suspect at some deep level you don't, then you need to address you. If you don't want to be friends with me then that is ok. If you want to be friends again in the future then just let me know. I will be right here willing to connect with you. Personally I would rather have three friends who will be open and honest with me, telling me what I need to hear, as opposed to 100's of superficial facebook acquaintances that only tell me what I want to hear. We all have that choice to make.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on October 03, 2013, 12:17:58 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on October 03, 2013, 11:06:06 pm
Ok, I'm submitting my inp file for tonight's game played in MAME: 1,206,800
Woot! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 03, 2013, 11:10:13 pm
Ok, I'm submitting my inp file for tonight's game played in MAME: 1,206,800
Downloaded. Game summary to follow, after several hours of sleep.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 03, 2013, 11:15:57 pm
Thanks Dean! We will get this verified, well, I am sure Scott will verify, and then I will get it up as soon as the process if complete. So excited about this one!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 04, 2013, 12:20:30 pm
Thanks Dean! We will get this verified, well, I am sure Scott will verify, and then I will get it up as soon as the process if complete. So excited about this one!
Indeed I shall. In fact, I already have.
Dean's epic 1,206,800 killscreen game from last night (into early this morning) has been verified.
In lieu of the usual Pauline and MAME side-by-side snapshots, the game summary may be accessed here:
Dean Saglio 1,206,800 (L22-1) on 10/04/13 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 05, 2013, 06:30:28 am
A picture of a score of 499,200 is said to have been done by Richie Knuckles on Arcade Donkey Kong. I need some peer comments from those who saw the whole game live. Ethan states that he saw the end but I need further peer verification of this live score. Please assist in offering your observations of the game. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jim Coxell on October 05, 2013, 12:38:47 pm
Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I've been playing Donkey Kong for a month now and am completely hooked.
Attached is my inp and wlf files for a 9k score on level 1-1. 9k was achieved with second man.
Hope I've done everything correctly. Please accept my apologies if there is anything that is not correct.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on October 05, 2013, 01:03:18 pm
Welcome to DKF, Jim!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 05, 2013, 01:05:57 pm
Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I've been playing Donkey Kong for a month now and am completely hooked.
Attached is my inp and wlf files for a 9k score on level 1-1. 9k was achieved with second man.
Hope I've done everything correctly. Please accept my apologies if there is anything that is not correct.
Hi Jim,
The attached archive contains a CFG and WLF file. The INP is nowhere to be found.
Can you try zipping the appropriate files again?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jim Coxell on October 05, 2013, 01:09:10 pm
Aaargh! So sorry I've uploaded the wrong files. And I appear to have overwritten the inp file. Oh well back to the game I go . Sorry to waste your time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 05, 2013, 01:23:36 pm
Aaargh! So sorry I've uploaded the wrong files. And I appear to have overwritten the inp file. Oh well back to the game I go . Sorry to waste your time.
No worries, Jim. I suspect we'll be seeing another submission from you soon. I'll be happy to perform the verification, whether it's another Level 1-1 or a full game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 06, 2013, 06:45:09 pm
Mitch or someone else, I know that my wild barrel score is genuine but just in case anyone wants to pretend that it is not in order to take down my missile command, I mean, wild barrel score, could I get someone to verify it for me?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 06, 2013, 07:31:39 pm
Yer, I can take a look. One sec.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 06, 2013, 08:12:25 pm
Ok, you're all good, Corey! I verify your 37k inp!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 06, 2013, 08:15:21 pm
Thanks, it just does not seem right verifying my own stuff. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dd0ck on October 07, 2013, 08:23:52 am
I got 987,000 last night. Here's the link: (
I think a few people were watching...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JNugent on October 07, 2013, 02:52:52 pm
Congrats Daniel! Great score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 07, 2013, 09:34:15 pm
I agree, awesome score. I will get it updated soon, and as a reminder to myself it was done on a TKG-3 (4 board set)
Everyone, help me out here. I will be making the platform more specific. I will be adding TKG-4 to all the scores that we know for sure, the others will be either Arcade (if we are unsure) TKG-4 or JAMMA. Please help me in this improvement to be more specific about our platforms. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 07, 2013, 09:34:50 pm
For starters, I know that all the TG scores are TKG-4.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on October 07, 2013, 10:07:01 pm
You'll also need to specify D2K or HS kits.
FWIW: BITD scores may not have been TKG-4. I would bet that a few TKG-3s were grandfathered in. For all we know Tim Jackson was on a TKG-3 and used the ladder cheat the whole way! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 07, 2013, 10:11:17 pm
This would be to specify whether it was using these added hardware components. I can see the merit in doing this, but I don't think I can fit any more on the list. For example, if I add another column or put too much int he platform column it can start messing with how some people see the list, I ran into this problem before.
I did not think of grandfathering on TG. Why can't this just be easy, lol.
Well, at least there are some we know for sure. If people know some TKG-4 for sure, just let me know.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on October 07, 2013, 10:31:45 pm
One important thing about the kits is that they predominate over the boardset, so specifying D2K is more important than specifying TKG-x.
What I mean by that is, if you're using a D2K or HS kit, it doesn't matter what boardset you're using because the kit is actually running the game code that's stored on the single EPROM chip on the kit, bypassing whatever ROMs are installed on the PCB. The kit uses the rest of the PCB hardware (RAM, sound chip, etc.), but not the ROMs.
That means you could have a TKG-3 with Japanese version ROMs, but if there's a D2K kit installed, it will play the US code.
Do with that info as you will!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 07, 2013, 10:49:47 pm
It is a very good idea. What I could do is have the kind of board such as TKG-4 but then put an asterisk like this TKG-4* if it has D2K, which is what by the way?, or TKG-4^ if there is a high score save kit, and then I will just note on the bottom what * and ^ means.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 08, 2013, 01:59:10 pm
I also was thinking about offering indicators for the TG top twelve, maybe a TG after the name or something like that. Not sure yet
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Zerst on October 12, 2013, 02:57:40 pm
I see that I'm listed on the board at 302k from an older TG submission. A few months after that one I got 416,100 which I only submitted to MARP.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on October 16, 2013, 12:03:31 am
I won't attach a ZIP for this score, but thought I'd post anyway since I'm the last member with a sub 300k in Corey's high score list. Just improved, at long last , to 278,300. Not a big improvement, but my first improvement in nearly 18 months.
Included 2 really stupid deaths, but more pleasing was a 126k last man.
I'll keep plugging away for that 300 score
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 16, 2013, 12:57:25 am
Nice scores, guys! Keep at it. When you are at 300kish, a huge jump in score is always right around the corner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on October 16, 2013, 01:10:40 am
Nice scores, guys! Keep at it. When you are at 300kish, a huge jump in score is always right around the corner!
Geez I hope so, I'm so sick of this low to mid 200's I keep getting. I think I need to get the Dr. to put me back on Beta Blockers so I can control myself during the Spring stages ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 16, 2013, 10:47:11 am
I won't attach a ZIP for this score, but thought I'd post anyway since I'm the last member with a sub 300k in Corey's high score list. Just improved, at long last , to 278,300. Not a big improvement, but my first improvement in nearly 18 months.
You're not alone, John. I was sitting on the same high score for 577 days, from 01/19/12 to 08/18/13. After finally improving my personal best, I was able to do it again 36 days later. I haven't submitted either of those games yet, because I believe "the big one" is imminent.
I'm confident that you will experience a similar breakthrough soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 18, 2013, 08:24:20 pm
I have added the following platform notes to the bottom of the High Score List. If you did your arcade score on a TKG-4 board and would prefer that your platform say this as opposed to Arcade, please let me know. Please let me know if you used the D2K or High Score save kit on your pcb for the score on the list. (I am updating scores this evening so that is forth-coming) Thanks for your response in advance and as always thank you for your efforts to add more value to the DK Forum HSL.
Platform Notes: Arcade = TKG4 or unknown since some earlier TG scores may not have been TKG4 TKG3 = 4 board set using US Set 1 roms JAMMA = a multi pcb (X in 1) MAME = Any version of WolfMAME or unknown since some earlier TG scores may not have been WolfMAME .106 * = A D2K board was plugged into the Z80 processor location ^ = A High Score save kit was plugged into the Z80 processor location
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 18, 2013, 09:08:12 pm
I have a video by Jonathan McCourt on youtube showing that he got a killscreen during the WCQ#3. Initially he streamed this game and since Twitch does not automatically archive broadcasts by default anymore and this setting was not checked, his game was lost.
I actually need further verification for this score. Any video that shows the ending of the game only needs to demonstrate a restart to prove that it was done on a 3 man setting. So, like in the case of Svavar, I will need to know if anyone witnessed this game while it was being broadcasted that witnessed that the game was started on a 3 man setting, or if a restart was done, etc. It looks as if the cab had a high score save kit. Any support or information concerning this score would be appreciated. Thanks.
Donkey Kong Kill Screen (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 18, 2013, 09:17:19 pm
I have updated the High Score List. Congrats to everyone!
Daniel Dock 987,000 Justin Krithyll 416,100 Allen Staal 728,900 Ken House 491,000 Shane Mosher 865,900 (3rd killscreen!)
Honorable mentions: Eric 310,100 John McNeil 278,300
Aaron Rounsaville 632,200 I think he will submit if he gets a really high score, I talk with him before about this, I think (memory fails me)
Still processing Jonathan McCourt's submission, pending further verification.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on October 22, 2013, 01:17:13 am
Jason Corey Brittain No Hammer 159,000 October 22/13
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 22, 2013, 08:30:56 am
Hi. Fingers crossed it's right this time. DK level 1-1 score of 9100.
No problems this time, Jim. You can uncross your fingers now. :)
Jim's 9100 Level 1-1 score, achieved on 10/24/13, has been verified.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on October 27, 2013, 08:44:05 pm
Todd Lalonde here. This is my current high score submission for DK 1-1 9,300 points. I shale best this soon ;) Here is my Twitch video link of the INP playback ( I wasn't streaming originally when recording the INP for this score but played it back on my channel afterwards. Thanks guys
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 28, 2013, 07:04:13 am
Todd Lalonde here. This is my current high score submission for DK 1-1 9,300 points.
Todd's Level 1-1 score of 9300, achieved on 10/16/13, has been verified.
I also learned something new from Todd's INP: the "Skip game info" option begins the game immediately, bypassing that rectangular frame on a blank screen (where you would normally press <Enter> to begin). I doubt I'll ever use it, but it's nice to know.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on October 29, 2013, 09:25:19 am
Just scored 9,700 points on DK 1-1 live on Twitch. I'd like to submit this score. Here is the link to my 1-1 9,700 (
thanks guys :)
Todd Lalonde
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 29, 2013, 10:52:28 am
Just scored 9,700 points on DK 1-1 live on Twitch. I'd like to submit this score. Here is the link to my 1-1 9,700 (
I can confirm the score above. The strange girder in the bottom left corner I know to just be a screen capture issue, since I've talked with Todd about it before. Well done, Todd! Two 800 smashes with the top hammer was really nice!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 29, 2013, 07:29:12 pm
Living dangerously close to the very edge of the submissions rules. I have only accepted four MAME scores without an inp, and only one of these were a sole screen capture. In the case of the three, was Robbie's because it was a webcam on the screen and we could double check everything at the end, seeing his monitor, etc, I have accepted Christian's score because I could see real time chat and his monitor in the end because he was using a monitor capture, and I have accepted a score by Colmon, which took me about a week or two to accept and then finally I saw in his original broadcast that I could see his whole monitor in the end and see that wolfmame was open, no video software, etc. So... to date, I have never accepted a window capture only except from Ben Falls. I had already stated why... unless someone hijacked Ben's stream and put up a one million point game! The reasons for my acceptance in that case are clear and I don't think anyone disputes it. So with Todd's submission I am back to the following criteria... while keeping the case by case basis principle alive and well...
Auxiliary Rules:
7. The requirement for .inp and .wlf files addresses the possible falsification of a streamed game. If for some reason the player does not record their input along with their stream then they must demonstrate other evidences to address these concerns. These concerns predominantly include window capture only streaming formats. These evidences include: 1) showing the start up process of the game by clicking on the game in mame so we can see it is being started by the mame program. 2) At the end of the game, after the initials are entered, start another game while the game is still running. 3) Using the monitor capture format or using a webcam facing your monitor will enable people to see that you do not have any video software open on the bottom of the screen and that you are actually starting and playing a game live on Twitch.
Streaming Rules:
3. It is highly recommended that any streaming, whether Arcade or MAME, show the player who is playing the game, and are encouraged to have audio available with a microphone so we can hear the player and game inputs. The more evidence that you can provide on your streams will only strengthen your score’s credibility.
4. Streaming formats that only capture your MAME window will automatically require the .inp and .wlf files. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you either have the .inp and .wlf files, or make sure that you are using the full monitor capture, or a webcam facing your monitor, or have as much supporting evidence as possible so that there can be no question concerning the validity of your scores.
On the positive side, Todd's highlight is part of a nearly 4 hour broadcast of him playing at his level of DK. We know Todd very well and he streams on his channel often for all of us to see. We can clearly hear his inputs during the highlight, we can see him put his initials in at the end of play and in the broadcast he continues to play. We know from the broadcast that it is a continuous play with new credits put in so we know this is not some kind of inp playback from someone else. It is merely 400 points from his last update, so it is a reasonable progression from his recent score, so we are not looking at any substantial increase. In light of the following on his side, I propose to accept the score as legitimate.
However, Todd, I will probably sit on this score for a little while to see if you will increase your pb on 1-1 again since you have done so twice this week. Get 9,800 points very soon and that will make life easier. It is much easier for us to do in-house verification of known members of the forum, and usual streamers. We all know who we are. I just don't want people to begin questioning why I accepted Ben's score or Todd's score over-against another. But rest assured if some of these positive factors were missing then the case by case would say, um, we don't know you, we have not seen you stream before, we can't hear your inputs, etc, don't be surprised if I reject the score, lol. :P
In short, may all the Ben's and Todd's out there...... Stream your games, let us hear the inputs, have the inp if you want a mere window capture, etc. Read the rules and follow them so as to build as much evidence for your games as you can, prove to the world with as much proof as possible for your scores. :D
That is... in the perfect world...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 29, 2013, 08:21:45 pm
I don't think it would hurt for Todd to also figure out how to fix that little screen capture glitch in the bottom left corner. :)
Corey, I'll make sure to re-read through the rules as well as refresh myself with the cases of Robbie and Ben before I verify a score in the future. Thanks for thouroughly explaining how you assessed Todd's case.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on October 29, 2013, 08:45:42 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on October 30, 2013, 03:08:35 pm
Hi guys , I Todd Lalonde would like to submit this DK 1-1 score of 10,300 points to the scoreboard. Here is the link to the Twitch video: ( Here is the inp of my performance also! I'm on vacation soon for 3 weeks and plan on upping all my DK personal bests.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 30, 2013, 04:14:25 pm
I'm on vacation soon for 3 weeks and plan on upping all my DK personal bests.
Given the symmetry of your latest submission (10.30K on 10/30), I'm predicting 11,100 on November 10th. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on October 30, 2013, 10:27:36 pm
I hope to break 11k on the 1-1 next!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Monstabonza on October 30, 2013, 11:12:50 pm
HI had a play on 1-1 today and have a score to submit 9200 the inp is here for wolf106 but ill probably be changing to wolf 149 from here on in.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Monstabonza on October 31, 2013, 01:16:13 am
Had another crack at this again upped it again thanks to some help from mitch. 9600 1-1 this one is done in wolf .149 the way the newer Mame's run compared to wolf 106 with the samples turned on is day and night for me. hope its ok. And this will be it for atleast a few days for 1-1
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on November 02, 2013, 05:02:11 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: corey.chambers on November 11, 2013, 11:28:12 pm
I, Corey Chambers, got a new start score of 128,600 on 11/12/2013. I need someone to verify this score for me. It was done live on my Twitch account at (
P.S. If no one really minds I will be updating scores after the Kong Off. Sorry for being absent on it but I had to fulfill my part on the beginner's manual that will be up for sale at the Kong Off.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Monstabonza on November 21, 2013, 06:46:20 pm
10600 on 1-1 wasn't planing on trying but it just played out that way. wolfmame .149 I know nobody is updating at the moment but I just felt like putting it up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 24, 2013, 02:01:40 am
The score list management has been transitioning, so here are the scores that will hopefully be updated soon. I just want to make this post to reassure everyone that we'll get there! ;D
1-1: Jim Coxell Todd Lalonde Nick Sheils
No Hammer: Jason Corey Brittain
Regular HSL: Jonathan McCourt (from KO3) Aaron Rounsaville (from KO3) Remaining TG scores (whenever the site is back up) Remaining MARP scores
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 25, 2013, 01:12:35 am
I, Corey Chambers, got a new start score of 128,600 on 11/12/2013.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 25, 2013, 01:48:18 am
Here's what I've updated so far:
1) 1-1s for Jim, Todd, and Nick 2) No-hammer score for Jason 3) Start score for Corey 4) Sunday KO3 score for Jonathan McCourt 5) Saturday KO3 score for Aaron Rounsaville
I added some links for Jeff Wolfe's 1.1 game and a link to MARP for Ben Jos' 904k game. I also changed some formatting by giving tied scores the same rankings. This only affected two scores in the regular HSL (Scott Kessler and Josh Criss), but resulted in a lot of changes in the 1-1 HSL.
I will be slowly adding the remaining MARP and TG scores. Have I missed any other submissions?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on November 25, 2013, 05:55:38 am
Here's my 1,035,300 (arcade) game from Saturday (11/23/12). Not sure if it will be accepted or not. Stream ended due to internet error, but I restreamed the rest of the game (since I had it all video recorded over my left shoulder) overlapping the last stage where part 1 ended. So the whole game is continuous.
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on November 26, 2013, 12:49:52 am
Submitting a PB of 133,800 start. Didn't leech like I should have, but got lucky rivets I guess. They don't call me Lucky D for nothing. Game blew up before 250k, fk.
Jeremy, are you handling the score board now? I didn't hear any feedback from my post yesterday, not sure if that is valid for a submission.
Scott and I are now co-managers of the HSL. I've conferred with Scott and neither of us have an issue with your videos so I'll be updating it as soon as hit "Post" on this message. ;D
Edit: Done! Dave's 1.035 score is now updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on November 26, 2013, 06:06:12 am
Thanks Jermery!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 26, 2013, 06:16:45 am
Hey Dave,
I've also downloaded the video of your 1.035M personal best, and hope to compile the game summary soon.
By the way, for those not familiar with it, Twitch Tools is a nice resource:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on November 26, 2013, 06:29:15 am
Thanks Scott, that would be awesome. I know I had a low start (like 108K) but had some awesome levels after level 5 and almost got the game up close to 1.1 pace at some point I think....but of course ramped down towards the end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 26, 2013, 07:04:35 am
I've updated the list, identifying Martin Bedard as "The Pro" (a name I'm quite familiar with, after pursuing his Out Run MAME record for almost 8 months last year).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on November 30, 2013, 12:06:24 pm
Hi, I would like to submit an end of level 4 start score of 132100
Here is the link (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2013, 12:23:08 pm
Do you have the date of the original broadcast? The Twitch video page just says "2 days ago".
EDIT: Updated the Level 1-1 list with a tentative date (in red) of 12/03/2013. If that's inaccurate, let me know and I'll make the necessary adjustment.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on December 05, 2013, 08:31:24 am
Scott, I believe this score happened late Monday night (12/2/13). Thanks again sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 05, 2013, 10:14:29 am
Great game! The pie factories were not kind to you, but you played them like a boss! I was pleased to see your pace was above 861,900 :P Santa bring jry a killscreen!
<3, brendan
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 18, 2013, 12:00:35 am
I was pleased to see a couple of rivet screens punctuated with a "5-Jumper" finish. :)
5 jumps is the new 3 jumps. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on December 23, 2013, 09:45:34 pm
Hello gents :D I would like to submit a new start high score of 133400 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 24, 2013, 07:08:47 am
Hello gents :D I would like to submit a new start high score of 133400 (
Ethan's submitted 133,400 start (achieved on 12/23/2013) has been verified, and the HSL updated.
Here is the stage-by-stage breakdown:
Board Type
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 29, 2013, 03:55:42 pm
My personal best on the High Score List (757,400 on 01/19/2012) is almost 2 years old. I've increased it 3 times since then, so maybe I should submit something. ::)
Final Stage
Date Achieved
Scott Cunningham
Level 18-6
At the start of Level 15, the game looked promising (1.074 million pace, 0 deaths). At that point, I put on my idiot cap and never took it off. Oh well, this should at least move me up a few spots.
The INP and WLF files are attached, as well as the usual screenshot.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on December 29, 2013, 04:00:22 pm
That Pace!! Congrats Scott :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 29, 2013, 04:16:52 pm
Thanks, Adam. I have now played 40 games that ended in the 500-800K range, but still no killscreen. I was hoping the 40th time would be the charm, but no dice. Oddly enough, I made more careless mistakes than usual during that game. Fortunately, I got away with most of them.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 30, 2013, 01:48:23 am
I will get to this later today, and edit this post when I'm finished.
EDIT: I have verified Scott's 879,100 and updated the HSL. His screenshots are accurate for those interested in the overall game statistics. Since Scott usually has some words of advice for other players, I'll do my best:
1) It's amazing how an unlucky 1-2 can ruin a decent 1-1. Maybe we should spend more time getting big rivets instead of big barrels. ;D 2) Work on those 2x100 jumps on the top girder. ;) 3) Level 3 pies: pwned 4) wht da no purse grabs on L4+ springs? I'm disappointed. 5) I wouldn't call the last death a careless mistake. DK gives, and DK takes. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on December 30, 2013, 02:20:25 pm
Graham Hawkins 817,600
Game ends on 19-6. First death at about 431,000 on rivets. I think I died four* times on rivets and one soft death on barrels. Two deaths on level 12, if I remember.
I was hoping for my next submission to be a killscreen but it's the end of the year so I'll bank this. :) Thanks for verifying.
BTW, stream recording is here: ( ; INP also available at MARP - (
*THREE times. lol, thanks dimmu!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dimmu--borgir on December 30, 2013, 02:25:49 pm
I think I died four times on rivets and one soft death on barrels
Hmm. 5 lives? Hmm... ;)
Great score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bliss1083 on December 31, 2013, 03:12:50 pm
Donkey kong kill screen of 867,000 points I'd like to submit. You can find it at (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 31, 2013, 05:28:42 pm
Game ends on 19-6. First death at about 431,000 on rivets. I think I died four* times on rivets and one soft death on barrels. Two deaths on level 12, if I remember.
I was hoping for my next submission to be a killscreen but it's the end of the year so I'll bank this. :) Thanks for verifying.
BTW, stream recording is here: ( ; INP also available at MARP - (
*THREE times. lol, thanks dimmu!
Graham's new personal best of 817,600 (ending on L19-6), achieved on 12/30/2013, has been verified.
The High Score List has also been updated.
I tried to anticipate the "soft" barrel death as I watched. On Level 12-3, Graham performed a pair of consecutive back jumps on the 5th girder while running left toward the danger zone. I thought to myself, "Uh oh . . . here it comes" (thankfully, I was mistaken).
A more cooperative set of rivet screens will surely lead to a killscreen in early 2014. You read it here first.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 31, 2013, 11:35:26 pm
Donkey kong kill screen of 867,000 points I'd like to submit.
Joseph Carroll's 867,000 killscreen performance from 12/29/2013 is verified, and the HSL has been updated.
Congratulations again, Joseph.
I can probably guess your major DK goal for 2014, but I'll pretend to be surprised when you tell me. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bliss1083 on January 01, 2014, 08:54:30 am
First goal is to move two spots up Scott. Lol. I was looking at the scoreboard thinking oh I'll be 41st and then see you bumped me. Haha. Really I think 900k next but have only been playing 1.050 pace. I might try and put up a high 1 hammer score and then go for the million.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on January 01, 2014, 10:35:24 am
I like how there are now 339 scores listed. Before a person could be ranked 80th, and it wouldn't look so impressive since the list was at 122 or so, but with the list extended 80th out of 339 is much more impressive! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on January 01, 2014, 10:54:51 am
happy new year all!
no hammer - 745,200 L21-3 (Doh!)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 01, 2014, 11:02:45 am
I like how there are now 339 scores listed. Before a person could be ranked 80th, and it wouldn't look so impressive since the list was at 122 or so, but with the list extended 80th out of 339 is much more impressive! 8)
Easy for you to say. Jonathan Hale, at #339 with 100 points, has a different take on the extended scoreboard. He's been leaving me nasty voice messages over the past 2 weeks, and has unfriended me on virtually every social network in existence.
All kidding aside, thank you for the endorsement, George. Jeremy and I have put in a substantial number of hours, trying to make the HSL as complete and meaningful as possible.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 01, 2014, 12:27:21 pm
No hammer submission: 485,xxx (I forget the last bit)
Really really crazy game. Cleared the first 9 levels on first man. Lots of yolo/moses firebeard shenanigans.
Craig's 485,700 no hammer score (ending on L15-3), achieved on 01/14/2014, has been verified.
The No-Hammer High Score List has also been updated.
Congratulations, Craig. You managed to survive a number of dicey situations, and have climbed from #21 to #7 on the HSL. To the best of my knowledge, you are also the first board member to use the word "shenanigans" in a forum post.
I look forward to your future submissions. Perhaps "skullduggery" or "brouhaha" will make its forum debut. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: alumbrada on January 14, 2014, 08:15:24 pm
Perhaps "skullduggery" or "brouhaha" will make its forum debut. ;)
I think they just did 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fliplismc on January 17, 2014, 04:04:24 pm
Just got a new PB today, 291,000 level 9-2 In my very first game, first man vent 221k, and no deaths on the elevator stages, so thats a really great improvement, thats never happend before. A week ago I had the pleasure seeing Svavar playing and talking dk with him and got a few tips and tricks that help a lot :) But I do not have any proof unfortunately. But i'll be steaming soon hopefully. Next step 300k :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ghamantorr on January 17, 2014, 06:10:10 pm
my first highscore submit: (
is the last game of the inp
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 17, 2014, 08:22:43 pm
my first highscore submit: (
is the last game of the inp
Ghamantorr's first submission has been verified: 97,800 on 01/17/2014 (ending on L5-1).
Congratulations. I suspect you'll be quickly climbing upward on the scoreboard in the coming weeks.
Allow me to make one suggestion. Submitted INP files should contain only one game. In other words, please record a separate INP for each new game. It makes the verification process much easier, since I watch each recording in its entirety (in real time). When the INP file contains multiple credits, I don't know how many restarts are included or where the submitted game actually begins. So please help me out. :)
I have not yet updated the High Score List. How would you like your name to appear?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ghamantorr on January 18, 2014, 05:55:39 am
my first highscore submit: (
is the last game of the inp
Ghamantorr's first submission has been verified: 97,800 on 01/17/2014 (ending on L5-1).
Congratulations. I suspect you'll be quickly climbing upward on the scoreboard in the coming weeks.
Allow me to make one suggestion. Submitted INP files should contain only one game. In other words, please record a separate INP for each new game. It makes the verification process much easier, since I watch each recording in its entirety (in real time). When the INP file contains multiple credits, I don't know how many restarts are included or where the submitted game actually begins. So please help me out. :)
I have not yet updated the High Score List. How would you like your name to appear?
Ok, sry for that. Next time i will reset every game :)
My full name is Marcelo Mandaji
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 18, 2014, 09:37:18 am
Donkey Kong No Hammer Jason Corey Brittain 171,500 January 20, 2014
Jason's score has been verified and the No-Hammer High Score List has been updated. Pauline stats attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: konghusker on January 21, 2014, 02:33:58 pm
New score of 1,094,100
3 part videos on my konghusker youtube channel.
pt. 3 kong 1 094 pt3 ( pt. 2 kong 1 094 pt2 ( pt. 1 kong 1 094 (
Thanks for watching guys.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on January 21, 2014, 03:53:55 pm
Looks like Billy Mitchell is officially going to be knocked out of the top 10.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 21, 2014, 04:22:43 pm
Looks like Billy Mitchell is officially going to be knocked out of the top 10.
Somewhat fitting that the knockout blow should be delivered by another Steve W.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 21, 2014, 09:45:38 pm
Steve Wiltshire's 1,094,100 game has been verified and the HSL has been updated! Congrats on a great score Steve. That last pie factory really screwed your pace, and the Level 6 rivet death was brutal. 1.1M soon!
Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell are now #10 and #11 in all-time scores, and #9 and #10 in all-time arcade scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on January 23, 2014, 03:17:35 pm
Thanks for your time, and as always there is no rush.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 23, 2014, 03:39:19 pm
Thanks for your time, and as always there is no rush.
Adam's 862,200 KS game has been verified and the HSL has been updated! Congratulations Adam! I thought you had the first-man KS for sure...but I guess 799,600 on your first man isn't too bad. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ghamantorr on January 24, 2014, 11:51:32 am
Marcelo's latest submission has been verified: 152,800 on 01/24/2014 (ending on L6-3).
Marcelo is learning quickly. He surpassed his previous high score by almost 20K before losing his first man, improved his personal best by 55K (or 56.2%), and climbed 50 positions on the scoreboard.
I was forced to update both Page 1 and Page 2 of the High Score List, so he's clearly determined to make me work as hard as possible. Ok, tough guy. No more training videos for you. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RogerChampagne on January 28, 2014, 11:04:41 am
personal best score of 700,3000 on January 27, 2014 at 2:42pm pacific time
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 28, 2014, 09:42:19 pm
personal best score of 700,3000 on January 27, 2014 at 2:42pm pacific time
Roger's submitted score has been verified: 700,300 on 01/27/2014 (ending on L18-2).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
With the addition of Roger's score, the HSL has reached a new milestone. For the first time (as far as I know), the entire Top 100 is above the 400K mark (#100 comes in at 412,100). Time to break out the party hats? I think so. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RogerChampagne on January 29, 2014, 07:52:28 am
Wanted to say thnx for putting my score up on the list and happy to say im the 100th person over 400,000. i can see me getting the ks soon all my deaths in that game were lack of concentration.. So watch out for the champagne campaign woot woot ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 29, 2014, 08:54:17 am
Wanted to say thnx for putting my score up on the list and happy to say im the 100th person over 400,000. i can see me getting the ks soon all my deaths in that game were lack of concentration.. So watch out for the champagne campaign woot woot ;D
During that game, I had an identical reaction to each of your 3 barrel deaths:
"Yeah, I've done that. Too many times." :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 17, 2014, 07:11:08 pm
February 17, 2014. 168,100 Dallas, Riley. This score is lower than my average, but I just joined this forum, learned how to record inp and wlf and wanted to put a score up. I'll try to double it within the week.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 17, 2014, 09:56:51 pm
February 17, 2014. 168,100 Dallas, Riley. This score is lower than my average, but I just joined this forum, learned how to record inp and wlf and wanted to put a score up. I'll try to double it within the week.
Is "Dallas" your first name, or last? I can probably guess from the placement of the comma, but I just want to make sure.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 18, 2014, 03:44:19 am
February 17, 2014. 168,100 Dallas, Riley. This score is lower than my average, but I just joined this forum, learned how to record inp and wlf and wanted to put a score up. I'll try to double it within the week.
Is "Dallas" your first name, or last? I can probably guess from the placement of the comma, but I just want to make sure.
While we wait for confirmation on this, I've gone ahead and verified the score and updated the High Score List (as Riley Dallas).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 18, 2014, 05:48:38 am
First name. Not sure why I added a comma actually.. Old habit, I had a grade school teacher that insisted on it. It's Dallas Riley.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 18, 2014, 05:53:15 am
Other than the name issue, did I submit everything correctly? Just those 2 files is fine? :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 18, 2014, 06:09:44 am
Very slight score increase, but I'm submitting it anyway. :P 169,600. Dallas Riley.
Dallas Riley's latest submission has been verified: 169,600 on 02/19/2014 (ending on L6-3).
The DK High Score List has also been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on February 19, 2014, 05:06:09 pm
Keep it up, Dallas!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 19, 2014, 11:38:45 pm
New high score, I think this one is actually my personal best. If not than very close, getting sick of watching my replays yet? :P lol Do I need to say my name every time? Lol, Dallas Riley. Thursday, February 20th 1:39 AM with a score of.. I can't remember. I'll watch the replay and reply again after. I'm almost embarrassed to submit this, because my first death was pathetic, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. I just gave up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 12:09:33 am
For previous post, 232,500.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 20, 2014, 03:59:14 am
Dallas' latest submission has been verified and the HSL has been updated. 232,500 (8-1) on 02/19/2014. Moving up the leaderboard!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 05:52:21 am
Submitting for the 1-1 highscore list. I got 9000 on level 1, stage 1, on my first man, and completed the level, I continued to play the game through after that, but was not doing very well so stopped. Dallas Riley. February 20th.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 11:46:33 am
Is this the correct place to submit other scores such as the 9000?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 20, 2014, 11:58:00 am
Is this the correct place to submit other scores such as the 9000?
This is the submission thread for regular ol' Donkey Kong. You can submit scores here for the following variations:
Donkey Kong - High Score (standard scoreboard) Donkey Kong - Start High Score (score after Level 4 on first life) Donkey Kong - Wild Barrel Hack High Score (must use wild barrel ROM) Donkey Kong - "No Killscreen" High Score (must use the ROM where the killscreen glitch is fixed and you must reach at least 22-1) Donkey Kong - 1-1 High Score (highest score achieved on 1-1 on one life) Donkey Kong - No-Hammer High Score (use of the hammer at any point in the game is not allowed)
There are other submission threads for Donkey Kong Junior, Crazy Kong, and D2K.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 12:52:24 pm
Okay. Lol well does my 9000 qualify? :p
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 20, 2014, 01:01:31 pm
Submitting for the 1-1 highscore list. I got 9000 on level 1, stage 1, on my first man, and completed the level, I continued to play the game through after that, but was not doing very well so stopped. Dallas Riley. February 20th.
Score has been verified and the HSL updated. Next stop 10k!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 03:57:48 pm
Submitting for the 1-1 highscore list. I got 9000 on level 1, stage 1, on my first man, and completed the level, I continued to play the game through after that, but was not doing very well so stopped. Dallas Riley. February 20th.
Score has been verified and the HSL updated. Next stop 10k!
I had a 10,200, but unfortunately died. :( But I guess if people did not have to finish the level, people would be pushing 15 k scores for 1-1, using that extra ladder climbing time to chase barrels.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on February 20, 2014, 10:25:36 pm
Increased my 1-1 score to 9,800. It's my very last man. And the very last game I was going to play before going to sleep, weird how that always happens. But anyway, it's slightly after midnight when I got this so, it's Friday, February 21, 2014.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 21, 2014, 12:11:08 am
In preparations for the tournament this weekend, which I am not sure if I will compete, I played a game of DK tonight for the first time in a month and a half. I got my third million, 4th killscren, 1st million killscreen, new high score of 1,019,500. Yup, only 500 point increase. At this rate I will need lots of new scores if I am to get 1.1M. :P
No one told me that they could not hear the cab or my voice. Luckily I also recorded with a camcorder which I will put on youtube if it does not catch the music. I had to remove my first million game from it because it got blocked because of all the music I play in the background. At least I still have it on dvd, computer, and twitch.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 21, 2014, 11:15:41 pm
Jason Corey Brittain DK Qualifier February 21, 2014 523,500! :-) Here is my twitch recording! I don't have an inp file but here is my twitch! :-). (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 22, 2014, 03:26:48 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dimmu--borgir on February 22, 2014, 03:28:30 pm
Ok. Couldn't stream today but played a couple of credits which one of them became my second KS! Just a little lower than my inofficial KS.
Christer Kristensson February 22 860300 Killscreen
Finally on the official list!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on February 22, 2014, 05:09:24 pm
nice! congrats mate 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 22, 2014, 05:55:54 pm
We'll be working on all outstanding score submissions after the Online Open is over. Thanks for your patience!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 22, 2014, 07:23:25 pm
Jason, like I was in the habit of saying prior to any online tournament, that the rules for a score in the tournament are different than the rules for the high score list, and for people not to assume that their score will be accepted on the high score list, just because it was valid for the tournament.
I have specifically told you before, and have rejected your submissions before due to the lack of an inp, and I spent time explaining this too you as well. Since your new pb is only 400 point increase it will not be too crushing for you to be rejected once again, but I will let Jeremy and Adam deal with you this time. Read and remember:
4. Streaming formats that only capture your MAME window will automatically require the .inp and .wlf files. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you either have the .inp and .wlf files, or make sure that you are using the full monitor capture, or a webcam facing your monitor, or have as much supporting evidence as possible so that there can be no question concerning the validity of your scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 23, 2014, 07:03:24 am
I have specifically told you before, and have rejected your submissions before due to the lack of an inp, and I spent time explaining this too you as well. Since your new pb is only 400 point increase it will not be too crushing for you to be rejected once again, but I will let Jeremy and Adam deal with you this time.
Oh good, Jeremy and Adam have been entrusted with this diplomatic assignment.
Now I can enjoy "nap time" with a clear conscience. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 23, 2014, 12:23:49 pm
My high score is 905,700. Love it?
A new PB and my first killscreen!
Jeremy Young 905,700 Links: Twitch highlight ( MARP (
INP/WLF also attached to this post!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on February 23, 2014, 12:56:40 pm
booya! fkn got em. when master of puppets came on i was like Kreygasm
and the closing statements <YSG>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 23, 2014, 12:58:29 pm
Jeremy Young 905,700 Links: Twitch highlight ( MARP (
INP/WLF also attached to this post!
I eagerly anticipate viewing this historic moment. Tell you what, I'll verify your score and you can deal with all the others. How does that sound? ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 23, 2014, 02:28:45 pm
I have specifically told you before, and have rejected your submissions before due to the lack of an inp, and I spent time explaining this too you as well. Since your new pb is only 400 point increase it will not be too crushing for you to be rejected once again, but I will let Jeremy and Adam deal with you this time.
Oh good, Jeremy and Adam have been entrusted with this diplomatic assignment.
Now I can enjoy "nap time" with a clear conscience. ;)
Opps, sorry Scott, I meant Jeremy and Scott. I thought Adam helped with something. I am confused. At least I was last night, been tired and sick. Bad timing for this weekend.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 23, 2014, 02:37:16 pm
Jeremy Young 905,700 Links: Twitch highlight ( MARP (
INP/WLF also attached to this post!
Wonderful, Jeremy! It was just a matter of time. Time for those million attempts.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on February 23, 2014, 03:44:28 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 23, 2014, 05:24:00 pm
wow, very nice. Mike, you will want to submit a permanent link, like a highlight per submission rules.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 23, 2014, 05:51:19 pm
544,700 Jason Corey Brittain February 23, 2014 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on February 23, 2014, 07:42:58 pm
1,091,400 Dave McCrary Feb 23, 2014 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 23, 2014, 08:04:49 pm
Since Corey is no longer on this forum, I have something to mention about not actually having an inp but using a twitch recording instead! Why is there just a twitch recording under alot of people's names without an inp next to their name on the HSL? I noticed that they just had twitch beside their name and nothing else either! Some just had the inp too! So to me my first score should've been accepted even though yes it was only 400 points more! But since I had a PB tonight anyways, It doesn't matter! I thought I would mention this! Since Corey was a little rude about this to me! :-(.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on February 23, 2014, 08:09:50 pm
INPs were never a requirement here, my score and many other arcade scores do not use INP's, twitch is the acceptable method as long as it shows the game from the beginning to end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VON on February 23, 2014, 08:22:23 pm
Since Corey is no longer on this forum, I have something to mention about not actually having an inp but using a twitch recording instead! Why is there just a twitch recording under alot of people's names without an inp next to their name on the HSL? I noticed that they just had twitch beside their name and nothing else either! Some just had the inp too! So to me my first score should've been accepted even though yes it was only 400 points more! But since I had a PB tonight anyways, It doesn't matter! I thought I would mention this! Since Corey was a little rude about this to me! :-(.
It would be EXTREMELY easy to cheat if all you had to do with stream on twitch, I could easily get a million, and I'm only a 300 k player. It's not that we do not trust you personally, it's just a requirement and it's completely understandable. Regarding people only having twitch streams, that is only acceptable if it shows the screen, you opening the correct program, correct roms. But you do not have to stream, only for tournaments.. for your highscore you only need the inp + wlf. It makes perfect sense to help prevent cheating.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 23, 2014, 11:34:20 pm
Since Corey is no longer on this forum, I have something to mention about not actually having an inp but using a twitch recording instead! Why is there just a twitch recording under alot of people's names without an inp next to their name on the HSL? I noticed that they just had twitch beside their name and nothing else either! Some just had the inp too! So to me my first score should've been accepted even though yes it was only 400 points more! But since I had a PB tonight anyways, It doesn't matter! I thought I would mention this! Since Corey was a little rude about this to me! :-(.
INPs were never a requirement here, my score and many other arcade scores do not use INP's, twitch is the acceptable method as long as it shows the game from the beginning to end.
Jason, I am on this forum, I am right here. The inp is and has been a requirement. I have spilled a lot of text explaining this to you, offering proposals, and writing out the rules. To date, there has never been one reversal to the rules for the list, and this has only strengthened its credibility. Because of the fact that someone might mistakenly forget, or just in practice, put up a new personal best, such as in the case of Christian or Robbie, through contemplation, it was devised to allow other supporting evidences in order to address the concerns that the inp requirement addressed. What could be verified should be verified. We have to understand that the relevance and the reliability of the list should stand not only for those in the community who have verified scores and know that they are genuine, but to have a list that stands on its own under the scrutiny of any onlooker.
The reason you see scores without inp's is because the Arcade format simply does not create them, but again, we would not accept direct video feed as an acceptable method of submitting either. That is why there are specific rules that address mere window capture streaming formats. Neither Christian nor Robbie used this format. Their formats are more similar to the Arcade streaming which shows us that it is a cab and that it is a real person actually playing the game, with sounds of inputs etc. Concerning Christian and Robbie, their monitors can be clearly seen, evidence that the program was actually started on their computers, their screens can be seen to verify that no video playing software is open and being used, often we can see the process of them saving the inp files, the entire process can be seen and verified. That is why the rules state the following:
Normative Rules:
5. All MAME submissions are to include an attached zip folder with the .inp and .wlf files.
Auxillary Rules:
7. The requirement for .inp and .wlf files addresses the possible falsification of a streamed game. If for some reason the player does not record their input along with their stream then they must demonstrate other evidences to address these concerns. These concerns predominantly include window capture only streaming formats. These evidences include: 1) showing the start up process of the game by clicking on the game in WolfMAME so we can see it is being started by the WolfMAME program. 2) At the end of the game, after the initials are entered, start another game while the game is still running. 3) Using the monitor capture format or using a webcam facing your monitor will enable people to see that you do not have any video software open on the bottom of the screen and that you are actually starting and playing a game live on Twitch.
Streaming Rules:
3. It is highly recommended that any streaming, whether Arcade or MAME, show the player who is playing the game, and are encouraged to have audio available with a microphone so we can hear the player and game inputs. The more evidence that you can provide on your streams will only strengthen your score’s credibility.
4. Streaming formats that only capture your MAME window will automatically require the .inp and .wlf files. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you either have the .inp and .wlf files, or make sure that you are using the full monitor capture, or a webcam facing your monitor, or have as much supporting evidence as possible so that there can be no question concerning the validity of your scores.
Jason, if you have any more questions or concerns that relate to the rules, their meaning, and the history of its composition, then please let me know. Otherwise, just follow the rules and don't complain about it. Just because you got caught not following the rules does not mean that they will be changed, altered, or God help me, reversed or contradicted to cater to your methods.
Just because I retired from managing the lists, updating them, and verifying inps and streams does not mean that I have no interest in them or that I have no desire to support and defend the list and their rules.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on February 24, 2014, 01:43:59 am
I do want to congratulate everyone for their new scores. I am very impressed with all the increases during this tournament. Please make sure that the twitch links that you submit are broadcasts that are saved forever or permanent, or have a highlight. The list is designed to offer permanent proof of an accomplishment not just to show that it had been done. It is better for the list to continue to offer the evidence, and for those who update and keep the list clean and professional, free of broken links.
Normative Rules:
4. Your post to the Score Submissions thread will include your name, date, score, and a link to the broadcast highlight. Be sure to highlight your game so it will be saved on your Twitch account and so that players can readily view the game. This highlight will be linked to the list so you will want to ensure it remains and is presentable.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 24, 2014, 08:42:21 am
Jason Corey Brittain February 23, 2014 544,700 Inp files included
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 24, 2014, 08:46:31 am
I tried re-streaming my game again from yesterday but Twitch cut off my game yet again for me to post a link! I dunno why this keeps happening to me! I sent in my inp files and hope this is good enough! Its the best I can do right now! I don't want to keep on re-trying and streaming my game again until it works!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 24, 2014, 10:21:48 am
I tried re-streaming my game again from yesterday but Twitch cut off my game yet again for me to post a link! I dunno why this keeps happening to me! I sent in my inp files and hope this is good enough! Its the best I can do right now! I don't want to keep on re-trying and streaming my game again until it works!
No worries, Jason. I'm watching your INP right now.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 24, 2014, 10:26:49 am
Jason Corey Brittain 544,700 February 23, 2014 ( Inp files included! Finally Worked for Twitch! :-). Here is everything properly!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 24, 2014, 12:20:45 pm
Jason Corey Brittain 544,700 February 23, 2014 ( Inp files included! Finally Worked for Twitch! :-). Here is everything properly!
Jason's new personal best has been verified: 544,700 on 02/23/2014 (ending on L15-1).
The High Score List has not been modified. Once Jeremy and I have finished reviewing the glorious parade of recent submissions, we'll perform a single, comprehensive update.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 24, 2014, 12:24:16 pm
A new Pb for me, 880,700 kill screen thanks for your time as always. <Kuh>
Edit: I also have a screenshot of the game as well as the pace chart but the file was too large to include.
Adam's score has been verified! See Scott's comment above about the delay in updating the HSL.
Great game Adam. Heroic last man. For awhile I thought I was watching Allen play: weave on L1 rivets, splitting the fireballs on the L4 pies. But then you got a KS so I knew it couldn't be Allen. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on February 24, 2014, 01:06:03 pm
Thanks mate for taking the time, I hugely appreciate the work you and Scott do.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 24, 2014, 03:05:14 pm
Ok. Couldn't stream today but played a couple of credits which one of them became my second KS! Just a little lower than my inofficial KS.
Christer Kristensson February 22 860300 Killscreen
Finally on the official list!!
Verified (and will updated with the other submissions en masse)! A great first entry on the list. Multiple 860k killscreens time to move on to 1 million! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 25, 2014, 01:34:47 am
Corey and Mike's scores have been verified and will also be part of the soon-to-come mass update. Mike, would you be able to make a dedicated clip of your Start score? It would be more appropriate to link that in the High Score List than a full broadcast.
Robbie's Online Open score of 1,075,500 has also been verified. While the video appears to no longer exist, I was able to download it before it was purged and verify the score. I believe Robbie made a personal, offline recording of this game as well.
Thank you everyone for your patience as we give these great scores the attention they deserve.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dimmu--borgir on February 25, 2014, 02:05:15 am
Verified (and will updated with the other submissions en masse)! A great first entry on the list. Multiple 860k killscreens time to move on to 1 million!
Thanks for that and thanks for the time you putting down for all this. Also a big thanks to all who put so much time for playing this fantastic game. It's fun to follow everyones progress.
Game on!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 25, 2014, 08:22:00 am
Jeremy Young 905,700 Links: Twitch highlight ( MARP (
INP/WLF also attached to this post!
Jeremy's tour-de-force performance has been verified: 905,700 on 02/23/2014 (killscreen).
I said "Nice!" to myself several times as I watched, all the while nodding in appreciation. I'm thrilled that your first killscreen eclipsed the 900K barrier. Smart, steady play all around.
Jeremy's meteoric rise through the ranks of the HSL reminds me of a favorite track in my current DK playlist. Donald Fagen's "I'm Not The Same Without You" (from the 2012 solo release "Sunken Condos") contains the memorable lyric:
"I'm evolving at a really astounding rate of speed"
Congratulations, my friend. Great job.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 25, 2014, 10:19:11 pm
Jason Corey Brittain 559,300 February 25, 2014 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 26, 2014, 07:08:51 am
Jason Corey Brittain February 27, 2014 626,400 New Personal Best! Level 17 in DK now! :-). Please find enclosed inp files! :-)
Jason, your latest high score has been verified: 626,400 on 02/27/2014 (ending on L17-1).
Let's review your DK progress as of late:
High Score
Final Stage
Level 14-6
Level 15-1
Level 15-2
Level 17-1
It's been quite a productive week, with 4 personal best improvements in 7 days. You must be overcome with excitement. Of course, all of that will change when you receive my invoice. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on February 28, 2014, 08:00:32 am
What do you mean by invoice Scott? LOL! And yes total excitement here now with getting this close to a KS finally in DK! I have a feeling it will be coming soon! I just don't know how soon! But wait and see! :-)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 28, 2014, 09:28:45 am
And yes total excitement here now with getting this close to a KS finally in DK!
Perhaps an updated signature is in order.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on February 28, 2014, 12:14:30 pm
The various DK High Score Lists have now been updated. If you achieved a new personal best during last weekend's DK Open Tournament #1 (or since), now might be a good time to admire your modified ranking on the scoreboard:
Donkey Kong High Score List ( Donkey Kong Level 1-1 High Score List ( Donkey Kong No-Hammer High Score List ( Donkey Kong No-Killscreen High Score List ( Donkey Kong Start High Score List ( Donkey Kong Wild Barrel High Score List (
Why are you still reading this nonsense? All of the HSL links are posted above.
You won't find any of the scoreboards down here.
S'matta with you? 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on March 01, 2014, 11:00:51 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on March 02, 2014, 10:04:23 am
Nice! Blue smashes: 500, 500, 500, 800, and 500.
The calculated VLAS is 13,800.
VLAS = Vincent Luck Adjusted Score (5 x 800)
I didn't deserve all of this abuse im outta here <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 03:22:41 pm
1-1 , 10,300. (Finally). I could have gotten at least 400 more at the end, but I was just happy to pass 10 k and finished the stage. It's maybe the 3rd game into the inp. I was streaming and wasn't expecting any PBs, but recorded it just in case. It's the first man. And here is the highlight of the 10,300. ( Will it stay forever, or how does the highlight work?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 05:00:10 pm
Here is my new PB game of DK, I got a score of 342,900. Not a great score, but like 100 k more than my PB. Although I played the game like a bitch, didn't go for any extra points really. It's the last game of the INP, and here is the link to the highlight of the PB game only. (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 02, 2014, 05:01:03 pm
1-1 , 10,300. (Finally). I could have gotten at least 400 more at the end, but I was just happy to pass 10 k and finished the stage. It's maybe the 3rd game into the inp. I was streaming and wasn't expecting any PBs, but recorded it just in case. It's the first man. And here is the highlight of the 10,300. ( Will it stay forever, or how does the highlight work?
The Twitch highlight is permanent. However, your INP attachment is full of fail. Kappa
For future reference: 1) Please record only 1 game per INP, to make it easier and faster for us to verify scores. This is NOT currently a submission rule, however it likely will be in the future. So, consider it a suggestion for now. 2) Please include the actual score you achieved in the INP you submit. That way I don't have to sit through a 19-minute INP that includes nearly 15 minutes of nothing on the back end. kthxbai
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 05:06:00 pm
It's a pretty big hassle, so I usually only record 1 long game per inp. Never 2 long ones. I don't think it's too big of a deal to watch a few deaths before my game starts. :/ But I'll start a new one separately if it's that much work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 02, 2014, 05:24:04 pm
It's a pretty big hassle, so I usually only record 1 long game per inp. Never 2 long ones. I don't think it's too big of a deal to watch a few deaths before my game starts. :/ But I'll start a new one separately if it's that much work.
Think of this as an issue of etiquette...not an issue of how incredibly grueling it is to press a few buttons.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 05:27:20 pm
It's a pretty big hassle, so I usually only record 1 long game per inp. Never 2 long ones. I don't think it's too big of a deal to watch a few deaths before my game starts. :/ But I'll start a new one separately if it's that much work.
Think of this as an issue of etiquette...not an issue of how incredibly grueling it is to press a few buttons.
When playing by my self I have always started a new INP file, but during a stream, no one wants to watch someone do that. It would be proper etiquette not to start a new one every single time on a stream. ;P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 05:31:29 pm
I know for next time, it's probably over all less time for me to start a new one, then for you to verify through multi game INP/WLF. But for this time there isn't much I can do, both my 1-1 and 342,900 Unfortunately have first screen deaths in the beginning.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 06:49:20 pm
I guess my score also qualifies for the start HSL.. Not sure if I want to get the exact same score as JCB for that though.. lmao.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 02, 2014, 07:43:10 pm
1-1 , 10,300. (Finally). I could have gotten at least 400 more at the end, but I was just happy to pass 10 k and finished the stage. It's maybe the 3rd game into the inp. I was streaming and wasn't expecting any PBs, but recorded it just in case. It's the first man. And here is the highlight of the 10,300. ( Will it stay forever, or how does the highlight work?
Here is my new PB game of DK, I got a score of 342,900. Not a great score, but like 100 k more than my PB. Although I played the game like a bitch, didn't go for any extra points really. It's the last game of the INP, and here is the link to the highlight of the PB game only. (
Both of these scores have been verified and will be added to the HSL tonight.
Regarding the 1-1 score: the submitted INP does not contain the submitted score, however the Twitch highlight shows the full 1-1 performance as well as Dallas playing the game. Therefore it will be accepted. If Dallas chooses to supply the correct INP then that can be added to the sources.
Regarding the full game score: Dallas' claim of it being the last game of the INP, while technically correct, is misleading since it's the ONLY game in the INP. He does say later:
...both my 1-1 and 342,900 Unfortunately have first screen deaths in the beginning.
So, my recommendation for future submissions is this: record one credit/attempt per INP and playback the INP before submitting to ensure you are submitting the correct files.
EDIT: 1-1 and Main High Score Lists have been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 08:30:36 pm
I'll fix the misplaced INP ASAP. :) Sorry for that.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on March 02, 2014, 09:33:14 pm
One time someone posted a three hour broadcast for a 1-1 score. I was like, what da <Allen> To date, it is the only score I did not update even though there was proof somewhere for it. I wasn't going to sift through all of that. <thefinger>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on March 02, 2014, 09:47:59 pm
Lol well it would have been the second game, the first one ending on 1-1 as well.. I would never post a 1-1 with any more than a level behind it. But the INP was out of sync anyway, so it will not even play. Not sure how that happened, everyone is saying frameskip stuff. At least it was accepted, if not, my new pb game has a 1-1 with only 100 less. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on March 03, 2014, 09:50:27 pm
Jason Corey Brittain 680,800 March 3, 2014 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 04, 2014, 12:49:26 am
Welcome! Nice to have another female on board at DKF!
It was so funny watching her play. She freaked out so many times (She has only played a dozen or so times, so she still jumps when stuff gets close to her.) But she was freaking out on the rivit level, and she just jumped the fire ball, grabs the hammer, total straight face, "Yolo". I bursted out laughing. I can't believe she made the jump. And the reason she ran into the barrel on the barrel stage was the wild barrel scared the shit out of her and she just ran forward, although it was no longer a threat at the time. I'll try to get her to stream sometime, you'd all get a kick out of it. ;P But she's making good progress! Considering my terrible teaching.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 05, 2014, 03:27:42 am
Welcome in the DK community, Taylor ;). A canadian girl playing Donkey Kong, wht da <Allen>
Hey Vincent, you should take a look at her submitted INP file. On the Level 01 rivet board, she jumps over a fireball prior to grabbing the top hammer. A nice maneuver, especially for someone relatively new to the game. I don't believe the moment was streamed, so I'm not sure if she yelled "Yolo!" or not. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LittleBlackFox on March 05, 2014, 06:11:22 pm
Welcome in the DK community, Taylor ;). A canadian girl playing Donkey Kong, wht da <Allen>
Since female DK players are quite a minority, I'm interested in the reason why you started playing Donkey Kong and what's your goal with it?
I just watched my boyfriend play dk and I was interested and enjoyed it. My goal is to be the top female dk player. And that shouldn't take too long. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LittleBlackFox on March 05, 2014, 06:14:16 pm
Welcome in the DK community, Taylor ;). A canadian girl playing Donkey Kong, wht da <Allen>
Hey Vincent, you should take a look at her submitted INP file. On the Level 01 rivet board, she jumps over a fireball prior to grabbing the top hammer. A nice maneuver, especially for someone relatively new to the game. I don't believe the moment was streamed, so I'm not sure if she yelled "Yolo!" or not. :)
Lol I did say Yolo! :p Dallas laughed, the game before I had an even riskier move and survived.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VON on March 07, 2014, 12:43:16 am
Ross Benziger 329,000 submission for the No Hammer Donkey Kong variant Recorded March 6, 2014
[EDIT] And this too: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 07, 2014, 03:05:21 am
Jeremy Young also submitting for No Hammer 217,800 March 6, 2014
There is an amazing escape on Level 8 pies and a horrible final death on the following barrel board. Unfortunately those parts are choppy in the Twitch clip, so you'll have to download and watch the INP if you want to see the Kreygasm and FailFish.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 07, 2014, 06:22:36 am
There is an amazing escape on Level 8 pies and a horrible final death on the following barrel board. Unfortunately those parts are choppy in the Twitch clip, so you'll have to download and watch the INP if you want to see the Kreygasm and FailFish.
Jeremy Young also verified for No Hammer: 217,800 on 03/06/2014 (ending on L8-3).
The Donkey Kong No-Hammer High Score List ( has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LittleBlackFox on March 07, 2014, 10:11:35 pm
Taylor Neff 42,200 March 7th 2014. First time getting to the pie factory.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 07, 2014, 11:17:04 pm
Nice. Did you know about that board beforehand (from Dallas), or did it come as a surprise?
Soon you'll get to experience the pie factory on Level 05 and beyond.
Trust me, some of them are a million laughs. FailFish [/quote]
I knew that the 7th stage was the first pie factory, and I had almost gotten to it so many times, and I had a general idea of what to do as long as the fireballs didn't come down from watching Dallas, but I just didn't see the one up top and ran into it. :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on March 11, 2014, 05:54:15 pm
Jason Corey Brittain 361,900 No Hammer March 11, 2014
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on March 11, 2014, 06:00:28 pm
hello friendly score submission moderators <Walter> I thank you in advance for your time <YSG> I much like very submit first score no-hammer donkey kong. ( I will thank <Wiebe> for so amazing pie accommodate and <Tim> for keep such juiciest rom, wow.
Score is verified and the NH HSL been updated. Great game Ross! No shortage of YOLO in this one.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on March 14, 2014, 04:26:14 am
Fkn nice Ross...huge congrats!!! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on March 14, 2014, 05:04:41 am
good stuff Ross, im not a big fan of 'the strat' but looks like your working it well!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 14, 2014, 08:47:03 am
This is not a new submission.
The Level 1-1 HSL lists the Source of my personal best as "TG". When the Twin Galaxies scoreboard returns, there is no guarantee the INP will be available for download, so I'll provide it myself.
When I first started playing 1-1 back in August 2010, I downloaded all unlocked INP files (minimum score: 9,000) from the TG website. I still have them all archived, although I didn't keep the WLF files. If desired, I can upload those as well, supplying additional substance to the list.
Jeremy, you've had a busy week. If you prefer, I'll do it next week when the HSL is under my watch. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 14, 2014, 11:28:16 pm
The Level 1-1 HSL lists the Source of my personal best as "TG". When the Twin Galaxies scoreboard returns, there is no guarantee the INP will be available for download, so I'll provide it myself.
Cool. This has been added to the Source column as "TG, INP." I think having access to all the old TG INPs would be great. Hopefully they come back, or hopefully someone has all the DK-related games archived somewhere.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on March 15, 2014, 12:09:23 pm
I hope this ok like this, I sober up the past few weeks, I have been off the wagon a long time and it a long story, so I wont talk about it. Anyhow I’m sober and clear-headed and decided to start play DK again, its time show I’m not just a groupie lol, I always been a good player and I put all that aside when I built that mini DK cab for Vince La May with a DK power supply to meet TG fk up rules and sent him my DK board as well, he did not have a DK board at time and later pay for a replacement DK board set for me. thank you Vince I hope this ok I did not expect to brake my PB today just get 200 Plus game in practice, so I was not taping it, I did however get my son to bring me my camera and I film the end game and the inside cab, I forgot to film the CP but I assures you it all stock with a 4 way restrictor plate. I up load video to you tube here is a link. Please let me know what you think if you except it for being on the DK Form list scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on March 16, 2014, 12:22:09 pm
Finally another KS!
Submitting a score of 873400. Achieved in the late hours in New Zealand; played from 11pm to 1am once family were all in bed.
Was aiming for a higher score but had lower start and every rivet level felt really difficult. Could have sacked a man on 21-5 but due to the rivet screens played for KS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 16, 2014, 02:46:27 pm
Robert, despite the great score we won't be accepting this score submission at this time. The main issue is that it is impossible from your video to tell what settings the game was played on.
I understand the video was a last-second thought, but it is imperative we have as much information as possible for videos that only show the end of the game. After the power cycle it would have helped to start another game so we could verify that the game was played on 3+1 settings.
This is covered in "Auxiliary Rule #4" in the Submission Rules (
"4. Any videos, such as those posted on youtube, which shows only the final moments of a game must demonstrate a restart to prove that the game was started with a 3 lives setting."
I have confidence you can achieve that score again, and in a short time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 16, 2014, 02:48:14 pm
Submitting a score of 873400. Achieved in the late hours in New Zealand; played from 11pm to 1am once family were all in bed.
Was aiming for a higher score but had lower start and every rivet level felt really difficult. Could have sacked a man on 21-5 but due to the rivet screens played for KS.
Great game Martin! Your score has been verified and the HSL has been updated. I enjoyed the final YOLO on 21-6. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on March 16, 2014, 04:06:31 pm
i score a million points to <Wiebe> and no buddy knows it :) i agree with Jeremy assessment, i fuck up lol ill do it right next time , thank you sir :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JCHarrist on March 16, 2014, 09:30:38 pm
Getting a score up for a better seed in the NH Tourney.
Jeff Harrist No-Hammer - 365,300
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 16, 2014, 11:00:03 pm
Getting a score up for a better seed in the NH Tourney.
Jeff Harrist No-Hammer - 365,300
Score verified (the actual score was 365,600) and the NH HSL updated! I suppose I could write something congratulatory but instead I'll just say: Level 11 Springs FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on March 17, 2014, 01:45:31 pm
Thanks for verification Jeremy.
That was more satisfying than the first KS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on March 18, 2014, 11:34:19 pm
Jason Corey Brittain 761,900 Level 20! Best game of DK ever so far! :-). Almost my first ever KS! :-) March 19, 2014
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 19, 2014, 03:06:03 am
Jason Corey Brittain 848,800 First Killscreen! :-). So happy! :-) March 23, 2014
Jason's breakthrough game has been verified: 848,800 on 03/23/2014 (killscreen).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
I plan to upload the game summary to the DK Data Library later this evening.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on March 30, 2014, 07:57:53 am
Starts are getting better so here is my first submission.
Thomas Bauer March 30, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106 126,800
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on March 30, 2014, 09:01:40 am
hey Thomas, have you been playing 2 hammer, going for the mil?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on March 30, 2014, 12:45:50 pm
To be honest I haven't played DK since over 1 year. Lost the focus somehow. Never really had enough time with all the other games that I already play :-[
Still try to improve on quite some games such as Gyruss, Dig Dug, Exerion and Circus Charlie but If Brain Allen *I've killcreened DK after 31 years* is one place above you on the HS list it's for sure time for some serious DK action again ROFL
I'll skip the 1M, have already practiced way too much grouping to go back to 2 hammer only games so my goal will be the 1.1M.
Have only played a few full games so far all in the 400-500K range at 1.1 pace or a bit below so I'm pretty convinced i can do 1.1 this year only thing I need is to give other games low priority and set DK on top of my list.
So what are your DK goals for 2014 ?
Oh btw congrats to your no hammer WR and to your 1M+ game :)
Totally missed those scores like most of the stuff in the DK forum lol
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on March 30, 2014, 02:19:15 pm
cheers m8. good stuff, no doubt 1.1 is a matter of time if you keep at it!
iv had other things going on and lost interest a bit the last 6 months and not tried to up my score, been enjoying no hammer though, i will probably not point press again until i get the KS...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 31, 2014, 02:06:48 am
Starts are getting better so here is my first submission.
Thomas Bauer March 30, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106 126,800
Thomas' Start score has been verified and the scoreboard updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Svavar on March 31, 2014, 02:32:24 am
I (Svavar Gunnar Gunnarsson) would like to submit a score of 1,010,800 done on march 29. I only have the last few minutes of the game but I did demonstrate a restart, showing the 3 men settings. I mainly want to submit this score because it is the first time I have one on the original PCB. It is a Donkey Kong 3 cabinet with a TKG4 board installed. Next up, something bigger <Billy>
I (Svavar Gunnar Gunnarsson) would like to submit a score of 1,010,800 done on march 29. I only have the last few minutes of the game but I did demonstrate a restart, showing the 3 men settings. I mainly want to submit this score because it is the first time I have one on the original PCB. It is a Donkey Kong 3 cabinet with a TKG4 board installed. Next up, something bigger <Billy>
cheers m8. good stuff, no doubt 1.1 is a matter of time if you keep at it!
iv had other things going on and lost interest a bit the last 6 months and not tried to up my score, been enjoying no hammer though, i will probably not point press again until i get the KS...
I see so first no hammer KS then back to point pressing. No hammer sounds like fun but for me it's 1.1M first then maybe I give no hammer a try.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ThomasTHC on March 31, 2014, 08:01:32 am
"It's party time" "Oh yeah, I'm gonna get fucking shit drunk tonight. A-BOOOM!!"
And so he did (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on March 31, 2014, 02:26:32 pm
Great score! big big big
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Svavar on March 31, 2014, 03:53:52 pm
Thank you guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on March 31, 2014, 05:07:34 pm
Congrats Svavar! Love it mate.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on April 02, 2014, 01:42:54 am
Finally, after so many 11 -12 k failed attempts. I passed my pb. I fully was not expecting to pass it this run, since it was the first game I played of the day, and had taken sleeping pills about 30 minutes before this run. But I got 11,600 points. April 2nd, 2014.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 02, 2014, 04:11:21 am
Finally, after so many 11 -12 k failed attempts. I passed my pb. I fully was not expecting to pass it this run, since it was the first game I played of the day, and had taken sleeping pills about 30 minutes before this run. But I got 11,600 points. April 2nd, 2014.
Dallas Riley's new 1-1 personal best has been verified: 11,600 on 04/02/2014.
The Donkey Kong Level 1-1 High Score List ( has been updated.
Nice job, Dallas. You had 19 total smashes: bottom hammer = 11, top hammer = 8.
The 3 blue smashes weighed in at 500, 800, and 800.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on April 02, 2014, 08:26:30 am
yeah buddy! congrats mate, Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on April 02, 2014, 08:41:37 am
Well done, Dallas. Making some good 1-1 hype progress!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dimmu--borgir on April 02, 2014, 09:41:54 am
Congrats Svavar! I envy your score. Tungur Hnifur!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 04, 2014, 09:27:42 am
Robbie Lakeman's most recent PB has been verified: 1,091,100 on 04/04/2014 (killscreen).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
Congratulations again, Robbie. The 1.1m is inevitable; it's simply a matter of when.
Somebody please correct me if I'm mistaken, but is this the first time a DK high score has been verified before it was actually submitted?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LittleBlackFox on April 04, 2014, 07:28:18 pm
I am very pleased to announce i have beaten my high score today, ON MY FIRST TRY. 55,000 Taylor Neff.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 05, 2014, 03:04:30 am
I am very pleased to announce i have beaten my high score today, ON MY FIRST TRY. 55,000 Taylor Neff.
Taylor's new high score has been verified: 55,000 on 04/04/2014 (ending on L4-1).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
When I saw the score was 54,700 after death #3, I suspected the game would end courtesy of a wild barrel. Taylor, don't be discouraged; we've all been victims. If anyone claims to have never been clocked by a wild barrel, they're lying. Or insane. Or they've never played the game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on April 05, 2014, 10:21:52 am
The submitted game begins at the 24:54 mark. I've asked Tim to create a highlight.
Tim's game has been verified and the No-Hammer scoreboard has been updated. A huge first man (467,100 to 13-6) and a 820k pace. There were no sub-40k L5+ levels.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on April 12, 2014, 12:30:51 pm
my big Score :) anyhow im hoping it ok to submit :) 336800 DK score April 11th 2014 (
and yes in im the fat guy in reflection with my ghetto vcr on tv to digatal cam :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on April 12, 2014, 01:01:23 pm
yer buddy! way to go, robert. saw the score as 338600 on your video though your post/video title say 336800. im sure youll have it beat in no time anyway love it Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on April 12, 2014, 01:14:43 pm
ya thanks Phill ,,ya that`s my dyslexia kicking in again it should be 338600 :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 12, 2014, 02:57:55 pm
my big Score :) anyhow im hoping it ok to submit :) 336800 DK score April 11th 2014 (
and yes in im the fat guy in reflection with my ghetto vcr on tv to digatal cam :)
Love it. Rob's score has been verified (thank you for restarting and showing the settings!) and the HSL has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 18, 2014, 06:54:50 am
Jeremy Young submitting a No-Hammer score.
352,000 (11-6) ( April 18, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on April 18, 2014, 08:04:28 am
Big Big Big.....Congrats Jeremy Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 18, 2014, 08:49:55 am
Hank's first NH submission has been verified: 562,600 on 04/17/2014 (ending on L16-6).
The Donkey Kong No-Hammer High Score List ( has also been updated.
An excellent debut, Hank. We all have good reason to be frightened, should you decide to become serious about this particular DK variation.
Hank's score drops me down to 13th place on the HSL. Getting bumped is no big deal, but I've never been a big fan of the number 13. I'll definitely have to do something about that.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 21, 2014, 12:11:56 am
Now that your buddies have witnessed a killscreen firsthand, stop messing around and go for the million already. 8)
I believe there was a glimpse of double hammer play on L4... it's coming soon 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: andrewg on April 22, 2014, 09:53:37 am
Not very noteworthy, but my high score is actually 862,500 done on a Triple DK machine at D&B. Not sure if that even counts, but it was done on a single credit, wasn't even a kill screen - probably 3 years ago. I mean, it probably doesn't really belong on that master list, except I just hate seeing my old score on there, despite it only being 7,100 less.
Whenever I get a DK machine (probably in like 20 years at this rate), I plan to top this by a huge amount.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on April 22, 2014, 10:10:38 am
Wht da , Andrew g love it <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on April 22, 2014, 01:26:31 pm
Submitting a 12,400 1 on 1 score, which beats my PB by 100. I don't play the 1 on 1 exclusively as it drives me nuts, but sometimes things just go in your favor. I imagine a real 1 on 1 pro could have gotten 13k on this screen I had.
Submitting a 12,400 1 on 1 score, which beats my PB by 100. I don't play the 1 on 1 exclusively as it drives me nuts, but sometimes things just go in your favor. I imagine a real 1 on 1 pro could have gotten 13k on this screen I had.
Submitting a 12,400 1 on 1 score, which beats my PB by 100. I don't play the 1 on 1 exclusively as it drives me nuts, but sometimes things just go in your favor. I imagine a real 1 on 1 pro could have gotten 13k on this screen I had.
Submitting a 12,400 1 on 1 score, which beats my PB by 100. I don't play the 1 on 1 exclusively as it drives me nuts, but sometimes things just go in your favor. I imagine a real 1 on 1 pro could have gotten 13k on this screen I had.
Verified and the Level 1-1 High Score List ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: angrybeaver21 on April 24, 2014, 03:13:07 pm
Brennan Brandt MAME 155,000 April 24th, 2014 ( .inp and .wlf files included
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 25, 2014, 03:30:53 am
Brennan Brandt MAME 155,000 April 24th, 2014 ( .inp and .wlf files included
Welcome to the High Score List, Brennan! Your score has been verified and the Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated. I suspect we'll see some score increases soon. In the future, please do us favor and try to submit only one attempt per INP. It makes the verification process faster and easier. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: angrybeaver21 on April 25, 2014, 08:48:41 am
Brennan Brandt MAME 155,000 April 24th, 2014 ( .inp and .wlf files included
Welcome to the High Score List, Brennan! Your score has been verified and the Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated. I suspect we'll see some score increases soon. In the future, please do us favor and try to submit only one attempt per INP. It makes the verification process faster and easier. Thanks!
Ok I will! Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on April 26, 2014, 02:29:28 am
Love it. The score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. There is a pretty sexy 800 jump ( on 1-1.
Score verified and the High Score List ( and Start High Score List ( have been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on April 28, 2014, 03:40:23 am
1-1 12.000 Thomas Bauer April 28, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 28, 2014, 04:08:38 am
Mitchell's 1-1 score has been verified: 9,700 on 04/29/2014
The Donkey Kong Level 1-1 High Score List ( has also been updated.
Congratulations, Mitchell. I anticipate a 10K submission in the near future.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on May 04, 2014, 10:27:13 am
Wes Copeland 1,028,200 (!QQZSlApb!VYOHAORY3cKcASeW1-w4PcjzhnBKsyzkFAS7xqd3sd0 WolfMAME 0.106 Donkey Kong Online Open #2 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
EDIT: Attached the INP and WLF files (renamed).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 05, 2014, 09:12:28 am
Wes Copeland 1,028,200 (!QQZSlApb!VYOHAORY3cKcASeW1-w4PcjzhnBKsyzkFAS7xqd3sd0 WolfMAME 0.106 Donkey Kong Online Open #2 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
EDIT: Attached the INP and WLF files (renamed).
Wes, your new high score has been verified: 1,028,200 on 05/04/2014 (killscreen).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
The INP and WLF files were downloaded, renamed, and attached to your original submission.
I watched a large portion of this game live, so the verification was quick. Congrats on your first KS Mitch! The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on May 07, 2014, 12:16:05 am
Thanks for all your work, gentlemen! <YSG>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 07, 2014, 06:21:28 am
Just a random HSL observation:
With the arrival of Mitch's first killscreen, a submitted score of exactly 800,000 no longer cracks the Top 60.
The current landscape is amazing, bearing little resemblance to the scoreboard from 5 years ago.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 09, 2014, 03:07:28 am
DK "Start" Submission
Scott Cunningham 129,900 (end of L04) May 09, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
This isn't a personal best, but I don't have documentation of anything higher, so there we are. I don't really go for big starts, so it may be a while before I improve on this score. At least now I'll have an entry on each of the 4 major lists (Main HSL, Level 1-1, No-Hammer, Start).
I continued the game, which ended at 477,700 on Level 11-1.
INP and WLF files are attached.
All 4 deaths were ugly, and easily avoidable. Not sexy at all. Don't watch them.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on May 09, 2014, 03:51:37 am
What da, no-killscreen is not a major list? :-[
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 09, 2014, 04:28:43 am
Scott Cunningham 129,900 (end of L04) May 09, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
This score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. Scott, the INP/WLF indicates this game was started on May 8th. Did you achieve your Start score after midnight on the 9th?
This score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. Scott, the INP/WLF indicates this game was started on May 8th. Did you achieve your Start score after midnight on the 9th?
Hey Jeremy,
It may be due to the difference in our time zones.
According to wlfview32, the game was started on 05/09/14 at 02:42 AM (ET).
See attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 09, 2014, 05:06:33 am
This score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. Scott, the INP/WLF indicates this game was started on May 8th. Did you achieve your Start score after midnight on the 9th?
Hey Jeremy,
It may be due to the difference in our time zones.
According to wlfview32, the game was started on 05/09/14 at 02:42 AM (ET).
See attached.
wht da <Allen>
Cool. Also, would you like your other HSL entries to be edited to reflect your stella_blue Twitch channel?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 09, 2014, 05:16:57 am
"At least now I'll have an entry on each of the 4 HSL variations in which I shall be competing."
After posting my submission, I wondered who would voice their displeasure first: you, protesting the omission of the No-Killscreen HSL; or Mitch, irate over the perceived "Wild Barrel Hack" snub. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 09, 2014, 05:25:01 am
This was my first quarter played DKO #2 Friday May 2 484,500
Jon Shear
Jon's score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. With his 484k PB Jon has bumped Don Hayes out of the top 100!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on May 09, 2014, 12:23:37 pm
"At least now I'll have an entry on each of the 4 HSL variations in which I shall be competing."
After posting my submission, I wondered who would voice their displeasure first: you, protesting the omission of the No-Killscreen HSL; or Mitch, irate over the perceived "Wild Barrel Hack" snub. :)
Everyone just hates on the WBH because they're all too scared to play it! <Tim> <Billy> <Mruczek>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on May 17, 2014, 06:12:10 am
Submitting my 1,076,000 done yesterday, May 16 and into May 17th.
My stream cut out a couple times, and it looks like the first 3 levels never got recorded (thanks Comcast).
Here is part 1: (
Here is part 2: (
If this isn't sufficient I can upload my entire video taken with camcorder, thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 17, 2014, 06:59:06 am
Submitting my 1,076,000 done yesterday, May 16 and into May 17th.
My stream cut out a couple times, and it looks like the first 3 levels never got recorded (thanks Comcast).
Here is part 1: (
Here is part 2: (
If this isn't sufficient I can upload my entire video taken with camcorder, thanks!
This is one of those "good news / bad news" situations.
You've already delivered the bad news: your stream disconnected on 2 occasions. FailFish
I'll supply the good news: the first 3 levels of your game were recorded. Kreygasm
Unless I'm sadly mistaken, your 1.076M game begins at the 8:25 mark of the following broadcast segment:
Mike Groesbeck - 1,076,000 - The Lost Footage (
I'll have a few congratulatory words later. But first, I have to watch this historic game in its entirety. Otherwise, I won't know what I'm talking about. <Allen>
EDIT: You might want to call Comcast and apologize to the customer service rep you angrily chewed out a few minutes ago.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on May 17, 2014, 07:00:30 am
Gratz Mike! Knocking on the top 10 door 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 17, 2014, 08:29:57 pm
Submitting my 1,076,000 done yesterday, May 16 and into May 17th.
Mike's new high score has been verified: 1,076,000 on 05/17/2014 (killscreen)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
Congratulations, Mike! You certainly played well enough to bring home the 1.1 million. As you mentioned on a few occasions, the fireballs had other ideas, and seemed determined to make each barrel board a low scoring affair. On Level 13-1, a group of 4 fireballs invaded the 4th girder as the top hammer was about to expire. I could have sworn I heard one of them say to the others, "We can't stop this guy. We can only hope to contain him." ;)
The big game shall be added to the DK Data Library shortly.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on May 17, 2014, 09:22:12 pm
Ha thanks Scott...I remember that...I thought for sure one of them was going to come up right as my hammer expired and kill me. Thanks for the verification, appreciated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on May 18, 2014, 12:37:18 pm
May 18th, 2014 Jason Corey Brittain Level 4 Best Start 108,900
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 18, 2014, 03:30:53 pm
Where is your recording Scott? I was hoping to watch it! BibleThump I tried looking at your past broadcasts and couldn't see your game! :-(.
Hey Jason,
I wasn't streaming at the time, but the INP is attached to the submission.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on May 21, 2014, 01:33:02 pm
Yeah I seen it there! I'd rather watch you do it in person on your stream again! :-). Hopefully you'll stream next time! I wanna watch you actually get the KS this time! :-).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on May 21, 2014, 03:01:17 pm
Crap, now I gotta go for 941,200. :P
Well done, Scott!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on May 21, 2014, 05:13:32 pm
Great game Scott, 1M coming up!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 21, 2014, 07:11:55 pm
Hit a new PB tonight. About 2-3k higher than my previous PB. Freakin springs did me in :P Figured I'd get my first score sub out of the way. Hopefully I did the machine scan at the end of the stream properly (it was late). If not, I can re-scan or just do it again with my next PB. Skip to the end to confirm that first so you don't have to watch the whole thing if I screwed it up.
Thanks for your time <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on May 21, 2014, 10:41:05 pm
well done, sir! love it <YSG>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 21, 2014, 10:57:32 pm
Kristian Telschow 204,600 (Level 7-4) May 21, 2014 Arcade Cab
Congrats Kristian! Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated.
Thanks man!
Looking forward to future 250k/300k subs Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mikegmi2 on May 22, 2014, 01:23:12 pm
Love it, keep increasing that PB!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 26, 2014, 03:07:24 am
DK "Start" Submission
Scott Cunningham 131,000 (end of L04) May 26, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
It's possible to obtain a decent start without really trying; it just falls into your lap. This is one of those times.
Sometimes a good start is ruined by laughably inferior play on Level 05, causing many to speculate that a bathroom break must be involved, with the family dog at the controls for a few boards. This is also one of those times.
Jeremy, there is absolutely no rush on this. With a little more effort, I can do better.
EDIT: Did I mention that Level 5-3 in this game ranks among the worst DK I've ever played? FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 26, 2014, 03:57:17 am
If my score merits the "sweet table" (your phrase) treatment, Phil's 150K start deserves a 3-D holographic display. Until I can figure out how to create one, this will have to do:
Board Type
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Meatotomy666 on May 26, 2014, 10:41:07 am
Haven't posted a score in quite awhile. (I'v been trying for my first 12 k 1-1.) I decided to play this game through, and luckily made it to level 5 without dying. So I'm uploading my PB Start. I got 115,800 (I think..). I got a pretty sick 3 barrel back jump, hammer grab and smash on 1-1, and the barrels were pretty far apart. Must have been no room for error there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 26, 2014, 02:38:22 pm
Haven't posted a score in quite awhile. (I'v been trying for my first 12 k 1-1.) I decided to play this game through, and luckily made it to level 5 without dying. So I'm uploading my PB Start.
Dallas Riley's PB start has been verified: 116,000 on 05/26/2014
The Donkey Kong Start High Score List ( has also been updated.
Nice work, Thomas! Solid play and favorable blue smashes (500, 800, 800, 800) are a formidable combination.
Wouldn't mind to get this blue smashes on regular basis but usually if I have a solid score before the hammer grab I get horrible blue smashes like 300,300,500,300 haha
Oh well 1-1 is still fun to play and sometimes it pays off :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on May 27, 2014, 12:05:43 pm
1-1 12,300 Thomas Bauer May 27, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on May 27, 2014, 12:30:06 pm
Gratz Thomas! Nice score.
Last night, I took a break my usual "running boards" nightly stream to play around with "advanced techniques" offline. I was messing around with bottom hammers, spring jumping and fireball leeching mostly. For the last few games, I decided to see what I can pull for 1-1 score...PB was 8200. Not bad for a n00b 1-1er. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on May 28, 2014, 01:20:20 am
Last night, I took a break my usual "running boards" nightly stream to play around with "advanced techniques" offline. I was messing around with bottom hammers, spring jumping and fireball leeching mostly. For the last few games, I decided to see what I can pull for 1-1 score...PB was 8200. Not bad for a n00b 1-1er. :D
Hey 8200 is really not bad for the start.
It's a good idea to practice advanced techniques a bit from time to time just make sure you don't overdo it haha
1-1 never really interested me before I decided to work a bit on my start but I must say it can be fun sometimes at least if everything comes together.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 28, 2014, 07:00:51 am
1-1 Submission
Jeremy Young 11,100 ( May 28, 2014 WolfMAME 0.153
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on May 28, 2014, 09:21:24 am
Last night, I took a break my usual "running boards" nightly stream to play around with "advanced techniques" offline. I was messing around with bottom hammers, spring jumping and fireball leeching mostly. For the last few games, I decided to see what I can pull for 1-1 score...PB was 8200. Not bad for a n00b 1-1er. :D
Hey 8200 is really not bad for the start.
It's a good idea to practice advanced techniques a bit from time to time just make sure you don't overdo it haha
1-1 never really interested me before I decided to work a bit on my start but I must say it can be fun sometimes at least if everything comes together.
Yeah man ;D
Working out how to jump weird barrel configs really helps especially when I'm just trying to run boards. I tried to mix in some spring point pressing stuff into last night's was a train wreck FailFish Not really ready for prime time yet. I'm still better off just blowing through the level for the bonus points at this point.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 28, 2014, 10:41:25 am
Jeremy Young 11,100 ( May 28, 2014 WolfMAME 0.153
Jeremy's new PB on Level 1-1 has been verified: 11,100 on 05/28/2014
The Donkey Kong Level 1-1 High Score List ( has also been updated.
The J-Meister's effort catapults him past 7 unsuspecting individuals and into the Top 20.
Well done, with one notable exception:
The bonus timer was at 300; enough for a 2 x 100 barrel jump on the 6th girder, and not even a feeble attempt? I thought I taught you better than that. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on May 28, 2014, 11:12:10 am
Jason Corey Brittain 113,100 Level 4 Start May 28, 2014
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 28, 2014, 12:20:28 pm
The bonus timer was at 300; enough for a 2 x 100 barrel jump on the 6th girder, and not even a feeble attempt? I thought I taught you better than that. ;)
BibleThump I'm so ashamed BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on May 28, 2014, 05:05:18 pm
I observed my son Jordan Chambers reached 10,400 today on Donkey Kong on the Arcade machine 5/28/14.
The score is so low but I wanted to mention it. It is his new high score and I am sure he will beat it soon. If he gets substantially higher I may need to start taking video recordings. But for now perhaps "peer" would be adequate?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 29, 2014, 06:08:31 am
Johnny's Start score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has also been updated.
The score breakdown appears below:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on June 05, 2014, 10:00:36 pm
YAY! 3rd KS.
Final score: 899200.
So close to 900K, but oh well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on June 05, 2014, 10:06:53 pm
Congrats mate! big big big! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 05, 2014, 10:38:28 pm
Congrats Martin!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on June 05, 2014, 10:44:30 pm
Thanks guys.
Had a 109K start with top hammer only!
Was hoping to sack a man on 21-5 but had a couple of bad rivets and lost two men.
Need to change game-play now and aim for 1m. Arrgh.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 05, 2014, 11:00:42 pm
Race you Kreygasm
"Hopefully this score was done for its own sake, and not in a quest to 'beat someone'. After all, chasing one's own capabilities is far better than going after a score (or, 'going after a person')..." <Pigger>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on June 06, 2014, 01:47:31 am
Not interested in beating anyone (except that old Billy Mitchell score!).
Have a very specific plan on how to increase my PB each time I get one and slowly increasing this towards 1m; I'm actually guessing my next PB will on be about 10k higher (touch wood), as aiming for a better start.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 06, 2014, 03:23:54 am
Best of luck I'm confident it wont take you long to get to that level!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 06, 2014, 04:29:58 am
Gratz Martin...get that 1 mil!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 06, 2014, 04:54:42 pm
Great game, Martin! My apologies for the delay in getting this verified. The High Score List ( is now updated. With this 3rd KS, I think it's time to ditch the board-running and march hard towards a million points! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: cheetah33p on June 06, 2014, 08:17:07 pm
Jason Corey Brittain J Dawg 867,000 June 6, 2014 21-6 Inp Files Included
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 06, 2014, 10:19:50 pm
126,900 Start Thomas Bauer June 9, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106
Thomas Bauer's latest PB start has been verified: 126,900 on 06/09/2014
The Donkey Kong Start High Score List ( has also been updated.
The compiled numbers from yesterday's weigh-in ceremony:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on June 11, 2014, 08:34:54 am
Jordan Chambers (My son of age 6.) 6/11/2014 Arcade TKG-4 Format 12,900 points (2-1) (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 11, 2014, 09:49:59 am
I need to train up my 8-yr old
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 12, 2014, 11:54:46 pm
From the rules:
"Scores that were achieved on an "x-in-1" machine or other multi-PCB will be acceptable if the whole video is available demonstrating that continues were not utilized, unless there is other supporting evidence."
So, if I witnessed an entire game of someone, would that be sufficient evidence to get a score accepted?
I'd like to submit this score, done by my best friend, Alex Gold, on August 27th, 2011, on a D&B 3-in-1 cab:
The score was, 221,600.
This was done back when he and I were very close skill-wise. In fact, I had just set my PB of 370K at the time the game before this (as can be seen on the HSL in the pic), and it was my first time over 300K. A couple weeks after this I jumped over the 400Ks in one game and hit my first 500k+. This is Alex's 2nd best game ever, as I saw him play cold turkey about 6 months ago and get 241k on his 2nd attempt.
Just wanted to get him on the list to make it more complete as well as kinda do it as a neat surprise for him. :) I hope it's acceptable.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on June 13, 2014, 07:33:23 am
Jordan Chambers (My son of age 6.) 6/11/2014 Arcade TKG-4 Format 12,900 points (2-1) (
I'm delighted to report that Jordan Chambers has officially joined the DK leader board.
Jordan's first submitted arcade score has been verified: 12,900 on 06/11/2014 (ending on Level 2-1).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has also been updated.
After a flawless no-hammer run to the top on 1-1, a pair of deaths occurred on 1-2 before the rivet stage was successfully completed. The intrepid youngster then announced his contempt for poser-paced games with a bottom hammer grab on Level 2-1. He didn't survive that barrel board, but one has to respect the fearless attitude.
I'm confident we'll be seeing future PB increases from Jordan. It will be interesting to observe how he tackles the first elevator stage.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on June 15, 2014, 03:44:23 pm
I have accepted the score submitted by Mitch on behalf of Alex Gold: 221,600 on 08/27/2011 (JAMMA).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
All records in the HSL that fall within the "Peer" category have been modified. There are currently 4 such items. In each case, one or more hyperlinks have been added to the Source column:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 15, 2014, 08:23:39 pm ( Had a 133,900 start last night so I'll throw that up on the score board
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on June 15, 2014, 10:14:55 pm
Had a 133,900 start last night so I'll throw that up on the score board (
I have verified Robbie's new PB start: 133,900 on 06/15/2014
The Donkey Kong Start High Score List ( has been updated.
Let's review the tale of the tape, shall we?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 20, 2014, 01:58:49 am
Robbie's Start score has been verified (137,000 on 06/19/2014) and the Start High Score List ( has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on June 20, 2014, 07:21:18 pm
Dean got a start of 142,300 in his 1,186,700 game: (
That is the highest of his that I can presently find.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on June 20, 2014, 08:24:34 pm
I could be mistaken but didn't Dean get a 148k start like a week or two ago?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 20, 2014, 09:04:23 pm
I could be mistaken but didn't Dean get a 148k start like a week or two ago?
Dean did get a 148,600 start recently. I'm on my phone right now so I I'm not sure if he made a highlight (or even saved the INP). I downloaded the video though so it can be restreamed at some point if need be.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 20, 2014, 09:41:44 pm
I didn't know about Dean's recent 148k start, but he did have another 148k start a few years back, I believe.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 24, 2014, 09:16:51 pm
DK High Score Submission
Kristian Telschow 317,500 (Level 9-6) June 24, 2014 Arcade Cab
Kristian's new PB has been verified: 317,500 on 06/24/2014 (Level 9-6).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
Congratulations, Kristian! You marched 30% of the way to the KS on your first man, surviving 35 consecutive boards. That has to be a confidence builder.
By the way, the video quality of your stream is excellent (almost Ethanesque). :)
Yeah, either they didn't receive the "Shape Up!" memo I sent, or they ignored it altogether.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 27, 2014, 12:57:07 pm
LIT! <Allen> Thanks for the verification.
Yeah, had a shit start but was happy I didn't lose a man. I got lucky with free passes and no wild barrels to the face along the way. And yep, big confidence booster. The upside is now I'll be more relaxed marching towards 300k/L=9. Targeting 400k+ for the next sub. Hopefully 422k to break the Top 100.
Streaming Skills...I learned from the best 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on June 27, 2014, 06:17:07 pm
Congratulations on the milestone PB. Clearing more than 30 boards on a single jumpman is all you need to get to level 22 (4 times, sequentially). You can now officially look forward to achieving your primary goal with some more hard work <Billy>
Thanks for your kind words with regards to the streaming setup gentlemen, I watched a lot of dean and phil (and vincent BibleThump ) before I started playing and I guess I decided that the ideal camera angle would look as close to mame as possible. It's really more about the position of the camera than anything else, being tangential to the screen is key <Mruczek> (however, I must digress and put forth a... <Pigger> )
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on June 28, 2014, 01:29:05 am
Thanks for your kind words with regards to the streaming setup gentlemen, I watched a lot of dean and phil (and vincent BibleThump ) before I started playing and I guess I decided that the ideal camera angle would look as close to mame as possible.
Ethan did it independently and wasn't copycatting anyone, but I'm gonna have to claim myself as being the first DK streamer that had the straight-facing/non-angled arcade stream. Kappa
Back in the day (early 2012 ;D ) it was revolutionary!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 28, 2014, 07:56:58 am
My camera rig is pretty budget. MacGuyer'd it together with a tripod, piece of wood and rubber bands. I had it in a good spot for a while. Now that the kids are off for the summer, they've been playing more Kong so it gets moved around a lot. I need to spend 10 mins adjusting into the right spot before streaming. I usually try to tune it to the rivet level where the bottom girder is flat. It's still hard to get it perfect.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on June 29, 2014, 01:45:32 am
Had a really bad pace killing game of Donkey Kong tonight during one of my 1.1M attempts.
Corey Chambers 1,049,600 points ( 112k start - indicative of the amount of points the game was willing to give me poor points for deaths and I did basic two hammer for last two levels Killscreen 6/29/14
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on June 29, 2014, 11:19:05 pm
Sunday (06/29) gave us 2 big games: Corey Chambers (1,049,600 KS) and Robbie Lakeman (1,131,500 L21-6).
Both scores have been verified, and the Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been modified.
Let's summarize these 2 updates. What else am I going to do at this ridiculous hour?
Congratulations, guys! I'll be adding both games to the DK Data Library, along with a few others. The backlog of games on my "to do" list is getting quite large, but I'll get to all of them eventually. The library updates will most likely bookend visits to the all-you-can-eat lunch buffet and the requisite late afternoon naps. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: PaperTig3rs on July 07, 2014, 11:53:31 am
( New PB. I made two personal errors. I can KS if I can keep the personal errors down.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 07, 2014, 12:53:31 pm
New PB. I made two personal errors. I can KS if I can keep the personal errors down.
Hey Eric,
Congratulations on the new PB. Solid score.
Is this an official High Score List submission? If so, I'll need more than a screen capture. Assuming the game was recorded, could you zip together the INP and WLF files, and attach the archive to your post?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: PaperTig3rs on July 07, 2014, 01:41:41 pm
I just post my scores for fun :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 07, 2014, 04:45:02 pm
This score submission will not be verified since there is reason to believe that classicgamer34 is actually Jason Corey Brittain. I believe the original submission post should stay as evidence of the lengths to which Brittain will go in order to deceive the DK community. Originally, the INP was hidden until approved by a moderator. I approved it so that it will be available to the community for comparison against any further cheating attempts by Brittain.
Brittain has used the following aliases on this site, Retro Uprising, and Twitch/Justin/Ustream: cheetah30p, cheetah32, cheetah32p, cheetah33p, cheetah34p, dkgamer34, dkmario34, classicgamer34, and klassicgamer34. He has also referred to himself by name as "Corey Harris", "Aaron", and "Anthony Travis."
Here is a partial listing of his score submissions to DKF, TG, and MARP. He has attempted on at least one occasion to submit a previous score to an ongoing tournament (IGBY 2014).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on July 17, 2014, 11:25:24 am
932,400 Thomas Bauer Jul 17, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106
Thought this would be my first 1M+ game but then I fucked up royally haha
Totally silly mistake at 18-5. The elevator death didn't help either oh and the final dieath at 20-1 was also not a beauty LOL
Oh well there is always a next time :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on July 17, 2014, 12:02:22 pm
great game, sir! keep going love it <YSG>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Drunkguy89 on July 17, 2014, 01:03:06 pm
Wow! huge score mate, Kreygasm grats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on July 17, 2014, 04:19:50 pm
Tom, great score! Hang in there. One million in the future for sure. I think I got into the 900's 7 times or so before I broke into a low million score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 18, 2014, 01:00:10 am
932,400 Thomas Bauer Jul 17, 2014 Wolfmameplus 106
Great game Thomas! Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. You'll get that million soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on July 18, 2014, 09:56:40 am
Thanks guys :)
@Corey I think I'm able to do 1.05 and that's actually my goal for my first full point press KS. This one had a crappy start below 106K and was still in the 1.04 range at 20-1 on coward mode haha
I'm convinced 1.05 are doable with a bit more practice. I just hope I don't get 10+ 900K games before I get to the KS ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 18, 2014, 04:34:43 pm
This one had a crappy start below 106K and was still in the 1.04 range at 20-1 on coward mode
Congratulations on a strong performance, Thomas!
I haven't yet watched the INP, so I'm only speculating (based on the stats provided):
With a better start (~ 120k) and more aggressive play on the elevator boards (~ 6500 avg), this game might have concluded at or near 1.075m by Level 22-1.
Note to self: Keep an eye on this KIG character. He's a crafty one. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 23, 2014, 02:45:50 pm
DK High Score Submission
Scott Cunningham 952,100 (killscreen) July 23, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
Hey Jeremy, this can wait until next week. Relax, sample some Japanese cuisine, take a nap, learn origami, prance around in a kimono, whatever. ;)
Fk that I'm verifying this right now. Prancing around in a kimono (or yukata) comes the weekend after next (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on July 23, 2014, 02:54:03 pm
GOT EM! congrats scott mate. i love it so much Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on July 23, 2014, 03:03:10 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Lit!!!! Congrats!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 23, 2014, 03:09:28 pm
Scott Cunningham 952,100 (killscreen) July 23, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
Scott's score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated! The stats attached to Scott's original submission post are accurate and I will add that the total game time was 2 hours, 3 minutes, 26 seconds.
Congratulations on getting your first KS, Scott. I know the community has been looking forward to this day. The death on 21-5 was clearly unavoidable, otherwise you might have been able to squeeze out a few thousand more points. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on July 23, 2014, 05:34:56 pm
Kreygasm Kongrats, Scott! Lovit, Mate! Now its the race to 1m+ (that is, if we don't get too distracted by watching Allen streaming again!)!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on July 23, 2014, 07:59:01 pm
Gratz, buddy! Well done 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 26, 2014, 06:10:03 am
Streamed a replay of my KS game last night.
The Twitch ( source has been added to the High Score List.
Jeremy had already verified my score and updated the HSL. I only modified the Source column.
No collusion going on here, just good teamwork. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: d3scride on July 27, 2014, 04:25:58 pm
If I can I submit this I just got 742,600 over on RU
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on July 27, 2014, 11:04:36 pm
d3scride 742,600 from ru
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 28, 2014, 04:00:29 am
Craig's RU submission stats. Well done sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 28, 2014, 05:10:31 am
Gentlemen, thank you for the timely assistance. Top-notch!
I had originally planned to create a ZIP archive, containing the INP and screen capture, and attach it to Craig's original submission. Unfortunately, the resulting attachment exceeds the forum's maximum size. The size limit will clearly be an ongoing issue with RU scores, so I'll have to confer with Jeff and Jeremy. Hopefully we can figure out a feasible workaround.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on July 28, 2014, 12:46:26 pm
Have you considered using ( for big uploads? You get 50GB of free storage.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 28, 2014, 10:36:23 pm
If I can I submit this I just got 742,600 over on RU
Indeed you can.
Craig's latest DK high score has been verified: 742,600 on 07/27/2014 (ending on Level 16-5).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
For now, the Source column is linked to the RU screen capture and INP file uploaded by Andrew and wolfman24.
Kongrats on the new PB, Craig!
This is where I would normally include a snapshot of the game summary. However, Pauline doesn't appear to be compatible with version 0.135 of MAME. Deaths are not recognized, and the "death points" are added to the score for those individual stages (once completed). As a result, the stage/level averages and overall pace are somewhat inflated.
When I have time, I'll compile the game stats manually and post them here.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on July 29, 2014, 09:06:51 pm ( 1,137,100 July 29th 2014 Arcade
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 29, 2014, 09:08:59 pm ( 1,137,100 July 29th 2014 Arcade
Love it! I have already watched this game so verification is already taken care of and the High Score List ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on July 30, 2014, 01:50:59 pm
Part 1: ( Part 2: ( Looks like part of level 3 was cut out, but everything else is there. This is my PB. 7/30/14 Arcade score: 539,100 Name: Tanner Fokkens
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: D.B. Cooper on July 30, 2014, 07:33:52 pm
I got a 235,100 over at RU. Not an earth shattering score but it's a lot less embarrassing than the 130k that I currently have on the scoreboard.
I do have to admit I made the screen full sized when I opened the game and I think that registers as a pause and I think I might have fast forwarded the into. Not a big deal if this dq's the score because of these things but since it's such a small score, maybe it can slide.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 31, 2014, 04:52:49 am
Part 1: ( Part 2: ( Looks like part of level 3 was cut out, but everything else is there. This is my PB. 7/30/14 Arcade score: 539,100 Name: Tanner Fokkens
Congrats Tanner and welcome to the High Score List (! Seems like we have quite a few people gunning for the next killscreen. Who will be #69?!
I got a 235,100 over at RU. Not an earth shattering score but it's a lot less embarrassing than the 130k that I currently have on the scoreboard.
I do have to admit I made the screen full sized when I opened the game and I think that registers as a pause and I think I might have fast forwarded the into. Not a big deal if this dq's the score because of these things but since it's such a small score, maybe it can slide.
I'll check with the mods at RU to see what the pause/throttle stats show. At this time we're only accepting RU scores that have no pauses and no throttling.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on August 07, 2014, 12:51:33 am
Tanner's latest DK high score has been confirmed: 546,400 on 08/06/2014 (ending on Level 15-6).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
Kongrats on the new PB!
I would have verified your score much earlier, but Twitch was apparently unable to locate one of the highlight's video segments (Part 2 of 4). The playback proceeded smoothly until the 6:11 mark (halfway through L3-4), then the screen went blank. After a 20 second timeout, I was treated to the following error message:
"We could not find the video file for this quality. Please Submit an Issue Report."
Yeah, I'll be sure to do that. With any luck, I might get a response before Kong Off XLVIII. ::)
I manually advanced the video timeline to 34:42 (beginning of the next segment). Playback continued, from the latter half of L9-5 until the end of the game, without further incident.
The missing video file resurfaced 48 hours later. Nice work, guys. Where did it finally turn up? Under the sofa? Kappa
For the record, had the MIA segment disappeared forever, I would have accepted the score anyway. The accessible portions of the highlight were obviously from the same game, based on the duration of lost footage (28 min 31 sec), the number of affected boards (34), and the average completion time for each level.
The game summary is attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on August 12, 2014, 06:30:25 am
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I have a score to submit!! Finally got a 1,000,000 plus on tape. ( I created the highlight and it should have all the info you need at the end of the recording. Let me know if I need to do anything else. Mick Winzeler 8/10/14
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 12, 2014, 08:32:52 am
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I have a score to submit!! Finally got a 1,000,000 plus on tape. ( I created the highlight and it should have all the info you need at the end of the recording. Let me know if I need to do anything else. Mick Winzeler 8/10/14
Congrats Mick! It was a nail-biter indeed. Your score has been verified and attached is the game summary (Ã la Pauline). Welcome to the scoreboard and good luck with your future games. Also, the High Score List ( has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 12, 2014, 09:50:39 am
Yeah, take a break and let the forum's notorious posers (myself included) catch up. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on August 12, 2014, 10:18:41 am
Thanks guys! So excited to be on the list :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 12, 2014, 11:17:32 am
The after-game was pretty funny too <Allen>
Good job Mick, can't wait to see you play at a higher pace! Big big big!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 12, 2014, 11:24:40 am
i jumped out of my seat like 5x in the last few levels. mick handled some sticky situations like a boss. allen should take notes. great score, mate. congrats again <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on August 12, 2014, 01:16:54 pm
Thanks guys! I'm gonna start playing at a higher pace so Vincent will quit making fun of me. Phil, thanks for the kind words. I was watching the stream last night with my wife at the end and I was like "Phil knows my high score!" I was hyped :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 12, 2014, 01:26:46 pm
yer buddy very exciting game to watch. plus the no initials swag at the end was great as well. first time ive ever seen that
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 12, 2014, 04:25:42 pm
In order for a score to be legitimate a player has to put in the initials at the end. If a player can't do that, well, I didn't make the rules. Kappa Kidding. Hey great score, my wife and I watched the final moments of your game. I forced us to pause star trek so that we could watch the last level. Great score. Keep pushing. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on August 12, 2014, 05:08:47 pm
HAHA! Ya, I was bummed I didn't get to put my name in. Caught me by surprise. You paused Star Trek?! What an honor!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 12, 2014, 05:47:44 pm
Gratz! Nice score Kreygasm
FWIW, I never put my initials in on my home cab 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 12, 2014, 08:56:58 pm
For now, this is a video of the recording being streamed from later in the same session. I have the original video file (in 60fps Kreygasm ) saved on my computer, I can restream it later if the true live segment of the stream decides to stay missing, loving me this new archive system so far ::)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 12, 2014, 09:23:45 pm
I can watch your hitbox vids but mine get stuck on "initializing". :o I guess I'll try editing it again.
Also, gratz on the 1-1 score. Kreygasm nice job mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 12, 2014, 11:04:21 pm
WOW! Kreygasm Kongrats, Ethan! That run had WAY more potential than the one I did. You could have actually been really close to 14k if you had risked it a bit more (e.g. if you had followed that 3 barrel group back down and had gotten some of those barrel leech attempts... but hindsight is always 20/20 :-\ ). Welcome to the 13k club! Lovit!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 13, 2014, 01:09:11 am
I've updated the 1-1 HSL ( with this score and video clip.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 13, 2014, 08:53:59 am
Kreygasm <Tim> <YSG> <Billy> lit congrats ethan sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 13, 2014, 09:28:12 am
Huj Ethan!!!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 13, 2014, 09:54:19 am
Nice job Ethan! This could've been a good 13,500. Big big big! 13k club or bust! Not even Hank of New York is in the 13k club Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 14, 2014, 01:14:18 am
Way to go, Ethan! ;D Very few make it to 13k even fewer play 1-1 much to even come close. True dedication.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 14, 2014, 05:30:23 am
If I ever get 13K on Level 1-1, I plan to kill off all my men on 1-2 and enter my initials. Why tarnish the achievement with a likely 4,200 (or less) on the following rivet board? It's almost a guarantee. Seriously.
The same goes for my first 140K start. I refuse to allow for the possibility of forum ridicule: "Hey guys, check out this clown. He has 141,800 at the end of Level 04, then botches a routine back jump on 5-1, kicks a pie on 5-2, runs face-first into a spring on 5-4, and finally falls through a rivet gap on 5-6 while chasing a fireball with the top hammer. Never seen a meltdown like that before." ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 14, 2014, 07:19:02 am
If I ever get 13K on Level 1-1, I plan to kill off all my men on 1-2 and enter my initials. Why tarnish the achievement with a likely 4,200 (or less) on the following rivet board? It's almost a guarantee. Seriously.
The same goes for my first 140K start. I refuse to allow for the possibility of forum ridicule: "Hey guys, check out this clown. He has 141,800 at the end of Level 04, then botches a routine back jump on 5-1, kicks a pie on 5-2, runs face-first into a spring on 5-4, and finally falls through a rivet gap on 5-6 while chasing a fireball with the top hammer. Never seen a meltdown like that before." ROFL
Scott when I ultimately clip and upload the original video file, you will be delightfully surprised with the accuracy of the above statement. ::). ~18700 to end level 1 ROFL
Thanks for the kind words makes <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 14, 2014, 07:52:46 am
If I ever get 13K on Level 1-1, I plan to kill off all my men on 1-2 and enter my initials. Why tarnish the achievement with a likely 4,200 (or less) on the following rivet board? It's almost a guarantee. Seriously.
The same goes for my first 140K start. I refuse to allow for the possibility of forum ridicule: "Hey guys, check out this clown. He has 141,800 at the end of Level 04, then botches a routine back jump on 5-1, kicks a pie on 5-2, runs face-first into a spring on 5-4, and finally falls through a rivet gap on 5-6 while chasing a fireball with the top hammer. Never seen a meltdown like that before." ROFL
Scott when I ultimately clip and upload the original video file, you will be delightfully surprised with the accuracy of the above statement. ::). ~18700 to end level 1 ROFL
Thanks for the kind words makes <Allen>
That's the beauty of clip editing. I believe my 4-barrel/double wall jump clip ultimately ended with a wild barrel to the face moments later.
Sometimes that ape just has it out for you Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Optics on August 15, 2014, 05:33:32 am
15/08/2014 Mame 99600 Benjamin Kortholt ( inp attached not very high but my pb and wanna get on the scoreboard.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 15, 2014, 06:19:05 am
15/08/2014 Mame 99600 Benjamin Kortholt ( inp attached not very high but my pb and wanna get on the scoreboard.
Thanks for the submission Benjamin! This appears to be a WolfMAME 0.106 submission, which means we will require the WLF file that is generated alongside the INP for recordings made with that version. (Please Normative Rule #6 and Auxiliary Rule #9 in the List Submission Rules.) (
The WLF file helps us verify the INP and MAME version. If possible, please find the WLF file that matches your submitted INP and post it in this thread. It should have a ".wlf" extension. For versions of WolfMAME after 0.106 there is no WLF file generated so they are not required. Also, there did not appear to be any audio on your Twitch highlight. Having game audio and mic audio on MAME streams is a good idea in case an issue occurs with lost/corrupted/forgotten INPs.
Hopefully you can get us that WLF file and we can get your score on the scoreboard ASAP. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Optics on August 15, 2014, 07:07:50 am
i think i might have saved over the wlf by mistake i had no headphones on at the time so thats why it had no sound the twitch was also a replay of the inp file
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 15, 2014, 05:21:31 pm
Optics, I am sure you will get a higher score soon. Keep Konging! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Optics on August 16, 2014, 12:43:14 am
Thanks genius I'm sure I will aswell I've watched your 2 training vids they were good maybe a novice one would be good more for running boards then grouping and point pressing coz I couldn't find much but keep up the good work
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Optics on August 16, 2014, 06:36:51 am
16/08/2014 Mame 100,200 Benjamin Kortholt Inp and wlf attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 16, 2014, 08:10:59 am
16/08/2014 Mame 100,200 Benjamin Kortholt Inp and wlf attached
Nice job, Ben. I dropped by to witness a new PB, and you didn't disappoint me. ;)
After only 4 days of playing, the 100K milestone has already been surpassed. At the same point in my DK career, I suspect that I had not yet encountered my first pie factory.
With a little practice on the Level 04 elevator stage, you'll have 2-3 lives in reserve to help you overcome that next obstacle (whatever it may be).
Good luck!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 16, 2014, 08:44:27 am
16/08/2014 Mame 100,200 Benjamin Kortholt Inp and wlf attached
Congrats on the PB Benjamin and welcome to the scoreboard! Thank you for supplying the WLF file. I added your Twitch highlight to the scoreboard as well. I've attached a summary of stats and updated the High Score List ( I'm sure we'll be seeing some big PB increases soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 16, 2014, 09:21:23 am
Gratz Ben! Welcome to the scoreboard.
200k next <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Optics on August 16, 2014, 05:57:43 pm
Thanks guys my new aim is top 200 so I need about 152k or so
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 16, 2014, 06:09:20 pm
Well done, sir! Keep at it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 18, 2014, 09:15:18 pm
Notes: Just barely made the cut but I've been looking to get on this list for awhile. Probably could have leeched a few more hundo at the end of L=4 but whatevz. Also, sorry for the "heavy breathing". For some reason, my mic seems more sensitive since moving to hitbox. Picks up everything. I sound like a mouth breathing neanderthal. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 18, 2014, 11:48:40 pm
Just barely made the cut but I've been looking to get on this list for awhile.
You're now represented on both the Main and Start High Score Lists. You only need 2 more submissions (Level 1-1 and No Hammer) to complete the highly coveted HSL Grand Slam. Stay tuned for a "Wht da!?" reply from both Jon Mckinnell and Mitch.
Incidentally, I noticed a 332,600 score on your hitbox video page (higher than the 317,500 on the main HSL). Are you submitting that score?
Also, sorry for the "heavy breathing". For some reason, my mic seems more sensitive since moving to hitbox. Picks up everything. I sound like a mouth breathing neanderthal.
Thanks for the heads up. Since I knew what to expect, I took it all in stride. However, my neighbors (and their dog) were genuinely frightened. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 19, 2014, 05:59:35 am
As always, Thanks Scott!
I probably ended L=4 before midnight on 8/18. The game went on for another 20 mins or so. 1st/2nd deaths were 6-6. Game eventually ended on L=8 somewhere. Classic awesome start > meltdown.
Yeah, 332,600 is my current PB. I wasn't planning to sub it since its not much higher than my current scoreboard score. Also, the video sucks due to audio problems. Additionally, gunning for 400k this weekend 8)
I may start grinding 1-1 after this weekend. I think my PB on 1-1 was 8100 or so. I can typically get just above 6k w/o the bottom hammer/running boards style.
No-hammer...What's the arcade dip switch config for that? Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 19, 2014, 06:41:54 am
Probably about time I submitted something: 830600 L20-5 including a spring death on 19-4 FailFish It was done at RU so I'll get one of the mods to send the INP and the game stats ( ( Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 19, 2014, 10:19:25 pm
Probably about time I submitted something: 830600 L20-5 including a spring death on 19-4 FailFish It was done at RU so I'll get one of the mods to send the INP and the game stats (
Andrew's first DK submission has been verified: 830,600 on 08/19/2014 (ending on Level 20-5).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
Congratulations on a great score, Andrew! We don't receive many 800k "rookie" submissions. ;)
It was a heartbreaking finish, but I suspect the disappointment will be short-lived. Your first KS is imminent, and I won't be surprised if it happens as early as this weekend's DK Open #4.
Please visit the DK Data Library ( to view the game summary.
One last thing . . .
Andrew, your name currently appears on the HSL without a hyperlink. I'm a bit confused by the RetroUp ( streaming account. The name suggests a community channel, possibly used by multiple players. If it's your personal account, please let me know and I'll add the channel URL to your record.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 22, 2014, 05:58:53 am
Congratulations on a great score, Andrew! We don't receive many 800k "rookie" submissions. ;)
Thanks a lot, Scott. In hind-sight I probably should have submitted earlier, but 800k was massive in terms of psychological milestones.
Andrew, your name currently appears on the HSL without a hyperlink. I'm a bit confused by the RetroUp ( streaming account. The name suggests a community channel, possibly used by multiple players. If it's your personal account, please let me know and I'll add the channel URL to your record.
The RetroUp channel is currently a communal channel used by the members of Retro Uprising. I do have my own personal channel (BarraNZ) but only use it for chat or the occasional "modern" streaming :) Probably could have been clearer on that, sorry for the confusion.
Thanks Andrew
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MJMeerman on August 22, 2014, 06:37:30 pm
I decided that instead of streaming, I'd try to do no-hammer.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 26, 2014, 01:00:42 am
Andrew Barrow 881,400. Performed at Retro Uprising (Donkey Kong ( One of the mods will send the INP and game stats through as soon as possible. ( (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 26, 2014, 04:12:25 am
Congrats mate lit! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 26, 2014, 01:49:32 pm
Corey Chambers 1,072,200 points Donkey Kong Arcade 8/26/2014 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
I will be uploading the YouTube version this evening which has a more thorough verification for TG purposes. I will post that link when it is available.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 26, 2014, 07:45:56 pm
Corey Chambers 1,072,200 points Donkey Kong Arcade 8/26/2014 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
I will be uploading the YouTube version this evening which has a more thorough verification for TG purposes. I will post that link when it is available.
Corey I have to say that you are really starting to live up to your avatar name. Congrats on being the first person to beat both Billy and Steve in Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Junior.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 27, 2014, 12:11:02 am
Thanks, George! I wasn't sure if I'd get there first but I'll take it. <Billy> and <Wiebe> just went down. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on August 27, 2014, 06:13:35 am
Congrats! When your score gets updated that'll knock Billy and Steve down to 13th and 14th....if things keep up, soon they'll be out the top 20. Never thought that would happen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on August 27, 2014, 11:13:32 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on August 28, 2014, 03:26:24 am
Graham Hawkins 933,600 (Killscreen!!)
Thanks to all the DKF peoples for being such a great community! And thanks to everyone for the tips...witting or unwitting. <Allen>
BTW, this is the third New Zealander to get a killscreen.
Note to the scoreboard keeper: INP will be available at MARP's page ( Link for the stream is ( , although there seems to be a problem with it at the moment. Have reported the problem to Twitch and hopefully it'll be put right. Not a big thing if it isn't.
Edit: MARP entry now correctly labeled as WolfMAME 0.153. Twitch recording was OK - updated link is (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 28, 2014, 05:11:35 am
The following scores, submitted August 24-25, have been verified. The various High Score Lists have been updated. [noembed] Main List
Corey and Wes have both become repeat contributors to the DK Data Library. Visit these links for a detailed view of the game summaries (yes, I realize that "detailed summaries" sounds like an oxymoron):
Corey Chambers - 1,060,600 (L21-5) on 08/21/2014 (
Wes Copeland - 1,045,200 (L21-6) on 08/24/2014 (
Due to the timing of the most recent HSL update, Corey's latest PB (1,072,200 on 08/26/2014) does not yet appear on the main scoreboard. Obviously, that will soon change.
Billy Gaines makes his debut on the leader board. Nicely done, Billy! We look forward to bigger scores from you in the future, assuming you're not distracted by the reckless play of Carson Palmer. ;)
No Hammer
Kristian Telschow (
Hitbox (
This NH submission completes the elusive HSL Grand Slam. Touch 'em all, Kristian. You just went yard with the bases juiced!
Here is the stage & level breakdown of Corey's personal best start:
[/noembed] That's it for now. Jeremy is working tirelessly on a slew of additional submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on August 28, 2014, 07:35:48 am
Thx Scott! Unless I break 400k, I won't sub anything else for a while to give you a break ;)
Gratz Graham! <Allen> LIT!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on August 28, 2014, 08:56:10 pm
Thanks mate.
Oh, and shout-outs to Martin Laing and Andrew Barrow, my fellow Kiwi KS'ers!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on August 29, 2014, 01:52:25 am
Thanks! Everyone on this forum has been very helpful with advice on buying the DK machine I found on craigslist as well as how repair the monitor board after I burned the pads off while desoldering the caps. I hope to put up a higher score very soon. 323,100 is my unofficial best so far. It's hard to get in a lot of playing time with a 3 month old son, working 60 hours a week and spend time with my family. I moved from Arkansas to Arizona last year and started following the Cardinals. I had the CINCY-AZ game on in the background while playing Sunday evening when Palmer tossed one of his trademark TDs ... to the other team. Not that I'm good enough to watch, but I do have John McEnroe moments while I play. I will argue with the tv or go on tilt and see what new ways I can send Jumpman to an early death. Thanks again for all the help and to mention my little score was more than kind.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 29, 2014, 03:57:12 am
August 24th, 2014 DKO 4 Mike Kasper 834,100 KS (
The above scores have been verified and the HSL list has been updated! I have also added the DKO #4 scores achieved by Jonathan McCourt and Ken House. Both of those scores are DKF PBs. Please see the attached pictures for a brief summary of stats for all 4 of these games.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 29, 2014, 04:02:16 am
Andrew Barrow 881,400. Performed at Retro Uprising (Donkey Kong ( One of the mods will send the INP and game stats through as soon as possible. ( (
Corey Chambers 1,072,200 points Donkey Kong Arcade 8/26/2014 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
I will be uploading the YouTube version this evening which has a more thorough verification for TG purposes. I will post that link when it is available.
Thanks to all the DKF peoples for being such a great community! And thanks to everyone for the tips...witting or unwitting. <Allen>
BTW, this is the third New Zealander to get a killscreen.
Note to the scoreboard keeper: INP will be available at MARP's page ( Link for the stream is ( , although there seems to be a problem with it at the moment. Have reported the problem to Twitch and hopefully it'll be put right. Not a big thing if it isn't.
Edit: MARP entry now correctly labeled as WolfMAME 0.153. Twitch recording was OK - updated link is (
These 3 scores have been verified and the HSL has been updated! My apologies for the delay in getting all the scores on the board, and for the lack of any specific comments for the games. But please check out the attached summaries!
Congrats to everyone (in this post and the last) who got their first KS or achieved a big score or new PB!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 29, 2014, 06:56:39 am
The day is approaching when a 500,000 DK score will fail to crack the Top 100. <gasp>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on August 31, 2014, 10:54:22 am
Thanks to all the DKF peoples for being such a great community! And thanks to everyone for the tips...witting or unwitting. <Allen>
BTW, this is the third New Zealander to get a killscreen.
Graham's first killscreen has been added to the DK Data Library, as part of the expanding New Zealand exhibit. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. The exhibit will be on the left, 2 doors beyond the Frozen Yogurt Emporium.
Graham Hawkins - 933,600 (L22-1) on 2014-08-28 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on September 01, 2014, 02:06:10 am
Billy Gaines 298,000 ( 9/01/14
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 09, 2014, 08:14:05 am
Billy Gaines 298,000 ( 9/01/14
Billy's score from last week has been confirmed: 298,000 on 09/01/2014 (ending on Level 9-6).
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
This score was originally verified the same day it was submitted. I haven't posted the confirmation until now because I've been kicking around various game summary formats for Arcade and RU submissions. The attached image may or may not represent the final version.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 09, 2014, 09:22:45 am
It hasn't been officially submitted, but Robbie Lakeman's recent arcade WR score has also been verified.
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
We've been maintaining separate Top 12 lists for the arcade platform (TG and DKF). Actually, Jeremy has been doing the heavy lifting. As usual, I'm shamelessly taking partial credit for his efforts.
Our version of the scoreboard currently looks like this:
Steve Wiltshire may upload the video of his 1,100,700 game, but his immediate plan is to put up something bigger, rendering the 07/28 score obsolete.
In contrast, my major goal is to reach Level 05 with fewer than 2 deaths, hopefully before Thanksgiving. FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on September 18, 2014, 03:18:27 am ( DK No Hammer PB 647,400
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on September 21, 2014, 07:14:50 pm
1,027,700 on 9/21/2014 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on September 24, 2014, 08:18:59 am
Donkey Kong 1,137,500 9/23/14
Youtube for some reason won't let me clip/edit it, but the game starts at 4:40m.
Donkey Kong (arcade) 1,137,500 9/23/14 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on September 24, 2014, 08:27:31 am
wht da fkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on September 24, 2014, 08:30:45 am
Holy fking shit. I didn't know you were still playing, and I didn't know you were playing at that pace. Holy cow. Donkey Kong junior WR, and now that huge score 4k off the record... HUGE! Big big big kongrats!
It's so funny that all five arcade scores are all squeezed together... and I'm the last one Kappa
Kindda sad you felt short of the record, but still an amazing game, and big improvement from your last pb. What's your goal next?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 24, 2014, 02:06:33 pm
Youtube for some reason won't let me clip/edit it, but the game starts at 4:40m.
Donkey Kong (arcade) 1,137,500 9/23/14 (
Kreygasm I have verified this score and updated the main HSL ( A quick summary of stats: 130,800 start, 58,000 level average, and 20,200 in deaths. Oh, and only 1 splitting of the fireballs on the pie factory. Kappa <Allen>
With Mark's massive score, <Wiebe> is now pushed out of the Top 12 arcade scores (as listed by DKF). <Billy> and <Wiebe> both remain in the Top 12 TG arcade scores...but then again Robbie's TG score is only 1.025M.
You might notice a discrepancy in Steve Wiltshire's score on the DKF HSL versus his score on the Top 10 banner. Steve never officially submitted his 1.1M score or posted a video of it. The banner is more unofficial than the HSL. So, those of you that know Steve: get him to submit the score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 27, 2014, 02:38:28 pm
DK Start Submission
Scott Cunningham 134,400 (end of Level 04) September 27, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
I'm hesitant to post this. Much like my last "start" submission, the game began to unravel on Level 5-3. It was all over on Level 6-1. In the span of 5 boards, I was victimized 4 times by poor judgement. Not good.
On the other hand, it is a new personal best, so there we are.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on September 27, 2014, 03:53:51 pm
love it! good stuff, scott
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on September 27, 2014, 04:26:57 pm
love it! good stuff, scott
Says the guy that had 134,400 at the end of 4-3, with 2 boards left, on his 150,600 start.
But joke aside, nice start Scott ;) I think that the main goal for any serious dk player is to crack the 140k start mark. And aboot the 150k mark... when I think of it.. I don't think anyone.. has even come close to the Tudose <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on September 28, 2014, 02:16:43 am
140,800 start, so a minor improvement. I couldn't manage to get the last two rivets to work out :P
Both of these scores have been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. Stats below.
After watching both of these games I can't help but think: the Trudeaux is here to stay.
Scott Cunningham - 134,400 Start
Mark Kiehl - 140,800 Start
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on September 28, 2014, 01:18:47 pm
Mark and Scott congrats sirs!
I would also like to submit a new start hs pb: 138,300 ( ty for your work <YSG>
my game also ended by the middle of level 6 BibleThump <mad>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on September 28, 2014, 02:44:34 pm
my game also ended by the middle of level 6 BibleThump <mad>
The problem is you're thinking too big. When you have a huge start the internal pace calculator takes over and deals you a load of BS. Chuck Vess once said "You gotta think small"
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 28, 2014, 03:49:16 pm
my game also ended by the middle of level 6 BibleThump <mad>
The problem is you're thinking too big. When you have a huge start the internal pace calculator takes over and deals you a load of BS. Chuck Vess once said "You gotta think small"
LOL. Not too many people are going to get your Chuck jokes, but I do. Good stuff.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on September 28, 2014, 06:27:14 pm
big big big! <Tim>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 28, 2014, 06:56:36 pm
I would also like to submit a new start hs pb: 138,300 ( ty for your work <YSG>
Kreygasm This Start score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. So many Start PBs in the past few days. wht da
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 29, 2014, 08:03:18 am
1-1 Submission
Jeremy Young 11,200 September 29, 2014 WolfMAME 0.154
Only a 100-point improvement over my PB, and it ends on the next board.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on September 30, 2014, 08:38:06 pm
Wes Copeland Donkey Kong, MAME 1,099,500 or something WolfMAME 106
sorry if i fk up zip file
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on September 30, 2014, 08:59:49 pm
Holy crap, this is Willms-esque wizardry going on here.
What was that, 12 months from 0 to 1.1?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 02, 2014, 12:20:47 am
Billy Gaines 300,600 October 1st (
Sorry for the small increase in score submission. I've been working 60-70 hours a week and I haven't played much since my last submission.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 02, 2014, 09:32:33 am ( DK No Hammer PB 647,400
Ok, it's time to play catch-up.
As Jeremy has reported, I first verified this score and updated the HSL more than a week ago. What I have not done, until now, is upload the game summary to the DK Data Library:
Robbie Lakeman - 647,400 No Hammer (Level 18-6) on 2014-09-18 (
All 4 deaths occurred on the rivet stages, precisely matching the blueprint in the "DK No-Hammer Strategy Guide" (page 17). Don't bother searching for the guide to check the accuracy of that statement; I made it up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 03, 2014, 10:25:53 am
The game summaries have been compiled and will be uploaded over the next 1-2 days.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on October 08, 2014, 08:36:41 pm
High Score and Start High Score
Kristian Telschow 10/8/14 Arcade
High Score - 357,000 Start - 101,800 ( > Part 1 ( > Part 2 ( > Part 3
Notes: First night back streaming, unfortunately had a bad case of streamus interruptus towards the end of this one. Sorry for the 3 part sub. I don't think much was missed but if it makes the sub unacceptable so be it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 09, 2014, 05:10:52 am
Kristian's latest submission has been verified and the Main HSL ( and Start HSL ( have been updated.
With a 40k improvement on his PB, Kristian moves up 13 spots to #120...knocking on the door to the Top 100. He carried his first man to 7-4 and 216,100 points; a great start that would be a KS game if each man lasted that long!
Regarding the Start score, the stats are as follows:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on October 09, 2014, 05:37:30 am
Thanks 8) 400k any day now. The springs are still the death of me Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on October 09, 2014, 05:46:06 am
Lit. Go sir, go.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on October 09, 2014, 06:42:51 am
Billy Gaines 300,600 October 1st (
Billy's latest submission lands him at #138 on the High Score List.
Congratulations on reaching the 300K milestone! I'm confident that your "unofficial" personal best (323K or so?) will soon be surpassed, as you carefully plan your infiltration of the Top 100.
The game summary is attached.
EDIT: Resized the game summary to eliminate the horizontal scroll bar (at least on my monitor).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 09, 2014, 04:21:26 pm
Johnny already has an entry on the Donkey Kong Start High Score List (, but this was his first "big board" submission.
His 712,200 score takes him to #72, a lofty entry point.
As previously mentioned, I was unable to exercise the "disregard" option. Not to worry, as you now have the stats from both games for your personal analysis. :)
Your current PB places you at #158 on the High Score List (tied with John Hunter).
By the way, thank you for providing 2 items that were missing from your earlier submission:
The version of MAME used. I was able to determine that your previous INP was also recorded with MAME 0.153, but it involved an unnecessary extra step.
The Twitch highlight URL. Highlights are the way to go, particularly if you want your HSL record linked to the video. Ordinary past broadcasts are deleted after 3-14 days, even if you've selected the "Automatically archive my broadcasts" setting.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 09, 2014, 06:43:28 pm
Jeremy Young 11,200 September 29, 2014 WolfMAME 0.154
Only a 100-point improvement over my PB, and it ends on the next board.
Finally, we've arrived at Jeremy's Level 1-1 submission (ironically, the first score I verified last week).
I'll post the summary as soon as I finalize the display format.
Huh? Level 1-1 summary?
Yeah, that's what I said.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 11, 2014, 06:20:42 am
DK No-Hammer Submission
Scott Cunningham 535,300 (Level 15-2) October 11, 2014 WolfMAME 0.106
The rivets were unusually accommodating, so it should come as no surprise that all 4 deaths were my fault. Poor execution, questionable judgement, unnecessary risks, lack of patience, etc. They all apply; take your pick.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 11, 2014, 09:52:04 am
The rivets were unusually accommodating, so it should come as no surprise that all 4 deaths were my fault. Poor execution, questionable judgement, unnecessary risks, lack of patience, etc. They all apply; take your pick.
Lack of sufficient nap time?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on October 11, 2014, 08:41:26 pm
I originally intended to add this game to the DK Data Library 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, as I get older, I find that it takes me forever to do anything (except fall asleep).
Mark Kiehl - 1,137,500 (KS) on 09/23/2014 (
Belated congratulations on the huge score, Mark. A high score increase of nearly 85,000 points is quite an achievement for anyone. It's even more impressive for someone who was already a 1.05M player.
Special thanks to Jeremy for supplying the raw data. Although I watched the game in its entirety, a substantial amount of time was saved.
Youtube for some reason won't let me clip/edit it, but the game starts at 4:40m. [noembed]Donkey Kong (arcade) 1,137,500 9/23/14 ([/noembed]
I ignored the 4:40 start time and watched the video from the beginning. It was a wise decision, as I didn't miss the excellent intro to "Eminence Front" (an unanticipated benefit).
If any of you aspire to be a contestant on JEOPARDY!, please be prepared if the following answer appears:
Remember to phrase it in the form of a question. That's important.
You can thank me later.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on October 12, 2014, 10:28:17 am
haha thanks, Scott :D. I'll have to put Bungle in the Jungle in the rotation if I play Junior again. Thanks for the game breakdown as well, those are fun to look at :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on October 18, 2014, 06:30:31 am
New PB today!!!! 8)
Al Jones (UK)
Arcade - 570,300 - Level 15/2
The sound is quiet, wasn't aware at the time but the game can be heard ok with volume up
Sorry for delay, I've lost interest for a while, then couldn't get the pc to upload until now. I have on dvd as well. Interest has come back, and play for a much higher score will begin again next week. Thanks for watching.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on November 02, 2014, 05:26:05 am
Thanks man, panicked and threw my last man away. Lost a couple of guys early on unfortunately. This game is one big learning curve but certainly getting there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 03, 2014, 08:02:49 am
Here's my first submission new personal best score 154600. Hope everything is in order.
Name - Mark Tilsley Twitch - Zamboni93 Score - 154600 MAME version - Wolfmame 0.155
Link to Highlight - (
Mark's first DK submission has been verified: 154,600 on 10/31/2014 (ending on Level 06-2)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
The game summary is attached. One item in the summary might be confusing, so I'll explain the calculation:
Maximum Level Score:
Minimum Level Score:
Average Level Score:
The MAX and MIN values are determined by the scores for completed levels. In this case, the game ended on Level 06-2, so the Level 05 score is both the maximum and minimum. Simple enough.
The AVG value is calculated using the scores for all stages (Level 05 and beyond), whether the level was successfully completed or not.
Looking at the stage scores for Levels 05 (complete) and 06 (partial):
Board Type
Barrel Average (B)
= ( 8,900 + 8,000 + 8,900 + 8,500 ) / 4 = 8,575
Conveyor Average (C)
= 8,300
Elevator Average (E)
= 4,200
Rivet Average (R)
= 9,100
Level Average (L)
= ( 3 * B ) + C + E + R = ( 3 * 8,575 ) + 8,300 + 4,200 + 9,100 = 47,325
The final result becomes: 47,300 (rounded to the nearest multiple of 100)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 03, 2014, 08:24:23 am
Al's latest high score has been verified: 656,000 on 11/02/2014 (ending on Level 17-2)
The start also represents a new personal best: 108,600 (end of Level 04)
The Main HSL ( and Start HSL ( have both been updated.
Congratulations, Al. Given the nature of the deaths in this game, and the adjustments needed to eliminate them, your first killscreen is obviously within striking distance.
The overall game summary is attached.
As for the start, here are the details:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on November 03, 2014, 08:48:20 am
^ Thank you....much appreciated.
I can feel a KS coming on!! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zamboni93 on November 05, 2014, 03:37:48 pm
Here's the score that gets me to my first goal of cracking the DKF Top 200. Should put me at #196, next goal will be to crack 200000 and take down two TG scores ahead of me from 1985. Won't submit again until I reach that goal. Hope everything is in order here's the info.
Name: Mark Tilsley Twitch: Zamboni93 Score: 168200 Link: (
Wolfmame 0.155
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 05, 2014, 05:37:14 pm
Here's the score that gets me to my first goal of cracking the DKF Top 200. Should put me at #196, next goal will be to crack 200000 and take down two TG scores ahead of me from 1985. Won't submit again until I reach that goal. Hope everything is in order here's the info.
Name: Mark Tilsley Twitch: Zamboni93 Score: 168200 Link: (
Wolfmame 0.155
This score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated! Congrats on the PB and good luck on your march up the leaderboard! Stats attached below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 06, 2014, 05:14:05 am
Andrew Barrow DK Start. Performed on RU. INP attached 122,200 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 06, 2014, 07:54:21 pm
Andrew Barrow DK Start. Performed on RU. INP attached 122,200 (
This Start score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. Attached is the screenshot from RU showing that there were no pauses or speed changes.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on November 07, 2014, 10:14:25 pm
Jordan Chambers Arcade 11/6/14 13,700 Donkey Kong Arcade Jordan Chambers 13,700 (
Nice conversation about Mario Bros with my son as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bach730 on November 08, 2014, 10:15:51 am
I would like to submit my first score to the DKF High Score List: 307,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 09, 2014, 07:18:03 pm
Billy Gaines 531,800 Donkey Kong arcade (
This one was for Jacob 'Marathon Boy' Wells ... RIP buddy
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 11, 2014, 05:04:59 pm
Josh Mayden/jmayden81 11/11/14 183,500 wolfmame version 0.153 Donkey Kong (US set 1) ( Crazy level 2 Rivet escape!!
enjoy!! :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 17, 2014, 01:19:08 am
Just a quick update:
Most of the scores achieved and/or submitted to the HSL during DKO #5 have been verified and added to the list. Individual game stats will be coming, so please check out the High Score List ( in the meantime. Thanks for your patience!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 18, 2014, 06:34:31 am
Brian's first DK submission has been verified: 307,200 on 11/08/2014 (ending on Level 09-4)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
Brian's HSL debut also begins the parade of DKO #5 submitted scores.
One memorable highlight in this game (for me, anyway) occurred on the Level 06-4 elevator stage. A sudden retreat while climbing the final ladder was punctuated by a loud, piercing expletive. It was a genuinely startling "jump scene", so much so that I came precariously close to wearing the massive bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios on which I was feasting.
The game summary is attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 18, 2014, 07:06:23 am
Jordan Chambers 21,300 Donkey Kong Arcade 11/9/14 ( Butterfly Milk!
Jordan gets passed the first elevator board all by himself! :D He is coming for you Vincent Lemay!
Jordan's new personal best has been verified: 21,300 on 11/09/2014 (ending on Level 02-3)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
The youthful and energetic Chambers sailed smoothly through the first level. The Level 01-2 rivet stage featured a well-executed jump over a firefox on the top platform with 3500 on the bonus timer. Demonstrating that the maneuver was no fluke, he duplicated the feat on the middle platform, just before clearing the final rivet.
I may have to steal Jordan's Level 01 rivet pattern. As of late, the various strategies I've been using have been woefully inadequate.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 18, 2014, 07:31:06 am
Billy Gaines 531,800 Donkey Kong arcade (
This one was for Jacob 'Marathon Boy' Wells ... RIP buddy
Billy's latest high score has been verified: 531,800 on 11/09/2014 (ending on Level 15-2)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
This game represents Billy's first successful assault on the Top 100. Within a span of 25 minutes, he passed his previous personal best as reported on the HSL, then his "unofficial" high score, then 400k, then Eminem, and finally 500k. Nicely done!
Jacob Wells is undoubtedly proud of the commanding performance, and touched by the heartfelt dedication.
The game summary is attached (and the Arizona Cardinals are 9-1).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 18, 2014, 08:53:21 am
It wasn't officially submitted in this thread, but the following DKO #5 score has been verified:
Jonathan McCourt - 912,500 on 11/09/2014 (ending on Level 21-6)
The Donkey Kong High Score List ( has been updated.
What began as a Lakemanesque piss & moan festival ended with a new personal best, supporting the belief that unfavorable randomness can only keep a top player down for so long.
The original Twitch broadcast was plagued by technical difficulties: 17 of the 116 boards are completely or partially missing from the video streams. I have attempted to put the segments back together and re-broadcast the available portions of the game on our DKF channel:
The game summary, courtesy of Professor Young, is attached. Jeremy has painstakingly recorded the scores that could be accurately determined, and estimated the ones that could not.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on November 18, 2014, 09:49:34 am
Josh Mayden/jmayden81 11/11/14 183,500 wolfmame version 0.153 Donkey Kong (US set 1) ( Crazy level 2 Rivet escape!!
enjoy!! :P
Hey Josh,
Unfortunately, your DK submission does not satisfy our criteria for HSL acceptance. There was no INP file provided, and the video stream captures only the inner MAME window. I fully believe that your score is legit, but I wish to maintain a consistent verification policy, treating all submissions equally and fairly. Making an exception in this case sets an undesirable precedent.
I'm confident that your next high score could be achieved as early as today. When it happens, please help us out by including the INP file with your submission.
For the record, I did thoroughly enjoy your Level 02 rivet escape. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on December 03, 2014, 12:55:43 pm
Took almost two days to upload but here it is. I will also upload the last level like I did last time so you can hear the Family Guy Kreygasm
Allow me to save the moderators the hard work and grief Kappa <Pigger>
Unfortunately, your submission does not follow the rules for score submissions, please re-submit, being sure to make note of the "submission rules" BibleThump specifically:
"4. Your post to the Score Submissions thread will include your name, date, score, and a link to the broadcast highlight... "
That is all, ROFL <thefinger> <Tim> Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on December 04, 2014, 03:40:35 pm
Took almost two days to upload but here it is. I will also upload the last level like I did last time so you can hear the Family Guy Kreygasm
Allow me to save the moderators the hard work and grief Kappa <Pigger>
Unfortunately, your submission does not follow the rules for score submissions, please re-submit, being sure to make note of the "submission rules" BibleThump specifically:
"4. Your post to the Score Submissions thread will include your name, date, score, and a link to the broadcast highlight... "
That is all, ROFL <thefinger> <Tim> Kappa
All fixed Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 06, 2014, 07:46:17 am
Another successful submission from Secret Private DK Island completed <Allen> Kappa <Billy>
All that remains is the Secret Private DK Island signature update.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on December 13, 2014, 09:45:07 am
I was recently gathering data for a separate DK project related to high scores. While scanning this Score Submissions topic in its entirety, I came across a number of Level 05 "start" submissions that were received before game summaries became a routine part of the verification process. For those players who submitted to the Start HSL ( and were disappointed by the absence of a detailed score breakdown, I shall attempt to remedy that condition immediately. The submitted scores below are presented in chronological order by date achieved. Some of the scores have been superseded by more recent submissions, but I'm including them anyway. The summaries have already been compiled, so I might as well share everything.
I'd like to submit a 124,100 no-death start I did about 15 minutes ago. Also, Adam was watching my stream. I decided to keep going, even though I had about 5k less than I would like after level 1.
I, Corey Chambers, got a new start score of 128,600 on 11/12/2013. I need someone to verify this score for me. It was done live on my Twitch account at (
Submitting a PB of 133,800 start. Didn't leech like I should have, but got lucky rivets I guess. They don't call me Lucky D for nothing. Game blew up before 250k, fk.
Congrats on the PB, Mark! The score has been verified and the Start High Score List ( has been updated. The scoring breakdown is below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 14, 2014, 07:09:30 am
Dean Saglio's 148,600 Start score from June 15, 2014 has been added to our Start High Score List ( It was not officially submitted nor does the original video remain on Dean's channel. However, I saved the video back in June and rebroadcast it on the DKF Twitch channel.
Dean Saglio - 148,600 Start (
The scoring breakdown is as follows:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on December 14, 2014, 07:18:25 am
Hi guys,
I've just grabbed my first Kill Screen! OH YEAH! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
There's a really annoying echo on the stream :( (
Was shaking well on the last 6 - 10 boards, Vincent was helping out with some comments, gave me a bit of confidence, cheers man! Pretty happy right now!
Al Jones
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 14, 2014, 09:24:12 am
I've just grabbed my first Kill Screen! OH YEAH! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
There's a really annoying echo on the stream :( (
Was shaking well on the last 6 - 10 boards, Vincent was helping out with some comments, gave me a bit of confidence, cheers man! Pretty happy right now!
Al Jones
Congrats again, Al! I've just watched and verified this score and updated the High Score List ( The score summary is attached below. After a Level 4 death and back-to-back deaths on the Level 12 pies most people would consider the game to be over and done with (<Allen>), but a heroic last man carried you 59 boards to the killscreen (60 if want to count the killscreen itself)! Well done, sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on December 14, 2014, 09:32:42 am
I've just grabbed my first Kill Screen! OH YEAH! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
There's a really annoying echo on the stream :( (
Was shaking well on the last 6 - 10 boards, Vincent was helping out with some comments, gave me a bit of confidence, cheers man! Pretty happy right now!
Al Jones
Congrats again, Al! I've just watched and verified this score and updated the High Score List ( The score summary is attached below. After a Level 4 death and back-to-back deaths on the Level 12 pies most people would consider the game to be over and done with (<Allen>), but a heroic last man carried you 59 boards to the killscreen (60 if want to count the killscreen itself)! Well done, sir.
That's awesome thank you sir!
I must admit, I knew I had my work cut out but with a previous PB of 659k I had nothing to lose. I had to dig in especially with my recent track record of failing to reach even 500k the last few weeks I needed this game to get some confidence back.
I'm now having a few beers to celebrate.
Thanks again.
Cheers, Al
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 16, 2014, 09:33:14 pm
At the request of <Allen>, I have highlighted his killscreen game and will be submitting it on his behalf.
Allen Staal 806,000 (killscreen) December 17, 2014 Arcade
Part 1 ( Part 2 ( Part 3 ( Part 4 ( Victory Celebration (
Although the stream cuts out at several points there were over 50 viewers present for the end and many of them were around during the freezes in the stream. At the request of others, I have also attached a text file that includes the chat log for this game. The log starts moments before the game starts and ends when Allen ends the stream (nearly two hours after the game ends). The timestamps are Japan time and the killscreen occurs at about 11:03.
I watched the entirety of this game live (cut-outs notwithstanding) and have verified it and updated the High Score List ( It should be noted that Allen made it to 14-6 and score of 507,700 on his first man and reached the killscreen with a man in reserve. Truly an all-around great performance. Congratulations mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on December 17, 2014, 08:49:21 am
Thanks for the chat log! I missed it, so I'm gonna have to watch through all this while reading the chat along side it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 20, 2014, 05:11:06 pm
A nice gem unearthed by Det. Cunningham: Vince Lemay's 139,00 Start on September 23, 2012. This is part of a longer video highlighting a 203,400 score after Level 5. This Start score has been added to our Start HSL ( Individual board scores are included below.
YouTube (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on December 20, 2014, 06:23:28 pm
Boom! Oh Yeah!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 24, 2014, 01:06:39 am
<Allen> gets to Level 22 again! As usual, this is submitted on his behalf. I watched the game live and have already updated the Main High Score List ( Congrats on your 2nd killscreen mate!
Allen Staal 854,300 (22-1) December 24, 2014 Twitch highlight (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 25, 2014, 04:11:44 am
Hi, Might as well submit this start to get on the board.
Well done, mate. I've verified this score and updated the Start High Score List ( Stats for this score are included below. Maybe next we'll see a No-Hammer and Wild Barrel submission for the rare 5-fecta high score list appearance. And we have yet to have anyone submit for all 6 variations for DK. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 25, 2014, 05:08:35 pm
Thanks Jeremy, Much appreciated bud
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 27, 2014, 09:23:16 am
New 1-1 PB for me.
I'd Like to submit it if I may.
Adam Mon
lvl 1-1: 12,200
WolfMAME 106
files attached.
On a side note, I think I got 12,500 on lvl 2-3 rivets.... could have had over 50k at the end of 2 if it wasn't for a disappointing 1-2 rivet performance.. leaving me with 48,700
A big Start score followed by a big 1-1 score... Kreygasm
This 1-1 score has been verified and the Level 1-1 High Score List ( has been updated. If I remember correctly Adam actually had a PB higher than what was previously listed on the HSL (10,700) but was waiting for a 12k+ score to submit.
On a side note, I think I got 12,500 on lvl 2-3 rivets....
12,500 indeed. And 9,000 on the Level 2 springs as well. Here's how your first two levels worked out (and I would want to forget that Level 1 riviot score as well <Allen> BibleThump):
How does one get 12,500 on 2-3? Glad you asked...I have Adam's recipe right here:
Wow sir. Kreygasm A little less <Allen> on that last transition to the top hammer and Phil would be BibleThump <mad> <Pigger>. Yay funny faces. But seriously, congrats...13k is huge. Score verified and the Level 1-1 High Score List ( has been updated.
So much hugeness from different players leading up to DKO#6....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 29, 2014, 05:55:20 am
Thanks guys :)
and cheers Jry mate, yer that transition <mad> I definitely feel I can go higher though
<Billy> "not even Hellen of Troy could beat the tudose at 1-1"
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on December 29, 2014, 01:39:13 pm
OH yer! Nice 1-1, mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on December 29, 2014, 03:44:41 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm so big! congrats mate love it
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on December 31, 2014, 10:26:33 am ( A new breakthrough from Secret Private DK Island <Billy> Thought I was gonna get that 70k but a few things costed me there Robbie Lakeman 12/30/14 69,500 level 5
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on December 31, 2014, 10:35:03 am
Big big big. Nice job Rob mate. Too bad there isn't a level 5 scoreboard to submit this to, Kappa. Might be better in the in game pro moments, Dave's thread or Mitch misc. Challenge thread... Either way, congrats.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on December 31, 2014, 10:44:07 am
Yeah, getting 70k for one level would of been Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on December 31, 2014, 01:33:49 pm
Highest level 5 score done on a cab... New world wreckurrrd JC WHERES MY BADGE FTTT <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on December 31, 2014, 03:52:10 pm
Great game Jason! I watched most of this live and have already watched the first portion that I missed. I've verified the score and updated the High Score List ( With your first million point game you jump nearly 20 spots to enter the top 20!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on January 03, 2015, 11:18:38 pm
My first submission for the 1-1 list -- 11,700 (previous PB was 10,600)
Thank you! I've verified this score and updated the Level 1-1 High Score List ( That bottom girder swag was Kreygasm. Phil loves it, I reckon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on January 09, 2015, 06:35:19 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 09, 2015, 06:41:52 pm
Lit, mate!
Man, you just brought back memories for me of when I first got a 100k+ start. You start to forget things like that, but they were super exciting when they happened. Onward to 110k+, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zamboni93 on January 09, 2015, 07:07:55 pm
Here's my new personal best, not the jump to 200000 I'm gunning for but an improvement that should jump me a few spots. Hope all is in order.
Name: Mark Tilsley Twitch: Zamboni93 Date: Jan 9th, 2015 Score: 175000 Link: (
Wolfmame 0.155
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zamboni93 on January 10, 2015, 03:35:17 pm
Stop the press, hold the phone, sorry for the two back to back submissions but just hit over 200000 which smashes my previous PB. Should jump me 20+ spots on the list, very excited. Hope everything is in order.
Name: Mark Tilsley Twitch: Zamboni93 Date: Jan 10th, 2015 Score: 215100 Link: (
Wolfmame 0.155
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 10, 2015, 06:35:10 pm
Stop the press, hold the phone, sorry for the two back to back submissions
No worries...this is why I'll be waiting until after the tourney to verify scores. ;D Don't be afraid to make multiple submissions; we'll get it all sorted out later.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on January 11, 2015, 12:22:29 am
Hello sirs; I would like to submit this new PB <confused> <Tim>
1.04odd mill during DKOO6, thanks for watching mates :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on January 14, 2015, 08:26:28 pm
1/14/15: Donkey Kong Arcade PB 597,200 Pretty annoying that I still haven't broke through the magic 600k barrier, but I think I will be breaking 3 level barriers soon. Killscreen coming up soon! <Allen> Kreygasm VOD: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 14, 2015, 08:39:12 pm
Yer, you'll be getting a KS in no time! Nice score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on January 15, 2015, 05:41:11 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 16, 2015, 03:07:40 am
Quick update: All submissions from the past week have been verified and the corresponding high score lists have been updated. Stats have been gathered for the all the games and I will be posting those soon. Congrats everybody!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 18, 2015, 09:07:00 pm
What an honor it was to watch this game live. I know Scott is planning a Library entry for this game, so for now please check out the stats I've attached below. Congrats again buddy!
New personal best achieved in the DK Open #6 :) 1/14/15 - Andrew Gardikis - 946,900
Great to see such a huge PB increase Andrew! Hopefully we'll see a 1M score soon! Although I already posted some in-depth stats in your TG submission thread I have attached a summary below.
Great to see another KS from Martin. The death on the Level 17 rivets is one of the worst ways to die (hammer running out as a firefox comes down the ladder in the top right), and it almost happened on 21-6 too! At least by that point you had already PB'd. ;D Stats below!
Australia's next great DK star is on the rise. But jumping fireballs on Level 2 rivets and getting 1/16'd as the last death leave me wondering: will his <Allen>-like recklessness be an advantage, or will it "Staal" his advancement?! Peruse the stats summary below as you ponder...
So, that wraps up the stats for the recent HSL submissions. As indicated earlier, all these games have been added to their respective lists. There are two other games that happened recently worth noting. Their stats summaries are also attached for those interested.
Dean Saglio - 1,100,200 (Arcade) (
Dean passes Dave McCrary for #9 all-time in Arcade scores. His previous best was 1,086,800 set the day before, and before that was 1,079,400 set at the Kong Off 2.
Tim Sczerby - 1,048,100 (
5 years after his last PB, the former WR holder throws down a solid 1.048M and shows us he's still in the mix. Interestingly, this puts <Wiebe>, <Billy>, and <Tim> next to each other in the HSL rankings at #15, #16, and #17. Will any of these guys make a run at 1.1? Or the record?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on January 18, 2015, 09:50:23 pm
I Kreygasm 'd so many times reading that. Top notch effort everybody!! (Including you Jeremy and Scott) Huge week (end) for DK <Roy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 19, 2015, 06:55:38 am
I Kreygasm 'd so many times reading that. Top notch effort everybody!! (Including you Jeremy and Scott)
Jeremy deserves all the credit.
I'm just sitting here, admiring the results of his hard work and dedication.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on January 19, 2015, 09:09:39 am
Quote from: xelnia
Australia's next great DK star is on the rise. But jumping fireballs on Level 2 rivets and getting 1/16'd as the last death leave me wondering: will his <Allen>-like recklessness be an advantage, or will it "Staal" his advancement?!
lol classic
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on January 19, 2015, 11:04:06 am
I never thought I would get this good. My goal was always 300k and then I would quit. Thank you all so much for helping me get to this point!
Side note to the all interested: The score was covered until the end of the game by myself with a piece of cardboard. I didn't want to know what the score was, so I did that before the game started. The score is still visible when I enter my initials and during the verification video. Hope that clears up any questions. If you have any doubts, watch the TG video. Thanks everybody
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 20, 2015, 12:09:07 pm
Congrats Tanner! Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated!
I went ahead and tried to reconstruct the scoring of this game, point-by-point, for all 1,048 scoring events. Due the blurry nature of the stream, there were roughly 17 hammer smash scores that were difficult to determine. Despite this, I was only 200 points behind the expected score when Tanner removed the cardboard from his screen. I have been unable to determine where those 200 points are, but I'm hoping it was only the result of transcribing a 300 point smash that was really a blurry 500 point smash, instead of some other more complicated series of transcription errors. Anyway, the resulting table is much too large and boring to try and post here. I have instead attached my results as an Excel 2013 file. Those of you with masochistic tendencies are free to download it and take a look. In the "Score-by-Score" worksheet you'll notice that some hammer smash values are highlighted: these are the 17 best-guess values. Since I was only 200 points off, I felt this was close enough to create a data summary, which is also attached.
Other points for Tanner regarding this submission:
1) This is not the lowest KS score WR. I think Vince has a mid-500k KS score, and Shane Mosher's first KS was 734,000. ;D 2) If you're looking to submit to TG I recommend re-highlighting so that the full game and cab verification are in one unbroken clip. Continuity is important.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 20, 2015, 01:28:50 pm
I went ahead and tried to reconstruct the scoring of this game, point-by-point, for all 1,048 scoring events.
I plan to copy and paste the link to Tanner's score verification and forward it to a group of my friends, particularly those who have repeatedly told me, "You realize that you're a very sick man." ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on January 20, 2015, 02:58:56 pm
Wow <gasp>. That excel file you made for my game is nothing short of amazing. I had actually thought of doing something similar just for fun, but I am astounded that somebody else took time out of their life to calculate over 1000 score events. Thank you so much for your dedication to this score board xelnia Kreygasm . As for the stream quality, I plan to upgrade to the microsoft lifecam studio when I begin my 1m quest. I will also re-highlight my full game in case I ever want to submit it. Thanks for verifying my score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on January 21, 2015, 06:04:33 pm
Wes Copeland 1,121,600 January 21st, 2015 WolfMAME 106
Kreygasm Congratulations, sir. This score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. You've finally reached your 1.1 a healthy margin as well. The top 10 all-time scores are now above 1,100,000. This is the new standard. Killscreens and rollovers are now simple rites of passage, proof that players understand the game. To be a truly great DK player, however, requires the next-level skill and dedication that Wes has shown.
I have attached a data summary below, as well as a direct forum link to the INP. See also the Twitch highlight ( and direct INP link ( on MARP.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zamboni93 on January 22, 2015, 08:08:10 am
Starting to get the hang of the barrel boards pretty good, just need to work on my spring game and eliminate the stupid deaths. New PB should jump me another 20 spots. New short term goal Level 10 attempts but aiming to crack the top 125 soon.
Name: Mark Tilsley Twitch: Zamboni93 Date: Jan 21th, 2015 Score: 253300 Link: (
Wolfmame 0.155
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 22, 2015, 10:02:38 am
Congrats, sir! Some rivet escapes that would make <Allen> proud! Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. The PBs are coming quick and now you're getting to Level 5 on your first man. The game has opened up for you, for sure. Cleaning up a few things on the barrels and springs and you'll be jumping into the top 100 in no time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on January 22, 2015, 11:23:37 am
Start score submission Of
Took Scotts advice and toned down the 1-1 shenanigans, I'm now getting multiple starts per session instead of wasting hours dicking around on 1-1, Lit
Well done, sir. Burned your ass on 4-2. ;D A huge level 4 helped you pass your previous Start PB, which has been verified and added to the Start High Score List (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on January 22, 2015, 12:19:11 pm
Dat ass burning :D
Thank you for the summary mate.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on January 24, 2015, 07:18:22 am
Great game, sir. Some great rivet escapes and even a ladder pause! <Allen> flexes in approval. ;D This score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. You've jumped 24 spots, and I imagine your inevitable killscreen game will jump you another 30 at least.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on January 24, 2015, 07:10:27 pm
Submitting my second killscreen ever with a score of 1,022,700!
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Love it! I know you've been working hard for this score and it's great to see it finally pay off! This score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated. You're now #23 all-time and passing <Billy> and <Wiebe> won't be far behind.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on February 01, 2015, 01:05:33 pm
Well done, sir. 10 smashes with the bottom hammer on 1-1 is always a plus. ;D This score has been verified and the Level 1-1 HSL ( has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on February 08, 2015, 05:44:26 pm
Welcome to the Start High Score List (, sir! Your score has been verified and added. Stats below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on February 24, 2015, 09:03:18 am
Hi guys I'd like to submit a new high score achieved on my Donkey Kong Arcade cab. I just hit a new PB of 711,200 points on my DK cab on February 24th at approx 11am. Here is the link to the Twitch/TV highlight showing the full game and the insides of the cab afterwards. I apologize for not knowing the submission rules before starting this particular game. The witnesses on my stream talked me through the rules after the game and I filmed as best I could the important parts of my cab. ( I'll be better prepared next time. Thanks guys!
Todd Lalonde :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evunz on February 24, 2015, 09:08:00 am
Again congratulations Todd !
The end is just epic ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 01, 2015, 03:09:08 am
Congrats Todd! My apologies for taking so long to get this on the board. Your score has been verified and added to the High Score List ( You'll also find some stats attached below. It's a new "official" PB for you, but since you're a killscreener I'm sure will see a much bigger score from you soon (and we'll just forget that 2nd death ever happened Kappa)!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on March 01, 2015, 04:10:34 am
Lol thanks for officiating my score Jeremy and thanks for reminding me about that 2nd death haha! I'm starting to get used to playing on an authentic DK cab now and I absolutely love it! I hope the next official score I submit is an arcade kill screen. 😊
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: arnthestampede on March 09, 2015, 08:43:16 am
Score submission:
Been meaning to submit this for a while, my PB done on my replica cab running a jamma 60-1
This score has been verified! Hell of a game sir, with a bummer ending. Reaching 521,800 and 15-6 on your first man is a great achievement. Since this looks like your first submission here I'd like to welcome you to the High Score List (! Hopefully we'll see that KS soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on March 11, 2015, 12:32:10 pm
This score has been verified! Hell of a game sir, with a bummer ending. Reaching 521,800 and 15-6 on your first man is a great achievement. Since this looks like your first submission here I'd like to welcome you to the High Score List (! Hopefully we'll see that KS soon!
Thank you! Yes I want my KS this year! Game face on! I'll be streaming in the coming weeks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: arnthestampede on March 13, 2015, 01:38:04 am
My name is Vincent Cote my score is 363400 on M.A.M.E
inp & wlf attached
is there something else needed ?
Hey Vincent,
Congratulations on the new high score! You're progressing quite rapidly on this game.
I have one suggestion:
The next time you improve your personal best, you may want to immediately rename the INP and WLF files to something more meaningful, similar to the name you've given to the ZIP attachment. This will safeguard against accidentally overwriting the files. If you were to begin recording a new game, WolfMAME will not warn you that "dkong.inp" already exists.
I always choose a file name that includes the score, date, and my initials. For example, let's pretend that I achieved a new DK high score of 985,000 earlier today. I would use the following file names (my initials are "SAC"):
It also makes things easier on the verifying end. Managing concurrent submissions from several players is more straightforward when the files are uniquely named.
Again, this is just a suggestion. Although not required, it's a recommended practice.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on March 24, 2015, 06:29:44 am
Will do, thx for the suggestion
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on March 24, 2015, 09:41:42 am
From 200k to 360k within few weeks, good job Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on March 24, 2015, 10:46:37 am
when is the list updated ?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 24, 2015, 10:57:59 am
Usually ASAP (same-day in best case), however it will be 7-8 hours from now before I will be able to update it. I have already watched it, though, and the score is good! Congrats on your quick progress, sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on March 24, 2015, 11:22:28 am
now my goal is to beat Leo Daniel's 398k from 1982 haha
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on March 24, 2015, 05:02:22 pm
Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated! Congrats sir. I quoted you 7-8 hours for the updated, and due to a longer-than-expected streaming session managed to do it in 8 hours, 13 minutes, and 1 second.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on April 01, 2015, 08:34:09 pm
It's not an April Fool's Joke, mates! Master No-Hammersman Jeff Wolfe reclaims the NH throne with his first NH KS, the 2nd known NH KS, and the 1st arcade NH KS! This score has been verified and the No-Hammer HSL ( has been updated. Congratulations, sir! Ross said it best:
Kreygasm It's not every day someone can say they have a higher score than Dean Saglio. ;D Congrats, sir. Your score has been verified and added to the No-Hammer HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on April 03, 2015, 03:45:41 pm
Thanks Mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fast Eddie on April 04, 2015, 09:37:39 am
Slight increase of only a couple thousand, died on the same lvl 18 rivet board ::)
No Hammer: 632,000
Ok, I think I've seen enough.
Adam, stop it right now!
What are you trying to do, get us all fired? ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jumpman on April 06, 2015, 11:57:48 am
Here is a submission for a DK start through level 4. 107,900. Jon Shear I have since figured out how to increase size of the gameplay. Sorry if it's hard to see.
Rolledcigs 420,800 on 4/15/15. No stream. <Mruczek>
Welcome to the HSL (, sir. 2 springs deaths in a row (and 3 in consecutive levels) would be enough to shake anyone's confidence. But you blew right through it for another 300k. Interesting top ladder technique on some of your barrels, btw. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on April 16, 2015, 06:02:42 am
Welcome to the HSL (, sir. 2 springs deaths in a row (and 3 in consecutive levels) would be enough to shake anyone's confidence. But you blew right through it for another 300k. Interesting top ladder technique on some of your barrels, btw. Kappa
That Level 05+ rivet average is insane! ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 16, 2015, 06:31:54 am
Welcome to the HSL (, sir. 2 springs deaths in a row (and 3 in consecutive levels) would be enough to shake anyone's confidence. But you blew right through it for another 300k. Interesting top ladder technique on some of your barrels, btw. Kappa
That Level 05+ rivet average is insane! ;)
<mad> 6800
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jumpman on April 21, 2015, 08:17:34 am
112,000 Score submission for DK start after level 4. This score was actually done prior to my 107,900 submission. I didn't realize I had the recording <Mruczek> It was not streamed on twitch if that's an issue no problem please disregard as I intend to beat that score. Level 4 ends around the 18:30 mark. Initials entered at end of recording.
112,000 Score submission for DK start after level 4. This score was actually done prior to my 107,900 submission. I didn't realize I had the recording <Mruczek> It was not streamed on twitch if that's an issue no problem please disregard as I intend to beat that score. Level 4 ends around the 18:30 mark. Initials entered at end of recording.
YouTube videos are fine! Congrats on the new score; the Start HSL ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on April 24, 2015, 08:56:27 pm
Rolledcigs 594k~ish. Played this game right before I had to go to work. It lasted about 20 minutes into when I should have been getting ready.
Well done sir! An epic last man of nearly 400k. With this submission, the anonymous Rolledcigs enters the top 100, making the official top 100 Donkey Kong scores ( above 500,000 points. With over a dozen KS players actively trying, or at least capable of, 1,000,000 how long before the top 50 are above that mark? Wait and see! :-)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: danman123456 on April 28, 2015, 06:14:11 am
OMG Great stuff sir! I just had a 130k start last night and my Lvl 4 PF ended on a 000 timer due to some shenanigans as well as some really bad luck on the barrel and rivets. 135k-140k starts are completely doable and yeah going for the WR I think are necessary! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on April 28, 2015, 11:00:21 am
Rolledcigs 594k~ish. Played this game right before I had to go to work. It lasted about 20 minutes into when I should have been getting ready.
Well done sir! An epic last man of nearly 400k. With this submission, the anonymous Rolledcigs enters the top 100, making the official top 100 Donkey Kong scores ( above 500,000 points. With over a dozen KS players actively trying, or at least capable of, 1,000,000 how long before the top 50 are above that mark? Wait and see! :-)
WTG Rolled! I will keep an eye out for a DK cabinet in the Ohio area. I'm very impressed you are progressing like this with an XBOX 360 controller. Very awesome!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on May 03, 2015, 09:17:18 am
Well done, sir! Keep on that grind and we'll see a killscreen soon! The High Score List ( has been updated and I've attached some stats below. Let me know if you have any questions about them. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 12, 2015, 07:08:29 am
Verified and HSL updated (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on May 18, 2015, 01:14:24 pm
987.900 Thomas Bauer May 18, 2015 Wolfmameplus 106
Game ended at 20-5 so I assume pace was still on 1.060.
Two mega dumb mistakes at 19-2 and 20-5 ended the game before the KS FailFish
Anyway a PB is a PB so why not submit it :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 18, 2015, 01:42:00 pm
Jonathan McCourt recently score 1,027,000 at a live event in Sherwood, AR. The competition was the Kong Klash 5, hosted by Z82 Retrocade. This event was also attended by DKF members Wes Copeland, Billy Gaines, Andrew Garrett, and Josh Mayden.
There is no full video of Jon's performance, but the final moments were captured along with a restart and some footage of the control panel and PCB. This short video has been rebroadcast on the DKF Twitch channel and can be viewed here:
Jonathan McCourt - 1,027,000 on 5/17/15 (
After reviewing this footage I believe the evidence is acceptable and that this score can be included on the HSL. While the video quality is not crystal clear, certain facts can deduced:
1) A kill screen occurs at ~3:42 in the footage and Jon can be seen playing. 2) Jon enters his initials in the last row of the high score table. 3) When a close-up of the high score table is shown the last row shows 027000 and JON, and the High Score (top of screen) shows 999900. 4) This was a 1,027,000 kill screen game by Jon. 5) Upon restart (~4:09) it is difficult to see the number of lives, but we can see/hear 3 deaths. This confirms that the base lives setting was set to 3 men. 6) The score reached upon restart was only 1300, so this wasn't enough to confirm the Bonus setting. Since this was a live competition attended by several members of this forum who are aware of the standard rules for this game it is probably safe to assume the Bonus was set to 7,000. I ask Wes, Billy, Andrew, and/or Josh (or any others who attended) to confirm. 7) A 4-way restrictor is shown at ~5:25. 8) The footage of the of PCB is dark and blurry and the DIPs are obstructed. However, it looks to me like a DK PCB and the DIPs can be inferred by other evidence.
I encourage people to watch this clip and voice their opinions here. If the community agrees (or doesn't respond) then I plan to add this score to HSL during the weekend.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on May 18, 2015, 03:00:30 pm
Jon McCourt's 1,027,000 score is legit. I was playing on the Kong to his right and Wes was playing to his left. I saw Jon's start. 3 man settings, TKG4 (no cheat or 'juiced' ROMs) . I took a break as did Wes and we monitored his progress. Wes, Andrew Garrett, Dan Solis (Owner of the Z82 Retrocade), myself and many others watched the game and verification. This is an awesome event that I'd like to see grow. Dan loves classic games and treats the players like rock stars. Great event! Kongrats to Wes for winning Kong Klash 5 and Kongrats to Jon for his first million point live game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on May 18, 2015, 06:54:28 pm
This score has been verified and added to the 1-1 HSL ( You are now 1 of just 10 people who are ranked on 4 or more of the 6 High Score Lists for DK.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 25, 2015, 12:00:39 pm
I, Chris Gleed, am submitting a 463,300 Donkey Kong arcade score. I uploaded to youtube (link below). I can send the video files to anybody that needs to see the original videos. I can't figure out how to make youtube 720p, so the dip switches, roms and other things that need to be verified may be hard to see on youtube. Again, I am more than happy to mail the original (720p) files, transfer via box, ftp or other.
This is an update to my current hi score on the list, at 92,400.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on May 25, 2015, 01:56:59 pm
Kreygasm nice increase mate; fwiw, the youtube video does have the 720p option; often it takes a while for the higher resolutions to show up, I think the youtube alg. starts with the lowest resolutions first, and works its' way up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 25, 2015, 03:21:58 pm
Kreygasm nice increase mate; fwiw, the youtube video does have the 720p option; often it takes a while for the higher resolutions to show up, I think the youtube alg. starts with the lowest resolutions first, and works its' way up.
I see it now, thanks. Higher res seems to help the veiwability of the video a bit, so that's good news. I've been messing with the webcam settings since that video, and have also found a few settings that will hopefully improve future submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 26, 2015, 12:51:59 am
I, Chris Gleed, am submitting a 463,300 Donkey Kong arcade score. I uploaded to youtube (link below). I can send the video files to anybody that needs to see the original videos. I can't figure out how to make youtube 720p, so the dip switches, roms and other things that need to be verified may be hard to see on youtube. Again, I am more than happy to mail the original (720p) files, transfer via box, ftp or other.
This is an update to my current hi score on the list, at 92,400.
Well done, sir! A nice PB bump almost 9 years later. :D The video quality of the walkthrough was great. Now that you've showed us your machine you can skip that walkthrough for future DKF submissions. You will still want to do it if you plan on submitting to TG, however.
Your score has been verified and the HSL ( has been updated. You've jumped 163 spots and are knocking on the door of the top 100. I'm sure we'll see another PB from you very soon. If I'm not mistaken, you seem to be using Jeff Willms' "Flashing 1UP" strat before the pies...I don't think I've seen anyone consistently try it. Cool stuff.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on May 26, 2015, 12:07:05 pm
Billy Gaines 558,700 (Level 16-2) May 17, 2015 Kong Klash 5, Z82 Retrocade, Sherwood, Arkansas The score was witnessed by several DKF forum members who can verify the controller, settings, DK ROMs and that all other arcade requirements were satisfied. If you guys decide against allowing the score I will have no hard feelings.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 27, 2015, 12:31:42 pm
Hi Xelnia, thank you for verifying and for the awesome spreadsheet. This is very thorough and useful info!
Can I also get on the DK Start High Score List, with this submission?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 27, 2015, 12:51:29 pm
Billy Gaines 558,700 (Level 16-2) May 17, 2015 Kong Klash 5, Z82 Retrocade, Sherwood, Arkansas The score was witnessed by several DKF forum members who can verify the controller, settings, DK ROMs and that all other arcade requirements were satisfied. If you guys decide against allowing the score I will have no hard feelings.
I'd like to let this one sit for a few days and hopefully some other community members will chime in. If there are no objections then we can add it to the HSL. This is different from a typical photo situation where someone might take a picture of a score they achieved at home. This was a live competition attended by multiple respected members of this community.
EDIT: Billy submitted a higher score so this submission is no longer relevant. I would probably have added it to the HSL today if no objections been raised.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on May 27, 2015, 12:53:41 pm
I was there and witnessed the score. Can verify it was done on an original board and was using a 4way restrictor. The settings were also correct with 3 + 1 @ 7k.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 27, 2015, 12:55:19 pm
Hi Xelnia, thank you for verifying and for the awesome spreadsheet. This is very thorough and useful info!
Can I also get on the DK Start High Score List, with this submission?
You're very welcome sir.
To be eligible for the Start HSL, the score must be achieved without losing any lives before level 5 (you lost a man on level 4). You're obviously more than capable of meeting the 100k requirement and doing that on your first life, so feel free to submit a Start score even if the entire game is not a PB.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on May 31, 2015, 02:45:01 am
Billy Gaines 595,000 May 31st (
I choked a big one at the end. FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 31, 2015, 09:17:06 am
I, Chris Gleed, am submitting a DK start score of 107,400.
I did not provide machine verification on this one, based on the feedback to my PB score run submission. I do have separate video, recorded with a separate camera, starting recording at the point where I input my initials, if the proof is needed.
No need to watch the whole run, things go south pretty fast after clearing level 4. FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on May 31, 2015, 09:47:19 am
I, Chris Gleed, am submitting a 463,300 Donkey Kong arcade score. I uploaded to youtube (link below). I can send the video files to anybody that needs to see the original videos. I can't figure out how to make youtube 720p, so the dip switches, roms and other things that need to be verified may be hard to see on youtube. Again, I am more than happy to mail the original (720p) files, transfer via box, ftp or other.
This is an update to my current hi score on the list, at 92,400.
Unfortunately, I figured out how to get better video from my webcam, but the conversion software detuned it to 360p. I figured out after posting this video how to convert and maintain 720p. So, again, sorry the quality isn't great, but hopefully it's good enough for verification, and future submissions will be better quality.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 31, 2015, 12:37:21 pm
Billy Gaines 595,000 May 31st (
I choked a big one at the end. FailFish
Great game Billy! Certainly not the ending you were hoping for, but getting to 14-5 on your first man is fantastic and new PB is always great. Killscreen or bust now, sir. Your score has been verified and the HSL ( has been updated. The cutoff for the top 100 is now 540,200!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 31, 2015, 12:45:02 pm
I did not provide machine verification on this one, based on the feedback to my PB score run submission. I do have separate video, recorded with a separate camera, starting recording at the point where I input my initials, if the proof is needed.
No need to watch the whole run, things go south pretty fast after clearing level 4. FailFish
Everything looks good. :) Welcome to the Start HSL! (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 31, 2015, 02:28:33 pm
Billy Gaines 595,000 May 31st (
I choked a big one at the end. FailFish
Well, I was knocking on the door of the top 100. I guess I've got to work harder to up my game now, to get to elite class. Nice job and nice score, Billy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 31, 2015, 05:24:48 pm
Chris Gleed here, submitting a new PB for DK Start. 112,300. Sorry to submit another one so soon on the heels of my submission this morning. The good news is, the video quality is now at least 720p and as good as my budget video solution can produce.
Billy Gaines 595,000 May 31st (
I choked a big one at the end. FailFish
Great game Billy! Certainly not the ending you were hoping for, but getting to 14-5 on your first man is fantastic and new PB is always great. Killscreen or bust now, sir. Your score has been verified and the HSL ( has been updated. The cutoff for the top 100 is now 540,200!
Thanks Jerry! I appreciate the work you guys do to keep this awesome game alive. I'm so glad I found you guys and enjoy seeing others achieve milestones while I chase my Kill Screen dream. There are a few up and coming players out there that are better than I am so I expect this to big summer for new Kill Screeners. The Kong Off 4 and the Pixels movie are coming up in late July. It's a great time to be a Donkey Kong/classic gamer! Thanks again.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 01, 2015, 12:20:57 pm
Chris Gleed here, submitting a new PB for DK Start. 112,300.
Both of these scores have been verified and the respective HSLs (Main ( / Start ( have been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jumpman on June 01, 2015, 12:49:27 pm
If you improve by 100 points per day, you'll beat Phil just in time for Christmas! ;D
Would not mind to have an 150K start like Phil by Christmas ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 05, 2015, 03:20:37 am
Billy Gaines 693,100 Arcade, TKG4, HSK June 5th Getting closer! (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 05, 2015, 03:20:54 pm
You. All are very impressive!!
Can I use this video to "verify" my cabinet now that I installed my new board? Do I have to do a full cabinet review for every game I record? I'm a novice and I've inly been playing a few weeks. I want to get my name on the HSL for motivation, tracking purposes, and community support.
Let me know if this works.
! No longer available (
For some reason the link says "NO LONGER AVAILABLE" but if you actually click on it, it should work.
(Just ignore my child laying on the ground in the reflection of the video!!)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 05, 2015, 03:46:23 pm
Can I use this video to "verify" my cabinet now that I installed my new board? Do I have to do a full cabinet review for every game I record?
Looks great! No need to go through those steps again when you submit your scores here. :) However, I would recommend doing them again, post-game and in the same continuous clip, if you ever decide to submit to Twin Galaxies.
One thing to remember: With a high score save kit the physical DIPs are essentially irrelevant, so if for some reason you only record the end of a game and want to submit, please restart a new game in the same clip and play to 7000 points so we can verify the correct settings are used. If you're submitting full recordings from coin drop to game over, then you're good to go.
Good luck with your games and I look forward to seeing your submissions!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 05, 2015, 04:00:51 pm
Thanks so much. I really appreciate your help!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on June 05, 2015, 05:22:29 pm
Nice looking machine you got there. Love the Jr cab, DK board combo <Wiebe>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 05, 2015, 05:25:57 pm
Any day, any game! <Allen> Keep going good sir! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 05, 2015, 06:41:15 pm
Getting used to the "new" board. Definitely different than MAME.
Tomorrow I will pickup a tripod so I can submit an official first score. For now here is an unofficial screenshot. I recorded the end of the game but quickly realized I couldn't play a new game to 7,000 points while holding my phone to record!
Robert Copley
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on June 06, 2015, 10:35:07 am
Chris Gleed 113,400 start 505,600
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 06, 2015, 10:43:47 am
Nice job. The dual camera setup works well. Ive been playing around a bit with setting up a proper camera.
OBS, Open Broadcaster Software, works well to capture and display from more than one source. I have my laptop running OBS, while using the laptop webcam to capture me, and my stand-alone webcam to capture the cab monitor. My stand-alone webcam is about the lowest end "HD" option there probably is, and getting it to look decent takes some effort. For some reason, I had to re-tweak all the settings once using it in OBS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 06, 2015, 01:45:56 pm
Chris Gleed 113,400 start 505,600 (
Next stop Top 100! These two scores have been verified and the Main ( and Start ( HSLs have been updated. I did enjoy the wall jumping the L5 rivets. I'm sure <Allen> would love it too. :D Since your Start PB was in the same game as your overall PB, I've only included the main stat breakdown instead of providing the usual "Start" table. All the same information can be seen in the big breakdown.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 06, 2015, 07:01:12 pm
I'd like to make my first score submission to the High Score List. It's low and I'm sure that many might wonder why I am taking the time to submit it. I am here to learn, to improve, to challenge myself, and to support the DK community. I love the idea of the HSL and I want to watch myself climb higher. How high can I climb?
So here is the official submission. Please let me know if I need to do anything differently. Thanks.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated: playing style, video setup, strategy, etc.
Robert Copley (DadsGlasses) 6/6/2015 103,300 Submitted via Youtube
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 07, 2015, 09:47:21 am
Robert Copley 111,600 6/7/15 Arcade
I promise not to submit scores every time I get a PB. I am just trying out video techniques and trying to find an acceptable solution given my outdated laptop. Moving forward I will only submit based on 50,000 pt increments.
It's low and I'm sure that many might wonder why I am taking the time to submit it. I am here to learn, to improve, to challenge myself, and to support the DK community. I love the idea of the HSL and I want to watch myself climb higher. How high can I climb?
I am huge supporter of people submitting every score they get and not just waiting until they get a #1 score, or a score they're "happy" with, etc. The competition and scoreboard becomes better and more legitimate that way, in my opinion.
Everything looks good. Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated! You enter ranked #258 and I look forward to seeing you climb the ranks!
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated: playing style, video setup, strategy, etc.
For video quality, consider increasing the capture frame rate. It looks like your video was somewhere around 7 FPS. If your equipment allows for it, try to increase that to at least 25. 30 is standard, 60 is Kreygasm.
As far as playing tips, there are a lot of things that are best learned by repetition (springs, how to jump certain barrel combos, etc.). One specific tip I can offer is to make sure you're always steering barrels out of your way. Take a look at your last death in this game. If you had steered the two barrels down the ladder right as your hammer ran out you could have climbed the up and finished the level before the fireball made its way over.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 07, 2015, 10:35:28 am
Verified and HSL ( updated! Btw, do you know that you had/have your left joystick input also mapped to the 2P start button? :) Not an issue here, and I imagine it's related to how the X-Arcade maps itself as a keyboard.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 07, 2015, 10:39:56 am
A quick turnaround for a PB and an update ( to the HSL! ;D Congrats. This is an acceptable clip for the scoreboard. I do recommend submitting full recordings whenever possible. Full games are more interesting to watch, provide more opportunities for advice, and enable me to provide a thorough breakdown of the game stats.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 07, 2015, 10:42:36 am
Thanks so much for all of your feedback. Greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on June 07, 2015, 10:51:59 am
Btw, do you know that you had/have your left joystick input also mapped to the 2P start button? :) Not an issue here, and I imagine it's related to how the X-Arcade maps itself as a keyboard.
Ha! I did not realize that. I had some problems with my joystick and I experimented with plugging the joystick into different ports on the x-arcade board. Just happens to be the port that uses 1-2-3-4, and I didn't re-map the 2P start button (since I never use it).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on June 07, 2015, 05:35:18 pm
Man, I could smell the kill screen. Risk management is a key component to continually advancing through the boards. I was making much better decisions overall, which allowed me to get as far as I did, but all but one of the deaths were clearly of my own doing.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 07, 2015, 05:49:01 pm
Nice score and welcome. I too believe in submitting every score increase. We all start somewhere and when you are learning to deal with the level 4 springs/wild barrels a score of 100k is the first milestone gets you hooked on this crazy game. We all know about Billy Mitchell and Steve Sanders back in the day, but I NEVER saw a score higher than 60-80k on a DK machine back then. Usually a level 3 Pie success was good to get you high in the top 5 list (at the arcades I played in and DK was everywhere). I love seeing new blood playing Kong and getting that high score list fever. In the words of Robbie Lakeman 'keep grinding!'
It's low and I'm sure that many might wonder why I am taking the time to submit it. I am here to learn, to improve, to challenge myself, and to support the DK community. I love the idea of the HSL and I want to watch myself climb higher. How high can I climb?
I am huge supporter of people submitting every score they get and not just waiting until they get a #1 score, or a score they're "happy" with, etc. The competition and scoreboard becomes better and more legitimate that way, in my opinion.
Everything looks good. Your score has been verified and the High Score List ( has been updated! You enter ranked #258 and I look forward to seeing you climb the ranks!
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated: playing style, video setup, strategy, etc.
For video quality, consider increasing the capture frame rate. It looks like your video was somewhere around 7 FPS. If your equipment allows for it, try to increase that to at least 25. 30 is standard, 60 is Kreygasm.
As far as playing tips, there are a lot of things that are best learned by repetition (springs, how to jump certain barrel combos, etc.). One specific tip I can offer is to make sure you're always steering barrels out of your way. Take a look at your last death in this game. If you had steered the two barrels down the ladder right as your hammer ran out you could have climbed the up and finished the level before the fireball made its way over.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 07, 2015, 05:56:29 pm
Man, I could smell the kill screen. Risk management is a key component to continually advancing through the boards. I was making much better decisions overall, which allowed me to get as far as I did, but all but one of the deaths were clearly of my own doing.
AWESOME! I know at least 4 players who are going for their first Kill Screen so it's going to be a great summer of Kong milestones. Congrats on your new high score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 07, 2015, 06:32:02 pm
Man, I could smell the kill screen. Risk management is a key component to continually advancing through the boards. I was making much better decisions overall, which allowed me to get as far as I did, but all but one of the deaths were clearly of my own doing.
Awesome man! Your progress is inspiring me. Can't wait to see your KillScreen
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 07, 2015, 06:33:23 pm
Nice score and welcome. I too believe in submitting every score increase. We all start somewhere and when you are learning to deal with the level 4 springs/wild barrels a score of 100k is the first milestone gets you hooked on this crazy game. We all know about Billy Mitchell and Steve Sanders back in the day, but I NEVER saw a score higher than 60-80k on a DK machine back then. Usually a level 3 Pie success was good to get you high in the top 5 list (at the arcades I played in and DK was everywhere). I love seeing new blood playing Kong and getting that high score list fever. In the words of Robbie Lakeman 'keep grinding!'
Thanks Billy, I really appreciate it. I've been watching your impressive scores. Great job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 07, 2015, 06:34:04 pm
Top 100 achieved, killscreen right around the corner! Your score has been verified and the HSL ( has been updated. Time to update that forum signature. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 07, 2015, 11:01:23 pm
Nice to see so many players upping their scores and making sure Jry has something to do. Congrats guys! Keep em comin'!
Yeah It's great to see people progressing Kreygasm . A lot of newer people around lately really pushing for their 1st ks which is great (I'm reminded of the great JCB/ Staal race to 1st KS <3 ) <Allen>" stop goin good!"
Be sure to sign up for Eric's free to enter tournament (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 11, 2015, 01:47:52 am
Billy Gaines 747,600 Arcade June 11th (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on June 11, 2015, 02:43:11 am
wow so close of a kill screen! I'll need to watch you play more, it's just a matter of time until you kill screen. Keep going! lovit Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 11, 2015, 07:11:53 am
Billy Gaines 747,600 Arcade June 11th (
So close! Maybe take a break for a few days and get that first KS during the Online Open...bounty $$$ Kreygasm ;D
Score has been verified and HSL ( updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 11, 2015, 08:40:51 am
Good stuff Billy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 11, 2015, 11:01:36 am
WOW ... so much love! Thanks! I can't wait to see what you guys do at the Kong Off #4. There are 4 or 5 guys that I know of (including myself) that will pop a L=22 any day now. It's fun being in the mix. It's a great time to be a Konger! Thanks again!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 11, 2015, 11:52:14 am
Nice Job, Billy! Kreygasm You're gonna get a KS any time now. <Mruczek> Gotta beat the other Billy!!! <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on June 15, 2015, 08:07:39 pm
Well fuck. There's not much to say except gg and ( BibleThump.
But, you've jumped <Tim> again on the HSL ( keep going good sir.
Wow ... 1.12 pace! You are knocking on the top 10 door. You passed <Tim>. <Billy> & <Wiebe> are next. I bet you knockout a 1.1 out during the tourney that starts in under a day. That has to be the worst way to have a game end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on June 16, 2015, 12:19:43 pm
New PB today. Unfortunately we had company at the house and wife made me put away the video setup. Ugh! Lots of work to do, but I'm happy I broke out of the rut I was in.
Hopefully I'll get the next one on video so I can officially submit.
137,100 PV Arcade 6/16/15
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on June 16, 2015, 05:10:12 pm
Here is a slight improvement on 1-1 for me. 6/11/2015 12700.
Excellent score, Mark! I suspect you'll reach 13K long before I do.
I strongly recommend adding "Eminence Front" to your DK music rotation. It kicked in near the end of this latest 1-1 achievement, and it was also playing at the start of your 1,137,500 game on September 23rd of last year.
The song is in my main DK playlist as well, although I have yet to notice a pattern of encouraging results. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 16, 2015, 10:58:22 pm
Here is a slight improvement on 1-1 for me. 6/11/2015 12700.
Love it. Another PB from Secret Private DK Island! :) Please continue to go good, sir. You're score has been updated on the 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 16, 2015, 11:00:53 pm
I will be waiting until after DKO #1 to verify and update any new score submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on June 16, 2015, 11:20:53 pm
edit: INP file is too large to upload :( edit2: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on June 18, 2015, 06:53:34 pm
Fluked into this 1-1 pb considering all the 800s and hesitant execution, but anyway...12900 6/19/15
when is 13k
I mean, wow, great job sir, global moderator sir, pls don't ban me sir. :-[ I verified your score and updated the 1-1 HSL ( and everything! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 22, 2015, 05:56:58 am
Congrats Dan! I know you've been working hard at this one. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Onward to 1.1!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: alumbrada on June 22, 2015, 06:03:37 am
Steadily climbing on the Start HSL ( :) I wish people would submit to this one more often.
You are not even on the Start HSL. <confused>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: timhett on June 22, 2015, 06:31:52 am
All that grinding Dan and you got a huge cup of coffee! Kreygasm Great job sir! <Tim>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: danman123456 on June 22, 2015, 06:41:06 am
Wow nice breakdown. Thanks sir.... And thanks everyone yeah I finally make it to the end and had two stupid deaths too. One on the rivets I should have avoided that was me trying to be slick and it just didn't jump when i backed up and fell into the rivet hole. The barrel board was a doh too if there was audio you could hear me angry at myself for not backjumping that 2nd barrel. FailFish - Otherwise pretty happy finally got one and in a tournament no less. Now I've got me just over 8 days to get that 1.1 million.... Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 22, 2015, 07:46:20 am
Just to get a score up
Andrew Barrow 1on1: 11,500 WolfMAME 0.130
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on June 22, 2015, 08:14:55 am
Jeremy Young Two submissions, both with WolfMAME 0.162 INPs attached.
Hey Jeremy,
Both submissions have been verified. In order to preserve 100% data synchronization, I shall leave the actual HSL and master file maintenance in your capable hands.
Looks good! Standard procedure for submitting INPs is to put them in a ZIP file, but this one is small enough that it didn't matter. Your score has been verified and added to the 1-1 HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on June 23, 2015, 04:19:19 am
Looks good! Standard procedure for submitting INPs is to put them in a ZIP file, but this one is small enough that it didn't matter. Your score has been verified and added to the 1-1 HSL (!
Thanks, xelnia. Sorry for not zipping, I will do so for future MAME submission. I expect most of my submissions to be arcade, but was inspired to post a 1-1 score after watching your 1-1 run last night, and didn't feel like setting up all the capture hardware. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on June 25, 2015, 06:24:19 pm
No doubt inspired by Robie Lakeman's New world record of last night. I just Beat my Personnal best by 100k (363400 - 462900) wich now makes me #106 in the rankings i can smell the kill screen now :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on June 25, 2015, 06:25:11 pm
Estel and I discussed this score and even though it was set during DKO2015 #1 we decided it was better to submit with an INP, or from his newly acquired PCB. Kreygasm pls go sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 27, 2015, 10:22:23 am
No doubt inspired by Robie Lakeman's New world record of last night. I just Beat my Personnal best by 100k (363400 - 462900) wich now makes me #106 in the rankings i can smell the kill screen now :D
Congratulations! Another player poised to join the top #100 and make a serious run at the killscreen! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on June 27, 2015, 11:13:13 am
working on that kill screen right now :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on June 28, 2015, 06:15:19 pm
528300 a step closer not the best run but ill take it the last 2 deaths were awful :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 29, 2015, 10:41:14 am
I would not be surprised if your next submission is a killscreen! Yes, the last 2 deaths were unfortunate, but those mistakes are easily fixed. Your score has been verified and the HSL ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on July 06, 2015, 10:27:14 pm
Graham Hawkins 1045900 (killscreen)
Twitch stream (which cuts out at 800-900k unfortunately, after my internet went down): ( WolfMAME .153 INP: (
Shout out to Jason Wade who stuck in for just about the whole stream. Sorry you missed the ending!
This improves on my previous PB of 933600 from last August.
This is also my entry in DKO#2. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 06, 2015, 11:11:39 pm
Twitch stream (which cuts out at 800-900k unfortunately, after my internet went down): ( WolfMAME .153 INP: (
Shout out to Jason Wade who stuck in for just about the whole stream. Sorry you missed the ending!
This improves on my previous PB of 933600 from last August.
Twitch stream (which cuts out at 800-900k unfortunately, after my internet went down): ( WolfMAME .153 INP: (
Shout out to Jason Wade who stuck in for just about the whole stream. Sorry you missed the ending!
This improves on my previous PB of 933600 from last August.
This is also my entry in DKO#2. :)
Awesome score, Graham! Kreygasm
Huge last man. You were really in the zone.
Too bad I didn't get to shoutbox you. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 07, 2015, 02:55:05 am
Oh yer!
Congrats Graham! Your skill set on this game is Kreygasm
Great score for the open too :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on July 07, 2015, 03:18:10 am
Nice work Graham Kreygasm
Gutted I missed it.
Well done mate, way to go sir!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on July 07, 2015, 04:10:40 am
Definitely proud of this game. I've been reflecting on it and it was nothing short of a huge and unexpected success. You guys are all great and thanks for being there with me! Not sure if I could have made it that far without you guys. No disappointment whatsoever. This was a massive success and the experience means a tremendous amount to me. This is an amazing group, and I got to feel that to the fullest. Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 13, 2015, 05:21:01 am
Definitely proud of this game. I've been reflecting on it and it was nothing short of a huge and unexpected success. You guys are all great and thanks for being there with me! Not sure if I could have made it that far without you guys. No disappointment whatsoever. This was a massive success and the experience means a tremendous amount to me. This is an amazing group, and I got to feel that to the fullest. Thank you.
Wow! Great job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on July 13, 2015, 07:39:46 am
Congrats Joe!!! Huge sir!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on July 13, 2015, 08:33:27 am
Definitely proud of this game. I've been reflecting on it and it was nothing short of a huge and unexpected success. You guys are all great and thanks for being there with me! Not sure if I could have made it that far without you guys. No disappointment whatsoever. This was a massive success and the experience means a tremendous amount to me. This is an amazing group, and I got to feel that to the fullest. Thank you.
Joe, you hold your head up high. Even Robbie said that was a screwing. You played like a champ until the clock ran out. It's like blaming yourself for someone else farting in a public restroom. DK farted on your KS. It's on the crazy girlfriend stealing ape. Next time you'll get that other rivet and it will be awesome. There is no one without a Kill Screen who is closer than you. Kick ass job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on July 13, 2015, 10:22:43 am
Nice to see some new pb's during these DKO's! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 13, 2015, 06:28:25 pm
Definitely proud of this game. I've been reflecting on it and it was nothing short of a huge and unexpected success. You guys are all great and thanks for being there with me! Not sure if I could have made it that far without you guys. No disappointment whatsoever. This was a massive success and the experience means a tremendous amount to me. This is an amazing group, and I got to feel that to the fullest. Thank you.
Great game, and a heart breaker for sure. F Kong and his mindless minions! Here's to hoping your next game is a KS. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 14, 2015, 08:17:44 am
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Great game sir. A lot of players wouldn't have much hope for finishing a point-pressing game when they're on their last life on Level 9. Kudos for sticking it out and keeping up the pace throughout.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 14, 2015, 08:19:57 am
Verified and updated on the HSL ( In contrast to Graham's game, Jason (while playing at a pace above his personal best) made it to 21-5 with 2 men to spare and was able to cash them in for ~22k. Great games by both players in two very different situations.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 14, 2015, 08:30:58 am
One rivet away. BibleThump Regardless, you had a good crowd rooting you on in the chat and we were all excited for your new PB (verified and updated on the HSL ( Any quarter could be the one...please keep going good sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 14, 2015, 08:32:52 am
That should wrap up all the recent submissions in this thread.
Martin Laing and Jon McCourt: if you guys read this, do you have INPs for your PBs set during the tourney? If so can you post them here so we can get you updated on the HSL? That also goes for anyone else I may have missed. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 14, 2015, 11:33:08 am
Thank you Jry <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 15, 2015, 02:09:07 pm
Adam Mon 1-1 submission 13,300
inp attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on July 15, 2015, 02:16:22 pm
Holy shit, huge Adamate Kreygasm
You and I are now tied (but you probably deserve the 13,300 more than me, since I got 5x800 for blue smashes Kappa )
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on July 15, 2015, 02:28:25 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
fk adam mate that was awesome...youll get 14k one day i reckon :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 15, 2015, 02:35:17 pm
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Grabs bottom hammer @ 2300 Bonus w/ 5300 points. Finishes @ 1900 w/ 9000 (3 blues smashes: 300, 800, 500). Grabs top hammer @ 800 Bonus w/ 10000 and gets 2 blue smashes (800, 300).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 15, 2015, 02:38:59 pm
Thank you mates <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheABL on July 15, 2015, 04:38:33 pm
I just made my first kill screen at 748.400 ended 16 of july 2015 (Danish time) (15 of July US time) <popcorn> it was awsome but with some mistakes...finished with last life...but nice to get it done ;) i lost my connection to twitch server 15 min ingame.....but recorded it on harddrive to. Here is both links to the recording on twitch ( (
And here is the full lenght recording to youtube (being uploaded now so can take some hours before it is ready) (
On a note if not mistaken and if Johnny did not come to kill screen by now (but he did not have it last wednesday), it is the first National Kill screen in Denmark :) it was a nice joust we had for the last 7 month who would get it first, it has bin quite a race and we have been poke at from a lot of good danish arcade player (EXA GYRUSS champ, Svavar, the guys from "The Shed", Chassis arcade and lots more) so it has been wild fun, almost for a new "king of Kong" video hehe, a production company wanted to make it lol.
so during work for 12 hours day in day out and playing on the side it took me 1 year... big thanks and shout out to Global Picturez, Fat film, EXA (Kim Kanonarm), Chassis Arcade, Svavar,Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell (inspiration), Thomas (RIP), Søren, Johnny Bonde (Fliplismc) for the battle to first danish kill screen, the shed (looking forward to finally come over for some fun), f_symbols (for recording tips etc), and and of course Donkeykongforum for support and help, etc more people and places ;) work in 3 hours so better get to bed and stop writing a novel....but it has been awsome, next step improve score, i did not go for a big score only to get to Kill screen, and found new personal use in pie stage, and control of fire at ribbon and pie, just a feeling but it worked for me. though some stupid stupid deaths...12 hours work day... again sorry for the novel had to get it out, good night. <Wiebe> <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 15, 2015, 04:53:40 pm
Congrats mate!, The 1st killscreen is a rush! Glad to hear you will continue playing.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 15, 2015, 06:28:15 pm
Well my new PB start score hardly compares to TheABL's kill screen, but here it is. Congrats TheABL!
Chris Gleed 7/15/15 123,100 start score (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on July 15, 2015, 07:41:34 pm
I just made my first kill screen at 748.400 ended 16 of july 2015 (Danish time) (15 of July US time) <popcorn>
Congratulations! It always great to see the hard work pay off. I hope you and Johnny both continue to challenge each other and increase your scores! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Statistics for your game are attached below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 16, 2015, 08:42:01 am
I just made my first kill screen at 748.400 ended 16 of july 2015 (Danish time) (15 of July US time) <popcorn>
Congratulations! It always great to see the hard work pay off. I hope you and Johnny both continue to challenge each other and increase your scores! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Statistics for your game are attached below.
Thank you so much for the awsome chart and accepted score, much appreciated :) And ya i hope there will be plenty of more KO challange between Johnny and me, makes it so much more fun and scary :) and for sure all that hard work really gave a huge relief when hit the goal phew, awsome feeling today not even tired at work. Look forward to much more gaming, hitting the arcade in the weekend. <Wiebe> <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on July 16, 2015, 12:52:31 pm
Kongrats on your first kill screen mate! Your final score is pretty bad for a kill screen, but who gives a sh*t, all that matters is reaching that damn kill screen Kreygasm Kreygasm Kappa
I really enjoy having new player reaching a first kill screen in 2015, it shows that Donkey Kong is not ready to die yet and has a lot of good years to come!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheABL on July 16, 2015, 01:31:32 pm
Kongrats on your first kill screen mate! Your final score is pretty bad for a kill screen, but who gives a sh*t, all that matters is reaching that damn kill screen Kreygasm Kreygasm Kappa
I really enjoy having new player reaching a first kill screen in 2015, it shows that Donkey Kong is not ready to die yet and has a lot of good years to come!
Thanks alot mate, ya the score was pretty bad my tactic the last year (well maybe even less then a year) was to reach the kill screen and ignore the score to get the first danish kill screen, on that game i had a low lvl scores due to sidewatching a movie the first 30-40 min + smoking, while waiting on top ladder.....stupid really, focus focus.... i played DK first time as 5-6 year old (barely remember) trying to smack tha barrels lmao, but ofc to hard for a kid to get anywhere, it's not for kids!! and did not start playing again until last year (33 years) with the goal of Kill screen :) startet in the arcade with no plan at first lmao. but was an awsome ride so far not finished, really love that game :) DK will never die!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fliplismc on July 16, 2015, 06:17:50 pm
Kongrats on the killscreen Anders! You beat me to it. Svavar just called me this morning, well played
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on July 16, 2015, 09:12:41 pm
Hi, new PB.
This was a practice game before the last Online comp. Final score 916200.
Stoked to get this on the Friday and then another KS on the Monday night of the comp.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 17, 2015, 04:23:16 am
This was a practice game before the last Online comp. Final score 916200.
All the Kiwis leaving ol' Barra in the dust. <stirpot>
Well done sir. That first death at 13-2 was a bummer, but having an extra man to sac on 21-5 makes up for it, I think. :) Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on July 18, 2015, 02:14:35 am
Thanks for verifying. That's one detailed breakdown of scores. Really helpful.
Will push for 1m now. Have had two 850k plus games at pace but still limited for time. We'll keep practicing my save state to keep skills up and hope to fit in some late night games soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 26, 2015, 04:09:13 pm
Chris Gleed 7/26/15 10,400 L1-1 score (
Only a 100 point improvement, but an improvement nonetheless and it bumps me up 1 rung on the L1-1 list. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 26, 2015, 07:20:40 pm
Chris Gleed 7/26/15 PB High Score Submission 716,800 L18-1 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 27, 2015, 11:26:50 am
Chris Gleed 7/26/15 PB High Score Submission 716,800 L18-1 (
Both of these scores have been verified and updated on their respective HSLs. Tough break on the full game...back-to-back deaths on 11-6, and I'm sure you'd like a do-over on the 16-6 death. :) Killscreen is coming any day now sir, keep on the grind!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 27, 2015, 12:57:17 pm
Thank you, xelnia. The 11-6 deaths could have been better managed from the start of the boards, the 16-6 and 18-1 deaths were nothing short of execution error on my part. FailFish Just gives me more reason to continue challenging myself.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 27, 2015, 04:23:04 pm
Thank you, xelnia. The 11-6 deaths could have been better managed from the start of the boards, the 16-6 and 18-1 deaths were nothing short of execution error on my part. FailFish Just gives me more reason to continue challenging myself.
Really impressive, Chris! Keep it up. I've enjoyed watching you progress!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 27, 2015, 06:53:36 pm
Thanks, DG! When are we going to see another submission from you? ???
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 28, 2015, 07:45:55 am
Thanks, DG! When are we going to see another submission from you? ???
Cabinet conversion is complete. Now I just need to setup the camera and start getting some games under my belt!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 29, 2015, 06:34:09 am
Robert Copley PB 158,100 7/29/2015 Arcade
Personal Best 1st man score: 113,500
My video setup stinks. I apologize in advance. If I scrap a video, I have to wait for it to compress before I can begin recording the next video. So this clip starts midway through a game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 29, 2015, 04:38:34 pm
Congrats sir. The video evidence is sufficient to verify this score and I've updated it on the HSL ( Next stop 200k and top 200!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 29, 2015, 05:32:55 pm
Thanks! My sights are set on 200/200!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 30, 2015, 07:38:13 am
Nice work, DG! Onward and upward!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on July 31, 2015, 02:47:53 pm
Robert Copley Personal Best Arcade 7/31/15
I'm still gunning for 200k!!! so close.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 01, 2015, 02:49:47 am
Nice progress, sir! Welcome to the top 200! Video quality is good and since it contains a full game I can provide you with some game stats. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Getting a little more comfortable with the springs and avoiding the wild barrels and your scores will skyrocket!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 01, 2015, 08:13:16 am
Chris Gleed 8/1/15 PB Score submission 718,700 L18-1
Marginal improvement, but improvement nonetheless.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 01, 2015, 10:19:09 am
I thought I had it on this one, but I started getting hungry and jittery around L17, due to having a cup of coffee before starting and then sipping coffee while playing to keep my focus up, and it ended up throwing my focus off. FailFish I need to keep some trail mix or something within arm's reach while playing. <blinky>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 01, 2015, 01:24:51 pm
I thought I had it on this one, but I started getting hungry and jittery around L17, due to having a cup of coffee before starting and then sipping coffee while playing to keep my focus up, and it ended up throwing my focus off. FailFish I need to keep some trail mix or something within arm's reach while playing. <blinky>
Have you watched the documentary High Score? Interesting to watch him prepare for his marathon Mussile Command attempt.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 03, 2015, 12:21:17 am
This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Your play is very consistent. Take a look at the stats from your last submission ( You died on the same board, deep in the game, with almost identical level averages, pace, final score, and play time. I expect that first killscreen to be over 900k! Any day now sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 04, 2015, 07:49:37 am
As always, thank you for the expert analysis!
I thought I had gotten a few boards "higher" than my previous PB, but I guess not. :o
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MJMeerman on August 05, 2015, 03:45:41 pm
Mitchell Meerman MAME August 5, 2015 Total: 423,100
INP and WLM attached as ZIP.
Finally, after 16 months of inactivity and not being able to break 300K, I up my score by 110K. BIG BIG BIG Kreygasm
Really mad about that last death, though. I knew I needed to jump and I froze. Swore super loud when the barrel hit me FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 06, 2015, 04:25:41 pm
Robert Copley 8/6/2015 Arcade 205,600
Overall I played a similar game to my last score. Silly deaths and just a misunderstanding of wild barrels. But its a PB, so here it is. Finally cracked 200k, even if only by a little bit! Next stop is 300k and the top 150.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 07, 2015, 01:30:35 am
Mitchell Meerman MAME August 5, 2015 Total: 423,100
Good to see you submitting scores again! Congrats on the new PB; keep going sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 07, 2015, 01:33:29 am
200k achieved! Verified and updated on the HSL ( As you get more comfortable with the game mechanics your scores will quickly skyrocket.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 07, 2015, 02:45:13 pm
Any advice on improving my knowledge of the game mechanics? (Other than just playing of course.)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: konghusker on August 10, 2015, 02:49:53 pm
submitting the score of 1,110,000 in 3 part youtube videos below
part 1 (
part 2 (
part 3 (
Thanks guys
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 10, 2015, 05:58:28 pm
submitting the score of 1,110,000 in 3 part youtube videos below
part 1 (
part 2 (
part 3 (
Thanks guys
Great game sir! Nice to see movement within the top 10. The cuts between the 3 videos all look good so they're clearly all from the same game. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( (and should be updated on the site banner shortly). Game stats attached below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on August 10, 2015, 06:11:43 pm
Hi everyone! Just got a new PB for a Donkey Kong start high score. Todd Lalonde 116,200 for ending level 4 with no deaths achieved on Monday August 10th. Here is the link to the twitch highlight, (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 11, 2015, 06:49:44 am
Hi everyone! Just got a new PB for a Donkey Kong start high score. Todd Lalonde 116,200 for ending level 4 with no deaths achieved on Monday August 10th. Here is the link to the twitch highlight, (
Welcome to the Start HSL (, sir! Your score has been verified and added.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 11, 2015, 03:54:19 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 11, 2015, 07:31:20 pm
Thanks, Robert. Congrats to you on breaking 200k!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 11, 2015, 07:47:06 pm
Thanks. I was watching your game & my wife was in the room reading. When your wife came into the room, my wife said, "I'm not bringing you food while you play!"
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 12, 2015, 10:53:02 am
LOL, I tried my best to be patient and courteous. :-[ It was very thoughtful of her to bring me lunch, but at the same time I was concentrating on what turned out be my best game to date, and she was trying to start a conversation...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 12, 2015, 11:00:32 am
LOL, I tried my best to be patient and courteous. :-[ It was very thoughtful of her to bring me lunch, but at the same time I was concentrating on what turned out be my best game to date, and she was trying to start a conversation...
Great job Chris!
a bunch of us were watching as you closed in on the final few levels, really impressive play, You and Jeff Willms are probably the only players that use the flashing 1 UP trick as far as I know, I still don't fully understand it <confused> and removing the rivets without jumping over them is also pretty swaggy, although I wouldn't use it deep in a game unless I absolutely had to ;D
Killscreen any day now. Good luck.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 12, 2015, 11:50:24 am
What is the "Flashing 1Up trick" does it have something to do with the fact that Chris sometimes pauses momentarily on the barrel boards before completing the final ladder climb?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 12, 2015, 11:57:05 am
Thanks, Adam. Wow, I didn't realize people were actually watching...that increases the pressure. :P
For flashing 1UP, my technique is to watch the flashing, and go when I see the 1UP on screen. The few split seconds of reaction time results in actually reaching the top of the ladder while the 1UP is off screen. It took a lot of just doing it repeatedly to actually get to a point of being able to time it correctly. That's how I do it at least. Robert - I suggest reading the advanced pie factory thread, but in a nutshell, it eliminates having the 5th fireball spawn "late" (or delayed), which has multiple benefits.
I only clear the bottom left rivet without going over it, with very rare exception. And as you can probably tell, I verify that I haven't cleared it before pulling left so I don't accidentally run back into the hole. I also don't do it if there's any chance of a fireball being in close proximity. My opinion is that it saves a few milliseconds, which typically pay off elsewhere.
As for my last death, I think I got bit by one of those springs that moves more quickly on the horizontal plain than the typical spring. That's a thing, right? I seem to recall reading that in xelnia's awesome Spring Theory thread. The only other explanation is I simply mis-timed it, which is also certainly possible.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 12, 2015, 12:34:19 pm
For flashing 1UP, my technique is to watch the flashing, and go when I see the 1UP on screen. The few split seconds of reaction time results in actually reaching the top of the ladder while the 1UP is off screen. It took a lot of just doing it repeatedly to actually get to a point of being able to time it correctly. That's how I do it at least. Robert - I suggest reading the advanced pie factory thread, but in a nutshell, it eliminates having the 5th fireball spawn "late" (or delayed), which has multiple benefits.
As Adam said, there really is no one else doing this so it speaks to the amount of research and dedication you've put into your game. Great stuff.
I only clear the bottom left rivet without going over it, with very rare exception. And as you can probably tell, I verify that I haven't cleared it before pulling left so I don't accidentally run back into the hole. I also don't do it if there's any chance of a fireball being in close proximity. My opinion is that it saves a few milliseconds, which typically pay off elsewhere.
I think you might save time only if you remove the "verification" part of that move. Pausing to check your position probably negates the time-save and makes it about the same as walking over the rivet and jumping back. I haven't examined it that closely though.
As for my last death, I think I got bit by one of those springs that moves more quickly on the horizontal plain than the typical spring. That's a thing, right? I seem to recall reading that in xelnia's awesome Spring Theory thread. The only other explanation is I simply mis-timed it, which is also certainly possible.
The springs all move at the same rate across the screen. The difference is their starting point. It's hard to tell the exact springs on the video, but it looks like the leading spring is a 10 or 11 and the trailing spring is a 0 or 1. That would give you 12-17 frames (.2 - .28 seconds roughly) of breathing room. It looks to me like you might have cornered onto the ladder a little too late.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on August 12, 2015, 02:00:23 pm
The "Chris Gleed First Rivet Kiss". Everyone needs a signature move! Currently mine is: Dying.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 12, 2015, 05:17:32 pm
Seriously, though, Robert you've got the signature game room that makes my dingy man cave look like a polished turd. ;D
Jeremy, you may be right about the rivet kiss, I will now have to do some side-by-side video documentation to determine or disprove any advantage my technique may provide vs. running over and back-jumping. Ultimately, my technique is not as awesome as Dean's (does anybody else expertly clear the rivets without jumping?). I'm sure you're right about my ladder cornering, too. Nerves got the best of me on that one. :'(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 14, 2015, 03:58:00 am
Andrew Barrow 14/8/2015 1,014,600 L22-Ethan WolfMAME 0.164 ( Part 1 ( Part 2 It cut out on L20-4 just as I was grabbing the purse. But the second part starts up before the cut out, and I had zero dropped frames. Thanks, Twitch
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: alumbrada on August 14, 2015, 04:56:40 am
Andrew Barrow 14/8/2015 1,014,600 L22-Ethan WolfMAME 0.164 ( Part 1 ( Part 2 It cut out on L20-4 just as I was grabbing the purse. But the second part starts up before the cut out, and I had zero dropped frames. Thanks, Twitch
You'll see it here first ladies and gentlemen (
No <stirpot> needed, you called it! You were on fire the whole time, even avoiding a Mitch Shoutbox Curse. Great game and perfect timing to claim some cash.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 14, 2015, 07:06:38 am
Andrew Barrow 14/8/2015 1,014,600 L22-Ethan WolfMAME 0.164 ( Part 1 ( Part 2 It cut out on L20-4 just as I was grabbing the purse. But the second part starts up before the cut out, and I had zero dropped frames. Thanks, Twitch
Congratulations sir! A PB, a 1M+ score, and $$$ as well! I actually made a prediction you would win this Event. Your score has been verified and updated on the Main HSL ( (and note that it is now a Top 12 MAME score, as well).
Aside from the f_symbols KS strat, people should take note of the Level 12 rivet screen. A massive board of 12,100 points aided by 11 smashes. I've already given him a hard time about it, but had Andrew jumped out the remainder of that board he would have likely ended up with a 13,500 rivet...a new world record. <Allen> I hope you continue to play, sir. You're one of the rare gamers that can truly master any game they touch, so pls...continue to go good.
EDIT: Note that I have included the "Race to 1M" as a source for this game. Since Wes is running the event and acting as an independent adjudicator I believe any scores set during this event should include a reference to that additional verification.
EDIT 2: Fixed the "MIN" barrel stat
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 14, 2015, 07:52:04 am
Congratulations sir! A PB, a 1M+ score, and $$$ as well! I actually made a prediction you would win this Event. Your score has been verified and updated on the Main HSL ( (and note that it is now a Top 12 MAME score, as well).
Aside from the f_symbols KS strat, people should take note of the Level 12 rivet screen. A massive board of 12,100 points aided by 11 smashes. I've already given him a hard time about it, but had Andrew jumped out the remainder of that board he would have likely ended up with a 13,500 rivet...a new world record. <Allen>
Can't say thanks enough, mate. <3 your charts :) Oh and that rivet, there was a fireball on the right and a bottom spawner so <thefinger> !!!.............Kappa
I hope you continue to play, sir. You're one of the rare gamers that can truly master any game they touch, so pls...continue to go good.
Tears mate BibleThump <3<3<3 I'll continue to play for sure. It would be a tremendous disservice to my cobbas if I were to stop now. Maybe I'll go for 14k 1-1. (Lol)
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 14, 2015, 07:59:57 am
Well done, sir. From the shadows you sprang, claiming the #36 spot on the High Score List ( That 1M+ is right around the corner (and hopefully some bounty $$$ too). Please see the attached photo for some stats on your game. A new player demands a new chart!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on August 17, 2015, 07:12:29 am
Thanks, guys. Wow...sweet chart, xelnia. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 17, 2015, 09:49:08 am
Start sub: 137,300
couldn't get much point pressing done on the rivets due to uncooperative fire nastiness.
140k ruined by the fire. Oh well, you'll get it next time. 8) Start HSL ( has been updated, sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 17, 2015, 11:27:50 am
Thanks mate <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on August 17, 2015, 12:57:49 pm
Nice work Adam! That rivet total was actually pretty decent. Obviously you'd hope to get a bit more with the Level 3 rivet but it's rare for all of the early rivets to go perfectly. Given this breakdown, you could actually reach 140k by improving just the elevator screens! Keep it up.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on August 18, 2015, 10:20:18 am
John McCurdy 08/17/2015 1010500 ( Pt. 1 ( Pt. 2
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 18, 2015, 01:08:56 pm ( Pt. 1 ( Pt. 2
Congratulations on your 1st million point game sir! Interesting strategy on 22-1. Kappa The HSL ( has been updated. Please be sure to submit this score to TG for the bounty. You don't have to wait for your other score to be accepted.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on August 18, 2015, 06:30:24 pm
Thanks, xelnia. It seems that I already used my Twin Galaxies one free submission point the other day for my previous game, and I am not entirely sure what to do in order to acquire more. Oh, and who should I talk to about the free kill screen badge I received...what kill screen? Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 18, 2015, 06:34:28 pm
Thanks, xelnia. It seems that I already used my Twin Galaxies one free submission point the other day for my previous game, and I am not entirely sure what to do in order to acquire more. Oh, and who should I talk to about the free kill screen badge I received...what kill screen? Kappa
You just need to vote "successfully" on some TG submissions. I believe submissions currently cost 3 points, which means you need to be on the correct side of 3 votes. So, vote on your own submission, then check the most recent posts in the Reject Me Please! (!) thread for submissions with errors that people are asking to be rejected. Those usually wrap up pretty quickly. There are also ∞ Guitar Hero/Rock Band submissions you can vote on.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on August 18, 2015, 07:43:23 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 19, 2015, 07:22:46 pm
Very nice. Kongrats! [/quote]
Thank you, sir! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on August 23, 2015, 07:33:11 pm
Hey guys,
Not really sure how to do this or if I should even be doing it at all, but I crushed my PB today on my cabinet. Feeling pretty great about it! The link to the Twitch highlight and my information are below. I showed the board and the 4-way restrictor plate on the bottom of the control panel. Not sure if I did it all right.
Score: 316,700 Date: Sunday, August 23, 2015 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 23, 2015, 07:47:12 pm
wow sir, well done! Sorry I missed it, please keep going good and congrats again on acquiring a cab :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bach730 on August 23, 2015, 08:53:20 pm
Do you happen to have the inp and wlf files for this game? Those files are needed for WolfMAME 106 submissions (just put them in a ZIP file and attach to a post).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on August 24, 2015, 09:13:32 am
Do you happen to have the inp and wlf files for this game? Those files are needed for WolfMAME 106 submissions (just put them in a ZIP file and attach to a post).
Sure - I have added the files in the original post. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 24, 2015, 07:48:25 pm
Great job to Aaron, Brian and Karsten! Keep going, sirs!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on August 25, 2015, 04:19:06 am
Not really sure how to do this or if I should even be doing it at all, but I crushed my PB today on my cabinet. Feeling pretty great about it! The link to the Twitch highlight and my information are below. I showed the board and the 4-way restrictor plate on the bottom of the control panel. Not sure if I did it all right.
Score: 316,700 Date: Sunday, August 23, 2015 (
Video looks good, sir. Your score has been verified; welcome to the High Score List (! Congrats on the new PB and the new cabinet! Hope to see some more scores from you soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2015, 07:31:00 am
For those that didn't see this game, Brian's stream cut out at 401,700. He restarted the stream after his final death at 439,000. The question was whether he could submit this score or not. The first highlight contains game footage and attract mode prior to the submitted score. It also shows the beginning of the submitted score up through 401,700. The second highlight shows the final score, attract mode, and a restart showing lives and bonus setting.
The first stream of this submission began at approximately 11:38:34 AM 9 (my time), ran for approximately 1:00:55 (cross-checked with the un-highlighted previous broadcast), then cut out. The second stream began at approximately 12:25:58 PM, roughly 6:29 after the first stream cut out. Considering the pace at which Brian was playing, 6 1/2 minutes is enough time to score another 37,300 points, die, then restart the stream.
In my opinion there is enough evidence to support adding the 439,000 score to the HSL instead of the 401,700, so that is what I've done.
Attached are the stats I was able to gather from the available footage. Brian, if you know the final board and any of the missing score values, please let me know and I will update this chart. Congrats on the new PB sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2015, 07:34:03 am
Thank you for providing the INP/WLF files! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL! I know you've been a forum member for quite awhile so it's great to finally see a submission.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on August 30, 2015, 04:29:51 pm
Wasn't able to get 1m, but this score is good enough to make me move to 1.1m... <popcorn> <stirpot>
This one was much easier to verify than your last kill screen. Kappa Well done sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( A PB increase of 113,800 jumps you 23 spots on the leaderboard!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on August 31, 2015, 07:18:53 pm
Not quite as good as Wes' 140k start, but it'll do. Kappa <stirpot> <Tim>
I was pretty interested to see how this Start played out because the score after the first 3 boards was only 27,800. A good score, of course, but I was wondering where the rest of the points would come from. It turns out that Robbie has set the newest highest mark for a total Level 4 score at 53,400. If the last fireball hadn't climbed up on the rivet stage he would have been able to get at least 54,000. As it turns out, the L4 rivet score was 12,100...100 points shy of the 12,200 mark that Dean set just a couple of weeks ago.
Both the Start HSL ( and the Individual Level and Stage Records ( have been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on September 02, 2015, 11:44:15 am
Not quite as good as Wes' 140k start, but it'll do. Kappa <stirpot> <Tim>
I was pretty interested to see how this Start played out because the score after the first 3 boards was only 27,800. A good score, of course, but I was wondering where the rest of the points would come from. It turns out that Robbie has set the newest highest mark for a total Level 4 score at 53,400. If the last fireball hadn't climbed up on the rivet stage he would have been able to get at least 54,000. As it turns out, the L4 rivet score was 12,100...100 points shy of the 12,200 mark that Dean set just a couple of weeks ago.
Both the Start HSL ( and the Individual Level and Stage Records ( have been updated.
The funny thing was I had hit a point where I stopped going for a high start and this basically fell right into my lap. I didn't feel like grinding the first 3 boards, so i just skipped grouping. The rest of the boards cooperated and it ended up being my best start ever. My previous high start of 137k was the same way. Funny how that works out sometimes.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on September 05, 2015, 07:47:13 am
New Personnal Best 588400
Skipped a lot of top hammers, so its a pretty low score for 16-4 hope to get the kill screen soon, maybe for the online open
Welcome to the top 100 sir! A bunch of nasty pie factories in this game, but well-played overall. You'll get the kill screen soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on September 05, 2015, 04:39:11 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on September 16, 2015, 04:42:53 pm
Nice wes!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on September 17, 2015, 09:38:09 pm
1,170,500 Part One: ( Part Two: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 18, 2015, 08:25:49 am
Damn, playuh, going big all over the place! Nice scores! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on September 18, 2015, 11:37:21 am
Insanely impressive new highscores. Congrats! I have one new personal record of my own:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 19, 2015, 07:49:56 am
Chris Gleed 919,000 KS 9/19/15 (
Also submitted for bounty for KS by someone who has never achieved a KS
Thank you to the forums for all for the ongoing support, and my family for tolerating my video game addiction. This is a major thrill. I think the most challenging part of this run was negotiating with my 6-year old through levels 19 and 20 to let daddy do his thing. I love her with all my heart, but she is stubborn sometimes. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on September 19, 2015, 08:31:02 am
Wow - congrats Chris! Wonder how many kill screeners there are now?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on September 19, 2015, 02:18:10 pm
Chris Gleed 919,000 KS 9/19/15 (
Damn, sorry I missed this Congrats Chris!
first Killscreen, done during the dko too and its over 900k :)
Excellent job mate, new shiny KS badge hopefully you plan on sticking around and pushing for the million and beyond. It was Xelnia on here that first noticed you using tactics such as the non-jumping rivet pull and also Willm's flashing 1-up trick (which you nailed with 100% accuracy in your previous 8xxk PB iirc).
your play has been very impressive, I can see you sailing up the scoreboard in no time if you continue to play.
Congrats again!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 19, 2015, 04:14:03 pm
Thank you gentlemen! 919k on 9/19...hehe...I didn't even realize that.
I do intend to stick around, if for no other reason, because I have more money in this DK cabinet than I rightly should. And I'm actively working on finding solution that will provide a better stream from my little direct feed setup. ::)
Next stop is 1M! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 20, 2015, 03:42:49 am
Congrats on the killscreen sir!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on September 20, 2015, 05:11:07 am
wow fk, kongrats on the first kill screen! BibleThump big big big! 919k for first kill screen is quite enormeous, it's 110k more than my first one Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 20, 2015, 10:33:17 am
Nice KS, Chris! Kreygasm You actually jumped over my PB by a bit! Good luck on the pursuit of 1m+!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on September 21, 2015, 04:13:25 pm
Chris Gleed 919,000 KS 9/19/15 (
Also submitted for bounty for KS by someone who has never achieved a KS
Thank you to the forums for all for the ongoing support, and my family for tolerating my video game addiction. This is a major thrill. I think the most challenging part of this run was negotiating with my 6-year old through levels 19 and 20 to let daddy do his thing. I love her with all my heart, but she is stubborn sometimes. :P
Congratulations Chris! Your games are always a joy to watch and I'm happy you were able to finally finish one!
These two direct-feed submissions have been verified and your PBs have been updated on the 1-1 HSL ( and the Main HSL ( I think it's important for everyone to take a look at these games and to watch Chris' when they get a chance. Direct-feed submissions are new ground for DKF, so it's vital that the community understands the process and develops reasonable expectations for these kinds of submissions. Chris' process has been well-documented ( and a conversation has been started (
When we get some more feedback from the community I'll will update the HSL rules to reflect our expectations.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2015, 04:10:15 am
Was doing some speedrun attempts and just realized I broke my PB in the process :P
Since this was a speedrun game, I'm not going to do the points breakdown I normally do. The score portion is obviously still verified and updated on the HSL ( I did take some time stats:
Start (TG Timing): 8:15.00
Average Level 5+ Time: 4:11.56
Estimated KS Time: 1:19:55
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2015, 04:10:35 am
1,170,500 Part One: ( Part Two: (
Clearly the 140,700 Start is the more impressive of these two submissions, so that's the only one I'll break down for you:
A detailed analysis of Wes' WR game can be found here ( Both of these scores have been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( and Main HSL ( Congrats again, sir. Epic stuff.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2015, 04:11:18 am
Wow - congrats Chris! Wonder how many kill screeners there are now?
See this thread: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline ( It looks like it still needs to be updated with Chris' game, which would make him the 78th killscreener.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2015, 04:11:44 am
I'm happy to see you playing DK, Wolf. :D I'm sure you enjoy it more than I enjoy Joust. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( There aren't a lot of stats to pull from this game, but I'll give you 3 numbers: 4, 3, and 1. 4 spring deaths and the game ended on 4-4. 3 deaths on Level 4 springs. 1 death from a mistimed jump on Level 3-3. 100k soon or no FF ever again. <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 22, 2015, 10:46:39 am
Crikey, if Wolfie's getting revved up, can I get this score from last year on your list as well pls, Jry?
127300 on RU (0.135).
here's the inp: (
I'll PM you a link to the top secret RU mod dashboard screen with the FPS and pause count info
it might be fun to do battle with Wolf and Captain Jivepants (150k-ish) on this obsure, neglected title Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on September 22, 2015, 10:50:20 am
I'm happy to see you playing DK, Wolf. :D I'm sure you enjoy it more than I enjoy Joust. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( There aren't a lot of stats to pull from this game, but I'll give you 3 numbers: 4, 3, and 1. 4 spring deaths and the game ended on 4-4. 3 deaths on Level 4 springs. 1 death from a mistimed jump on Level 3-3. 100k soon or no FF ever again. <stirpot>
you should still try joust on snes I reckon you would love that version more Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2015, 11:22:56 am
Crikey, if Wolfie's getting revved up, can I get this score from last year on your list as well pls, Jry?
127300 on RU (0.135).
here's the inp: (
I'll PM you a link to the top secret RU mod dashboard screen with the FPS and pause count info
it might be fun to do battle with Wolf and Captain Jivepants (150k-ish) on this obsure, neglected title Kappa
Looks good to me sir. Mr. Spaceman has provided me the RU mod image. I've zipped the files (editing out user IDs) and attached them to this post. Once I post this reply I will update the HSL ( to link to the zip file. As with Wolf's game, this one is relatively short so there is not much data to gather. However, your springs are clearly better than Wolf's. Shame on Wolf. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 22, 2015, 12:47:08 pm
Once I post this reply I will update the HSL ( to link to the zip file.
Thank you kindly.
As with Wolf's game, this one is relatively short
ROFL A career in the diplomatic service beckons, I reckon
Shame on Wolf.
^ This, always.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on September 22, 2015, 01:08:04 pm
Sorry - I put my first post in the wrong spot. The question was - is a live RU stream through Twitch acceptable for score submissions? Barra got my twitch settings tweaked, so I'm finally live. Or, do you still need the inp from the mods?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 22, 2015, 08:09:46 pm
Sorry - I put my first post in the wrong spot. The question was - is a live RU stream through Twitch acceptable for score submissions? Barra got my twitch settings tweaked, so I'm finally live. Or, do you still need the inp from the mods?
RU games will require the INP and the mod verification screenshot.
Donkey Kong High Score List Submission Rules
Auxiliary Rules
7. The only exception to WolfMAME for MAME submissions are those scores that are achieved at Retro Uprising. The following MUST be made available to be considered for inclusion on the High Score List: 1) the actual INP of the game in question and 2) a screenshot of the game time, recorded speed, and pause information as viewable by the moderators at Retro Uprising. It is highly recommended that any score attempts at Retro Uprising be streamed live. Any submissions that contain pauses or other deliberate speed changes (such as fast-forwarding through the loading and break screens) will be rejected.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DadsGlasses on September 23, 2015, 06:34:25 am
Chris Gleed 919,000 KS 9/19/15 (
Also submitted for bounty for KS by someone who has never achieved a KS
Thank you to the forums for all for the ongoing support, and my family for tolerating my video game addiction. This is a major thrill. I think the most challenging part of this run was negotiating with my 6-year old through levels 19 and 20 to let daddy do his thing. I love her with all my heart, but she is stubborn sometimes. :P
Congrats Chris!! It's been great to watch your progress. What an accomplishment! Nice work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on September 24, 2015, 12:24:27 pm
Hi guys I'd like to submit my new DK start high score of 117,000 set on September 23/2015 Here is the link to the twitch highlight :) Unlike Allen I did it on my 1st man of coarse lol. ( Thanks guys! Todd Lalonde
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on September 25, 2015, 12:24:21 am
Mark Kiehl...Start 142,800 9/25/15
! No longer available (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on September 25, 2015, 12:32:36 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 25, 2015, 07:05:39 am
Very big_d
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on September 25, 2015, 07:48:14 am
The most impressive thing in that start is that he only had 46,700 after Stage 2. He got 42,300 on stage 3, and 53k on stage 4, which make the last two stages fking Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
With a 50k stage 2, he would've reached 145k <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on September 25, 2015, 08:13:12 am
Kreygasm_d So big
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 25, 2015, 08:13:56 am
Like Robbie's recent Start submission, this one started off "acceptable" but not huge. Then Level 3 and Level 4 happened. Mark scored 53,800 on Level 4 to take the highest known Level 4 score from Robbie, which was 53,400 and also part of Robbie's recent 138k submission. The Start HSL ( and Individual Level and Stage Records ( have been updated.
Big starts can happen from humble beginnings!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 25, 2015, 08:14:27 am
Hi guys I'd like to submit my new DK start high score of 117,000 set on September 23/2015 Here is the link to the twitch highlight :) Unlike Allen I did it on my 1st man of coarse lol. ( Thanks guys! Todd Lalonde
Haha, well done sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Should we take bets on how many lives it would take Allen to get 117k before Level 5? ;) <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 03, 2015, 03:15:04 am
Kongrats to Joe 'Rolledcigs' DuPree. <Allen> lit ...tears
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on October 03, 2015, 05:25:13 am
Nice work Joe,
That Honey Juice was doing a great job!!
Congrats, nice PB sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on October 03, 2015, 12:10:07 pm
well done! congrats :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: diskborste on October 04, 2015, 04:51:28 am
New level 1-1 PB: 11,600 (
Can this be added to the 1-1 highscore list? Victor don't do the imp thing... <Pigger>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on October 04, 2015, 11:12:11 pm
Hey Guys,
Can't remember what all I'm supposed to submit, but my score was 562,000 and the highlight for the game on Twitch is below:
Aaron Truitt Submitted Monday, Oct 5, 2015 at 12:11am
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported me during and celebrated with me afterwards! Hoping to go all the way soon!
A huge PB increase Kreygasm
Dat Level 7 pie factory Kreygasm
Top 100! Kreygasm
Newsflashed by <Allen> <mad>
Well done, sir. You had a huge day. Hopefully you can build it on quickly and get that killscreen very soon. Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Note that even though your submission is dated October 5th, your game ended on the 4th so that's the date on the HSL.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on October 07, 2015, 01:53:43 pm
Hey Guys,
Sorry if I'm submitting too much. I thought I would wait until I PB again, but I'm considering taking a break from Donkey Kong so I figured I might go ahead and submit this now.
Aaron Truitt 612,600 L=16-2 Arcade October 7, 2015 (
Thanks to everyone who has been helping me and watching me play! It has been fun!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on October 07, 2015, 02:07:05 pm
wht do you mean "break"
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 07, 2015, 03:07:35 pm
Sorry if I'm submitting too much. I thought I would wait until I PB again, but I'm considering taking a break from Donkey Kong so I figured I might go ahead and submit this now.
Aaron Truitt 612,600 L=16-2 Arcade October 7, 2015 (
Thanks to everyone who has been helping me and watching me play! It has been fun!
Wow, what a roll you are on! Whatever the reason or reasons you have for stepping away for awhile, I hope you are back very soon. In a short time you've made great strides. In fact, last night I told someone if I don't get a KS very soon, Aaron will beat me too it. Good luck, I have a feeling we will be seeing you back at it very soon. 363k to 612k in a couple of days is lit!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 07, 2015, 11:26:01 pm
Great stuff Aaron! If your jump but didn't steal your first life who knows how far you could've gone
Keep going good :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 10, 2015, 07:34:33 am
Aaron Truitt 612,600 L=16-2 Arcade October 7, 2015 (
Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 10, 2015, 09:54:51 am
This is my best score since I started streaming, and it's slightly better than the score I got on the KO4 walk-on machine: Ryan Warmbrodt Arcade cabinet 578,300 on 10/10/15 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on October 10, 2015, 09:43:11 pm
This is my best score since I started streaming, and it's slightly better than the score I got on the KO4 walk-on machine: Ryan Warmbrodt Arcade cabinet 578,300 on 10/10/15 (
Nice score sir, however I am going to hold off on adding this one to the HSL. For first-time arcade submissions we need to see a short video walkthrough of your machine after you set a score, showing the 4-way restrictor on the joystick and an overview of the PCB so we can see that it's a TKG4 and has the proper DIPs and ROMs. After that initial video you won't have to do that again for DKF submissions. Also, it looks like you have a high score save kit installed. Do you have the D2K kit as well?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 11, 2015, 01:38:30 am
Congrats Dave! Great to see you finally get that 1.1M. I think the Level 18 pie factory deserves a highlight of its own. ;D Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( This puts you at #9 overall and #8 for all-time arcade scores!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on October 11, 2015, 02:49:06 am
Congrats Dave! That pie factory average Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 11, 2015, 04:46:10 am
Nice score sir, however I am going to hold off on adding this one to the HSL. For first-time arcade submissions we need to see a short video walkthrough of your machine after you set a score, showing the 4-way restrictor on the joystick and an overview of the PCB so we can see that it's a TKG4 and has the proper DIPs and ROMs. After that initial video you won't have to do that again for DKF submissions. Also, it looks like you have a high score save kit installed. Do you have the D2K kit as well?
I do have the D2K kit and high score save, as well as an updated TKG3 board (ladder trick doesn't work). At the Kong Off, the guys told me that it was consensus that the Z80 upgrades don't affect gameplay at all (they, in fact, update the rom on old TKG3 and TKG2s). Are you telling me that I'm not allowed to submit scores unless I get a new board and remove the high score save?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 11, 2015, 05:26:59 am
Nice score sir, however I am going to hold off on adding this one to the HSL. For first-time arcade submissions we need to see a short video walkthrough of your machine after you set a score, showing the 4-way restrictor on the joystick and an overview of the PCB so we can see that it's a TKG4 and has the proper DIPs and ROMs. After that initial video you won't have to do that again for DKF submissions. Also, it looks like you have a high score save kit installed. Do you have the D2K kit as well?
I do have the D2K kit and high score save, as well as an updated TKG3 board (ladder trick doesn't work). At the Kong Off, the guys told me that it was consensus that the Z80 upgrades don't affect gameplay at all (they, in fact, update the rom on old TKG3 and TKG2s). Are you telling me that I'm not allowed to submit scores unless I get a new board and remove the high score save?!
Noooooo! ;D High score save kits / D2K kits are totally fine! It's just important we know what's installed on the board. Transparency and all that jazz.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 11, 2015, 05:42:26 am
Nice score sir, however I am going to hold off on adding this one to the HSL. For first-time arcade submissions we need to see a short video walkthrough of your machine after you set a score, showing the 4-way restrictor on the joystick and an overview of the PCB so we can see that it's a TKG4 and has the proper DIPs and ROMs. After that initial video you won't have to do that again for DKF submissions. Also, it looks like you have a high score save kit installed. Do you have the D2K kit as well?
I do have the D2K kit and high score save, as well as an updated TKG3 board (ladder trick doesn't work). At the Kong Off, the guys told me that it was consensus that the Z80 upgrades don't affect gameplay at all (they, in fact, update the rom on old TKG3 and TKG2s). Are you telling me that I'm not allowed to submit scores unless I get a new board and remove the high score save?!
Noooooo! ;D High score save kits / D2K kits are totally fine! It's just important we know what's installed on the board. Transparency and all that jazz.
Ok. Thanks for clarifying. I'll get back on it then. Wasn't my best score anyway ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LMDAVE on October 11, 2015, 06:44:49 am
Thanks guys and Thanks Jeremy for that awesome chart you do. Lot of work goes into that!
Thanks, I remember I only had one free ride so was forced to fight on that board and did double hammer on it several times.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 11, 2015, 09:35:21 pm
Ok, not as good of a score as yesterday, but I did a lil tour of my cabinet at the end 8): Ryan Warmbrodt Arcade cabinet 575,800 on 10/11/15 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on October 12, 2015, 04:10:37 am
I finally cracked the 300k and i thought it was time to start posting my scores somewhere as i progress further :)
i recorded this in wolfmame version 165.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on October 12, 2015, 12:40:33 pm
well done, ryan and shane. awesome stuff. keep it up <Roy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on October 12, 2015, 04:32:05 pm
Very nice scores! Keep going sirs!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 13, 2015, 11:53:47 pm
Ok, not as good of a score as yesterday, but I did a lil tour of my cabinet at the end 8): Ryan Warmbrodt Arcade cabinet 575,800 on 10/11/15 (
Everything looks good here, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Thank you for the video walk-through. You won't have to do that for future submissions here. Hopefully that next submission is a killscreen! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 13, 2015, 11:55:58 pm
I finally cracked the 300k and i thought it was time to start posting my scores somewhere as i progress further :)
i recorded this in wolfmame version 165.
Congrats on the PB and welcome to the High Score List (! Stick with it and I know we'll see some quick score increases from you soon. For future reference, if you put the INPs in a zip file it helps with the file size when attaching (longer games might be too big to attach without zipping). Also, you're on the board as "mameshane." If you'd like to use a different nickname or your real name, let me know. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on October 15, 2015, 06:39:47 pm
thanks for the breakdown of my game. its interesting to see the stats.
I finally cracked the 300k and i thought it was time to start posting my scores somewhere as i progress further :)
i recorded this in wolfmame version 165.
Congrats on the PB and welcome to the High Score List (! Stick with it and I know we'll see some quick score increases from you soon. For future reference, if you put the INPs in a zip file it helps with the file size when attaching (longer games might be too big to attach without zipping). Also, you're on the board as "mameshane." If you'd like to use a different nickname or your real name, let me know. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on October 16, 2015, 01:08:32 am
The game broke up with a glitch in the internet or the software. Either way, here she is.. (starts at about 3:50 in the first video and i guess it cut out a bit inbetween, what can you do...)
The game broke up with a glitch in the internet or the software. Either way, here she is.. (starts at about 3:50 in the first video and i guess it cut out a bit inbetween, what can you do...) (
The game broke up with a glitch in the internet or the software. Either way, here she is.. (starts at about 3:50 in the first video and i guess it cut out a bit inbetween, what can you do...)
Anyway, thank you to everyone. First coin after a long days work :D :D
Congrats, sir. Well-deserved and entertaining as fkk to watch. Your KS PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( The next step is to lessen the impact of the Honey Brown Pace Deflation Effect. Kappa Please continue to go good. <Allen> Also, please consider making those two past broadcasts into permanent highlights, otherwise they will get deleted and the links to them on the HSL won't work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 16, 2015, 10:07:43 am
Congrats Joe!!! Haha dat pee break on 12-1 <Tim>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on October 16, 2015, 11:19:41 am
That's a pretty high score for someone who parked at the top of the ladders a few times :D Great job Joe!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: diskborste on October 17, 2015, 07:26:08 am
This puts me on 12th place, shared with Jason Wade <Walter>
That was huge. You could have gotten 13k too as you had some blues that were in the 500 range and a couple of jumps leeching at the bottom where you got 100 and 300 vs 300 and 500!! Niceeeeeeee. Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on October 18, 2015, 11:10:56 am
12k wow go sir <YSG> moving on up
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on October 20, 2015, 03:08:23 am
new pb for me. 322100
only a slight bump in score but im still happy with it because it was the first time i got to level 10. i probably should have ended up with more but got greedy on the pie level and tried to beat the fireball.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 20, 2015, 09:55:03 am
only a slight bump in score but im still happy with it because it was the first time i got to level 10. i probably should have ended up with more but got greedy on the pie level and tried to beat the fireball.
WTG! Keep Konging and the high scores will continue to come.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on October 20, 2015, 10:11:06 am
only a slight bump in score but im still happy with it because it was the first time i got to level 10. i probably should have ended up with more but got greedy on the pie level and tried to beat the fireball.
Keep on keeping on! you'll be popping 300k games back to back to back before you know it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on October 20, 2015, 10:28:12 am
only a slight bump in score but im still happy with it because it was the first time i got to level 10. i probably should have ended up with more but got greedy on the pie level and tried to beat the fireball.
Next stop Level 12! And soon we'll see you in the top 100! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 21, 2015, 07:45:56 am
New start pb yesterday Robbie Lakeman 144,000 start 10/19/2015
Sorry Wes <stirpot>
"Seems fishy." <Tim>
Well done, sir. Your Start PB has been updated on the Start HSL ( Unfortunately, no individual board records were broken in this run, but you still beat Wes. <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 25, 2015, 12:20:30 am
Billy Gaines 810,800 L=21-6 ( 10/24/2015
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on October 25, 2015, 12:32:11 am
Billy mate, so close close!!
Congrats on the pb!
Next time!! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on October 25, 2015, 05:20:27 am
Nice score, sir! So close..... Kreygasm <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 25, 2015, 10:31:13 am
Billy Gaines 810,800 L=21-6 ( 10/24/2015
So close! BibleThump You'll hit the KS soon sir, and at least you got a good PB increase out of this one. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on October 25, 2015, 12:28:24 pm
Billy Gaines 810,800 L=21-6 ( 10/24/2015
Congrats on your new PB Billy! Sad that your got executed just on screen before the KS. Saw however that you had plenty of 700+ games the same day. You are so close! GET IT!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 25, 2015, 11:02:48 pm
Ryan Warmbrodt 740,700 L=18-2 10/26/15 ( Not quite to the KS yet! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 26, 2015, 07:38:55 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 740,700 L=18-2 10/26/15 ( Not quite to the KS yet! ;D
Well done, sir. I expect to see a KS from you and Billy Gaines by the end of the week! ;D <stirpot> Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 26, 2015, 10:15:11 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 740,700 L=18-2 10/26/15 ( Not quite to the KS yet! ;D
Well done, sir. I expect to see a KS from you and Billy Gaines by the end of the week! ;D <stirpot> Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Kongrats Ryan! Very nice score. Let's Kill Screen this thing!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on October 26, 2015, 11:11:59 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 740,700 L=18-2 10/26/15 ( Not quite to the KS yet! ;D
Well done, sir. I expect to see a KS from you and Billy Gaines by the end of the week! ;D <stirpot> Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Kongrats Ryan! Very nice score. Let's Kill Screen this thing!
Yeah buddy! My PB ended on 21-5, and I wasn't streaming. So I know how you feel right now. Let's get it! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on October 29, 2015, 05:29:09 pm
In preparation for hard rom world record attempts tomorrow.
Congrats, sir! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Good luck on your WR attempts; I'm watching right now. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on October 31, 2015, 06:30:20 pm
new PB 338,800
i got to 227k on my first man which is PB for me, but really disappointed as all 4 deaths were real silly deaths. i think nerves got the best of me :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 31, 2015, 08:11:17 pm
i got to 227k on my first man which is PB for me, but really disappointed as all 4 deaths were real silly deaths. i think nerves got the best of me :(
Great first man, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I think we'll see a real breakout game and a run on the top 100 very soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 31, 2015, 08:42:12 pm
i got to 227k on my first man which is PB for me, but really disappointed as all 4 deaths were real silly deaths. i think nerves got the best of me :(
Great run! Keep going, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 01, 2015, 08:44:50 am
My 1st Kill Screen ( Not a high score but it was a JACKPOT 777,100 BADGE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got 'Em Phil!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on November 01, 2015, 09:46:51 am
This is gonna drown in Billys amazing KS but here's a new PB-submission from me:
My 1st Kill Screen ( Not a high score but it was a JACKPOT 777,100 BADGE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got 'Em Phil!
Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm
Congratulations, sir! We knew it was coming any day now. While it's not a PB, it's still a verified KS and a great achievement. I've attached some stats for you below. Hopefully you'll continue to play and we'll those scores continue to rise.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 01, 2015, 01:06:57 pm
No drowning here. :) Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I think we have a little race here between you and Shane to see who will get in the top 100 first! ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on November 01, 2015, 02:40:50 pm
My 1st Kill Screen ( Not a high score but it was a JACKPOT 777,100 BADGE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got 'Em Phil!
YES! Awesome, Kongrats, Billy!!! Great run!
Kongrats on your new PB, too, Karsten. You are making dramatic improvement quickly, very impressive! I know it's not pronounced this way, but I read your name as Karsten Kool. 8) :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 01, 2015, 09:19:38 pm
Edit: New with the stream: (
And just like that you've jumped over 20 spots! A great first man, over 1/3 of the way. Your new PB has been verified (it actually ended on 13-3) and updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on November 02, 2015, 12:57:17 am
Oh wow 1.1! Congrats Jason on making top 12 awesome player 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on November 02, 2015, 04:10:43 am
wow! Nice score Jason, I didn't expect you to put a monster score like that so soon!
A few thousands away from being in the 8th spot, but at least you got 1.1m+ which is a hell of an achievement, kongrats! What's your goal next? I'll sure try watching your future games, I can't miss another big game like that Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 02, 2015, 09:00:10 am
Wow, a million hundred <Tim>! Was that on the machine that you picked up with Joe? Too awesome! Jason kongrats to you for hitting this legendary milestone!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 02, 2015, 10:29:25 am
Edit: New with the stream: (
And just like that you've jumped over 20 spots! A great first man, over 1/3 of the way. Your new PB has been verified (it actually ended on 13-3) and updated on the HSL (!
WTG Karsten! Reminds me of Aaron Truitt's jump a few weeks ago. The Top 100 is your next stop en route to the Kill Screen. I look forward to watching you reach your goals in this game. <Allen> <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 02, 2015, 12:07:35 pm
Kongrats on 1.1 Jason!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shnypz on November 02, 2015, 04:43:29 pm
Wow...big stuff going on here. Gratz all!!
I gotta start playing this game again Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on November 03, 2015, 12:37:10 am
Thank you much, guys.
Thank you for the stats, Jeremy. That has to be a time consuming process. Much appreciated.
Vince, short term, my next goal is to improve to 1.12. I think that is doable in the near future.
Billy, yes this is the machine Joe helped me get. Huge props to Joe, again. Without him, this arcade score would not have happened.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on November 03, 2015, 01:18:57 am
Great score, sir! Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( I wonder how long it will be before the top 10 Starts are all over 140k. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 07, 2015, 01:02:25 pm
Tanner Fokkens 11/7/2015 Arcade 1,004,100 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
Finally did it, can't wait to see the pace chart for this game lol. I basically intended on just putting up a score to beat JCB in this game, but it turned into something more. Thanks to everyone for supporting me in this long journey to this score
also... badge pls <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on November 07, 2015, 01:20:15 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on November 07, 2015, 04:06:00 pm
Andrew Garrett, submitting a score of 669,000. Achieved 7 November 2015. Score was achieved at Kong Klash 6 with Aaron Truitte, Johnathan McCourt and Dan Solis as witnesses. Two videos will be linked via facebook as they're a little too large to simply attach. First video is the score with the control panel and board exhibited. Second video is the settings verified (7,000 point extra life). Thanks for watching!
Andrew Garrett, submitting a score of 669,000. Achieved 7 November 2015. Score was achieved at Kong Klash 6 with Aaron Truitte, Johnathan McCourt and Dan Solis as witnesses. Two videos will be linked via facebook as they're a little too large to simply attach. First video is the score with the control panel and board exhibited. Second video is the settings verified (7,000 point extra life). Thanks for watching!
I can't access the first video, probably because I'm not FB friends with whoever posted it. Is there any way you can upload it to YouTube? Also, ask those witnesses if they can post a confirmation in this thread that they saw your game. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2015, 08:47:04 am
Tanner Fokkens 11/7/2015 Arcade 1,004,100 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
Finally did it, can't wait to see the pace chart for this game lol. I basically intended on just putting up a score to beat JCB in this game, but it turned into something more. Thanks to everyone for supporting me in this long journey to this score
also... badge pls <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Kreygasm Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congratulations on hitting this milestone, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Onward to 1.1M. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2015, 08:50:12 am
I will be unable to verify scores or update the HSL for the next week, so please be patient if you have a pending or future submission. <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on November 08, 2015, 09:24:24 am
Tanner Fokkens 11/7/2015 Arcade 1,004,100 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
Finally did it, can't wait to see the pace chart for this game lol. I basically intended on just putting up a score to beat JCB in this game, but it turned into something more. Thanks to everyone for supporting me in this long journey to this score
also... badge pls <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Kreygasm Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congratulations on hitting this milestone, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Onward to 1.1M. :)
Tanner, I know you expressed interest in seeing these numbers. Your current PB game vs your previous PB game:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 08, 2015, 10:22:58 am
Tanner Fokkens 11/7/2015 Arcade 1,004,100 Part 1: ( Part 2: (
Finally did it, can't wait to see the pace chart for this game lol. I basically intended on just putting up a score to beat JCB in this game, but it turned into something more. Thanks to everyone for supporting me in this long journey to this score
also... badge pls <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Kreygasm Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congratulations on hitting this milestone, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Onward to 1.1M. :)
Tanner, I know you expressed interest in seeing these numbers. Your current PB game vs your previous PB game:
Wow! That is really well done, very excited for this website
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 08, 2015, 07:29:58 pm
Andrew Garrett, submitting a score of 669,000. Achieved 7 November 2015. Score was achieved at Kong Klash 6 with Aaron Truitte, Johnathan McCourt and Dan Solis as witnesses. Two videos will be linked via facebook as they're a little too large to simply attach. First video is the score with the control panel and board exhibited. Second video is the settings verified (7,000 point extra life). Thanks for watching!
I can't access the first video, probably because I'm not FB friends with whoever posted it. Is there any way you can upload it to YouTube? Also, ask those witnesses if they can post a confirmation in this thread that they saw your game. Thanks!
I've never tried to quote anything and it looks confusing... but I was definitely there for Andrew's game. Once again, great game Andrew! Hope you continue to play Kong and love it! I wish you'd show me how to play one of the other 100 games your'e great at ;) Nice to meet you bud!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 09, 2015, 01:40:49 pm
Andrew Garrett, submitting a score of 669,000. Achieved 7 November 2015. Score was achieved at Kong Klash 6 with Aaron Truitte, Johnathan McCourt and Dan Solis as witnesses. Two videos will be linked via facebook as they're a little too large to simply attach. First video is the score with the control panel and board exhibited. Second video is the settings verified (7,000 point extra life). Thanks for watching!
I can't access the first video, probably because I'm not FB friends with whoever posted it. Is there any way you can upload it to YouTube? Also, ask those witnesses if they can post a confirmation in this thread that they saw your game. Thanks!
I wasn't at the arcade when Andrew had his big game, but I played on his machine and can speak to the credibility of all parties involved. You might call Andrew cocky, but his game play is legitimate. 669K lands him in the Top 100 all time. I hope the score is approved. He is a great guy and if Dan Solis, Jon McCourt & Aaron Truitt witnessed the score and say it's legit, it's legit. Just my two cents worth.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on November 10, 2015, 08:38:36 pm
Ethan Daniels 13200 1 on 1 <Allen> (
Jry y u go away for a week?? BibleThump Kappa (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on November 10, 2015, 10:03:11 pm
Kreygasm thats one of the craziest boards ive ever seen lol love it
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on November 10, 2015, 10:45:38 pm
Ethan Daniels 13200 1 on 1 <Allen> (
Jry y u go away for a week?? BibleThump Kappa (
Holy crap! Well done, Ethan! You and me sit atop the arcade platform on this one now, but it's bitter-sweet for me, because I am actually legitimately sad for the ~1000 points more you could have got on this attempt. :( Not trying to take away from the ridiculous fireball jumpage, but I'm just waiting for this board to get destroyed forever. Keep pulling out all the stops and I'm sure you can get that 14k+ 1-1! Lit!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on November 12, 2015, 05:29:46 am
Holy crap! Well done, Ethan! You and me sit atop the arcade platform on this one now, but it's bitter-sweet for me, because I am actually legitimately sad for the ~1000 points more you could have got on this attempt. :( Not trying to take away from the ridiculous fireball jumpage, but I'm just waiting for this board to get destroyed forever. Keep pulling out all the stops and I'm sure you can get that 14k+ 1-1! Lit!
Thanks for the love mate, but what about <Kuh> Kappa. Someday it'll happen and the Tudose will BibleThump, depending on who does it, he may even have to come back and play! wait and see! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on November 12, 2015, 01:59:10 pm
Robbie Lakeman 12,400 1-1 11/12/15
Figured I would throw one out there
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on November 12, 2015, 02:57:01 pm
Ethan Daniels 13200 1 on 1 <Allen> (
Jry y u go away for a week?? BibleThump Kappa (
This was huge Ethan! Congrats again. Can't wait until you get another big one going... (maybe get a batter back-up on your cab as well for when it does...?)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on November 12, 2015, 09:12:11 pm
Alright Jerry. For when you come back, I've got some better video links for you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on November 15, 2015, 04:59:35 am
It was my last game of the night, i had a couple early deaths and almost threw in the towel. im glad i didnt because i managed to get a new PB :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 15, 2015, 11:29:36 am
Andrew Garrett, submitting a score of 669,000. Achieved 7 November 2015. Score was achieved at Kong Klash 6 with Aaron Truitte, Johnathan McCourt and Dan Solis as witnesses. Two videos will be linked via facebook as they're a little too large to simply attach. First video is the score with the control panel and board exhibited. Second video is the settings verified (7,000 point extra life). Thanks for watching!
I can't access the first video, probably because I'm not FB friends with whoever posted it. Is there any way you can upload it to YouTube? Also, ask those witnesses if they can post a confirmation in this thread that they saw your game. Thanks!
I've never tried to quote anything and it looks confusing... but I was definitely there for Andrew's game. Once again, great game Andrew! Hope you continue to play Kong and love it! I wish you'd show me how to play one of the other 100 games your'e great at ;) Nice to meet you bud!
I wasn't at the arcade when Andrew had his big game, but I played on his machine and can speak to the credibility of all parties involved. You might call Andrew cocky, but his game play is legitimate. 669K lands him in the Top 100 all time. I hope the score is approved. He is a great guy and if Dan Solis, Jon McCourt & Aaron Truitt witnessed the score and say it's legit, it's legit. Just my two cents worth.
It was my last game of the night, i had a couple early deaths and almost threw in the towel. im glad i didnt because i managed to get a new PB :)
So close to Level 11. I'm not a fan of playing out games with early deaths, but sometimes it pays off. Well done, sir. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 16, 2015, 12:09:32 pm
Aaron Truitt November 16, 2015 730,300 (L=19-2) (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on November 16, 2015, 02:36:58 pm
Ryan Warmbrodt 11/16/15 775,300 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 16, 2015, 04:00:08 pm
WTG Ryan and Aaron. Who will be the next Kill Screen?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 18, 2015, 12:38:54 am
Aaron Truitt November 16, 2015 730,300 (L=19-2) (
wht u mean " FailFish "
A PB is a PB, sir! A 100k+ increase, and I expect the next submission we see will be a KS. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 18, 2015, 12:41:25 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 11/16/15 775,300 (
19-2 was the theme of the day, it seems! You've had plenty of deep games recently, so it really is an "any credit" now situation for you. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 1-1 score to the Level 1-1 HSL ( :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 18, 2015, 12:03:55 pm
Thanks for the chart Jerry. Pretty cool of you to do all that work for us! Congrats on your score Ryan! You're having lots of deep games sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on November 19, 2015, 04:21:28 pm
Ryan Warmbrodt 11/16/15 775,300 (
19-2 was the theme of the day, it seems! You've had plenty of deep games recently, so it really is an "any credit" now situation for you. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 1-1 score to the Level 1-1 HSL ( :)
Thanks for the encouragement! I hope the KS comes soon. And thank you so much for the chart. I had no idea there was a 1-1 HSL. Check out my 11,300 video from 10/19: ( Good game Aaron! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 20, 2015, 04:55:07 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 11/16/15 775,300 (
19-2 was the theme of the day, it seems! You've had plenty of deep games recently, so it really is an "any credit" now situation for you. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 1-1 score to the Level 1-1 HSL ( :)
Thanks for the encouragement! I hope the KS comes soon. And thank you so much for the chart. I had no idea there was a 1-1 HSL. Check out my 11,300 video from 10/19: ( Good game Aaron! :)
Cool. 1-1 HSL ( has been updated. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 24, 2015, 08:31:34 pm
Tanner Fokkens Start: 132,500 11/24/2015 Arcade ( Not very big, but worth noting I guess. Had potential for around 136k, but fireballs decided otherwise.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 25, 2015, 11:45:34 am
Nice one sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 25, 2015, 12:50:32 pm
Tanner Fokkens Start: 132,500 11/24/2015 Arcade ( Not very big, but worth noting I guess. Had potential for around 136k, but fireballs decided otherwise.
130k+, love it. Your score has been verified and added to the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on November 25, 2015, 02:51:52 pm
Tanner Fokkens Start: 132,500 11/24/2015 Arcade ( Not very big, but worth noting I guess. Had potential for around 136k, but fireballs decided otherwise.
Excellent job Tanner! big big big.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on November 26, 2015, 06:38:49 am
Ethan Daniels 139,900 end lev 4 score lit <Allen> Arcade (
I'd reckon the next start PB will over 140K <YSG> (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 26, 2015, 07:22:32 am
Ethan Daniels 139,900 end lev 4 score lit <Allen> Arcade (
I'd reckon the next start PB will over 140K <YSG> (
Lol dat newsflash on the 4-5 rivet did you in, good score sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 26, 2015, 09:11:47 am
Ethan Daniels 139,900 end lev 4 score lit <Allen> Arcade (
I'd reckon the next start PB will over 140K <YSG>
Thank you for including your first death in that highlight. :) Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Scoundrl on November 27, 2015, 09:36:31 am
Congrats sir! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Looks this BOTA thing is just about wrapped up! <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 28, 2015, 07:50:17 am
Congrats Ken - Keep going good! You are so close!! Let's see if Richtie comes back with an answer for this game... <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 29, 2015, 05:21:35 pm
12,500 1-1 Tanner Fokkens Arcade 11/29/2015 ( big
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on November 29, 2015, 07:38:35 pm
12,500 with zero fireball leaches and just one fireball smash. Way to go. That has to be a wr.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 29, 2015, 08:03:41 pm
12,500 1-1 Tanner Fokkens Arcade 11/29/2015 ( big
Wow, big indeed! Huge bottom hammer. Your 1-1 PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 30, 2015, 08:44:17 am
Wow Tanner! Big big big!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on November 30, 2015, 12:56:58 pm
Very nice, Tanner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on November 30, 2015, 02:18:57 pm
12,500 with zero fireball leaches and just one fireball smash. Way to go. That has to be a wr.
Thank you sirs! It was an interesting board as I had no idea that a 13k potential screen could be created without even leeching the fireball, I bet much larger 1-1 scores will be coming from other players soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 30, 2015, 04:36:40 pm
Congrats Tanner! Maybe I should make the bounty 15k instead of 14k lo
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 04, 2015, 09:59:20 am
High Score Submission (New PB) Score: 524,300
Start Score Submission (New PB) Score: 102,500
Date achieved: 05 December 2015 Mame: Wolfmame .162 Link: (
.inp file attached
Notes: Beat my old PB on my first man. Managed to more than double my old PB.
I'm coming for your title Allen Staal!!! <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on December 04, 2015, 12:31:56 pm
Date achieved: 05 December 2015 Mame: Wolfmame .162 Link: (
.inp file attached
Notes: Beat my old PB on my first man. Managed to more than double my old PB.
I'm coming for your title Allen Staal!!! <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
Huge PB increase, sir! Tough ending, but well done all-around. The Main HSL ( and Start HSL ( have been updated with your verified scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 06, 2015, 04:01:18 am
Ryan Warmbrodt 800,800 Level 19-6 12/5/15 (
Ugh...that last death is the worst, the absolute worst. <mad> <mad> <mad> But...another day, another huge score! Congrats, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 06, 2015, 04:04:58 am
Great stuff sirs!! Keep giving that Monkey hell - not long left til a "2015 Killscreen" closes for good :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 06, 2015, 04:06:19 am
1-1 score of 10100 can this be added onto the 1-1 list of player s cheers
I believe this marks Allen's first self-submitted score to this thread. Time for a celebration, I reckon. <Allen> Oh wait! He didn't provide any kind of evidence. FailFish
Congrats Allen, this is a verified 10k+ 1-1 score, but I only update the 1-1 HSL ( for people who jump the last barrel. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 08, 2015, 06:39:13 am
Start Score PB
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 08 Dec 2015 Score: 106,200 Twitch URL: (
.inp attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 08, 2015, 07:12:07 am
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 08 Dec 2015 Score: 106,200 Twitch URL: (
.inp attached
I love it. I'm not sure <Allen> does, though. <stirpot> Huge Level 2 rivet. Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 09, 2015, 07:15:08 pm
Really didn't play well. Got lucky. Still feels good. FailFish
dat Ethan rivet strat on Level 7 tho. Kreygasm There were several <Wiebe> 's in there, but you'll have to consult <Allen> for an official tally.
Anyway, congrats sir. Your PBs have been verified and added to/updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Main HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 11, 2015, 05:27:54 am
Congrats on the huge Level 1 score. Your 1-1 score has been verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on December 16, 2015, 08:24:07 pm
New PB! (450,000 previous) Player: Jason Horner Date Achieved: Dec 16-2015 Score: 522,600 Twitch URL (stream seemed to get broken into parts): Part 1: ( Part 2: ( Part 3: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 16, 2015, 11:07:23 pm
Congrats and welcome to DKF :) KS inc soon I reckon <Kuh>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on December 16, 2015, 11:39:38 pm
Haha Jason - great! You actually got a new PB Yesterday. HYPE!
Theres a KS coming up... Go!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on December 18, 2015, 12:46:53 am
Minor point... The Twitch link for my 11,700 1-1 score no longer works; please change it to ( Phil Hendrie flagged the other one for copyright infringement. Now, you can listen to it again. (And don't let a sand jockey slip one in on you!!)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 18, 2015, 06:15:24 am
New PB! (450,000 previous) Player: Jason Horner Date Achieved: Dec 16-2015 Score: 522,600 Twitch URL (stream seemed to get broken into parts): Part 1: ( Part 2: ( Part 3: (
Congrats on the new PB! Welcome to DKF and the High Score List (! Your verification at the end was good, so you'll no longer need to do that step for DKF submissions. I estimate there is about 1 minute of missing footage from when the stream cuts out, but nothing serious. In the stats below you'll see yellow boxes...those are the 3 boards with partially missing footage. I had to estimate the final score of 12-4 since that was the only board where the final score wasn't caught on video.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 18, 2015, 06:17:26 am
Translation: A 1-1 score of 11,100 achieved on December 18, 2015. Verified and updated on the 1-1 HSL ( :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 18, 2015, 08:38:30 am
Congrats on the PB Jason! Keep going hard!
Joe your 1-1 is pretty - and I'm coming for it <stirpot> but not coming for it like Kasper is, I'm really going to play and stream and come for it <stirpot> <stirpot> <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on December 19, 2015, 03:08:46 pm
Tanner Fokkens 1-1: 12,600 12/19/2015 Arcade ( Slowly inching my way up the scoreboard
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 20, 2015, 04:48:37 am
Tanner Fokkens 1-1: 12,600 12/19/2015 Arcade ( Slowly inching my way up the scoreboard
Please continue to go good, sir. <Allen> Your 1-1 PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions, 1-1 13800 pts!
Post by: barrels on December 21, 2015, 10:52:49 am
I don't have wolfmame... :( I thought a video was enough
I guess that's the next step.... <popcorn>
I know it's only words, but this is a legit run on mame 0.152 with a ps2 controller.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DK 1-1 12,100pts
Post by: barrels on December 21, 2015, 02:17:07 pm
Hi, I know this isn't the greatest score, but I would like to have my INP file validated just to make sure I'm following the rules properly so that when the time comes my WR will be considered valid.
wolfmame 0.168
ps i'm the one who posted the 13800pts video today.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DK 1-1 12,100pts
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 21, 2015, 02:23:54 pm
Hi, I know this isn't the greatest score, but I would like to have my INP file validated just to make sure I'm following the rules properly so that when the time comes my WR will be considered valid.
wolfmame 0.168
ps i'm the one who posted the 13800pts video today.
Good stuff! this is the kind of thing I wanted to see, INPs go that extra bit further in showing wether a score is valid. This holds more merit than a video. Great job.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DK 1-1 12,100pts
Post by: barrels on December 21, 2015, 02:32:00 pm
Ok thanks! Just to be explicitly clear, is this a valid, legit score? I don't want to get the WR and get disqualified due to a technicality, again. thanks again ;)
Good stuff! this is the kind of thing I wanted to see, INPs go that extra bit further in showing wether a score is valid. This holds more merit than a video. Great job.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DK 1-1 12,100pts
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 21, 2015, 02:46:49 pm
Ok thanks! Just to be explicitly clear, is this a valid, legit score? I don't want to get the WR and get disqualified due to a technicality, again. thanks again ;)
Good stuff! this is the kind of thing I wanted to see, INPs go that extra bit further in showing wether a score is valid. This holds more merit than a video. Great job.
Our dedicated stats gurus work round the clock, <Walter> The final word will come from them. Once the score moderators deem that everything is above board you will be good to go for the wr Kreygasm might take anywhere from a few mins to a few hours.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on December 21, 2015, 03:14:11 pm
Well, I'll be blunt: I don't know ya, we don't know ya, and when someone explodes out of nowhere with a score like this (in the CAG community of all communities), my first move is to sit back and wait for further developments. :)
Assuming that everything is in order here though, huge kongrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on December 21, 2015, 03:36:11 pm
Thanks for submitting an INP. Don't let my skepticism weigh on you personally, we've had a lot of scandal/fraud with scores in the past (you'd be amazed) and it's normal to be doubtful. I look forward to higher 1-1 scores :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: barrels on December 21, 2015, 03:51:56 pm
I fully understand you're all skeptical. I would be too! In the end, anybody can think and say what they want, it will just be even more satisfying to finally jump that final hurdle for you all to witness and finally possess, in all rights, the WR. I'm not doing this for recognition or glory, it's just something that I know I can do, it's personal. Being #1 out of 8 billion proves to me that I know myself and that I set my sights very high and worked to obtain the record. It makes me special <Roy>
lol, seriously, the 1-1 record is kinda geeky and nothing compared to a 1.2mil score but I don't mind. I just know it's mine. I hit 14k once and no one was around to see it and I wasn't recording. If all goes well, I'll beat 14k this time and have the INP file to prove it 8)
Besides, if you guys didn't uphold strict rules, someone else could claim 15k with a hacked video and all would be lost.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DK 1-1 12,100pts
Post by: xelnia on December 21, 2015, 03:56:52 pm
Hi, I know this isn't the greatest score, but I would like to have my INP file validated just to make sure I'm following the rules properly so that when the time comes my WR will be considered valid.
wolfmame 0.168
ps i'm the one who posted the 13800pts video today.
As far as I'm concerned, this 12,100 INP is legit. Of course, that has no bearing on the 13,800 but it certainly moves everything in the right direction. I have added your 12,100 score to the Level 1-1 High Score List ( One request I have for the future: please place your INP files into a zip archive (using WinZIP, 7z, or something similar). This helps with attachment size limits as well as file verification.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 21, 2015, 04:20:30 pm
Go sir and congrats on the score
Remember there's a bounty for the first verified 14k score. Get them!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on December 23, 2015, 04:52:33 am
I've spoken with Barrels (Alain) on Facebook, and found out he lives like a hour away from me. Although I was very suspicious at first, I think he's definitely a legit person with legit scores. But just to make sure, I'll make a <Kuh> of myself and go investigate at his home to analyze his computer to make sure <Roy> didn't provide him any bs mame hack with gummy substance Kappa
Another french canadian is gonna crack the top 10 before kong off 5 I reckon Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on December 23, 2015, 06:50:32 am
Yeah Yeah Yeah way go sir :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: diskborste on December 23, 2015, 09:04:50 am
But just to make sure, I'll make a <Kuh> of myself and go investigate at his home to analyze his computer to make sure <Roy> didn't provide him any bs mame hack with gummy substance Kappa
Sometimes we have no choice but to call in the pros <Mruczek>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on December 25, 2015, 11:35:53 am
Mick Winzeler 1,035,400 ( 12/25/15 During DKO4
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 26, 2015, 01:02:06 am
Wow congrats on the PB Mick!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 26, 2015, 06:58:29 am
Mick Winzeler 1,035,400 ( 12/25/15 During DKO4
Congrats sir! Well done on the enormous first man. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your Start score of 113,900 to the Start HSL (
Normally I would wait until after the DKO to verify scores, but since this is a long tourney (10 days) I'm going to try and stay on top of any submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fliplismc on December 27, 2015, 09:18:50 pm
Johnny Bonde 852,500 first KS 12/27/15
Unfortunely I did not record it, but did it live at Bartronica in Melbourne, Australia. I dont have much proof, but still hope it's enough to make it onto the High score list (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Pelly on December 28, 2015, 02:54:56 pm
Unfortunely I did not record it, but did it live at Bartronica in Melbourne, Australia. I dont have much proof, but still hope it's enough to make it onto the High score list (
Congrats sir! In order to put this on the High Score List, we need to verify the lives and bonus setting. Did anyone record the end of the game and a reset showing the lives/bonus settings?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fliplismc on December 28, 2015, 06:32:53 pm
Unfortunely I did not record it, but did it live at Bartronica in Melbourne, Australia. I dont have much proof, but still hope it's enough to make it onto the High score list (
Congrats sir! In order to put this on the High Score List, we need to verify the lives and bonus setting. Did anyone record the end of the game and a reset showing the lives/bonus settings?
Thanks Jeremy, I tried to opload a video of it here, where I show its 3 man settings right after the game, but with no luck, I will send it to you on facebook instead
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 29, 2015, 05:14:26 am
Just did my first Donkey Kong Killscreen . unfortunely l did not record it, cause im in Australia but did it live at Bartronia Arcade in Melbourne. Thank you everyone here at The DK Forum for The support, still cant believe it. Final score was 852.500
Sweet! How many people were able to be there to celebrate with you at the Killscreen?!
there were about 20 people in the arcade at the time but not many people gave a shit about it, playing Mario kart and pinball but the girl behind The counter loved it, and The guys next to me playing mortal Kombat watched it :) Highfives, hugs and cold beers, it was Awesome!
Unfortunely I did not record it, but did it live at Bartronica in Melbourne, Australia. I dont have much proof, but still hope it's enough to make it onto the High score list (
Congrats sir! In order to put this on the High Score List, we need to verify the lives and bonus setting. Did anyone record the end of the game and a reset showing the lives/bonus settings?
Thanks Jeremy, I tried to opload a video of it here, where I show its 3 man settings right after the game, but with no luck, I will send it to you on facebook instead
Johnny has sent me the video that shows the start of a new game after his KS. I've attached the video, as well as some Facebook photos taken after the game, to this post. The video shows 3-man settings, as well as game sounds during the attract mode, indicating that this board had a Braze high score save kit installed. While the Bonus setting can't be determined from the evidence provided I believe this score can still be added to our HSL for the following reasons:
1) Older TG scores maybe have been played with a 10k Bonus setting.
2) There are several Auxiliary Rules that support the inclusion of this score:
Auxiliary Rules: The auxiliary rules were created to evaluate scores that could not be submitted according to the normative rules. It is understood that there are occasions where the normative rules were either unknown or could not be followed for one reason or another. These rules evaluate the evidence to determine if it is sufficient in order to verify a score with a high degree of certainty.
1. Scores that were achieved live at an event, such as the Kong Off, or other live venue where your game can be observed live by others, particularly long standing members of the Donkey Kong Community will be accepted.
2. In case of videos that demonstrate that the game was played live at an arcade in front of witnesses may be acceptable if other video requirements are not met.
4. Any videos, such as those posted on YouTube, which shows only the final moments of a game must demonstrate a restart to prove that the game was started with a 3 lives setting.
11. The cumulative effect of multiple evidences will also play a factor in the acceptance of a score even if those evidences are not adequate alone.
I believe the evidence weighs in favor of adding this score to HSL, so I have done so. Congrats Johnny! You can see your killscreen score on the updated HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fliplismc on December 29, 2015, 05:47:02 pm
Thanks! thats awesome Jeremy, that just made my day! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 30, 2015, 02:25:41 pm
PBs all over the place. Kreygasm Congrats sir. These scores have been verified and the respective HSLs have been updated (Main ( and Start ( The stats for your full game are attached to this post and the stats for your start are in the table below. Please continue to go good and get a KS during the tourney.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 31, 2015, 11:10:13 am
Wow, love it. Your score has been added to the Level 1-1 HSL ( Now we have a 3-way tie for arcade 1-1. Guess we need to <Kuh> to break the stalemate.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 31, 2015, 01:49:58 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on January 01, 2016, 11:22:42 am
Robbie Lakeman 01/01/16 55,600 level 4 new submittion world record lit <Allen> (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on January 02, 2016, 08:45:12 am
Gameplay video and CP verification: ( Cab verification: (
I don't think Kreygasm is enough to describe this score. This calls for a <YSG>.
First and foremost, my apologies to those who submitted scores before Wes in the past few days: I will get them verified soon, I promise. I always try to verify and update scores in the order they come in, but I made an exception in this exceptional case. :)
Stats for Wes' game are attached to this post. I've also added a chart to illustrate something even more incredible than the 1,190,000 achievement. Not only did Wes become the first arcade player to average over 60,000 points for each L5+ level in a complete game (61,453), he also bested Dean Saglio's level average in Dean's 1,206,800 game (61,353).
Wes, your amazing game has been verified and updated on the High Score List ( Congratulations on your achievement, sir. You truly are an incredible player, no matter what <Tim> says. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on January 04, 2016, 07:29:52 am
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
great stuff...ty for putting in the work jry sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 05, 2016, 12:06:03 am
Robbie Lakeman 01/01/16 55,600 level 4 new submittion world record lit <Allen> (
Marky_d got Lakeman'd. Congrats, sir. The DK Individual Level and Stage Records ( thread has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 05, 2016, 12:07:40 am
A fantastic score considering you lost 2 men before Level 5! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Almost in the Top 100!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 05, 2016, 12:10:24 am
Anyway, congrats, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I went back and downloaded the past broadcasts so I could watch as much of the full game as possible. There's about 8 minutes and 50 seconds of missing video here, so I tried to reconstruct the scores as best I could. I ended up estimating scores for 9-6, 10-1, 10-2, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, 17-1, and 17-2. Those are the italicized scores in the chart. The yellow scores are any boards where there is missing footage.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on January 05, 2016, 12:40:29 am
Jry... You bring me to tears mate... Love you my friend..
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on January 05, 2016, 02:01:59 am
Holy cow Kreygasm so many personal bests since I checked last time, big Kongrats everyone :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on January 07, 2016, 09:25:34 am
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde just achieved 834,500 points on Donkey Kong arcade format on January 7th 2016. Here is the link to my Twitch highlight :) ( Thanks everyone! Was 7 screens away from the Kill Screen!!!!!
Todd Lalonde
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on January 07, 2016, 11:08:05 am
PB hype! Congrats sir <Mruczek>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 07, 2016, 01:40:02 pm
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde just achieved 834,500 points on Donkey Kong arcade format on January 7th 2016. Here is the link to my Twitch highlight :) ( Thanks everyone! Was 7 screens away from the Kill Screen!!!!!
Todd Lalonde
You are almost there, sir. <popcorn> Keep going!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on January 07, 2016, 01:53:03 pm
Congrats Todd. I was happy to watch some of it live while you were at it. Nice long run on that last guy mate. KS City are in sight!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on January 07, 2016, 02:36:29 pm
Thanks guys! I'm so close now I can taste it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on January 08, 2016, 09:19:43 am
Great score, sir. Since this is your first arcade submission, can you make a video for us showing a brief overview of your cab innards (4-way joystick and the PCB)? Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on January 09, 2016, 07:10:10 am
Great score, sir. Since this is your first arcade submission, can you make a video for us showing a brief overview of your cab innards (4-way joystick and the PCB)? Thank you.
Ok, so there's clearly something wonky going on here <Kuh> <Walter>
It's obviously some sort of "Occult symbolism" <Tim> and I have the "EVIDENCE" to prove it, right here... Kappa Kappa Kappa
So, here goes. John has a channel named "serphintizer". A serpent is a snake. Here is a picture of a cloud serpent, now tell me it doesn't look exactly like this "glitched" hammer sprite seen on Johns' PCB; coincidence, I THINK NOT...
He's clearly taunting us is plain sight with his hacker mastery and I don't like it one little bit <mad> Kappa
Kappa :) :o .
tl;dr Everyone has to do a Cab verification once John, so don't feel bad :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on January 09, 2016, 07:28:46 am
What a classic post, Ethan....absolutely hilarious. Your alertness and creativity leaves me marveling sometimes. I'll try to stream a video tonight of the machine's guts.
Title: new PB 440k
Post by: mameshane on January 10, 2016, 04:46:36 am
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde just achieved 834,500 points on Donkey Kong arcade format on January 7th 2016. Here is the link to my Twitch highlight :) ( Thanks everyone! Was 7 screens away from the Kill Screen!!!!!
Todd Lalonde
Congrats sir! Cab killscreen is coming soon. This score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 11, 2016, 09:34:37 am
Thank you for cab verification, sir. The video glitch on the rivet board manifests itself on the spring board and pie factory as well, but my guess is that you just need to replace a chip on the video board. I don't see any gameplay issues here. Your 1-1 score has been verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: new PB 440k
Post by: xelnia on January 11, 2016, 09:36:25 am
Well done, sir. I think you'll be in the top 100 very soon. Your game came to an abrupt end, so stretching out that last life could have earned you quite a few points. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on January 11, 2016, 09:48:40 am
Wow congrats! Keep going good! 500k right around the corner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on January 11, 2016, 02:48:36 pm
Thanks Jeremy! 😊
Title: 457k new PB
Post by: mameshane on January 12, 2016, 04:21:08 am
really happy i was able to get a new pb so quickly. unfortunately not a huge increase but given all 4 deaths were avoidable i cant complain.
Maybe not a huge increase, but a new distance PB, and that's definitely worth noting. As far as the deaths...well... :) Level 6 rivet was certainly entertaining too. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 16, 2016, 10:44:39 pm
I hope this isn't viewed as spamming the thread or anything, but I did a touch better than the night before. If it happens, it happens... 8)
Spam away, sir. A new PB is a new PB and always worth noting. I'll try not to take 5 days to verify it though. :D I've updated the Start HSL ( with your most recent Start score, but I've included the stats for both below.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 31, 2016, 10:26:43 am
I have had little to show since achieving the kill screen, and while this is only a 100 point jump in my PB, it's at least something. I've found that not playing DK religiously ever day makes it very hard to remain good. :P FailFish
Double fire ball presence for the low hammer smash, some favorable groupings, and a 800 point blue barrel smash with the top hammer really helped bring this score up.
I am also submitting to Twin Galaxies, for the L1-1 arcade WR: (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on January 31, 2016, 11:30:47 am
Thomas Bauer 1/31/2016 131.400 Start Wolfmameplus 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on January 31, 2016, 07:06:17 pm
new PB 630 200
Vincent Cote
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 01, 2016, 06:09:39 am
I have had little to show since achieving the kill screen, and while this is only a 100 point jump in my PB, it's at least something. I've found that not playing DK religiously ever day makes it very hard to remain good. :P FailFish
Well done, sir. Your PB has been updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( As far as playing every day is concerned, I agree with a point. There's also the danger of burning yourself out so it's important to find a balance between grinding and resting. I find taking a little time off (a day...two days...but not like two months) can help tremendously, not just with DK but with any game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 01, 2016, 06:16:40 am
Man, this was so close to a killscreen game. BibleThump A great 2nd man (over 10 levels), and an unfortunate 16-5, but you're going to get that killscreen soon. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on February 01, 2016, 08:40:59 am
Yeah, total choke on my part on lvl16 with the pace i have now & the safe play without top hammer, i can get that kill screen with a low score im shure ill get it this month
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on February 01, 2016, 12:02:37 pm
I have had little to show since achieving the kill screen, and while this is only a 100 point jump in my PB, it's at least something. I've found that not playing DK religiously ever day makes it very hard to remain good. :P FailFish
Well done, sir. Your PB has been updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( As far as playing every day is concerned, I agree with a point. There's also the danger of burning yourself out so it's important to find a balance between grinding and resting. I find taking a little time off (a day...two days...but not like two months) can help tremendously, not just with DK but with any game.
Agreed. Unfortunately for me, it's been more like 5 days off and 2 days on, and that isn't keeping the performance level up. Been focusing on some other games for TG submissions, but am getting through my list, so will be getting back to more frequent DK play soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on February 04, 2016, 07:28:20 pm
New PB 662,200 Jason Horner 2-4-16 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: blackraven15 on February 04, 2016, 08:47:41 pm
Can't stop to do the silly things, the last death FailFish Anyway the last life was sweet with 715k. A pb is a pb so I submit it anyway ROFL
fkkkkkkkkk BibleThump So close. You can definitely get that 1M before the DKO, but maybe you should hold off until then and get that sweet bounty money. :D
Your PB has been verified and updated the HSL ( Congrats sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on February 27, 2016, 07:14:57 pm
John McCurdy 02/27/2016 135700 Start wolfmameplus-0106.exe
My arcade machine is out of commission at the moment. So in the meantime, the Secret will have to do the heavy lifting. Kappa Unfortunately, the Secret does have its limits (cannot stream), for I can only provide the INP and WLF files at this time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 29, 2016, 06:33:40 am
John McCurdy 02/27/2016 135700 Start wolfmameplus-0106.exe
My arcade machine is out of commission at the moment. So in the meantime, the Secret will have to do the heavy lifting. Kappa Unfortunately, the Secret does have its limits (cannot stream), for I can only provide the INP and WLF files at this time.
Nice! 13k on Level 2 rivet, love it. Score one for The Secret. Kappa Your PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on March 01, 2016, 10:34:18 am
John McCurdy 03/01/2016 137700 Start wolfmameplus-0106.exe
Oops!...I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game... Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 01, 2016, 03:20:10 pm
I also submitted to Twin Galaxies for the first time. If you'd like to help me out and vote for my submission, the link is here (I think): (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on March 01, 2016, 07:02:25 pm
Congrats Aaron!!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on March 01, 2016, 09:33:42 pm
Congrats Aaron. Wish I could have been there to see it happen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 02, 2016, 04:29:52 pm
I also submitted to Twin Galaxies for the first time. If you'd like to help me out and vote for my submission, the link is here (I think): (
Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off...."finally." Kappa
A heroic, 628k 2nd man put you in great shape and you sealed the deal with a man to spare. I lit it. Your KS PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Please keep going, sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 03, 2016, 07:08:03 pm
Congrats on your first KS! I did help you out on TG, as well. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 05, 2016, 08:16:19 am
DK Start Submission
Scott Cunningham 134,700 (end of Level 04) February 21, 2016 WolfMAME 0.106
The remainder of the game was typical. I picked up 3 quick deaths during Level 06 before it all ended mercifully on 8-1.
Final Score: 314,200
Because this is only a 300 point PB increase, I'll spare Jeremy a few moments of tedium:
Scott's numbers are accurate, of course, and his new Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( As far as tedium goes, I had already watched this clip before this submission (I think I actually caught the original broadcast, not the highlight), so I was ready to verify as soon as it was posted. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on March 05, 2016, 03:50:16 pm
1st Million point game. I knew I was getting close. Finally!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 06, 2016, 07:07:35 am
1st Million point game. I knew I was getting close. Finally!!!
Congratulations sir! 1,000,000 is a huge milestone and it's always great to see players stick with it and push themselves to new heights. Looks like the Aussies could learn a thing or two from the Kiwis. <Allen>
Your PB has been verified and added to the HSL (, with stats attached below. Hopefully we'll see some even bigger scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 06, 2016, 10:38:31 am
DK Level 1-1 Submission
Scott Cunningham 13,400 on March 05, 2016 WolfMAME 0.106
Special thanks to Adam and Ethan, who both stopped by and offered encouraging words of support. It will come as no surprise if either of you becomes the first player to surpass the imposing 14K barrier.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Martin Laing on March 06, 2016, 12:22:47 pm
Thanks for verification. Much appreciated.
I love how the lowest level and highest level are back to back - the low level 5 freaked me out a bit so had to go a bit harder to get ahead of pace. Paid off in end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on March 06, 2016, 12:28:34 pm
Special thanks to Adam and Ethan, who both stopped by and offered encouraging words of support. It will come as no surprise if either of you becomes the first player to surpass the imposing 14K barrier.
Was lucky to catch this live, so huge mate! congrats! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on March 06, 2016, 02:52:00 pm
Wow Scott Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Such largery!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on March 06, 2016, 02:55:15 pm
13,400? You just got a lucky game, unlike me, who play the hardcore way without any luck or any 800's Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on March 06, 2016, 03:09:34 pm
Now Vincent, Be nice Kappa
Great job again, Scott. Tears in my eyes :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on March 06, 2016, 03:36:38 pm
Amazing Scott!!!! Many Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 06, 2016, 08:55:31 pm
Special thanks to Adam and Ethan, who both stopped by and offered encouraging words of support. It will come as no surprise if either of you becomes the first player to surpass the imposing 14K barrier.
Any score is a good score that ties Dean Saglio and/or Jeff Willms and also beats Vince Lemay. And it's always great to see big 1-1s achieved live so we can hear the players' reaction, which I've attached to this post. ;D
Congrats sir, your 1-1 PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on March 07, 2016, 12:07:03 am
Such biggery!!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congrats Scott - hugeness!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on March 08, 2016, 09:20:00 pm
BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
Great Scott!
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 19, 2016, 12:24:55 am
New PB and 2nd kill screen ever. Seems I do my best playing during DKOO's. ;D
Also submitting for the DKOO, and to Twin Galaxies. The TG adjudication link is here, if everyone would be so kind as to help me get into the top 20 all time for arcade platform <gasp> : (
I also realized, upon re-review, that I did not announce myself before the start of the run, and my webcam mic was of. :\ I provided an additional video of hardware verification, including stating my name after the run was complete, as part of the TG submission linked above. I don't care so much about bounties, but really hope this formality doesn't DQ me from submitting the score for the DKOO. But, hey, if it is a DQ, well the rules are the rules.
As always, much thanks to the DKF community!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on March 19, 2016, 01:20:10 am
congrats! i caught the last few levels. great stuff :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on March 19, 2016, 02:28:19 am
Awesome game Chris was great to watch.
Next up a big 1m I reckon!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 19, 2016, 06:21:15 am
Thank you much, good sirs! I updated my above post, with the TG submission link, and an unfortunate realization that I failed to state my name at the start of the run. :'(
I also want to add that this run came at the end of 2 days, and probably 40 failed or abandoned runs, none of which got so far as the the first pie factory without losing a man. :o The point is, to those who are striving for their first kill screen and/or other goals in the game, keep at it. For all the failed attempts and unfortunate rolls of the proverbial dice (or results of the RNG in this case), there will always be that one game in the bunch that makes it all worth it. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jammyyy on March 19, 2016, 07:25:45 am
congratulation Chris My yes vote in :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 19, 2016, 08:51:31 am
Also submitting for the DKOO, and to Twin Galaxies. The TG adjudication link is here, if everyone would be so kind as to help me get into the top 20 all time for arcade platform <gasp> : (
I also realized, upon re-review, that I did not announce myself before the start of the run, and my webcam mic was of. :\ I provided an additional video of hardware verification, including stating my name after the run was complete, as part of the TG submission linked above. I don't care so much about bounties, but really hope this formality doesn't DQ me from submitting the score for the DKOO. But, hey, if it is a DQ, well the rules are the rules.
As always, much thanks to the DKF community!
dat epic 3rd man tho Kreygasm
Congrats sir, great score. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( 1M+ next!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 19, 2016, 09:00:03 am
Thank you, Jeremy. Love those charts! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rygar412 on March 21, 2016, 06:05:20 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on March 21, 2016, 06:19:31 pm
Congrats Ryan!
You caught our attention when you bossed the walk up machine at KO .. great to see you hit the KS, Hopefully you stick around and continue playing Kreygasm !
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 21, 2016, 08:12:58 pm
Very nice! Congratulations, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 22, 2016, 11:19:19 am
Congratulations, sir! That Level 13 rivet would make Allen Staal proud. I was pretty nervous watching the Level 21 rivet...going in with an extra man, then losing it, then getting the aggressive left-side fireballs on the replay....oh lawd. BibleThump But you pulled it off. Kreygasm Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Hope to see some more big scores from you in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on March 22, 2016, 12:53:43 pm
Congrats Ryan! Great score and great game!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on March 24, 2016, 05:31:22 pm
Congrats sir, I was able to catch most of this game live and it was a pleasure to watch. I can definitely see some much larger scores in your future. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: up2ng on March 30, 2016, 09:04:05 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 30, 2016, 09:05:37 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on March 31, 2016, 02:03:28 am
Good job! You had some nice value points for blue hits. But it's surprising that you achieved this score with pretty much no fireball leeching. Big big big! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on March 31, 2016, 02:41:08 am
Great game sir! You are very very close to your first KS. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on April 13, 2016, 03:10:30 am
DK No hammer 415200 2 barrel deaths, 1 pie and 1 rivet. All 100% avoidable. Fk dis WolfMAME 0.169 Andrew Barrow 13/4/2016
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 13, 2016, 11:37:23 am
DK No hammer 415200 2 barrel deaths, 1 pie and 1 rivet. All 100% avoidable. Fk dis WolfMAME 0.169 Andrew Barrow 13/4/2016
dat level 6 rivet tho. Got 'em Phil, I reckon. Welcome to the No-Hammer HSL ( sir!
Title: 1-1 High score submission
Post by: barrels on April 13, 2016, 01:10:36 pm
Hi, me again, I chatted with Vincent Lemay again and he thought it would be a good idea for me to submit another high score, being done in a legit wolfmame-0168 INP format.
Still trying to get the #1 spot, but I see that Dean Saglio beat me to if (for now.....) I'm off to view his performance after posting this submission.
So here it is, 13400 points on 1-1, I hope my credibility gets a boost :)
Maybe next time I'll get to repeat that 14k score I once did but never recorded. I still remember that satisfied look on my face when I did it, but now all I think of is WHY OH WHY DIDN'T I INP IT?!!? <confused>
In the meantime, here's my 13800 non-inp version for reference : (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on April 13, 2016, 01:26:02 pm
I understand that people were skeptical for the 13800 1-1. We didn't know Alain, and the 13800 wasn't done on a *legit* mame version (or didn't have any .inp, I don't remember), but now he has a legit 13400 score, so I think we could retake into consideration his 13800 score.
Otherwise, if we don't accept 13800, he'll have to play 10 hours per day again for months. I'm helping because I don't want him to lose his sanity like the Tudose Kappa
Title: Re: 1-1 High score submission
Post by: xelnia on April 13, 2016, 02:35:57 pm
Hi, me again, I chatted with Vincent Lemay again and he thought it would be a good idea for me to submit another high score, being done in a legit wolfmame-0168 INP format.
Still trying to get the #1 spot, but I see that Dean Saglio beat me to if (for now.....) I'm off to view his performance after posting this submission.
So here it is, 13400 points on 1-1, I hope my credibility gets a boost :)
Maybe next time I'll get to repeat that 14k score I once did but never recorded. I still remember that satisfied look on my face when I did it, but now all I think of is WHY OH WHY DIDN'T I INP IT?!!? <confused>
In the meantime, here's my 13800 non-inp version for reference : (
Seems like March was the month of 1-1. Two 13.4s and a 13.7. Kreygasm Your 13.4 has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on April 13, 2016, 04:05:03 pm
Congrats Alain Kreygasm I was definitely skeptical when you showed up out of the blue with the 13.8 vid and claiming 14k but I'm glad we now have a verified 13.4 INP from you.
As much as I don't like being a skeptical asshole, this hobby has seen its fair share of sketchy claims but no one can argue with a solid INP.
Keep going good mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: barrels on April 13, 2016, 05:27:38 pm
Thanks and I completely understand. It's part of who I am; I'm the sleeper, the underdog... I like to surprise :)
Still trying to get that #1 spot, hopefully 14k and up! I don't spend much time on it, but one day... 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on April 14, 2016, 08:37:00 pm
Congrats :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on April 17, 2016, 03:48:06 pm
Jason Horner, PB Start 111,000 4-17-16 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 17, 2016, 06:11:21 pm
I'll restream the complete vid soon so I can highlight that
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Not much else to say except: #TeamCopie
Your new world record has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on April 20, 2016, 05:44:07 pm
Ok so new PB but this time on the real deal this was my 1st Cab verification video, so i hope i did everything correct if not if you could please tell me what i did wrong Vincent Cote 668800 LVL 18-6
seperate vid with cell phone : (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 20, 2016, 10:36:40 pm
John McCurdy No-Hammer 04/21/2016 355700 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on April 20, 2016, 11:16:50 pm
KS coming up, I reckon
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 21, 2016, 04:44:28 am
Ok so new PB but this time on the real deal this was my 1st Cab verification video, so i hope i did everything correct if not if you could please tell me what i did wrong Vincent Cote 668800 LVL 18-6
seperate vid with cell phone : (
Kreygasm A quick transition to the cab and a new PB! Congrats sir. The cab verification looks good, so you won't need to do that again for DKF submissions (though it would be a good idea to do it for TG submissions). Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 21, 2016, 04:47:58 am
John McCurdy No-Hammer 04/21/2016 355700 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
DQ'd for beating my score but not beating JBC. Kappa Definitely cool to see a point-pressing NH game though. Your score has been verified and added to the No-Hammer HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on April 21, 2016, 05:19:37 am
Do you think this would pass on Twin Galaxies ? im not shure about the clarity of the romchips if you could tell me what i could do better for the future
thank you
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 21, 2016, 05:29:03 am
Do you think this would pass on Twin Galaxies ? im not shure about the clarity of the romchips if you could tell me what i could do better for the future
thank you
Yes, I would vote to accept and I would expect others to do so as well. You show a 4-way restrictor and show that the board is a TKG4 with the correct DIP settings. Showing the chips is nice but it doesn't really prove anything. Over time labels fade or fall off, chips get replaced, etc. The real proof is in the gameplay.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on April 21, 2016, 07:03:15 am
cool, thx for the info
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 24, 2016, 08:58:53 pm
John McCurdy No-Hammer 04/24/2016 401000 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 25, 2016, 06:14:29 am
John McCurdy No-Hammer 04/24/2016 401000 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
With any luck, you'll beat <Allen>'s top hammer PB in a no-hammer game. Kreygasm <stirpot> FailFish Your score has been verified and updated on the No-Hammer HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 25, 2016, 11:22:04 am
John McCurdy No-Hammer 04/28/2016 520800 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
Congrats sir! I would make a snarky comment about the spring death, but it's No-Hammer, so you could've gotten to 21-6 with all your men and lost them all there. BibleThump 8) ( <blinky> Your PB has been verified and updated on the No-Hammer HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on May 02, 2016, 06:03:35 pm
New PB 1st kill screen :D ( 802 300
time to point press now !!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 03, 2016, 04:12:26 am
New PB 1st kill screen :D ( 802 300
time to point press now !!!
Kreygasm Congratulations sir! Some scary moments there on Level 21, but you finished strong with a 10k rivet and a killscreen! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Also, please create a highlight from that Twitch broadcast before it gets automatically deleted. :) Looking forward to some bigger scores in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 03, 2016, 04:18:19 am
Kreygasm badge him up!! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on May 03, 2016, 07:04:13 am
Highlight created
& whos in charge of giving badges around here :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 03, 2016, 08:36:19 am
Finally a game that I didn't mess up at the end :)
Quite some close calls, L14 Rivet was just crazy, glad that I survived that ROFL
Congrats again, sir. That rivet certainly was insane. :D Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( If you make a highlight of the game I'll add that to the scoreboard too.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 06, 2016, 07:23:43 am
Andrew Barrow 7/5/2016 Start submission: 137500 ( WolfMAME 0.172
1-1 PB attempts turned into me playing out an 11k and then somehow this happened. Favorable rivets etc. Dean and Robbie love it I reckon My first 50k+ L2 and 90k+ L3 TY
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on May 06, 2016, 07:37:48 am
Andrew Barrow 7/5/2016 Start submission: 137500 ( WolfMAME 0.172
1-1 PB attempts turned into me playing out an 11k and then somehow this happened. Favorable rivets etc. Dean and Robbie love it I reckon My first 50k+ L2 and 90k+ L3 TY
Omg how
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on May 06, 2016, 07:40:52 am
BBB Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on May 06, 2016, 08:10:14 am
Andrew Barrow 7/5/2016 Start submission: 137500 ( WolfMAME 0.172
1-1 PB attempts turned into me playing out an 11k and then somehow this happened. Favorable rivets etc. Dean and Robbie love it I reckon My first 50k+ L2 and 90k+ L3 TY
Well played, Andrew!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on May 06, 2016, 03:18:34 pm
144,500 Start
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 06, 2016, 04:01:24 pm
Andrew Barrow 7/5/2016 Start submission: 137500 ( WolfMAME 0.172
1-1 PB attempts turned into me playing out an 11k and then somehow this happened. Favorable rivets etc. Dean and Robbie love it I reckon My first 50k+ L2 and 90k+ L3 TY
Kreygasm See what happens when you escape the 1-1 black hole? :D bbb sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 06, 2016, 05:03:27 pm
Definitely the most impressive score you've put up recently. Kappa I had already added this score to the Start HSL ( and linked to the Twitch broadcast, but now with an official submission I'll use the YouTube video and provide some stats:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 06, 2016, 05:15:56 pm
TY Jry much appreciated sir. Great start score Wes mate. The rest was OK too :) Edit: oops wrong game To think with my luck-stick rivets in your start, you would've hit 150k.
Also Jry, 1000 posts lit nwr <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on May 06, 2016, 06:49:46 pm
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde am submitting a new Donkey Kong Arcade cab PB of 877,200 points achieved on May 5/2016 Here is the link to the highlight. ( So close to the kill screen! FailFish Thanks guys! DK RULES! Todd Lalonde
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 07, 2016, 08:16:19 am
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde am submitting a new Donkey Kong Arcade cab PB of 877,200 points achieved on May 5/2016 Here is the link to the highlight. ( So close to the kill screen! FailFish Thanks guys! DK RULES! Todd Lalonde
Very nice, sir! Keep going! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 07, 2016, 11:56:43 am
Hi guys. I Todd Lalonde am submitting a new Donkey Kong Arcade cab PB of 877,200 points achieved on May 5/2016 Here is the link to the highlight. ( So close to the kill screen! FailFish Thanks guys! DK RULES! Todd Lalonde
Great game! Tough ending, but I'm sure you'll get another big game soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on May 07, 2016, 05:25:01 pm
John McCurdy No-Hammer 05/07/2016 630100 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 07, 2016, 08:38:40 pm
Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 07, 2016, 09:59:31 pm
John McCurdy No-Hammer 05/07/2016 630100 wolfmameplus-0106.exe
All the bbbs Kreygasm 1,900 points behind the next score, but a full two levels behind as well. dat pace tho. Congrats sir, your score has been verified and updated on the No-Hammer HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on May 08, 2016, 01:38:38 am
I think we should name that top freezer the "Red Carpet Fireball." ;D Nice score, sir. The Individual Level and Stage Records ( have been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 09, 2016, 01:35:46 pm
ftttt finally Kreygasm fkkkk my score BibleThump Well done, mate. Sick backjump hammer grab too. The Level 1-1 HSL ( has been updated!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 10, 2016, 04:57:10 am
Sorry Jry but at least these are quick to verify lol
1 on 1 - 12100 10/5/2016 PB for L1 too but epic fail on 2-1 lol
TY sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on May 10, 2016, 05:09:56 am
BOOM 12k. Love it
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on May 10, 2016, 05:23:37 pm
Sorry Jry but at least these are quick to verify lol
1 on 1 - 12100 10/5/2016 PB for L1 too but epic fail on 2-1 lol
TY sir
Kreygasm marky_d loves it I reckon. And a 23k Level 1! Consider not dying on 2-1 after these big starts pls fttttt. Your PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 11, 2016, 12:53:50 am
Wow, quick work on another killscreen and a new PB! Love it. You worked your way out of a lot of tough pie factories. Great stuff. Your new PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( 1 million coming up!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 12, 2016, 01:53:46 am
♫♪ Movin' on up ♪♫
Andrew Barrow 12/05/2016 1 on 1 submission - 12400
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 12, 2016, 04:29:05 pm
Andrew Barrow 12/05/2016 1 on 1 submission - 12400
User Barra has been given a 24-hour ban for spamming thread titled Score Submissions. This ban will automatically be lifted in 24 hours, or when user Barra scores 13,000 on 1-1.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 14, 2016, 04:48:41 am
wflimusic has gone large! Kreygasm J. P. sent me an INP for a 13,400 1-1 score, and I've verified it and added it to the Level 1-1 HSL ( I believe he has said his PB was 13,200. We have now 4 players at 13,400...and I think J. P. has a great shot at being the first to break 14,000. Congrats sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 14, 2016, 04:58:28 am
wflimusic has gone large! Kreygasm J. P. sent me an INP for a 13,400 1-1 score, and I've verified it and added it to the Level 1-1 HSL ( I believe he has said his PB was 13,200. We have now 4 players at 13,400...and I think J. P. has a great shot at being the first to break 14,000. Congrats sir!
Outstanding run! What's remarkable is that the score was achieved without the benefit of an 800 point blue smash.
5 blue smashes: 300, 500, 500, 500, 500
With better luck, the final score could have been anywhere from 13,600 to an unfathomable 15,100. <gasp>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on May 14, 2016, 09:24:27 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on May 15, 2016, 01:18:46 pm
Nice score, sir! Knocking <Allen> down another peg, lit....though I doubt he even knows he's on this list. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on May 22, 2016, 11:37:33 am
Jason Horner, 1-1 PB of 10,200 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on May 22, 2016, 07:02:37 pm
Hi guys,
This is the first time I've posted any thing here so I hope I'm doing it right. I'm submitting my score of 244,200 (.inp and .wlf files attached). Thanks for having such a cool website!
Brian Healey
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on May 22, 2016, 08:38:54 pm
Congrats on the score Brian! Welcome to DKF! Do you stream your DK games? If so, what is your channel so that we can add you to our list of active streamers? Streaming and watching other streams is the best way to get better!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 23, 2016, 10:12:34 am
This is the first time I've posted any thing here so I hope I'm doing it right. I'm submitting my score of 244,200 (.inp and .wlf files attached). Thanks for having such a cool website!
Brian Healey
Welcome to DKF, Brian! Great first submission and I hope we see many more from you in the future! Your score has been verified and added to the Main HSL ( Good luck with your games, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 23, 2016, 12:17:27 pm
Congrats to Jason and Brian! Very nice scores, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on May 23, 2016, 02:58:41 pm
Tanner Fokkens 5/23/2016 Start: 133,000 Arcade ( Played offline
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on May 23, 2016, 03:19:26 pm
Congrats on the score Brian! Welcome to DKF! Do you stream your DK games? If so, what is your channel so that we can add you to our list of active streamers? Streaming and watching other streams is the best way to get better!
Welcome to DKF, Brian! Great first submission and I hope we see many more from you in the future! Your score has been verified and added to the Main HSL ( Good luck with your games, sir!
Thanks for the nice welcome guys! I don't stream on twitch but in the future I probably will. I'm a complete noob to the gaming community (and forums in general). I got interested in Donkey Kong after seeing King of Kong on youtube a few months back. I started practicing on RetroUprising, then on WolfMAME and I love it. (I remember playing a few times as a kid at Chuck E Cheese -- I'm 42 now.) I hope to keep improving. Thanks for your nice welcome and support. Great forum...very much appreciate it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on May 23, 2016, 03:28:26 pm
Congrats Brian! One note. If there is just one more new over 200k score it will take over 200k to make it into the top 200! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on May 23, 2016, 05:03:46 pm
Thanks for the nice welcome guys! I don't stream on twitch but in the future I probably will. I'm a complete noob to the gaming community (and forums in general). I got interested in Donkey Kong after seeing King of Kong on youtube a few months back. I started practicing on RetroUprising, then on WolfMAME and I love it. (I remember playing a few times as a kid at Chuck E Cheese -- I'm 42 now.) I hope to keep improving. Thanks for your nice welcome and support. Great forum...very much appreciate it!
Thanks for sharing! Similar story here, and I think many of use were equally inspired by KoK. I'm 41, so you're not alone, in the 40-something-and-still-addicted-to-video-games category. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on May 24, 2016, 02:02:17 pm
Thomas Bauer 5/24/2016 1,023,700 Wolfmameplus 106 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on May 24, 2016, 02:43:54 pm
Congrats Thomas! Well Done! I watched most of this game but missed the end! Keep going good! The grinding is paying off. I enjoy waking up to your streams! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on May 25, 2016, 06:42:44 am
Thomas Bauer 5/24/2016 1,023,700 Wolfmameplus 106 (
Great score sir! It has been verified and updated on the HSL (! A quick journey back to 1M+ after your first one. Also, taking a look at the numbers, this was definitely a 1.04M-1.05M type game. Your barrel average was higher than a few of the people above you on the HSL, but you had quite a few tough rivets that really carved points from your final score. I expect we'll see that 1.05M very soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on June 04, 2016, 09:53:09 am
Jason Horner, 6/4/16 New PB 785,600 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on June 04, 2016, 10:03:13 am
^game starts around 9:00
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on June 04, 2016, 10:18:36 am
got em! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on June 04, 2016, 11:36:24 am
Did this after a 1 quarter match with JCB, ended up getting a 137k start and taking the first man to around 500k. Unfortunately, I had been playing for 2.5 hours at that point, and at 3am, I was hardly staying awake for the game. It ended soon after. A good attempt none the less.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 04, 2016, 10:53:02 pm
Great game sir! A deeper game with a higher pace than your last it. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 04, 2016, 10:54:33 pm
Did this after a 1 quarter match with JCB, ended up getting a 137k start and taking the first man to around 500k. Unfortunately, I had been playing for 2.5 hours at that point, and at 3am, I was hardly staying awake for the game. It ended soon after. A good attempt none the less.
bbb! A pretty solid Level 4 at 53,400. Keep going good sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on June 05, 2016, 02:48:33 am
Jason Horner, 6/4/16 New PB 785,600 (
I dont like calling people cheaters - but when they gives a voodoo doll rum in exchange for magical powers I really think the line has been crossed !!! ;D
Nah - congrats on the new PB mate. Also congrats to Tanner for the BBB start! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on June 05, 2016, 09:17:05 am
wow nice job(s)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 05, 2016, 01:34:24 pm
Kreygasm Elevator bounty going to fall soon, I reckon. The Master Table ( has been updated, sir. gg.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on June 10, 2016, 04:38:42 pm
Hi Everyone, This is the second score submission I've made. It's my new personal best of 300,800. My first submission was 3 weeks ago (244,200). I love this website and have learned so much from reading the posts and watching some vids of the really great players. I hope to continue improving as I learn more and more from you guys. Thanks so much for this amazing website. Brian Healey 3000,800 WolfMAME 106 10JUNE2016 6:28 pm U.S. east coast time .inp and .wlf attached I appreciate this forum very much. Keep it up! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on June 10, 2016, 05:13:11 pm
well done! keep up the good work brian :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on June 10, 2016, 06:25:14 pm
Thanks for the encouragement p2dose!! Appreciate it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 11, 2016, 04:48:04 am
Hi Everyone, This is the second score submission I've made. It's my new personal best of 300,800. My first submission was 3 weeks ago (244,200). I love this website and have learned so much from reading the posts and watching some vids of the really great players. I hope to continue improving as I learn more and more from you guys. Thanks so much for this amazing website. Brian Healey 3000,800 WolfMAME 106 10JUNE2016 6:28 pm U.S. east coast time .inp and .wlf attached I appreciate this forum very much. Keep it up! :)
Congrats sir! I think you'll be making a run on the top 100 very soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the Main HSL (, jumping 19 spots! Since you finished Level 4 with a score of 100,500 and no deaths, that qualifies you for the Start High Score List ( as well!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on June 11, 2016, 07:08:03 am
New PB Start 126,600 Chris Gleed 6/11/16 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 11, 2016, 09:06:59 am
New PB Start 126,600 Chris Gleed 6/11/16 (
Nice score, sir! Thank you for not beating me...yet. Kappa I still marvel at your sweet capture setup. Your Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on June 11, 2016, 11:25:32 am
Thank you, sir! Had I known we would be tied, I would've dumped 100 points. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on June 11, 2016, 05:00:16 pm
Hi Everyone, This is the second score submission I've made. It's my new personal best of 300,800. My first submission was 3 weeks ago (244,200). I love this website and have learned so much from reading the posts and watching some vids of the really great players. I hope to continue improving as I learn more and more from you guys. Thanks so much for this amazing website. Brian Healey 3000,800 WolfMAME 106 10JUNE2016 6:28 pm U.S. east coast time .inp and .wlf attached I appreciate this forum very much. Keep it up! :)
Congrats sir! I think you'll be making a run on the top 100 very soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the Main HSL (, jumping 19 spots! Since you finished Level 4 with a score of 100,500 and no deaths, that qualifies you for the Start High Score List ( as well!
Thanks xelnia!! I appreciate the encouragement and I appreciate your hard work in verifying all these scores that are posted. The hard work and time you put in for us is not unnoticed. Much appreciated sir! Thanks for making this so fun and cool! Thumbs up to you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 17, 2016, 01:50:37 am
Congrats sir! A huge first man (838,200 to 18-1) and now top 20 all time! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( It looks like you've really found your groove. Three 1M+ PB scores in a month and a half. Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 21, 2016, 05:54:48 pm
Wow Kreygasm
bbb! Or should that be KIG KIG KIG
congrats sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on June 21, 2016, 06:00:42 pm
Damn, Kongrats Thomas! Sucks that I didn't see this game, but I'm happy your DK grinding paid off! Big big big!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on June 21, 2016, 10:30:44 pm
Wow Thomas Congrats!!! How did I miss this!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 21, 2016, 10:40:34 pm
Dean in how how. Great game sir. Lot of bbbs all around. I watched the full replay as you streamed it, so I have stats ready to go, and I've verified and updated your score on the HSL (! Three people with 1.2 now...crazy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on June 21, 2016, 11:57:38 pm
Robbie, Thomas Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congrats sirs!
BBB's all over the place!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on June 22, 2016, 05:31:43 am
1.2 million, god status activated. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on June 22, 2016, 06:50:19 am
good stuff Robbie!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on June 29, 2016, 08:03:46 pm
Great score sir! Any score that bumps marky_d down a spot is worth a few Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm! Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: socal_stud on July 03, 2016, 01:45:28 pm
Josh Lennard 8) 7/3/16 170,200
Score achieved on Chris Gleed's cabinet. .. In the man cave. Thank you!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 03, 2016, 01:50:06 pm
^This is my good friend, Josh. We are having one of our monthly or every-other-monthly all day video game binges. He has posted 150k, and 160k previously, without being recorded. This was his first coin drop (and the first coin drop for the day of gaming).
You can hear me in the background, giving pointers. I assert this is played on my cabinet and in the same state that I play and submit all my scores (including TG settings). Thanks for looking!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 03, 2016, 02:05:00 pm
Score achieved on Chris Gleed's cabinet. .. In the man cave. Thank you!!!
Video is private... BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 03, 2016, 02:20:54 pm
Just checked it, had to publish it. I checked the video settings, and it shows its set to public. Hopefully fixed now. Sorry about that!
Here's the link, which I checked not logged in, so hopefully it works: (
If not, PM me. I will get it resolved offline (from the thread).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 03, 2016, 04:22:23 pm
^This is my good friend, Josh. We are having one of our monthly or every-other-monthly all day video game binges. He has posted 150k, and 160k previously, without being recorded. This was his first coin drop (and the first coin drop for the day of gaming).
You can hear me in the background, giving pointers. I assert this is played on my cabinet and in the same state that I play and submit all my scores (including TG settings). Thanks for looking!
Just checked it, had to publish it. I checked the video settings, and it shows its set to public. Hopefully fixed now. Sorry about that!
Here's the link, which I checked not logged in, so hopefully it works: (
If not, PM me. I will get it resolved offline (from the thread).
That's clearly Chris' setup, and that's clearly not Chris. :) Congrats on your new PB, Josh, and welcome to the DKF High Score List (! Hopefully we'll see some more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 04, 2016, 11:40:28 am
Thank you, Jeremy! Josh got the hang of steering barrels and got a little more comfortable with L4+ springs during this performance, and now has his sites set on 200k. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 05, 2016, 12:09:19 pm
Chris Psaros 7/4/16 986,600 (
I'm now in the "almost" club with Estel and Dan Dock. ;D
ABOUT THIS REPLAY (<Pigger>): Hoping you do stats, because I want to see just how bad those springs were. Had 1M pace locked in all the way until the beginning of I think level 18, then started slipping, then total freakout choke near the end, lo. I was not expecting this game, and was not psychologically prepared for it. If I'd just cashed in my spare guy on 21-5, rather than blowing the guy by suddenly deciding to try to group on 20-1 when it was way too late to make that decision, I would have gotten 1M. Once I'd made that terrible mistake, and got to L21 knowing that I'd need a 61K level to get 1M (61K still too rich for my blood at this juncture), the goal shifted to just beating 960K to ensure 5th place for the tournament and I gave up on double-hammering to avoid any possible bottom fireball fkstickery.
First death was the worst death of all time (thanks a lot for showing up and putting me off, Allen.) <Allen>
Oh well, this means I get to keep playing DK. Yay(?)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 05, 2016, 12:13:46 pm
Wow congrats Chris. Huge score!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on July 05, 2016, 01:17:33 pm
how does he know
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 05, 2016, 03:35:14 pm
Chris Psaros 7/4/16 986,600 (
I'm now in the "almost" club with Estel and Dan Dock. ;D
ABOUT THIS REPLAY (<Pigger>): Hoping you do stats, because I want to see just how bad those springs were. Had 1M pace locked in all the way until the beginning of I think level 18, then started slipping, then total freakout choke near the end, lo. I was not expecting this game, and was not psychologically prepared for it. If I'd just cashed in my spare guy on 21-5, rather than blowing the guy by suddenly deciding to try to group on 20-1 when it was way too late to make that decision, I would have gotten 1M. Once I'd made that terrible mistake, and got to L21 knowing that I'd need a 61K level to get 1M (61K still too rich for my blood at this juncture), the goal shifted to just beating 960K to ensure 5th place for the tournament and I gave up on double-hammering to avoid any possible bottom fireball fkstickery.
First death was the worst death of all time (thanks a lot for showing up and putting me off, Allen.) <Allen>
Oh well, this means I get to keep playing DK. Yay(?)
Kreygasm I watched the end of this while I was streaming some IGBY games, and I lit'd it very much. Congratulations on the new PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Continue to go good.
Hoping you do stats
Something to keep in mind when looking at the stats sheet: when calculating pace, I only add in 700 points for each remaining life. Basically, potential killscreen points. I think that's a good balance between no points, the Pauline-esque "5k, then average your past deaths", and assuming that one will be able to sac lives.
When looking at the 1M-potential of this game, I dug into the data archives to get some comparisons. I have consolidated data on about 253 games. I actually have maybe a dozen more but they're buried in an external hard drive and aren't killscreens or 1M+. Of those 253, 106 are 1M+ or close-call KSs (e.g., Ben Falls' 999,200 and Dave McCrary's 998,600). Here's how your game compared:
For games that completed all L5+ barrel boards, the lowest barrel average for a 1M+ game was 9,943 for Tanner's 1,004,100. Your final average was 10,404, comparable to Barra's 10,396 in his 1,014,600 game. Your barrel average through level 20 (after which you stopped taking bottom hammers) was 10,517, comparable to Jon Mckinnell's 10,516 in his 1,019,800 game.
For games that completed all L5+ pie boards, the lowest pie average for a 1M+ game was 6,947 in Corey Chambers' 1,019,500 game. Your average was 7,759 which is equal to Robbie's pie average in his first 1.1M game of 1,113,400. 7,700-7,800 would be an expected pie average.
For games that completed all L5+ spring boards, the lowest spring average for a 1M+ game was 5,565 for Shawn Robinson's 1,022,700. Your spring average was 5,835...comparable to Mick Winzeler's 5,841 in his 1,000,300 game. In general I would say your springs are getting better (5,688 for your 925k game, 5,212 for your 911k game...but 5,947 for your 903,700 game that is older than both of those) but still lag behind the overall expected average of 6,000-6,100. That's costing you around 5k.
For games that completed all L5+ rivet boards, the lowest rivet average for a 1M+ game was 6,106 for Thomas Bauer's 1,023,700 game. Your rivet average was 6,647...higher than Robbie achieved in a 1.07 and 1.08 score, but also lower than Allen's 6,729 average in his recent 871,900 game. 7,100-7,200 would be an expected rivet average.
The lowest Start for a 1M+ game in the style you're playing was 103,700 for Martin Laing's 1,026,800...but he had 21,500 in death points. Your Start was 103,400. The fewest death points for a 1M+ game in the style you're playing was 5,100 for Serphy's 1,010,500 game...but he had a 108,400 start and higher pie and spring averages. You had 8,500 death points.
My analysis of this game is that, score-wise, your barrels and pies were exactly where you'd want them to be for a basic 1M+ score. Your rivet average was about 500 points lower than I would expect to see in any given game but, as we know, those boards are often out of our control. Your springs are your nemesis. I think the biggest issue was, as you said, that you were not mentally prepared for or planning on this game. All the pieces are there (I'm sure you know that anyway), it's just a matter of being ready to put them into play (and tightening up on your springs ftttt). :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on July 06, 2016, 10:06:08 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on July 06, 2016, 01:00:17 pm
Congrats on the new PB Chris.
"almost" club lmao
Lets hope you can get your 1M game soon :) I was member in the exclusive "almost" club way too long so please 1M next and not 30 900K games like someone else here ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on July 06, 2016, 01:17:29 pm
I think Thomas is the lifetime President of the "almost" club. ;D
ty for stats jry! I wanted to make that run as simple as possible, knock everything even slightly troublesome out of the way, and just stay in supertight Wes-style cruise control mode. It's a good sign that while I was playing, I was seeing all the thousands of points that I was letting fly out the window, and exactly where I was losing them, whereas a few years ago I was saying "how am I losing so much pace? fk this." That won't be a problem anymore. I just sorta fell apart a little bit near the end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on July 13, 2016, 12:28:49 pm
I got to watch some of this game - congrats on the score Karsten. KS around the corner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on July 13, 2016, 02:12:32 pm
Congrats Karsten, new PB and not even on the weekend Kreygasm
Checked the game looked pretty good but the last death, you need to stop watching my streams ROFL Next stop KS, just stop to die its not that hard ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 13, 2016, 07:51:20 pm
Oh man, so close. Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: danman123456 on July 13, 2016, 08:39:36 pm
Huge! This great performance surpasses your old PB by 269,200 and vaults you 29 spots into the top 100, to #75! You lost your 3rd life on 11-2 at 382,300. Most people would have been happy to just reach their PB at that point, but you skipped 600k and 700k and went 59 boards for 444,100 to pass the 800k mark...more than you had scored with the first 3 lives! ;D Also, I don't think I've ever seen so many 8,400 free passes in one game (7, plus another 8,400 with the bottom hammer). Kreygasm
Congrats, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( KS coming soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 14, 2016, 02:46:27 am
Thank you guys!! :D and thank you Jeremy for all the cool stats. I feel its a great time to start analysing my gameplay a bit more than I have done so far and this will come in real handy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on July 15, 2016, 08:55:03 am
Hi guys, I'm submitting my PB for level 1-1 of 9,800 and start of 116,300. Unfortunately I died 4 times on level 5 (2 times on the pie factory and 2 times on the springs) so I didn't give my full game PB a run...sigh. Well, I'm going to go practice level 5 pies and springs now.
Brian Healey Level 1-1 9,800 Start 116,300 .inp and .wlf files attached July 15, 2016
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on July 15, 2016, 03:06:07 pm
Hi guys, I improved my level 1-1 PB from a few hours ago to 11,000 which I am submitting now. Brian Healey level 1-1 11,000 .inp and .wlf files attached 7/15/16 ok, now I promise I'm going to go practice level 5 pies and springs...No more messing around on level 1-1...I want to catch up to Karsten. ;) <Wiebe>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 15, 2016, 10:53:33 pm
Hi Brian
Huge congrats on your recent improvements. You seem to be developing real fast! Kappa
Now come at me :) Oh.... And begin streaming too.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on July 16, 2016, 09:10:25 am
Huge congrats on your recent improvements. You seem to be developing real fast! Kappa
Now come at me :) Oh.... And begin streaming too.
Thanks for the encouragements Karsten. I've got a way to go before getting to your level (I'm at 300,800 now) but I'm practicing alot and your recent big score jump is an inspiration to me. Thanks ;) I'll start streaming pretty soon after a bit more practice.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 16, 2016, 11:02:03 pm
Hi guys, I'm submitting my PB for level 1-1 of 9,800 and start of 116,300. Unfortunately I died 4 times on level 5 (2 times on the pie factory and 2 times on the springs) so I didn't give my full game PB a run...sigh. Well, I'm going to go practice level 5 pies and springs now.
Brian Healey Level 1-1 9,800 Start 116,300 .inp and .wlf files attached July 15, 2016
Hi guys, I improved my level 1-1 PB from a few hours ago to 11,000 which I am submitting now. Brian Healey level 1-1 11,000 .inp and .wlf files attached 7/15/16 ok, now I promise I'm going to go practice level 5 pies and springs...No more messing around on level 1-1...I want to catch up to Karsten. ;) <Wiebe>
Nice work, sir! Your scores have been verified and the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Start HSL ( have been updated.
Start Table - DKF BBCode
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on July 17, 2016, 02:02:56 pm
Thanks xelnia! Thanks for all your hard work in verifying these scores and printing the cool stats and score by level breakdowns. It's much appreciated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on July 17, 2016, 03:12:56 pm
A few people have said that this could possibly still be valid, so I am submitting this...
I have been playing games offline as of late for practice, and this happened. I called my father downstairs to record the final level of the game, the dip switches, and the game reset. I realized after shutting the machine down that I did not record the joystick restrictor plate, but nothing has changed on my machine since my last score. Anyways, if this is enough for the list, awesome. If not, I got a good game in before KO for practice.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on July 17, 2016, 04:23:34 pm
Wow and you did it without a built in pace calculator! How does he know...
<stirpot> <stirpot> <stirpot>
But seriously, Kongrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 18, 2016, 03:39:23 am
Congrats Tanner, awesome stuff. That moves me one step closer to the elusive 34p position
Hope to see 1.1 soon :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 18, 2016, 04:08:12 am
I have been playing games offline as of late for practice, and this happened. I called my father downstairs to record the final level of the game, the dip switches, and the game reset. I realized after shutting the machine down that I did not record the joystick restrictor plate, but nothing has changed on my machine since my last score. Anyways, if this is enough for the list, awesome. If not, I got a good game in before KO for practice.
Great score, sir. Unfortunately I don't think there's enough here for me to include it on the HSL. There's a break in the video (~11:33-11:36) and the cab reset happens before the game restart. Even in practice games I recommend filming the entire game (as you've done before), and certainly restarting immediately after (with no cab reset) if you only film the end. <Pigger> <Mruczek> <Walter>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on July 18, 2016, 09:16:38 am
I have been playing games offline as of late for practice, and this happened. I called my father downstairs to record the final level of the game, the dip switches, and the game reset. I realized after shutting the machine down that I did not record the joystick restrictor plate, but nothing has changed on my machine since my last score. Anyways, if this is enough for the list, awesome. If not, I got a good game in before KO for practice.
Great score, sir. Unfortunately I don't think there's enough here for me to include it on the HSL. There's a break in the video (~11:33-11:36) and the cab reset happens before the game restart. Even in practice games I recommend filming the entire game (as you've done before), and certainly restarting immediately after (with no cab reset) if you only film the end. <Pigger> <Mruczek> <Walter>
Ah I see, yeah I tried to remember the steps in the heat of the moment and I guess I made a few errors. Understandable, ill get another game here real soon. Thanks for having a look
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on July 18, 2016, 09:23:22 am
Great game Tanner. That's not the end of your progress so it's not a huge deal to be left off the board. Congrats man. BBB!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on July 21, 2016, 09:39:31 am
Yeah, thanks. You and BBH were making me a little nervous...ha!
Haha. Had my two chances. Not sure I'll play this one for a while. 600k is a good KS score. Would be fun to play around with the barrels to see what sort of grouping is possible.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 08, 2016, 04:44:13 am
I guess we could just replace the DK3 lists with a Big Kong one... Kappa
It would get more submissions <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BBH on August 09, 2016, 01:37:25 am
man I really wish I hadn't died on 21-2 trying to do the damn skip. Even if I'd reached the kill screen it would have only been a little over 550k I think, 601k is huge. gg
Big Kong clearly needs badges
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 09, 2016, 11:30:46 am
Great job John, and big ups getting to the 600k. I am glad Big Kong is getting the love. There are five distinct Kong games from the 80s, and I now feel that each one of them now has great scores with five great champs. Copeland, Kiehl, myself, Tudose, and now McCurdy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on August 09, 2016, 12:15:37 pm
Great job John, and big ups getting to the 600k. I am glad Big Kong is getting the love. There are five distinct Kong games from the 80s, and I now feel that each one of them now has great scores with five great champs. Copeland, Kiehl, myself, Tudose, and now McCurdy.
<Sanders> "Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Galaga, Defender, Fart Kong... These were the games that caught the public eye. These were the games people cared about. And so, if you want to be known as being world class, you've got to master one of those games."
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on August 09, 2016, 01:17:11 pm
<Sanders> "Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Galaga, Defender, Fart Kong... These were the games that caught the public eye. These were the games people cared about. And so, if you want to be known as being world class, you've got to master one of those games."
... And Space Firebird Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on August 14, 2016, 09:40:45 pm
Well done, sir. Huge first man (755,600), solid focus after a shaky level 17, a couple refills on the wine, and millyuunnn, one milllyyyunnnnnn. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
What are your plans now? 1.1M? Top 10? Whatever they are, please continue to go good sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on August 15, 2016, 10:30:25 pm
Well Jry I don't really have any plans right now. I may try to luck my way to 1.1 at some point but we'll see.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 19, 2016, 05:08:42 pm
Congrats on breaking the 140k barrier, sir! Your PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Keep going good, I reckon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 20, 2016, 09:39:47 am
awe yeah
gg mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 20, 2016, 07:55:26 pm
GG Ethan! A very well-deserved and highly anticipated 140k Congrats :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 20, 2016, 08:55:26 pm
bbb Kreygasm Secret Private DK Island strikes again. Keep going good sir! Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on September 10, 2016, 03:25:43 pm
sweet :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on September 11, 2016, 08:05:33 am
Congrats on the new PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You also have the honor of being the first submission to be logged at the recently unveiled ( database after its official launch. While there are already many games in the database (including some of your previous PBs), the site was not technically revealed until today, making this submission and verification the first to officially use the functions.
From this point forward, all DKF submission verifications will be supplied with a link to the corresponding KT page for that specific game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zamboni93 on September 22, 2016, 11:00:31 am
Thanks alot, that's pretty cool, just curious about the descrepency between the two lists?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 22, 2016, 05:07:34 pm
Thanks alot, that's pretty cool, just curious about the descrepency between the two lists?
KT is a database of every game we know of, regardless of the level of verification, and the current high score list reflects that. Eventually there will be a filter that will show only verified games so it will be more in line with what the DKF HSL shows.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on September 24, 2016, 05:21:10 pm
Name: Andrew Garrett Twitch: agarrett13 Score: 816,800 Video link: Date: 24 September 2016
Score was performed live at Z82 Retrocade in front of a decent crowd. The owner started recording the score at 704,100 points not knowing a kill screen was imminent. After the game, the control panel is pulled up to verify a 4 way stick, the boards are recorded for valid chips and DIP switches, and the game reset to verify the 3-life setting and the extra life obtained at 7000 points.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 24, 2016, 05:32:06 pm
Congrats mate GG
Badge him up Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 24, 2016, 09:53:34 pm
Name: Andrew Garrett Twitch: agarrett13 Score: 816,800 Video link: ( Date: 24 September 2016
Score was performed live at Z82 Retrocade in front of a decent crowd. The owner started recording the score at 704,100 points not knowing a kill screen was imminent. After the game, the control panel is pulled up to verify a 4 way stick, the boards are recorded for valid chips and DIP switches, and the game reset to verify the 3-life setting and the extra life obtained at 7000 points.
Congrats on the KS and PB Andrew! Video looks great and is enough to verify your score. The HSL ( has been updated! Time for 1M! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 25, 2016, 12:20:53 am
Quote from: person who hasn't got 1m
Time for 1M! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: alumbrada on September 25, 2016, 01:35:03 am
Name: Andrew Garrett Twitch: agarrett13 Score: 816,800 Video link: Date: 24 September 2016
Score was performed live at Z82 Retrocade in front of a decent crowd. The owner started recording the score at 704,100 points not knowing a kill screen was imminent. After the game, the control panel is pulled up to verify a 4 way stick, the boards are recorded for valid chips and DIP switches, and the game reset to verify the 3-life setting and the extra life obtained at 7000 points.
Congratulations, sir. And in front of a crowd, no less...very impressive!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on September 25, 2016, 09:26:20 am
great stuff! congrats :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyKongGenius on September 26, 2016, 09:10:17 pm
Congrats Andrew! There's nothing stronger than having it be done in front of a crowd. <Walter>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 21, 2016, 01:28:41 pm
I, Kyle Serrano and posting my son, Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900. Jack achieved this score on the evening of 10/18/2016 at the Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. He is 8 years old.
This score was achieved in front of Dan Solis, owner of the Retrocade and Andrew Garrett, recent Kill Screener during a "Donkey Kong University" class that Andrew was instructing. This score was posted using the standard arcade settings.
I, Kyle Serrano and posting my son, Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900. Jack achieved this score on the evening of 10/18/2016 at the Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. He is 8 years old.
This score was achieved in front of Dan Solis, owner of the Retrocade and Andrew Garrett, recent Kill Screener during a "Donkey Kong University" class that Andrew was instructing. This score was posted using the standard arcade settings.
This is Jack's first submission to this forum, but he looks forward to posting scores for years to come :)
Welcome Kyle and Jackson! Amazing to see an 80k score from an 8-year old! Since this is your first submission to the forum, and because the video is only a partial recording, I'd like to ask if you can get Andrew and Dan to post here as confirmation that they witnessed this score. Generally, for video that only shows the end of a game, we like to see a restart in the same video so we can verify the game settings. Since Andrew and Dan are established members of the community who have vouched for others before, their confirmation would be good enough for me! Thanks for your help and understanding and keep going Jack!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on October 21, 2016, 05:42:03 pm
Evening guys. I'm here to confirm Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900 points. He did in fact do it during my DKU class, oddly enough, the first night. He did it on the same cabinet that I did my Killscreen if you would like us to confirm the boards and I also have pictures to show Jackson's progress
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 21, 2016, 06:20:25 pm
Thanks for the quick response Andrew! Jack had a great time at DKU and looks forward to coming back on Tuesday. You did an awesome job teaching the class!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Daniel Solis on October 22, 2016, 04:21:01 pm
I, Kyle Serrano and posting my son, Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900. Jack achieved this score on the evening of 10/18/2016 at the Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. He is 8 years old.
This score was achieved in front of Dan Solis, owner of the Retrocade and Andrew Garrett, recent Kill Screener during a "Donkey Kong University" class that Andrew was instructing. This score was posted using the standard arcade settings.
This is Jack's first submission to this forum, but he looks forward to posting scores for years to come :)
This is Daniel Solis, owner of Z82 Retrocade The donkey Kong pcb that Jackson Serrano scored on is the same board that Andrew Garrett scored his 816,800 and was done live during DKU, Donkey Kong University on Tuesday October 18th, 2016 Just wanted to give that verification as soon as I could
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 22, 2016, 04:34:49 pm
I, Kyle Serrano and posting my son, Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900. Jack achieved this score on the evening of 10/18/2016 at the Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. He is 8 years old.
This score was achieved in front of Dan Solis, owner of the Retrocade and Andrew Garrett, recent Kill Screener during a "Donkey Kong University" class that Andrew was instructing. This score was posted using the standard arcade settings.
This is Jack's first submission to this forum, but he looks forward to posting scores for years to come :)
Welcome Kyle and Jackson! Amazing to see an 80k score from an 8-year old! Since this is your first submission to the forum, and because the video is only a partial recording, I'd like to ask if you can get Andrew and Dan to post here as confirmation that they witnessed this score. Generally, for video that only shows the end of a game, we like to see a restart in the same video so we can verify the game settings. Since Andrew and Dan are established members of the community who have vouched for others before, their confirmation would be good enough for me! Thanks for your help and understanding and keep going Jack!
Evening guys. I'm here to confirm Jackson Serrano's score of 81,900 points. He did in fact do it during my DKU class, oddly enough, the first night. He did it on the same cabinet that I did my Killscreen if you would like us to confirm the boards and I also have pictures to show Jackson's progress
This is Daniel Solis, owner of Z82 Retrocade The donkey Kong pcb that Jackson Serrano scored on is the same board that Andrew Garrett scored his 816,800 and was done live during DKU, Donkey Kong University on Tuesday October 18th, 2016 Just wanted to give that verification as soon as I could
Ok, good enough for me! Welcome to the Donkey Kong High Score List (, Jackson! We look forward to seeing more scores from you in the future!
For Kyle: if you haven't already, please check out the List Submission Rules ( to help with future submissions. For Andrew and Dan: thanks for the quick responses and for creating such a cool environment for these players!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 22, 2016, 07:57:10 pm
Thank you Dan for the verification and thank you Xelnia for the submission tips. We will make every attempt to post Jack's scores using the normative standards when possible.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on October 23, 2016, 07:28:40 am
Well done to young Jackson! Kreygasm
Get em, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on October 25, 2016, 01:05:45 pm
Very nice first submission. Keep going, young sir! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on October 25, 2016, 04:16:10 pm
Well done, Jackson...go!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 25, 2016, 08:22:26 pm
Jackson Serrano had a good night tonight at Z82 Retrocade. I, Kyle Serrano, am submitting his new high score of 83,700.
Here is a video of his complete game including dip switch verification per the normative standards. His game was performed live and witnessed by Dan Solis among others. Please let me know if any further verification is required.
Jackson Serrano had a good night tonight at Z82 Retrocade. I, Kyle Serrano, am submitting his new high score of 83,700.
Here is a video of his complete game including dip switch verification per the normative standards. His game was performed live and witnessed by Dan Solis among others. Please let me know if any further verification is required.
Great job Jackson! Your new PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Once you get the hang of the Level 4 springs, your scores will skyrocket!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 27, 2016, 07:39:30 pm
I, Kyle Serrano, am posting Jackson Serrano's score of 119,100 pts. He achieved this score live at Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. His game was witnessed by Dan Solis (owner), Andrew Garrett (kill screener) and others. The video is below which includes his complete game and cabinet verification.
We are also submitting his score, believing that Jackson is the youngest person to post a score of 100,000 pts or more. Jack was born June 23, 2008 making him 8 years, four months, four days old when this score was achieved on 10/27/2016. I can provide a birth certificate if necessary, as we want to make sure this is accurate, and do not want to make any false claims. We would like to ask the DK community if there are any documented games of 100k posted by someone younger than Jack. If not, Jack would be honored to hold that title until a younger gamer takes his place, as the youngest member of the 100k club.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 28, 2016, 02:22:43 pm
I, Kyle Serrano, am posting Jackson Serrano's score of 119,100 pts. He achieved this score live at Z82 Retrocade in Sherwood AR. His game was witnessed by Dan Solis (owner), Andrew Garrett (kill screener) and others. The video is below which includes his complete game and cabinet verification.
We are also submitting his score, believing that Jackson is the youngest person to post a score of 100,000 pts or more. Jack was born June 23, 2008 making him 8 years, four months, four days old when this score was achieved on 10/27/2016. I can provide a birth certificate if necessary, as we want to make sure this is accurate, and do not want to make any false claims. We would like to ask the DK community if there are any documented games of 100k posted by someone younger than Jack. If not, Jack would be honored to hold that title until a younger gamer takes his place, as the youngest member of the 100k club.
Congratulations on the great achievement Jackson! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You jumped almost 50 spots in the rankings! While there isn't much information out there on age-related records, I'm completely comfortable in stating that you are the youngest player to achieve 100,000 points. To the best of my knowledge (and I've tracked a lot of games :D ), there are no documented games of more than 100,000 points by a player younger than 15. I believe the closest would be Katherine Williams who scored 74,500 when she was ~12 years old. So, you can feel confident in knowing that you are the youngest player ever to reach 100,000 points, and by a pretty large margin!
Congratulations again, and we hope you keep playing and submitting new high scores and world records!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 29, 2016, 05:56:07 am
Thank you and the DK community for all your encouragement and support. What's cool is that after his last score submission we got several helpful tips saying that mastering the third spring stage was the key to breaking through to higher scores. Jack worked really hard on the 3rd spring stage until he could pass it several times in a row and on his 119k game he passed the third and fourth spring boards with no problems. As a parent it's cool to see your kid's hard work payoff. But I also want to thank the community on DK Forum and Dan Solis, Andrew Garrett, Eric and Steve from Jack's DKU group at Z82 for really taking interest in his progress and helping him to get more consistent scores. Jack does have skill, but you all have provided him with the direction he needs to use his skills more efficiently.
Big thanks to you all!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on October 29, 2016, 04:40:59 pm
Oh, wow, that's really cool. Not even eight, and a half, and he got 100k! Big, big, big congratulations to that!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on October 30, 2016, 12:17:44 pm
awesome! well done :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on November 03, 2016, 06:13:18 am
I would like to submit a score of 1,043,800 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on November 03, 2016, 09:27:58 am
Thomas Bauer 11/03/2016 1,071,500 and a start PB of 132,400 Wolfmameplus 106
I would like to submit a score of 1,043,800 (
Congrats on the PB! (
Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( With this score you move to #24 overall, and #20 in all-time arcade scores! I've also updated your Start PB on the Start HSL ( Please continue to go good sir. Also, update your DKF signature. Kappa
Jry stats attached, and game summary at kongtrackr (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 03, 2016, 12:34:59 pm
Congrats on the great score, sir, and the huge first man! This game (verified and updated on HSL ( and Start HSL ( puts you ahead of Billy and Steve, and is the #6 all-time MAME score! Time for 1.1!
Jry stats attached, and game summary at kongtrackr (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on November 03, 2016, 12:38:40 pm
wooooooooo! grats on the new pbs <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on November 03, 2016, 02:16:52 pm
Fantastic day for awesome DK scores. Congrats to both 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on November 03, 2016, 02:23:54 pm
Fking hell
hats off, fellers
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on November 03, 2016, 04:58:02 pm
Wow good going Mick and Thomas!! Keep going great!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 03, 2016, 05:34:39 pm
Congrats guys!! Bbbbb <Billy> down another place lit Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on November 04, 2016, 12:42:58 am
Wow you guys!? <gasp>
Congrats sirs. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on November 04, 2016, 12:57:27 pm
Woohoo! You guys rock!!! Kongrats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on November 04, 2016, 01:36:56 pm
Thanks guys and big thanks for the stats Jeremy :)
Have somehow missed the score from Mick yesterday so a late congrats from me as well !
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on November 04, 2016, 02:52:57 pm
Thanks guys and big thanks for the stats Jeremy :)
Have somehow missed the score from Mick yesterday so a late congrats from me as well !
I totally missed it also BibleThump Congrats Mickeyyy!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on November 04, 2016, 09:21:32 pm
Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words! I know I don't stream a lot, but rest assured I am played VERY frequently. Still trying to jump Billy and Steve, but it will come before long. Big shout out to Thomas for his new PB. Very motivating.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on November 07, 2016, 07:00:29 pm
I'd like to post a score of 148,100 for Jackson Serrano. This is his first MAME submission so please let me know if we are missing a step :-/. The inp file is attached. His Youtube video is below:
I'd like to post a score of 148,100 for Jackson Serrano. This is his first MAME submission so please let me know if we are missing a step :-/. The inp file is attached. His Youtube video is below:
I'd like to post a score of 148,100 for Jackson Serrano. This is his first MAME submission so please let me know if we are missing a step :-/. The inp file is attached. His Youtube video is below:
Video and INP (WolfMAME 0.149) look good! Congrats, Jackson! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You're now starting to outscore adults that have tried their hand at this game in the past couple of years!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JumpmanJack on November 08, 2016, 11:35:41 am
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Little Jack is pretty stoked ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on November 12, 2016, 01:50:42 pm
I guess I better start joining the list . . .
407,400, done at RU.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 12, 2016, 06:33:23 pm
tim Kreygasm very nice first submission. 400k shows that you know enough to be able to killscreen, now you have to execute consistently :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on November 12, 2016, 06:37:29 pm
Thanks, Andrew. Consistency is always my issue with this game. 4 out of 5 games I'm dying a boneheaded death before L5.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 14, 2016, 06:47:03 am
STATS! Thanks. I didn't realize I'd had a 10k+ pie level in there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on November 14, 2016, 02:30:44 pm
Get em Tim
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bencrooch on November 15, 2016, 05:57:23 am
Hey guys! Im submitting my first DK score! I hope I did everything correct! It was on my Table arcade machine sn:02823. Got a score of 251,000! My first time to get to level 8 and over 250K! Here is the link to the Youtube page! Thanx! Next stop 300K!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on November 15, 2016, 08:39:58 pm
Hi Ben,
Jeremy asked me my opinion about this submission, because I have some expertise on DK board sets.
As you may or may not know, DK was "patched" in December of 1981 to fix a couple of things. The majority of boards that were produced have the patched version, and that's the only one that can be used for score submissions, because the unpatched version has a bug that the player can exploit.
To know whether or not you are playing on the patched version, we would need to see one of two things: either the title screen, or the part number on the board set. Unfortunately, your video shows neither.
If the title screen says "Nintendo of America," it means you're running the patched version. But if it says "Nintendo," you're running the unpatched one. You have credits on the machine, so the attract mode can't cycle, therefore we can't see the title screen.
As for the board set, you showed it, but you didn't show the part number (which is understandable, because you'd have to pull it out).
All cocktail cabs use the 4-board stack, but some have the patched version and some don't. The part number will tell you. If it's TKG-2 or TKG-3-6 (or less than 6), it's the unpatched version. If it's TKG-3-7, it'll be the patched version and you're all set.
You showed the serial plate on your cab, but that won't give any conclusive answers, because any board set could be in any cabinet, and the board is what matters.
So unfortunately, I don't know if Jeremy will be able to accept this submission as-is.
Next time, I recommend running off any credits in the machine, or even just power-cycling it after your game, to make sure the title screen is shown. That's the easiest method. If you want to be really ironclad, you can pull the board out to show the part number.
This is of course Jeremy's call, but if you can do 250K once, I am sure you can do it again. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 16, 2016, 01:28:00 am
Hey guys! Im submitting my first DK score! I hope I did everything correct! It was on my Table arcade machine sn:02823. Got a score of 251,000! My first time to get to level 8 and over 250K! Here is the link to the Youtube page! (
Jeremy asked me my opinion about this submission, because I have some expertise on DK board sets.
As you may or may not know, DK was "patched" in December of 1981 to fix a couple of things. The majority of boards that were produced have the patched version, and that's the only one that can be used for score submissions, because the unpatched version has a bug that the player can exploit.
To know whether or not you are playing on the patched version, we would need to see one of two things: either the title screen, or the part number on the board set. Unfortunately, your video shows neither.
If the title screen says "Nintendo of America," it means you're running the patched version. But if it says "Nintendo," you're running the unpatched one. You have credits on the machine, so the attract mode can't cycle, therefore we can't see the title screen.
As for the board set, you showed it, but you didn't show the part number (which is understandable, because you'd have to pull it out).
All cocktail cabs use the 4-board stack, but some have the patched version and some don't. The part number will tell you. If it's TKG-2 or TKG-3-6 (or less than 6), it's the unpatched version. If it's TKG-3-7, it'll be the patched version and you're all set.
You showed the serial plate on your cab, but that won't give any conclusive answers, because any board set could be in any cabinet, and the board is what matters.
So unfortunately, I don't know if Jeremy will be able to accept this submission as-is.
Next time, I recommend running off any credits in the machine, or even just power-cycling it after your game, to make sure the title screen is shown. That's the easiest method. If you want to be really ironclad, you can pull the board out to show the part number.
This is of course Jeremy's call, but if you can do 250K once, I am sure you can do it again. :)
As Chris has outlined, it is important to determine which version of the code is running on this board. Since it doesn't look like we can determine that from this video, I'm going to hold off on accepting. I recommend everyone check out All About DK ROM sets and PCBs ( for more information.
We have accepted TKG-3 scores before (Dan Dock, I believe), because we could verify that it was running the newer code. So, Ben, if you can show us the information Chris has specified (full title screen with "Nintendo of America" and/or part number TKG-3-7 on the actual board), then we can get you on the scoreboard with your next submission!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Blaise on November 19, 2016, 08:39:59 pm
Hello, I’m Blaise Tassone, a new member in the forum.
I’d like to submit my recently achieved Donkey Kong Hi-Score of 369, 300.
Score was obtained November 19, 2016 while playing on Wolfmame 0.176 [DK ROM US Set 1] and I reached level 10 –elevators screen.
INP is attached.
Please let me know if I’m missing anything!
Thanks, B
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 20, 2016, 12:11:50 am
Nice one sir! Great first submission. Keep going :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 20, 2016, 04:13:56 am
Hello, I’m Blaise Tassone, a new member in the forum.
I’d like to submit my recently achieved Donkey Kong Hi-Score of 369, 300.
Score was obtained November 19, 2016 while playing on Wolfmame 0.176 [DK ROM US Set 1] and I reached level 10 –elevators screen.
INP is attached.
Please let me know if I’m missing anything!
Thanks, B
Your submission looks good! Congrats on score! Your performance has been verified and your score has been added to the High Score List ( You'll find some game stats attached below, as well as another summary on the KongTrackr ( site. Hope to see some more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bencrooch on November 22, 2016, 09:38:13 am
Hey guys! Im submitting my first DK score! I hope I did everything correct! It was on my Table arcade machine sn:02823. Got a score of 251,000! My first time to get to level 8 and over 250K! Here is the link to the Youtube page! (
Jeremy asked me my opinion about this submission, because I have some expertise on DK board sets.
As you may or may not know, DK was "patched" in December of 1981 to fix a couple of things. The majority of boards that were produced have the patched version, and that's the only one that can be used for score submissions, because the unpatched version has a bug that the player can exploit.
To know whether or not you are playing on the patched version, we would need to see one of two things: either the title screen, or the part number on the board set. Unfortunately, your video shows neither.
If the title screen says "Nintendo of America," it means you're running the patched version. But if it says "Nintendo," you're running the unpatched one. You have credits on the machine, so the attract mode can't cycle, therefore we can't see the title screen.
As for the board set, you showed it, but you didn't show the part number (which is understandable, because you'd have to pull it out).
All cocktail cabs use the 4-board stack, but some have the patched version and some don't. The part number will tell you. If it's TKG-2 or TKG-3-6 (or less than 6), it's the unpatched version. If it's TKG-3-7, it'll be the patched version and you're all set.
You showed the serial plate on your cab, but that won't give any conclusive answers, because any board set could be in any cabinet, and the board is what matters.
So unfortunately, I don't know if Jeremy will be able to accept this submission as-is.
Next time, I recommend running off any credits in the machine, or even just power-cycling it after your game, to make sure the title screen is shown. That's the easiest method. If you want to be really ironclad, you can pull the board out to show the part number.
This is of course Jeremy's call, but if you can do 250K once, I am sure you can do it again. :)
As Chris has outlined, it is important to determine which version of the code is running on this board. Since it doesn't look like we can determine that from this video, I'm going to hold off on accepting. I recommend everyone check out All About DK ROM sets and PCBs ( for more information.
We have accepted TKG-3 scores before (Dan Dock, I believe), because we could verify that it was running the newer code. So, Ben, if you can show us the information Chris has specified (full title screen with "Nintendo of America" and/or part number TKG-3-7 on the actual board), then we can get you on the scoreboard with your next submission!
Thanx guys, I was not aware I needed to show the title screen. Ill make sure I do it for further submissions, I plan on making some. My machine is in OKC, OK and I am currently in the Chicago area for at least another week or two. Ill be happy to post the board info and the title screen when I get back. 300K here I come!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 28, 2016, 01:09:15 pm
I'd like to post a score of 148,100 for Jackson Serrano. This is his first MAME submission so please let me know if we are missing a step :-/. The inp file is attached. His Youtube video is below:
Well done, sir. Huge first man (755,600), solid focus after a shaky level 17, a couple refills on the wine, and millyuunnn, one milllyyyunnnnnn. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
What are your plans now? 1.1M? Top 10? Whatever they are, please continue to go good sir.
I was looking at the million point timeline on and noticed this game was not there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on December 10, 2016, 02:58:20 am
I'm just popping in here to say one thing real quick:
Are any other people gonna make submissions to the Wild Barrel High Score track?!!!
Thank you for your time.
I might give it a shot. Is it just the barrel stage over and over with crazy wild barrels, or what exactly is the format? And, will the rom available for download on the score track work in wolfmame .106?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marinomitch13 on December 13, 2016, 01:28:40 am
I might give it a shot. Is it just the barrel stage over and over with crazy wild barrels, or what exactly is the format? And, will the rom available for download on the score track work in wolfmame .106?
Awesome! It's all type 3 wild barrels but with the first wild barrel that is typical for each respective level. Not sure about the wolfmame .106 compatibility, as I played on mac.
If you have trouble passing the barrels stages, if you'd like, you can consult my short-ish strategy guide I made back when I was playing it a bunch.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 13, 2016, 07:09:38 am
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 14 Dec 2016 Score: 551,200 Twitch URL: (
.inp attached
After this game managed a 545k on the very next coin drop. Was happy with the consistency, but a bit saddened I didn't beat the new PB on the very next run. Regardless, KS before Christmas is looking hopeful. I bet you <Allen> does not luvit.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 13, 2016, 09:31:11 am
^^Nice, thanks mitch. Looking forward to giving this twist on the game a try.
^Nice score sir! Looking forward to seeing that KS from you. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on December 13, 2016, 11:16:36 am
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 14 Dec 2016 Score: 551,200 Twitch URL: (
.inp attached
After this game managed a 545k on the very next coin drop. Was happy with the consistency, but a bit saddened I didn't beat the new PB on the very next run. Regardless, KS before Christmas is looking hopeful. I bet you <Allen> does not luvit.
Congrats! Kill Screen for Christmas!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 14, 2016, 06:43:43 am
Well done, sir. Huge first man (755,600), solid focus after a shaky level 17, a couple refills on the wine, and millyuunnn, one milllyyyunnnnnn. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
What are your plans now? 1.1M? Top 10? Whatever they are, please continue to go good sir.
I was looking at the million point timeline on and noticed this game was not there.
Thanks for catching this! I've added the game and you can see the summary here (
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 14 Dec 2016 Score: 551,200 Twitch URL: (
.inp attached
After this game managed a 545k on the very next coin drop. Was happy with the consistency, but a bit saddened I didn't beat the new PB on the very next run. Regardless, KS before Christmas is looking hopeful. I bet you <Allen> does not luvit.
Congrats on the PB! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( and you see a summary here ( <popcorn> pls go sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 14, 2016, 05:23:14 pm
Thank you sir! That image name made me giggle a little Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 15, 2016, 06:27:03 am
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 15 Dec 2016 Score: 843,600 (Killscreen) Twitch URL: (
Link to .inp file: ( (Had to link to google drive location for .inp because it was bigger than the max attachment size on DKF)
Player: Michael Kibbey Date Achieved: 15 Dec 2016 Score: 843,600 (Killscreen) Twitch URL: (
Link to .inp file: ( (Had to link to google drive location for .inp because it was bigger than the max attachment size on DKF)
<Allen> soon to be dethroned as the Aussie King! Congratulations sir. Your KS has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Badge him up JC! As usual, stats attached and a summary ( at Quite an epic last man, going 11 full levels! With this score, it now officially takes over 600k to break into the top 100 on the DKF HSL.
Can't wait to see your next score. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on December 15, 2016, 09:10:15 am
Congrats Kibbey! Way to go mate!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on December 15, 2016, 09:52:14 am
Kibbey who?
Great stuff sir Kreygasm
That 100 bucks will come in nicely too <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 15, 2016, 10:11:13 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 15, 2016, 01:03:30 pm
Wow congrats sir! Those extra 40k points shouldn't be too hard to come by :)
Kreygasm badge hype too luvit
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: timhett on December 15, 2016, 07:05:40 pm
OMG Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
I knew you could do it! 900k is right around the corner, keep going good!!
<Allen> wda
lovit <Tim>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on December 15, 2016, 07:33:07 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on December 15, 2016, 11:19:07 pm
Ohh wow kibbey.. Twice as many badges as Aaron now.. Well done.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on December 15, 2016, 11:47:25 pm
Nice going Kibbey sir.
Congrats on your KS
Allen, watch your back - Kibbey has you in his sights mate
<Allen> wda!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Hawkins on December 16, 2016, 12:36:39 am
Wow, just watched the replay of the end. 2009 - wow! Congrats!!!
Title: new PB 534400
Post by: mameshane on December 19, 2016, 02:24:08 am
finally a new PB 534400 wolfmame 175
ps. we are coming for you <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <stirpot> <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on December 19, 2016, 09:21:07 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 19, 2016, 09:36:04 am
Congrats Shane! Getting up there now mate :)
<Allen> <stirpot>
Title: Re: new PB 534400
Post by: xelnia on December 19, 2016, 02:32:02 pm
ps. we are coming for you <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <stirpot> <stirpot>
Great game sir! I always cringe when I see people play on after a pre-L5 death, but they usually prove me wrong (except <Allen>) this case a PB increase of 77k! If not for the Level 11 double pie-screwing, this could have been much higher. And nice work on 8-1 as well. Your PB has been verified and update on the HSL ( Stats below and summary here ( Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 19, 2016, 03:01:18 pm
That pace is perfect ROFL
Title: Re: new PB 534400
Post by: Kibbey93 on December 20, 2016, 02:23:28 am
New PB finally...with my 1st KS :) 848,000 12/28/16 (
Congrats sir! Not much in the way of stats to provide for this game, but the submission looks good. Your KS score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Please keep going good! likit <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 28, 2016, 10:20:10 pm
As of December 28, 2016 I have a new DK high-score of 388, 600. With practice, it seems, I'm slowly getting better. Hope to crack 400, 000 next.
This score was achieved on wolfmame 176. INP is attached.
Best regards,
Well done! I'm sure we'll see you in the top 100 soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Stats attached and summary at (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on December 28, 2016, 10:39:00 pm
Congrats Blaise on the PB! :) Thats some nice pace too
On another note; A certain B of the JC variety has pushed a few of us down, without mention. Seems fishy 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on December 29, 2016, 05:35:36 am
Congrats sir! Apologies for the delay, but I have finally verified your score and updated the HSL ( As usual, stats attached below and a summary at (
Top 10 soon?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on January 05, 2017, 12:37:24 am
wow one of the few games i've seen where the pace actually goes up the whole game. epic stuff thomas!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on January 05, 2017, 03:35:26 pm
Thanks for the stats Jeremy. Hope it doesn't take too long to improve again. 1,1 would be nice for the start but hey I will take everything above 1,080 ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on January 06, 2017, 04:49:31 pm
PB Start, 120,900 Jason Horner, 1-6-17 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 14, 2017, 03:55:05 pm
PB Start, 120,900 Jason Horner, 1-6-17 (
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Sorry for the delay. I'm back from my US trip, so verifications should be more timely from now on.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 20, 2017, 06:38:49 pm
New PB Start Chris Gleed 127,100 1/20/17 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on January 21, 2017, 11:12:28 am
BBB! Great start score, Chris!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 22, 2017, 07:56:05 am
New PB Start Chris Gleed 127,100 1/20/17 (
The tie has been broken. :D Congrats sir! Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 25, 2017, 12:47:55 pm
Thank you sir, sorry to do it. It was truly unintentional. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on January 26, 2017, 01:58:42 pm
12500 1-1
Some INDY <Allen> s are comin', too...all from the same game...tudes lits it. <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on February 02, 2017, 06:16:41 am
Mick Winzeler 1,045,900 2/1/17 ( Got a million on my first man!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on February 02, 2017, 06:30:11 am
TIE <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on February 02, 2017, 11:59:14 am
Million on first man, damn! You might actually be the 3rd one to do that (I think only Wes and Robbie has done it). Big big big!
Good job on upping your pb also, lovit Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on February 02, 2017, 12:47:30 pm
Ya, I was kind of wondering who else had done that.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 02, 2017, 02:34:38 pm
Mick Winzeler 1,045,900 2/1/17 ( Got a million on my first man!
Congratulations sir! As Vince pointed out, only Robbie and Wes have had a 1M+ first man...that's some great company! Definitely a few great escapes in there along the way! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (, and you can see another summary ( on Hope to see 1.1 soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MickyWinz on February 02, 2017, 03:01:24 pm
Thanks, dude!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on February 02, 2017, 03:07:52 pm
Very impressive, MickyWinz. Congratualtions, sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on February 11, 2017, 06:06:09 pm
Kreygasm bbb and lick it luckman. Congrats sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on February 17, 2017, 07:25:43 am
Sometimes you just need someone to say "go again while you're hot!"
Great score, mate.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on February 21, 2017, 01:38:42 am
New back to back PB's had a small scare with playback on the inp file. took me about 10minutes to realize i didnt need to add in .inp when typing playback. its been too long between PB's obviously lol
first game was 562400, and second game and new PB is 578500.
im posting both so i can see how the different games compare with pace etc. and how close im getting to knocking off <Allen> <stirpot>
New back to back PB's had a small scare with playback on the inp file. took me about 10minutes to realize i didnt need to add in .inp when typing playback. its been too long between PB's obviously lol
first game was 562400, and second game and new PB is 578500.
im posting both so i can see how the different games compare with pace etc. and how close im getting to knocking off <Allen> <stirpot>
562400 game inp for comparision as per post above.
Congrats sir! Back to back! Kreygasm Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
I've attached stats for both of the games you posted. You can also see more stats for each game at 562 ( and 578 ( also has a comparison feature that lets you compare up to 5 games at once. The search function seems a little wonkey right now, but you can manually enter game IDs into the url, separated with an "&", to generate a comparison. Here's a comparison of your last 5 PBs: Last 5 PBs (
Title: 583,400 PB
Post by: mameshane on March 09, 2017, 05:00:24 am
New PB 583,400, i really thought i was going to at least crack the 600k this time :( but still higher then anything <Allen> has got this year :D <thefinger> <thefinger> <thefinger><stirpot>
Heres a link to the stream. If necessary i can upload the recording.
New PB 583,400, i really thought i was going to at least crack the 600k this time :( but still higher then anything <Allen> has got this year :D <thefinger> <thefinger> <thefinger><stirpot>
Heres a link to the stream. If necessary i can upload the recording.
This was done on my PCB, i filmed the controls and board at the end. hopefully i did it correctly. bit of a pain the the ass lol.
Getting there! Kreygasm <Allen> 's time is coming to an end, I reckon. Your video is fine, so you won't have to do all that again for a DKF submission. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Stats attached, as well as a ( summary. Keep going good sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on March 09, 2017, 09:44:49 am
Wow gg sir nice work. KS before 24th I reckon
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 09, 2017, 02:43:30 pm
BA got a 1-1 PB of 11,400 recently, so I'm posting this for him here.
omg wow crashing into the top 100. Kreygasm Only a matter of time now... <Allen> Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (, with obligatory summary (
Title: 901,400
Post by: mameshane on March 19, 2017, 06:37:35 am
I actually thought to myself earlier: "maybe I should wait on watching the 741k since he said he was going to play later..." Turns out I was right. ;D Congratulations sir! A huge score for a first killscreen, and you're now officially Australia's #1 player! You got exactly the rivet you needed at the very end, so maybe you're the new riviot king as well! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (, with the usual summary ( Hopefully this is just the start! Australia's first million point player? Kreygasm <stirpot>
Title: Re: 901,400
Post by: Barra on March 20, 2017, 03:36:10 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on March 20, 2017, 04:31:48 am
Fantastic effort Shane, and so well deserved. Top 1 or 2 next weekend - Barra reckons he is playing a machine next to me - I'll do my level best to put him off in anyway possible :) , then I hope you concentrate on being the first 1m scorer from Australia.
One way or another, we'll sort out an Australian Kong Off later this year, or 2018 at the latest - hopefully some of the other international players will come out if we do.
Title: Re: 901,400
Post by: YesAffinity on March 22, 2017, 11:40:25 am
Definitely going to see a top 10 score soon! Congrat sir. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Keep going good!
i'm late posting this bc honestly i thought i'd be able to beat it on stream by now. my all-time PB is 221,900 but sadly i don't have footage of that one. to clarify, this submission is for the 'arcade' platform.
ps - first submission so pls let me know if i'm missing anything :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 03, 2017, 10:01:53 pm
i'm late posting this bc honestly i thought i'd be able to beat it on stream by now. my all-time PB is 221,900 but sadly i don't have footage of that one. to clarify, this submission is for the 'arcade' platform.
ps - first submission so pls let me know if i'm missing anything :)
Thank you for the submission sir...I'm sure you'll get a new PB in no time! Since you haven't submitted a score to DKF before there are some things we need to see in a "first submission." When playing on a cab, we need you to do a walkthrough of all the cab parts so we can verify your machine, namely: the joystick (to verify it's a 4-way) and the board (to verify it's a TKG4 PCB on the correct settings). Since it looks like you're playing on some kind of MAME PCB, we would still need to see that, to verify that it's still an arcade PCB running MAME (your typical x-in-1 boards) and not something else. Keep in mind that MAME machines still need to use a 4-way stick.
More detailed rules can found on the List Submission Rules ( page and can you always ask questions here or PM me. Once you've gone through all the verification steps, you won't need to them again for future submissions here. :)
Title: 1-1 score
Post by: barrels on April 05, 2017, 07:00:08 am
Hi, I'd like to submit this score for review 13500 on 1-1 DK thanks :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tippington on April 05, 2017, 11:12:18 am
Thank you for the submission sir...I'm sure you'll get a new PB in no time! Since you haven't submitted a score to DKF before there are some things we need to see in a "first submission." When playing on a cab, we need you to do a walkthrough of all the cab parts so we can verify your machine, namely: the joystick (to verify it's a 4-way) and the board (to verify it's a TKG4 PCB on the correct settings). Since it looks like you're playing on some kind of MAME PCB, we would still need to see that, to verify that it's still an arcade PCB running MAME (your typical x-in-1 boards) and not something else. Keep in mind that MAME machines still need to use a 4-way stick.
More detailed rules can found on the List Submission Rules ( page and can you always ask questions here or PM me. Once you've gone through all the verification steps, you won't need to them again for future submissions here. :)
thanks for the detailed explanation!
here's my verification video (sorry for poor quality): (
oh, and got a new PB yesterday - 205,100 on April 4th, 2017 ;D (
Title: Re: 1-1 score
Post by: Adam_Mon on April 05, 2017, 03:13:11 pm
Thank you for the submission sir...I'm sure you'll get a new PB in no time! Since you haven't submitted a score to DKF before there are some things we need to see in a "first submission." When playing on a cab, we need you to do a walkthrough of all the cab parts so we can verify your machine, namely: the joystick (to verify it's a 4-way) and the board (to verify it's a TKG4 PCB on the correct settings). Since it looks like you're playing on some kind of MAME PCB, we would still need to see that, to verify that it's still an arcade PCB running MAME (your typical x-in-1 boards) and not something else. Keep in mind that MAME machines still need to use a 4-way stick.
More detailed rules can found on the List Submission Rules ( page and can you always ask questions here or PM me. Once you've gone through all the verification steps, you won't need to them again for future submissions here. :)
thanks for the detailed explanation!
here's my verification video (sorry for poor quality): (
oh, and got a new PB yesterday - 205,100 on April 4th, 2017 ;D (
Thank you for the verification video and new submission sir! From what I can gather the Game Elf PCB is just another version of the Chinese-made x-in-1s running some version of MAME. In this case, it looks like "Game Elf" is the front end and whatever MAME version they're using is definitely newer than the older x-in-1 "iCades." I don't see any noticeable differences in gameplay and you're playing on the correct settings without any continues, pauses, etc. so in my opinion this would qualify as a valid score under our Auxiliary rules. I'm not sure exactly what joystick you have and can't make out a specific 4-way restrictor (unless that cone-shaped actuator is meant to be the 4-way restrictor...I don't immediately recognize it), but if Game Elf is using MAME then 8-way movement is automatically disabled anyway.
So, all that being said, welcome to the High Score List (! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tippington on April 06, 2017, 11:34:11 am
wow how does he know <Tim> Congrats sir! Good to see you back at it. :) The Start HSL ( has been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 07, 2017, 04:54:16 am
Congrats on making the top 200! Hopefully you'll stick with it and we'll see you in the top 100 soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tippington on April 07, 2017, 03:53:33 pm
Congrats on making the top 200! Hopefully you'll stick with it and we'll see you in the top 100 soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Thanks! I most definitely will be sticking with it...didn't get this cab for nothing!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JCHarrist on April 07, 2017, 07:32:00 pm
Congrats on making the top 200! Hopefully you'll stick with it and we'll see you in the top 100 soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Thanks! I most definitely will be sticking with it...didn't get this cab for nothing!
Keep going good sir! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 08, 2017, 06:47:24 am
Some INDY <Allen> s are comin', too...all from the same game...tudes lits it. <3
After a thorough verification process, I can confirm this score is legit. Kappa Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (, sir. My sincere apologies for missing this submission. BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 08, 2017, 04:53:38 pm
Well done, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( And this time I got to it in less than 2 and a half months. Kappa I'm always interested to see how these big Start scores play out. Is it the result of some huge, record-breaking board or a combination of really-good-but-not-WR boards? In this case, no board records were broken, but it's still the 3rd highest Start score ever!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on April 09, 2017, 12:24:40 pm
I have a save kit in my cab now. You can see when I reset the game at the beginning of the start highlight. The save kit allows the high score to roll over and save scores over 1M. That's why the high score displays 037900.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on April 09, 2017, 12:47:29 pm
Wow, two big scores. Good job! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on April 09, 2017, 01:01:03 pm
145900 and 145800 WDA FK :o
Well done mates, consider continuing to go good.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on April 09, 2017, 01:04:25 pm
get themmmmm!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 09, 2017, 01:06:45 pm
I have a save kit in my cab now. You can see when I reset the game at the beginning of the start highlight. The save kit allows the high score to roll over and save scores over 1M. That's why the high score displays 037900.
Is this the save kit talked about here ( Have you tried out the network features? Anyway, awesome scores sir! dat 4-1 score... Kreygasm Your scores have been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( and Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 10, 2017, 06:43:27 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on April 10, 2017, 07:16:30 pm
I will now spoil it for everyone who hasn't heard or watched the inp:
And if I'm not mistaken, I believe this is your first killscreen as well! :) Congrats, sir!
A lot of cool stuff with this game:
1) From what I can gather, it has the highest known rivet average for a complete game: 8,576. The previous highest being 8,341 by Jeff Wolfe in his 1.103 game. 2) You are now #4 all-time cross-platform, and #2 all-time on MAME. 3) This is the 12th highest scoring game of all-time cross-platform, and the 4th highest on MAME. 4) Only 8,300 points from deaths, meaning this game could have pushed the edge of 1.19!
Fantastic work, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
First ever (and last ever) no hammer attempt. 123,200 at RU. Not that there's anyone left but me to verify it . . .
INP, screenshot showing no pauses attached.
NH does have a certain soul-crushing quality to it... ;D Your score has been verified and added to the NH HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 29, 2017, 12:11:34 am
Congratulations, sir! Very solid play, taking your first man to 13-6 and your second to 21-2 (with some bad luck on that board as well). Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Will you go for a million?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Citizen234 on May 05, 2017, 08:29:59 pm
After a span of 2 years, I finally reached the kill screen with a score of 875,400 today. All of the scores on the screen were achieved in the last 30 days. My previous PB that I held for about a year was 634,700. No guys left since somewhere in L18. Had to fight every rivet stage until L19. I was hyper focused in all of L21. On the final rivet, everything went like it's supposed to. The game wasn't cheating! I was numb after I cleared the last two firefoxes on the right side. I still had something like 2300 left on the timer. I paused at the top, and then ran to get a witness.
The machine isn't mine. It's at a golf range where I work part time. While I'm usually not bothered when I play, there was a ladies league group having a meeting inside. They were loud! Telling their jokes and cackling away mercilessly. I suppose it allowed me to focus more than I had before. At some point I'd like to record a KS, but I don't have the equipment yet. Feelsgoodman.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on May 06, 2017, 04:30:50 am
After a span of 2 years, I finally reached the kill screen with a score of 875,400 today. All of the scores on the screen were achieved in the last 30 days. My previous PB that I held for about a year was 634,700. No guys left since somewhere in L18. Had to fight every rivet stage until L19. I was hyper focused in all of L21. On the final rivet, everything went like it's supposed to. The game wasn't cheating! I was numb after I cleared the last two firefoxes on the right side. I still had something like 2300 left on the timer. I paused at the top, and then ran to get a witness.
The machine isn't mine. It's at a golf range where I work part time. While I'm usually not bothered when I play, there was a ladies league group having a meeting inside. They were loud! Telling their jokes and cackling away mercilessly. I suppose it allowed me to focus more than I had before. At some point I'd like to record a KS, but I don't have the equipment yet. Feelsgoodman.
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GalacticDancin on May 06, 2017, 02:16:27 pm
Congrats on the KS man!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Citizen234 on May 06, 2017, 02:28:49 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on May 07, 2017, 04:15:24 pm
Damn, kongrats Jason! Now in 5th spot, big big big!
I can guarantee without any doubt that if I ever get out of top 10, I will restart playing again like crazy... until I get pissed and stop 10 minutes after starting. Kappa
Now Steve Wiltshire needs to upgrade his score, he can definitely get 1.15m+. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on May 08, 2017, 03:08:59 pm
Thank you, guys! And thank you for the super-fast verification and stats, Jeremy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on May 09, 2017, 12:33:55 am
Top job Wadey mate!
Congrats on a rather large one!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 09, 2017, 01:11:27 am
The top 10 Start scores are now 140k+! Who will be the next to break 150k? <Sanders>
Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( The Twitch highlight looks to be broken, on my end anyway. The highlight and the past broadcast won't play, and show a video length in the hundreds of hours. So...something buggy on the Twitch side I reckon. But the INP is fine, so no worries. <Mruczek>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on May 27, 2017, 04:55:58 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on May 27, 2017, 10:54:37 am
Congrats sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Huge bottom hammer...WolfMAME 0.142 must be the super potato version. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: WCopeland on June 06, 2017, 05:49:15 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JAM on June 13, 2017, 11:21:00 am
Hi, I've been lurking here for years, but just started participating today.
I got a new PR on Saturday: (
I plateaued for quite a while, but have been making progress lately. The threads on here have been really helpful for me. The cycle for me seems to be that I start dying in one spot (eg. the springs on 4+), then I fix that problem and start dying somewhere else (eg. pie factory), and the cycle continues. Right now, wild barrels are getting me more than anything else.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 13, 2017, 12:55:39 pm
Kreygasm nice one sir great first submission KS incoming I reckon <Kuh>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on June 13, 2017, 01:23:42 pm
Get em
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 13, 2017, 01:28:06 pm
Hi, I've been lurking here for years, but just started participating today.
I got a new PR on Saturday: (
I plateaued for quite a while, but have been making progress lately. The threads on here have been really helpful for me. The cycle for me seems to be that I start dying in one spot (eg. the springs on 4+), then I fix that problem and start dying somewhere else (eg. pie factory), and the cycle continues. Right now, wild barrels are getting me more than anything else.
Congratulations on the new PB, and great to finally see a DKF submission from you, sir! The quality of your videos is top-notch. Your score has been verified and updated on the DKF High Score List ( Attached to this reply you'll find a collection of stats on your game. You can also find a summary ( at the DK game database,
Regarding your comments on the 4-way/8-way rule: While using an 8-way can be a pain in the ass, it does offer a potential advantage. With an 8-way, you can steer barrels and climb ladders simultaneously...meaning if you hold a diagonal you will steer barrels and continue to climb without stopping. This behavior is restricted with a 4-way (and in MAME).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 15, 2017, 12:11:07 am
Done at RU. Screenshot showing mod console with zero pauses and gameplay time
Congrats on the PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Definitely one of the more entertaining videos I've watched in awhile. Kappa <Allen>
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on June 29, 2017, 04:29:01 pm
I Todd Lalonde am submitting a Donkey Kong Arcade score of 903,900 points done on my DK arcade cab 29/06/2017 Kill Screen boys! New personal best for me. 1 million is the next goal. ;D Here is the link to the video of my game. Thanks guys!
I Todd Lalonde am submitting a Donkey Kong Arcade score of 903,900 points done on my DK arcade cab 29/06/2017 Kill Screen boys! New personal best for me. 1 million is the next goal. ;D Here is the link to the video of my game. Thanks guys!
I Todd Lalonde am submitting a Donkey Kong Arcade score of 903,900 points done on my DK arcade cab 29/06/2017 Kill Screen boys! New personal best for me. 1 million is the next goal. ;D Here is the link to the video of my game. Thanks guys!
Congrats sir! Great to see another 900k+ score. Your game has been verified and updated on the HSL ( And now your PB is your official PB, if you know what I mean. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 01, 2017, 03:09:44 pm
Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge!!! Bbb congrats and so well deserved.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on July 01, 2017, 03:11:21 pm
Kreygasm So huge m8!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on July 01, 2017, 03:13:07 pm
Amazing!!!! Congrats! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on July 01, 2017, 03:21:49 pm
Omg Thomas, Kongrats! You even barely made it to the top 10, lovit. I'm proud of you mate, you played so much for that. Keep grinding mate! Kreygasm Kreygasm
Steve Wiltshire is now out of the top 10, RIP BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: konghusker on July 01, 2017, 05:05:55 pm
Big congrats man!! Heard you've been working on this. Well done.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 01, 2017, 10:35:23 pm
Kongrats Thomas!! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
You grind like an absolute boss and deserve this as much as anyone
Keep going!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on July 01, 2017, 11:33:35 pm
Nice work Todd congrats sir, you got it in the end!
Thomas!! Kreygasm Kreygasm
Huge congrats sir, you are a machine and have to be 'The Grindstone Cowboy'
Congratulations, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You're now in the top 10 all-time (cross-platform) and #4 all-time in MAME scores! You passed Jeff Wolfe, Jeff Willms, Dave McCrary, and Steve Wiltshire to get there...that's some pretty elite company.
You truly are the king of the grind...can't wait to see what comes next!
Congratulations, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You're now in the top 10 all-time (cross-platform) and #4 all-time in MAME scores! You passed Jeff Wolfe, Jeff Willms, Dave McCrary, and Steve Wiltshire to get there...that's some pretty elite company.
You truly are the king of the grind...can't wait to see what comes next!
I think we can still safely say "nwr" in "next world record" holder. Congrats sir. Although this score doesn't beat your PB, it does put you in the top 10 all-time arcade scores! Jeff Wolfe has been officially bumped out of the arcade top 12. You can see the updated top 12 at the bottom of the main HSL ( (and at the bottom of this post as well). Please continue to go good, sir. game summary ( comparison of Wes, Robbie, and Dean's 1.2 games vs. this game (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bounty Bob on July 11, 2017, 02:46:40 am
Hi all, just wanted to post my score even though it's obviously not an official score, it is my personal best. I'm on my quest for the kill screen and will play on or wolfmame from now on to make my next score official.
I got 591,800 and was flying with my last jumpman. Sadly, I was playing using OpenEmu on my MacBook and the emulation has been known to freeze on rare occasions. And this was one of those occasions, so what you see in the photo is a frozen game with no way I could find to un-freeze, (defrost?), it! Especially upsetting as that nearby firefox was on its way up the ladder, so I pretty much had these rivets sewn up.
Feel like I've finally made an improvement though. I was stuck at 421k for over a year and have now beaten that twice in the last week or so. The kill screens coming...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 11, 2017, 03:14:28 am
There's a killscreen coming up....! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on July 11, 2017, 01:59:39 pm
Very nice, Bounty Bob! Looking forward to your future performances. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Bounty Bob on July 11, 2017, 04:09:36 pm
Very nice, Bounty Bob! Looking forward to your future performances. <popcorn>
If the time it took to me go from 421k to this is any indication, you're gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on July 23, 2017, 06:34:57 pm
Twitched and submitted to RU this time, with INP attached. My first go at the 1-1 HS list. 9,600. Should have gone back left and grouped some more, but too bad for me.
Twitched and submitted to RU this time, with INP attached. My first go at the 1-1 HS list. 9,600. Should have gone back left and grouped some more, but too bad for me.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on August 16, 2017, 06:39:07 am
BBB and even the certified Serphy special at the end Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Big congrats John, next time WR pls 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on August 16, 2017, 12:31:57 pm
Heavens to Betsy Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 16, 2017, 01:05:31 pm
Congrats John! Can't wait to see you get 1.2m+
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 16, 2017, 04:42:04 pm
Looks like Dean Saglio's MAME record is in serious jeopardy. So close to 1.2 million I see. Anyone who can get 1.2 million MAME or Arcade on Donkey Kong goes into Donkey Kong god status.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 17, 2017, 12:11:19 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on August 26, 2017, 01:42:21 am
Hey guys and gals. Long time no post.
Getting back into DK, and did from memory a PB 348,000 last death 10-6. Video is here: ( and game starts at about 12:30 in.
Performed on a 60-in-1 (sry didn't film inside). Witnessed while playing by Shane Sawle, current and undisputed King of Aussie Kong :)
Hope that's enough evident, if not then I'll try and fix up for next time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on August 26, 2017, 05:12:53 am
gg sir
Looks like the Aus Off is going to be a treat
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 26, 2017, 12:35:02 pm
Getting back into DK, and did from memory a PB 348,000 last death 10-6. Video is here: ( and game starts at about 12:30 in.
Performed on a 60-in-1 (sry didn't film inside). Witnessed while playing by Shane Sawle, current and undisputed King of Aussie Kong :)
Hope that's enough evident, if not then I'll try and fix up for next time.
Congrats on the PB, sir. For 60-in-1s, we really do need to see the guts of the cab...specifically the 4-way restrictor and to see the actual PCB. So, apologies, but I'll have to hold off on putting this score up on the leaderboard. If that's your usual setup then we just need to see it the one time on your next submission and you'll be good for the future (with the same setup at least :) ). Hope to see another submission soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on August 26, 2017, 04:35:15 pm
Getting back into DK, and did from memory a PB 348,000 last death 10-6. Video is here: ( and game starts at about 12:30 in.
Performed on a 60-in-1 (sry didn't film inside). Witnessed while playing by Shane Sawle, current and undisputed King of Aussie Kong :)
Hope that's enough evident, if not then I'll try and fix up for next time.
Congrats on the PB, sir. For 60-in-1s, we really do need to see the guts of the cab...specifically the 4-way restrictor and to see the actual PCB. So, apologies, but I'll have to hold off on putting this score up on the leaderboard. If that's your usual setup then we just need to see it the one time on your next submission and you'll be good for the future (with the same setup at least :) ). Hope to see another submission soon!
No problems at all. Moving the webcam really is risky for disconnects when trying to film inside, I'll set up the camcorder while I stream and should I break my PB, I'll be sure to film inside using that and upload to YouTube or DropBox.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 28, 2017, 10:00:25 am
You could always use your phone or other camera for the hardware verification piece, but be sure to get the process on the web cam. Start recording with your phone (or other camer) and hold the it in such a way that it is capturing the game screen, and it is being capture by the web cam (phone/other screen and game screen). Hold it there for a minute or so, and I think that should tie the two video sources together adequately, and presumably get better video resolution, focus, etc. for what is being capture by the non-webcam video.
I'll defer to Jeremy if that would be acceptable, but I've done that for a couple of my TG score submission runs (and maybe submission(s) here too), and everyone was satisfied that everything was on the up and up, and sufficient information was provided.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on September 05, 2017, 03:25:50 am
Hello again.
Scored 346,500 last night, not as good as my 348,000 - but close enough and enough improvement to submit.
Full game is here : ( Game starts at about 38 minutes in.
Also recorded on camcorder, which has been converted to MP4 and can be found here: (
On this recording, the game starts at around 24 mins I think from memory - if you watch a tiny bit of the start of both, you'll hear me talking and know it's the exact same game (the twitch video probably shows the score while playing a bit better). This MP4 file has the insides of the machine, showing the 60in1 and joystick in 4 way at the end of it.
Hope this enough to get me verified, and as I understand it, if verified I don't need to worry about filming inside in future, though if I get a really good score I'll probably do so anyway for transparency.
Thanks for watching.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2017, 04:37:12 pm
Scored 346,500 last night, not as good as my 348,000 - but close enough and enough improvement to submit.
Full game is here : ( Game starts at about 38 minutes in.
Also recorded on camcorder, which has been converted to MP4 and can be found here: (
On this recording, the game starts at around 24 mins I think from memory - if you watch a tiny bit of the start of both, you'll hear me talking and know it's the exact same game (the twitch video probably shows the score while playing a bit better). This MP4 file has the insides of the machine, showing the 60in1 and joystick in 4 way at the end of it.
Hope this enough to get me verified, and as I understand it, if verified I don't need to worry about filming inside in future, though if I get a really good score I'll probably do so anyway for transparency.
Thanks for watching.
Congrats, sir! Your video evidence is sufficient, so this score has been verified and your PB has been updated on the HSL ( You won't have to film inside your cab in the future unless you change your setup.
Scored 346,500 last night, not as good as my 348,000 - but close enough and enough improvement to submit.
Full game is here : ( Game starts at about 38 minutes in.
Also recorded on camcorder, which has been converted to MP4 and can be found here: (
On this recording, the game starts at around 24 mins I think from memory - if you watch a tiny bit of the start of both, you'll hear me talking and know it's the exact same game (the twitch video probably shows the score while playing a bit better). This MP4 file has the insides of the machine, showing the 60in1 and joystick in 4 way at the end of it.
Hope this enough to get me verified, and as I understand it, if verified I don't need to worry about filming inside in future, though if I get a really good score I'll probably do so anyway for transparency.
Thanks for watching.
Congrats, sir! Your video evidence is sufficient, so this score has been verified and your PB has been updated on the HSL ( You won't have to film inside your cab in the future unless you change your setup.
new PB ( Jason Horner 865,700 10-21-17
Congrats on the PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( The gup doesn't stand a chance.
Congrats sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
This was definitely a 1.2-caliber game...held back by a low-ish start and unfortunate deaths (16-1 pls). There are some interesting stats here, though:
-You tied Robbie for the 2nd highest level average in a complete game with 61,476. Robbie achieved this in his 1,190,200 game and Wes' 1,218,000 had an average of 61,782. You and Robbie scored exactly the same amount of points on Levels 5 - 21 (1,045,100). However, Robbie had a higher start and fewer death points. For comparison, Wes' 1,218,000 scored 1,050,300 during Levels 5 - 21...a 5,200 point difference over 102 boards, equivalent to 100 points every 2 boards. -This game had the 2nd highest barrel average for a complete game with 12,669...2nd only to Dean's 12,829 average in his 1,206,800 game. -You had the 4th highest spring average for a complete game with 7,476...Wes' 1.19, 1.195, and 1.218 being the only ones higher.
I think you're due for 1.2, if not the WR, very soon. Please keep going good. summary ( Comparison of Serphy 1.185, Serphy 1.189, and Lakeman 1.190 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 13, 2017, 01:24:13 am
Congrats serphy you animal
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on November 13, 2017, 04:48:10 am
Damn awesome score Serphy. Hopefully I'm on watching your inevitable WR live.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JAPSuomi on November 13, 2017, 11:25:38 am
Hi, here is my high score: 128600 points. It is zipped and it has the inp and wlf -files. I used wolfmame 0.106.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 13, 2017, 08:08:17 pm
Hi, here is my high score: 128600 points. It is zipped and it has the inp and wlf -files. I used wolfmame 0.106.
Congrats and welcome to DKF! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 16, 2017, 11:13:19 pm
Not quite up to that nearly 300k point game I got in the NES homebrew, but it's still a MAME PB. 279,300 points. (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 17, 2017, 05:56:17 am
Not quite up to that nearly 300k point game I got in the NES homebrew, but it's still a MAME PB. 279,300 points. (
Congrats! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (, as well as the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 23, 2017, 11:03:52 am
294,100! Please excuse the spring board deaths. I have no clue what happened there... <confused> (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on November 23, 2017, 12:43:56 pm
294,100! Please excuse the spring board deaths. I have no clue what happened there... <confused> (
Congrats! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 26, 2017, 08:45:14 pm
Nice work sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Hope to see another big full game from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tippington on November 28, 2017, 05:38:26 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kibbey93 on November 30, 2017, 12:43:27 am
New start PB - 107,100. Rank 1 before Allen Off?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on December 02, 2017, 12:25:11 am
My first 300k game! (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 02, 2017, 05:38:57 pm
Soooooooooo I got a pb today! Its on the Kong Klub wall right now as a Facebook Live Stream... I'm attempting to re-stream it to Twitch and locally record it but running into some difficulties :(. Jry, I know you are in the Kong Klub... maybe this counts for DKF...?
Soooooooooo I got a pb today! Its on the Kong Klub wall right now as a Facebook Live Stream... I'm attempting to re-stream it to Twitch and locally record it but running into some difficulties :(. Jry, I know you are in the Kong Klub... maybe this counts for DKF...?
I'm attempting to re-stream and locally record it again right now. Let me know if you want me to submit again if all works out.
Congrats! Let me know how the re-stream works out, otherwise there are ways to just download the FB video and upload it to your Twitch (or DKF Twitch...or DKF YouTube...etc. etc.).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 03, 2017, 12:32:22 am
Congrats sir. Your Start PB has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( dat 13k Level 3 riviot tho <Allen>
(fyi, please put your INPs in a zip file for future submissions <3)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 03, 2017, 12:34:35 am
My first 300k game! (
Making steady progress! Stick with it and I think we'll see you in the top 100 very soon! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 03, 2017, 12:38:53 am
Soooooooooo I got a pb today! Its on the Kong Klub wall right now as a Facebook Live Stream... I'm attempting to re-stream it to Twitch and locally record it but running into some difficulties :(. Jry, I know you are in the Kong Klub... maybe this counts for DKF...?
I'm attempting to re-stream and locally record it again right now. Let me know if you want me to submit again if all works out.
Everything in the video looks good, so I've verified your score and updated your PB on the HSL ( For now, I've uploaded the whole FB video to the DKF Twitch channel: (
It's currently processing so it might not play back right this minute. If you end up getting a full re-stream or re-upload somewhere, let me know and I'll switch the source video on the HSL. That being said, congrats on the 900k+ PB sir! You're now #50 all-time (#41 arcade)! likit <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 03, 2017, 05:49:20 am
Thanks for your hard work, Jry. I was able to save the video as an mp4 from Facebook Live after a bit of shuffling around through Facebook... It is currently on YouTube, but I need to figure out how to edit the video. I'll post it so we can update it here once I get to it this weekend. Thanks again!
Also, I submitted to TG... for those who care (read: Duc), here is the thread:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 08, 2017, 05:11:00 pm
Hey, don't have a score to submit on DK Remix yet, but wanted to get my red cab accepted since that's where the board with the remix kit is. I'll be streaming using my samsung s8 and bitstream over wireless. I'm doing some test runs of the streaming tonight, "DK Remix and Beer"-style via the kong klub.
Let me know if any concerns with the cab being acceptable for submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 08, 2017, 09:54:16 pm
Adding to the above submission/verification of cab, and a new PB. Also working out my stream from this cab, and finally got a good stream via Samsung S*8->USB C to Ethernet adapter->Twitch @ 480p60.
0:33 cab power cycled into DK Remix/HS Kit menu followed by some terrible/drunk starts 7:31 finally get a good run and a new PB
Additional footage of the test menu screen, showing that it is version 1.01S: (
104,600 Chris Gleed DK Remix 1.01S 12/8/17
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 09, 2017, 03:11:57 pm
Another slight improvement. I wont' be posting every minor improvement moving forward, but this is all part of the effort to get my stream working for the DKOO. Jeremy - please confirm everything looks good with the stream when you are reviewing the score submissions, if you would be so kind. Much appreciated!
Hey! Just wanted to submit a score. This is my first time submitting a score so if I am doing something wrong please let me know. Thanks
Congrats! Your score of 160,600 ending on 6-4 has been verified. Welcome to the HSL (! Once you work out those springs, your scores will skyrocket!
Link should take directly to around 22mins in when the game starts. Did quick film of multiboard and DIPs but have previously shown inside of machine, joystick etc.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on December 26, 2017, 11:41:24 am
This was posted in the million point timeline, but I was wondering if it counts for the scoreboard? Okinawa San apparently is his name. I think the video will soon be erased though because it looks like he doesn't save anything. 1,014,400 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2017, 03:01:04 pm
Nice PB increase, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Top 100 coming soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2017, 03:03:20 pm
Hi, my name is Guido Wulf, I'm from Germany and this is my first submission to the HSL:
152,700 Guido Wulf 17/12/23
Thanks, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
Welcome to DKF! Unfortunately I was unable to play back your INP. :( The INP looks like a WolfMAME 0.189 INP, and I used the Windows and Linux versions of 0.189, but the playback desyncs very early in the game (meaning the game dies off, but I can still see your inputs as if you're still playing). Did you use a different front-end for WolfMAME, or a different build?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2017, 03:05:44 pm
Link should take directly to around 22mins in when the game starts. Did quick film of multiboard and DIPs but have previously shown inside of machine, joystick etc.
gg sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I think you're pretty close to huge score, just a couple quirky mistakes in this game. Keep going good!
This was posted in the million point timeline, but I was wondering if it counts for the scoreboard? Okinawa San apparently is his name. I think the video will soon be erased though because it looks like he doesn't save anything. 1,014,400 (
Okinawa-san has stated that he would join DKF once he scored a million. But in case that takes a while, I'm going to add this score to the HSL ( right now. I've also saved the VOD in case he doesn't make a permanent highlight. Stats below for any that are interested.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: guwu on December 26, 2017, 03:49:59 pm
Welcome to DKF! Unfortunately I was unable to play back your INP. :( The INP looks like a WolfMAME 0.189 INP, and I used the Windows and Linux versions of 0.189, but the playback desyncs very early in the game (meaning the game dies off, but I can still see your inputs as if you're still playing). Did you use a different front-end for WolfMAME, or a different build?
I compiled the WolfMAME V0.189 sources on my Mac and use this build for playing and recording DK sessions. To be honest I do not have a clue why the resulting INP does cause such issues on a Windows or Linux system... Bad luck for me, maybe I'll switch to the Windows build of WolfMAME running in a VM on my system and try that out.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your effort and letting me know of the issues!
Cheers, Guido
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2017, 03:54:25 pm
Welcome to DKF! Unfortunately I was unable to play back your INP. :( The INP looks like a WolfMAME 0.189 INP, and I used the Windows and Linux versions of 0.189, but the playback desyncs very early in the game (meaning the game dies off, but I can still see your inputs as if you're still playing). Did you use a different front-end for WolfMAME, or a different build?
I compiled the WolfMAME V0.189 sources on my Mac and use this build for playing and recording DK sessions. To be honest I do not have a clue why the resulting INP does cause such issues on a Windows or Linux system... Bad luck for me, maybe I'll switch to the Windows build of WolfMAME running in a VM on my system and try that out.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your effort and letting me know of the issues!
Cheers, Guido
Ok, that makes sense as I've seen that issue before. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac to verify scores (a newer one anyway), so if it's not too much a trouble, creating a Windows/Linux INP would be greatly appreciated. We certainly want to get you on the scoreboard, so we'll work something out! Thanks for your patience!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Sbarron1983 on January 05, 2018, 07:24:05 pm
Hey I wanted to Submit a score for my son Isaac Barron. Do I need to create an account for him on dkf? I attached his game Fyi he is 8 years old :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 07, 2018, 12:32:56 am
Hey I wanted to Submit a score for my son Isaac Barron. Do I need to create an account for him on dkf? I attached his game Fyi he is 8 years old :)
No need to create a separate account; you can submit for him. So, congrats to Isaac on his 15,600 score and welcome to the DKF HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on January 11, 2018, 02:31:32 am
Want to make sure my settings are right in MAME for submissions before I get a good score and find out something is messed up. All dumb deaths.
Date was 1/10/2018. Comments/advice on general play style welcomed. I do know how to not die in every spot I died, just silly unforced errors. Goal with this approximate level of pressing is 1.15, and If I wanted 1.2 I would add g6 backjumping,more multi-girder rejumps of triples, and I’d stop panic grabbing. Oh, and I wouldn’t be happy with 0 point deaths because I jumped a few frames late on elevator making retreat impossible.
But to be fair, I really just want to make sure that my settings are right so the game I want to have will actually be accepted.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on January 11, 2018, 08:47:23 pm
Tanner Fokkens 1,023,500 21-4 1/11/18 ( Edit: Here is a higher quality youtube upload: (
Want to make sure my settings are right in MAME for submissions before I get a good score and find out something is messed up. All dumb deaths.
Date was 1/10/2018. Comments/advice on general play style welcomed. I do know how to not die in every spot I died, just silly unforced errors. Goal with this approximate level of pressing is 1.15, and If I wanted 1.2 I would add g6 backjumping,more multi-girder rejumps of triples, and I’d stop panic grabbing. Oh, and I wouldn’t be happy with 0 point deaths because I jumped a few frames late on elevator making retreat impossible.
But to be fair, I really just want to make sure that my settings are right so the game I want to have will actually be accepted.
Your submission looks good! Your INP has been verified and your score has been added to the HSL ( I've listed your name as "dnickolas", so let me know if you want something different. The only thing I would recommend (for my own sanity) is using a different version of WolfMAME. 0.179 has a bug in the way the recorded speed is displayed. It makes it a real pain to verify that INPs are above the 90% average recorded speed threshold (yours was good, 100.000504%). 179 is the only version with that bug, so you can go back a version or forward a version and you'll be fine.
As for comments/advice, I'll have to leave that to better players. All I can say is...don't die. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 12, 2018, 05:45:05 pm
Congrats sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( That moves you to #29 overall, and the #25 all-time arcade score! Keep going good!
This is one 1M+ score I think a lot of us were very eager to see! Congratulations sir! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Glad I could catch most of it live. Now it's time for the 1.1M grind. :D
Welcome to DKF! Unfortunately I was unable to play back your INP. :( The INP looks like a WolfMAME 0.189 INP, and I used the Windows and Linux versions of 0.189, but the playback desyncs very early in the game (meaning the game dies off, but I can still see your inputs as if you're still playing). Did you use a different front-end for WolfMAME, or a different build?
I compiled the WolfMAME V0.189 sources on my Mac and use this build for playing and recording DK sessions. To be honest I do not have a clue why the resulting INP does cause such issues on a Windows or Linux system... Bad luck for me, maybe I'll switch to the Windows build of WolfMAME running in a VM on my system and try that out.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your effort and letting me know of the issues!
Cheers, Guido
Ok, that makes sense as I've seen that issue before. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac to verify scores (a newer one anyway), so if it's not too much a trouble, creating a Windows/Linux INP would be greatly appreciated. We certainly want to get you on the scoreboard, so we'll work something out! Thanks for your patience!
So, another try. This time the inp was recorded on a Windows 7 machine running WolfMAME v0.189 and can hopefully be verified. The score itself is not as good as that from my first submission but it's still ok (at least for me), so let's try and get it on the scoreboard ;)
Guido Wulf 134.100 18/01/13
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on January 13, 2018, 11:46:18 am
Way to go Estel mate! Lit
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 13, 2018, 09:02:17 pm
Welcome to DKF! Unfortunately I was unable to play back your INP. :( The INP looks like a WolfMAME 0.189 INP, and I used the Windows and Linux versions of 0.189, but the playback desyncs very early in the game (meaning the game dies off, but I can still see your inputs as if you're still playing). Did you use a different front-end for WolfMAME, or a different build?
I compiled the WolfMAME V0.189 sources on my Mac and use this build for playing and recording DK sessions. To be honest I do not have a clue why the resulting INP does cause such issues on a Windows or Linux system... Bad luck for me, maybe I'll switch to the Windows build of WolfMAME running in a VM on my system and try that out.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your effort and letting me know of the issues!
Cheers, Guido
Ok, that makes sense as I've seen that issue before. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac to verify scores (a newer one anyway), so if it's not too much a trouble, creating a Windows/Linux INP would be greatly appreciated. We certainly want to get you on the scoreboard, so we'll work something out! Thanks for your patience!
So, another try. This time the inp was recorded on a Windows 7 machine running WolfMAME v0.189 and can hopefully be verified. The score itself is not as good as that from my first submission but it's still ok (at least for me), so let's try and get it on the scoreboard ;)
Guido Wulf 134.100 18/01/13
This one worked perfectly! Thanks! Your score has been verified and added to the DKF HSL ( Hope to see more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on January 15, 2018, 09:34:24 pm
OK here's another run. Also not great but it's a "low pace" run a bit deeper. About 650k, level 15 or 16, this time on wolfmame 193 (apparently that's the new one - I upgraded both machines to that now). Hopefully this one is better than the 179 I used last time. A 450k man is the best part of this.
Not even top 100. Boo.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 16, 2018, 08:00:21 pm
OK here's another run. Also not great but it's a "low pace" run a bit deeper. About 650k, level 15 or 16, this time on wolfmame 193 (apparently that's the new one - I upgraded both machines to that now). Hopefully this one is better than the 179 I used last time. A 450k man is the best part of this.
Not even top 100. Boo.
Everything looks good! Great score, sir! Your INP has been verified and your score has been updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on January 20, 2018, 02:52:29 am
Hello, I'm brand new to the forum and just trying to submit my first score. I think I've attached the inp file, but not sure what the other files I need are. Any assistance appreciated, thanks.
C. Buck
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 20, 2018, 06:39:06 am
Hello, I'm brand new to the forum and just trying to submit my first score. I think I've attached the inp file, but not sure what the other files I need are. Any assistance appreciated, thanks.
C. Buck
Welcome to DKF! verything looks good. Zipping the INP is the way to go, and since you're using a more recent version of WolfMAME you don't need to submit anything other than the INP itself. Your score has been verified and added to the DKF High Score List (! It's listed as "C. Buck", so let me know if you'd prefer something else. Let's see some more submissions soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on January 22, 2018, 02:34:37 am
1st Submission and a new personal best. 252,400
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zapwai on January 22, 2018, 09:35:25 pm
My first submission! (I have video of a slightly higher score last week but I didn't know about the .inp files. I figured I should check that this .inp is legitimate and everything checks out on your end.)
David Ferrone (zapwai) 114,800 Jan 22, 2018 MAME 0.193 (with a HORI fight stick) ( (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 23, 2018, 03:41:06 am
My first submission! (I have video of a slightly higher score last week but I didn't know about the .inp files. I figured I should check that this .inp is legitimate and everything checks out on your end.)
David Ferrone (zapwai) 114,800 Jan 22, 2018 MAME 0.193 (with a HORI fight stick) ( (
Thanks for the submission David! I'm glad you submitted a non-PB, because I need to point out that we use a different build of MAME at DKF. It looks like you're using the vanilla, original build. DKF requires the use of WolfMAME for score submissions. This build is designed more for competitive play (disables things like pausing, save states, speed changes, etc. while recording INPs). You can find it at or It runs the same as regular MAME, just with the aforementioned changes. Everything else looks good (controls are player's choice, and videos are always nice!), so get WolfMAME sorted out and you'll be good to go! Let me know if you have any questions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zapwai on January 23, 2018, 10:18:40 am
DKF requires the use of WolfMAME
Oh duh, yes that's been clearly stated in a few places. Sorry about that. I misread something and thought that version wasn't necessary anymore. Working on installing it now, thanks! Maybe I'll see if I can break my old PB before I post again. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zapwai on January 23, 2018, 12:56:55 pm
Here's another test run. I built wolfmame and used it, I hope it worked. I didn't record video of this one. 121,300 Jan 23, 2018;
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on January 23, 2018, 02:56:27 pm
OK, I decided it was about time I submitted to the Donkey Kong High Score Start list. The is end of level 4. Score 106,100
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 23, 2018, 03:04:46 pm
Here's another test run. I built wolfmame and used it, I hope it worked. I didn't record video of this one. 121,300 Jan 23, 2018;
Looks good! Welcome to the DKF HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on February 01, 2018, 08:13:29 am
I'd like to submit another score. 194,200.
Thanks, Chris Buck
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on February 01, 2018, 11:28:07 am
233600 <mad>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on February 01, 2018, 11:38:46 am
GG guys keep kicking Kong's ass
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on February 01, 2018, 04:11:33 pm
New PB! 519,800. Getting closer and closer to that kill screen! ( (The run starts at 00:00:24 because of Twitch's awful new upload system.)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on February 01, 2018, 04:18:54 pm
Congrats on your new PB Flo!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on February 01, 2018, 04:30:00 pm
GG's guys. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 04, 2018, 07:06:06 am
Congrats on the PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Sorry for the delay...been a hectic couple of days around here. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 04, 2018, 07:08:02 am
No barrel deaths, sir! Look at it this way...if it had been a CK game you would have had like 10 levels of no barrel deaths. Positive outlook, etc., etc. But stop dying on springs pls. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 04, 2018, 07:11:15 am
New PB! 519,800. Getting closer and closer to that kill screen! ( (The run starts at 00:00:24 because of Twitch's awful new upload system.)
Really good game, sir. Very solid all-around. I reckon a bit of patience would have erased a couple of those deaths. but dat spring average tho. Probably one of the highest I've seen for a "running the boards"-type game. But then you died on a spring so fttttt <Allen>
Anyway, KS soon, I reckon. Please keep going good. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on February 04, 2018, 07:34:01 am
OK, I decided it was about time I submitted to the Donkey Kong High Score Start list. The is end of level 4. Score 106,100
Jerry, did I do something wrong here? I noticed that you didn't verify my start score. I also noticed that you verified scores submitted after mine. I am going for a killscreen, and if I did something wrong I don't want to be repeating the same mistake for a killscreen score. I wouldn't be bugging you about this if I wasn't going for a higher score, and a killscreen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 04, 2018, 11:47:25 am
OK, I decided it was about time I submitted to the Donkey Kong High Score Start list. The is end of level 4. Score 106,100
Jerry, did I do something wrong here? I noticed that you didn't verify my start score. I also noticed that you verified scores submitted after mine. I am going for a killscreen, and if I did something wrong I don't want to be repeating the same mistake for a killscreen score. I wouldn't be bugging you about this if I wasn't going for a higher score, and a killscreen.
Absolutely nothing wrong on your end, sir. I just completely missed the submission. Totally my fault and I apologize. Everything looks good and I've added your Start score to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: guwu on February 08, 2018, 02:37:42 pm
New PB :)
152.600 2/7/2018 Guido Wulf
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 09, 2018, 07:46:33 pm
Congrats on the PB! Hopefully we'll see many more very soon! Your score has been verified, updated on the main HSL (, and added to the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on February 10, 2018, 10:18:36 am
Nice score. Keep jumping, smashing, climbing, dodging and grinding! Next stop 200k +.
As you wish, sir. New PB of... WOOHOO!... 243.700 :D
Did I already mention that I love this game ;) So, for the record:
243.700 02/13/2018 Guido Wulf
Nice score, sir! You beat your previous PB on your first man! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( jump of about 60 spots!
Congrats! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You PB'd by about 78k, but more importantly, almost two full levels! You're a hair away from the halfway point of the game. A little bit of grinding and you'll see that killscreen. Within the year for sure!
BTW, Jeremy, thanks for taking the time to verify all those scores, that's much appreciated.
My pleasure, sir! Congrats on the new PB...fantastic progress in the last few days! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Sidseattle on February 19, 2018, 01:06:51 am
Dkj/r sid seattle 113,700 2/18/18
Link to archived video (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on February 19, 2018, 04:44:31 pm
New PB at 202,300.
Chris Buck
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on February 19, 2018, 05:42:11 pm
Had a pretty lucky top hammer game, and got a 110,100 start. :) Here is a link to the video, ( At 19:00 remaining is when I start the game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on February 20, 2018, 08:52:38 am
100k start at last Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on February 20, 2018, 11:07:23 am
Spacey <3 gg
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 21, 2018, 02:18:58 am
Had a pretty lucky top hammer game, and got a 110,100 start. :) Here is a link to the video, ( At 19:00 remaining is when I start the game.
Facebook ftttttttt. Still, good score sir. :) Verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 21, 2018, 02:22:52 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on February 23, 2018, 02:49:41 pm
AAAAARRRGH! So after posing a question about a list of official machines in the general discussion. Ironically with no capability to record, i stroll into the Brooklyn Barcade...and smash my PB by 43k...245,900 as soon as I sat down!
Copeland has a 999, 900 on the wall here with this machine. I just have screenshots. Anyway i can get this to count? Geeeez.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 25, 2018, 04:46:05 am
AAAAARRRGH! So after posing a question about a list of official machines in the general discussion. Ironically with no capability to record, i stroll into the Brooklyn Barcade...and smash my PB by 43k...245,900 as soon as I sat down!
Copeland has a 999, 900 on the wall here with this machine. I just have screenshots. Anyway i can get this to count? Geeeez.
Nice score! Unfortunately we can't accept just a screenshot, but I have no doubt you'll get another PB soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 25, 2018, 04:54:57 am
This is my first entry for the "start" competition.
I scored 104,100 on my first man through the end of level 4.
Total ended up being 235,500 .. which is not my PB but I was going for it.
I want to thank everyone who watched me stream!
Keep at it and you'll PB before you know it. For now, your Start score has been verified and added to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on February 26, 2018, 12:02:50 am
Yea I figured. Bummer. My first death wasn't even until 214, 400... Also well past my pb. Such a rollercoasrer of highs and lows.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on February 26, 2018, 06:02:36 am
Jumped the last barrel ftw, thx Jry Kreygasm
<Allen> - What do you mean, last barrel
Wofmame 185 9200 1-1
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 27, 2018, 04:37:38 pm
Your PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Katie watched as well, and she reckons you got maybe 15 smashes on the bottom hammer, at least. <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on February 28, 2018, 06:05:59 am
124900 start. After that it turns into something pretty gross.
This was recorded on a mac running wolfmame .194, and though I know there are potential sync issues I just played it back on wolfmame .193 on my pc at home, so I'm saying there's a chance.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on February 28, 2018, 06:02:06 pm
New high score 868,400. Not a killscreen. Died on level 21-2. Event though I didn't get a killscreen this score does make all the grinding I did worth it. I will still continue though for my quest until at least the Kong Off.
Here is the live facebook link if anyone wants to see the game.¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif (¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif)
And of course, here is the .inp
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2018, 09:01:42 pm
124900 start. After that it turns into something pretty gross.
This was recorded on a mac running wolfmame .194, and though I know there are potential sync issues I just played it back on wolfmame .193 on my pc at home, so I'm saying there's a chance.
Nice work! On the Start anyway. Kappa Your score has been verified and added to the Start HSL ( Also added your 9,900 1-1 to the Level 1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2018, 09:04:06 pm
New high score 868,400. Not a killscreen. Died on level 21-2. Event though I didn't get a killscreen this score does make all the grinding I did worth it. I will still continue though for my quest until at least the Kong Off.
Here is the live facebook link if anyone wants to see the game.¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif (¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif)
And of course, here is the .inp
Congrats sir! Looks like your last PB was in September it's about time! ;D I think you'll meet your score goal easily whenever you killscreen (which will be soon). Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
New high score 868,400. Not a killscreen. Died on level 21-2. Event though I didn't get a killscreen this score does make all the grinding I did worth it. I will still continue though for my quest until at least the Kong Off.
Here is the live facebook link if anyone wants to see the game.¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif (¬if_id=1519869316705876¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif)
And of course, here is the .inp
Very nice. 900k + Kill Screen is coming very soon. Kongrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on February 28, 2018, 09:45:41 pm
Oh no! Now I need to at least send in an 11k 1-1 to avoid embarrassment. Haha.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on March 01, 2018, 10:36:02 pm
11500 start, just to get that 9900 off of there. Same Mac 193 as last time. Gambled on 1-2 after 6 smashes early and couldn't turn it into the 25k I was dreaming of, or the 22500 I was trying to salvage by the gamble.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 03, 2018, 04:56:58 am
11500 start, just to get that 9900 off of there. Same Mac 193 as last time. Gambled on 1-2 after 6 smashes early and couldn't turn it into the 25k I was dreaming of, or the 22500 I was trying to salvage by the gamble.
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on March 04, 2018, 06:05:34 am
Five figure 1-1 oh yerrrr
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 05, 2018, 07:51:54 pm
Only 100 points away from <Allen>. Don't let his false claims of an 11k 1-1 deter you. And with your rapid improvement, my flawless math indicates you'll get the 1-1 record by the end of May anyway. Kappa
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on March 12, 2018, 04:40:26 pm
DK High Score Submission
Scott Cunningham 1,064,500 (Level 22-1 KS) March 11, 2018 WolfMAME 0.106
The basic stats are attached, as are the required INP and WLF files (zipped).
Great job, congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Adam_Mon on March 13, 2018, 04:20:25 pm
Great Scott! That was great, Scott. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on March 14, 2018, 12:46:03 am
550,900 on 14-3! Inching my way to the top 100!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on March 14, 2018, 04:22:48 am
Good job Flo. Almost there sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on March 14, 2018, 06:30:03 am
Kongrats Flo! KS is definitely in sight.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 14, 2018, 12:11:54 pm
omg everyone is going good and I'm out of town.... BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
I'll get to these as soon as I can, but it might be a week or so.
BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on March 14, 2018, 10:27:12 pm
Also decided to put myself on the 1-1 leaderboard. 9,300 points.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on March 15, 2018, 02:10:35 am
289,200 March 15, 2018 Jeff Mikuska Wolfmame 194
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on March 15, 2018, 02:29:02 am This is my first submission other than the Xmas remix tournament. I had a good one tonight on Donkey Kong 3 pretty stoked!!! 1,290,500 easy settings. 3 men 30k extra and every 30k. Arcade settings game starts at about 23:15 min mark.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on March 15, 2018, 06:53:39 am This is my first submission other than the Xmas remix tournament. I had a good one tonight on Donkey Kong 3 pretty stoked!!! 1,290,500 easy settings. 3 men 30k extra and every 30k. Arcade settings game starts at about 23:15 min mark.
Great game to watch. I encourage anyone to take a look at the game. It's a very hyper aggressive swashbuckling style of play that you almost never see in Donkey Kong 3.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 15, 2018, 08:38:40 am
Great job, FLO, creech and GILLY!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on March 15, 2018, 09:33:18 am
Thank you sir. I'm so stoked!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zapwai on March 15, 2018, 09:57:30 am
David Ferrone 189,600 March 15, 2018
UPDATE: New High Score of 212,100 on March 19, 2018. Added a new reply.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 15, 2018, 10:32:55 am
877,300. Yes, it was a killscreen. Proof is I did it at the Kong Off.
Kongrats Riley! No better place to do it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on March 16, 2018, 07:23:39 pm
Like Tiger at Augusta! Kappa
Good game, sir. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on March 16, 2018, 07:30:17 pm
King of 3 Donkey Kongs <gasp>
Hats off, George
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on March 16, 2018, 07:31:25 pm
Nice work Riley!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rev John on March 16, 2018, 10:51:14 pm
Kongratulations HomerWB!
I thought you were awesome when I watched some video of you juggling (and eating!) some apples some time back, but now you're DK killscreen awesome too.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JCHarrist on March 17, 2018, 01:44:16 am
877,300. Yes, it was a killscreen. Proof is I did it at the Kong Off.
We didn't have a cam mounted on the wildcard machines so we had to improvise a bit to catch the ending. :D
Grats Griley! I can't think of a better way to get a first killscreen!
Awesome, a double killscreen, and 'not MAME' haha, thanks for uploading the video
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Josephjo on March 17, 2018, 04:49:35 am
Congrats George!
Clearly a man of many talents
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on March 17, 2018, 02:04:26 pm
Yep, well done George. If you're going to KS then why not do it at a Kong Off!
Congratulations sir, great job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 18, 2018, 09:46:39 am
Great job, George! A KS at Kong Off, and secured yourself a spot in the finals. I can't think of a better way to do it. Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: zapwai on March 19, 2018, 05:48:34 pm
David Ferrone 212,100 March 19, 2018
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on March 19, 2018, 05:49:31 pm
Welcome to the 200k club. Great job! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 19, 2018, 10:24:35 pm
I'm going to try and get to as many submissions as possible in the next couple of days before the Funspot trip. Here's what I'm seeing so far...please let me know if I've missed anyone:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 20, 2018, 08:29:34 am
Wow, quite a bit of activity, when you see all the recent achievements stacked up like that! Great to see the community active and thriving. Great job to all. Keep going good sirs (and ma'am)! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Stopherbuck on March 24, 2018, 02:02:17 am
Like to submit another score at 243,900. Sorry about the delay after starting the INP file, I started recording but it's on the scoreboard screen for a bit before the play begins, promise it's there. Also, 2 of embarrassing deaths, cat jumped on my lap for one, stuck key for the final...brutal.
Thanks, C. Buck
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on March 26, 2018, 08:35:27 am
^Nice score sir. It is amazing how much concentration DK requires. Neighbors mowing their lawns, the cat, the dog...they all come in to play when I'm trying get a good run going. >:( FailFish
Title: Donkey Kong Score Submission - Michael Massaro
Post by: VIMikey on March 30, 2018, 06:18:04 pm
Hello, I, Michael Massaro, am submitting my official high score of 434,500 of Donkey Kong. This score was done through Wolf Mame version 1.06. Attached to this post is a compressed zip file including the 2 recording files from Wolf Mame.
Also, here is my YouTube video showing my entire recording from Wolf Mame with my commentary that was originally aired on Facebook Live.
Please review and notify me on any questions or updates on adding my score to the high score list.
Thank you very much,
Michael Massaro aka VIMikey
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on April 01, 2018, 10:23:00 am
12,100 1-1
wolfmame 193
Interesting since I grabbed top hammer expecting about 10k and ended up with 12,100. Total luckbox.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on April 03, 2018, 07:39:07 am
new pb lit 92,000 4-3 my billy roms failed me <snek>
can't believe I submitted it to the wrong high score list FailFish give me a break I played the shit game for 3 hours Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: guwu on April 03, 2018, 08:27:23 am
New PB on Lvl 1-1:
Guido Wulf 9,600 April 3rd, 2018
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on April 03, 2018, 08:43:32 am
123,200 5-4 finally done with this game thank god
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: wolfman24 on April 03, 2018, 11:07:20 am
Title: Caught up on all submissions since March 9th
Post by: xelnia on April 06, 2018, 06:55:16 pm
Sorry for the lack of individual responses, but I should now be caught up on all DK, DKJR, DK3, CK, and Remix submissions between March 9th and today. Congrats to everyone on their PBs!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sleepygary on April 11, 2018, 08:05:39 am
new pb for me and I'd like to submit it
117900 ;D ;D
I have attached a zip file of the INP to this post.
Thomas Bauer 04/12/2018 1,113,500 Wolfmameplus 106
TG link will follow soon. Awful game, had to sac 2 lives to get a pb, can't wait to see the horrible stats of this disaster game ROFL
Congrats Thomas! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( summary ( comparison of 1.111M and 1.113M (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on April 14, 2018, 07:54:47 pm
Submitting new PB for 1-1.......
12,300pts oyer
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on April 14, 2018, 09:13:48 pm
Congrats on the 1-1 PB, Estel!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 16, 2018, 07:27:12 am
For MAME submissions, you'll need to submit a WolfMAME INP. See the Submission Rules ( for more info. Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on April 22, 2018, 09:17:31 pm
4/22/2018 338,200 Jeff Mikuska Wolfmame 194
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on April 22, 2018, 09:41:02 pm
Congrats on the PB, creech! Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 25, 2018, 06:34:50 pm
147200 Start
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 26, 2018, 08:39:36 am
One Lakeman riviot away from the Start WR ftttt. But at least you got the arcade Start WR, and a new high on 4-3. Congrats sir. Your scores have been updated on the Start HSL ( and IBR (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on April 27, 2018, 05:39:33 am
1-1 start. 11,000. Roughly min 43
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Brian on April 28, 2018, 01:15:13 pm
Hi guys, I started playing again after not playing since mid 2016. I'm submitting my new personal best of:
373,800 WolfMAME 0.179 (the Linux version) 4/28/18 Brian Healey
Also, this forum is awesome!!!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on April 30, 2018, 02:42:35 pm
At last, DKF has received my 862k game. Hope this GroovyWolfMAME INP works out alright for you, Jry. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on May 01, 2018, 05:56:01 am
1-1 start. 11,000. Roughly min 43
Congrats, your score has been added to the Level 1-1 HSL (! As I mentioned in the Remix submission thread, please make permanent highlights of your videos...otherwise the past broadcasts get automatically deleted by Twitch after a couple of weeks. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 02, 2018, 02:21:28 pm
Hi guys, I started playing again after not playing since mid 2016. I'm submitting my new personal best of:
373,800 WolfMAME 0.179 (the Linux version) 4/28/18 Brian Healey
Also, this forum is awesome!!!!!!
Congrats on the PB Brian! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( For future submissions, please put your INPs in a zip file before attaching. Thanks!
At last, DKF has received my 862k game. Hope this GroovyWolfMAME INP works out alright for you, Jry. :P
My tests with GroovyWolfMAME don't show any significant differences from WolfMAME as far as DK is concerned. So, this score will stand ( for now unless it's determined there's a problem with Groovy. That being said, I would recommend you use regular WolfMAME for future submissions.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - Michael Massaro
Post by: VIMikey on May 03, 2018, 03:48:12 am
I, Michael Massaro would like to update my personal high score of Donkey Kong from 434,500 to 691,700. The new score occurred last night (May 2, 2018) via WolfMame version 1.06. My score has been submitted to Twin Galaxies and the attached recorded inp files are available there. YouTube link: Web link to Twin Galaxies:
Thank you very much,
Michael Massaro
EDIT: Downloaded Michael's zipped INP and WLF files from TG, and attached to this submission.
Title: Re: Score Submissions - Michael Massaro
Post by: xelnia on May 04, 2018, 04:50:34 pm
I, Michael Massaro would like to update my personal high score of Donkey Kong from 434,500 to 691,700. The new score occurred last night (May 2, 2018) via WolfMame version 1.06. My score has been submitted to Twin Galaxies and the attached recorded inp files are available there. YouTube link: Web link to Twin Galaxies:
Thank you very much,
Michael Massaro
EDIT: Downloaded Michael's zipped INP and WLF files from TG, and attached to this submission.
Congrats sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Killscreen coming soon!
beat my 109,600 and 114,000. 152,100 level 6-1. finally a decent game. most of my deaths were pretty bad.
Congrats on the PB(s)! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Now you just need to work out that keyboard issue. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: UKP on May 04, 2018, 06:11:36 pm
thank you. I changed coin back to 5 and it seems to be working ok.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on May 04, 2018, 10:06:27 pm
Hey gang, this is my first score sub. Let me know if it turned out okay.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on May 05, 2018, 03:09:21 pm
Great score, sir! Huge first man as well. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( 1M next!
884,500 on 20-6! I'll reach that kill screen sometime. :P
Closer and closer! Any game could be the one! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Sbarron1983 on May 12, 2018, 03:09:09 pm
Hey. I just wanted to submit a score for My Stepson. His Name is Austin Imler ( He is 11 and he is a fast learner) He just started playing yesterday and he wanted to submit his New High Score. I have attached the appropriate file plus we did a little live stream. . ;D Thanks for your time and consideration. Steve
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on May 12, 2018, 03:47:34 pm
He did a really good job. Awesome to see. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: UKP on May 12, 2018, 05:53:41 pm
The kid has some good moves. He'll beat my personal best soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on May 12, 2018, 06:08:13 pm
Well played, hope to see more from Austin
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on May 12, 2018, 06:24:11 pm
Great job awesome Austin!!!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on May 13, 2018, 12:21:38 am
Congrats on the PB, Austin!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 13, 2018, 11:41:33 pm
Hey. I just wanted to submit a score for My Stepson. His Name is Austin Imler ( He is 11 and he is a fast learner) He just started playing yesterday and he wanted to submit his New High Score. I have attached the appropriate file plus we did a little live stream. . ;D Thanks for your time and consideration. Steve
Great job Austin! Your score has been verified and added to the High Score List ( Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: twinxen on May 17, 2018, 01:41:26 pm
I'll start submitting.
Name: Kai E. Frøland Score: 533,100
INP was recorded with WolfMame 0.196.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on May 17, 2018, 01:56:51 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on May 17, 2018, 06:30:19 pm
You're doing very well, twinxen! Keep it up!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on May 17, 2018, 08:00:21 pm
Great job!. It's apparent that Brian Kuh's days are numbered in the top 100. That'll be a big event because I believe he was in forth place at one time, and 3rd place Arcade.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 18, 2018, 04:12:19 am
Congrats Kai! Great progress! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Playing on after a death on 3-1 though.... BibleThump Part of the "low-reset" thing?
Congrats Kai! Great progress! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Playing on after a death on 3-1 though.... BibleThump Part of the "low-reset" thing?
My odds of getting a deathless start is just below 50%, so my policy is generally to reset immediately if I die on level 1 or 2. If I die after that I will keep going until I get a second death during the start, in which case I reset then. Generally it doesn't make such a big difference to me, since when I lose one life on a good run, the next lives usually follow in quick succession anyway. Maybe I also need to work on the psychological aspect. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on May 20, 2018, 04:30:35 am
Very cool! Keep up the good work! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on May 20, 2018, 02:50:49 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on May 21, 2018, 05:55:35 am
Kongrats Josh and Gary! Keep going good sirs.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on May 21, 2018, 06:59:08 am
117,200pts v.196 L=5.3
This was my first start ever (after clearing L=04 elevators and dying on the rivet board more than once) so I figured I'd better post it. Also the start score is 100,500pts which barely makes the start HS list Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 22, 2018, 03:01:41 am
Congrats sir! Hope those PBs keep rolling along! Your scores have been verified and updated on the Main HSL ( and Start HSL (
Congrats! I think we'll see a KS from you any game now! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 22, 2018, 03:05:25 am
Well done! The INP looks good, but the video highlight looks like its cut off before the end of the game. The past broadcast has the full game, so if you wan't to make a new highlight I can attach it to your score on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 22, 2018, 03:07:20 am
This was my first start ever (after clearing L=04 elevators and dying on the rivet board more than once) so I figured I'd better post it. Also the start score is 100,500pts which barely makes the start HS list Kreygasm
Congrats on reaching Level 5! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Unfortunately, Start scores must be deathless to be included on the Start HSL ( BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on May 22, 2018, 04:47:02 am
Wow ... too many new players and high scores to keep up with unless you are <snek>. Congrats to all you guys. It's nice to see some new blood posting scores. An 11 year old??? Very awesome! Keep on Konging!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on May 22, 2018, 06:28:52 am
Congrats on reaching Level 5! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Unfortunately, Start scores must be deathless to be included on the Start HSL ( BibleThump
Durf I knew that - ok deathless start coming right up...
Thanks Jry!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sleepygary on May 22, 2018, 07:24:07 am
Well done! The INP looks good, but the video highlight looks like its cut off before the end of the game. The past broadcast has the full game, so if you wan't to make a new highlight I can attach it to your score on the HSL (
Sorry about that ... Here's the new link
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 22, 2018, 02:21:47 pm
This is good mates keep the submissions coming! I can see a few new KS'ers by the end of the year
Get them! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 22, 2018, 05:43:12 pm
Congrats sir! Hope those PBs keep rolling along! Your scores have been verified and updated on the Main HSL ( and Start HSL (
Well done! The INP looks good, but the video highlight looks like its cut off before the end of the game. The past broadcast has the full game, so if you wan't to make a new highlight I can attach it to your score on the HSL (
Sorry about that ... Here's the new link
Updated! Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on May 23, 2018, 07:16:22 am
I won't be submitting this one to TG and I won't be putting any others up here until I break Top 200 so... it may be a minute...
INP attached WolfMAME v.196
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 23, 2018, 09:07:55 am
Great job, Ben. Keep going!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on May 23, 2018, 08:00:31 pm
New 1-1 PB. 9,700 points.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on May 24, 2018, 08:13:01 am
Great job, Flo. You're almost at 5 digits! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: twinxen on May 25, 2018, 11:36:20 am
Name: Kai E. Frøland Score: 583700
INP recorded with WolfMame 0.196
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 27, 2018, 03:58:17 am
Great game sir...all the way to 16-2. Flobeamer went something like 550k to 809k in one go, and my 905k PB was a jump straight from 682k...basically, you're in "break out game" territory now. Looking forward to seeing what's next! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Thank you much for adding my score, and making the chart. Poser pace though it may be.
And btw here is what's next, from five minutes ago ;D;
Name: Kai E. Frøland Score: 670,000 (@17-6)
Well done, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( However, you have been PB'ing every 2.56 days, on average. I would have expected another score by now... Kappa
773400 20-2 Ahhh I was close! I'm still proud of it though. ;D
I suppose I should put my real name on it. Joshua Horst
video link of INP playback:
Nice jump! I'll echo George's sentiment and offer congrats for breaking into the DKF Top 100! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Alright, you're starting to get into the "suffering" range of what it takes to get a decent 1-1 score! ;D Your PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 03, 2018, 05:46:03 pm
Curious if my record is acceptable to Twin Galaxies or not following the Barra disput for 1-1.
My score was accepted and hasn't been disputed. Also I've requested they remove the rule, hoping they do so soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on June 05, 2018, 05:43:09 pm
120,500 start. Game starts at roughly 6:30 mark in video.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: yman on June 05, 2018, 10:18:38 pm
I guess saying that you got 800K on Donkey Kong doesn't really mean much nowadays. But apparently it did mean something at one time like when I got the high score at Barcade Philly and the WR Holder took time out of his busy practice schedule to try to figure out who I was.
I guess saying that you got 800K on Donkey Kong doesn't really mean much nowadays. But apparently it did mean something at one time like when I got the high score at Barcade Philly and the WR Holder took time out of his busy practice schedule to try to figure out who I was.
I guess saying that you got 800K on Donkey Kong doesn't really mean much nowadays. But apparently it did mean something at one time like when I got the high score at Barcade Philly and the WR Holder took time out of his busy practice schedule to try to figure out who I was.
I always hear people say "Better Late Than Never" so here's an INP file and Youtube link for a 804K killscreen game of mine from 2016.
Congrats on the killscreen, welcome to DKF, and thank you for submitting this score! Your INP has been verified and the score added to the HSL ( How many other secret KSers are out there?!
Name: Kai E. Frøland Score 724.1k @ 18-6 INP recorded with WolfMame 0.196.
Gruesome ending where I lost two lives on level 18 rivets.
Congrats sir! Tough ending, but you're so close now! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Kai, Josh, or Flob...who will be our next KSer (not counting secret KSers ;D)?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: yman on June 08, 2018, 01:50:28 am
I just wanted to say thanks to xelnia because his last two posts helped me to finally come up with a saying for my profile signature.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on June 08, 2018, 05:09:20 pm
Ran boards again. 717. Gets me back to #101 I think on the HSL (like my first submission did at the time). If 101 people get 1.2 million that'll be when I get it, apparently.
Deaths: headshot on level 4 barrel, bad wild/fireball situation on a later barrel pinned me and a second fireball came up to party, missed a ladder on a pie and didn’t get another chance, and hammer expired on a rivet with a fireball coming at me, couldn’t jump away.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on June 08, 2018, 06:05:53 pm
Tough luck on not making the top 100. You added 63k from your previous high less than five months ago. If it wasn't for crazy inflation of the top 100 in the past five months you'd be in the top 100 for sure.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on June 08, 2018, 06:25:20 pm
Ran boards again. 717. Gets me back to #101 I think on the HSL (like my first submission did at the time). If 101 people get 1.2 million that'll be when I get it, apparently.
Deaths: headshot on level 4 barrel, bad wild/fireball situation on a later barrel pinned me and a second fireball came up to party, missed a ladder on a pie and didn’t get another chance, and hammer expired on a rivet with a fireball coming at me, couldn’t jump away.
gg duke!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 08, 2018, 11:58:54 pm
Ran boards again. 717. Gets me back to #101 I think on the HSL (like my first submission did at the time). If 101 people get 1.2 million that'll be when I get it, apparently.
Deaths: headshot on level 4 barrel, bad wild/fireball situation on a later barrel pinned me and a second fireball came up to party, missed a ladder on a pie and didn’t get another chance, and hammer expired on a rivet with a fireball coming at me, couldn’t jump away.
Well you're certainly in the mix for next KSer as well...will it be from running boards, or a bigger game?! This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Keep going good sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on June 16, 2018, 12:57:03 am
DK 1-1. 11,200 starts at 8:08. Time for a new PB now! If I could figure out how to highlight my twitch account I would play it more. But I keep losing my videos.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 16, 2018, 03:20:05 am
DK 1-1. 11,200 starts at 8:08. Time for a new PB now! If I could figure out how to highlight my twitch account I would play it more. But I keep losing my videos.
Congrats! Your score has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (
To highlight your Twitch videos, make sure your broadcasts are being saved. To do that, go to Directly underneath Stream Key is an option to "Store past broadcasts." Make sure that's turned on, and your past broadcasts will be saved for 14 days before being automatically deleted. Use that time to go to your Video Manager ( and create highlights. Then submit those highlights to DKF. You can see more info here (
You might also consider linking your Twitch channel to a YouTube channel. That way you can export full past broadcasts to YouTube as a way to back them up beyond the 14-day Twitch limit.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on June 16, 2018, 10:31:28 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on June 16, 2018, 12:48:14 pm
And we can’t wait.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 16, 2018, 10:25:14 pm
Congrats again, sir! All of the relevant stats and verification stuff was already posted in the congrats thread (, and the HSL ( has been updated with the new links!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on June 17, 2018, 11:06:28 pm
Joshua Horst 835200
Sooooo close. I got stuck on the ladder on pies 21-2 FailFish Also my cat jumped up on the laptop and cost me a man, almost the game around 580k. ROFL
twitch vid (INP playback only): Pumpkin the cat clip (some cursing):
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 18, 2018, 02:59:33 am
Sooooo close. I got stuck on the ladder on pies 21-2 FailFish Also my cat jumped up on the laptop and cost me a man, almost the game around 580k. ROFL
Tough breaks! BibleThump But that KS is coming any day! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
920,100 points. Finally made it to the kill screen! Woo!!!
Congrats Flob! That's a huge first KS score, but not surprising considering your consistently high pace in your previous games. Hope to see some bigger scores from you soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Name: JAPSuomi Score: 209600 INP recorded with WolfMame 0.184.
There is some DK comedy on second barrel stage :D
That was a great escape! Played very well. Congrats on the PB and I hope we see another one soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on June 28, 2018, 04:22:03 am
Awesome Flo! Way to get it done Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on June 28, 2018, 04:34:43 am
Way to go Flo! Congrats on the ks! <pacman>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: marky_d on June 28, 2018, 06:14:59 am
please keep going good
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on June 29, 2018, 09:24:55 am
Made it onto the start list scores over 100k -
Game starts at 1h 13m into stream
Verified and added to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CharlieFar on July 01, 2018, 09:55:07 am
I was supposed to be on this months ago. Better late than never...
I've attached a test WolfMAME inp file. This was played and recorded on my cab using a GroovyMAME patched WolfMAME. I've tested that the file plays back OK in vanilla WolfMAME and everything seems to be fine. Please could someone verify that it works before I get too carried away with recordings. Don't pay too much attention to the gameplay. I was being silly.
Version: WolfMAME 0.195.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on July 02, 2018, 12:26:43 am
Funny that you post that, Charlie. My 862k PB that I got back in April was recorded using GroovyWolfMAME 0.196. That score was verified, as Jry couldn't determine that there was anything wrong with it that would deem the score invalid. However, I would say that GroovyWolf would have to undergo further vetting before it can be determined to be a fully acceptable platform.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CharlieFar on July 02, 2018, 05:00:17 am
Fingers crossed that Jeremy will give it a thumbs up when he gets the chance to view it. Personally, I can't see a problem with it. If anything, running with the Groovy patch makes the emulation closer to the real thing. i.e. reduced input lag and accurate monitor modes.
I'd love to get an official score up now that I've finally crossed the 900K mark. Playing on a PC just isn't the same though.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on July 04, 2018, 08:38:06 pm
hopefully i won't have any more submissions without KS ROFL :P 21-6 856700 Played on KB instead of MAME cab. Joshua Horst
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on July 04, 2018, 08:46:47 pm
So close! You'll get it soon, Josh!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on July 04, 2018, 09:29:07 pm
hopefully i won't have any more submissions without KS ROFL :P 21-6 856700 Played on KB instead of MAME cab. Joshua Horst
I feel your pain. How many others made the 21-6 exit before getting their first KS? Josh, Joe Dupree, me .... Surely there are others. Keep grinding! Kongrats on your new PB.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on July 05, 2018, 04:33:40 am
Although I didn't die on 21-6, I did die on 21-2, and 21-4 before I made it to the end.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 08, 2018, 02:09:50 pm
I was supposed to be on this months ago. Better late than never...
I've attached a test WolfMAME inp file. This was played and recorded on my cab using a GroovyMAME patched WolfMAME. I've tested that the file plays back OK in vanilla WolfMAME and everything seems to be fine. Please could someone verify that it works before I get too carried away with recordings. Don't pay too much attention to the gameplay. I was being silly.
Funny that you post that, Charlie. My 862k PB that I got back in April was recorded using GroovyWolfMAME 0.196. That score was verified, as Jry couldn't determine that there was anything wrong with it that would deem the score invalid. However, I would say that GroovyWolf would have to undergo further vetting before it can be determined to be a fully acceptable platform.
Fingers crossed that Jeremy will give it a thumbs up when he gets the chance to view it. Personally, I can't see a problem with it. If anything, running with the Groovy patch makes the emulation closer to the real thing. i.e. reduced input lag and accurate monitor modes.
I'd love to get an official score up now that I've finally crossed the 900K mark. Playing on a PC just isn't the same though.
The INP seems to play fine for me...ends on 3-4 @ 62,000. There were no obvious issues with Flo's INP (other than he submitted GroovyWolfMAME without us testing it first <Tim>). For now, I don't see any issues with this setup, but I would like to see a comprehensive list of changes that are made with Groovy...and confirmation that said changes are the ONLY changes (in other words, is this patch open source and can we verify what's really going on).
So for now, I would say this: GroovyWolfMAME scores are acceptable, but if significant game-altering changes are discovered than previous scores may be DQ'd after the fact (similar to the approach with high score/game kits on arcade).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 08, 2018, 02:11:54 pm
The INP seems to play fine for me...ends on 3-4 @ 62,000. There were no obvious issues with Flo's INP (other than he submitted GroovyWolfMAME without us testing it first <Tim>). For now, I don't see any issues with this setup, but I would like to see a comprehensive list of changes that are made with Groovy...and confirmation that said changes are the ONLY changes (in other words, is this patch open source and can we verify what's really going on).
So for now, I would say this: GroovyWolfMAME scores are acceptable, but if significant game-altering changes are discovered than previous scores may be DQ'd after the fact (similar to the approach with high score/game kits on arcade).
Thanks xelnia. That's a fair decision. The home of the build is on the BYOAC forum. The author Calamity posts there frequently. Taken from the main thread:
What is GroovyMAME?
GroovyMAME is a M.A.M.E. fork aimed at CRT monitors, with a strong focus on CRT preservation, since this is the only display technology that accurately replicates the genuine video game experience. However you can use GroovyMAME to alleviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.
GroovyMAME's main features as compared to official MAME:
- Improved video and audio synchronization that achieves truly smooth scrolling, tearing-free video and hiccup-free audio.
- Automatic generation of custom video timings for CRT monitors.
- Reduced input latency
S'pose all that's left to do is set up my camera and start Twitching. I'll show the controls after a successful game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on July 09, 2018, 06:46:07 am
Thomas Bauer 07/9/2018 1,131,000 Wolfmameplus 106
TG link will follow soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on July 09, 2018, 07:42:54 am
Wow. Congrats Thomas on the new pb.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on July 09, 2018, 08:06:21 am
Love it. Keep going.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on July 09, 2018, 09:41:46 am
Fantastic, and I too want to see you keep moving that score up. If anyone would be the type to set a new pb and go again while they're hot it's you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on July 09, 2018, 11:17:32 am
Great Game Thomas!!! KONG-GRATS!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on July 09, 2018, 02:45:06 pm
Congrats on 1.13m, Thomas! That's bbb!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on July 09, 2018, 03:08:55 pm
GG Thomas! Congrats man, glad to see the grinding paying off for new PB 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on July 09, 2018, 04:16:34 pm
Thomas "I've got the mind to grind" Bauer, ladies and gentlemen!
Given my disappointing session earlier today, I was wondering who stole the tasty RNG.
I kid you, of course.
Congratulations on the new PB. Undeniably well-deserved.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on July 09, 2018, 05:29:38 pm
Kongrats Thomas! These huge grindings are starting to pay off!
Ironically, with that new score, you still are in 10th position, but with 12,200 more, you would've been in the 5th spot, haha. Now just beat everyone in the 1.13m club already and put me in the 10th spot Kappa Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 09, 2018, 09:10:30 pm
BBB!!!! Congrats Thomas! The entire top 10 is now over 1.13M...gonna take some work for anyone else to get in there! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on July 15, 2018, 01:44:03 am
The Weekend of Kong for me is over.
Beat my PB not once, but twice - best for the weekend 507,100
Games starts about 1 minute into the stream.
Played 16 Games in total, didn't kill off one game, just kept going regardless of how bad the start was....
Game 1 - 201,700 Game 2 - 80,500 Game 3 - 307,200 Game 4 - 124,900 Game 5 - 207,700 Game 6 - 498,600 (13-5 and new PB) Game 7 - 153,800 Game 8 - 137,500 Game 9 - 324,500 Game 10 - 369,700 Game 11 - 228,000 Game 12 - 336,000 Game 13 - 507,100 (14-1 and newer PB) Game 14 - 298,200 Game 15 - 60,600 :( Game 16 - 248,200
4,088,700 points for the weekend.
Thanks to everyone that dropped in during the stream this weekend, happy to not only join club 400k but now club 500k :)
Someone is in trouble at the next Aussie Kong Off <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 17, 2018, 10:01:20 pm
Beat my PB not once, but twice - best for the weekend 507,100
Games starts about 1 minute into the stream.
Played 16 Games in total, didn't kill off one game, just kept going regardless of how bad the start was....
Game 1 - 201,700 Game 2 - 80,500 Game 3 - 307,200 Game 4 - 124,900 Game 5 - 207,700 Game 6 - 498,600 (13-5 and new PB) Game 7 - 153,800 Game 8 - 137,500 Game 9 - 324,500 Game 10 - 369,700 Game 11 - 228,000 Game 12 - 336,000 Game 13 - 507,100 (14-1 and newer PB) Game 14 - 298,200 Game 15 - 60,600 :( Game 16 - 248,200
4,088,700 points for the weekend.
Thanks to everyone that dropped in during the stream this weekend, happy to not only join club 400k but now club 500k :)
Someone is in trouble at the next Aussie Kong Off <Allen>
Well done, sir. Two PBs and a pretty good last man in the second one. Keep going good! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Well done, sir. Two PBs and a pretty good last man in the second one. Keep going good! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
12400 1-1. I sat on my 12200 since it didn't move me up, but I gotta ship this one since it tied Barra.
Congrats sir, your score has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( But, come can do better. Even getting 12,600 is so easy. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on August 05, 2018, 05:09:45 pm
Thomas Bauer 08/06/2018 1,131,200 Wolfmameplus 106
Just 200pts more than my previous PB FailFish <Allen> Soon its only a matter of time ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JoshtheGamer on August 05, 2018, 09:25:39 pm
Thomas Bauer 08/06/2018 1,131,200 Wolfmameplus 106
Just 200pts more than my previous PB FailFish <Allen> Soon its only a matter of time ROFL
A PB is a PB, and this one is still bbb! Great game sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
This Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( I'm not sure I can offer any comments more appropriate than Spacey's however. :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: spark47 on August 10, 2018, 02:29:03 pm
Stewart Park 8/10/18 110500 WolfMAME 0.200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 11, 2018, 02:17:15 am
Welcome to DKF, Stewart! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (! Good luck on your DK journey and we hope to see more scores from you soon!
P.S. Please zip the INP when submitting. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on August 11, 2018, 05:08:20 am
Congrats Spark! Welcome to the community. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on August 11, 2018, 10:13:59 am
Improved my Start PB by 400 points last night. No initials because fftttt.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on August 11, 2018, 10:19:05 am
Nice new PB start, Flobeamer. Question on the start - is it strictly first man (no adding/subtracting points for deaths)? I've just started working on this in earnest. Thx
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on August 11, 2018, 01:39:16 pm
Oops, I did it again. 113,100. :P Though, unlike my previous submission, this one actually has a decent million attempt attached to it.
Congrats on the Start PB, sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( (1.034M pace btw)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 14, 2018, 12:49:50 pm
Grats, Fast Eddie, great score!
And to khretzim and flob for their starts! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on August 14, 2018, 03:52:13 pm
How do I keep doing it? 114,500. And something tells me this won't be the last time I improve my Start PB in my quest for a million. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on August 14, 2018, 07:32:12 pm
Ah, sorry. I'll start saving those, for some reason, I thought Twitch highlight for start would be OK. NP at all. I'm not happy w/ this anyway. In the future, I'll attach a pic, inp, and Twitch URL. I'm guessing INPs from RU are not admissible anymore?
Very good start score. Given all the new strats in the past five years it's amazing how Phil's score still stands. I do expect it though to eventually be beaten.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on August 16, 2018, 09:23:09 pm
It still stands because nobody intentionally grinds for it. When someone beats it, it will most likely be an accident during a regular run.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on August 17, 2018, 03:57:25 pm
Hi all! I'm brand new to this scene and just started playing around a month ago. Super stoked to be here. I've been gaming over 30 years but am excited to get back to my roots and hopefully start submitting some scores.
Here's my best so far: Justin Elliott 246900 Wolfmame .186 INP attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 18, 2018, 08:37:59 pm
How do I keep doing it? 114,500. And something tells me this won't be the last time I improve my Start PB in my quest for a million. :P
Congrats sir! Your Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( As with all things DK, there's a pretty big range in possible scores for a Start...RNGesus be praised. At KO3 I played a normal board-running game, and just pressed rivets and grabbed Level 2 and 3 spring prize...and I got a 117k start. So I think doing a bottom-hammer Level 4 you could expect over 120k. Obviously the more pressing you do the more you'll get, but I don't think you're at the upper end yet of what RNG will hand you (and I'm not saying you NEED RNG to get that :P, just be aware of what's really happening).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 18, 2018, 08:40:24 pm
Wow, all the bbbs. Congrats sir, your Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( You also set a new Level 4 rivet record, so that list ( has been updated as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 18, 2018, 08:42:27 pm
Hi all! I'm brand new to this scene and just started playing around a month ago. Super stoked to be here. I've been gaming over 30 years but am excited to get back to my roots and hopefully start submitting some scores.
Here's my best so far: Justin Elliott 246900 Wolfmame .186 INP attached
Welcome to DKF! Your score has been verified, so also welcome to the Donkey Kong High Score List (! You'll see some stats for your game below. In the future, please submit your INPs in a zip file if possible. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions Donkey Kong 1-1 Score Barrel Stage
Post by: VIMikey on August 20, 2018, 12:04:32 pm
i would like to add my high score of 10,100 from the first barrel stage on Donkey Kong. Here is a link to my official score from Twin Galaxies. Video footage is in the TG post.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on August 24, 2018, 07:41:29 am
Hey all! I've raised my score from last week! Looking to keep progressing. May hold off on submitting new PB's until I get a much higher score but for now, here's my new PB:
Justin Elliott 330500
INP file is attached in a zip folder.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 24, 2018, 08:05:02 am
Hey all! I've raised my score from last week! Looking to keep progressing. May hold off on submitting new PB's until I get a much higher score but for now, here's my new PB:
Justin Elliott 330500
INP file is attached in a zip folder.
Go! Go! Go! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: spark47 on August 24, 2018, 10:38:45 am
Stewart Park 8/17/18 130500 WolfMAME 0.200
zipped INP folder attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 24, 2018, 05:18:12 pm
Brad Williamson Mame 0.135 120200 8/24/2018
twitch feed of game: I stop warming up around 10:50. 120,200 game starts at around 11 minute mark.
INP is zipped & attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on August 24, 2018, 05:27:31 pm
Quote from: shuhan
Justin Elliott 330500
Quote from: spark47
Stewart Park 8/17/18 130500
Quote from: bradtech
Brad Williamson Mame 0.135 120200
So many gotems Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions Donkey Kong 1-1 Score Barrel Stage
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2018, 02:08:38 am
i would like to add my high score of 10,100 from the first barrel stage on Donkey Kong. Here is a link to my official score from Twin Galaxies. Video footage is in the TG post.
Congrats Michael! Thanks for linking to the TG submission. I generally try to stay on top of TG stuff, so I think I had this one on our Level 1-1 HSL ( already.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2018, 02:10:17 am
Hey all! I've raised my score from last week! Looking to keep progressing. May hold off on submitting new PB's until I get a much higher score but for now, here's my new PB:
Justin Elliott 330500
INP file is attached in a zip folder.
Congrats sir! Some pretty solid play in there, so I imagine those much higher scores will come soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Looks good Stewart! Congrats on the PB, which has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
One thing I might suggest is learning the "star" pattern on the rivet stage. Grab the bottom left rivet first, then the top two left rivets. After that grab the bottom hammer and smash as many firefoxes as possible, trying to stay on the right half of the screen (this will make them respawn on the left...on the other side of the now-empty rivet holes and away from you!). Then clear the right-side rivets and grab the top hammer as the situation allows. I think you'll see your survival rate/score jump pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2018, 02:16:06 am
twitch feed of game: I stop warming up around 10:50. 120,200 game starts at around 11 minute mark.
INP is zipped & attached.
The format of this submission looks pretty good, however we only accept WolfMAME or RetroUprising ( submissions for MAME scores. You can find WolfMAME downloads on MARP (here (, here (, or here ( WolfMAME runs the same as regular MAME but has certain changes appropriate for high-score tracking. RetroUprising scores require additional information ( to be submitted that you'll need to get from the score moderators on that site, if you so choose.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on August 25, 2018, 09:32:44 am
Hi Group! I just found this forum and love the idea of submitting some competitive scores on DK which I've been playing for 30+ years. Here is my first submission to see that I'm doing the process correctly and my equipment is all good...this is not my high score ever, but its a game from today thats recorded. Looking forward to more submittals. This one is Donkey Kong 220,500 on Wolfmame .199 Also recorded a cell phone video of my equipment after the game and would like it reviewed so that I know my gear is approved. The video file was big so I uploaded it to Vimeo, here is the link: Not a valid vimeo URL8f349a00a0
Thank you! CaptnTim
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on August 25, 2018, 05:50:02 pm
Ok, my son just got his high score and would like to join this group as well. Don't know if I need to setup his own user account on here or not, let us know, but here is his submittal and video evidence as well.
Name: Liam Trieschmann, age 15 Donkey Kong played on Wolfmame on 8/25/2018: Score 83,500
The cellphone video has the last 7 minutes of the game....the inp file has the complete game. Not a valid vimeo URL8252c1a105
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on August 25, 2018, 07:01:56 pm
115,100 Start. Look out, Allen. I'm closing in. <stirpot> Also got 551k this game. <Todd>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 25, 2018, 10:11:33 pm
Thanks, I downloaded wolfmame and will redo it soon. I think I tried it before but it had sound missing. The one I have now seems to be working.
twitch feed of game: I stop warming up around 10:50. 120,200 game starts at around 11 minute mark.
INP is zipped & attached.
The format of this submission looks pretty good, however we only accept WolfMAME or RetroUprising ( submissions for MAME scores. You can find WolfMAME downloads on MARP (here (, here (, or here ( WolfMAME runs the same as regular MAME but has certain changes appropriate for high-score tracking. RetroUprising scores require additional information ( to be submitted that you'll need to get from the score moderators on that site, if you so choose.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2018, 11:46:23 pm
Hi Group! I just found this forum and love the idea of submitting some competitive scores on DK which I've been playing for 30+ years. Here is my first submission to see that I'm doing the process correctly and my equipment is all good...this is not my high score ever, but its a game from today thats recorded. Looking forward to more submittals. This one is Donkey Kong 220,500 on Wolfmame .199 Also recorded a cell phone video of my equipment after the game and would like it reviewed so that I know my gear is approved. The video file was big so I uploaded it to Vimeo, here is the link: Not a valid vimeo URL8f349a00a0
Ok, my son just got his high score and would like to join this group as well. Don't know if I need to setup his own user account on here or not, let us know, but here is his submittal and video evidence as well.
Name: Liam Trieschmann, age 15 Donkey Kong played on Wolfmame on 8/25/2018: Score 83,500
The cellphone video has the last 7 minutes of the game....the inp file has the complete game. Not a valid vimeo URL8252c1a105
Welcome to DKF! Your scores look good and have been verified and added to the HSL (! A few notes:
-WolfMAME INPs are sufficient for MAME submissions. There's no need to do a video overview of the setup in the future. However, video of gameplay is always encouraged! -You submitted your son's INP in a zip file, and that's the preferred method for all INP submissions. -Your son doesn't need an account. You can submit on his behalf if you wish. -It's great to see a family enjoying this game together! Hopefully both of you will continue to improve and we'll see many submissions from you in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 25, 2018, 11:49:16 pm
115,100 Start. Look out, Allen. I'm closing in. <stirpot> Also got 551k this game. <Todd>
lit. Your score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Keep going good sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: leejunfan777 on August 26, 2018, 07:16:39 am
PB Start :
125 600
Vincent Cote
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 26, 2018, 03:00:09 pm
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 127,700
I configured it based on twin galaxies guidelines. I have NVRAM set for NIL. Attached the inp. I was sitting down for a one off game & didn't stream to my twitch for this. I made it to 96,000 without a death. Then got the bad end of 2 wild barrels & later on a bad cluster of barrels.
127,700 PB game on wolfmame 96,000 start which is a new PB
Hoping to break a local arcade record soon once I can get into the 200s.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 26, 2018, 03:01:52 pm
sorry I left off the date. It was just a while ago.
8/26/2018 . Couldn't find a way to edit my post with date.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 27, 2018, 09:38:34 pm
I configured it based on twin galaxies guidelines. I have NVRAM set for NIL. Attached the inp. I was sitting down for a one off game & didn't stream to my twitch for this. I made it to 96,000 without a death. Then got the bad end of 2 wild barrels & later on a bad cluster of barrels.
127,700 PB game on wolfmame 96,000 start which is a new PB
Hoping to break a local arcade record soon once I can get into the 200s.
sorry I left off the date. It was just a while ago.
8/26/2018 . Couldn't find a way to edit my post with date.
Looks good! Just try and zip the INPs when submitting if possible. Your score has been verified and added to HSL ( Hope to see more scores soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on August 27, 2018, 10:20:31 pm
Finally was hoping for 900k but I'll take it!!! 889,900 KS starts at roughly 4 min mark. I could have had 890,00 but missed jump on the rivets then missed the hammer. Which in turn made me miss the last barrel I could have jumped. Lol I was nervous. Lol
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 28, 2018, 12:45:04 am
Finally was hoping for 900k but I'll take it!!! 889,900 KS starts at roughly 4 min mark. I could have had 890,00 but missed jump on the rivets then missed the hammer. Which in turn made me miss the last barrel I could have jumped. Lol I was nervous. Lol
Congrats Gilly! You've been racking up some great scores on all kinds of games recently! This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( What's next!?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on August 28, 2018, 11:19:57 am
Wow, lotsa activity, and good to see some newcomers! 8)
Welcome, and great performances! Keep going good sirs. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 28, 2018, 01:44:38 pm
Great job on the new high score! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on August 28, 2018, 05:19:03 pm
Start PB - 133500.
This one at least moves me up so I'll submit. Game went to hell by level 8 as always, thanks to a dumb pie death, a 0 point vator death, one good death with a panic situation since I have no courage, and a final dumb death with a too-early early straight jump.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 31, 2018, 02:30:08 am
This one at least moves me up so I'll submit. Game went to hell by level 8 as always, thanks to a dumb pie death, a 0 point vator death, one good death with a panic situation since I have no courage, and a final dumb death with a too-early early straight jump.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 31, 2018, 02:45:22 am
Nice one Duke!
Title: New High Score
Post by: captnkong on August 31, 2018, 09:08:35 am
Just raised my high score to the top 200. Score total: 247,100 Thanks CaptnTim
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 31, 2018, 12:46:16 pm
Nice work! Keep climbing sir. <Sanders>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: danman123456 on August 31, 2018, 03:16:30 pm
BOOM! Nice one....
Title: Re: New High Score
Post by: xelnia on September 01, 2018, 04:14:11 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 02, 2018, 10:33:33 pm
Brad Williamson 9/3/2018 133,900 Wolfmame 0.200
Could have went a lot higher. Messed up on real easy stuff. Hoping to break through eventually and move onward to 200k
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 03, 2018, 06:59:57 pm
Brad Williamson 9/3/2018 133,900 Wolfmame 0.200
Just noticed I didn't zip the previous post. Here is the INP as a zip
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 03, 2018, 07:51:24 pm
Guess I should have waited longer.
Brad Williamson 9/3/2018 140,700 Wolfmame 0.200
Twitch feed of the game
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 03, 2018, 10:31:37 pm
I just had the game of my life. I'm in shock right now. Seemed like I was in rhythm and things were just going my way. I hope I've broke a ceiling/mental limit & keep scoring like this. I didn't think I'd be posting again with a new HS. I think the 220k is going to stand for me longer than the 140k.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 220,400 Twitch Game play feed
The 220,400 game starts around 56 minutes in after a couple 100-120k games.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 04, 2018, 04:43:10 am
I just had the game of my life. I'm in shock right now. Seemed like I was in rhythm and things were just going my way. I hope I've broke a ceiling/mental limit & keep scoring like this. I didn't think I'd be posting again with a new HS. I think the 220k is going to stand for me longer than the 140k.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 220,400 Twitch Game play feed
The 220,400 game starts around 56 minutes in after a couple 100-120k games.
Big time congrats! You went from 285th place all the way to 213th place! Next up, top 200!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on September 04, 2018, 08:34:59 am
I just had the game of my life. I'm in shock right now. Seemed like I was in rhythm and things were just going my way. I hope I've broke a ceiling/mental limit & keep scoring like this. I didn't think I'd be posting again with a new HS. I think the 220k is going to stand for me longer than the 140k.
Nicely done Brad! Now that you've crossed 220k, you may be surprised and have a 300k game come out of nowhere. I went from 312k to 542k - granted it took six months. Now I'm consistently in the 400k range, just can't quite break through, yet. Best of luck, and Keep Konging!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 04, 2018, 11:43:56 am
Thanks Krehztim and homer. I last my last jumpman in a silly way. Didn't jump far enough from the 2nd elevator over to the 2nd platform. <gasp> But it's DK and anything is possible.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dkjoe on September 04, 2018, 08:37:00 pm
I, Joe Lipor, am submitting my high score of 220,700 on DK on MAME (achieved September 3rd, 2018).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2018, 02:51:11 am
I just had the game of my life. I'm in shock right now. Seemed like I was in rhythm and things were just going my way. I hope I've broke a ceiling/mental limit & keep scoring like this. I didn't think I'd be posting again with a new HS. I think the 220k is going to stand for me longer than the 140k.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 220,400 Twitch Game play feed
The 220,400 game starts around 56 minutes in after a couple 100-120k games.
Congrats on the great progression, sir! I didn't have time to do the first couple of games, but this 220k has been verified and updated on the HSL ( For my own sanity, please only submit one attempt per INP, if possible. There's no way to actually search through an INP for a game. I can fast-forward, but without knowing where a game is I might pass part of it or all of it, then I have to start again. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2018, 02:52:08 am
I, Joe Lipor, am submitting my high score of 220,700 on DK on MAME (achieved September 3rd, 2018).
Verified and added to the HSL (, just edging out Brad's recent PB! Welcome to the scoreboard!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on September 07, 2018, 12:53:51 pm
Thomas Bauer 09/07/2018
12,600 1-1
Wolfmameplus 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on September 07, 2018, 03:03:20 pm
Submitting for DK start of 127,800 FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dkjoe on September 07, 2018, 05:09:54 pm
I, Joe Lipor, am submitting my high score of 301200 on DK on MAME (achieved September 7th, 2018). If anyone cares, my goal is the kill screen for the moment. Trying to maximize my score is also easier with the bonus amounts I can get at the end of the level. Also, since I just submitted my first score the other day and now have already improved it, please let me know if I should limit submissions to once every certain time period. I might be kidding myself on getting more quick improvements.. I was at around 178000 for many months before submitting. Thank you - Joe
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dkjoe on September 07, 2018, 09:43:10 pm
Sadly, I have noticed some of my settings are breaking the rules. Specifically, Frame skipping was on automatic. I will review more carefully all settings and rules and am confident I can get back on the list with a new submission. Both of my submissions had this issue. I apologize for your time, thank you and will hopefully post again soon. Joe
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 07, 2018, 11:23:23 pm
Sadly, I have noticed some of my settings are breaking the rules. Specifically, Frame skipping was on automatic. I will review more carefully all settings and rules and am confident I can get back on the list with a new submission. Both of my submissions had this issue. I apologize for your time, thank you and will hopefully post again soon. Joe
Auto-frameskip is not against the rules. Frame skipping doesn't change the game speed, it just changes how often the screen is updated (I think in 0.106 this can be set to auto, or every 1 - 11 frames, or forced off completely). I took a quick look at your INP and it looks fines to me. I'll do an official verification later, but I wanted to let you know that frameskipping is not a problem.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on September 11, 2018, 12:29:11 pm
Likit, Allen. Kappa 117,500 Start...with the game ending pretty hilariously on 5-1. FailFish (Hopefully it plays back in the Windows version of 0.200, as I did this in a version I compiled for Mac. :P)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 12, 2018, 08:56:53 am
gg sir. That game finished at 1.1M pace...big score soon, I reckon. Verified and updated on the the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 12, 2018, 09:02:11 am
I, Joe Lipor, am submitting my high score of 301200 on DK on MAME (achieved September 7th, 2018). If anyone cares, my goal is the kill screen for the moment. Trying to maximize my score is also easier with the bonus amounts I can get at the end of the level. Also, since I just submitted my first score the other day and now have already improved it, please let me know if I should limit submissions to once every certain time period. I might be kidding myself on getting more quick improvements.. I was at around 178000 for many months before submitting. Thank you - Joe
Sadly, I have noticed some of my settings are breaking the rules. Specifically, Frame skipping was on automatic. I will review more carefully all settings and rules and am confident I can get back on the list with a new submission. Both of my submissions had this issue. I apologize for your time, thank you and will hopefully post again soon. Joe
Auto-frameskip is not against the rules. Frame skipping doesn't change the game speed, it just changes how often the screen is updated (I think in 0.106 this can be set to auto, or every 1 - 11 frames, or forced off completely). I took a quick look at your INP and it looks fines to me. I'll do an official verification later, but I wanted to let you know that frameskipping is not a problem.
This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats sir! Hope to see more scores soon!
Likit, Allen. Kappa 117,500 Start...with the game ending pretty hilariously on 5-1. FailFish (Hopefully it plays back in the Windows version of 0.200, as I did this in a version I compiled for Mac. :P)
Best 5-1 I've seen in a long time. Kappa gg sir, your Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 12, 2018, 12:37:35 pm
gg sir. That game finished at 1.1M pace...big score soon, I reckon. Verified and updated on the the Start HSL (!
I've been bumped! <mad> Good job, Estel! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 12, 2018, 05:40:06 pm
I started choking when I realized I was about to pass my score lol. Had two men left around 200k. Maybe I can get past mental block and get higher. I had been restarting wolfmame on each attempt. Unfortunately I forgot and have one game before. If it helps the game begins at 26 minutes 13 seconds. Hoping to break into the top 200 soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on September 13, 2018, 10:44:29 pm
Would like to submit my new high score. Steamed Live on Twitch and INP file included: 306,000 Performed in WolfMame .199 connected to Bartop Cabinet.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 14, 2018, 03:27:25 pm
I started choking when I realized I was about to pass my score lol. Had two men left around 200k. Maybe I can get past mental block and get higher. I had been restarting wolfmame on each attempt. Unfortunately I forgot and have one game before. If it helps the game begins at 26 minutes 13 seconds. Hoping to break into the top 200 soon.
Congrats sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Top 200 is easily within your grasp!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 14, 2018, 03:29:22 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 14, 2018, 08:28:54 pm
Hit 233,000. Getting closer. I won't submit anymore after this until I get into top 200. Won't have much time this weekend. Hopefully in a week or two.
Hit 233,000. Getting closer. I won't submit anymore after this until I get into top 200. Won't have much time this weekend. Hopefully in a week or two.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 16, 2018, 03:34:27 pm
just had a game where I hit 237,200. Dang fireball came up top and I jumped into a barrel. #201 right now lol. Going to keep trying.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: barrels on September 17, 2018, 07:33:56 pm
Hey, didn't think of submitting this one, but what the hey. 13,700 on 1-1 thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: spark47 on September 19, 2018, 04:35:52 pm
Stewart Park personal best 8/29/18 148200 WolfMAME 0.200
zipped INP folder attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: spark47 on September 22, 2018, 11:10:50 am
Stewart Park personal best -please ignore my prior post! 9/22/18 249400 WolfMAME 0.200
zipped INP folder attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on September 23, 2018, 06:01:12 am
Submitting for a new start PB.... <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CharlieFar on September 23, 2018, 10:50:23 am
I know it can't be submitted, but I got a PB on original hardware at Arcade Club, Bury, UK last night. Final 10 or so screens were recorded. Died 2 screens from KS. Need to get streaming again to get the elusive 1 million.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 23, 2018, 03:23:38 pm
Hey, didn't think of submitting this one, but what the hey. 13,700 on 1-1 thanks
Great to see another score from you sir! Your 1-1 score has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( You've passed the great Phil Tudose and are now tied with Dean Saglio!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 23, 2018, 03:25:33 pm
I know it can't be submitted, but I got a PB on original hardware at Arcade Club, Bury, UK last night. Final 10 or so screens were recorded. Died 2 screens from KS. Need to get streaming again to get the elusive 1 million.
Great score sir! Hope to see an official submission soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on September 25, 2018, 12:23:54 pm
New record for me 321K and change...cant remember exact score it was late but here is the inp. Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on September 25, 2018, 12:52:38 pm
Australia's best once again! Kreygasm Congrats sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on September 29, 2018, 12:58:03 am
Congrats, Shane! Way to get it done!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Jonesy on September 30, 2018, 01:56:41 am
Congrats Shane, nice work sir!
Over to you Allen <Allen>
Spacey - ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 30, 2018, 02:51:04 pm
Broke through the top 200 finally. All the way into the top 150 I believe <gasp> Been playing for weeks getting 150-220k. Broke through the ceiling & almost nailed 400k. Should have had 400k died rather easily and miscalculated where I was at when running over on elevator/spring board.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 394,100 twitch video of the game attached inp as zip.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on September 30, 2018, 03:25:48 pm
WTG Brad! Next stop Kill Screen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 30, 2018, 10:52:53 pm
Broke through the top 200 finally. All the way into the top 150 I believe <gasp> Been playing for weeks getting 150-220k. Broke through the ceiling & almost nailed 400k. Should have had 400k died rather easily and miscalculated where I was at when running over on elevator/spring board.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 394,100 twitch video of the game attached inp as zip.
Great score and a huge improvement! Jumped from #204 to #147 on the leaderboard and went for 207,200 points on your last man! Even bigger scores coming soon, I reckon. This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( going good!
Australia's best once again! Kreygasm Congrats sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Congrats Shane, Aussie #1.
BTW, don't know if Shane filmed inside the cab, but this was a legit DK board, not 60-1 but does have a remix on it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 02, 2018, 05:33:54 pm
Australia's best once again! Kreygasm Congrats sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Congrats Shane, Aussie #1.
BTW, don't know if Shane filmed inside the cab, but this was a legit DK board, not 60-1 but does have a remix on it.
Thanks for the correction, John. Shane's last arcade submission showed all the bells and whistles...not sure why I listed it as 60-in-1. FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on October 03, 2018, 05:05:32 am
wolfmame 200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on October 03, 2018, 10:41:33 am
First attempt at Score Submission. Hopefully sending the file in the right format.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 03, 2018, 03:38:41 pm
First attempt at Score Submission. Hopefully sending the file in the right format.
I think it helps jry if you tell us what version of wolmame you played the game on. Also, your name, the date it was achieved on and score and any other supplementary information you want to provide like the level you got to, is always appreciated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 03, 2018, 10:19:11 pm
Great score and a huge improvement on your PB! Congrats sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
First attempt at Score Submission. Hopefully sending the file in the right format.
Welcome to DKF! The INP looks good, so this score (271,900 ending on 9-1) has been verified and added to the HSL ( Hope to see more scores soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 07, 2018, 01:42:59 am
Hey all! It's been about two months since I've last submitted. I've been holding onto all my PB's in hopes of submitting a respectable one, and I think I just put it up. Though... I feel sick to my stomach, because I died on 21-6. This all took place about 10 minutes ago, and I'm still reeling. It was a great game for me, but I'm really sad I didn't KS. Soon!
Justin Elliott Mame 186 881,700
INP attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JasonV91 on October 07, 2018, 07:08:03 am
Wow, great score Justin! Rough luck on the final death...I can sympathize - my PB I died on 21-3, when I too could smell the KS. Ah well, just means more DK to play for both of us! Congrats again.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 07, 2018, 02:06:30 pm
Wow, great score Justin! Rough luck on the final death...I can sympathize - my PB I died on 21-3, when I too could smell the KS. Ah well, just means more DK to play for both of us! Congrats again.
Thanks, brother!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on October 08, 2018, 08:33:54 am
Hey all! It's been about two months since I've last submitted. I've been holding onto all my PB's in hopes of submitting a respectable one, and I think I just put it up. Though... I feel sick to my stomach, because I died on 21-6. This all took place about 10 minutes ago, and I'm still reeling. It was a great game for me, but I'm really sad I didn't KS. Soon!
Justin Elliott Mame 186 881,700
INP attached.
Great game! And don't worry nausea and light-headedness is a known side effect of high level DK. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 08, 2018, 07:54:58 pm
Great score, shuhan! Sad to hear you lost it on 21-6, though. It always hurts to game over when you’re that close. BibleThump You’ll get ‘em next time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 09, 2018, 07:50:58 am
Hey all! It's been about two months since I've last submitted. I've been holding onto all my PB's in hopes of submitting a respectable one, and I think I just put it up. Though... I feel sick to my stomach, because I died on 21-6. This all took place about 10 minutes ago, and I'm still reeling. It was a great game for me, but I'm really sad I didn't KS. Soon!
Justin Elliott Mame 186 881,700
INP attached.
Great score Justin! Really tough ending and a couple brutal rivet stages, but you know you're on the doorstep now. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( get that KS!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on October 12, 2018, 11:46:25 am
I'd like to submit a new PB for myself....this time on a real cabinet rather than my usual wolfmame. I've had about 5 better scores than the last time I submitted anything, but this game was worthy. I streamed the entire game, and even one before it on twitch, as I've been streaming games from this cab for 2 days now. Final score was Level 17 Rivets at 688,000. I plan on beating this one soon as well.
Twitch feed here: My Cab Video: Thank you. TIM
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 12, 2018, 05:12:55 pm
5 days after my 21-6 failure, I've done it! Kill screen achieved! I am so happy it's unreal. Also shaking like a leaf.
Justin Elliott 888000 Mame 186 INP attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 12, 2018, 05:25:49 pm
Congrats Justin! Very quick redemption :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 12, 2018, 05:29:36 pm
Way to get it done, Justin! Badge him up, JC!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on October 13, 2018, 03:02:27 pm
Would like to submit this score. It has two clips due to using phone to stream and receiving a call in middle of game. It also has a phone drop during game. Hope this doesn’t mess up submission. posted a 556200 at Kong Kash 9 at Vortex Arcade but beat that today with 575200. Clip 1 Clip 2
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on October 13, 2018, 03:14:47 pm
Hello everyone, Here are the links to my first official DK arcade cabinet score submission and verification of hardware. Please let me know if everything is sufficient. This will be the cabinet I stream on for now and will show hardware on any other cab i use in the future. Final score was 423,100 level 12-1.
5 days after my 21-6 failure, I've done it! Kill screen achieved! I am so happy it's unreal. Also shaking like a leaf.
Justin Elliott 888000 Mame 186 INP attached
Congrats Justin! Your killscreen score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 100,500 Start score to the Start HSL ( Now go for the million!
Would like to submit this score. It has two clips due to using phone to stream and receiving a call in middle of game. It also has a phone drop during game. Hope this doesn’t mess up submission. posted a 556200 at Kong Kash 9 at Vortex Arcade but beat that today with 575200. Clip 1 Clip 2
Great score sir! This wasn't a serious break in footage and it was done live anyway. Everything looks good to me. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 101,200 Start score to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Hello everyone, Here are the links to my first official DK arcade cabinet score submission and verification of hardware. Please let me know if everything is sufficient. This will be the cabinet I stream on for now and will show hardware on any other cab i use in the future. Final score was 423,100 level 12-1.
Congrats Josh! Everything looks good in the video, so this score has been verified and added to the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on October 13, 2018, 08:55:17 pm
Hey guys, got a new PB to submit.
Brad Williamson 420,500 Wolfmame 0.200 10/13/2018 Game in link above starts at 5:50 mark after I warm up on 1:1. INP should be just this game.
Should have had more men at the 420k death mark. But the nerves got the best of me when I realized I was narrowing it on breaking through 400k. Wasted a couple of men due to nerves. I had two men left at 320k. By 385k I was on my last man. As soon as I broke 400k felt great. Felt like the game had started again. But Bad barrel spawns/aggro on rivets board got me. Went to jump over the last fireball & landed on his head on top of the last rivet <mad>. Hope to break 500k soon! Hopefully now that the psychogical barrier of 400k is gone. I'll keep going up. Took a week off work for vacation. Hope to get some DK in.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 13, 2018, 10:11:21 pm
I'd like to submit a new PB for myself....this time on a real cabinet rather than my usual wolfmame. I've had about 5 better scores than the last time I submitted anything, but this game was worthy. I streamed the entire game, and even one before it on twitch, as I've been streaming games from this cab for 2 days now. Final score was Level 17 Rivets at 688,000. I plan on beating this one soon as well.
Twitch feed here: My Cab Video: Thank you. TIM
Great progress sir! Killscreen imminent! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Brad Williamson 420,500 Wolfmame 0.200 10/13/2018 Game in link above starts at 5:50 mark after I warm up on 1:1. INP should be just this game.
Should have had more men at the 420k death mark. But the nerves got the best of me when I realized I was narrowing it on breaking through 400k. Wasted a couple of men due to nerves. I had two men left at 320k. By 385k I was on my last man. As soon as I broke 400k felt great. Felt like the game had started again. But Bad barrel spawns/aggro on rivets board got me. Went to jump over the last fireball & landed on his head on top of the last rivet <mad>. Hope to break 500k soon! Hopefully now that the psychogical barrier of 400k is gone. I'll keep going up. Took a week off work for vacation. Hope to get some DK in.
Great work sir. This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 102,500 Start to the Start HSL ( You're getting better so those deeper games will get easier and easier. You'll be in the top 100 in no time.
Would like to submit this score. It has two clips due to using phone to stream and receiving a call in middle of game. It also has a phone drop during game. Hope this doesn’t mess up submission. posted a 556200 at Kong Kash 9 at Vortex Arcade but beat that today with 575200. Clip 1 Clip 2
Way to go Les. Your live game at the Kong Klash 9 was impressive; $250 bucks impressive! Good job raising the bar further. We are going to have a great Kong Klash 10 if we keep pushing these scores.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on October 15, 2018, 07:16:51 pm
-13 .......CURSED! Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 15, 2018, 07:57:16 pm
Fantastic game, sir. It wasn't the WR, but it might have been the best all-around game of DK ever played. You set a new record for a level average at 63,518...beating Robbie's 63,494 in his WR game. You also set a new record for full-game barrel average at 12,982. This beat Robbie's 12,910 set in his 1,238,800 game. In fact, the only time you dipped below the 13k average was after the very last barrel board. At that point your barrel average was 13,006. Your pie average was 9,100...2nd all-time behind the record of 9,153 from Robbie's 1,230,100 game. As near as I can tell, your 7,600 spring average is the 5th best ever, behind two 7,688s, a 7,712 and your own record of 7,812. Unfortunately there are at least 14 games with higher rivet averages, so I'm assuming that's a result of your -13 board. Kappa
This game has been verified and updated on the HSL ( and IBR ( Keep going good, sir. WR soon.
By the way, RIP your YouTube video:
This video contains content from Warner Chappell, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on October 16, 2018, 05:33:00 am
Congrats on the higher score! Looks like he actually had a chance at the record. He needed a 65,700 level minus the man sac, and he only got 58,600. If you look at his previous levels, he actually did get over 65,700 three different times. So that means he probably had a 15% to 20% chance on the final level to take down the record.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on October 18, 2018, 10:14:27 am
Very nice Sir! Please tell me you're going to play in the next Kong Off.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on October 19, 2018, 07:43:00 pm
Hello everyone, I would like to submit this score of 548,700. The section of footage im submitting starts at 56:36 and initials entered at 2:02.36. thank you. - Josh (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on October 20, 2018, 12:37:47 am
12700 1-1.
Second game after trying out full screen mode to save a lag frame. Need to get used to the elevator without compensating for lag (I over-corrected and under-corrected), but I like my chances better now at getting through this game at some point.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 21, 2018, 11:35:23 pm
Hello everyone, I would like to submit this score of 548,700. The section of footage im submitting starts at 56:36 and initials entered at 2:02.36. thank you. - Josh (
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats sir!
Second game after trying out full screen mode to save a lag frame. Need to get used to the elevator without compensating for lag (I over-corrected and under-corrected), but I like my chances better now at getting through this game at some point.
I almost DQ'd this score since you beat me, but it turns out the INP is fine. <mad>
Verified and updated on Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on November 03, 2018, 12:39:03 pm
I would like to submit this score i got today. Inp file only has 1 game on it, which is the submitted game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on November 05, 2018, 08:04:31 pm
Submitting my first ever score. Streamed on Twitch, (
The game starts at around :30 seconds, and ends around 32:30. I think I took video of all the proper things after it ended, but I may not have got a great shot of Sock's Remix/save kit. I did go back at the end of the video, at 1:09:20 to get the kit.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 05, 2018, 11:33:28 pm
My first DK submission in a while; a 1-1 PB of 10,400. Ugh, this one had the potential for much higher. If only I could've smashed any one of those Fires. <mad>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 07, 2018, 09:06:06 pm
...And a new start PB; 119,200. :P
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2018, 10:36:41 am
I would like to submit this score i got today. Inp file only has 1 game on it, which is the submitted game.
Hi Fox. Please use WolfMAME ( or RetroUprising ( for MAME submissions. You can find more info in the List Submission Rules ( Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2018, 03:46:11 pm
Submitting my first ever score. Streamed on Twitch, (
The game starts at around :30 seconds, and ends around 32:30. I think I took video of all the proper things after it ended, but I may not have got a great shot of Sock's Remix/save kit. I did go back at the end of the video, at 1:09:20 to get the kit.
Congrats sir! Everything looks good in the video. Welcome to the DKF HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2018, 03:47:43 pm
My first DK submission in a while; a 1-1 PB of 10,400. Ugh, this one had the potential for much higher. If only I could've smashed any one of those Fires. <mad>
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on November 08, 2018, 05:08:53 pm
I would like to submit this score i got today. Inp file only has 1 game on it, which is the submitted game.
Hi Fox. Please use WolfMAME ( or RetroUprising ( for MAME submissions. You can find more info in the List Submission Rules ( Thanks.
I used wolfmame202 for this submission, I’m sure I made a mistake in converting the inp to a zip file. I’ll try again, and stream as well to include more verification. Any suggestions would also be appreciated
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2018, 06:43:43 pm
I would like to submit this score i got today. Inp file only has 1 game on it, which is the submitted game.
Hi Fox. Please use WolfMAME ( or RetroUprising ( for MAME submissions. You can find more info in the List Submission Rules ( Thanks.
I used wolfmame202 for this submission, I’m sure I made a mistake in converting the inp to a zip file. I’ll try again, and stream as well to include more verification. Any suggestions would also be appreciated
The INP attached to the submission is from a non-WolfMAME version of MAME 0.164, so maybe you zipped the wrong INP?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on November 08, 2018, 09:19:58 pm
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 Level 1-1 9,900 Game Stream URL: fast forward to the tme of 41:35
Wish I could be submitting a score for beating my PB of 420,500. Been close but not cigar yet. Feel like my all around game has improved quite a bit. But haven't had the time or break through game yet. It's close I'm feeling it hope to have the time to sit down and play off and on through the day soon. Past several weeks It's been sit down and play an hour per day at the most. Overall got 383,500 on this game. A lot of 200-300s.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 09, 2018, 11:21:51 am
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 Level 1-1 9,900 Game Stream URL: fast forward to the tme of 41:35
Wish I could be submitting a score for beating my PB of 420,500. Been close but not cigar yet. Feel like my all around game has improved quite a bit. But haven't had the time or break through game yet. It's close I'm feeling it hope to have the time to sit down and play off and on through the day soon. Past several weeks It's been sit down and play an hour per day at the most. Overall got 383,500 on this game. A lot of 200-300s.
Nice score sir. Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Full game PB coming soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on November 11, 2018, 05:32:04 pm
151100 Start
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 11, 2018, 05:50:11 pm
Another Tudose record falls! Congrats sir. This is the highest Start score on record! Amazingly, no individual board or level records were broken en route to this score, but you did tie the highest known Level 4 rivet score of 12,400. The Start HSL ( and IBR ( have been updated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on November 11, 2018, 05:54:29 pm
Big time congrats. That's one of the older Donkey Kong records out there. So BBB!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on November 11, 2018, 07:34:31 pm
I would like to submit new PB. 581700 (L16-2) done at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, Arkansas. Have to submit two videos like my last submission to the forum as my phone decided to drop again during game play. Phone drops while one rivet stage (L8-6) with a score of 259400, when Andrew is able to get my phone back up and in place, I am in the middle of Barrel stage (L9-1). Clearly I need to get a better phone holder. FailFish
Previous PB 575200 Arcade
Video 1 Video 2 includes showing of inside of cabinet.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 12, 2018, 06:37:05 pm
I would like to submit new PB. 581700 (L16-2) done at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, Arkansas. Have to submit two videos like my last submission to the forum as my phone decided to drop again during game play. Phone drops while one rivet stage (L8-6) with a score of 259400, when Andrew is able to get my phone back up and in place, I am in the middle of Barrel stage (L9-1). Clearly I need to get a better phone holder. FailFish
Previous PB 575200 Arcade
Video 1 Video 2 includes showing of inside of cabinet.
Well done sir. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Submitting the last game, it starts right around 43 minutes. Score was 287400. I'll include the inp and wlf file as well.
Hi sir, unfortunately we've into another issue with this INP. It looks like you used it to record a series of attempts and reset the game between those attempts (probably using F3?). WolfMAME 0.106 doesn't play well with this kind of reset when recording INPs, so your game desyncs after the 1st attempt. Your inputs are still there, but the game doesn't line up. This is one of the reasons we ask that INPs only contain 1 attempt per submission (it also helps me keep my sanity so I don't have to search through an INP to find the proper game).
I know it's a hassle, but exiting and restarting WolfMAME between attempts will make things go smoother. We'll get you on the scoreboard yet!
Title: First submission
Post by: Lyriell on November 15, 2018, 05:17:13 pm
Hi all,
I had a lot of fun at the Aussie Kong Off last weekend and it inspired me to put together a wolfmame setup and run some games this morning.
This is my first submission, although I'm listed already at position 150 (Matt Tecchio) on the list due to the weekend results getting posted.
Consider this a submission to make sure everything is good. I used Wolfmame 202 and cleared the ram etc before recording.
If everything is good, let me know and I will submit some higher scores!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on November 15, 2018, 05:23:30 pm
Just realised I probably need to clean up the batch file I'm using to record... Will do that for the next one :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on November 15, 2018, 05:59:21 pm
Welcome to the forums, Matt! Was great to meet you last weekend and congratulations on a great tournament. You've shown your skills and will have a killscreen in no time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on November 15, 2018, 06:35:16 pm
Thanks mate, It was a pleasure meeting you and the others. Never experienced such a friendly community vibe. Hopefully I can live up to that dream of the Killscreen!
Hope to see you all again soon.
Title: Re: First submission
Post by: xelnia on November 15, 2018, 07:34:43 pm
Just realised I probably need to clean up the batch file I'm using to record... Will do that for the next one :D
Welcome Matt! Congrats on your strong showing at the Aussie KO! Looks like you've got the batch file under control (and know to make a couple tweaks to it :D ), so the only thing left is to make sure you put the INPs in a ZIP file for your submissions (using something like 7z or WinZIP or whatever). But this INP/game looks good, so your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Congrats! Hope to see some big scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on November 15, 2018, 11:12:51 pm
I know its tiny lol ;) but cracked 200k for the first time just now with my new pb 200,700 Woot. (http://)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on November 16, 2018, 04:58:33 pm
Welcome Matt!!! Looking forward to see more high scores and soon a KS
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on November 16, 2018, 05:45:30 pm
Greetings guys. It's good to be on the board and in the top 100. I will climb this list soon. Here is my game from earlier tonight, 11/16/2018 869,700 LVL 21, 2 boards away from a KS!! Look forward to seeing this on the board. Cheers!!...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 17, 2018, 10:14:04 am
I would like to officially submit this new DK arcade PB of 737,100 set today 11-17-18.
link to full video ( Game starts at 01:28:21 and initials entered at 02:50:26 on full game video.
link to highlight (
Thanks All- Josh
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 17, 2018, 11:10:35 pm
Greetings guys. It's good to be on the board and in the top 100. I will climb this list soon. Here is my game from earlier tonight, 11/16/2018 869,700 LVL 21, 2 boards away from a KS!! Look forward to seeing this on the board. Cheers!!...
Great game Steve. Tough ending, but the KS is yours any credit now! Your score has been been verified and added to the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Congrats!
I would like to officially submit this new DK arcade PB of 737,100 set today 11-17-18.
link to full video ( Game starts at 01:28:21 and initials entered at 02:50:26 on full game video.
link to highlight (
Thanks All- Josh
Nice improvement sir! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You've cracked the DKF Top 100 and you're on the doorstep of the KS. Any day now!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on November 19, 2018, 04:58:19 pm
DK Start Score - 107,500..... and then it all turned to crap :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on November 20, 2018, 05:33:36 pm
Hello all! I am formally submitting Tim Trieschmann's 834,100 point killscreen at his request (just moments after the stream ended, and he has to head home)
Here is the video showing L14-6 on to the Killscreen as well as verification of the 4 way stick, the chips, the attract mode, and the 3+1 man verification
This was done live at The Vortex Classic Arcade on the same machines used during Kong Klash 9.
If there are any errors please let me know, or if you need Tim to personally submit it I will have him do so. It also sounds like the audio was kinda terrible, and again, I didn't have my stream set up for Donkey Kong, as I have been streaming Black Ops 4 for quite some time, so for that I apologize. Very spur of the moment but it needed to be captured.
JCHarrist, thank you so much for watching the stream with us :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on November 20, 2018, 06:07:00 pm
Thanks Andrew from the Vortex arcade for jumping in during my game and throwing up a quick live stream to twitch. In case I need to submit this as well, here is the link to my Kill Screen game performed live tonight at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. It was an incredible game were I took my first life all the way to level 14 and only lost that because I created an un-jumpable barrel combination I couldn't hide from. Thanks for all the support from the crowd at the Vortex arcade and of course the game instruction I have received from Andrew and Dan over the past three months. I new the KS was going to happen soon with my recent 688k score I submitted, but I had no idea it would be today!
The game play was observed in a public forum by lots of people; we didn't know it was going to be a great game until I reached level 12 with all of my guys so then the team started scrambling to get up a live feed, hence the gameplay online starts at Level 14 and goes until the KS.
Now I plan on chasing the 1M mark.
Thanks All! TIM
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 20, 2018, 07:06:34 pm
Hello all! I am formally submitting Tim Trieschmann's 834,100 point killscreen at his request (just moments after the stream ended, and he has to head home)
Here is the video showing L14-6 on to the Killscreen as well as verification of the 4 way stick, the chips, the attract mode, and the 3+1 man verification
This was done live at The Vortex Classic Arcade on the same machines used during Kong Klash 9.
If there are any errors please let me know, or if you need Tim to personally submit it I will have him do so. It also sounds like the audio was kinda terrible, and again, I didn't have my stream set up for Donkey Kong, as I have been streaming Black Ops 4 for quite some time, so for that I apologize. Very spur of the moment but it needed to be captured.
JCHarrist, thank you so much for watching the stream with us :)
Thanks Andrew from the Vortex arcade for jumping in during my game and throwing up a quick live stream to twitch. In case I need to submit this as well, here is the link to my Kill Screen game performed live tonight at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. It was an incredible game were I took my first life all the way to level 14 and only lost that because I created an un-jumpable barrel combination I couldn't hide from. Thanks for all the support from the crowd at the Vortex arcade and of course the game instruction I have received from Andrew and Dan over the past three months. I new the KS was going to happen soon with my recent 688k score I submitted, but I had no idea it would be today!
The game play was observed in a public forum by lots of people; we didn't know it was going to be a great game until I reached level 12 with all of my guys so then the team started scrambling to get up a live feed, hence the gameplay online starts at Level 14 and goes until the KS.
Now I plan on chasing the 1M mark.
Thanks All! TIM
Congrats Tim! That makes you the 11th killscreener of 2018...the most killscreens we've had in a year since 2014 (14) and the 3rd most in a year all-time (17 in 2013)! Because there isn't video of the entire game I can't provide the usual game stats, but your cab verification makes this an acceptable submission for the HSL:
-The available game footage and cab verification are in one continuous video. -There is an immediate restart without a power cycle showing the proper game settings. -Attract mode is seen showing US roms. -The 4-way joystick is shown. -The PCB is shown with DIPs and chips.
Additionally, the game was played at a known location with a history of competitions on standard settings and witnessed in person by at least one known killscreener (both good things but wouldn't necessarily be enough on their own).
So, the HSL ( has been updated with this score! Congrats again and good luck on your million point march!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 20, 2018, 07:22:53 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on November 21, 2018, 04:25:57 pm
Kongrats Tim! The Vortex is the Kill Screen capital of DK. Wes, McCourt, Andrew, Tim and Josh (any day now). Aaron Truitt and played there before hitting L=22. Dan Solis doesn't get enough love IMO.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on November 21, 2018, 10:01:52 pm
Congrats on the Killscreen & happy thanksgiving to all. I'm submitting my new best start to Level 5 without dying. I got 103,300. I lasted up to 298,500 until my first death. Unfortunately I was wiped out by 350k. DK can be a soul crushing game <mad>. Had a previous game before this one that was 412,900. Had horrible luck on rivet board on the 412k game. Felt like half of the rivet boards I had I was getting stuck in the upper left and jumping back/forth to get out. If not for that I would have sailed past 420,500 which is my PB. Feel like all around game is getting somewhat better after going into a two week slump which has been horrible. Where I've doing 200-300k games. Feels good to break 400k and have some good games again.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 103,300 DK Start 34:20 mark is Level 4 rivet before to level 5 BB link to same game but won't be deleted in future like on twitch.
Hope to have a new PB soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on November 24, 2018, 10:06:34 pm
I would like to submit this score I got tonight while streaming, not my pb but something to put on the board hopefully. game submitted is about 1 hour 25 minutes at the start, ill attach the inp/wlf files as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on November 25, 2018, 12:18:43 am
Got a new PB at the DKF Funspot Gathering last week, 271,600 goodtimes; i believe Sockmaster was there with me and I filmed it, ill look on my sd card and post a link when its up; not a critical score or anything so no biggie just wanted to share. Also not sure how to post pics of the score or id add those, theyre on my facebook.
Be well Mitch
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 26, 2018, 05:02:40 am
Congrats on the Killscreen & happy thanksgiving to all. I'm submitting my new best start to Level 5 without dying. I got 103,300. I lasted up to 298,500 until my first death. Unfortunately I was wiped out by 350k. DK can be a soul crushing game <mad>. Had a previous game before this one that was 412,900. Had horrible luck on rivet board on the 412k game. Felt like half of the rivet boards I had I was getting stuck in the upper left and jumping back/forth to get out. If not for that I would have sailed past 420,500 which is my PB. Feel like all around game is getting somewhat better after going into a two week slump which has been horrible. Where I've doing 200-300k games. Feels good to break 400k and have some good games again.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 103,300 DK Start 34:20 mark is Level 4 rivet before to level 5 BB link to same game but won't be deleted in future like on twitch.
Hope to have a new PB soon!
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! All the pieces are there, sir. You'll have a huge game very soon. This one had an 11,000 point pie factory, btw...huge! DK can be a cruel game, but the first rule of DK is that you'll die...a lot. So keep grinding and the scores will come. Also, look into creating dedicated Highlights on Twitch for your scores. Those will be permanent and won't be deleted by Twitch (and permanent videos are best for the HSL).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 26, 2018, 05:08:17 am
I would like to submit this score I got tonight while streaming, not my pb but something to put on the board hopefully. game submitted is about 1 hour 25 minutes at the start, ill attach the inp/wlf files as well.
Everything looks good, so this score has been verified and added to the HSL (! Great to have you on the board and hopefully we'll see some new PBs soon!
Got a new PB at the DKF Funspot Gathering last week, 271,600 goodtimes; i believe Sockmaster was there with me and I filmed it, ill look on my sd card and post a link when its up; not a critical score or anything so no biggie just wanted to share. Also not sure how to post pics of the score or id add those, theyre on my facebook.
Zoomed in a touch too much sigh, score shown at the end.
Congrats sir. I can still determine the game settings from your video and the final score is shown at the end. There was no cab verification afterwards but I've played the DK at Funspot and there were at least 2 DKF members who witnessed parts of the game, so this is enough for me. Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on November 28, 2018, 08:49:10 pm
Hello all, I have a new best start and personal best high score to submit. Got to sit down and put two hours straight into the game. Not a huge jump but a better game overall than the 420,500 & moves me up two spots. Silly deaths from fatigue/lack of skill that comes with time. The high score game wasn't the same as the best start. I crashed and burned around 240-250k on the best start. If I can stop having silly deaths I should have a break out game soon. The last death was the worst of all. FailFish
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 427,900 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 107,000 Start 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on November 28, 2018, 10:02:33 pm
Zoomed in a touch too much sigh, score shown at the end.
Congrats sir. I can still determine the game settings from your video and the final score is shown at the end. There was no cab verification afterwards but I've played the DK at Funspot and there were at least 2 DKF members who witnessed parts of the game, so this is enough for me. Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (!
Thank you, appreciate this place and that the community exists; be well. Mitch
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 28, 2018, 10:35:00 pm
Hello all, I have a new best start and personal best high score to submit. Got to sit down and put two hours straight into the game. Not a huge jump but a better game overall than the 420,500 & moves me up two spots. Silly deaths from fatigue/lack of skill that comes with time. The high score game wasn't the same as the best start. I crashed and burned around 240-250k on the best start. If I can stop having silly deaths I should have a break out game soon. The last death was the worst of all. FailFish
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 427,900 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 107,000 Start 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Congrats sir. These scores have been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Also, clips don't work so well for permanent videos since they can only be a certain length. You'll want to make actual highlights using the Highlight tool. You can do this from your Video Producer dashboard ( ( or by opening any video, click the the button with dots underneath it (next to the Share button) and selecting Highlight.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on November 29, 2018, 12:22:50 pm
Thank you, I didn't realize the difference. I was streaming with OBS to youtube as well which was keeping the full length games. But switched over to xsplit temporarily. Tonight I'll go back and check out the highlight stuff on twitch.
Hello all, I have a new best start and personal best high score to submit. Got to sit down and put two hours straight into the game. Not a huge jump but a better game overall than the 420,500 & moves me up two spots. Silly deaths from fatigue/lack of skill that comes with time. The high score game wasn't the same as the best start. I crashed and burned around 240-250k on the best start. If I can stop having silly deaths I should have a break out game soon. The last death was the worst of all. FailFish
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 427,900 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 107,000 Start 11/28/2018 Full Length of the session: Twitch highlight clip:
Congrats sir. These scores have been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Also, clips don't work so well for permanent videos since they can only be a certain length. You'll want to make actual highlights using the Highlight tool. You can do this from your Video Producer dashboard ( ( or by opening any video, click the the button with dots underneath it (next to the Share button) and selecting Highlight.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on November 29, 2018, 07:22:27 pm
My name is James Cook I would like to submit this score of 391,200 I got tonight while streaming. I tried to verify my cabinet and then get a decent game just to get started submitting: ( It is a DDK board. Not a PB but wanted to get something submitted so I can submit scores from my stream. If the cabinet verification is no good let me know what I need to show more thoroughly, and I will try again this weekend.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on November 29, 2018, 07:57:50 pm
My name is James Cook I would like to submit this score of 391,200 I got tonight while streaming. I tried to verify my cabinet and then get a decent game just to get started submitting: ( It is a DDK board. Not a PB but wanted to get something submitted so I can submit scores from my stream. If the cabinet verification is no good let me know what I need to show more thoroughly, and I will try again this weekend.
I forgot to mention, the high score game starts about 27:39 into the video, but I wanted to have the whole thing be continuous from when I show the PCB.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on November 29, 2018, 09:26:47 pm
I would like to submit a new PB of 632400. Game was played on cabinet at Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Game was live steamed via Twitch. Game starts at the 21:22 mark. As it seems to be my trademark, my camera falls during stream. This time I think twice.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 30, 2018, 01:10:42 am
This is my official submission of my 876,000 Killscreen on an official Arcade cabinet and hardware. 11.30.2018
Full video= ( game start @ 03:06:52 Initials entered @ 04:52:35
Highlight of game and cab verification= (
Thank you all who watched the stream and have supported me on this Quest For a Killscreen! Special thanks to my best friend Daniel Solis, for all he does for me and everyone around us. Thanks to Andrew Garrett for his teaching and encouragement. Thanks also to Les and Tim for the constant push to improve and get the killscreen. Also appreciate The DKF and all who strive to keep this a great community and work to keep everything going regardless of how busy you are.
Thank you- Josh Mayden
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 30, 2018, 03:01:08 am
Oh hell yeah!!! I knew you were close. I fell asleep have way through!!!! Great job man!!!! I think my last comment was Josh is going to be KS really soon 😀 KONG-GRATS!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on November 30, 2018, 03:23:33 am
GGs everyone
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 30, 2018, 04:19:07 am
Thanks Mat, I appreciate your support sir! ;D You did call it! Ha
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on November 30, 2018, 05:02:56 am
Kongrats! I see you're now one spot next to me in the score list. Howdy neighbor!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 30, 2018, 05:34:42 am
Thank you sir, its great to be up there with you elite players! Feels so good to have accomplished this! Howdy :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on November 30, 2018, 07:17:51 am
Way to go Josh!!!!!! I had started watching you play that gave live but fell asleep; I woke up this morning and started up the video to see how it ended, WOW! I knew it was happening soon! Congratulations!!!!🎊🎈🎉🍾
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on November 30, 2018, 07:51:03 am
Congrats, Josh! Next stop, 1M, I reckon. <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 30, 2018, 07:45:42 pm
Huge congrats on the kill screen, Josh!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 30, 2018, 07:59:14 pm
Thank you all for the congratulations :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2018, 08:28:50 pm
My name is James Cook I would like to submit this score of 391,200 I got tonight while streaming. I tried to verify my cabinet and then get a decent game just to get started submitting: ( It is a DDK board. Not a PB but wanted to get something submitted so I can submit scores from my stream. If the cabinet verification is no good let me know what I need to show more thoroughly, and I will try again this weekend.
I forgot to mention, the high score game starts about 27:39 into the video, but I wanted to have the whole thing be continuous from when I show the PCB.
Video looks good, so this score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats, we have our first DDK score on the board!
I would like to submit a new PB of 632400. Game was played on cabinet at Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Game was live steamed via Twitch. Game starts at the 21:22 mark. As it seems to be my trademark, my camera falls during stream. This time I think twice.
Congrats on the PB, Les! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Killscreen any day now!
This is my official submission of my 876,000 Killscreen on an official Arcade cabinet and hardware. 11.30.2018
Full video= ( game start @ 03:06:52 Initials entered @ 04:52:35
Highlight of game and cab verification= (
Thank you all who watched the stream and have supported me on this Quest For a Killscreen! Special thanks to my best friend Daniel Solis, for all he does for me and everyone around us. Thanks to Andrew Garrett for his teaching and encouragement. Thanks also to Les and Tim for the constant push to improve and get the killscreen. Also appreciate The DKF and all who strive to keep this a great community and work to keep everything going regardless of how busy you are.
Thank you- Josh Mayden
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congrats sir! That makes you the 12th killscreener of 2018! I was able to catch the last few boards live (thanks to Barra)...and I had just finished watching Les' 632k submission. ;D Your KS has been verified and updated on the HSL ( (with the 102k Start added to the Start HSL ( Hope to see you march onwards to 1M+!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on December 01, 2018, 05:07:09 am
Thank you so much Jeremy sir, Thank you for watching the stream and always taking the time to watch/verify everyone's scores! What you do here is appreciated sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on December 01, 2018, 03:28:15 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 720,400 with a personal best start of 405,900
Full video= game start @ 03:39:47 Initials entered @ 05:23:25
Highlight of the game
It was on my DDK cabinet.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on December 01, 2018, 03:30:55 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 720,400 with a personal best start of 405,900
Full video= game start @ 03:39:47 Initials entered @ 05:23:25
Highlight of the game
It was on my DDK cabinet.
Congrats sir. Sorry you had to bail on that game, but you're in striking distance of the killscreen! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on December 06, 2018, 06:10:01 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 813,500. It is my first Killscreen!
Full video= game start @ 00:27:57 Initials entered @ 02:20:17
Highlight of the game
It was on my DDK cabinet.
I definitely could not have done it without the information I read on this board and watching many of you play on twitch. Thanks everyone.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on December 06, 2018, 06:22:28 pm
Congrats on the kill screen, sith! The way you were playing, it was only a matter of time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on December 06, 2018, 06:33:52 pm
Way to hang in there on that last rivet. They made you work for it!!! My phone died lol so I made my wife download twitch so I could finish watching!!! Lol
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 07, 2018, 07:27:54 am
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 813,500. It is my first Killscreen!
Full video= game start @ 00:27:57 Initials entered @ 02:20:17
Highlight of the game
It was on my DDK cabinet.
I definitely could not have done it without the information I read on this board and watching many of you play on twitch. Thanks everyone.
Congrats sir! Quite a few nasty rivets, but you made it to the end! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( This makes you the 13th killscreener of 2018!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on December 08, 2018, 11:43:02 am
Thomas Bauer 12/08/2018
138,500 Start PB
Wolfmameplus 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on December 08, 2018, 11:59:58 am
BBB great job Thomas!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on December 08, 2018, 04:41:44 pm
Nicely done sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on December 08, 2018, 05:33:58 pm
Good stuff, Thomas!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 10, 2018, 01:20:22 pm
Great play!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on December 10, 2018, 05:43:57 pm
I would like to submit this score, 457800 I got at vortex arcade in sherwood arkansas, playing the same machine used in kong klash 9, with 2 known/verified killscreeners present. Game starts at 1 hour 59 minutes, ends about 2 hours 57 minutes with machine verification shown after.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on December 11, 2018, 10:56:03 pm
Here is my best start I'd like to submit; streamed from my cab live on twitch. Tim Trieschmann, 12/12/18 with a start of 120,400
Thank you
video link:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on December 12, 2018, 09:00:51 pm
Hey guys, submitting a new personal best high score game.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 12/12/2018 446,400 twitch highlight of PB game: twitch full stream video of all games playing during session: Zipped INP is attached of the game.
Three deaths were totally avoidable. Especially the two back to back deaths on elevators taking top elevator from umbrella to middle platform where the fireball is. Had not died doing that in over a month maybe longer. Made decent run on last man with some brutal boards. Watching the pie factory towards the end starting @ 47minutes 16 seconds is nerve wrecking even knowing I survived. Could have died easily there if fireball came up on me. Feel like I'll have a break out game 500k+ soon. Once some good boards come my way around the 400-450k mark and I stop giving up easy lives prior to that.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 13, 2018, 01:35:48 am
I would like to submit this score, 457800 I got at vortex arcade in sherwood arkansas, playing the same machine used in kong klash 9, with 2 known/verified killscreeners present. Game starts at 1 hour 59 minutes, ends about 2 hours 57 minutes with machine verification shown after.
Nice PB, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Hey guys, submitting a new personal best high score game.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 12/12/2018 446,400 twitch highlight of PB game: twitch full stream video of all games playing during session: Zipped INP is attached of the game.
Three deaths were totally avoidable. Especially the two back to back deaths on elevators taking top elevator from umbrella to middle platform where the fireball is. Had not died doing that in over a month maybe longer. Made decent run on last man with some brutal boards. Watching the pie factory towards the end starting @ 47minutes 16 seconds is nerve wrecking even knowing I survived. Could have died easily there if fireball came up on me. Feel like I'll have a break out game 500k+ soon. Once some good boards come my way around the 400-450k mark and I stop giving up easy lives prior to that.
Verified and updated on the HSL. Those back-to-back deaths were rough, but you're due for a huge breakout game. It'll come soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on December 13, 2018, 03:46:55 am
New score submission from me. 13/12/2018 686,400 which is a personal best for me.
Was having really bad night, died a ton on the first level and said 'stuff it, no point pressing, just run boards...' started running and apparently didn't stop for a while.
Makes me think I could be close to a killscreen.
7zip'd INP attached.
Will stream some games this weekend on twitch and try and KS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on December 13, 2018, 03:52:42 am
Can't find a button to edit my post, so yeah... should put my name on it, Matthew Tecchio. Don't expect you to remember everyones names!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on December 13, 2018, 07:33:18 am
Great games, Matthew and Brad! Keep going good sirs! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 13, 2018, 01:19:54 pm
New score submission from me. 13/12/2018 686,400 which is a personal best for me.
Was having really bad night, died a ton on the first level and said 'stuff it, no point pressing, just run boards...' started running and apparently didn't stop for a while.
Makes me think I could be close to a killscreen.
7zip'd INP attached.
Will stream some games this weekend on twitch and try and KS.
Great game sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Killscreen soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bantee on December 14, 2018, 06:35:49 pm
Hello, this is Byron Antee. Submitting my first official DK score done live at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Score is 239,800 done on the same cabinets used in Kong Klash 9 and also in the presence of two verified killscreeners (Josh and Andrew) (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DanielDKSolis on December 14, 2018, 10:24:06 pm
Hello DKF! Daniel Solis from The Vortex Classic Arcade. I finally got around to submitting a score, and it just about broke my PB! Officially submitting a 338100, Josh and Andrew were in attendance throughout the whole video (providing terrible commentary along the way). ( The usual 4 way stick verification, dips and chips are all included. Thank you in advance Jeremy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on December 15, 2018, 08:00:41 am
Way to go Dan; glad to see you finally stopped working long enough to squeeze in a game of donkey Kong! Good game my friend.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bantee on December 15, 2018, 04:11:34 pm
This is Byron Antee, and I'm submitting a score for my son, Josiah Antee. He scored 65,400 on 12/14/2018 at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Here is the twitch link: ( Andrew from the arcade helped with the verification of the machine, etc.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 17, 2018, 04:32:30 am
Hello, this is Byron Antee. Submitting my first official DK score done live at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Score is 239,800 done on the same cabinets used in Kong Klash 9 and also in the presence of two verified killscreeners (Josh and Andrew) (
This is Byron Antee, and I'm submitting a score for my son, Josiah Antee. He scored 65,400 on 12/14/2018 at the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood, AR. Here is the twitch link: ( Andrew from the arcade helped with the verification of the machine, etc.
Congrats to you both! Your scores have been verified and added to the HSL ( Lots of great stuff coming out of Vortex lately, so I think we'll see some more scores from you guys soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 17, 2018, 04:38:40 am
Hello DKF! Daniel Solis from The Vortex Classic Arcade. I finally got around to submitting a score, and it just about broke my PB! Officially submitting a 338100, Josh and Andrew were in attendance throughout the whole video (providing terrible commentary along the way). ( The usual 4 way stick verification, dips and chips are all included. Thank you in advance Jeremy!
Verified and added to the HSL! Very happy to see you submit a score, sir. Vortex looks like an amazing place and we're seeing great scores and players from there all the time. Hopefully I can visit someday! Thanks for all your hard work!
Hello DKF! Daniel Solis from The Vortex Classic Arcade. I finally got around to submitting a score, and it just about broke my PB! Officially submitting a 338100, Josh and Andrew were in attendance throughout the whole video (providing terrible commentary along the way). ( The usual 4 way stick verification, dips and chips are all included. Thank you in advance Jeremy!
WTG Dan!!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 20, 2018, 04:13:22 pm
Would like to submit a High Score Start of 105400. Previous best was 101200. Thanks
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Validusername16 on December 23, 2018, 07:06:31 am
Well, I finally got a score that I feel decent enough about to put somewhere (even if its 46th on the start hsl and the game ended after 4 stupid deaths in a row on 5-1 <mad>) 103,300 Start, WolfMame 0.204 (Also yes, I name my INPs test, don't question it, I'm just too lazy to name it something logical)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on December 24, 2018, 08:33:26 am
I have an INP and Twitch vid of a 522k game today, so I figured I'd sub it:
My name is Paul Goguen.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on December 24, 2018, 11:00:05 am
Paul - Excellent game! Close to my PB in the 540s. Definitely on your way to a kill screen, Kongrats! -Tim
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on December 24, 2018, 09:12:48 pm
Slowly creeping up the 400k ranks. New personal best which moves me up one spot. Seems like I keep getting crazy boards from 400-450k that take away my men. Plus nerves and mental fatigue. I had close to a 300k run on one man. From around 100k to 390-400k. If I can keep that going on subsequent men I'd make a deep run. I think I need to do more lengthy grinds if I can find the time. Feel like I got a better game in me once I can break through the mental fatigue and barrier of 450k.
Brad Williamson 12/24/2018 455,700 12/24/2018 Wolfmame 0.200 Video of full game twitch highlight:
Happy Holidays everyone!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2018, 12:44:34 pm
Well, I finally got a score that I feel decent enough about to put somewhere (even if its 46th on the start hsl and the game ended after 4 stupid deaths in a row on 5-1 <mad>) 103,300 Start, WolfMame 0.204 (Also yes, I name my INPs test, don't question it, I'm just too lazy to name it something logical)
Verified and added to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 26, 2018, 12:46:50 pm
Slowly creeping up the 400k ranks. New personal best which moves me up one spot. Seems like I keep getting crazy boards from 400-450k that take away my men. Plus nerves and mental fatigue. I had close to a 300k run on one man. From around 100k to 390-400k. If I can keep that going on subsequent men I'd make a deep run. I think I need to do more lengthy grinds if I can find the time. Feel like I got a better game in me once I can break through the mental fatigue and barrier of 450k.
Brad Williamson 12/24/2018 455,700 12/24/2018 Wolfmame 0.200 Video of full game twitch highlight:
Happy Holidays everyone!
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! You'll have that breakout game soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on December 31, 2018, 10:20:26 am
I would like to submit a new PB 711600. Game was played on Arcade cabinet on loan from The Vortex Arcade, Sherwood Arkansas. Game was streamed live via twitch with 4 way joystick and board shown at end of video. Thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on December 31, 2018, 10:56:58 am
Congrats on the PB, Les! That kill screen will happen for you very soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on December 31, 2018, 11:13:14 am
Yes, Great game Les congrats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on January 02, 2019, 03:33:16 am
Personal best and first killscreen!
There were a few levels of utter douche-baggery on the games behalf, especially the second of the last board on lvl 14, but sometimes you just gotta push through. Looking forward to seeing the statistical breakdown as my first and last lives were good, but everything else was trash.
Score: 843,000 Wolfmame 202 Input attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 02, 2019, 12:03:45 pm
Congrats on the KS, new PB, and great gameplay!
That didn't take long to get an entry for 2019 on the KS timeline... <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on January 02, 2019, 12:16:42 pm
Congrats on the kill screen, man! First one of the new year!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on January 02, 2019, 05:18:13 pm
Heya! Though no KS yet, I'm submitting a 1-1 score of 10600:
Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 02, 2019, 09:05:58 pm
Congrats on the scores guys... I'll get to the verifications next week.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on January 06, 2019, 03:15:32 pm
Well finally get to join the KillScreen Club. Would like to submit my KS achieved at The Vortex Arcade, Sherwood AR
My score was 867900, with a start of 108700. My first death didn't occur until 17-5. It was crazy. Thanks to Dan, Andrew and Josh from the Vortex for all the support and encouragement, definitely couldn't have done this with out their support. Here is the twitch highlight. I did forget to switch from my brb screen to live stream until the end of lvl 1-2.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on January 06, 2019, 03:24:06 pm
Huge congrats on the kill screen, Les!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on January 06, 2019, 03:26:33 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on January 06, 2019, 03:46:13 pm
Great work, Les! Can't wait to sit down and watch the stream!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on January 06, 2019, 03:47:24 pm
Congrats Les!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on January 06, 2019, 04:02:48 pm
Once again, Great Game Les Congrats! (Team Vortex Arcade)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on January 06, 2019, 04:58:39 pm
Fantastic job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on January 06, 2019, 05:33:42 pm
Awesome work Les; you’ve been working your butt off to get that kill screen and I’m so happy to see you get it! Great game.....and did it with a man to spare!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on January 07, 2019, 10:44:23 am
Thanks Tim and everyone else.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 07, 2019, 06:15:06 pm
Finally had my break out game and got past my mental block. Scored 630,000 just while ago. Felt I could have went longer if not for bad rivet board and running low on time. Getting closer to a KS. Hopefully soon! Shooting for 700-800k now.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 07, 2019, 06:16:31 pm
left the date out of the above submission. 01/07/2019
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on January 07, 2019, 06:17:19 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on January 08, 2019, 07:09:31 pm
Inching towards KS with a new PB of 670500:
INP attached!
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on January 08, 2019, 07:14:38 pm
KONGrats on all the great scores guys. 2019 is starting off big for DK! Keep it up Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on January 08, 2019, 09:15:51 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 880,700. My wifi cut out, so the video is incomplete, but here are the highlights with almost everything:
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 880,700. My wifi cut out, so the video is incomplete, but here are the highlights with almost everything:
I would like to submit a new PB 711600. Game was played on Arcade cabinet on loan from The Vortex Arcade, Sherwood Arkansas. Game was streamed live via twitch with 4 way joystick and board shown at end of video. Thanks
Well finally get to join the KillScreen Club. Would like to submit my KS achieved at The Vortex Arcade, Sherwood AR
My score was 867900, with a start of 108700. My first death didn't occur until 17-5. It was crazy. Thanks to Dan, Andrew and Josh from the Vortex for all the support and encouragement, definitely couldn't have done this with out their support. Here is the twitch highlight. I did forget to switch from my brb screen to live stream until the end of lvl 1-2.
Congrats Les! Although the 711k game was obsoleted by your KS run, I went ahead and created a stats summary for that game. I created a stats summary for the KS game as well, but just put some placeholder scores in for the first couple of boards. If you happen to remember your exact 1-1 score I can update the summary. Since needs exact scores I can't provide a summary through that site. Thank you for immediately starting a new game and verifying the cab afterwards; that makes the missing footage no problem. Your KS score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Hope to see you push to 1M!
Congrats on these scores sir. You're knocking on the door...KS soon! Your scores have been verified and added/updated on the HSL ( and Level 1-1 HSL (
There were a few levels of utter douche-baggery on the games behalf, especially the second of the last board on lvl 14, but sometimes you just gotta push through. Looking forward to seeing the statistical breakdown as my first and last lives were good, but everything else was trash.
Score: 843,000 Wolfmame 202 Input attached.
Congrats on the KS! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Another player on the verge of knocking <Allen> down a peg. Maybe you'll be the first Aussie to hit 1M!
Finally had my break out game and got past my mental block. Scored 630,000 just while ago. Felt I could have went longer if not for bad rivet board and running low on time. Getting closer to a KS. Hopefully soon! Shooting for 700-800k now.
left the date out of the above submission. 01/07/2019
That's what I'm talking about! Great game sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( You went further on your last life than you did on your first 3, passing your PB on that life by 174,300! You almost had a great escape on 9-6, but there were other great escapes after that. KS is next, and hopefully soon!
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 880,700. My wifi cut out, so the video is incomplete, but here are the highlights with almost everything:
I would like to thank everyone in the chat for their support. It makes it a lot of fun!
I had recorded the video on my computer and figured out how to upload it to twitch. Full playing session:
The game starts at 00:20:08 and runs the rest of the video.
Great improvement sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Thank you for uploading the full video...makes the stats stuff much easier! :D I think your spring play is pretty solid, so adding the first two prizes will make it that much easier to hit your 900k goal. Just adding 800 points to your L5+ spring average will get you 13,600 more points in a game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 09, 2019, 10:41:49 am
Thank you! Yep, I had a movement malfunction and didn’t perform the backjump. Somehow repeatedly jumped straight into the air and that fireball got me. I might could have had a man left & 630k. Hoping to get a run where I can make it 200-300 per man
Finally had my break out game and got past my mental block. Scored 630,000 just while ago. Felt I could have went longer if not for bad rivet board and running low on time. Getting closer to a KS. Hopefully soon! Shooting for 700-800k now.
left the date out of the above submission. 01/07/2019
That's what I'm talking about! Great game sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( You went further on your last life than you did on your first 3, passing your PB on that life by 174,300! You almost had a great escape on 9-6, but there were other great escapes after that. KS is next, and hopefully soon!
Well, I couldn't sleep, played some more and I got a new 1-1 PB as well:
Thank you! :)
Forgot the score (tired): 11300
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 13, 2019, 02:43:02 pm
Had a 4 hour grind today. First 1 1/2 I set a new personal best and played the best game of Donkey Kong I've played so far. Was on my way to a kill screen but didn't finish strong. I misread two pie factories and thought I had a clear pass. Then fireball rushed the right and nailed me. I've had been having more 400-500k+ games. I've beat my old PB 455,700 I was stuck on for months several times. Had a few 500-600k games since old PB of 633,000. I'm not chasing a score anymore so I think that's helped my mindset while playing. Hopefully next submission is a Kill Screen.
Well, I couldn't sleep, played some more and I got a new 1-1 PB as well:
Thank you! :)
Forgot the score (tired): 11300
Nice scores, sir. Verified and added/updated on the Start HSL ( and Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 13, 2019, 10:07:20 pm
Had a 4 hour grind today. First 1 1/2 I set a new personal best and played the best game of Donkey Kong I've played so far. Was on my way to a kill screen but didn't finish strong. I misread two pie factories and thought I had a clear pass. Then fireball rushed the right and nailed me. I've had been having more 400-500k+ games. I've beat my old PB 455,700 I was stuck on for months several times. Had a few 500-600k games since old PB of 633,000. I'm not chasing a score anymore so I think that's helped my mindset while playing. Hopefully next submission is a Kill Screen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 13, 2019, 10:16:05 pm
Just had an 800k+ game. 823k. Feel sick I died so close to a kill screen. Zipping up INP and going to submit in a minute. Ran right into a kong bomb on barrel board. No telling how close I was. :( Wasn't streaming was actually uploading my mp4 to twin galaxies of my old HS I got today. Thought I'd play a game before bed.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 13, 2019, 10:40:24 pm
Really crazy day. 700k and 800k game same day. Along with some 400-500k . Close but no cigar. I will upload the full game play tomorrow on my twitch but zipped up the inp. I have to be up early so can't playback the inp and stay up to 2AM CST on my twitch through wolfmame playback/OBS.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 825,900 no kill screen :( 1/14/2019.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 14, 2019, 12:28:38 am
Couldn't sleep after this game. Had to watch it back. Here is the twitch clip. Will need caffeine tomorrow morning!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on January 14, 2019, 01:50:15 am
Any day now Brad! Awesome improvements recently. Get them!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 14, 2019, 02:52:44 am
Just had an 800k+ game. 823k. Feel sick I died so close to a kill screen. Zipping up INP and going to submit in a minute. Ran right into a kong bomb on barrel board. No telling how close I was. :( Wasn't streaming was actually uploading my mp4 to twin galaxies of my old HS I got today. Thought I'd play a game before bed.
Really crazy day. 700k and 800k game same day. Along with some 400-500k . Close but no cigar. I will upload the full game play tomorrow on my twitch but zipped up the inp. I have to be up early so can't playback the inp and stay up to 2AM CST on my twitch through wolfmame playback/OBS.
Brad Williamson Wolfmame 0.200 825,900 no kill screen :( 1/14/2019.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on January 16, 2019, 05:46:33 pm
Never submitted a start PB but I figured I'd submit a decent one! 108300 start wheeee! I did the standard verification at the end of the video as well Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on January 20, 2019, 10:03:12 am
976,100. Just missed out on the million, but it should be coming soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on January 20, 2019, 10:07:30 am
Well done Sir. Keep up the grind.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: YesAffinity on January 21, 2019, 07:59:30 am
Great job, Flo! Outstanding play!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on January 21, 2019, 12:03:44 pm
I would like to submit this new arcade PB of 620900. Play performed at Vortex Arcade in Sherwood AR on Saturday 1-19-2019, on the same DK used in KK9 with 2 known kill screeners present. Video will also include verification.
Never submitted a start PB but I figured I'd submit a decent one! 108300 start wheeee! I did the standard verification at the end of the video as well Kreygasm
Verified and added to the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 21, 2019, 11:02:09 pm
I would like to submit this new arcade PB of 620900. Play performed at Vortex Arcade in Sherwood AR on Saturday 1-19-2019, on the same DK used in KK9 with 2 known kill screeners present. Video will also include verification.
Game starts at 2 hours 18 minutes on first link. Stream cuts out due to internet drop but comes back around 12-5.
Congrats to Flow and Brad for their recent play.
Well done! KS soon for sure! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on January 26, 2019, 08:30:47 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 900,800:
It was on my DDK cabinet.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on January 27, 2019, 11:32:31 am
Congrats on the 900k, sith! You've been playing very well, so I knew you could do it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 29, 2019, 04:20:27 pm
Was practicing bottom hammer/top hammer game play and got 110,500 start. Had a lot of games where I had way more points but died on Level 4 barrel board. Plan on going back to top hammer only to get KS.
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 900,800:
It was on my DDK cabinet.
Congrats on hitting 900k! Most people would have zoned out mentally if they were on their last life by 8-1, but you pushed through till the end. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Was practicing bottom hammer/top hammer game play and got 110,500 start. Had a lot of games where I had way more points but died on Level 4 barrel board. Plan on going back to top hammer only to get KS.
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 900,800:
It was on my DDK cabinet.
Congrats on hitting 900k! Most people would have zoned out mentally if they were on their last life by 8-1, but you pushed through till the end. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
It was a weird game for me. I almost quit after the silly spring death on level 5. My hand slipped off the joystick while I was climbing the ladder and I paused which was just enough to get killed. After the 3rd death I had sort of decided to see if I could get to 12-3 and see if I was on a 900 K pace. Then when I got there, I figured I might as well just play it out, since it probably wouldn't be that long any way. My other kill screens I got off to long starts and then just sort of held out. That was the first time I really came from behind.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on February 01, 2019, 06:55:15 am
Hey guys Taylor Braun here, or TJB as some people will know me. Just wanted to make a post about my newest achievement on January 31st, 2019, a PB of 453100 ending on 12-5.
I am not looking to submit this because my MAME cabinet was built for me and I don’t know which version of US Set 1 it is running. I have a 4-way restrictor finally so I believe Wolfmame is the last thing I need. I’m hoping to have Wolfmame by the end of the month so I can properly submit. The link is below if anyone cares to check it out!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on February 02, 2019, 02:00:47 am
933400 and a killscreen. Finally.
Wolfmame 183. B/C yolympics.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on February 02, 2019, 03:47:25 am
Great job Duke
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on February 02, 2019, 10:23:54 am
Huge congrats, Duke!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on February 02, 2019, 08:45:39 pm
Congrats Duke on the Killscreen. Also, Flo on the new PB. It is just a matter of time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on February 03, 2019, 06:57:46 am
Thank you all. Keep pressing!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on February 04, 2019, 05:29:14 pm
Yolympics has pushed me to beat my DK Start PB - 111500
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on February 05, 2019, 07:57:03 pm
Would like to submit my score for 1.03 milli....oh...
Just kidding...!! I would like to submit this score for the 'high score start list' 120,400 points. Wolfmame 202 6/02/2019
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on February 09, 2019, 03:45:12 pm
feb 5th. for allen
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on February 09, 2019, 04:52:35 pm
<gasp> <gasp> <gasp>
Congrats on the huge PB, Phil!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ChrisP on February 09, 2019, 05:09:01 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on February 09, 2019, 05:20:54 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on February 09, 2019, 05:23:11 pm
Wow, and when I thought you were done with the game for years, you come out and blow us away with an awesome Donkey Kong score. You got em' Phil! 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on February 09, 2019, 05:52:55 pm
got em fil :o
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on February 09, 2019, 07:14:08 pm
wow phil. gg
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 10, 2019, 12:24:42 am
Hey guys Taylor Braun here, or TJB as some people will know me. Just wanted to make a post about my newest achievement on January 31st, 2019, a PB of 453100 ending on 12-5.
I am not looking to submit this because my MAME cabinet was built for me and I don’t know which version of US Set 1 it is running. I have a 4-way restrictor finally so I believe Wolfmame is the last thing I need. I’m hoping to have Wolfmame by the end of the month so I can properly submit. The link is below if anyone cares to check it out!
Great score, Taylor! Hope to see some official submissions from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 10, 2019, 12:26:38 am
Congratulations sir! Always great to set big scores during tournaments. But I reckon you'll need a bigger one before Yolympics is over. Kappa Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Would like to submit my score for 1.03 milli....oh...
Just kidding...!! I would like to submit this score for the 'high score start list' 120,400 points. Wolfmame 202 6/02/2019
Nice scores, sir! They've been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( (dollopuss, your Start was actually 112,200)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 10, 2019, 12:31:26 am
IT MOVES I RECKON. A c hair from #5, so I guess you'll have to play again. Kappa Verified and updated on the HSL (
I've just recently been getting into DK and decided to see if I could submit my new high score of 617,400, using Wolfmame 184.
Name: Craig Tubby
INP attached. Hopefully it's OK.
Welcome to DKF, Craig! Tough ending to this game, but it looks like you're already well on your way to the killscreen, so hopefully you get there soon! Your submission looks good and your score has been verified and added to the Main HSL ( and Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on February 19, 2019, 01:23:04 am
Thanks Lyriell and xelnia.
Yeah, I got kind of tired in the end there and lost my focus on the springs. It was a little disappointing but I was happy that I smashed my previous PB.
I'll have to have a good break from the computers and have another go soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on February 22, 2019, 06:19:59 pm
Just played again a bit this morning and didn't have a good game, but had a decent improvement to my recorded start with 110,000, so figured I may as well submit it. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: HeyItsSolomon on February 22, 2019, 11:26:18 pm
Hello! I've been lurking on here for a long time without posting, but finally have a reason to--here's my first score submission. 204900 is not my best score, but it's close, and it's the best that I have evidence of! I only recently got interested in getting on this site's high score list, so I only recently learned the protocol for submitting scores and what the heck an inp file is... :o
Hopefully I'll have a better score to submit in the near future. Until then, it's nice to be on here with you all!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on February 23, 2019, 09:49:33 pm
Great job Solomon! Welcome to the 200k club! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Muerto on February 25, 2019, 03:35:47 am
I was wondering if I could submit another guys score, who is a member here. I'm speaking about Carsten Tommy Lauridsen, who made his first Kill Screen on Donkey Kong last night in The Shed.
There's video of the gameplay from L20/6 here (
The final score was 827.800
Regards Michael
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Muerto on February 25, 2019, 03:39:55 am
- forgot to say that * = A D2K and/or Remix board was plugged into the Z80 processor location.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on February 28, 2019, 06:41:24 am
New PB 286,400 My last submission was on Funspots cab, this submission is on my personal cab i just built so i showed the dips and under the control panel etc.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on February 28, 2019, 05:04:03 pm
I'm late to the party but kongrats Phil! I don't know why the f*ck you played a full game (what's the point of playing after 1-1, the game just repeats itself wht da), but good job anyway <Allen> <Allen> Kreygasm Kreygasm <Billy> <Billy>
I'm now in 10th wht da fttt I never thought you would do this to me Phil BibleThump BibleThump Kappa Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on February 28, 2019, 05:07:35 pm
Better get back on that grind, Vince, unless you want to get bumped out. Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on February 28, 2019, 05:39:41 pm
New pb, 926,200 2-28-19
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: muscleandfitness on February 28, 2019, 05:54:19 pm
Kong grants sir <Billy> <Billy> <Allen> <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2019, 09:40:52 pm
Just played again a bit this morning and didn't have a good game, but had a decent improvement to my recorded start with 110,000, so figured I may as well submit it. :)
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2019, 09:42:09 pm
Hello! I've been lurking on here for a long time without posting, but finally have a reason to--here's my first score submission. 204900 is not my best score, but it's close, and it's the best that I have evidence of! I only recently got interested in getting on this site's high score list, so I only recently learned the protocol for submitting scores and what the heck an inp file is... :o
Hopefully I'll have a better score to submit in the near future. Until then, it's nice to be on here with you all!
Welcome to DKF, Solomon! Glad you've finally decided to jump in with submissions! Your INP looks good, so your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Hope to see more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2019, 09:43:34 pm
I was wondering if I could submit another guys score, who is a member here. I'm speaking about Carsten Tommy Lauridsen, who made his first Kill Screen on Donkey Kong last night in The Shed.
There's video of the gameplay from L20/6 here (
- forgot to say that * = A D2K and/or Remix board was plugged into the Z80 processor location.
I'll go ahead and add this score to the HSL ( I'd really like to see a post-game cab verification for partial video, but The Shed is a well-known venue, so I'm comfortable with putting this score up. Congrats Carsten!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2019, 09:45:16 pm
New PB 286,400 My last submission was on Funspots cab, this submission is on my personal cab i just built so i showed the dips and under the control panel etc.
Congrats on the PB sir, and congrats on the new cab! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Nice improvement sir! Your previous PB was 286k, and in this game your 2nd life went for 350k! String together some more lives like that and you've got yourself a killscreen. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
I messed up level 15 springs twice again. FailFish Oh well, made a bit of progress.
WolfMAME 0.184
Congrats! A PB is a PB! If you're getting deep games consistently then you'll get a KS in no time. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Awesome! Congrats Jeff! Pretty good for just messing around. ;D Hopefully you'll make a run into the top 10 soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Game ended L14 convenors, and I think was rank 1 Aus pace.
Very close to Straya's best pace. Kreygasm Your Start score has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 13, 2019, 04:58:46 am
Good rally, sir. Scored more on your last life than the first 3! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Amazing performance, sir. Most epic last man in history, I reckon. This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( More info/stats can be found in the WR announcement thread ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on March 18, 2019, 05:05:02 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on March 19, 2019, 04:06:37 pm
Hey everyone, I have not posted a score in a while so I figured I would submit a new start PB for me. 119,900 ;D It has been a great year so far for DK, lets keep it going!!! (
Thanks, Josh
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on March 19, 2019, 10:57:14 pm
New PB 550,800
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 21, 2019, 08:07:45 pm
Hey everyone, I have not posted a score in a while so I figured I would submit a new start PB for me. 119,900 ;D It has been a great year so far for DK, lets keep it going!!! (
Thanks, Josh
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 21, 2019, 08:11:19 pm
Great score sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Looks like you can get some deep games now, so KS is next up! Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on March 21, 2019, 11:48:42 pm
Hi Folks, I'm Tanya Lowe, learning Donkey Kong. This is my first submission and I've been playing for about 6 weeks - apparently watching Allen's Chair and everyone else online is not all that helpful for my game yet. <grin> <stirpot>
Score: 55,400
Streamed on Twitch :
Game starts at approximately : 4m 58s. Played on 60-1 with direct feed, inside of machine shown at the end of the stream.
Thanks for watching - sorry about the "serious" face.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 22, 2019, 12:33:47 am
Hi Folks, I'm Tanya Lowe, learning Donkey Kong. This is my first submission and I've been playing for about 6 weeks - apparently watching Allen's Chair and everyone else online is not all that helpful for my game yet. <grin> <stirpot>
Score: 55,400
Streamed on Twitch :
Game starts at approximately : 4m 58s. Played on 60-1 with direct feed, inside of machine shown at the end of the stream.
Thanks for watching - sorry about the "serious" face.
Hi Tanya, welcome to DKF! I think I've seen you around some Twitch streams, so it's great to see you here submitting scores! Unfortunately I can't put this score on the board. For 60-in-1s we need to see that the joystick is a 4-way or has a 4-way restrictor on it. Everything else in your submission looks good though (full game video, shows the 60-in-1 board, etc.). Looks like your PB is higher than 55k, so hopefully we see another submission soon! Good luck!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on March 22, 2019, 03:01:27 am
Hi Folks, I'm Tanya Lowe, learning Donkey Kong. This is my first submission and I've been playing for about 6 weeks - apparently watching Allen's Chair and everyone else online is not all that helpful for my game yet. <grin> <stirpot>
Score: 55,400
Streamed on Twitch :
Game starts at approximately : 4m 58s. Played on 60-1 with direct feed, inside of machine shown at the end of the stream.
Thanks for watching - sorry about the "serious" face.
Hi Tanya, welcome to DKF! I think I've seen you around some Twitch streams, so it's great to see you here submitting scores! Unfortunately I can't put this score on the board. For 60-in-1s we need to see that the joystick is a 4-way or has a 4-way restrictor on it. Everything else in your submission looks good though (full game video, shows the 60-in-1 board, etc.). Looks like your PB is higher than 55k, so hopefully we see another submission soon! Good luck!
Ooops, that was my fault :-[ I'll help Tanya do another stream and we'll film the joystick :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on March 22, 2019, 04:59:05 am
There will be more - shame I didn't read this before my last game - just got 71,400. But hey, I'll work on that. :) Thanks for your time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on March 24, 2019, 09:04:36 pm
First recorded 10k start INP. 10,000 even. Zip attached (.183). Hopefully it's acceptable.
Onto 125k start over the next month.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on March 25, 2019, 08:19:26 pm
Still been working towards first killscreen. A lot of 500-750k games but no cigar yet on beating 825,900 PB & nailing KS.
correct link to the video:
Screwed up the first highlight link.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ToddLalonde on March 25, 2019, 08:46:17 pm
No problem.I'm at work and didn't read your post correctly fist time around. At first I glanced at the score and thought it was a 14,500 1-1 lol. Oops sorry about that. That 114,500 is a fantastic start though and you'll be kill screening soon. Keep at it Brad!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 27, 2019, 05:45:32 am
Still been working towards first killscreen. A lot of 500-750k games but no cigar yet on beating 825,900 PB & nailing KS.
correct link to the video:
Screwed up the first highlight link.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on March 28, 2019, 03:33:41 pm
Hey everyone, I finally have Wolfmame up and running. I would like to submit my first score to get my name up there, it's my second best game ever. I am running Wolfmame 0207.7z. I have included the INP and will include my Twitch link. I have to thank Derek from Woodstock Custom Arcades for the help getting everything set up.
Taylor "TJB" Braun March 28th, 2019 304 800 The game starts at 2:15:50 or so.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 28, 2019, 10:14:06 pm
Hey everyone, I finally have Wolfmame up and running. I would like to submit my first score to get my name up there, it's my second best game ever. I am running Wolfmame 0207.7z. I have included the INP and will include my Twitch link. I have to thank Derek from Woodstock Custom Arcades for the help getting everything set up.
Taylor "TJB" Braun March 28th, 2019 304 800 The game starts at 2:15:50 or so.
Nice score, sir! Your INP looks good so this score has been verified and added to the HSL ( I would recommend making highlights out of the Twitch broadcasts so that the video becomes a permanent source (past broadcasts on Twitch are automatically deleted after a fixed amount of time, highlights are permanent).
New Aussie #1! Kreygasm Just like Serphy's march to #1, you were on last guy by 9-6! Great stuff, sir. 1M soon! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on April 02, 2019, 11:08:31 pm
Got my first kill screen tonight. Been a fun voyage starting back in Sept-October of last year. Going to keep pushing for a higher score. A lot of anxiety has been lifted now that I nailed the KS. Going to go for 900k territory now. Brutal Rivet board RNG all night. But pulled it out. Wasn't even going to play the 2nd game tonight after getting the 540k game before. But gave it a shot and nailed it. I'll probably stream an upload a replay of the INP without me talking in the future.
Brad Williamson 04/03/2019 Wolfmame 0.200 835,500 - Kill Screen <--- Hightlight of game
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on April 02, 2019, 11:33:50 pm
Well done Bradtech! Dont stop now mate!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on April 03, 2019, 03:09:21 am
Congrats Brad!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on April 03, 2019, 04:18:55 am
Excellent job! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 03, 2019, 04:27:18 am
Got my first kill screen tonight. Been a fun voyage starting back in Sept-October of last year. Going to keep pushing for a higher score. A lot of anxiety has been lifted now that I nailed the KS. Going to go for 900k territory now. Brutal Rivet board RNG all night. But pulled it out. Wasn't even going to play the 2nd game tonight after getting the 540k game before. But gave it a shot and nailed it. I'll probably stream an upload a replay of the INP without me talking in the future.
Brad Williamson 04/03/2019 Wolfmame 0.200 835,500 - Kill Screen <--- Hightlight of game
Congrats Brad! An amazing accomplishment, and I hope you continue to push your PB higher! Your KS score has been verified and updated on the HSL (!
I would like submit this score I got tonight. 1 rivet short. :-[ 873,000
It's been brought to my attention that the file didn't work, so here is another attempt.
Oof...what a brutal ending... BibleThump
But you increased your PB by 250k and now any game can be that killscreen game! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Get back on the horse!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on April 04, 2019, 10:31:02 pm
2 kill screens in 3 days! This time with a higher PB. I made it to the last rivet board 21-6 with two guys. Got two brutal back to back rivet boards. I ended up having to go left at the top and treat it like it was upper right. Unbelievable week.
2 kill screens in 3 days! This time with a higher PB. I made it to the last rivet board 21-6 with two guys. Got two brutal back to back rivet boards. I ended up having to go left at the top and treat it like it was upper right. Unbelievable week.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on April 05, 2019, 06:55:21 am
Kongrats Brad!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on April 12, 2019, 03:36:24 am
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to submit the following personal high score and video capture of the 60-in-1 board, and evidence of the 4-way joystick setting. This was recorded and streamed live last night and goes from the start 0:00, until time stamp 0:24:00min. The initial score for submission was 73,600 which I then beat the next morning (today) on the second twitch live stream link attached. This score was 76,500. Not bad for a gal still getting the hang of the game. :) I confirm to the best of my knowledge that I have met the rules, terms and conditions as set out by the forum. Thankyou for your time to review, kind regards, Tanya (aka sapphire_drag0n)
73,600 and evidence of board settings and joystick at 4-way 0:00 to 24:00 76,500 started at 45:20 and concluded at 1:02:02
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on April 12, 2019, 03:46:18 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on April 12, 2019, 07:28:13 am
New start high score, 120,600. Wolfmame 2.02 - 12/03/2019 - 13/03/2019 (started game before midnight, finished after....)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on April 13, 2019, 12:49:39 am
Hi Folks, I would like to submit a new PB of 89,600. This follows my earlier post showing the cab, board and joystick. PB was done a short time ago and streamed live via the following link: Game start: 1:18:20 to 1:33:06. Many thanks! Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on April 13, 2019, 07:34:13 pm
New PB, cracked 600k ; ) 608,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 13, 2019, 07:47:55 pm
Just wanted to let everyone know that I see your submissions, but it's going to be several days before I can get to them. My apologies. <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on April 13, 2019, 09:25:19 pm
Take your time, be well man.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on April 17, 2019, 06:25:51 am
Got a new 1-1 PB of 11,400:
DDK with high score save kit.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 20, 2019, 11:43:21 pm
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to submit the following personal high score and video capture of the 60-in-1 board, and evidence of the 4-way joystick setting. This was recorded and streamed live last night and goes from the start 0:00, until time stamp 0:24:00min. The initial score for submission was 73,600 which I then beat the next morning (today) on the second twitch live stream link attached. This score was 76,500. Not bad for a gal still getting the hang of the game. :) I confirm to the best of my knowledge that I have met the rules, terms and conditions as set out by the forum. Thankyou for your time to review, kind regards, Tanya (aka sapphire_drag0n)
73,600 and evidence of board settings and joystick at 4-way 0:00 to 24:00 76,500 started at 45:20 and concluded at 1:02:02
Hi Folks, I would like to submit a new PB of 89,600. This follows my earlier post showing the cab, board and joystick. PB was done a short time ago and streamed live via the following link: Game start: 1:18:20 to 1:33:06. Many thanks! Kind regards, Tanya.
Everything looks good! Your 89k has been verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! I would recommend making permanent highlights of your scores in the future, to make sure the video is saved!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 20, 2019, 11:44:42 pm
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! I also added your 9,000 1-1 to the Level 1-1 HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 20, 2019, 11:45:52 pm
Well done, sir. Killscreen soon. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL. Any particular reason you're skipping the bottom prize on the pies and going straight up to the conveyor level?
Well done, sir. Killscreen soon. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL. Any particular reason you're skipping the bottom prize on the pies and going straight up to the conveyor level?
Thanks, hopefully a KS at some point; well ive found my method safer for me when the free pass fails im on the left of the ladder instead of ascending to the conveyor at the right middle ladders foot when a fire descends. Once i get my KS i plan on figuring out that factory a bit better to add that bottom prize as well as adding the elevator purse without it being a waste of bonus. I think of the game in skill/score tiers, and that conveyor prize is next tier to me.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on April 23, 2019, 03:46:44 pm
118700 start submission!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on April 23, 2019, 10:25:28 pm
200-point improvement to my 1-1 PB; 10,600.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on April 24, 2019, 12:52:45 pm
13200 <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on April 25, 2019, 03:01:32 am
Hi Folks, I'd like to post a new PB of 100,000 achieved today on Stern 60-in-1. Steamed live via Twitch:, start time 1:18:27, finished at 1:36:08. Previous recording of cab, joystick and board already accepted and no changes have been made since that recording. Thanks for your time. Tanya. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: muscleandfitness on April 25, 2019, 06:53:09 am
Hi Folks, I'd like to post a new PB of 100,000 achieved today on Stern 60-in-1. Steamed live via Twitch:, start time 1:18:27, finished at 1:36:08. Previous recording of cab, joystick and board already accepted and no changes have been made since that recording. Thanks for your time. Tanya. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: UKP on April 25, 2019, 03:41:50 pm
Hell yeah get it. I've got to get back to playing and put up a good score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on April 25, 2019, 07:36:40 pm
Hello everyone! Andrew here submitting a score on behalf of Mark Smith. Score was done live at The Vortex Arcade, final score of 189,000. The submission will be in a separate video as the stream died before we could get verification on the back end.
For the first video, 189K run begins at 1:13:44 and ends at 1:41:04
Second video is the verification, and I apologize for using the smaller camera. Should've used the bigger camera but I grabbed the smaller one. Sorry Xelnia <3
TL;DR Mark Smith, 189,000 points done live at The Vortex Arcade
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on April 27, 2019, 11:40:09 am
Hello again! Andrew here submitting yet another score from The Vortex Arcade on behalf of our players!
Nancy March, 112,900 points
Run begins at 30:47 and ends at 49:30. Board verification immediately afterwards and I remembered to use the big camera this time! Jeremy I apologize for last time <3
This is Nancy's first official submission to DKF, though it seems I'm the submitter of scores for our new players for now. I hope this doesn't cause any problem Jeremy, just taking the initiative for our newest Kong Army members :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on April 27, 2019, 01:40:44 pm
Kong army unite
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KongCutie on April 27, 2019, 04:43:36 pm
Hello everyone! This is Nancy March, I'm the one that scored the 112.900 that Andrew submitted for me. Just posting so that you have a face to the nametag.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 27, 2019, 07:41:04 pm
Nice score, sir. Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( It looks like you've started using a newer version of WolfMAME as well? I would take a look at how it performs on your PC when you get a chance. Your recorded speed for this INP is a little lower than I would expect to see: 99.0040102883019%. Most people are 99.95% are above. Not a huge difference, but I start to get a little concerned when speeds get to 99% and below. I think MARP has a 90% or 95% rule, and while DKF doesn't have an explicit rule it's still something to look out for.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 27, 2019, 07:42:06 pm
Wow, bbb. Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( I don't have any data to support this, but I feel like that has to be a nwr for points scored after the bottom hammer. 13k out of nowhere. And fk that last wild barrel ftttt.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 27, 2019, 07:45:03 pm
Hi Folks, I'd like to post a new PB of 100,000 achieved today on Stern 60-in-1. Steamed live via Twitch:, start time 1:18:27, finished at 1:36:08. Previous recording of cab, joystick and board already accepted and no changes have been made since that recording. Thanks for your time. Tanya. :)
Kreygasm Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Bigger scores coming soon! go go go.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 27, 2019, 07:46:11 pm
Hello everyone! Andrew here submitting a score on behalf of Mark Smith. Score was done live at The Vortex Arcade, final score of 189,000. The submission will be in a separate video as the stream died before we could get verification on the back end.
For the first video, 189K run begins at 1:13:44 and ends at 1:41:04
Second video is the verification, and I apologize for using the smaller camera. Should've used the bigger camera but I grabbed the smaller one. Sorry Xelnia <3
TL;DR Mark Smith, 189,000 points done live at The Vortex Arcade
Looks good to me, sir. Verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats Mark!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 27, 2019, 07:48:50 pm
Hello again! Andrew here submitting yet another score from The Vortex Arcade on behalf of our players!
Nancy March, 112,900 points
Run begins at 30:47 and ends at 49:30. Board verification immediately afterwards and I remembered to use the big camera this time! Jeremy I apologize for last time <3
This is Nancy's first official submission to DKF, though it seems I'm the submitter of scores for our new players for now. I hope this doesn't cause any problem Jeremy, just taking the initiative for our newest Kong Army members :)
Hello everyone! This is Nancy March, I'm the one that scored the 112.900 that Andrew submitted for me. Just posting so that you have a face to the nametag.
No problem, Andrew. However it's easier for you to get those players on the board is fine with me.
This score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats Nancy!
With Tanya and Nancy breaking 100k within a day of one another, maybe we have a potential race for the Queen of Kong on our hands!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on April 27, 2019, 08:33:44 pm
High score start submission
Wolfmame 2.02 28/04/2019
I seem to be having success at pushing consistently higher scores, this bodes well for the future.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on April 27, 2019, 09:10:18 pm
Kong-rats Mark and Nancy, Team Vortex coming in hot! Kreygasm race for Queen of KOng lit
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on April 27, 2019, 10:09:11 pm
I'm back again! Submitting a score for Mark Smith of 216,600 points.
Run begins about 20 seconds after the video starts goes through the end of the video with verification. Bigger camera, I'm getting better at this!
The Kong Army is coming together. My players are growing beyond my control and I can't stop them <popcorn>
Thanks in advance Xelnia!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on April 28, 2019, 03:16:10 am
No contest, gals are Sisters in DK not rivals. :) Well done Nancy! Best wishes for your next submission. Regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joe Kongman on April 28, 2019, 03:25:48 am
Donkey Kong USA High Score (Nintendo Switch 8) 8) 8))
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on April 28, 2019, 07:16:41 am
Nice score, sir. Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( It looks like you've started using a newer version of WolfMAME as well? I would take a look at how it performs on your PC when you get a chance. Your recorded speed for this INP is a little lower than I would expect to see: 99.0040102883019%. Most people are 99.95% are above. Not a huge difference, but I start to get a little concerned when speeds get to 99% and below. I think MARP has a 90% or 95% rule, and while DKF doesn't have an explicit rule it's still something to look out for.
Interesting. Looking into it, I've figured out that using the -waitvsync command causes INPs to record at 99%, while recording without the command records 100% INPs. I initially started using that for reducing possible input lag and eliminating screen tearing. I'll try some games without the -waitvsync command to see how it feels.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tug on April 28, 2019, 09:14:59 am
Donkey Kong USA High Score (Nintendo Switch 8) 8) 8))
Nice score, sir. Unfortunately we do not accept Switch DK scores for our leaderboard at this time. Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 28, 2019, 08:20:22 pm
Nice score, sir. Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( It looks like you've started using a newer version of WolfMAME as well? I would take a look at how it performs on your PC when you get a chance. Your recorded speed for this INP is a little lower than I would expect to see: 99.0040102883019%. Most people are 99.95% are above. Not a huge difference, but I start to get a little concerned when speeds get to 99% and below. I think MARP has a 90% or 95% rule, and while DKF doesn't have an explicit rule it's still something to look out for.
Interesting. Looking into it, I've figured out that using the -waitvsync command causes INPs to record at 99%, while recording without the command records 100% INPs. I initially started using that for reducing possible input lag and eliminating screen tearing. I'll try some games without the -waitvsync command to see how it feels.
Ah, ok. If you can maintain the 99% with -waitvsync, and it works better for your setup, then everything is fine. I was just concerned about the slowdown being a result of system performance.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on April 30, 2019, 04:33:30 pm
Beat my PB, 692700.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joe Kongman on April 30, 2019, 04:36:16 pm
my first 100,000 points! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on April 30, 2019, 04:50:24 pm
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! New PB - 714100 :)
Thanks again!
Kreygasm BibleThump Kreygasm BibleThump
Any game now sir...any game. It will happen soon. This score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Oh My God... I am a fricking idiot. This is a Donkey Kong post... not JR. If a moderator could move it that would be great... or delete it. Thanks!
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL ( :) If you can, please put future INPs in a ZIP folder when submitting. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on May 06, 2019, 09:09:18 am
9,200pts L=1-1 Kinda crep but checking this HS list off for now as it was previously unchecked-off. And it's popular right now :)
WolfMAME v183
I do follow the silly rule of killing off JermpMan on L=1-2 but that does not equate to an endorsement of said frivolous rule (maybe just a TG rule? dunno).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 06, 2019, 10:37:20 pm
9,200pts L=1-1 Kinda crep but checking this HS list off for now as it was previously unchecked-off. And it's popular right now :)
WolfMAME v183
I do follow the silly rule of killing off JermpMan on L=1-2 but that does not equate to an endorsement of said frivolous rule (maybe just a TG rule? dunno).
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (! Killing off your men is not a rule here. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on May 07, 2019, 03:59:03 pm
An improvement to my level 1-1 score and my PB 9800. Really wanted to break 10K.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on May 08, 2019, 05:22:03 pm
Done! KS - 888100 !
Thanks everyone! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on May 08, 2019, 05:34:17 pm
Congrats. Glad someone got there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on May 08, 2019, 05:34:55 pm
Congrats!!!! Lit Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on May 08, 2019, 05:43:49 pm
Very happy for you sir, tears everywhere!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on May 08, 2019, 05:54:01 pm
Huge congrats, dollopuss! It was only a matter of time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 08, 2019, 05:57:56 pm
GG dollopuss!! Team Fast Fires hype!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on May 08, 2019, 06:45:47 pm
Woah! Congrats on your Killscreen man!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on May 08, 2019, 06:47:59 pm
Thanks to all of you IMMENSELY for the encouragement! You are all truly incredible people. <3 <3 <3 I ended up being late for an appointment because of this KS attempt! ;D
Once I had my first death at lvl-15 pies, I knew this was probably going to be THE game. I was pretty giddy when I was at lvl-20 still with 2 jumpmen left. It would have taken a lot of terrible luck for me to fail.
Now it's time to go for the 1m!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on May 08, 2019, 08:17:39 pm
Wow Paul, congrats man!!! Did not know you had L-22'd yet when you were in chat erlier!!! 888k well done sir!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 08, 2019, 09:47:12 pm
Yes! You were on the doorstep, then kicked the door down! 570,700 first man and an extra life going into the KS. ez ;D Congrats sir, your KS has been verified and your score updated on the HSL ( 1M next!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on May 09, 2019, 11:35:35 pm
Congrats Tanner. Keep going, after JR I guess.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 10, 2019, 12:20:48 am
Not the kind of high score I wanted to post before I went on leave...
High score start submission: 123,400 Wolfmame 2.03 (windows XP 64 for life!)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on May 10, 2019, 04:13:29 am
Nice game Tanner! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on May 10, 2019, 05:33:16 am
Congrats Tanner!!! 1.1 is close....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on May 10, 2019, 07:05:33 am
Congrats mate! lit
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on May 10, 2019, 08:03:17 am
Congrats Tanner! Wow!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on May 10, 2019, 09:15:57 am
Amazing!! Congrats!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on May 10, 2019, 04:58:43 pm
Played a game, got a start PB. This moves me up to the same place but only 200 behind Estel now.
Level 5 was balls out with 3 dumb deaths, and I guess I need more derusting than I thought I would. I think I probably had about 20k death points and Level 5 split was 217500, and aside from the deaths it felt like a 63.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 10, 2019, 07:46:08 pm
Played a game, got a start PB. This moves me up to the same place but only 200 behind Estel now.
Level 5 was balls out with 3 dumb deaths, and I guess I need more derusting than I thought I would. I think I probably had about 20k death points and Level 5 split was 217500, and aside from the deaths it felt like a 63.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 10, 2019, 08:23:53 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on May 13, 2019, 05:38:28 am
Thanks, man i threw away some lives in that game; i cant believe i hit my head on an elevator LOL ugh I feel i have a real chance if i can just keep the goofy deaths under control during 1 good game haha.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on May 15, 2019, 03:18:37 am
Had some goes at level 1-1 and improved my PB by a thousand.
Level 1-1 10,000 WolfMAME 0.184
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on May 15, 2019, 02:34:56 pm
New start PB - 120400
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on May 18, 2019, 04:44:05 am
New PB - 846,800
WolfMAME 0.184
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 19, 2019, 01:21:01 am
Great scores, sir! They have been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Main HSL ( Almost at that KS! Impressive last man in that went longer than the first three combined! And you've bumped another KS player/score out of the top 100!
ALL THE Bs! Congratulations on pushing your WR even higher sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( (and the IBR ( as well, with a new barrel average record)!
Also, thanks to Flob for doing the preliminary stats for this game; I've been pretty busy the past few days. Everything was spot on...Chartbeamer1922 lit.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on May 30, 2019, 09:48:52 pm
New PB done tonight. Been playing bottom hammer for a week 1/2. Decided to go back and just run some boards to take it easy & relax. Ended up beating my 870,700 PB. Wish I could have got some grouping in on the Sac man I had left. Wild barrel hit me when I had to backjump to avoid barrel. Slow start as well. 97k(crap rivets). Hopefully much higher PB coming soon. I got 649,500 other night doing double hammer on barrel boards. Plan on going back to that primarily now. But may run some boards time to time for practicing.
New PB done tonight. Been playing bottom hammer for a week 1/2. Decided to go back and just run some boards to take it easy & relax. Ended up beating my 870,700 PB. Wish I could have got some grouping in on the Sac man I had left. Wild barrel hit me when I had to backjump to avoid barrel. Slow start as well. 97k(crap rivets). Hopefully much higher PB coming soon. I got 649,500 other night doing double hammer on barrel boards. Plan on going back to that primarily now. But may run some boards time to time for practicing.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on June 02, 2019, 02:49:52 am
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to submit my new PB of 119,100 achieved today (02-06-2019) and streamed live on Twitch on my 60-in-1 desktop cab. The link is as follows: and starts at 1:54:54, and concludes at 2:17:24. I can confirm my cab is the same and will all settings as previously recorded and submitted, and that my score and game is in compliance with the rules. Many thanks all!
Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on June 02, 2019, 08:21:27 am
Congrats on PB!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 03, 2019, 05:40:35 pm
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to submit my new PB of 119,100 achieved today (02-06-2019) and streamed live on Twitch on my 60-in-1 desktop cab. The link is as follows: and starts at 1:54:54, and concludes at 2:17:24. I can confirm my cab is the same and will all settings as previously recorded and submitted, and that my score and game is in compliance with the rules. Many thanks all!
Kind regards, Tanya.
Congrats! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( (it was actually 119,900)!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on June 06, 2019, 05:27:53 am
Got a new PB of 991,900. Video is here: DDK^.
It was bittersweet getting so close to 1 M. Next stop, 1 M.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on June 06, 2019, 06:02:10 am
Huge Congrats Sith!!! So close to a million!! I know that feeling all to well. You’ll have that mil very soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on June 06, 2019, 06:19:53 am
Huge! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on June 06, 2019, 06:20:18 am
Woo! Well done mate!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on June 06, 2019, 08:23:44 am
Great game Sith!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on June 06, 2019, 08:59:38 am
New PB 714,600 Lost 2 men on lvl 19 haha unreal
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on June 06, 2019, 09:00:22 am
Ugh i mean PB of 741,600 lol
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on June 06, 2019, 09:06:29 am
Congrats guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on June 06, 2019, 11:12:15 pm
Improved my 1-1 score by another thousand.
1-1 11,000 WolfMAME 0.184
That's kind of a fun mini-game doing that, but can get frustrating.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 07, 2019, 03:51:16 am
Congrats on the PB! Verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your Start score of 107,300 to the Start HSL ( KS right around the corner!
By the way, when you post your PBs can you include the date for me? It's not immediately clear from forum posts/YouTube dates when exactly the game occurred. Thanks!
That's kind of a fun mini-game doing that, but can get frustrating.
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on June 07, 2019, 09:23:44 am
congrats to Sith, Tanya, and Mitch!!!!! great scores and accomplishments 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on June 07, 2019, 12:35:34 pm
Yup no problem on the gameplay dates going forward, but just an fyi the gameplay is always from the night before, as it takes a few hrs to edit, encode (I let the mac work overnight while I sleep haha) and post the vid the next day; so the new pb post here was june 6th, the game was played on june 5th. Just telling you incase i forget to date a pb in the future but i will certainly try to always do so.
As always thanks for all you do, its very cool and super appreciated.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on June 09, 2019, 05:58:43 pm
Hi Folks, one more PB for me of 128,400 achieved on the Stern 60-in-1 last Saturday 08th June 2019. Streamed live to Twitch: starting at timestamp 07:11 running to 28:00. I can confirm this score is in accordance with all rules, terms and conditions set in in the forum.
Many thanks for your time, Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: krehztim on June 09, 2019, 06:33:02 pm
Nice job! Once you break through on the springs, and get the hang of barrel steering, the sky's the limit.
Hi Folks, one more PB for me of 128,400 achieved on the Stern 60-in-1 last Saturday 08th June 2019. Streamed live to Twitch: starting at timestamp 07:11 running to 28:00. I can confirm this score is in accordance with all rules, terms and conditions set in in the forum.
Many thanks for your time, Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on June 10, 2019, 06:40:23 am
Hi Folks, one more PB for me of 128,400 achieved on the Stern 60-in-1 last Saturday 08th June 2019. Streamed live to Twitch: starting at timestamp 07:11 running to 28:00. I can confirm this score is in accordance with all rules, terms and conditions set in in the forum.
Many thanks for your time, Kind regards, Tanya.
Congratulations Tanya. I am excited to see what comes next.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on June 11, 2019, 05:41:26 am
Hi score start submission.
11/06/2019 10:39PM AEST.
Multi 60 in 1.
Starts at 6 minute mark, video of 4 way joystick and 60 in 1 board at the end of the video. - level 4 end is at 29mins, 01 sec.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 12, 2019, 02:55:09 am
Hi Folks, one more PB for me of 128,400 achieved on the Stern 60-in-1 last Saturday 08th June 2019. Streamed live to Twitch: starting at timestamp 07:11 running to 28:00. I can confirm this score is in accordance with all rules, terms and conditions set in in the forum.
Many thanks for your time, Kind regards, Tanya.
Congrats! Making progress! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 12, 2019, 02:55:55 am
Starts at 6 minute mark, video of 4 way joystick and 60 in 1 board at the end of the video. - level 4 end is at 29mins, 01 sec.
Verified and updated on Start HSL ( Actual score was 126,200. Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joel Snavely on June 17, 2019, 08:22:58 am
Hello - I am submitting a Donkey Kong score for Joel Snavely, played on my home cabinet with the Remix kit. I have 2 videos here. The first is the gameplay, with a score of 743,600. When I finished the game, I unplugged my video camera to record the inside of the cabinet, and it automatically began a new video, which is the second video. (My PB is 843,400 which is shown as the high score, but I unfortunately did not record that run.) Thank you!
PCB & Control Panel:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 19, 2019, 02:21:16 am
Hello - I am submitting a Donkey Kong score for Joel Snavely, played on my home cabinet with the Remix kit. I have 2 videos here. The first is the gameplay, with a score of 743,600. When I finished the game, I unplugged my video camera to record the inside of the cabinet, and it automatically began a new video, which is the second video. (My PB is 843,400 which is shown as the high score, but I unfortunately did not record that run.) Thank you!
PCB & Control Panel:
Welcome to DKF and congrats on the great score! Thank you for doing the walk-through of your cab at the end. It's clear the second video begins immediately after the first video ends, so no problem with continuity here. Your physical DIPs are set incorrectly (giving 6 men and a bonus at 20k), but since you have the Remix kit it looks like the soft DIPs are set correctly as you only played with 3+1 @ 7k. All-in-all, good video and your score has been verified and added to the HSL (! Hope to see more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joel Snavely on June 20, 2019, 05:48:19 am
Thank you so much! I really like the game data as well. Yes, my 843K game was a killscreen, although I am attempting to bring that score up a bit higher. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 20, 2019, 06:17:14 am
Thank you so much! I really like the game data as well. Yes, my 843K game was a killscreen, although I am attempting to bring that score up a bit higher. :)
Well congrats on the KS as well! When did you achieve that? We try to keep track of all known killscreeners. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on June 20, 2019, 11:37:24 pm
I was going for a big start for something different, and got a new Level 1-1 PB instead. After dying on level 4, I decided to keep going but then somehow was thinking I was on level 3 when I got to the springs, so quit after that silly death. Need a break from the computer.
Level 1-1 11,200
21/6/19 3:56PM AEST
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 21, 2019, 01:13:30 am
I was going for a big start for something different, and got a new Level 1-1 PB instead. After dying on level 4, I decided to keep going but then somehow was thinking I was on level 3 when I got to the springs, so quit after that silly death. Need a break from the computer.
Level 1-1 11,200
21/6/19 3:56PM AEST
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joel Snavely on June 24, 2019, 05:24:23 pm
Well, I am pleased to share that I just got a killscreen and a new record of 882,200. My old record was 843K, so I am happy with this new score. :)
Video here:
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on June 24, 2019, 06:35:45 pm
Huge congrats on your kill screen and new PB, Joel!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on June 24, 2019, 07:39:16 pm
Donkey Kong killscreen Kreygasm Paul's Boutique Kreygasm Kreygasm River Raid Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on June 25, 2019, 12:02:33 am
Congrats on the KS Joel!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 25, 2019, 03:00:55 am
Well, I am pleased to share that I just got a killscreen and a new record of 882,200. My old record was 843K, so I am happy with this new score. :)
Video here:
Thank you!
Congrats sir! Great score! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I also put your Start score of 106,800 on the Start HSL ( Onwards to 1M! Also, do you recall the date of your 843k killscreen?
Congrats on the scores guys! They've all been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Joel, it looks like yours occurred before your last submission, so if you have an exact date I can update the leaderboard accordingly. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on June 29, 2019, 08:09:56 am
Personal score submission of 245,800 done on wolfmame.184. It also includes a start of 105,600 that would finally put me on that board. Thanks X.
3 of my deaths were just amazingly dumb playing. I am so bad at this but at least I finally broke 200,000 on mame.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on June 29, 2019, 09:45:56 am
KONG-GRATS everyone keep smashing barrel's
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 30, 2019, 03:18:40 am
Personal score submission of 245,800 done on wolfmame.184. It also includes a start of 105,600 that would finally put me on that board. Thanks X.
3 of my deaths were just amazingly dumb playing. I am so bad at this but at least I finally broke 200,000 on mame.
Congrats! Your scores have been verified and added to the Main HSL ( and Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on June 30, 2019, 05:02:52 am
Well, this was unexpected. Wasn't my intention for tonight.
New level 1-1 PB - 11,800
30/6/19 9:24PM AEST
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 30, 2019, 05:12:59 am
Well, this was unexpected. Wasn't my intention for tonight.
New level 1-1 PB - 11,800
30/6/19 9:24PM AEST
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 14, 2019, 07:03:30 pm
Been grinding for a new HS PB. Ended up breaking my 1-1 9900 PB twice last night. Highest was 10,400. Looks like I'm the only 10,400 on the 1-1 HS list.
Been grinding for a new HS PB. Ended up breaking my 1-1 9900 PB twice last night. Highest was 10,400. Looks like I'm the only 10,400 on the 1-1 HS list.
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 17, 2019, 07:53:09 pm
Ended up beating my 10,400 by 100 tonight. Was about to watch tv and was waiting for wife to finish something. So I sat down and ended up nailing the 10,500. Crazy survival/luck below on bottom rivet. Felt like I missed out up by top hammer on some points. Couple good rolls/grouping would have netted 11k+ Overall entire level 01 ended up being 20,900.
I just wanted a 140k start, and all I got was top 9 arcade <Tim> ROFL . Thank you everybody for all of the support throughout the years. It has been a long journey to this point.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on July 18, 2019, 01:18:54 am
Tanner!!! Amazing work. Can't wait to go back and watch this!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on July 18, 2019, 04:08:49 am
Hell yeah Tanner! Great job
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 18, 2019, 10:31:28 am
Ended up beating my 10,400 by 100 tonight. Was about to watch tv and was waiting for wife to finish something. So I sat down and ended up nailing the 10,500. Crazy survival/luck below on bottom rivet. Felt like I missed out up by top hammer on some points. Couple good rolls/grouping would have netted 11k+ Overall entire level 01 ended up being 20,900.
I just wanted a 140k start, and all I got was top 9 arcade <Tim> ROFL . Thank you everybody for all of the support throughout the years. It has been a long journey to this point.
Congrats sir! I caught the last few levels of this live and it was great to see you hit this milestone. You're now #13 all-time and #10 arcade all-time (as well as already being #11 MAME all-time)! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on July 18, 2019, 06:13:44 pm
Congrats Tanner, sick score man
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 20, 2019, 08:30:05 am
Congrats Tanner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 20, 2019, 11:27:06 am
Had another PB today. New Start of 115,300. Only moving up one spot. Had a lot of games where I'd prob be around 120-123k if I didn't die on Level 04. I did land a 120k start on an arcade. So hopefully will belt one out soon. Hoping I'm getting the hang of using both hammers.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on July 23, 2019, 06:50:03 pm
On 7/23/2019 I got a new PB start of 122,800:
This highlight contains the entire game that contains the start plus a cabinet verification at the end. In watching it I realized there are times when the camera wasn't pointed exactly where I thought, but I still think everything required was visible at some point.
The start runs from the beginning of the highlight to 20:30. The cabinet verification starts at 41:15.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on July 24, 2019, 02:00:49 pm
Hello! I would like to submit a score to the High Score Start List. I had a score of 103 000. I'm really hoping the inp recorded properly. I was having trouble figuring out how to replay it on my end. It was streamed live on twitch so I have included that link as well.
Thanks, Taylor
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on July 24, 2019, 02:59:08 pm
I guess I should add a few things:
Taylor “TJB†Braun 2019/07/24 Previous submission of 304 800 verified on the HS list.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 26, 2019, 04:46:29 am
Had another PB today. New Start of 115,300. Only moving up one spot. Had a lot of games where I'd prob be around 120-123k if I didn't die on Level 04. I did land a 120k start on an arcade. So hopefully will belt one out soon. Hoping I'm getting the hang of using both hammers.
On 7/23/2019 I got a new PB start of 122,800:
This highlight contains the entire game that contains the start plus a cabinet verification at the end. In watching it I realized there are times when the camera wasn't pointed exactly where I thought, but I still think everything required was visible at some point.
The start runs from the beginning of the highlight to 20:30. The cabinet verification starts at 41:15.
Hello! I would like to submit a score to the High Score Start List. I had a score of 103 000. I'm really hoping the inp recorded properly. I was having trouble figuring out how to replay it on my end. It was streamed live on twitch so I have included that link as well.
Taylor “TJB†Braun 2019/07/24 Previous submission of 304 800 verified on the HS list.
These Start scores have been verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 28, 2019, 06:44:47 pm
Got a new PB for start. 120,400. 4900 better than previous PB. Also got a non-pb kill screen running boards couple nights ago. Died one time before the last barrel board on lvl 21. Started getting back to grinding top/bottom hammer and maximum pace play style. Hope to keep getting PBs and eventually break 900k.
Brad Williamson 7/28/2019 120,400 start wolfmame 0.200 INP in ZIP file attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 29, 2019, 06:55:37 am
Got a new PB for start. 120,400. 4900 better than previous PB. Also got a non-pb kill screen running boards couple nights ago. Died one time before the last barrel board on lvl 21. Started getting back to grinding top/bottom hammer and maximum pace play style. Hope to keep getting PBs and eventually break 900k.
Brad Williamson 7/28/2019 120,400 start wolfmame 0.200 INP in ZIP file attached
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on August 01, 2019, 01:06:21 pm
I got addicted to level 1-1 attempts for a while.
New level 1-1 PB - 11,900
WolfMAME 0.184
2/8/19 12:12AM AEST
It happened with the second man (300-12,200). I would have ended up with 12,000 for the man if only the game gave me the 100 points for jumping the last barrel. Oh well, I need a break from that. The quest for 12k will have to wait for another time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on August 03, 2019, 02:06:59 pm
New Start! 122300.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on August 04, 2019, 08:46:52 pm
New personal best of 305,100. Also includes a new personal best start of 109,600. (Wolf.184)
Thank you X!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on August 04, 2019, 11:20:27 pm
New 1-1 pb of 11,500. Really wanting to finish a game on pace for an end game pb, but ill take these little victories in the mean time! Highlight of the level ( Thanks Jry - Jmay
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on August 05, 2019, 10:05:40 am
New personal best of 305,100. Also includes a new personal best start of 109,600. (Wolf.184)
Thank you X!
Woo, good for you! Sorry i missed it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 05, 2019, 10:53:02 pm
nailed 5th kill screen and new PB. Was one pace almost entire game for 910-920k. Then I lost my last guy, and went real conservative. Along with some really horrible RNG on rivet boards causing me to scramble and survive. One instance I barely made it up and got lucky on 000. I think now I'm playing the RNG to nail a 900k or above KS with bottom hammer. Along with myself on some silly mistakes losing guys I could sac at the end. I had a 770k game that I blew yesterday that was better pace wise as well.
It happened with the second man (300-12,200). I would have ended up with 12,000 for the man if only the game gave me the 100 points for jumping the last barrel. Oh well, I need a break from that. The quest for 12k will have to wait for another time.
New 1-1 pb of 11,500. Really wanting to finish a game on pace for an end game pb, but ill take these little victories in the mean time! Highlight of the level ( Thanks Jry - Jmay
These 1-1s have been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 07, 2019, 05:14:05 am
New personal best of 305,100. Also includes a new personal best start of 109,600. (Wolf.184)
Thank you X!
Verified and updated on the Start HS ( and Main HSL (! Congrats!
nailed 5th kill screen and new PB. Was one pace almost entire game for 910-920k. Then I lost my last guy, and went real conservative. Along with some really horrible RNG on rivet boards causing me to scramble and survive. One instance I barely made it up and got lucky on 000. I think now I'm playing the RNG to nail a 900k or above KS with bottom hammer. Along with myself on some silly mistakes losing guys I could sac at the end. I had a 770k game that I blew yesterday that was better pace wise as well.
nailed 5th kill screen and new PB. Was one pace almost entire game for 910-920k. Then I lost my last guy, and went real conservative. Along with some really horrible RNG on rivet boards causing me to scramble and survive. One instance I barely made it up and got lucky on 000. I think now I'm playing the RNG to nail a 900k or above KS with bottom hammer. Along with myself on some silly mistakes losing guys I could sac at the end. I had a 770k game that I blew yesterday that was better pace wise as well.
Well, I wasn't going to post this until tomorrow, but I can't sleep now... Plus I don't want the file-stealing fairies to pinch my .inp file.
New PB - 1,007,300 Kill screen.
Previous PB was a 934,000 L21-4 on a real DK at Arcade Club, Bury, UK.
I've not really been playing this too much of late. Maybe that was what was needed.
Life breakdown:
231,000 L7-2 296,500 L8-3 (I think) 608,300 L14-2
Had a few *really* lucky escapes in this run. It was a nail-biter!
Played on my GroovyMAME New Astro City cab using a stick set to 4-way. Input file should hopefully play fine using WolfMAME 0.195
Congratulations on hitting 1M sir! That makes you the first new 1M point player this year! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (! I hope you'll continue to push onwards to 1.1M and beyond!
Guess who finally got a million points. itg
Congrats, Flob! It was only a matter of time. I'm glad I was able to watch that game live! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Now time for DKJR! Kappa
Congrats sir! Great to see you finally hit this achievement! Your KS PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( we see some even bigger scores soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on August 20, 2019, 08:08:23 am
Well you know what they say.... The road to 20mil starts with 1.
Unfortunately I had some anxiety and couldn't transition the springs very well tonight, so it cost me the 1mil.
I would like to submit my score of 989,900 points. 20/08/2019 -> game finishes 21/08/2019. TKG-4 board, verification happens at the end of the video, sorry for the length... relied on the people around me to tell me what to do to verify :)
Game starts.... 1hr:11min:35sec into the video
URL of twitch video is....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on August 20, 2019, 08:47:47 am
Congrats on the bbb PB, Matt! 1m very soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on August 20, 2019, 11:07:29 am
Thanks everyone appreciate it; SO close Lyriell on the doorstep of 1M!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 21, 2019, 12:39:44 am
Well you know what they say.... The road to 20mil starts with 1.
Unfortunately I had some anxiety and couldn't transition the springs very well tonight, so it cost me the 1mil.
I would like to submit my score of 989,900 points. 20/08/2019 -> game finishes 21/08/2019. TKG-4 board, verification happens at the end of the video, sorry for the length... relied on the people around me to tell me what to do to verify :)
Game starts.... 1hr:11min:35sec into the video
URL of twitch video is....
Long live the King! Kreygasm
Congrats sir! So close to 1M, but now you know you'll get it any game. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Keep going good (and highlight your games to make permanent vids ftttt)!
In case you haven't heard, this is PB WEEK... Get it while it's HOT!
New PB for me 348,300 with terrible, terrible deaths because I am just one big bonehead. Only the last death was understandable.
8/28/19 348,300 Level 10-1
Thank you X!
The week's not over, so I expect another PB! ;D In the meantime, this score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: muscleandfitness on August 30, 2019, 01:36:25 am
wht da Whos fast Eddie .. <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on August 30, 2019, 08:38:47 am
Congrats Zap and Nike! Nice work ; )
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on August 30, 2019, 02:34:04 pm
Thanks Mitch, I'm just trying to catch up to you...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 01, 2019, 08:54:27 am
I would like to submit a new high score...
Thank you for everyone who watched and everyone who has supported me in this endeavour.
Submitted, 2/09/2019 (aussie date) Arcade PCB with a Remix chip attached. video is at Board verification etc is at the end.
Also start PB from the other day 127,400 at 1hr 43minms
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 01, 2019, 08:59:22 am
Can't seem to edit my post.. so I wanted to add... the game starts at 31:33
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on September 01, 2019, 09:26:05 am
Congrats Matt!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on September 01, 2019, 10:02:19 am
Awesome score Matt! Congratulations.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on September 01, 2019, 11:00:06 am
CONGRATULATIONS MATT! You've been playing well and deserve this. Keep going!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 01, 2019, 11:31:14 am
Wow, you destroyed the Australian high score. You simply took it to another level!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on September 01, 2019, 12:54:20 pm
Huge, huge congrats on being the first Aussie to a million, Matt!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 01, 2019, 02:08:47 pm
Woooo Pistachio pls haha great game mate we all knew it was coming soon <Allen> Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mameshane on September 01, 2019, 02:19:07 pm
well done matt! bbb
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on September 01, 2019, 03:54:11 pm
Congratulations on the million Matt. Kept me up until 2 in the morning but a great game to watch.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on September 01, 2019, 04:33:13 pm
The King of Southern Donkey Kong!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Pelly on September 01, 2019, 09:02:14 pm
Kongrats Matt!! Spurring me on to go even bigger on my PB now :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CharlieFar on September 02, 2019, 01:30:39 am
Awesome score! Well done Matt.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on September 02, 2019, 05:38:00 pm
Kongrats Matt!!! Big big big Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on September 02, 2019, 08:38:06 pm
Hi folks,
please accept my new PB of 143,500 as achieved yesterday (02-09-2019) in like with the DK Forum rules and as streamed live via the following link:
The timestamp is from 0:18:00 through to 0:40:00. this cab is as per my original posting on a 60-in-one, 4 way joystick etc. Many thanks and so nice to break the DK PB drought at last!
Kind regards, Tanya. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 02, 2019, 09:24:43 pm
[this game was submitted to the DKJR HSL, but is a DK game]
Great game, sir. Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Please make a permanent highlight when you get the chance, as Past Broadcasts get automatically deleted after a couple weeks.
Thank you for everyone who watched and everyone who has supported me in this endeavour.
Submitted, 2/09/2019 (aussie date) Arcade PCB with a Remix chip attached. video is at Board verification etc is at the end.
Also start PB from the other day 127,400 at 1hr 43minms
Long Live The King! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Congrats, sir! We all knew this was coming soon, and you're the first player from Australia to surpass 1,000,000! A fantastic achievement. By the look of it, it wouldn't take too much work for you to hit 1.1M as well. Hopefully we'll see that score soon enough. Your scores have been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL ( Keep going good!
please accept my new PB of 143,500 as achieved yesterday (02-09-2019) in like with the DK Forum rules and as streamed live via the following link:
The timestamp is from 0:18:00 through to 0:40:00. this cab is as per my original posting on a 60-in-one, 4 way joystick etc. Many thanks and so nice to break the DK PB drought at last!
Kind regards, Tanya. :)
Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats! Also, please make a permanent highlight when you get the chance, as Past Broadcasts get automatically deleted after a couple weeks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: John73 on September 05, 2019, 03:07:16 am
New PB: 571,300 starts around 4:50 into to the stream, full video also upload to Twin Galaixes today :
New PB on level 1-1... upped it by 100! Woot Woot!
Level 1-1 10,400 wolf.184
Well done, sir. Your PB has been verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Also, please put your INPs in a zip archive when submitting if possible. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on September 06, 2019, 12:16:37 pm
Xelnia, that was my bad! I actually had it in a zip file (same name) and uploaded the wrong file. Do you want Gillkong to hold my arms back while you gut punch me a few times?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 06, 2019, 07:06:17 pm
New start PB to submit.
7/09/2019 Same setup as before, arcade board with remix kit attached.
Start: 14:20 End: 39:42
I'm not done yet!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on September 06, 2019, 10:09:11 pm
Nice Matt!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BBH on September 08, 2019, 12:11:12 am
On September 7th, 2019, I got my first DK killscreen! 823,900
So I had a decent game going on Ken House's cabinet, and he decided to try to get the stream up while I was in the middle of the game. As a result, the stream archive isn't complete and starts around 580k. At the very least, some world-class classic arcade gamers were in attendance to at least witness it (Ken House, Ross Benziger, Bill Carlton, Sam McNear). I think it's already been accepted but I'm just posting for posterity's sake.
And yes... this was my first killscreen. My PB for the longest time was 543k, but I had a breakout game at Ground Kontrol for their "game of the month" competition last month and ended up reaching 19-4 and raised the PB by almost exactly 200k to 743k. With Ken hosting games at his house this weekend I decided to give it another shot, especially after some egging on and pointing out that the high score of 808,200 on the save kit was still held by Jeff Harrist when he visited nearly 6 years ago. Apparently nobody had ever gotten a kill screen on that specific cabinet while Ken's had it, so I'm not sure how I ended up being the first.
Am I going to further pursue going for higher scores, like a million or more? Doubtful. I have enough other things I want to play and mainly just wanted to get a DK killscreen just to say I'd done it. I am terrible at bottom hammer strats and am not really interested in trying to stretch out games as long as I can. But at least I'm finally in the cool kids killscreen club 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on September 08, 2019, 01:57:45 am
Kongrats BBH!
You can update your signature now :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 08, 2019, 02:42:00 am
Well this is definitely a surprise. It's like Donald Hayes coming in and saying, "Hey, I just got a killscreen!" Personally I think BBH waited so long to get one because he wanted to get a killscreen, and still be out of the top 100 list. Kappa But yeah, Big, Big, Hype!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on September 08, 2019, 06:53:32 am
Am I going to further pursue going for higher scores, like a million or more? Doubtful. I have enough other things I want to play and mainly just wanted to get a DK killscreen just to say I'd done it. I am terrible at bottom hammer strats and am not really interested in trying to stretch out games as long as I can. But at least I'm finally in the cool kids killscreen club 8)
Sounds familiar! :D
Congrats man, nice work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on September 08, 2019, 07:27:10 am
Congrats sir!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 08, 2019, 03:29:01 pm
So I had a decent game going on Ken House's cabinet, and he decided to try to get the stream up while I was in the middle of the game. As a result, the stream archive isn't complete and starts around 580k. At the very least, some world-class classic arcade gamers were in attendance to at least witness it (Ken House, Ross Benziger, Bill Carlton, Sam McNear). I think it's already been accepted but I'm just posting for posterity's sake.
And yes... this was my first killscreen. My PB for the longest time was 543k, but I had a breakout game at Ground Kontrol for their "game of the month" competition last month and ended up reaching 19-4 and raised the PB by almost exactly 200k to 743k. With Ken hosting games at his house this weekend I decided to give it another shot, especially after some egging on and pointing out that the high score of 808,200 on the save kit was still held by Jeff Harrist when he visited nearly 6 years ago. Apparently nobody had ever gotten a kill screen on that specific cabinet while Ken's had it, so I'm not sure how I ended up being the first.
Am I going to further pursue going for higher scores, like a million or more? Doubtful. I have enough other things I want to play and mainly just wanted to get a DK killscreen just to say I'd done it. I am terrible at bottom hammer strats and am not really interested in trying to stretch out games as long as I can. But at least I'm finally in the cool kids killscreen club 8)
Congrats sir! Great to see you nail this achievement. Time to update your 1CC list ( :D
Not much to give in the way of stats here since the stream started mid-game, but the game is good, Ken's post-game cab verification was good, so your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Hopefully you'll get an itch to go for 1M and beyond...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on September 08, 2019, 08:18:21 pm
Submitting a new PB of 398600 for the high score lists. Thought I was going to hit 400k... oh well.
It's the first game so you can just watch from the start. Ends around 52min mark. Same cab as last submission.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on September 08, 2019, 10:59:11 pm
Submitting a new PB high score. Was breaking in my new mayflash f500. Just running boards for fun. Ended up switching over to bottom hammer late in the game. After I realized I may have a shot at a good PB if I switched over to bottom hammer. Going back to bottom/top hammer for good after this like I had been doing. High 900s or million soon hopefully.
Submitting a new PB of 398600 for the high score lists. Thought I was going to hit 400k... oh well.
It's the first game so you can just watch from the start. Ends around 52min mark. Same cab as last submission.
You'll get that 400k soon, sir. Then it's just a hop, skip, and jump to pass <Allen>! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Submitting a new PB high score. Was breaking in my new mayflash f500. Just running boards for fun. Ended up switching over to bottom hammer late in the game. After I realized I may have a shot at a good PB if I switched over to bottom hammer. Going back to bottom/top hammer for good after this like I had been doing. High 900s or million soon hopefully.
Forgot to include I died on rivet board on lvl 21 in the game above. :-/
Great game, sir. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Glad I was there to watch the last couple of levels. Extend your double hammers through the whole game the 1M is yours!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 14, 2019, 06:17:04 am
New Start High score.
Same setup...
14/09/2019, 131,300
Start : 24:25 Finish: 46:17
If you need a good laugh, check out the rivet level at 2:04:05... I played a game of deranged at the end that was … wow....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Charlie Milne on September 16, 2019, 05:16:47 am
I've had a TG score that has been listed here for a while, recently overwritten by my KOA3 score, now I would like to submit my current PB of 351800 for entry in the HS list. Done Sept 1st on Wolfmame 106.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on September 16, 2019, 08:21:56 am
Huge start pb Matt, congrats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 16, 2019, 02:17:57 pm
Thanks everyone.
I'm not playing much now... but free of the burden of getting 1mil allows me to play with no fear :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 18, 2019, 09:07:50 pm
I've had a TG score that has been listed here for a while, recently overwritten by my KOA3 score, now I would like to submit my current PB of 351800 for entry in the HS list. Done Sept 1st on Wolfmame 106.
Nice PB! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Hope to see some more scores soon!
New PB - 354,700 - Felt like I could make it much further but a few bad decisions... c'est la vie!
Thank you Xelnia!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on September 28, 2019, 09:39:50 am
Thanks Matt... At this rate I'll be knocking on your door in about... oh, 10 years.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on September 29, 2019, 04:10:48 pm
12800 1-1. Moves me up to 14, but then back to 15 if Robbie's 13k gets added. I guess it breaks the tie with jwade?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LauraKingNeville on September 29, 2019, 04:34:23 pm
Laura King Neville, here. I got my first killscreen live on Kong Klub Facebook page. I?d like to be added to the Donkey Kong high score list please.. I verify the cabinet at the end of the video.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on September 29, 2019, 04:35:20 pm
Laura King Neville, here. I got my first killscreen live on Kong Klub Facebook page. I?d like to be added to the Donkey Kong high score list please.. I verify the cabinet at the end of the video.
Congrats! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: LauraKingNeville on September 29, 2019, 04:38:48 pm
845300 is the score
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on September 29, 2019, 05:59:42 pm
Congratulations on the KS and awesome score Laura!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on September 29, 2019, 06:17:30 pm
Huge congrats on the kill screen, Laura! It was only a matter of time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on September 30, 2019, 07:52:33 am
Congrats NWNike on new pb and huge start score man! Congrats to Dnickolas thats a huge 1-1, and Laura for the ks and pb ; )
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Fox on October 01, 2019, 08:58:12 pm
Finally. With KKX this weekend, got a ks during prep. Not a PB, but still, finally an official killscreen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on October 01, 2019, 09:10:34 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on October 01, 2019, 11:10:05 pm
Bro you couldn't wait until the weekend to Killscreen live? Kappa
Well done my friend!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on October 02, 2019, 04:50:23 am
Heck yeah Chris, we?ll done buddy! Going to be a great competition this weekend!! Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on October 02, 2019, 06:02:28 am
Congrats on the ks ; )
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on October 02, 2019, 06:51:05 am
Not too worried about a start score, but accomplished this one a few hours ago.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on October 03, 2019, 06:30:31 am
Great job, Creech!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 04, 2019, 04:49:45 pm
New PB - 354,700 - Felt like I could make it much further but a few bad decisions... c'est la vie!
Thank you Xelnia!
Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( and Main HSL (! Congrats! summary for 354,700 (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 04, 2019, 04:51:22 pm
Laura King Neville, here. I got my first killscreen live on Kong Klub Facebook page. I?d like to be added to the Donkey Kong high score list please.. I verify the cabinet at the end of the video.
Congrats on reaching the KS milestone, Laura! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Hope to see more scores from you soon!
Not too worried about a start score, but accomplished this one a few hours ago.
Verified and added to the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on October 06, 2019, 06:35:09 am
Hello! I would like to submit my new high score of 533000.
here is the video:
game starts at 00:53:00. Same cab I used when I submitted my first score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on October 06, 2019, 08:44:28 am
Nice job Luke! Skipped the 400k's.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rev John on October 06, 2019, 08:18:53 pm
Hello mates! I just got a PB on DK - 170,700. Not a world-class score I know, but it had me hopping out of my seat. Still very stupid deaths so I know I can go higher.
If I need to do anything else to submit or I have done the wrong thing please let me know.
I am John Eden, so this will replace my KOA3 score of 93,200. Cheers all!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rev John on October 06, 2019, 08:21:28 pm
Not sure how to edit the above :o but I should probably mention it's a WolfMAME196 inp Cheers!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 06, 2019, 09:17:13 pm
Awesome work John!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on October 06, 2019, 10:33:46 pm
Thanks David. Went straight past it in to the 500k zone. Nice work John!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rev John on October 06, 2019, 11:39:31 pm
Thanks Barra and elbee! (Sorry I'm not sure who belongs to each nick :( )
And um, I just beat my PB of earlier this afternoon :o (inp attached) So now it's 219,500 on DK / WolfMAME196 / John Eden
Sorry if the previous score, now beaten, causes anyone any extra hassle updating the scoreboard :-[
Getting 200K on DK was one of my personal 'challenges' I listed on FB some weeks ago. Another was getting an old video game cartridge signed (I couldn't figure out how to show the pic of the carts - GIVE UP! - so I attached it.) Thanks to Barra who has helped me with both ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 11, 2019, 10:59:36 pm
Thanks Barra and elbee! (Sorry I'm not sure who belongs to each nick :( )
And um, I just beat my PB of earlier this afternoon :o (inp attached) So now it's 219,500 on DK / WolfMAME196 / John Eden
Sorry if the previous score, now beaten, causes anyone any extra hassle updating the scoreboard :-[
Getting 200K on DK was one of my personal 'challenges' I listed on FB some weeks ago. Another was getting an old video game cartridge signed (I couldn't figure out how to show the pic of the carts - GIVE UP! - so I attached it.) Thanks to Barra who has helped me with both ;D
Well done, John. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Hopefully 200k isn't the end of the road and we'll see some more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rev John on October 12, 2019, 12:59:51 am
Much appreciated Xelnia! :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on October 20, 2019, 09:00:58 am
Hi, kongers. Finally submitting a score, 804900 k.s.
wolfMAME0.209, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 10/17/19. inpFile attached.
I thought I remembered the game being pretty boring really, as I was mostly trying to survive, but I re-watched it & there was more trouble than I remembered. It got a little dicey on 9-6 (304k), lost my feel for the springs & died on 10-4 (334k >:(), had a close call at the end of 10-6 (350k), ran out of time & died on 14-6 (517k ::)), had a close call on 17-1 (602k), died while running low on time on 17-6 (643k :(), got crunchy again at 19-1 (691k), almost got myself in trouble at the top hammer on 20-3 (739k), plenty of drama on 20-6 (762k), dicey between the 3rd & 4th girders on 21-1 (765k), tight at the beginning of 21-2 (772k) & very tight at the end of 21-2 (775k), and the rest of it went quite smoothly ;D.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 20, 2019, 01:15:55 pm
Kongrats on the kill screen, ww!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on October 20, 2019, 03:30:28 pm
Thanks! I watched live at the end of you getting in the high 900s, so I'm happy to see you got your million.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on October 22, 2019, 04:14:09 am
I got a new start PB of 122,400.
Seems I'm rusty with judging the time you have with hammers on level 5 + pie factories. Been mucking around with 1-1 attempts too much.
Was going OK but then this growing jump problem struck on level 11 barrels where I couldn't jump at the start, causing the 3rd death. Then it happened again. I recovered eventually but a fireball got me near the top because I was held back so long. It's this weird thing with my controller: if the jump button stops working, usually I can push down on the right analog stick, which is faulty, but would somehow cause the character to jump and also cause the jump button to start working again. Well, it didn't work this time straight away. Need another new controller and should get back to more full-game attempts.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on October 22, 2019, 04:16:39 am
^^^ That was WolfMAME 0.184, 22/10/19.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 22, 2019, 11:00:13 pm
I thought I remembered the game being pretty boring really, as I was mostly trying to survive, but I re-watched it & there was more trouble than I remembered. It got a little dicey on 9-6 (304k), lost my feel for the springs & died on 10-4 (334k >:(), had a close call at the end of 10-6 (350k), ran out of time & died on 14-6 (517k ::)), had a close call on 17-1 (602k), died while running low on time on 17-6 (643k :(), got crunchy again at 19-1 (691k), almost got myself in trouble at the top hammer on 20-3 (739k), plenty of drama on 20-6 (762k), dicey between the 3rd & 4th girders on 21-1 (765k), tight at the beginning of 21-2 (772k) & very tight at the end of 21-2 (775k), and the rest of it went quite smoothly ;D.
Congratulations Wade, and welcome to DKF! Your KS has been verified and added to the HSL (! Hope we continue to see some big scores from you in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 22, 2019, 11:01:09 pm
Seems I'm rusty with judging the time you have with hammers on level 5 + pie factories. Been mucking around with 1-1 attempts too much.
Was going OK but then this growing jump problem struck on level 11 barrels where I couldn't jump at the start, causing the 3rd death. Then it happened again. I recovered eventually but a fireball got me near the top because I was held back so long. It's this weird thing with my controller: if the jump button stops working, usually I can push down on the right analog stick, which is faulty, but would somehow cause the character to jump and also cause the jump button to start working again. Well, it didn't work this time straight away. Need another new controller and should get back to more full-game attempts.
Congratulations Wade, and welcome to DKF! Your KS has been verified and added to the HSL (! Hope we continue to see some big scores from you in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on October 23, 2019, 05:18:09 pm
NEW DK PB!! 911,800. Twitch Link Here. Let me know Jeremy!! Movin On Up! Cheers. 8)
Game starts at the 39 Minute mark or so of this twitch link. Verified it at the end after game was over.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Ronnie S. on October 24, 2019, 01:32:10 pm
Picking up an original fully restored DK (TGK-4) on Saturday and hope to join in on the high score list here! My high so far on a jamma board is 79,000 but that is with the 6 jumpmans available. What is the legal amount of jumpmen for competing? I'm assuming just the standard 3? Need to know what to set my DK unit at when I start practicing.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 24, 2019, 01:38:27 pm
Picking up an original fully restored DK (TGK-4) on Saturday and hope to join in on the high score list here! My high so far on a jamma board is 79,000 but that is with the 6 jumpmans available. What is the legal amount of jumpmen for competing? I'm assuming just the standard 3? Need to know what to set my DK unit at when I start practicing.
3+1. Submission rules are here:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Ronnie S. on October 24, 2019, 01:55:32 pm
Awesome! Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 25, 2019, 03:16:38 pm
NEW DK PB!! 911,800. Twitch Link Here. Let me know Jeremy!! Movin On Up! Cheers. 8)
Game starts at the 39 Minute mark or so of this twitch link. Verified it at the end after game was over.
Great score, Steve! 1M and a KS coming up soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( (and the 104,900 Start from this game has been updated on the Start HSL ( Keep going good!
New PB of 555900, soz about the light from the sun tunnel in the roof.
Game starts at 0:01:20
Nice score, sir! Tough ending, but you went over 400k on your 2nd life! Sounds like a KS is coming up soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
New PB of 555900, soz about the light from the sun tunnel in the roof.
Game starts at 0:01:20
Nice score, sir! Tough ending, but you went over 400k on your 2nd life! Sounds like a KS is coming up soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
New PB of 555900, soz about the light from the sun tunnel in the roof.
Game starts at 0:01:20
Nice score, sir! Tough ending, but you went over 400k on your 2nd life! Sounds like a KS is coming up soon! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
What he said! Cracking score. This game can be savage!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 28, 2019, 06:59:07 pm
I want to thank all 30+ of you who stopped by tonight to watch my new PB - it seriously means the world to me. This community is incredible. I've been gaming hard my whole life, but I've never seen a more genuine, down to earth and supportive group of fellers in my life.
I grinded hard for this one. I started the journey in July of last year and have put in over 3500 failed INP's since then. But, even more important than that were the hundreds of hours watching all of you guys (you've probably seen me lurking in every DK stream imaginable), learning, failing (and failing...) and honing my technique through endless save state sessions and visualizing myself getting better. I know to some it's just a game, but I think we all know how much hard work we each put into this thing we love.
I will probably write up a blog here soon.
Justin Elliott WolfMAME 0186 1,142,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 28, 2019, 08:38:35 pm
I want to thank all 30+ of you who stopped by tonight to watch my new PB - it seriously means the world to me. This community is incredible. I've been gaming hard my whole life, but I've never seen a more genuine, down to earth and supportive group of fellers in my life.
I grinded hard for this one. I started the journey in July of last year and have put in over 3500 failed INP's since then. But, even more important than that were the hundreds of hours watching all of you guys (you've probably seen me lurking in every DK stream imaginable), learning, failing (and failing...) and honing my technique through endless save state sessions and visualizing myself getting better. I know to some it's just a game, but I think we all know how much hard work we each put into this thing we love.
I will probably write up a blog here soon.
Justin Elliott WolfMAME 0186 1,142,200
Congrats on the amazing score, sir! Looks like your grind on The Island? has paid off! You've burst into the top 10, knocking out Vince Lemay in the process. Only 500 points behind Phil Tudose, and 900 behind Jason Wade! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( I know we're all looking forward to your grind towards 1.2M!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dnickolas on October 29, 2019, 08:34:16 am
Justin's game was great. I haven't seen Phil's run yet, but as far as a 1.14 game goes it was extremely efficient. For 2019, it should be seen as the gold standard of a low-ish risk 1.15 pace game.
Please stream 1.2 attempts. I'm really curious what you'll add to the mix for that goal. Gardikis leeches, top shelf, more aggressive grouping, transition rejumps? Whatever it is I can't wait.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 29, 2019, 01:55:04 pm
Amazing score Justin! Feels like you only just picked up the game too. Cant wait to see what's next....some Junior perhaps? :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 29, 2019, 02:17:05 pm
Thanks, guys! You da best.
Duke - you hit the nail on the head. I wanted to figure out how I could do 1.15 with as much minimal risk as possible. It's obviously not even remotely optimized yet but that was the gameplan. Minimal (except well-timed) lateral jumps on the 4th girder, no 5th to 4th girder rejumps if a fireball is directly below me on girder 3, no Gardikis jumps even though I'm fairly well-practiced, 100% panic grabbing and quicker girder transitions when I don't smash the first fireball with the hammer. Those are just some of the golden rules to 1.15 as long as you are somewhat combo-savvy during your transitions and can press pretty well up top with your groupings.
Barra - Thanks my man. I am still fairly new to this game so we'll see where it goes from here. I'm not sure about Junior yet. I'll have to reach out to ya so you can teach me the ways! I missed your tutorial! Haha.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on October 29, 2019, 04:22:06 pm
Justin you?re the man, the myth, and now a legend! Well done my friend!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 31, 2019, 03:47:15 pm
Wanted to post a start score from back on October 20th. Thanks!
Justin Elliott 138,600 start WolfMAME 0186
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 31, 2019, 05:21:30 pm
Submitting a score mainly because I am new, and just want to make sure I did everything correctly!
Kevin Markielowski Mame 169,600 Score achieved November 2 2019
Welcome to DKF, Kevin, and thanks for the submission! This INP looks like it was recorded with regular MAME, and for submissions we require WolfMAME:
It works the same as regular MAME but has special features that make it more suitable for competition purposes. Also, please put your INPs in a zip archive when submitting if you can (zip, 7z, whatever).
Hope to see another score soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 03, 2019, 03:28:35 pm
Slightly updated score if you could update please xelnia :D
Finding it really hard to stop the pressure when recording. Any tips to clear the mind? I've had so many 400-500k games when relaxed including at my local arcade. Maybe I need to get some music going!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 03, 2019, 09:08:55 pm
Slightly updated score if you could update please xelnia :D
Finding it really hard to stop the pressure when recording. Any tips to clear the mind? I've had so many 400-500k games when relaxed including at my local arcade. Maybe I need to get some music going!
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Music might help, or some players cover the score so they can't see it. You might also try thinking about how far into the game you're getting instead of what your score is...or use a higher score as a goal instead of your PB (e.g., aim for 400k, not 222k).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 04, 2019, 03:56:54 pm
I honestly don't know how people keep composed when recording, I just can't deal with the pressure and I think I'm going to stop playing this game for good. I get tinging hands and extreme nervousness and just can't play like I normally. ROFL
If you watch this INP, you'll see I fecked up on the pies big time when I had an easy run. I passed out for a moment! <gasp>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Charlie Milne on November 05, 2019, 04:55:11 am
G'Day Kongers,
Looking back over Sept and Oct just want to say there is a lot to recognise. Congratulations to everyone for posting PBs, amazing scores and Kill Screens. Matt on breaking a mil BBH, LauraKingNeville, KKX, Wade Wittmar for Kill Screens Brad Williamson, Maximumsteve for 900K+ scores and Justin for a mammoth 1.142 mil and lets not forget Xelnia for continuing the updates to the scoreboard (sorry I am sure there are others but being new to the community I'm still getting a handle on who everyone is)
If I may now indulge in my own efforts separating myself from the ranks above submitting my new PB HS of 485,200 and a start HS of 101,700 done on Wolfmame 106 I've had a couple of tough months since posting my last PB on 1st Sept, after that the rest of Sept had left me feeling like I have been going backwards and lucky to get 200k. Things got back on track early Oct with a new PB on the 7th but only by 7100pts not enough for me to want to submit. Went back into a slump for the rest of Oct only managing 2 games into 300K. However Broke the hoodoo on Sunday with a new PB but alas only by a soul destroying 300pts. Then it came up trumps for me yesterday with a new PB breakthrough game adding 126K. No screwings in there so on and upwards What a funny old game this is, 2 thumbs up to the community and enjoying the roller coaster ride.
Thanks to all.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 05, 2019, 05:04:03 am
Looking back over Sept and Oct just want to say there is a lot to recognise. Congratulations to everyone for posting PBs, amazing scores and Kill Screens. Matt on breaking a mil BBH, LauraKingNeville, KKX, Wade Wittmar for Kill Screens Brad Williamson, Maximumsteve for 900K+ scores and Justin for a mammoth 1.142 mil and lets not forget Xelnia for continuing the updates to the scoreboard (sorry I am sure there are others but being new to the community I'm still getting a handle on who everyone is)
If I may now indulge in my own efforts separating myself from the ranks above submitting my new PB HS of 485,200 and a start HS of 101,700 done on Wolfmame 106 I've had a couple of tough months since posting my last PB on 1st Sept, after that the rest of Sept had left me feeling like I have been going backwards and lucky to get 200k. Things got back on track early Oct with a new PB on the 7th but only by 7100pts not enough for me to want to submit. Went back into a slump for the rest of Oct only managing 2 games into 300K. However Broke the hoodoo on Sunday with a new PB but alas only by a soul destroying 300pts. Then it came up trumps for me yesterday with a new PB breakthrough game adding 126K. No screwings in there so on and upwards What a funny old game this is, 2 thumbs up to the community and enjoying the roller coaster ride.
Thanks to all.
Congrats on the new score! Superb stuff.
I too feel like I'm going backwards sometimes, but you have to remember that it's simply due to the randomness of this game. Even the top players admit that if the fireballs want to get you, there's nothing you can do. It really does depend on the luck you get thrown.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 05, 2019, 12:53:49 pm
Hi xelnia,
Wasn't sure if you saw my last submission with my rambling. ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 05, 2019, 03:24:50 pm
Looking back over Sept and Oct just want to say there is a lot to recognise. Congratulations to everyone for posting PBs, amazing scores and Kill Screens. Matt on breaking a mil BBH, LauraKingNeville, KKX, Wade Wittmar for Kill Screens Brad Williamson, Maximumsteve for 900K+ scores and Justin for a mammoth 1.142 mil and lets not forget Xelnia for continuing the updates to the scoreboard (sorry I am sure there are others but being new to the community I'm still getting a handle on who everyone is)
If I may now indulge in my own efforts separating myself from the ranks above submitting my new PB HS of 485,200 and a start HS of 101,700 done on Wolfmame 106 I've had a couple of tough months since posting my last PB on 1st Sept, after that the rest of Sept had left me feeling like I have been going backwards and lucky to get 200k. Things got back on track early Oct with a new PB on the 7th but only by 7100pts not enough for me to want to submit. Went back into a slump for the rest of Oct only managing 2 games into 300K. However Broke the hoodoo on Sunday with a new PB but alas only by a soul destroying 300pts. Then it came up trumps for me yesterday with a new PB breakthrough game adding 126K. No screwings in there so on and upwards What a funny old game this is, 2 thumbs up to the community and enjoying the roller coaster ride.
Thanks to all.
Congrats on the new score! Superb stuff.
I too feel like I'm going backwards sometimes, but you have to remember that it's simply due to the randomness of this game. Even the top players admit that if the fireballs want to get you, there's nothing you can do. It really does depend on the luck you get thrown.
Thanks DonkeyShlong, I make it a point not to get hung up on the randomness, just plan to get up one more time than I fall over to get to a KS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 06, 2019, 01:11:16 pm
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on November 06, 2019, 01:18:15 pm
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
I meant to post this before. I think it is just human nature. I was extremely nervous when I first started streaming and literally no one was watching. I had an almost immediate 200 K dip in my typical scores and it took a while to correct. No one is going to judge. No matter how bad a game you play, no matter how stupid the death is, we have ALL done it. It gets easier.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 06, 2019, 01:36:26 pm
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
I meant to post this before. I think it is just human nature. I was extremely nervous when I first started streaming and literally no one was watching. I had an almost immediate 200 K dip in my typical scores and it took a while to correct. No one is going to judge. No matter how bad a game you play, no matter how stupid the death is, we have ALL done it. It gets easier.
Cheers bud! That helps a lot. I've just uploaded a video to help others with springs actually, and referenced your method.
I won't fill this thread with conversation as it's meant for scores, but I'll drop you a line. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on November 07, 2019, 01:21:29 pm
Finally got a chance to play some. Took a big dookie on the overall game but did manage a new Level 1-1 PB. 10,900
As always, Thanks X
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 08, 2019, 12:18:20 pm
Looking back over Sept and Oct just want to say there is a lot to recognise. Congratulations to everyone for posting PBs, amazing scores and Kill Screens. Matt on breaking a mil BBH, LauraKingNeville, KKX, Wade Wittmar for Kill Screens Brad Williamson, Maximumsteve for 900K+ scores and Justin for a mammoth 1.142 mil and lets not forget Xelnia for continuing the updates to the scoreboard (sorry I am sure there are others but being new to the community I'm still getting a handle on who everyone is)
If I may now indulge in my own efforts separating myself from the ranks above submitting my new PB HS of 485,200 and a start HS of 101,700 done on Wolfmame 106 I've had a couple of tough months since posting my last PB on 1st Sept, after that the rest of Sept had left me feeling like I have been going backwards and lucky to get 200k. Things got back on track early Oct with a new PB on the 7th but only by 7100pts not enough for me to want to submit. Went back into a slump for the rest of Oct only managing 2 games into 300K. However Broke the hoodoo on Sunday with a new PB but alas only by a soul destroying 300pts. Then it came up trumps for me yesterday with a new PB breakthrough game adding 126K. No screwings in there so on and upwards What a funny old game this is, 2 thumbs up to the community and enjoying the roller coaster ride.
Thanks to all.
Great stuff, Charlie. Keep on grinding! Your scores have been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL (!
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
I decided to give it another go with some music, thanks for the advice some of you guys. It really helped me relax a bit, but still not getting close to some of my previous games. A few members messaged me with some encouraging words which was cool.
Here's my new recorded PB so disregard the other please. :)
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Cheers Jeremy. I've just noticed that kongtrac, that's brilliant! How does it work, does it inspect the INP and track it all?
I enter all the data myself.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on November 10, 2019, 06:00:23 pm
Submitting new PB, done tonight on Twitch - 555,000 ( Game starts at around 00:45:00 and ends at about 2:04:00
I took video of the CP/PCB/Remix Kit also and restarting the game just in case. I did verify for my first submission here and this was done on the same cabinet.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on November 10, 2019, 06:41:33 pm
Congratulations Gary! Way to go buddy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on November 10, 2019, 08:00:09 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on November 11, 2019, 04:47:42 am
Just wanted to say thanks to Charlie for your post above...
And WELL DONE GARY on your PB. Well deserved!!
Keep 'em coming people!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dollopuss on November 12, 2019, 06:29:46 am
Kreygasm Go, Gary!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 13, 2019, 04:36:01 pm
I'm having a real issue with OBS and WolfMAME. I'm trying to do dual capture but when I try, my frame rate drops no matter what settings I try :( It makes springs almost impossible to do properly.
I assume I'm good to use MAME64 so long as I have both a camera recording my screen and control panel input, as well as the application capture in the top right? I figured this would be a more conclusive way as I'm in the video also.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 13, 2019, 04:42:45 pm
I'm having a real issue with OBS and WolfMAME. I'm trying to do dual capture but when I try, my frame rate drops no matter what settings I try :( It makes springs almost impossible to do properly.
I assume I'm good to use MAME64 so long as I have both a camera recording my screen and control panel input, as well as the application capture in the top right? I figured this would be a more conclusive way as I'm in the video also.
Wrong thread, please remove.. FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 15, 2019, 09:19:41 pm
Submitting new PB, done tonight on Twitch - 555,000 ( Game starts at around 00:45:00 and ends at about 2:04:00
I took video of the CP/PCB/Remix Kit also and restarting the game just in case. I did verify for my first submission here and this was done on the same cabinet.
Great score, sir. Especially considering the early deaths...epic last man! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Please continue to go good.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on November 17, 2019, 12:11:18 pm
Thank you sir. I appreciate the time and work you put into this community! It feels good to see my score in the Kong tracker!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 21, 2019, 05:20:17 pm
I took on board the advice given to me by a few members here (thanks Sith and Jonesy). I ignored an early stupid set of deaths, and went for it. I got over 350k with one man and got over 500k.
I have been having a real hard time keeping focus and my nerves about me when recording, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I hid my score so that I could focus on the game, and it really helped me play like I know i'm capable of.
I accidentally got a peek of of my score one I started getting into rhythm, and it fell apart. I rushed the pies for quick points and being on the last life knocked my confidence a bit, and I lost it in a silly way. I believe I've got what it takes to get to the KS, so that's hopefully my next update :)
I don't think it's too shabby of a score for a months worth of playing. Any advice from my video welcome <popcorn>
I'm going to my local arcade on Saturday. Unfortunately my phone isn't capable of recording for more than an hour. If I get a high score or KS, am I able to have a friend record the last part, then ask the manager to verify? Would I need him to open the control panel and show the insides within the same video?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 21, 2019, 08:37:19 pm
I'm going to my local arcade on Saturday. Unfortunately my phone isn't capable of recording for more than an hour. If I get a high score or KS, am I able to have a friend record the last part, then ask the manager to verify? Would I need him to open the control panel and show the insides within the same video?
If you can only film part of the game, then you need to do the following:
1) Film as much of the end of the game as possible 2) Immediately start a new game and play until you reach 7,000 points (to demonstrate proper game settings) 3) Do not power cycle the cab before doing the above step 4) Let the attract mode run for at least one full cycle so we can see the copyright info 5) Do your best to have someone open the cab so we can see the control panel and PCB 6) Do all of this in the same video
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 22, 2019, 03:55:50 am
I'm going to my local arcade on Saturday. Unfortunately my phone isn't capable of recording for more than an hour. If I get a high score or KS, am I able to have a friend record the last part, then ask the manager to verify? Would I need him to open the control panel and show the insides within the same video?
If you can only film part of the game, then you need to do the following:
1) Film as much of the end of the game as possible 2) Immediately start a new game and play until you reach 7,000 points (to demonstrate proper game settings) 3) Do not power cycle the cab before doing the above step 4) Let the attract mode run for at least one full cycle so we can see the copyright info 5) Do your best to have someone open the cab so we can see the control panel and PCB 6) Do all of this in the same video
Thanks. I'll keep the post on my phone just in case ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 22, 2019, 06:06:44 am
Buy an extra power brick there like 5$ should get you through the game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 22, 2019, 06:35:48 am
Buy an extra power brick there like 5$ should get you through the game.
I seem to remember someone saying that they did this, and phones tend to cut off at 1 hour, battery good or not. :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: captnkong on November 22, 2019, 04:46:19 pm
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 23, 2019, 12:31:20 am
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
Women ::)
Nice score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on November 23, 2019, 01:52:37 pm
Hello this is my first post and first submission :D
I have not recorded the game so only have the INP file from MAME, I hope this is okay and that I have understood the rules correctly.
The game is a 326100 score which is a PB for me and even though there is a lot of mistakes I am happy with the progress I have made so far in this game!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on November 24, 2019, 07:32:57 am
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
Great job Tim buddayyy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: woleykram on November 24, 2019, 09:55:28 am
Think I got everything right this time.
Still learning this game, but new PB - 197,600 achieved 11/24/19
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 24, 2019, 08:35:06 pm
I took on board the advice given to me by a few members here (thanks Sith and Jonesy). I ignored an early stupid set of deaths, and went for it. I got over 350k with one man and got over 500k.
I have been having a real hard time keeping focus and my nerves about me when recording, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I hid my score so that I could focus on the game, and it really helped me play like I know i'm capable of.
I accidentally got a peek of of my score one I started getting into rhythm, and it fell apart. I rushed the pies for quick points and being on the last life knocked my confidence a bit, and I lost it in a silly way. I believe I've got what it takes to get to the KS, so that's hopefully my next update :)
I don't think it's too shabby of a score for a months worth of playing. Any advice from my video welcome <popcorn>
I'm going to my local arcade on Saturday. Unfortunately my phone isn't capable of recording for more than an hour. If I get a high score or KS, am I able to have a friend record the last part, then ask the manager to verify? Would I need him to open the control panel and show the insides within the same video?
Well done, sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( If you can score 500k, you're well on your way to a KS!
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
This appears to be the wrong INP...only plays back to 85k. Hopefully you still have the 849k INP and can post it (please put it in a zip archive if you do)!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 24, 2019, 08:38:56 pm
Hello this is my first post and first submission :D
I have not recorded the game so only have the INP file from MAME, I hope this is okay and that I have understood the rules correctly.
The game is a 326100 score which is a PB for me and even though there is a lot of mistakes I am happy with the progress I have made so far in this game!
Welcome to DKF! This INP looks good, but please put them in a zip archive for future submissions if possible. All I need to know is how you'd like to be listed on the High Score List and I can add your score!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 24, 2019, 08:39:44 pm
Still learning this game, but new PB - 197,600 achieved 11/24/19
Everything looks good! Your score has been verified and added to the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: fippi on November 25, 2019, 12:14:57 am
Hi all! First submission here. Not a PB, but the first score which I've adequately recorded!
This is the start of my run. Final score 325,300. End of the video I show my control panel (4 way gate) and 60-in-1 board, and afterwards i pull up the internal DIP settings in the service menu to show 3 Lives & Extra @ 7000.
For reference, my *actual PB* can be found here for reference @ 393,400. Sadly this was done on MAME before I was able to get INP recording working FailFish.
Feel free to follow on twitch! I'll be putting up many more scores soon as I have a PCB coming shortly :)
Much love! Fip
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 25, 2019, 12:41:58 am
I took on board the advice given to me by a few members here (thanks Sith and Jonesy). I ignored an early stupid set of deaths, and went for it. I got over 350k with one man and got over 500k.
I have been having a real hard time keeping focus and my nerves about me when recording, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I hid my score so that I could focus on the game, and it really helped me play like I know i'm capable of.
I accidentally got a peek of of my score one I started getting into rhythm, and it fell apart. I rushed the pies for quick points and being on the last life knocked my confidence a bit, and I lost it in a silly way. I believe I've got what it takes to get to the KS, so that's hopefully my next update :)
I don't think it's too shabby of a score for a months worth of playing. Any advice from my video welcome <popcorn>
I'm going to my local arcade on Saturday. Unfortunately my phone isn't capable of recording for more than an hour. If I get a high score or KS, am I able to have a friend record the last part, then ask the manager to verify? Would I need him to open the control panel and show the insides within the same video?
Well done, sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( If you can score 500k, you're well on your way to a KS!
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
This appears to be the wrong INP...only plays back to 85k. Hopefully you still have the 849k INP and can post it (please put it in a zip archive if you do)!
Sorry about that, try this one. thank you. TIM
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on November 25, 2019, 10:25:28 am
Hello this is my first post and first submission :D
I have not recorded the game so only have the INP file from MAME, I hope this is okay and that I have understood the rules correctly.
The game is a 326100 score which is a PB for me and even though there is a lot of mistakes I am happy with the progress I have made so far in this game!
Welcome to DKF! This INP looks good, but please put them in a zip archive for future submissions if possible. All I need to know is how you'd like to be listed on the High Score List and I can add your score!
Apologies will keep in mind to archive the inp for next time. Could you add me to the high score list as ?Arron Pitchford??
Thank you!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Pearl on November 25, 2019, 07:11:25 pm
first and probably only dk submission cause i suck cock and balls at this game
1-1 10,300
i got a good pull on the gacha machine this time
wolfmame 209
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 27, 2019, 05:17:52 pm
Hello this is my first post and first submission :D
I have not recorded the game so only have the INP file from MAME, I hope this is okay and that I have understood the rules correctly.
The game is a 326100 score which is a PB for me and even though there is a lot of mistakes I am happy with the progress I have made so far in this game!
Welcome to DKF! This INP looks good, but please put them in a zip archive for future submissions if possible. All I need to know is how you'd like to be listed on the High Score List and I can add your score!
Apologies will keep in mind to archive the inp for next time. Could you add me to the high score list as ?Arron Pitchford??
Thank you!
Added to the HSL (! Congrats!
New PB for me; I blew it at the end; had several phone calls coming in and my wife screaming at me from downstairs...and like I wasn't stressed enough!! 849,400 level 20.6 Wolfmame: Recorded INP file and live streamed on Twitch
This appears to be the wrong INP...only plays back to 85k. Hopefully you still have the 849k INP and can post it (please put it in a zip archive if you do)!
Sorry about that, try this one. thank you. TIM
That's the one. Thanks! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats on the PB!
Hi all! First submission here. Not a PB, but the first score which I've adequately recorded!
This is the start of my run. Final score 325,300. End of the video I show my control panel (4 way gate) and 60-in-1 board, and afterwards i pull up the internal DIP settings in the service menu to show 3 Lives & Extra @ 7000.
For reference, my *actual PB* can be found here for reference @ 393,400. Sadly this was done on MAME before I was able to get INP recording working FailFish.
Feel free to follow on twitch! I'll be putting up many more scores soon as I have a PCB coming shortly :)
Much love! Fip
Everything looks good in the vid, so your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Since you broke 100k on the start, I added your 106,500 Start score to that HSL ( as well. Congrats!
first and probably only dk submission cause i suck cock and balls at this game
1-1 10,300
i got a good pull on the gacha machine this time
wolfmame 209
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (! Since you played the game out I went ahead and added the final score (91,800) to the Main HSL ( as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: synthchemist on November 29, 2019, 09:26:14 pm
Hi there,
Submitting my Arcade score (60 in 1) of 337,700
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on November 29, 2019, 09:55:19 pm
Oh god... there goes the neighborhood ROFL <Allen> <Allen> <Mruczek>
Good work Aaron :)
Thanks mate! pretty hapy with that to be honest, lost 2 lives on elevators thanks to a shitty joystick but also got hella lucky in some points.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on November 30, 2019, 04:57:48 pm
I've just moved from 0.106 to the latest version of WolfMAME as I was getting huge frame rate drops, making an already nuts game even more difficult!!
I found your script online Xelnia, and modified it to mame64 instead of mamearcade, and it fires up ok, but seems to create one frame INPs. I got the z7ip part working ok by moving the exe to the root folder, but it seems that my INPs aren't recording. Batch file attached..
Any ideas? :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2019, 08:01:09 pm
I've just moved from 0.106 to the latest version of WolfMAME as I was getting huge frame rate drops, making an already nuts game even more difficult!!
I found your script online Xelnia, and modified it to mame64 instead of mamearcade, and it fires up ok, but seems to create one frame INPs. I got the z7ip part working ok by moving the exe to the root folder, but it seems that my INPs aren't recording. Batch file attached..
Any ideas? :(
Make sure you're running it from the command line. If you're double-clicking the batch file and using the MAME GUI it's not going to work.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2019, 10:56:23 pm
Nice score, sir! Your verification at the end was very quick, but I think I got a good view of the 60-in-1 board and the 4-way restrictor (looks like a Zippy-type joystick with the sliding 8/4/2-way restrictor?). So, your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
I've just moved from 0.106 to the latest version of WolfMAME as I was getting huge frame rate drops, making an already nuts game even more difficult!!
I found your script online Xelnia, and modified it to mame64 instead of mamearcade, and it fires up ok, but seems to create one frame INPs. I got the z7ip part working ok by moving the exe to the root folder, but it seems that my INPs aren't recording. Batch file attached..
Any ideas? :(
Make sure you're running it from the command line. If you're double-clicking the batch file and using the MAME GUI it's not going to work.
So run CMD from within the root folder and type "record.bat dkong" ..?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on December 01, 2019, 05:27:19 am
cd/ cd \wolfmame 0215 record dkong dkong
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on December 02, 2019, 03:40:27 pm
Hey Jeremy,
You ok to just confirm this INP is good before I push harder with this newer version of MAME?
I've got some nice cmd shortcuts created now that start in the WolfMAME location, and auto add the commands so nice and easy to double click for record and playback. Could be nice for new guys to this. I've attached below, just needs the 'start in' location tweaking for wherever WolfMAME is stored.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: woleykram on December 02, 2019, 08:49:24 pm
New PB - 244,000 wolfmame
achieved 12/2/2019
slowly working my way up to 300k.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: woleykram on December 02, 2019, 09:18:58 pm
Sorry for the double post, just realized a typo in my submission and can't seem to find an edit button. The score should be 242k, not 244.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on December 03, 2019, 03:20:52 pm
Got a new PB of 522100! Really happy with this and the idea of a kill screen seems a possible reality if I keep practising.
Hopefully I have properly archived the file this time :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 03, 2019, 08:59:10 pm
You ok to just confirm this INP is good before I push harder with this newer version of MAME?
I've got some nice cmd shortcuts created now that start in the WolfMAME location, and auto add the commands so nice and easy to double click for record and playback. Could be nice for new guys to this. I've attached below, just needs the 'start in' location tweaking for wherever WolfMAME is stored.
This all looks good. Just need to tweak the batch file to show the correct WolfMAME version, and your preferred date/time format and timezone.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on December 04, 2019, 12:45:44 pm
You ok to just confirm this INP is good before I push harder with this newer version of MAME?
I've got some nice cmd shortcuts created now that start in the WolfMAME location, and auto add the commands so nice and easy to double click for record and playback. Could be nice for new guys to this. I've attached below, just needs the 'start in' location tweaking for wherever WolfMAME is stored.
This all looks good. Just need to tweak the batch file to show the correct WolfMAME version, and your preferred date/time format and timezone.
My skills don't allow me to do that ;D
Here's what I've got in there. I figured the version number out, but not sure how to set to GMT UK:
@echo off
REM Get system time REM Format will be YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS00 for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%d%%b%%c) for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:/./ " %%a in ("%time: =0%") do (set mytime=%%a%%b%%c%%d)
REM Run WolfMAME REM This assumes WolfMAME version 0.162 or newer, when MESS and MAME were merged. Replace "mamearcade" with "mame" if necessary REM This disables NVRAM, runs in a window, disables bilinear filter, runs with no auto-frameskip at frameskip 0, and disables cheats REM %2 - %9 are for any other options you want to use from the command line when running WolfMAME, for example: record milliped -mouse mame64 %1 -rec %1.inp -nvram_directory NUL -w -noafs -fs 0 -noc %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
REM Zip the INP REM Archive will be named based on romset short name, WolfMAME version, and the system time at the start of recording REM 7-Zip executable must be present in WolfMAME root folder REM This assumes default INP locations in inp folder REM () is a placeholder for score REM WolfMAME version ("wolfXXX") will need to be updated if used for different versions 7z a inp/%1_() .\inp/%1.inp*
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 04, 2019, 01:36:38 pm
You ok to just confirm this INP is good before I push harder with this newer version of MAME?
I've got some nice cmd shortcuts created now that start in the WolfMAME location, and auto add the commands so nice and easy to double click for record and playback. Could be nice for new guys to this. I've attached below, just needs the 'start in' location tweaking for wherever WolfMAME is stored.
This all looks good. Just need to tweak the batch file to show the correct WolfMAME version, and your preferred date/time format and timezone.
My skills don't allow me to do that ;D
Here's what I've got in there. I figured the version number out, but not sure how to set to GMT UK:
@echo off
REM Get system time REM Format will be YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS00 for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%d%%b%%c) for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:/./ " %%a in ("%time: =0%") do (set mytime=%%a%%b%%c%%d)
REM Run WolfMAME REM This assumes WolfMAME version 0.162 or newer, when MESS and MAME were merged. Replace "mamearcade" with "mame" if necessary REM This disables NVRAM, runs in a window, disables bilinear filter, runs with no auto-frameskip at frameskip 0, and disables cheats REM %2 - %9 are for any other options you want to use from the command line when running WolfMAME, for example: record milliped -mouse mame64 %1 -rec %1.inp -nvram_directory NUL -w -noafs -fs 0 -noc %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
REM Zip the INP REM Archive will be named based on romset short name, WolfMAME version, and the system time at the start of recording REM 7-Zip executable must be present in WolfMAME root folder REM This assumes default INP locations in inp folder REM () is a placeholder for score REM WolfMAME version ("wolfXXX") will need to be updated if used for different versions 7z a inp/%1_() .\inp/%1.inp*
For date format, play with the token order (%%d, %%c, etc.) in:
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%d%%b%%c) For timezone, it needs to be changed manually. When I first made this batch file I was living in Japan, so I entered JST in this line:
Got a new PB of 522100! Really happy with this and the idea of a kill screen seems a possible reality if I keep practising.
Hopefully I have properly archived the file this time :)
Great improvement! Verified and updated on the HSL ( I also added your 100,200 Start score to the Start HSL ( Tough ending, but it looks like you have all the pieces there to get a KS!
New start PB - 136700. Awful final rivet. Note the "pro" escape in the top left on an earlier rivet.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Now get that 155k. <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on December 13, 2019, 09:55:47 pm
A new level 1-1 PB for me: 12,200 WolfMAME 0.183 14/12/19
I'll be satisfied with that for a long time. Just wanted that 12k.
I've changed to WolfMAME 0.183 because I had a problem with 0.184 where I can't go down anymore, no matter how much I tried setting it up again with any controller.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on December 14, 2019, 04:18:05 pm
Got my 6th killscreen last night (12-13-19) and a new pb of 877,100
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on December 16, 2019, 10:47:56 am
good job, Mitch.
submitting a modest improvement. 813700, not a kill screen this time.
wolfMAME0.209, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 12/15/19. inpFile attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on December 17, 2019, 05:04:23 pm
Hey hey! Got another PB! 616,700! the sound was off by mistake till gillkong pointed it out, sound restored at 208k. I filmed the PCB and stick again as my setup has changed from a multi to a dedicated DK board with Nintendo four way. I tried filming the ROM chips but I don't think they came out very clear, Jeremy let me know if you need anymore footage of the board etc.
Lit <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on December 18, 2019, 09:51:33 pm
submitting a start score, 114700.
wolfMAME0.209, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 12/18/19. inpFile attached. thank you!!!
A new level 1-1 PB for me: 12,200 WolfMAME 0.183 14/12/19
I'll be satisfied with that for a long time. Just wanted that 12k.
I've changed to WolfMAME 0.183 because I had a problem with 0.184 where I can't go down anymore, no matter how much I tried setting it up again with any controller.
Congrats on hitting 12k! Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( Jump that last barrel and you would've had 12, time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 20, 2019, 01:11:23 am
Tough ending, but a new PB and huge 2nd man (617k!)! Both scores verified and updated on HSL ( and added to Start HSL ( Congrats!
Hey hey! Got another PB! 616,700! the sound was off by mistake till gillkong pointed it out, sound restored at 208k. I filmed the PCB and stick again as my setup has changed from a multi to a dedicated DK board with Nintendo four way. I tried filming the ROM chips but I don't think they came out very clear, Jeremy let me know if you need anymore footage of the board etc.
Lit <Allen>
Looks fine to me. Congrats on the new PCB and new PB! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Not a PB but a score I can submit since I didn't have wolfmame or record an INP for my actual PB. Oh Well! Now I have the setup right I believe.
Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 361,800.
inp is attached and video is here -
Cheers! <Allen>
This looks like an empty INP (might have been recorded by just clicking on record.bat) and the video link is just a link to Twitch...not an actual video. :(
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on December 28, 2019, 03:35:07 pm
Not a PB but a score I can submit since I didn't have wolfmame or record an INP for my actual PB. Oh Well! Now I have the setup right I believe.
Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 361,800.
inp is attached and video is here -
Cheers! <Allen>
This looks like an empty INP (might have been recorded by just clicking on record.bat) and the video link is just a link to Twitch...not an actual video. :(
Whoops! Sorry about that. Ill make sure I do it right next time. The twitch link was just posted incorrectly but I don't believe I did the inp properly so will make sure to do it right next time. Sorry for wasting your time!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on December 28, 2019, 04:57:13 pm
Well.. I WOULD be celebrating this submission, but it's extremely difficult to do so. I'm proud of the game, aside from early very stupid lost lives, which would have no undoubtedly taken me to the end again. I got my very first KS last week, just short of my birthday, and I stupidly ran my old shortcut with no INP batch <mad> <mad> <mad> That will teach me to not keep playing..
Here's a 624k INP to update the score list xelnia if you could please. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on December 29, 2019, 04:16:28 pm
And here we go again! New PB, 714,500 played on the 24/12/2019... Almost a Christmas kill screen.
Watched a few of your streams. Well deserved, top job. Looks like the pressure was getting to you near the end. No other game gives me heart racing like this, and not in a good way either ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on December 29, 2019, 06:34:43 pm
And here we go again! New PB, 714,500 played on the 24/12/2019... Almost a Christmas kill screen.
Watched a few of your streams. Well deserved, top job. Looks like the pressure was getting to you near the end. No other game gives me heart racing like this, and not in a good way either ROFL
It's a punishing game, the psychology of it is just short of torture. I will get that KS though....
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on December 30, 2019, 06:35:24 am
Well.. I WOULD be celebrating this submission, but it's extremely difficult to do so. I'm proud of the game, aside from early very stupid lost lives, which would have no undoubtedly taken me to the end again. I got my very first KS last week, just short of my birthday, and I stupidly ran my old shortcut with no INP batch <mad> <mad> <mad> That will teach me to not keep playing..
Here's a 624k INP to update the score list xelnia if you could please. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!
Here's the YouTube video to add too xelnia. I bleeped out the stressy shouting at the terrible start ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on December 30, 2019, 01:14:43 pm
Playing for around 1 month, This was the best i could do until now 145.100. Ill keep practicing. My problem is the barrel board, even more than springs. Wolfmame 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on December 30, 2019, 01:18:03 pm
submitting a level 1-1 score, 10100. not too exciting, but wth.
wolfMAME0.209, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 12/30/19. inpFile attached. thank you, Jeremy!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on December 30, 2019, 03:03:25 pm
I'd like to submit my last game, which was my PB of 186.200, got some tips from the forum and improved a bit. This time Im having trouble with the barrel board and later pie. Springs are ok for me.
Sorry and please, disregard the below (above) post:
Playing for around 1 month, This was the best i could do until now 145.100. Ill keep practicing. My problem is the barrel board, even more than springs. Wolfmame 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on December 30, 2019, 03:04:54 pm
I'd like to submit my last game, which was my PB of 186.200, got some tips from the forum and improved a bit. This time Im having trouble with the barrel board and later pie. Springs are ok for me.
Sorry and please, disregard the below (above) post:
Playing for around 1 month, This was the best i could do until now 145.100. Ill keep practicing. My problem is the barrel board, even more than springs. Wolfmame 106
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 31, 2019, 03:43:56 pm
Well.. I WOULD be celebrating this submission, but it's extremely difficult to do so. I'm proud of the game, aside from early very stupid lost lives, which would have no undoubtedly taken me to the end again. I got my very first KS last week, just short of my birthday, and I stupidly ran my old shortcut with no INP batch <mad> <mad> <mad> That will teach me to not keep playing..
Here's a 624k INP to update the score list xelnia if you could please. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!
Congrats on the PB (and KS)! Great last man, so getting another KS shouldn't take that long. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
I'd like to submit my last game, which was my PB of 186.200, got some tips from the forum and improved a bit. This time Im having trouble with the barrel board and later pie. Springs are ok for me.
Sorry and please, disregard the below (above) post:
Playing for around 1 month, This was the best i could do until now 145.100. Ill keep practicing. My problem is the barrel board, even more than springs. Wolfmame 106
Both scores verified and the 186k has been added to the HSL ( Congrats and welcome to DKF! Hope to see more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 31, 2019, 03:46:36 pm
Well.. I WOULD be celebrating this submission, but it's extremely difficult to do so. I'm proud of the game, aside from early very stupid lost lives, which would have no undoubtedly taken me to the end again. I got my very first KS last week, just short of my birthday, and I stupidly ran my old shortcut with no INP batch <mad> <mad> <mad> That will teach me to not keep playing..
Here's a 624k INP to update the score list xelnia if you could please. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!
Congrats on the PB (and KS)! Great last man, so getting another KS shouldn't take that long. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (
Cheers Jeremy. I think I've finally got a bit of pattern to the rivets now and I was stupidly dying from the occasional wild barrel when holding left jumping a barrel coming down the top long ladder. I've found its best to just tap left to bring the barrel down the ladder then straight jump it, if that makes sense. I've since had multiple 500-600k games :)
Hope you had a good new year, thanks for updating the list.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kevin on January 02, 2020, 05:50:56 pm
Submitting PB 180,200 made 6-6 should have gotten L7 though.
Saw a weird thing in playback 6-6 how high can you get shows 125M. Anybody know why this would be?
Performed on WolfMAME 0.217 -Donkey Kong Set 1
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kevin on January 03, 2020, 07:07:02 am
New PB 202,500 finally made L7. slowly inching further along.
Performed on WolfMAME 0.217 -Donkey Kong Set 1
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on January 03, 2020, 08:34:55 pm
Welcome to the 200k club! Great job! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kevin on January 04, 2020, 10:40:21 am
thanks man. 3 weeks of grinding and learning the strats. Still dying due to my own mistakes but I keep trying to improve.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on January 04, 2020, 11:35:35 am
New PB 259.400 - wolfmame 217, got to lv 8
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 05, 2020, 05:55:16 pm
New PB 202,500 finally made L7. slowly inching further along.
Performed on WolfMAME 0.217 -Donkey Kong Set 1
These scores have been verified, with the exception of the 180k..the INP was a duplicate of the 174k game. I'm ready to update the HSL with your 202k score, I just need to know how you'd like your name listed.
With regards to the 125M thing, if you die on a rivet on L5+, the game will show 125M when it reloads the board instead of the normal 150M. Some kind of bug in the programming.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 05, 2020, 05:56:28 pm
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Great first man...string a few together like that and you'll have a KS!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Kevin on January 16, 2020, 07:45:19 pm
Submitting new PB 355,400
Performed on WolfMAME 0.217 -Donkey Kong Set 1
xel no KS yet but I feel this one is a little more even throughout. I did die trying to jump and steer a barrel which wound up being a back jump into said barrel ::) so I'll just keep working at it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on January 19, 2020, 02:23:09 pm
Hello everyone, I have a new PB. 986,900 22-1 kill screen streamed live on my personal twitch, and kongklub group on facebook. Been playing at a higher pace but went conservative on bottom hammer, and fireballs kept coming up right away. Which got me shell shocked and doing early hammer grabs when I prob didn't have to on some other boards. Been trying to play at a 1,030,000-1,060,000 pace and been doing so. But reverted back to some early hammer grabs on bottom hammer, and wasted two lives on silly stuff that I could have sacrificed later on. Almost had a 500k first man until a crap rivet board. Hopefully a million plus soon. I also did a 11k lvl 1-1 so I'll attached it as well. I wasn't streaming on the 11k 1-1. Feels good to be top 50. But won't be there long unless I hit a million.
xel no KS yet but I feel this one is a little more even throughout. I did die trying to jump and steer a barrel which wound up being a back jump into said barrel ::) so I'll just keep working at it.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Keep grinding and that KS will come.
Hello everyone, I have a new PB. 986,900 22-1 kill screen streamed live on my personal twitch, and kongklub group on facebook. Been playing at a higher pace but went conservative on bottom hammer, and fireballs kept coming up right away. Which got me shell shocked and doing early hammer grabs when I prob didn't have to on some other boards. Been trying to play at a 1,030,000-1,060,000 pace and been doing so. But reverted back to some early hammer grabs on bottom hammer, and wasted two lives on silly stuff that I could have sacrificed later on. Almost had a 500k first man until a crap rivet board. Hopefully a million plus soon. I also did a 11k lvl 1-1 so I'll attached it as well. I wasn't streaming on the 11k 1-1. Feels good to be top 50. But won't be there long unless I hit a million.
Well done, sir. A little better rivet luck and you probably would've had the 1M. But it will come any day now. These scores have been verified and updated on the HSL ( and Level 1-1 HSL ( Congrats!
Hello everyone, I have a new PB. 986,900 22-1 kill screen streamed live on my personal twitch, and kongklub group on facebook. Been playing at a higher pace but went conservative on bottom hammer, and fireballs kept coming up right away. Which got me shell shocked and doing early hammer grabs when I prob didn't have to on some other boards. Been trying to play at a 1,030,000-1,060,000 pace and been doing so. But reverted back to some early hammer grabs on bottom hammer, and wasted two lives on silly stuff that I could have sacrificed later on. Almost had a 500k first man until a crap rivet board. Hopefully a million plus soon. I also did a 11k lvl 1-1 so I'll attached it as well. I wasn't streaming on the 11k 1-1. Feels good to be top 50. But won't be there long unless I hit a million.
Your score has been verified...congrats and welcome to the HSL (! Hope to see some more scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on January 25, 2020, 06:05:40 pm
New PB 281,300 wolfmame 217, very little improvement, i was with sinusitis, finally got better, and i was into pacman for a while too... <pacman> <blinky> <Billy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on January 26, 2020, 06:38:01 am
Another level 1-1 PB: 12,500 WolfMAME 0.183 27/1/20
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on January 26, 2020, 12:58:06 pm
Could someone look at this zip of inp/wlf files from a MAME game and let me know if everything looks like it should for a submission to be accepted? I just want to verify I have things set up on MAME correctly so future submissions are acceptable.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 26, 2020, 02:19:28 pm
New PB 281,300 wolfmame 217, very little improvement, i was with sinusitis, finally got better, and i was into pacman for a while too... <pacman> <blinky> <Billy>
Glad you're feeling better and congrats on the PB! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Could someone look at this zip of inp/wlf files from a MAME game and let me know if everything looks like it should for a submission to be accepted? I just want to verify I have things set up on MAME correctly so future submissions are acceptable.
This looks fine to me and would work as a submission. So, whatever you're doing, keep doing that!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on January 26, 2020, 10:07:52 pm
New start PB: 127,600 WolfMAME 0.183 27/1/20
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on January 27, 2020, 03:23:24 pm
Alright, I managed to just crank out my third 100k game ever, and best score at 124k. I've attached my zip file of the relevant mame documents. Let me know if I need to provide anything else.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 29, 2020, 03:46:44 pm
Alright, I managed to just crank out my third 100k game ever, and best score at 124k. I've attached my zip file of the relevant mame documents. Let me know if I need to provide anything else.
This score looks good, so just let me know how you want to listed on the scoreboard and I'll put it up!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on January 29, 2020, 04:16:24 pm
Alright, I managed to just crank out my third 100k game ever, and best score at 124k. I've attached my zip file of the relevant mame documents. Let me know if I need to provide anything else.
This score looks good, so just let me know how you want to listed on the scoreboard and I'll put it up!
You can just list it under my username "dknetter" if that's okay. Also, is there a way to actually replay my own and others wlf/inp files? Do you do that within MAME somehow, or is there a separate program that you have to use? I tried to google search, but not finding clear info...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 29, 2020, 04:54:25 pm
Alright, I managed to just crank out my third 100k game ever, and best score at 124k. I've attached my zip file of the relevant mame documents. Let me know if I need to provide anything else.
This score looks good, so just let me know how you want to listed on the scoreboard and I'll put it up!
You can just list it under my username "dknetter" if that's okay. Also, is there a way to actually replay my own and others wlf/inp files? Do you do that within MAME somehow, or is there a separate program that you have to use? I tried to google search, but not finding clear info...
Ok, added to the HSL (! Congrats! If you're using the 106 GUI, there's an option called "Playback input" under the File menu. If you're using command line, then use the command playback [gamename] [inpname]...e.g., playback dkong dkong. If you're watching other games, you'll need to use whatever WolfMAME version was used to record an INP and use the same command from the command line.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on January 31, 2020, 02:01:32 pm
Lots of new players, get hype!! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on February 01, 2020, 06:21:46 pm
Very little improvement, but its a PB, wolfmame 217 - 290.000
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tilt on February 02, 2020, 03:15:44 pm
Had to take a break due to life. Glad to get a new PB though :)
Pretty deep game for having a death on 3-1! KS any game now, I reckon. Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Fantastic score, sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( (and I went ahead and added your Start score to the Start HSL ( as well). One KS barrel away from 1.13M. <mad> And now you've set the pace for the FeBROary PB challenge.
I'll have to go for a more decent start score next time.
Congrats on the fantastic score and KS, sir. A great last man, a nice escape on L12 rivets, and great patience on L21 rivets to get to the KS. Verified and updated on the HSL ( 1M next!
Unsure if this is even my highest start ever but oh well.
Verified and added to the Start HSL ( If possible, please zip and attach all future INPs to your submission post. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Joel Snavely on February 21, 2020, 04:50:30 am
I have a score submission of 908,200. This was performed on 2/18/20, and the kill screen was reached. (I have previously submitted scores.)
Thank you!
Joel Snavely
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on February 22, 2020, 06:04:56 pm
New high for me - 257k, and no spring deaths.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 23, 2020, 08:50:37 pm
I have a score submission of 908,200. This was performed on 2/18/20, and the kill screen was reached. (I have previously submitted scores.)
Thank you!
Joel Snavely
Congrats on hitting 900k! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Some pretty terrible rivet luck overall, but you handled it like a champ and still came out with a great score. 1M next!
Great progress! With a little refinement on the barrels (watch out when jumping/moving under Kong!), you'll put up some even bigger scores soon. Verified and updated on the HSL (
Thanks Duke. 300k last man. Crazy for me. Skipped the 400 and 500 K's entirely.
Superb effort and huge score jump! That confidence will help carry you to your KS. Just see the game as three or four parts, and visualize the score being reset at 200k for example. It helped me get there, bit of a mind game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 01, 2020, 03:19:15 pm
I have a score submission of 908,200. This was performed on 2/18/20, and the kill screen was reached. (I have previously submitted scores.)
Thank you!
Joel Snavely
Congrats on hitting 900k! Your PB has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Some pretty terrible rivet luck overall, but you handled it like a champ and still came out with a great score. 1M next!
Great score! Was looking pretty dire after that 3rd death, but you powered through and crushed your PB. Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: synthchemist on March 08, 2020, 05:52:00 pm
So I "competed" in the Arcade Wars for Pincadia in Brisbane Australia, I got a 395,000 on the 28th of Feb.
Only evidence is a picture I took. Adam Lee and Tanya Lowe (owner of Pincadia) were also present and are happy to verify.
Hoping that's enough but totally understand if it's not.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KIG666 on March 09, 2020, 02:33:14 pm
Thomas Bauer 03/09/2020 1,132,400 Wolfmameplus 106
Micro pb FailFish oh well soon <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on March 09, 2020, 02:53:08 pm
Holy shit Thomas! You've been grinding so hard. It is great to see you finally had one come together. Anytime you set a PB over 1.1 million you played a helluva game!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 09, 2020, 03:11:00 pm
Thomas Bauer 03/09/2020 1,132,400 Wolfmameplus 106
Micro pb FailFish oh well soon <Allen>
That is actually incredible! Top play man. I've just had a few 600-700k games and just this week dipped into the 800ks and my mind can't even comprehend those scores. You guys got some real skill, nice one!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on March 10, 2020, 07:29:23 am
I would like to submit my score of 1,102,200 points. TKG-3 etc etc..
So I "competed" in the Arcade Wars for Pincadia in Brisbane Australia, I got a 395,000 on the 28th of Feb.
Only evidence is a picture I took. Adam Lee and Tanya Lowe (owner of Pincadia) were also present and are happy to verify.
Hoping that's enough but totally understand if it's not.
Wasn't this being streamed? Thought I saw something on the Netherworld channel. If your game was streamed and the cabs were verified on camera then we can probably put this on the HSL.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 12, 2020, 01:26:31 am
Thomas Bauer 03/09/2020 1,132,400 Wolfmameplus 106
Micro pb FailFish oh well soon <Allen>
A PB is a PB! Congrats sir! An epic last man that went 86 boards and 835,900 points! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Comparison of your 1,131,000 / 1,131,200 / 1,132,400 games (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 12, 2020, 01:33:38 am
"...we're not going to make it to the end, and if we do it's going to be the most glorious end ever."-Tecchio after his 3rd death
And what a glorious end it was. 16 hours after Thomas went 86 boards and 835,900 points to achieve a 1.13M PB, you went 90 boards and 839,100 points to become the first Australian ever to score 1.1M! A truly historic moment, sir. I'm honored to have had the opportunity to verify it and I've updated the HSL ( Please keep going good.
First time to level 11 for me, and new high score of 373k. Halfway to KS?
You're making great progress and have cracked the top 200! Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL (
"...we're not going to make it to the end, and if we do it's going to be the most glorious end ever."-Tecchio after his 3rd death
And what a glorious end it was. 16 hours after Thomas went 86 boards and 835,900 points to achieve a 1.13M PB, you went 90 boards and 839,100 points to become the first Australian ever to score 1.1M! A truly historic moment, sir. I'm honored to have had the opportunity to verify it and I've updated the HSL ( Please keep going good.
To echo what Jeremy said. Matthew, you sir, are a legend! To achieve that score with all men is a true accomplishment for any Konger, but to do most of it with one man...simply outstanding. It was great to watch, grab yourself a cold one!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 15, 2020, 09:27:34 am
So I "competed" in the Arcade Wars for Pincadia in Brisbane Australia, I got a 395,000 on the 28th of Feb.
Only evidence is a picture I took. Adam Lee and Tanya Lowe (owner of Pincadia) were also present and are happy to verify.
Hoping that's enough but totally understand if it's not.
Cracking score! I found that once I got to around 400k, I had a flat spot, and it was due to silly deaths jumping left when on barrel boards. Straight jumping was the key for me to progress to the next milestone.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 16, 2020, 01:22:28 pm
My goal has being accomplished! After a few rocky starts, I began to get the flow with a few 600k games. I then broke my one man PB of 441k with 487k! I could feel 'the' game coming, and was surprisingly calmer than I was usually. A combination of good coffee and rock tunage maybe helped do the trick, and being live in the arcade! ;D
I took many screenshots along the way (a few key ones below), and the final few boards on video. It was horrible going from having music to silence. Why can't phones record and play music at the same time! :'( - I came close to having a dodgy rivet board here and with the sound gone at this point, I had to keep an eye on that damn timer!
- I have bleeped my excitable swearing out as my daughter has my channel on her iPad ;D
Final score - 833,700 with some top hammer pressing. I took a deep breath at 601k with two men in tact, and just imagined myself being at level 5 which helped the tension a lot. 200k with two men is something I can do easily in the early stages, but the mind games always got the best of me.
I was planning on mentioning the DKF community and naming some people who helped me etc but with the brain farting excitement, I totally forgot! I did however mention this place on an earlier stream where I was helping a young lad with some tips, and had a few good games going.
I was exhausted driving home, and had CRT burn of the barrel board behind my eyes when I tried to sleep at 1am when I got home ROFL
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on March 16, 2020, 03:43:00 pm
Congratulations on the killscreen, that is quite an accomplishment. Don't stop there... push onward! I hope to join the list soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 16, 2020, 04:01:03 pm
Congratulations on the killscreen, that is quite an accomplishment. Don't stop there... push onward! I hope to join the list soon.
Thanks dude. Your games are coming along nicely. Feel free to ask any questions in pm or send me snippets of deaths and I'll try offer any advice I've been passed from others or learnt along the way.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on March 16, 2020, 05:33:06 pm
New PB 345,400 wolfmame 217
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 17, 2020, 11:21:20 pm
My goal has being accomplished! After a few rocky starts, I began to get the flow with a few 600k games. I then broke my one man PB of 441k with 487k! I could feel 'the' game coming, and was surprisingly calmer than I was usually. A combination of good coffee and rock tunage maybe helped do the trick, and being live in the arcade! ;D
I took many screenshots along the way (a few key ones below), and the final few boards on video. It was horrible going from having music to silence. Why can't phones record and play music at the same time! :'( - I came close to having a dodgy rivet board here and with the sound gone at this point, I had to keep an eye on that damn timer!
- I have bleeped my excitable swearing out as my daughter has my channel on her iPad ;D
Final score - 833,700 with some top hammer pressing. I took a deep breath at 601k with two men in tact, and just imagined myself being at level 5 which helped the tension a lot. 200k with two men is something I can do easily in the early stages, but the mind games always got the best of me.
I was planning on mentioning the DKF community and naming some people who helped me etc but with the brain farting excitement, I totally forgot! I did however mention this place on an earlier stream where I was helping a young lad with some tips, and had a few good games going.
I was exhausted driving home, and had CRT burn of the barrel board behind my eyes when I tried to sleep at 1am when I got home ROFL
Congrats on the KS, sir! I would've like to have seen a new game started to show lives+bonus setting, but I think the live venue combined with the available video is enough to verify this score. Obviously not much I can do in the way of stats, but L=22 is the stat that matters! Updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 17, 2020, 11:22:24 pm
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Had a great 2nd man...string four of those together and you'll have a KS!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: synthchemist on March 20, 2020, 08:59:20 pm
<Mruczek> [/quote]
Wasn't this being streamed? Thought I saw something on the Netherworld channel. If your game was streamed and the cabs were verified on camera then we can probably put this on the HSL. [/quote]
so when I was playing that game we had issues streaming, other games I played there were streamed however.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on March 22, 2020, 04:22:15 am
OK I think I have done it right this time ;D Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 483,900.
inp is attached and video is here -
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 22, 2020, 04:39:07 am
OK I think I have done it right this time ;D Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 483,900.
inp is attached and video is here -
Nicely done! Make sure you highlight your video on Twitch to stop it being removed. ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on March 22, 2020, 05:50:38 am
It's a wolfmame sub, so the INP is the essential piece, always helps to have any other evidence.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on March 22, 2020, 11:50:58 am
I got a new PB start 131,100: on 3/21/2020. I have recently installed a remix kit in my DDK board. I made a video of that too: Let me know if you want something more.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on March 22, 2020, 07:52:35 pm
OK I think I have done it right this time ;D Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 483,900.
inp is attached and video is here -
Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Probably the deepest game I've seen with a death that early. ;D
I got a new PB start 131,100: on 3/21/2020. I have recently installed a remix kit in my DDK board. I made a video of that too: Let me know if you want something more.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Congrats on hitting 130k!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on March 30, 2020, 01:33:00 am
OK I think I have done it right this time ;D Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 483,900.
inp is attached and video is here -
Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Probably the deepest game I've seen with a death that early. ;D
OK I think I have done it right this time ;D Played on Wolfmame 0.216 Donkey Kong Set 1 with a score of 483,900.
inp is attached and video is here -
Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Probably the deepest game I've seen with a death that early. ;D
Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on April 03, 2020, 11:56:31 am
I've literally only broken 300k the one time for my last high score, but finally had a game come together with a great first man. 539k, and definitely over halfway to the KS now :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DanielDKSolis on April 05, 2020, 02:23:28 pm
Hey, this is Daniel Solis Owner of the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood Arkansas. I would like to submit a new PB that I was able to achieve on 4-4-2020 Here is the full video link:
They say your Donkey Kong game suffers when you hang out with sketchy people like Josh though! <Allen>
Keep killing it!
You are not wrong sir haha <Roy>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on April 06, 2020, 05:40:16 pm
Hello DKF,
Here is my full Twitch stream on my new high score on Donkey Kong from my arcade cabinet.
The 1st game attempt was a bust but my 2nd game results in 789,200 on Level 19. My previous high score is listed on the list at 691,700. This was played on my Donkey Kong TKG4 board and it includes the Remix kit. I do apologize that I do not have footage of inside the cabinet, but I would be more than willing to provide you another video of my cabinet. The high score is saved on my cabinet. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much.
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 06, 2020, 08:01:36 pm
Here is my full Twitch stream on my new high score on Donkey Kong from my arcade cabinet.
The 1st game attempt was a bust but my 2nd game results in 789,200 on Level 19. My previous high score is listed on the list at 691,700. This was played on my Donkey Kong TKG4 board and it includes the Remix kit. I do apologize that I do not have footage of inside the cabinet, but I would be more than willing to provide you another video of my cabinet. The high score is saved on my cabinet. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much.
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
Great score! And yes, please do a walkthrough video of your cabinet (control panel showing 4-way joystick, PCB, etc.) and post it here. See the List Submission Rules ( for more details. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on April 07, 2020, 05:20:32 pm
Thank you for responding back to me. I just completed a video tour just now on Twitch and here is a link to the video.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Michael Massaro
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 09, 2020, 12:57:35 am
I've literally only broken 300k the one time for my last high score, but finally had a game come together with a great first man. 539k, and definitely over halfway to the KS now :)
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Tough ending, but you're well on your way to a KS now.
Hey, this is Daniel Solis Owner of the Vortex Arcade in Sherwood Arkansas. I would like to submit a new PB that I was able to achieve on 4-4-2020 Here is the full video link:
Here is my full Twitch stream on my new high score on Donkey Kong from my arcade cabinet.
The 1st game attempt was a bust but my 2nd game results in 789,200 on Level 19. My previous high score is listed on the list at 691,700. This was played on my Donkey Kong TKG4 board and it includes the Remix kit. I do apologize that I do not have footage of inside the cabinet, but I would be more than willing to provide you another video of my cabinet. The high score is saved on my cabinet. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much.
Thank you for responding back to me. I just completed a video tour just now on Twitch and here is a link to the video.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Michael Massaro
Thank you for the walkthrough...everything looks great! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( (and your Start score of 106k has been added to the Start HSL ( as well). Looks like that KS will come any game now! Oh, and FYI, TKG3 boards are acceptable for submissions as long they're running US Set 1 code.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on April 10, 2020, 06:25:32 am
New Start PB.
10/04/2020 same tkg-4 setup
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on April 13, 2020, 09:21:22 am
Arron Pitchford 845,700 Level 22-1 Mame
I cannot believe it. I have choked so many good games before this. I feel so relieved since I had a massive mental block every time I got past level 12.
Adding the weave pattern into my gameplay more helped my rivets consistency a lot.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on April 13, 2020, 10:23:02 am
Adding the weave pattern into my gameplay more helped my rivets consistency a lot.
Congrats man!!!! The first one is always sweet but it only gets sweeter!!! And yeah, adding the weave to the arsenal is HUGE. Keep going good brother!!! 1m next Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on April 13, 2020, 12:14:00 pm
I cannot believe it. I have choked so many good games before this. I feel so relieved since I had a massive mental block every time I got past level 12.
Adding the weave pattern into my gameplay more helped my rivets consistency a lot.
Nice work man! Thanks for adding the tip about adding in the weave pattern. I struggle with consistency on rivets and probably try to stick too rigid to making the Star pattern work. I hope it's not considered bad form here, but I downloaded the inp to review and try to pick up any tips...especially in terms of any variations you had to take on rivets.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mattbuc16 on April 13, 2020, 03:53:06 pm
Hi. Do posts with attachments require mod approval? Assuming so. I posted one (probably accidentally two -- one without my name) on a submission. Just checking.
Thanks, Matt
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on April 13, 2020, 04:19:39 pm
Nice work man! Thanks for adding the tip about adding in the weave pattern. I struggle with consistency on rivets and probably try to stick too rigid to making the Star pattern work. I hope it's not considered bad form here, but I downloaded the inp to review and try to pick up any tips...especially in terms of any variations you had to take on rivets.
No bad form at all download away! Any problems with playing it back or if lack of rewind is an issue let me know and I will record a video of the playback :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on April 14, 2020, 11:54:45 am
Hi. Do posts with attachments require mod approval? Assuming so. I posted one (probably accidentally two -- one without my name) on a submission. Just checking.
Thanks, Matt
You do not need moderator approval add attachments or links.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on April 14, 2020, 11:56:30 am
I cannot believe it. I have choked so many good games before this. I feel so relieved since I had a massive mental block every time I got past level 12.
Adding the weave pattern into my gameplay more helped my rivets consistency a lot.
Excellent, EXCELLENT job Arron! Looking forward to watching it. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mattbuc16 on April 14, 2020, 05:46:21 pm
Matt Buchholz - 4/13/20 - 249,900
Not a PB but wanted to submit finally to the forums.
inp and wlf attached. WolfMAME .106.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on April 14, 2020, 06:33:30 pm
here's another covid-era pb. 862300, kill screen. wolfMAME0.209, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 4/14/20. inpFile attached.
thanks to everybody streaming & re-focusing lately, including the newer players--y'all got me excited & focused me-self. thank you again, Jry!
Not a PB but wanted to submit finally to the forums.
inp and wlf attached. WolfMAME .106.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on April 15, 2020, 04:01:36 pm
4/13/20 I got a new pb of 910,400
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mattbuc16 on April 15, 2020, 11:56:50 pm
You can ignore my 349,900 from a few days ago. I just put up 434,600 beating last submission (yet checked) by 140K or so.
Matt Buchholz - 4/16/20 - 434,600 - Donkey Kong (WolfMAME .106)
I'm VERY sorry. I thought I'd stopped by INP rec but didn't and have a first score of around 140K. Then did the 434,600. Was also on Twitch at the time, hosted by Lyriell even, if you need me to post that.
Was my first game maybe ever of 200K on my first guy. And had 340K with two guys in cache. I guess I blew it considering that but hope my submission goes in.
wlf and inp attached.
Thanks, Matt
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 16, 2020, 12:45:34 am
Great scores, everyone! I should be finished reviewing them in the next few days. Thanks for your patience!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on April 16, 2020, 08:33:37 am
Great job lately everyone Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on April 16, 2020, 11:12:24 pm
A new level 1-1 PB: 13,000 WolfMAME 0.183 17/4/20
Recently, I found that I could start recording a new inp just by clicking the record button and then Y on the controller without typing in a name every single time, and it would automatically name the file 'inp'.
All this time I had no idea, so I've been using this quicker method of starting recently, but didn't realise it would cause an issue when I renamed the file. It changed the extension to just 'file' instead of 'inp', and the file would no longer play back. I was freaking out, but after a bit of research, found a way to get the inp extension back and found I could play it back again.
Hopefully it's ok.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: synthchemist on April 20, 2020, 09:25:54 am
New Twitch HS of 353,800,
Game starts at: Finishes:
I cannot believe it. I have choked so many good games before this. I feel so relieved since I had a massive mental block every time I got past level 12.
Adding the weave pattern into my gameplay more helped my rivets consistency a lot.
Congrats on hitting the KS milestone! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Hopefully we'll see a 1M+ score next!
You can ignore my 349,900 from a few days ago. I just put up 434,600 beating last submission (yet checked) by 140K or so.
Matt Buchholz - 4/16/20 - 434,600 - Donkey Kong (WolfMAME .106)
I'm VERY sorry. I thought I'd stopped by INP rec but didn't and have a first score of around 140K. Then did the 434,600. Was also on Twitch at the time, hosted by Lyriell even, if you need me to post that.
Was my first game maybe ever of 200K on my first guy. And had 340K with two guys in cache. I guess I blew it considering that but hope my submission goes in.
wlf and inp attached.
Thanks, Matt
Great scores, sir. Both have been verified and the 434k has been added to the HSL ( Hope to see more submissions soon (as well as a permanent highlight of the 434k game)!
Nice PB increase! And now you're in the top 100! Congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( 1M next!
Congrats, sir! Almost didn't verify this one since you beat my score, but I went ahead and did it anyway. Updated on the HSL ( Kappa Anyway, I reckon it's time for you to double-hammer a full game and get that 1M!
Recently, I found that I could start recording a new inp just by clicking the record button and then Y on the controller without typing in a name every single time, and it would automatically name the file 'inp'.
All this time I had no idea, so I've been using this quicker method of starting recently, but didn't realise it would cause an issue when I renamed the file. It changed the extension to just 'file' instead of 'inp', and the file would no longer play back. I was freaking out, but after a bit of research, found a way to get the inp extension back and found I could play it back again.
INPs look fine! Congrats on joining the 13k and 130k clubs! Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 21, 2020, 11:04:54 pm
I promised him gelati if he could beat his PB on one last attempt... little monkey made it happen.
So please ignore the last entry, here is his most recent entry.
Great job, Noah! These scores have been verified and the 23k has been added to the HSL ( Keep at it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mattbuc16 on May 03, 2020, 03:42:22 pm
Matt Buchholz - 5/3/20 - 513,700 (My new PB!!!)
INP and WLF attached. WolfMAME 106. Yes, 106. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on May 04, 2020, 06:46:52 pm
Hi Folks, I would like to submit a new PB of 174,300 that I achieved yesterday (4th May, 2020). The following Twitch stream is the evidence starting at time stamp 05:05. After the game, I then recorded my 60-in-1 cab, controller and board etc as evidence of compliance to all rules and regs:
Thanks folks, kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on May 05, 2020, 12:40:36 am
Hell to the yes Super T KONG-GRATS on pb.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 05, 2020, 10:35:04 pm
New submission for Noah Tecchio from 1st of May, 2020.
Hi Folks, I would like to submit a new PB of 174,300 that I achieved yesterday (4th May, 2020). The following Twitch stream is the evidence starting at time stamp 05:05. After the game, I then recorded my 60-in-1 cab, controller and board etc as evidence of compliance to all rules and regs:
Thanks folks, kind regards, Tanya.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 11, 2020, 04:45:35 pm
Scott Cunningham 136,200 May 19, 2020 WolfMAME 0.220
Might have been a 140k start, had I not experimented with a reverse weave on the Level 01 rivets.
As for the rest of the game (only 10 additional boards), don't ask.
The INP file has been zipped and attached.
Not any worse than my Level 2 death in my recent Crazy Kong KS (and I'm sure you're the only person who had the pleasure of watching). Kappa Verified and updated on the Start HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 20, 2020, 04:45:18 pm
Died after bottom hammer on 21-5. Bittersweet. Will highlight the Twitch stream and put it on YT soon. Much more to come!
Epic game, sir. So close to 1.2 and a shot at passing Dean. Next game will be the one! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Scott Cunningham 138,100 May 24, 2020 WolfMAME Version 0.220
After suffering back-to-back deaths on the Level 5-2 pies, I killed off the game in disgust.
The INP file has been zipped and attached.
And I verified this game and updated the Start HSL ( in disgust as well. Kappa Congrats, sir. Keep going good.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on May 26, 2020, 08:26:54 pm
I would like to submit my new PB of 1,027,700 @ ( Thank you Daniel Solis for getting me into DK and making sure all our DK machines are always running perfect! Thank you everyone for all the support! Thank you Jry for the verifications and JC for this platform for our scores!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on May 26, 2020, 08:45:28 pm
BBB buddy KONG-GRATS Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on May 26, 2020, 08:49:51 pm
time to update those bios, jmay! the hard work pays off!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on May 26, 2020, 08:59:13 pm
Awesome, Josh. Who needs 900k, right? Just around the bend in Arkansas, yeah.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on May 26, 2020, 09:11:04 pm
Way to go Josh! Congratulations! I knew this was coming
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on May 26, 2020, 09:43:10 pm
I would like to submit my new PB of 1,027,700 @ ( Thank you Daniel Solis for getting me into DK and making sure all our DK machines are always running perfect! Thank you everyone for all the support! Thank you Jry for the verifications and JC for this platform for our scores!
Thanks everyone!! Sorry Jry game starts around 1:52
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 27, 2020, 12:00:34 am
I would like to submit my new PB of 1,027,700 @ ( Thank you Daniel Solis for getting me into DK and making sure all our DK machines are always running perfect! Thank you everyone for all the support! Thank you Jry for the verifications and JC for this platform for our scores!
Well done, sir! The first new million of 2020 and a jump of over 50 places on the HSL (! And all with only one screw in your restrictor screw away from a DQ! Kappa Get that thing screwed in there and go for 1.1M!
I would like to submit my new PB of 1,027,700 @ ( Thank you Daniel Solis for getting me into DK and making sure all our DK machines are always running perfect! Thank you everyone for all the support! Thank you Jry for the verifications and JC for this platform for our scores!
Great score. I am glad I got to catch the end live. Congratulations.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: BillyGaines on May 27, 2020, 12:57:49 pm
Kongrats Josh! Now there are 3 Arkansas guys over 1M. Just like your 1st Kill screen I just happened to catch the end of it. I'm impressed with the progress you've make and very happy for you. You're a classy dude.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on May 27, 2020, 01:31:33 pm
Kongrats, Josh! That's a huge PB jump! Completely skipped the 900k range!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on May 27, 2020, 01:48:25 pm
Kongrats Josh!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on May 27, 2020, 07:48:26 pm
Paul, James, Flob, Billy, and Barra!! Thank you guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on May 28, 2020, 03:47:51 pm
Kongrats Josh
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on May 28, 2020, 07:49:01 pm
Thank you Jeff sir
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on May 29, 2020, 09:18:44 pm
I streamed today for the first time in about 10 months and I didn't think a PB was even a possibility but I guess I was wrong!! I am happy to post that I reached a new PB of 334200. I hope the inp is how it needs to be for verification. It was also streamed live on Twitch so I will include the link for that below as well. At the end of the video I also showed the 4-way plate again just because it has been awhile.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on May 30, 2020, 10:06:55 am
I guess I should include this info as well: Taylor Braun Previous PB of 304800 Mame 0207.7z
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 31, 2020, 06:02:18 am
I would like to submit a 'start' score.
140,400. TKG-4. 31/05/2020.
If it's possible, would I be able to get the stats for this game in My pace has improved greatly the past week and I'm led to believe this is a 1.23ish pace?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on May 31, 2020, 06:19:48 am
great work, Matt!
i've been trying to contemplate what start "pace" has to do with L5+ "pace" ever since i started getting the cool .png files from Jry, and the starting points for pace at the beginning of L5 don't seem consistent at all (?over time?), as shown in those .png files. yet, i don't blame ya, cuz it seems quite subjective, doesn't it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 31, 2020, 06:35:02 am
Cheers man,
Was more interested in the long term pace of that game, not the pace at the 'start'
But yes, I get that it's very subjective when you have 1.2 games with a 125k starts, etc.
Still, feels good :D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on May 31, 2020, 01:50:02 pm
Great start Matt! One question: How the hell did you do this without Rizzo? Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 31, 2020, 06:29:53 pm
I streamed today for the first time in about 10 months and I didn't think a PB was even a possibility but I guess I was wrong!! I am happy to post that I reached a new PB of 334200. I hope the inp is how it needs to be for verification. It was also streamed live on Twitch so I will include the link for that below as well. At the end of the video I also showed the 4-way plate again just because it has been awhile.
If it's possible, would I be able to get the stats for this game in My pace has improved greatly the past week and I'm led to believe this is a 1.23ish pace?
Your Start score of 140,800 has been verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats! Pretty early in the game, but still bbb.
i've been trying to contemplate what start "pace" has to do with L5+ "pace" ever since i started getting the cool .png files from Jry, and the starting points for pace at the beginning of L5 don't seem consistent at all (?over time?), as shown in those .png files. yet, i don't blame ya, cuz it seems quite subjective, doesn't it.
There is no real "pace" after the Start. However it does give an indication of what kind of pace/final score the player is aiming for. The Start itself is sort of a mini-game and the Start score is the base score used in calculating pace (basically, Start + (Level Average*17) + Death Points). But for those interested, here is some data regarding Start scores and final KS scores for 251 games:
Start Score (excluding deaths) vs. Final Score (at killscreen) (;topic=364.0;attach=5974)
Start Score 5k Range (excluding deaths) vs. Final Score Range (;topic=364.0;attach=5976)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: naujoks on June 06, 2020, 02:24:41 am
I'd like to submit my first DK score. Name: Martin Knizia 778,100 points, played on arcade. YouTube video here: Board version number can briefly be seen seen at 01:35:53
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: naujoks on June 06, 2020, 02:28:13 am
PS: Achieved 05 July 2020
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on June 06, 2020, 02:46:44 am
Well done, Martin. Almost got to the killscreen.
Try not to rush that transition and you've got it!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 06, 2020, 02:02:59 pm
I'd like to submit my first DK score. Name: Martin Knizia 778,100 points, played on arcade. YouTube video here: Board version number can briefly be seen seen at 01:35:53
Great score, sir. Can you also film the underside of the control panel so we can see the 4-way restrictor plate on the joystick? Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: naujoks on June 06, 2020, 03:10:21 pm
Yes, certainly! The video is here:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on June 07, 2020, 05:16:30 pm
New PB for Noah Tecchio
TKG-4 7/06/2020
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on June 09, 2020, 05:44:46 pm
New PB and Killscreen!!! 919,400. Here is the twitch highlight stream and recording. I verified the dips, board and control panel at the end. Get it going Jeremy! Proud moment today. Enjoy...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on June 09, 2020, 06:28:47 pm
I think this is the link with the full verification at the end Jeremy for reference...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on June 09, 2020, 07:51:11 pm
Great job! Welcome to the killscreen club! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on June 09, 2020, 08:08:23 pm
sweet, Steve, way to go! my only twitch friend, haha. :-[
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on June 09, 2020, 08:45:32 pm
Congratulations Steve! Damn good game.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on June 09, 2020, 09:42:02 pm
Kongrats, Steve! It's been a long time coming! Million soon, I reckon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mrvaya on June 10, 2020, 08:56:46 am
Well done Steve!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on June 10, 2020, 09:12:05 am
Nice job Steve - congrats on the KS!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 10, 2020, 01:26:08 pm
Congratulations Steve!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 10, 2020, 03:07:07 pm
I'd like to submit my first DK score. Name: Martin Knizia 778,100 points, played on arcade. YouTube video here: Board version number can briefly be seen seen at 01:35:53
I'd like to submit my first DK score. Name: Martin Knizia 778,100 points, played on arcade. YouTube video here: Board version number can briefly be seen seen at 01:35:53
Great score, sir. Can you also film the underside of the control panel so we can see the 4-way restrictor plate on the joystick? Thanks!
Great score, sir! Verified and added to the HSL ( (and I assume you meant June 5, not July 5 :) ). You're obviously knocking on the door of a KS, so I expect we'll see one soon! And sorry for making you film the joystick again. I realized later that you did it in the first video. FailFish
New PB and Killscreen!!! 919,400. Here is the twitch highlight stream and recording. I verified the dips, board and control panel at the end. Get it going Jeremy! Proud moment today. Enjoy...
I think this is the link with the full verification at the end Jeremy for reference...
Well done, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( The most important thing, as you alluded to, is that you've widened the gap between you and <Allen>. 1M+ next!
bbb! Verified and updated on the Start HSL (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 13, 2020, 12:09:53 pm
I streamed yesterday and improved my PB by 2000 with a score of 336200. I had two horrible deaths on pies, if I would have saved those lives this game had the potential to be pretty big. I think my score is enough to move me up 2 spots so I figured I would submit it. I'm happy with my progress and feel like I'm getting more consistent overall.
Taylor Braun Mame 0207.7z
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 15, 2020, 04:11:21 pm
Disregard my last post, hit a new PB of 367900 today. I will post it shortly.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 15, 2020, 08:31:24 pm
Taylor Braun Mame 0207.7z
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 16, 2020, 02:25:12 pm
Alright I'm probably getting annoying but........ I just hit another PB lol. 374300. Congrats to Lakeman on the new WR.
Taylor Braun 16JUN2020 Mame 0207.7z
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on June 16, 2020, 08:41:10 pm
Congrats, sir! Your NWR has been verified and updated on the HSL ( You can see more in Riley's congrats thread (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 17, 2020, 12:16:30 am
I streamed yesterday and improved my PB by 2000 with a score of 336200. I had two horrible deaths on pies, if I would have saved those lives this game had the potential to be pretty big. I think my score is enough to move me up 2 spots so I figured I would submit it. I'm happy with my progress and feel like I'm getting more consistent overall.
Taylor Braun Mame 0207.7z
Alright I'm probably getting annoying but........ I just hit another PB lol. 374300. Congrats to Lakeman on the new WR.
Taylor Braun 16JUN2020 Mame 0207.7z
Well, you're getting some consistent scores! You should be due for a breakout game any day now. All these scores have been verified and the HSL ( has been updated with the 374k. Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TempestJCM on June 18, 2020, 10:32:00 pm
First-time score submission.
John Mues 97,700 6/18/2020 WolfMAME 0.221
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: afatherlykong on June 19, 2020, 08:16:29 pm
I'd like to submit a first score submission 147,200 Run starts 57:20 Verification at 1:45:50
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DennyDevito on June 21, 2020, 06:40:05 am
Hi first time caller, long time listener (loljks, brand newbie on DKF :D)
Please see link to my first submission for 294400 points on DK Arcade. This was completed on my DK cabinet at home, finished the build in feb.
When I was filming the inside of my cab, I unlocked the 'focus lock' feature on my Pixel 4 to get a better focus on my TKG-4 PCB... Which then started a new video :( dang it. The link to the second vid is here Note: To view the hardware, like all cabs you can take the CP off (my CP is from Mikes) but you don't have a lot of play in the wiring loom at present - Working on that :) in the meantime, it's easier to get on in there and get a decent video of the hardware. In both videos you can see the same score, pretty cheesed off the phone started a new video, but the record quality was great but still... Bummer
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on June 21, 2020, 08:20:40 am
Hi first time caller, long time listener (loljks, brand newbie on DKF :D)
Please see link to my first submission for 294400 points on DK Arcade. This was completed on my DK cabinet at home, finished the build in feb.
When I was filming the inside of my cab, I unlocked the 'focus lock' feature on my Pixel 4 to get a better focus on my TKG-4 PCB... Which then started a new video :( dang it. The link to the second vid is here Note: To view the hardware, like all cabs you can take the CP off (my CP is from Mikes) but you don't have a lot of play in the wiring loom at present - Working on that :) in the meantime, it's easier to get on in there and get a decent video of the hardware. In both videos you can see the same score, pretty cheesed off the phone started a new video, but the record quality was great but still... Bummer
Welcome Dennis! Nice score!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on June 21, 2020, 09:49:56 am
KONG-GRATS on the scores everyone.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on June 21, 2020, 03:45:39 pm
Indeed, great work everyone Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DennyDevito on June 22, 2020, 01:43:36 am
Hi first time caller, long time listener (loljks, brand newbie on DKF :D)
Please see link to my first submission for 294400 points on DK Arcade. This was completed on my DK cabinet at home, finished the build in feb.
When I was filming the inside of my cab, I unlocked the 'focus lock' feature on my Pixel 4 to get a better focus on my TKG-4 PCB... Which then started a new video :( dang it. The link to the second vid is here Note: To view the hardware, like all cabs you can take the CP off (my CP is from Mikes) but you don't have a lot of play in the wiring loom at present - Working on that :) in the meantime, it's easier to get on in there and get a decent video of the hardware. In both videos you can see the same score, pretty cheesed off the phone started a new video, but the record quality was great but still... Bummer
Welcome Dennis! Nice score!!
Thanks JMayden81 ! Among some epic players here <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DennyDevito on June 22, 2020, 03:04:54 am
I'd like to submit a first score submission 147,200 Run starts 57:20 Verification at 1:45:50
Looks good! Verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! Make sure you highlight your streams to make the video permanent. Past broadcasts get deleted after a couple weeks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 22, 2020, 11:31:14 pm
Hi first time caller, long time listener (loljks, brand newbie on DKF :D)
Please see link to my first submission for 294400 points on DK Arcade. This was completed on my DK cabinet at home, finished the build in feb.
When I was filming the inside of my cab, I unlocked the 'focus lock' feature on my Pixel 4 to get a better focus on my TKG-4 PCB... Which then started a new video :( dang it. The link to the second vid is here Note: To view the hardware, like all cabs you can take the CP off (my CP is from Mikes) but you don't have a lot of play in the wiring loom at present - Working on that :) in the meantime, it's easier to get on in there and get a decent video of the hardware. In both videos you can see the same score, pretty cheesed off the phone started a new video, but the record quality was great but still... Bummer
Welcome! No problem with the video, so your score has been verified and added to the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on June 23, 2020, 03:37:00 pm
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe, would like to submit a new PB and a new cab recording. The new PB is 209,800 on a genuine DK Arcade cab (in my home) achieved yesterday (23/06/2020), streamed live via Twitch on the following link:
The game starts at timestamp 1:02:33 and concludes at 1:34:15 where the cab recording starts and ends at 1:43:00 with lots of cheering on my own part along the way (sorry about that). I can confirm that this score and my cab conforms to all rules.
Thanks so much guys and if there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on June 23, 2020, 04:33:23 pm
Great job Super T. I feel asleep I can't believe it. So happy for you. Welcome to the 200k club.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on June 23, 2020, 06:01:38 pm
Wooo great job Tanya!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 23, 2020, 11:38:39 pm
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe, would like to submit a new PB and a new cab recording. The new PB is 209,800 on a genuine DK Arcade cab (in my home) achieved yesterday (23/06/2020), streamed live via Twitch on the following link:
The game starts at timestamp 1:02:33 and concludes at 1:34:15 where the cab recording starts and ends at 1:43:00 with lots of cheering on my own part along the way (sorry about that). I can confirm that this score and my cab conforms to all rules.
Thanks so much guys and if there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Kind regards, Tanya.
Congrats! Cab looks good so your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( 300k and beyond!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on June 24, 2020, 04:09:57 am
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe, would like to submit a new PB and a new cab recording. The new PB is 209,800 on a genuine DK Arcade cab (in my home) achieved yesterday (23/06/2020), streamed live via Twitch on the following link:
The game starts at timestamp 1:02:33 and concludes at 1:34:15 where the cab recording starts and ends at 1:43:00 with lots of cheering on my own part along the way (sorry about that). I can confirm that this score and my cab conforms to all rules.
Thanks so much guys and if there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Kind regards, Tanya.
great score Tanya!! Well done! Congrats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on June 24, 2020, 05:49:11 am
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe, would like to submit a new PB and a new cab recording. The new PB is 209,800 on a genuine DK Arcade cab (in my home) achieved yesterday (23/06/2020), streamed live via Twitch on the following link:
The game starts at timestamp 1:02:33 and concludes at 1:34:15 where the cab recording starts and ends at 1:43:00 with lots of cheering on my own part along the way (sorry about that). I can confirm that this score and my cab conforms to all rules.
Thanks so much guys and if there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Kind regards, Tanya.
YAY MOM!!!! Congratuations!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: afatherlykong on June 24, 2020, 07:58:31 pm
Hi Guys
I've reached another Personal Best of 273,200 on a cabinet while streaming and i'd like to submit it
Stream has been highlighted on twitch
Run starts at 1:57:33
Verification happens at 2:50:30
Thank You, Jeremy for everything you do.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on June 25, 2020, 04:23:27 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tjb3531 on June 26, 2020, 02:09:09 pm
Good Afternoon! I wanted to submit a new HS Start PB from a few days ago and a new PB from today. Both are Mame 0207.7z.
Taylor Braun HS Start 22JUN2020 108500
PB 410000
One of my goals was to beat Steve Sanders so I have finally done it officially lol. <Sanders>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JasonV91 on June 28, 2020, 11:42:52 pm
816,600 (kill screen) - WolfMAME 0.185
Took a couple of days of grinding, but got the KS goal. This score is not my PB, but that game ended on 21-3 - as I recently KSed CK, DK was my only missing requirement for rank D, so I didn't worry about points here, just wanted to make it to the end...from here on out, any further play will be for a new PB.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on June 29, 2020, 07:10:50 am
Welcome to the club Jason. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 29, 2020, 09:57:34 pm
Good Afternoon! I wanted to submit a new HS Start PB from a few days ago and a new PB from today. Both are Mame 0207.7z.
Taylor Braun HS Start 22JUN2020 108500
PB 410000
One of my goals was to beat Steve Sanders so I have finally done it officially lol. <Sanders>
Great scores! Both have been verified and updated on the Start HSL ( and Main HSL ( Keep going good! summary for 410k (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 29, 2020, 10:03:14 pm
Took a couple of days of grinding, but got the KS goal. This score is not my PB, but that game ended on 21-3 - as I recently KSed CK, DK was my only missing requirement for rank D, so I didn't worry about points here, just wanted to make it to the end...from here on out, any further play will be for a new PB.
Congrats on the KS! Verified, but as it's not a PB, there's nothing to update on the HSL. So let's all just head on over to the DK Masters thread ( and continue the celebration!
Congrats on the KS! Verified, but as it's not a PB, there's nothing to update on the HSL. So let's all just head on over to the DK Masters thread ( and continue the celebration!
Appreciate the stats Jry - next time, the HSL will update as well!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on July 02, 2020, 06:43:37 pm
Got a new PB start tonight while grinding tonight. 128,600. Been trying to increase my pace after having two games fall short of a million. Took a break for a little while. Been having back issues/pinched nerve in my left shoulder area which sucks for DK play and switched over to playing on a keyboard instead of my mayflash f500 with sanwa stick/buttons. Hope to get a million+ soon
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on July 04, 2020, 01:27:10 am
Been a very long time since I've been on this thread to submit a score... nearly 4 years. But with that said, I am officially submitting a score of 856,600!
Run begins at 51:45, run ends at 2:54:11... it was a two hour run?? That surprises even me!! Verification at 2:57:05 (I may or may not have been rather excited :D)
Run is highlighted for historical purposes.
Jeremy, thank you in advance.
Josh, thank you for getting me back on the grind, and Dan, thank you for believing in me :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on July 04, 2020, 06:23:55 am
Been a very long time since I've been on this thread to submit a score... nearly 4 years. But with that said, I am officially submitting a score of 856,600!
Run begins at 51:45, run ends at 2:54:11... it was a two hour run?? That surprises even me!! Verification at 2:57:05 (I may or may not have been rather excited :D)
Run is highlighted for historical purposes.
Jeremy, thank you in advance.
Josh, thank you for getting me back on the grind, and Dan, thank you for believing in me :)
great Job Andrew buddayyy!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on July 04, 2020, 09:21:17 am
Kongrats Andrew, keep it up
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shamrock on July 05, 2020, 08:37:43 pm
Posting twice in two days? This must be a new PB for me! ;)
Anyways, submitting a 109,200 Start for the Start HS List.
Run starts as the video starts, the Start itself ends at 17:57, unfortunately it was a decent run that went to 511k so the verification isn't until 1:18:30
Video is highlighted for historical purposes
Jry, thank you in advance <3
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 08, 2020, 01:06:39 am
Been a very long time since I've been on this thread to submit a score... nearly 4 years. But with that said, I am officially submitting a score of 856,600!
Run begins at 51:45, run ends at 2:54:11... it was a two hour run?? That surprises even me!! Verification at 2:57:05 (I may or may not have been rather excited :D)
Run is highlighted for historical purposes.
Jeremy, thank you in advance.
Josh, thank you for getting me back on the grind, and Dan, thank you for believing in me :)
Congrats on the PB! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Looks like you're working on some bigger scores, so I hope we see them soon! (I'll be watching your Start submission soon.)
Got a new PB start tonight while grinding tonight. 128,600. Been trying to increase my pace after having two games fall short of a million. Took a break for a little while. Been having back issues/pinched nerve in my left shoulder area which sucks for DK play and switched over to playing on a keyboard instead of my mayflash f500 with sanwa stick/buttons. Hope to get a million+ soon
Great Start score, sir. Verified and updated on the Start HSL ( Big PB coming. Hope your back/shoulder feel better soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 10, 2020, 12:44:07 am
Posting twice in two days? This must be a new PB for me! ;)
Anyways, submitting a 109,200 Start for the Start HS List.
Run starts as the video starts, the Start itself ends at 17:57, unfortunately it was a decent run that went to 511k so the verification isn't until 1:18:30
Run begins about 45 seconds in, the start itself ends at 18:24. Verification at 44:05 (or so)
Video has been highlighted for historical porpoises :)
Thanks in advance Jry <3
These Start scores have been verified and the 112k has been updated on the Start HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on July 11, 2020, 07:28:13 pm
New PB!! Getting closer to my goal but worth submitting to get this on the board for now...963,000 with verification at the end...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on July 11, 2020, 09:03:11 pm
New PB!! Getting closer to my goal but worth submitting to get this on the board for now...963,000 with verification at the end...
GG Steve!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on July 11, 2020, 09:06:56 pm
I would like to submit a new Start PB I got today 7.11.2020 of 124,600 ( thanks always Jeremy sir -Josh
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 12, 2020, 04:45:28 am
got em phil
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 12, 2020, 04:52:07 am
inp usually helps FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on July 12, 2020, 05:09:20 am
New PB!! Getting closer to my goal but worth submitting to get this on the board for now...963,000 with verification at the end...
Great score, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( 1M is within your sights...
I would like to submit a new Start PB I got today 7.11.2020 of 124,600 ( thanks always Jeremy sir -Josh
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 13, 2020, 10:47:46 pm
That's a score we've all been waiting a long time to see...congrats! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Puts you at #15 all-time and #7 all-time on MAME. Very close to the 1.13M threshold for DK Masters...but this score actually improves your Rank Score! Keep going good sir.
Thought it might be the one, but also this game is notoriously tragic ROFL
Tough ending, but an absolutely epic 2nd man. I think you may have been able to clear that last rivet if you didn't do the little ladder juke right at the very end. But oh'll get 'em next time. Verified and updated on the HSL!
Yes, if you'd like to make an official submission, please include the video. If you're on arcade, make sure you do the cab walkthrough for your first submission as well. See the List Submission Rules ( for more info.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 16, 2020, 12:57:00 am
no hammer 14/7/20 496600 wolfmame 221
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 16, 2020, 05:25:47 pm
Man, that 5-6 death. Think you have an open path and then the fireball wins like 10 coin flips in a row. And we'll just pretend that last death didn't happen. :) Anyway, verified and updated on the No-Hammer HSL ( Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on July 16, 2020, 05:58:31 pm
Man, that 5-6 death. Think you have an open path and then the fireball wins like 10 coin flips in a row. And we'll just pretend that last death didn't happen. :) Anyway, verified and updated on the No-Hammer HSL ( Congrats!
It was my first no hammer game in a long time and the game was being so nice but I managed to throw it away FailFish
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TempestJCM on July 17, 2020, 10:41:05 pm
Ugh...those springs deaths. <Allen> In any event, a new PB for me.
John Mues 121,500 7/17/2020 WolfMAME 0.222
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: KongKlub on July 19, 2020, 01:43:43 am
Happy to submit my first score to DKF after a new PB tonight.
Jacob Ashley 468,900 7/19/20 WolfMAME 0.219
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on July 19, 2020, 09:55:15 am
That's a pretty good score Jacob. I definitely see you eventually hitting the killscreen. You're already over halfway there!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on July 19, 2020, 10:35:18 am
Second PB in 2 weeks. Oh soooo close to the Mil, but 998,700!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on July 19, 2020, 12:29:21 pm
Second PB in 2 weeks. Oh soooo close to the Mil, but 998,700!!!
Oh, wow, you are the new Estel. So so close to the million point game! It's amazing how much the top 50 has improved in this game. You really have to be top notch just to crack the top 50 anymore.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on July 19, 2020, 09:16:59 pm
I cracked it. #46 I think now when verified? But yeah the bar has been raised. <Wiebe>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on July 20, 2020, 01:29:01 pm
Submitting for start PB, since I've never done it before, 109,600
link to twitch video is here: ( level 5 ends at 1:18
Game done on my cab that current high score PB was submitted on.
New PB!! Getting closer to my goal but worth submitting to get this on the board for now...963,000 with verification at the end...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on July 20, 2020, 09:03:40 pm
Happy to submit my first score to DKF after a new PB tonight.
Jacob Ashley 468,900 7/19/20 WolfMAME 0.219
Great to see you submitting to DKF, Jacob! Your PB has been verified and added to the HSL ( For my own sanity, if you choose to submit more MAME scores in the future, please only include one attempt in the INP. And please make a highlight of your Twitch videos so it can remain a permanent source (INP is the gold standard for MAME submissions, so you're fine anyway).
Second PB in 2 weeks. Oh soooo close to the Mil, but 998,700!!!
Kreygasm BibleThump Kreygasm
So close...a couple more bottom hammers...But you're basically there, sir. Any game now. Make sure to highlight that game so the video remains permanent.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Verified and added to the Start HSL (! Congrats! Make sure to highlight that score so the video remains permanent.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 20, 2020, 11:23:22 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on July 21, 2020, 03:35:36 pm
BEHOLD!! IT IS DONE...1,001,800 right before the end of round 2. 3 PB's during the course of the tournament but this one is the sweetest. Woooo.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on July 21, 2020, 03:53:14 pm
Bravo Steve, well done sir.
And well done Abigail too.
Hats off all round Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: lakeman421 on July 21, 2020, 04:31:28 pm
BEHOLD!! IT IS DONE...1,001,800 right before the end of round 2. 3 PB's during the course of the tournament but this one is the sweetest. Woooo.
Congrats, Steve!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 22, 2020, 04:20:37 pm
Stabby! Welcome to DKF and thanks for submitting your first score! It has been verified and added to the HSL ( Pretty clean run until level 6...hopefully we'll see some bigger scores soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 22, 2020, 04:23:45 pm
BEHOLD!! IT IS DONE...1,001,800 right before the end of round 2. 3 PB's during the course of the tournament but this one is the sweetest. Woooo.
Congrats sir! Didn't take long at all after the 998k! :D You're only our 2nd new million point player of 2020 as well! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on July 22, 2020, 05:03:37 pm
congrats on the 1M, Steve! good job, Abigail.
new pb, 902,500, 21-6, so no killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.221, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 7/22/20. inpFile attached. thank you again, Jry!
new pb, 902,500, 21-6, so no killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.221, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 7/22/20. inpFile attached. thank you again, Jry!
ironic, the mis-timing of my steering was appalling for much of the game. got away with it.
Well done, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( It's all about PBs now, not KSs, so a big 40k increase and hitting 900k is definitely a good day. Killer 2nd man as well...half your score basically.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: kongKat on July 25, 2020, 05:38:43 pm
Hello all, I would like to submit a new pb of 170,200 done today 7.25.2020 the Highlighted video is here ( Thanks-Katherine Capuson
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 25, 2020, 11:41:17 pm
Hello all, I would like to submit a new pb of 170,200 done today 7.25.2020 the Highlighted video is here ( Thanks-Katherine Capuson
Welcome to DKF, Katherine! The video is pretty choppy, but good enough for a submission, I reckon. So, your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! Another Vortex legend in the making?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: RodRov on July 26, 2020, 08:02:58 am
New PB 368,900 wolfmame 217... first 3 deaths i really noobed, but the last death some lag occured while i jumped the rivet and it didnt connect the jump press and i kept pressing left, man its been hard to achieve the 400k...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on July 26, 2020, 02:06:52 pm
Hello all, I would like to submit a new pb of 170,200 done today 7.25.2020 the Highlighted video is here ( Thanks-Katherine Capuson
Welcome to DKF, Katherine! The video is pretty choppy, but good enough for a submission, I reckon. So, your score has been verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! Another Vortex legend in the making?!
J-May was right there with her. I nominate him for DK Coach of the Year award. That's a thing, right?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: kongKat on July 26, 2020, 10:04:21 pm
thank you and we are working on my stream in to hope we fix it from being choppy next time. and yes j-may is a relay good dk coach. and i hope to be submitting again soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jwade614 on July 27, 2020, 11:42:56 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 27, 2020, 10:39:13 pm
New PB 368,900 wolfmame 217... first 3 deaths i really noobed, but the last death some lag occured while i jumped the rivet and it didnt connect the jump press and i kept pressing left, man its been hard to achieve the 400k...
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! The 400k will come soon!
"Hi, I got a 23k PB and scored 1.166M...and my ranking is still the same." BibleThump Top 10 so spicy. Great score, sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Please continue to good and get them.
Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats! Good last man, so string some of those together and you'll have a breakout game!
New PB 482,900 wolfmame 217, i think im starting to believe... :) <pacman> (please disregard the above)
400k! And a great first man in the 398k game...tough ending though. Both these scores have been verified and the HSL ( has been updated with the 482k.
Wasn't planning on submitting this as I'm not done yet, but the mates suggested I add it to the list...more to come.
Great score, sir. I can maybe see why you wouldn't want to submit it, but I'm glad you did! Catapults you into the top 100 and obviously the 1M is very close. Interestingly, your previous 845k PB also ended on 21-3. <mad> Verified and updated on the HSL (, and I've updated the Start HSL ( with your 113k Start from this game. Continue to go good.
Great score, sir. I can maybe see why you wouldn't want to submit it, but I'm glad you did! Catapults you into the top 100 and obviously the 1M is very close. Interestingly, your previous 845k PB also ended on 21-3. <mad>
Yep, slightly annoying game, especially my brain-dead finish, but I will be back...thanks for the stats sir!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on August 15, 2020, 01:44:19 pm
I can't believe it - finally hit it! 870,200 KS
Started trying to get better after getting the "real" version of the game for the Switch after getting that for the kids for 7ish months of working to get better. Thanks to Xelnia and all the others on this forum for the pdf guide, informative posts, and place to get feedback!
Xelnia, could enter my name as "Jason N/dknetter" or something like that? Also, could I have a L22 badge please?!?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dknetter on August 15, 2020, 01:49:09 pm
Started trying to get better after getting the "real" version of the game for the Switch after getting that for the kids for 7ish months of working to get better. Thanks to Xelnia and all the others on this forum for the pdf guide, informative posts, and place to get feedback!
Xelnia, could enter my name as "Jason N/dknetter" or something like that? Also, could I have a L22 badge please?!?!
I'm too excited to even get the score right - 820,700 is what it was.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 15, 2020, 07:44:18 pm
Started trying to get better after getting the "real" version of the game for the Switch after getting that for the kids for 7ish months of working to get better. Thanks to Xelnia and all the others on this forum for the pdf guide, informative posts, and place to get feedback!
Xelnia, could enter my name as "Jason N/dknetter" or something like that? Also, could I have a L22 badge please?!?!
Started trying to get better after getting the "real" version of the game for the Switch after getting that for the kids for 7ish months of working to get better. Thanks to Xelnia and all the others on this forum for the pdf guide, informative posts, and place to get feedback!
Xelnia, could enter my name as "Jason N/dknetter" or something like that? Also, could I have a L22 badge please?!?!
I'm too excited to even get the score right - 820,700 is what it was.
Killscreen! Congrats! An epic last man gives you a huge PB increase and nearly a top 100 score! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Now for 900k and beyond!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 15, 2020, 07:48:41 pm
KONGrats on the first killscreen! Badge hype
Its so sick that someone's first killscreen still doesn't get them inside the top 100
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tudose on August 15, 2020, 07:52:07 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Les.coffman on August 15, 2020, 10:27:38 pm
Well I feel like I have to submit this because I have been trying so hard to get better a point pressing to shoot for the 1 Million Club. The practice has not been going good. I have seen 1-1 way too many times with nothing to show for it until finally tonight. Though I quickly through the game away. Here's my new 1-1 PB. 11300. The twitch link is and I have attached the inp as well. Game was played on Wolfmame 2.07 using DK controller.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 15, 2020, 10:53:01 pm
Well I feel like I have to submit this because I have been trying so hard to get better a point pressing to shoot for the 1 Million Club. The practice has not been going good. I have seen 1-1 way too many times with nothing to show for it until finally tonight. Though I quickly through the game away. Here's my new 1-1 PB. 11300. The twitch link is and I have attached the inp as well. Game was played on Wolfmame 2.07 using DK controller.
Nicely done! Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL ( Had a good shot at 12k there...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on August 16, 2020, 10:29:24 am
KONG-GRATS on the killscreen Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Prow on August 16, 2020, 09:24:40 pm
Mike Lynch 203800 L7-2 2020/8/16 Wolfmame 222
Reached my initial goal of 200k that I wanted for my first submission and first post to the forum. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on August 17, 2020, 04:41:15 pm
Congrats Prow! You will probably beat me to a Kill Screen.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on August 18, 2020, 12:24:33 pm
I'd like to submit my first NO HAMMER submission.
Wolfmame .184 117,500 8-18-2020
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 19, 2020, 12:20:09 am
almost forgot about the jry bounty! i went back and found a 12,600 1-1 from january so that should count as a pb. i think i have a 13k something somewhere around here but i couldn't find it.
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (, but -1000 points for submitting to the wrong HSL thread. <Mruczek>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 19, 2020, 12:24:25 am
Verified and added to the No-Hammer HSL (! Congrats! A truly brutal variation...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: afatherlykong on August 21, 2020, 08:57:51 pm
Evening guys
PB'd again on 8/21/2020 and submitting score of 403,400
Run starts at 50:49 and verification happens right afterwards on 1:41:35. Almost beat it again but ended up with 401,700. Happens right verification as it's the last run of the night.
Thanks Jeremy
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 24, 2020, 03:53:53 am
1,137,900 24/08/2020
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Josephjo on August 24, 2020, 03:55:20 am
You don't hang around mate!
Congrats was awesome to see.
Plenty more meat on the bone though like you said. Top 10 incoming.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 24, 2020, 04:02:49 am
Big congratulations! Looks like the Hank Chien force field strikes again!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 24, 2020, 04:26:34 am
Kongrats Barra mate! I didn't know you were that Kreygasm
But God, can someone kick Hank out of top 10 once and for all. BibleThump
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on August 24, 2020, 05:27:27 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bondo 2014 on August 24, 2020, 05:41:47 am
Good Stuff, Congrats Andrew!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 24, 2020, 06:46:45 am
Wow go sir! <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on August 24, 2020, 07:14:02 am
Big KONG-GRATS sirs and ladies!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JasonV91 on August 24, 2020, 08:45:55 am
Great stuff mate! Rank A incoming Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on August 24, 2020, 02:30:10 pm
donkey kong is hot, and barrra is on fiya! way to go, AB.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 24, 2020, 11:44:35 pm
PB'd again on 8/21/2020 and submitting score of 403,400
Run starts at 50:49 and verification happens right afterwards on 1:41:35. Almost beat it again but ended up with 401,700. Happens right verification as it's the last run of the night.
Thanks Jeremy
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Gameplay is getting more and more solid and you hit 12-1, basically halfway to KS (12-2 is halfway)!
Amazing, sir. Just an inch away from knocking Hank out of the top 10. Verified and updated on the HSL ( This gives you the Rank A requirement for the DK Masters...all that's left is Crazy Kong (715k for Rank B and 750k for Rank A). go go go
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 25, 2020, 12:35:47 am
ty sirs & jry for the stats :)
not done yet i reckon :-X
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TempestJCM on August 30, 2020, 05:44:27 pm
John Mues 125,100 8-30-2020 WolfMAME 0.224
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bradtech519 on August 30, 2020, 06:28:14 pm
Submitting my first million point game. Glad I ran boards a few levels with the rivets I got later on. Going to try to target 1,050,000ish next. Pace was roughly 1,015,000 to 1,020,000 before running boards so I could nail the million finally and get it out of my mind & the shake the nerves.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Xermon54 on August 31, 2020, 05:57:30 pm
Kongrats Brad!
It reminds me of my first 1m+ game, I got 1,002,700, and I remember freaking out about not being able to enter my initials because 2,700 points was too low (we had to enter our initials to submit at Twin Galaxies). I'm glad I'm not the only having to experience it! Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on August 31, 2020, 07:39:18 pm
You've come a long way. Big congratulations on the million point score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 31, 2020, 10:11:54 pm
Submitting my first million point game. Glad I ran boards a few levels with the rivets I got later on. Going to try to target 1,050,000ish next. Pace was roughly 1,015,000 to 1,020,000 before running boards so I could nail the million finally and get it out of my mind & the shake the nerves.
Kreygasm Congrats sir! Third new 1M player this year. And pretty cool to get your first 1M during a tourney. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Now on to bigger scores!
Ben Crooch 270,900 arcade machine game starts at 1hour 12min into the video!
Wow, cocktail submission! Thanks for showing the inside and PCB. For your first submission we also need to see the back side of the joystick to verify it has a 4-way restrictor plate. TKG3 PCBs are accepted as long as they're using Set 1 roms, which it looks like you have, so that's all good. Also, playing just as Player 1 during a 2 Player game isn't strictly against any rules, but I would recommend just doing 1 Player game in the future. So, get me a video of that joystick and I think you'll be good to go.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bencrooch on September 11, 2020, 05:42:12 pm
Ill get on it! TY!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bencrooch on September 11, 2020, 05:50:27 pm
The requested pic of the plate on the controller
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 12, 2020, 08:41:22 pm
Ben Crooch 270,900 arcade machine game starts at 1hour 12min into the video!
Wow, cocktail submission! Thanks for showing the inside and PCB. For your first submission we also need to see the back side of the joystick to verify it has a 4-way restrictor plate. TKG3 PCBs are accepted as long as they're using Set 1 roms, which it looks like you have, so that's all good. Also, playing just as Player 1 during a 2 Player game isn't strictly against any rules, but I would recommend just doing 1 Player game in the future. So, get me a video of that joystick and I think you'll be good to go.
Ok, a lot to unpack with this submission, but let's start with the fact that I've accepted it and added it to the HSL ( Congrats Ben (and welcome to DKF)!
Since this is a rare cocktail submission, that means the PCB is a TKG3 revision. Ben shows the PCB in his video and it's a TKG3-07, meaning it should have US Set 1 roms ( Indeed, the title screen for his game says "Nintendo of America" instead of just "Nintendo", and Ben graciously did a "ladder trick" test ( and second joystick walkthrough at my request, just to be super-thorough. So, in terms of platform requirements, everything is good.
Two other things to note:
1) The game was played as a 2UP game. Ben only played the 1UP side, and essentially all that is different is a few extra seconds of downtime after a 1UP death while 2UP cycles through its own death (similar to what happens with Galaga 2UP games). There's no rule against this and I don't recall there ever being a discussion about it. As such, I don't see any issue, but I've recommended that Ben play traditional 1UP games in the future.
2) Bonus Life set to 20,000. The rules state the Bonus Life be set at 7,000. Here we have probably our first submission in the DKF-era that challenges that rule. In my opinion, the Bonus Life setting has no real impact on a game...unless you're scoring less than or about 20,000 in total. I've mulled changing that rule for quite some time but I'm still undecided. There are certainly scores on the HSL that use 10,000 as the Bonus setting, as that was the rule many years ago. At any rate, I'm not going to DQ the score for a 20k Bonus Setting, but I would ask that any submissions be set to 7,000 until the community works out a rule change (if any).
So, congrats again Ben, and I hope we some more scores from you in the future!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: stella_blue on September 13, 2020, 04:24:09 am
2) Bonus Life set to 20,000. The rules state the Bonus Life be set at 7,000. Here we have probably our first submission in the DKF-era that challenges that rule. In my opinion, the Bonus Life setting has no real impact on a game...unless you're scoring less than or about 20,000 in total. I've mulled changing that rule for quite some time but I'm still undecided. There are certainly scores on the HSL that use 10,000 as the Bonus setting, as that was the rule many years ago. At any rate, I'm not going to DQ the score for a 20k Bonus Setting, but I would ask that any submissions be set to 7,000 until the community works out a rule change (if any).
I would be in favor of modifying the rules, such that Bonus Life = Player Choice.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on September 13, 2020, 08:56:50 am
New Start PB: 132,600 WolfMAME 0.183 14/9/20
Was meant to be just going for a start PB, being so late at night, but decided to keep going a while, and it was another one which went to level 15 at over a million pace. Lost concentration on level 5 and 15. Oh well, a pretty good game.
Thanks Jeremy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 13, 2020, 07:58:55 pm
Was meant to be just going for a start PB, being so late at night, but decided to keep going a while, and it was another one which went to level 15 at over a million pace. Lost concentration on level 5 and 15. Oh well, a pretty good game.
Thanks Jeremy.
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats. Stats for full game attached below.
Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats on another WR, sir. Stats and stuff over in the congrats thread (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: serphintizer on September 20, 2020, 07:22:27 pm
Verified and updated on HSL ( and IBR (
The smallness of the PB doesn't do justice to the hugeness of the accomplishment...
-2nd highest score all-time
-New level average WR: 65,270.59...set four days after your last level average WR (64,864.71), which was set 29 minutes after Robbie set the level average record in his WR (64,623.53). The first game in history to finish with a 65k+ level average and I believe your 3rd game with no levels below 60k...the only person to have done that.
-Fastest to 1.1M on 2nd life: 19-5 @ 3100 Bonus -Fastest to 1.2M on 2nd life: 21-2 @ 6200 Bonus
-Rivet average PB: 8,594.12 (#2 all-time to ol' "8818" [8,817.65])
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 21, 2020, 03:00:27 am
OK, this is actually a very historic game. This is the first game where the lost potential points equals OVER 1.3 million.
So McCurdy has 1,262,100. That's 37,900 away from 1 3 million. He only gets 14,900 in death points. It's possible to get 40,000 in death points if you don't lose any men. That's 25,100 in lost potential points 37,900 minus 25,100 is 12,800 points left Well McCurdy had a low 136,800 point start. So with a 149,600 point start he would get the extra 12,800 points. 149,600 minus 136,800 would be 12,800.
The point: for the very first time it has been shown to actually be possible to get 1.3 million in a game. This is HUGE!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Rolledcigs on September 21, 2020, 11:10:04 am
Wait, so do out scores have to be above 1.26 to post here how? Kappa
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on September 27, 2020, 06:55:18 pm
New Start pb 127,200 09-27-2020 as always thank you Jeremy sir <snek>
Highlighted video (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on September 29, 2020, 10:15:52 pm
Hello! I would like to submit a new high score of 1,128,100 points.
30/09/2020. TKG4-13
Gameplay: Verification of board and future court-room evidence in the case of Chien Vs. Tecchio:
Sorry about the two separate videos, I meant to turn off my Spotify, but accidently killed OBS.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on September 30, 2020, 05:24:59 pm
Hello! I would like to submit a new high score of 1,128,100 points.
30/09/2020. TKG4-13
Gameplay: Verification of board and future court-room evidence in the case of Chien Vs. Tecchio:
Sorry about the two separate videos, I meant to turn off my Spotify, but accidently killed OBS.
You are on the edge of being in the top 10. Great job!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 30, 2020, 08:38:32 pm
Hello! I would like to submit a new high score of 1,128,100 points.
30/09/2020. TKG4-13
Gameplay: Verification of board and future court-room evidence in the case of Chien Vs. Tecchio:
Sorry about the two separate videos, I meant to turn off my Spotify, but accidently killed OBS.
Australia's best is getting bettah! Top 20 Tecchio, soon to be Top 10 Tecchio! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Huge last life! Being down that early is usually a recipe for big pace drops, but you cruised all the way to the end. Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
163,200pts modest PB but also first deathless start.
Start score of 103,700pts.
WolfMAME v.183
Verified and updated on the HSL ( and Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 12, 2020, 02:22:38 am
The 320k game looks to be the wrong game is even played in that one. But the 310k is good, verified and added to the HSL (! Hopefully you still have the 320k INP and can resubmit!
310k summary on (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 12, 2020, 02:25:36 am
This one feels really good, after having a few games recently get painfully close to a new PB.
And based on what I've seen, I think your next PB will be much higher! <Allen> Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
here's the vod for anyone who's interested:
Legendary, sir. Congrats on joining the 1.2M club! Verified and updated on the HSL (, with stats over in the announcement thread (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: JMayden81 on October 12, 2020, 04:02:53 am
Amazing Justin buddayy! Kong-grats brother!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dk_madness on October 12, 2020, 07:32:19 am
Huge congrats Justin!!! 1.2 Kreygasm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on October 17, 2020, 12:27:26 am
Another pretty good improvement.
958,300 WolfMAME 0.183 17/10/20
The first two men died sloppy deaths on level 8 as I was trying to get back into the swing of it, so I just ran the boards after 9-1.
The main goal was to just put something decent up for round 3 in the H2H tournament, and it turned out better than expected.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on October 17, 2020, 01:03:31 am
Wow Kongrats Craig! Another day, another Tubby PB :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on October 17, 2020, 08:37:47 pm
Great game Craig! Especially after losing 2 men so close together.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 20, 2020, 05:11:07 pm
The first two men died sloppy deaths on level 8 as I was trying to get back into the swing of it, so I just ran the boards after 9-1.
The main goal was to just put something decent up for round 3 in the H2H tournament, and it turned out better than expected.
Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats! Great scores recently, so that 1M is coming soon, I reckon. <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on October 24, 2020, 07:59:35 pm
Hi Folks, I would like to submit my new PB achieved earlier today (Sunday 25th October, 2020) with a score of 238,800 streamed live on Twitch. The link to the game is: starting at time stamp 59:40. Immediately after the game I recorded my Mr Video card as the only change to my genuine cab since last evidence in order to better capture and stream my games. No other changes have been made to the cab and I have followed all rules etc in line with the DK Forum. Happy days!
Kind regards, Tanya. :-*
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on October 25, 2020, 05:37:02 am
I'd like to submit a new score of 1,138,500 points. TKG-4 , 25/10/2020
Came up 100 points shy of my goal, but you know what... 'that's good enough.'
I don't have the drive to push this much further. I think this level of commitment has begun to erode my real life and I need to reassess before I ascend into the madness.
I'll try again here and there and hope to crack the top 10 someday, but as Allen Staal says, I'm retired.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Milehighdt on October 25, 2020, 12:05:44 pm
Kongrats on the new PB, well deserved. The game is only worth it when it remains a positive force, your family should always be first. Hopefully when a tournament comes along thats not a grind fest we will get to see you again. Take care
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 25, 2020, 03:40:06 pm
Hi Folks, I would like to submit my new PB achieved earlier today (Sunday 25th October, 2020) with a score of 238,800 streamed live on Twitch. The link to the game is: starting at time stamp 59:40. Immediately after the game I recorded my Mr Video card as the only change to my genuine cab since last evidence in order to better capture and stream my games. No other changes have been made to the cab and I have followed all rules etc in line with the DK Forum. Happy days!
Kind regards, Tanya. :-*
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
I'd like to submit a new score of 1,138,500 points. TKG-4 , 25/10/2020
Came up 100 points shy of my goal, but you know what... 'that's good enough.'
I don't have the drive to push this much further. I think this level of commitment has begun to erode my real life and I need to reassess before I ascend into the madness.
I'll try again here and there and hope to crack the top 10 someday, but as Allen Staal says, I'm retired.
Kreygasm BibleThump Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm
So close, but still a fantastic score, sir. I awarded you 200 extra points for the pie ladder glitch, but subtracted 200 for playing on The Island?, so it balanced out in the end. Verified and updated on the HSL ( That puts you at #7 for all-time arcade scores and you certainly haven't hit your ceiling yet. Take a break, play some DKJR and hopefully we'll see you again soon. <3 ( Simply fantastic. The community is fortunate to have two score warriors at the same time.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 15, 2020, 04:36:28 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on November 26, 2020, 03:01:16 am
Hi to All,
I'd like to record a new PB please, achieved today (26th November, 2020), streamed on my original cab via Twitch. The link is: Game starts at timestamp 19:55 to 55:15 Score: 247,100
No changes to my cab or anything else since last score submission and pics of cab, board etc. As always, I've played by the rules. :)
Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on November 28, 2020, 09:43:54 pm
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 1,009,200:
It was on my DDK Remix cabinet on 11/28/2020. I attempted a verification at the end as well. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on November 28, 2020, 10:29:37 pm
I'd like to record a new PB please, achieved today (26th November, 2020), streamed on my original cab via Twitch. The link is: Game starts at timestamp 19:55 to 55:15 Score: 247,100
No changes to my cab or anything else since last score submission and pics of cab, board etc. As always, I've played by the rules. :)
Kind regards, Tanya.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Tough ending, but you basically had two lives left at 247k...much bigger scores coming soon!
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 1,009,200:
It was on my DDK Remix cabinet on 11/28/2020. I attempted a verification at the end as well. Thanks.
Congrats on passing the 1M mark! Verified and updated on the HSL ( That makes you the 5th new 1M player for 2020...will you be the first 1.1M for 2021?!
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 1,009,200:
It was on my DDK Remix cabinet on 11/28/2020. I attempted a verification at the end as well. Thanks.
Congrats on passing the 1M mark! Verified and updated on the HSL ( That makes you the 5th new 1M player for 2020...will you be the first 1.1M for 2021?!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MJMeerman on November 30, 2020, 09:04:50 pm
Mitchell Meerman MAME 111,000 (Start) 11/30/2020
INP/WLM attached.
Very annoyed with today's runs - had a game within 45K of my PB with two lives left and choked it. Got this at least. Non-zero chance of this being improved soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2020, 10:07:17 pm
Very annoyed with today's runs - had a game within 45K of my PB with two lives left and choked it. Got this at least. Non-zero chance of this being improved soon.
This INP looks like your Crazy Kong run from October...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MJMeerman on December 01, 2020, 09:02:22 pm
Very annoyed with today's runs - had a game within 45K of my PB with two lives left and choked it. Got this at least. Non-zero chance of this being improved soon.
This INP looks like your Crazy Kong run from October...
I may or may not be an idiot.
I've attached the actual files. Sorry about that.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: MJMeerman on December 01, 2020, 09:21:17 pm
Also, here's the Twitch highlight for anyone who wants to watch me talk about Billy Mitchell:
(I know nobody does, but I figured it should go with the submission and can't find any way to edit my post FailFish)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: aarontruitt on December 02, 2020, 02:45:07 am
I would like to submit a new personal best score of 1,009,200:
It was on my DDK Remix cabinet on 11/28/2020. I attempted a verification at the end as well. Thanks.
Congrats on 1 Million!!! BBB! Enjoy that new badge!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on December 06, 2020, 04:17:14 am
Hi Folks, I would like to record a new PB please, achieved today and in line with all the rules and my previous submissions on my genuine cab and board. High score streamed live on twitch: starting at timestamp 21:25 until the end of the stream. New PB : 285,200.
Kind regards,
Tanya Lowe.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 08, 2020, 07:56:58 pm
Very annoyed with today's runs - had a game within 45K of my PB with two lives left and choked it. Got this at least. Non-zero chance of this being improved soon.
This INP looks like your Crazy Kong run from October...
Hi Folks, I would like to record a new PB please, achieved today and in line with all the rules and my previous submissions on my genuine cab and board. High score streamed live on twitch: starting at timestamp 21:25 until the end of the stream. New PB : 285,200.
Kind regards,
Tanya Lowe.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! That's your biggest PB increase (since your 73k PB at least), and with a 134k first man you're primed for some 400k-500k scores very soon (just remember to watch the monkey)!
New WR verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Stats were posted in the DK Data Library of Memorable Games ( and the congrats thread (, but here they are again:
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on January 24, 2021, 07:06:40 am
Congratulations Gary! I know you wanted this one real bad. Hmmm... you wanted it real bad indeed. JRY, you might want to give this one a little extra scrutiny... <Allen> <stirpot>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 31, 2021, 06:30:20 pm
Congrats on the PB! Sorry for the delay in getting it verified, but it's good to go and has been updated on the HSL (! "GET SLAMMED NERD" ;D
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: GILLYKONG on January 31, 2021, 06:45:35 pm
Look at that place Gary bbb.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on February 01, 2021, 11:36:27 am
Congrats on the PB! Sorry for the delay in getting it verified, but it's good to go and has been updated on the HSL (! "GET SLAMMED NERD" ;D
LOL, so glad that is on the video. I cant wait to let my son hear that when he is 30 years old.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: mattbuc16 on February 02, 2021, 07:22:28 am
New PB for Matt Buchholz (mattbuc16)! 549,400 2/2/21
Wolmame .220 INP attaached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on February 03, 2021, 06:07:27 am
Congrats Matt! That is a good score there buddy. Keep pushing!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: maximumsteve on February 04, 2021, 09:45:00 am
I think I initially posted on the wrong thread. Here I go again, lol... New DK PB achieved today! 1,026,800!! Jeremy please verify when you get the chance. Thank you sir. Cheers. Moving on up...
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on February 04, 2021, 03:44:25 pm
I think I initially posted on the wrong thread. Here I go again, lol... New DK PB achieved today! 1,026,800!! Jeremy please verify when you get the chance. Thank you sir. Cheers. Moving on up...
Great job! I don't think anyone is as good as you in both Mario Bros, and Donkey Kong.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on February 06, 2021, 09:21:55 pm
Hi All, Would like to submit my new PB of 300,200. Complying to all the rules, genuine cab and streamed live on Twitch today . Single game from start to end:
Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 07, 2021, 12:31:56 am
New PB for Matt Buchholz (mattbuc16)! 549,400 2/2/21
Wolmame .220 INP attaached.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! I also added your 101k Start score to the Start HSL (
I think I initially posted on the wrong thread. Here I go again, lol... New DK PB achieved today! 1,026,800!! Jeremy please verify when you get the chance. Thank you sir. Cheers. Moving on up...
Congrats sir! Verified and updated on the HSL (! I don't know what your Start PB is, but this game was higher than what was already on the Start HSL (, so I updated that as well.
Hi All, Would like to submit my new PB of 300,200. Complying to all the rules, genuine cab and streamed live on Twitch today . Single game from start to end:
Kind regards, Tanya.
Congrats on breaking 300k! Great progress towards a KS. Verified and updated on the HSL (, but please make a highlight of the video so there's permanent evidence! Thanks.
Will be interested to see how bad those pies were.
Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm
Congratulations, sir! You've knocked Hank out of the top 10, and by a healthy margin! Your score has been verified and updated on the HSL ( you #6 all-time, with the #4 arcade score of all-time! Surely you're not done yet...
Hi everyone, Thought I would submit my score of 116,200 to DFK as well
WolfMAME :183 Score: 116,200
This is my first time doing this hopefully I have done everything correct. ----- Thanks, Evan
Thanks for submitting, Evan! I actually added this score to the DKF HSL ( after it went through TGSAP back in September. But hopefully we'll see some bigger scores from you soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on February 26, 2021, 05:37:23 pm
Hi all. Just got a new PB tonight live on Twitch.
If you could confirm all is well and update my score Jeremy, that would be much appreciated sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on February 26, 2021, 08:28:37 pm
Great game, Luke!
New start pb, 116,900. wolfMAME0.183. Keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer. 2/26/21. inpFile attached.
Of course, I died on the 2nd girder of 5-1.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on February 27, 2021, 01:28:27 am
New start pb, 116,900. wolfMAME0.183. Keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer. 2/26/21. inpFile attached.
Of course, I died on the 2nd girder of 5-1.
Cheers dude!
Nice score, that's insane!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: McBee on February 27, 2021, 07:10:37 pm
Not my PB but the I just put WolfMAME on my MAME cabinet today and did this. I just want to make sure I am doing the INP thing right before I have a real PB and it doesn't count. Let me know if this works. Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on February 28, 2021, 10:13:39 pm
Not my PB but the I just put WolfMAME on my MAME cabinet today and did this. I just want to make sure I am doing the INP thing right before I have a real PB and it doesn't count. Let me know if this works. Thanks.
Looks good to me. I didn't put it on the scoreboard since it sounds like this is just a test submission and you said it's not a PB, but hopefully we get a PB submission soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on March 01, 2021, 12:47:52 am
Not my PB but the I just put WolfMAME on my MAME cabinet today and did this. I just want to make sure I am doing the INP thing right before I have a real PB and it doesn't count. Let me know if this works. Thanks.
Looks good to me. I didn't put it on the scoreboard since it sounds like this is just a test submission and you said it's not a PB, but hopefully we get a PB submission soon!
Thanks. When I record a game over 300K I'll get it on here. My PB is 325K but anything close I'll submit to theist.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on March 02, 2021, 01:06:35 pm
Its not BBB haha, but I got a new Start PB yesterday 3/1/21 little by little gents.. 115,600
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 05, 2021, 10:43:59 pm
Hi everyone, Thought I would submit my score of 116,200 to DFK as well
WolfMAME :183 Score: 116,200
This is my first time doing this hopefully I have done everything correct. ----- Thanks, Evan
Thanks for submitting, Evan! I actually added this score to the DKF HSL ( after it went through TGSAP back in September. But hopefully we'll see some bigger scores from you soon!
Oh my bad sorry
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Synappzz on March 15, 2021, 05:48:15 pm
first time to lvl 8 and died twice there on the springs.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Simple_Dack on March 16, 2021, 02:49:18 am
My new PB of 412,700
7th March 2021
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 17, 2021, 11:13:56 am
Great score! But we require WolfMAME INPs for MAME submissions. Please check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 18, 2021, 06:31:42 pm
Verified and updated on the Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: creech on March 26, 2021, 05:26:45 am
Nice start pb's mates.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on March 26, 2021, 06:57:32 am
Thank you creech. :)
Here's one more little improvement to my start PB for now.
135,400 WolfMAME 0.183 27/3/21
Thanks Jeremy
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on March 26, 2021, 02:12:33 pm
Thanks Kritch ;)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on March 26, 2021, 03:13:12 pm
BTW, very nice scores Craig! BBB!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: CraigT on March 26, 2021, 05:54:02 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: tarkus1977 on March 27, 2021, 04:33:33 pm
This is not quite a PB for me, but it's my best since I started recording in WolfMame. I wanted to do a submission to make sure I have the process correct. This was played in Wolf 184.
I apologize for the INP file. There is a bunch of dead time in the beginning. I was adjusting settings on my streaming software and forgot I had started recording. When I watched it back I had to fast forward to around frame 62000 for the game to begin. When play begins there's a quick 1-1 death and the next game is the 649,700. If this is accepted I'd like to be listed under my actual name, Dave Sutherland
thanks, Dave
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on March 30, 2021, 11:57:41 pm
This is not quite a PB for me, but it's my best since I started recording in WolfMame. I wanted to do a submission to make sure I have the process correct. This was played in Wolf 184.
I apologize for the INP file. There is a bunch of dead time in the beginning. I was adjusting settings on my streaming software and forgot I had started recording. When I watched it back I had to fast forward to around frame 62000 for the game to begin. When play begins there's a quick 1-1 death and the next game is the 649,700. If this is accepted I'd like to be listed under my actual name, Dave Sutherland
thanks, Dave
Thanks for submitting! I wouldn't generally reject an INP for a ton of dead time or multiple credits. There's no rule against how quickly you have to start a game and the 1-credit thing is mainly to make it easier for verification (only have to watch one game instead of digging through multiple games with no rewind feature). Anyway, you gave me the info for where the game started so it wasn't a problem. JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN. Kappa Verified and added to the HSL (! Congrats! Since your score after Level 4 was over 100k, I also added that to the Start HSL (
Looks like you're at the any-game-could-be-the-game point, so I'll expect to see a KS submission soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: consistent60 on April 01, 2021, 03:46:23 pm
I, Nathan Scott, submit my score of 227,500. Not my PB, but best since using WolfMAME. Game played on 31/3/2021, using WolfMAME 0.220. .inp attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 02, 2021, 11:06:36 pm
Hello, first ever submission. Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 127,000. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 03/04/2021. INP attached. JPGs of settings & score attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 07, 2021, 08:50:40 pm
I, Nathan Scott, submit my score of 227,500. Not my PB, but best since using WolfMAME. Game played on 31/3/2021, using WolfMAME 0.220. .inp attached.
Verified and updated on the HSL (, congrats! Since you got to Level 5 with over 100k and on your first life, I put your Start score on the Start HSL ( as well. Also, please put your INPs in a zip archive when submitting. Thanks!
Hello, first ever submission. Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 127,000. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 03/04/2021. INP attached. JPGs of settings & score attached.
Verified and added to the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 08, 2021, 02:03:15 am
Thanks. Have another one! Finally worked out those springs
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 208,000. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 08/04/2021. INP attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on April 11, 2021, 12:22:49 pm
New Donkey Kong PB 121,000 WolfMAME-0185 Score: 121,000
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 11, 2021, 02:46:32 pm
New Donkey Kong PB 121,000 WolfMAME-0185 Score: 121,000
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 18, 2021, 01:42:15 am
Creeping higher, and I haven't worked out those springs... I'm kidding myself to think I have.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 243,700. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 18/04/2021. INP attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on April 18, 2021, 08:21:00 am
Nice, Geoff. Keep it up!
Submitting a new start pb, 119,800. wolfMAME 0.183, keyboard as the controller. Wade Wittmer, 4/18/21. inpFile attached.
Thank you, Jry!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on April 24, 2021, 01:10:28 am
Hey Jeremy,
Just got trolled for the 900 by being a whimp near the end, but just wanted another KS, so played safe.
Cab was reverified as I now have a TKG4 with a remix kit installed. Perhaps the first Pace submission to the board..? Do I win some Haribo?
P.s. Swear alert...lots.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on April 24, 2021, 08:40:00 am
First ever submission and a new PB. Anthony T , 630100 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached
The link to the twitch stream is also below, but i didnt know the screen was partially cut off at the time i was playing, until the end of the stream when I saw the chat. I only started streaming on twitch a few days ago, and had only ever streamed previously in 'windowed' mode which was making it hard for me to focus on springs. I ALT+ENT to play in full screen for this game and had no idea it was displaying partially cut off on twitch (didnt know i was supposed to change OBS settings for streaming full screened MAME). Lucky I recorded in wolfmame
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on April 24, 2021, 08:45:13 am
Sorry, also 'game played 24th April 2021'
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 24, 2021, 08:48:02 am
Watched Anthony's game live on Twitch (antelope84) and it was a brilliant. You won't be too long until a kill screen I reckon. Encouraged me to play some more late night DK and push my PB a little higher.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 251,300. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 25/04/2021. INP attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 24, 2021, 08:49:00 am
Sorry missed attaching the INP. (attached here)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 25, 2021, 05:31:53 pm
Watched Anthony's game live on Twitch (antelope84) and it was a brilliant. You won't be too long until a kill screen I reckon. Encouraged me to play some more late night DK and push my PB a little higher.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 251,300. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 25/04/2021. INP attached.
Just got trolled for the 900 by being a whimp near the end, but just wanted another KS, so played safe.
Cab was reverified as I now have a TKG4 with a remix kit installed. Perhaps the first Pace submission to the board..? Do I win some Haribo?
P.s. Swear alert...lots.
Alright, we have our first Pace submission. Looks good. Verified and updated on the HSL ( (and I added your 100k Start to the Start HSL ( as well)!
First ever submission and a new PB. Anthony T , 630100 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached
The link to the twitch stream is also below, but i didnt know the screen was partially cut off at the time i was playing, until the end of the stream when I saw the chat. I only started streaming on twitch a few days ago, and had only ever streamed previously in 'windowed' mode which was making it hard for me to focus on springs. I ALT+ENT to play in full screen for this game and had no idea it was displaying partially cut off on twitch (didnt know i was supposed to change OBS settings for streaming full screened MAME). Lucky I recorded in wolfmame
Just got trolled for the 900 by being a whimp near the end, but just wanted another KS, so played safe.
Cab was reverified as I now have a TKG4 with a remix kit installed. Perhaps the first Pace submission to the board..? Do I win some Haribo?
P.s. Swear alert...lots.
Alright, we have our first Pace submission. Looks good. Verified and updated on the HSL ( (and I added your 100k Start to the Start HSL ( as well)!
First ever submission and a new PB. Anthony T , 630100 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached
The link to the twitch stream is also below, but i didnt know the screen was partially cut off at the time i was playing, until the end of the stream when I saw the chat. I only started streaming on twitch a few days ago, and had only ever streamed previously in 'windowed' mode which was making it hard for me to focus on springs. I ALT+ENT to play in full screen for this game and had no idea it was displaying partially cut off on twitch (didnt know i was supposed to change OBS settings for streaming full screened MAME). Lucky I recorded in wolfmame
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on April 29, 2021, 09:14:03 am
New Donkey Kong PB :)
WolfMAME-0230 Score 163,800
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on April 30, 2021, 12:12:35 am
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DonkeyShlong on April 30, 2021, 05:07:15 am
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
Goes without saying, superb. 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on April 30, 2021, 05:11:41 am
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
Nice PB congrats
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on April 30, 2021, 09:02:33 am
Hi Jeremy
Can I please submit a new PB.
INP file attached in a zip file.
Anthony T (ANT) 693500 WolfMAME 0.222 Game completed early morning 1st May 2021 (Finished 1:10am Australian time)
On a side note - Unfortunately I can only submit just my INP file, but not twitch video. OBS giving me more problems tonight.
After switching to playing in full screen ALT+Enter (so i can see springs better), I found last streams issue , when it was partially cutting off the screen, was due to me having OBS set to 'window' mode video source, but i was playing in full screen with MAME
Tonight I set OBS to use the game source 'capture any full screen application' and I hooked up a second LCD screen and had the chat window on it (on top of main OBS) and used my laptop to play the game in full screen. It seemed everyone could see the stream ok for the first part of the night, but I was using Shift+f3 to restart games/recording, then had to ALT+enter again each time to make the game full screen after any restart. At about Level 6, VeryApe121 messaged in chat saying my screen was black. I tried hanging on the ladders on Level 6 to try a couple of things in OBS but it wasnt showing up so had to kill the stream :(
Im going to have to chat to a couple of the other guys who stream, so I can get this thing streaming correctly and reliable. Im clearly doing something wrong.
p.s. Thank you Gary for the above, and also Congrats Justin !
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on April 30, 2021, 09:03:34 am
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
You beat Wes Copeland's perfect score. Very impressive! Only people left ahead of you are the big funs of Donkey Kong! Go get em! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on April 30, 2021, 11:04:23 am
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
Dude, unreal! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on April 30, 2021, 08:04:03 pm
Here is a link to the entire Twitch session. The highlight is taking foreevverrrr to process, but I'll edit this later and provide that one when it's ready.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! It took arcade players almost 7 years to catch up to Dean, and now 5 years after that a MAME player has passed a 1.2M arcade score. Keep going good, sir.
Anthony T (ANT) 693500 WolfMAME 0.222 Game completed early morning 1st May 2021 (Finished 1:10am Australian time)
On a side note - Unfortunately I can only submit just my INP file, but not twitch video. OBS giving me more problems tonight.
After switching to playing in full screen ALT+Enter (so i can see springs better), I found last streams issue , when it was partially cutting off the screen, was due to me having OBS set to 'window' mode video source, but i was playing in full screen with MAME
Tonight I set OBS to use the game source 'capture any full screen application' and I hooked up a second LCD screen and had the chat window on it (on top of main OBS) and used my laptop to play the game in full screen. It seemed everyone could see the stream ok for the first part of the night, but I was using Shift+f3 to restart games/recording, then had to ALT+enter again each time to make the game full screen after any restart. At about Level 6, VeryApe121 messaged in chat saying my screen was black. I tried hanging on the ladders on Level 6 to try a couple of things in OBS but it wasnt showing up so had to kill the stream :(
Im going to have to chat to a couple of the other guys who stream, so I can get this thing streaming correctly and reliable. Im clearly doing something wrong.
p.s. Thank you Gary for the above, and also Congrats Justin !
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Looks you're in "any-game-now" mode!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on April 30, 2021, 10:21:46 pm
Much appreciated
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 03, 2021, 01:17:41 am
Do iCade scores count? Well if they do here is a new PB. Geoffrey Suttor - Score: 356,400 Twitch Clip - (muted parts) YouTube -
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on May 03, 2021, 01:30:33 am
Wow huge!! Well done Geoff.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 03, 2021, 12:27:03 pm
Do iCade scores count? Well if they do here is a new PB. Geoffrey Suttor - Score: 356,400 Twitch Clip - (muted parts) YouTube -
For x-in-1 scores, we need to see that the joystick is set to 4-way controls.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 03, 2021, 04:46:03 pm
For x-in-1 scores, we need to see that the joystick is set to 4-way controls.
Noted, will film that in the next submission, happy to skip this as a submission. I didn't think of showing that in the video as you will tell by my banter and confusion at the end on what to show. Although it is set to 4-way on the restrictor, a video after the fact probably defeats the purpose of showing it. :) Also, is seeing the settings in the "test mode" important (like I did) if you can see I start with 3 lives and get a new one at 7000? Happy either way. Cheers.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 03, 2021, 06:16:50 pm
For x-in-1 scores, we need to see that the joystick is set to 4-way controls.
Noted, will film that in the next submission, happy to skip this as a submission. I didn't think of showing that in the video as you will tell by my banter and confusion at the end on what to show. Although it is set to 4-way on the restrictor, a video after the fact probably defeats the purpose of showing it. :) Also, is seeing the settings in the "test mode" important (like I did) if you can see I start with 3 lives and get a new one at 7000? Happy either way. Cheers.
Test mode isn't necessary, but doesn't hurt. The important things are showing the 4-way and the whole game/verification being in one continuous video.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on May 05, 2021, 12:24:38 pm
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Cheers Jeremy :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 05, 2021, 10:54:46 pm
So since the last one (which was higher) couldn't be accepted I'll throw this one in the ring as the next progression, at least it's over 300k. Next target is 400k.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 329,700. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 06/05/2021. INP attached.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on May 06, 2021, 02:41:44 am
Wow, if you get 3,300 points a week you could pass serphy by September! Assuming he doesn't get an even bigger score in the meantime... <stirpot>
Anyways, all the ggs, sir. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Glad I decided to stay up late for that one. And as best as I can tell, that's a NWR for a 2nd man. I don't think anyone has scored over a million points just on their second I can find is Dave McCrary getting 959,800 in his 1.091M game from February 2014. That looks to be a barrel average and level average PB for you as well. So, you know, keep going good.
So since the last one (which was higher) couldn't be accepted I'll throw this one in the ring as the next progression, at least it's over 300k. Next target is 400k.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 329,700. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 06/05/2021. INP attached.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! I also put your 1-1 score on the Level 1-1 HSL ( since you met the 9,000 point threshold.
So since the last one (which was higher) couldn't be accepted I'll throw this one in the ring as the next progression, at least it's over 300k. Next target is 400k.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 329,700. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 06/05/2021. INP attached.
So, in wolfmame you do not need to show the joystick, right, just in the 60 in 1 (or whatever in 1) boards?
Also, Geoff, you are now my barometer. My goal is to leap ahead of you and continue to stay there.
Matt McBride/Counselormm (I should have picked one username for all of this junk - I'm all over the board)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on May 11, 2021, 02:56:59 am
So since the last one (which was higher) couldn't be accepted I'll throw this one in the ring as the next progression, at least it's over 300k. Next target is 400k.
Geoffrey Suttor (GEF) - 329,700. WolfMAME 0.226. Game played on 06/05/2021. INP attached.
Nice score :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on May 11, 2021, 02:57:59 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 12, 2021, 03:17:59 am
Ok think I did it correct this time, score is only 200 more than the last iCade attempt but that wasn't accepted cause I didn't show the joystick. I did this time! :)
Geoffrey Suttor Score: 356,600
00:00 - Game Start 41:50 - Game Over with score 356,600 43:00 - 4-way joystick shown 45:40 - iCade settings for DK shown
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: McBee on May 12, 2021, 03:49:54 am
Ok think I did it correct this time, score is only 200 more than the last iCade attempt but that wasn't accepted cause I didn't show the joystick. I did this time! :)
Geoffrey Suttor Score: 356,600
00:00 - Game Start 41:50 - Game Over with score 356,600 43:00 - 4-way joystick shown 45:40 - iCade settings for DK shown
I call for a full and thorough investigation into this score until such time as I have a higher score.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 12, 2021, 06:29:07 am
Might now have too, YouTube are being D**KS and have blocked it due to a song. Will see if I can mute all the offending parts. The Twitch stream is here but also muted bits. From 52:00 to 1:38:30
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 12, 2021, 07:02:21 am
Sorry for the spam for such a newbie score. One of these links has to work!
YouTube (no audio) - Google Link version -
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: McBee on May 12, 2021, 07:23:58 am
Might now have too, YouTube are being D**KS and have blocked it due to a song. Will see if I can mute all the offending parts. The Twitch stream is here but also muted bits. From 52:00 to 1:38:30
That sucks. I am still kicking myself because my high score was done before I knew what WolfMame was, and before I was doing any sort of recording. All I have is a screenshot...and the inability to get to that score again.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on May 12, 2021, 08:18:36 am
Ok think I did it correct this time, score is only 200 more than the last iCade attempt but that wasn't accepted cause I didn't show the joystick. I did this time! :)
Geoffrey Suttor Score: 356,600
00:00 - Game Start 41:50 - Game Over with score 356,600 43:00 - 4-way joystick shown 45:40 - iCade settings for DK shown
Congrats on the PB :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on May 14, 2021, 05:44:33 am
After playing for 3 years or so I got my first KS. There's been some close games before but this was the big boy.
Luke Bushell 855,500 on Arcade Cabinet insides being filmed from 1h:47min. Next step 900 and beyond.
Ok think I did it correct this time, score is only 200 more than the last iCade attempt but that wasn't accepted cause I didn't show the joystick. I did this time! :)
Geoffrey Suttor Score: 356,600
00:00 - Game Start 41:50 - Game Over with score 356,600 43:00 - 4-way joystick shown 45:40 - iCade settings for DK shown
Might now have too, YouTube are being D**KS and have blocked it due to a song. Will see if I can mute all the offending parts. The Twitch stream is here but also muted bits. From 52:00 to 1:38:30
Congrats on the KS! Verified and updated on the HSL ( I think that makes you the first new KSer for 2021! Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: elbee85 on May 16, 2021, 03:58:39 am
Thanks dude!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on May 18, 2021, 07:20:09 am
Hello DK Forum!
I beat my Donkey Kong PB last night of 789,200 from April 6, 2020 and it is currently listed on the high score list. My new PB is 800,300 )May 17, 2021). I was streaming this last night on an arcade group via Facebook and I do have the video file for it. The only issue is that my connection halted a few times throughout the entire game and it skipped some footage in the middle of the game. I have previously done the video tour of my DK cabinet in my 789k score and I went ahead and did the cabinet tour on my new 800k score last night. Can this score still be accepted and allow my PB score be updated in DK Forum?
Thank you very much,
Michael Massaro aka DKMikey77
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on May 18, 2021, 06:38:55 pm
Here is my footage via YouTube for the score of 800,300.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 18, 2021, 07:47:42 pm
I beat my Donkey Kong PB last night of 789,200 from April 6, 2020 and it is currently listed on the high score list. My new PB is 800,300 )May 17, 2021). I was streaming this last night on an arcade group via Facebook and I do have the video file for it. The only issue is that my connection halted a few times throughout the entire game and it skipped some footage in the middle of the game. I have previously done the video tour of my DK cabinet in my 789k score and I went ahead and did the cabinet tour on my new 800k score last night. Can this score still be accepted and allow my PB score be updated in DK Forum?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on May 20, 2021, 06:24:50 pm
Good job, Mike!
Uh, I inadvertently got a 1-1 pb, sorry to bother you with it, Jry, and thank you. I wasn't trying to max it, but it gave me 500, 800, and 800 on smashes, so I was surprised.
10,400, wolfmame183, keyboard as controller, 5/19/21, Wade Wittmer. Attaching zippy.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 21, 2021, 01:33:33 am
I beat my Donkey Kong PB last night of 789,200 from April 6, 2020 and it is currently listed on the high score list. My new PB is 800,300 )May 17, 2021). I was streaming this last night on an arcade group via Facebook and I do have the video file for it. The only issue is that my connection halted a few times throughout the entire game and it skipped some footage in the middle of the game. I have previously done the video tour of my DK cabinet in my 789k score and I went ahead and did the cabinet tour on my new 800k score last night. Can this score still be accepted and allow my PB score be updated in DK Forum?
This looks ok to me. It was livestreamed and the breaks are fairly brief, with only a couple boards missing. But you did a walkthrough at the end as well. So, I'm going to verify this one and update it on the HSL ( I'll skip the stats this time around though, since there is some missing footage. At any rate...that's two games (at least) that got to 19-3...22-1 is around the corner!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on May 21, 2021, 01:34:10 am
Uh, I inadvertently got a 1-1 pb, sorry to bother you with it, Jry, and thank you. I wasn't trying to max it, but it gave me 500, 800, and 800 on smashes, so I was surprised.
10,400, wolfmame183, keyboard as controller, 5/19/21, Wade Wittmer. Attaching zippy.
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on May 22, 2021, 04:54:27 pm
Thank you very much for validating my score of 800,300, Xelnia!
It is greatly appreciated and I hope to beat that and KS sometime soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on May 24, 2021, 07:33:04 am
Took me 2 weeks to get a new PB, they are gonna get further apart I gather.
Geoffrey Suttor - 414,000
Stream will disappear after a time so making a highlight at this link below when processed.
49:30 - 4 way shown 51:10 - Dipswitch settings on iCade shown
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: McBee on May 24, 2021, 04:59:49 pm
Great progress, sir! And great last man in the 476k game. Both scores have been verified and the HSL ( has been updated with the 476k score. Congrats!
Tough ending, but still a great score! Had some tough rivets throughout and Kong gave you one last <thefinger> for good measure. But killscreen or not, 900k is still a fantastic score. Verified and updated on the HSL ( (and the Start HSL ( has been updated with your 113k from this game). Keep going good!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on June 01, 2021, 04:13:50 am
Thank you very much! You can also use this score run to place on the high score for 1st 4 levels cleared without losing a life. I finished around 113k after level 4 was done. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on June 03, 2021, 03:48:26 am
Had a decent game going and interested to see that stats :D Score - 492,700
video is here -
Highilight is here - (currently processing)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 09, 2021, 04:15:25 pm
For those looking for the discussion on Robbie's recent submission, I split off the topic to a new thread here (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on June 10, 2021, 10:34:14 am
'bout dang time.
new pb, 921,100, killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.183, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 6/10/21. inpFile attached. youtube video might be nsfw, i dropped some f-bombs, but the game sound may have drowned me out.
new pb, 921,100, killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.183, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 6/10/21. inpFile attached. youtube video might be nsfw, i dropped some f-bombs, but the game sound may have drowned me out.
new pb, 921,100, killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.183, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 6/10/21. inpFile attached. youtube video might be nsfw, i dropped some f-bombs, but the game sound may have drowned me out.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on June 11, 2021, 06:03:38 pm
Got me Phil!
Congrats, you're a living legend.
I just wanted to say it's an amazing year for Kong. To get into the top 10 now requires a score of about 1.16m.
At this rate, we're going to see a top 10 made up of 1.2m+ points sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: homerwannabee on June 11, 2021, 06:07:01 pm
Kongrats to Robbie, Phil, and Wade.
Phil's score is the most significant for me for a reason. The top 10 is now absolutely solid. The fact that 1.159 million is the tenth place score is total insanity. Every top 10 player deserves the utmost respect for their playing ability.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on June 11, 2021, 06:42:33 pm
Had a decent game going and interested to see that stats :D Score - 492,700
video is here -
Highilight is here - (currently processing)
Stats attached. I'm not sure if this meant to be an official submission, but it's higher than what's on the board, so I've updated the HSL ( Your stream says you have a PB of 700k...did I miss a submission somewhere?
new pb, 921,100, killscreen on this one. wolfMAME 0.183, keyboard as the controller. wade wittmer, 6/10/21. inpFile attached. youtube video might be nsfw, i dropped some f-bombs, but the game sound may have drowned me out.
Great score, sir! Interesting rivet least the fireball gave you a few extra jumps. :D Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
My apologies for missing this score over on MARP...hadn't checked the scores over there in awhile. Verified and updated on the HSL ( Certainly not an unexpected score...pls 1.2 soon.
Making great progress, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats! I think a KS is not far off for you.
Making great progress, sir! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats! I think a KS is not far off for you.
Thank you sir and amazing job you do on here. I don't reply usually because I don't want to spam the submisison thread but you deserve to be thanked personally. Thankyou. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on June 15, 2021, 07:58:46 am
Thank you so much, Jeremy. And I appreciate all the congrats, on this thread, in the shouty, on twitch, discord, youtube, and twin galaxies.
I don't feel like jumping into the middle of the Robbie stuff, but I hope we can be mindful of trying to present reasonable video and audio. I know it's gotta be harder with a cab than mame, and I've inadvertently submitted crappy audio to twin galaxies by compressing with handbrake & not watching for the rotten things the defaults did to it. But we can at least try, come on.
I love this community. Congrats again yall on the other pbs.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on June 23, 2021, 02:31:37 am
Don't know if this is a thing but wanted to submit a L1-1 score (was practicing for L3 AKO comp) and can't find another submission thread so here it is.
L1-1 score: 10,500
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: f_symbols on June 24, 2021, 09:42:05 am
Don't know if this is a thing but wanted to submit a L1-1 score (was practicing for L3 AKO comp) and can't find another submission thread so here it is.
L1-1 score: 10,500
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on June 27, 2021, 12:35:47 pm
Don't know if this is a thing but wanted to submit a L1-1 score (was practicing for L3 AKO comp) and can't find another submission thread so here it is.
L1-1 score: 10,500
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats! (and pls zip inp files for submissions kthx)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on June 27, 2021, 01:55:39 pm
Had a decent game going and interested to see that stats :D Score - 492,700
video is here -
Highilight is here - (currently processing)
Stats attached. I'm not sure if this meant to be an official submission, but it's higher than what's on the board, so I've updated the HSL ( Your stream says you have a PB of 700k...did I miss a submission somewhere?
Thanks for the update! I thought my score on the list was somewhere in the 500k range but maybe I was wrong. All good! As for my PB, I got that on a real cab and did not want to go through filming all the internal stuff since I plan on getting a KS anyway ::D
Thanks for all your hard work!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on June 29, 2021, 10:42:22 am
I think this is my second best score ever but will be my highest official score. Hopefully next time I get that deep I can bring it home.
Score - 617,800
Video -
Platform - Wolfmame 0.216
I left the game running accidentally so the INP is about 25MB. Sorry! Does that make the process really annoying? I have uploaded it to my google drive since the attachment limit here is 8MB -
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on June 30, 2021, 05:58:50 pm
Hi Jeremy
May I please submit the following
Anthony T , 786400 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached , July 1st 2021
Twitch video here, but im going to have to learn how to highlight videos there so it stays permanently - i will provide an updated link after i work it out, but for now VOD:
Got so close too, stupid 21 pies.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on June 30, 2021, 06:25:41 pm
Anthony T , 786400 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached , July 1st 2021
Twitch video here, but im going to have to learn how to highlight videos there so it stays permanently - i will provide an updated link after i work it out, but for now VOD:
Got so close too, stupid 21 pies.
Thank you.
great work, ant!! knocking on the door now.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: dearestabby on June 30, 2021, 11:53:48 pm
Hi! I'd like to submit a new high score for myself! Here's the highlight from Twitch with the cabinet verification. I hope we did it right!
Abigail Buchholz (Dearest Abby) 216,500 July 1, 2021 Played on Arcade
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: muscleandfitness on July 01, 2021, 09:31:47 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: DennyDevito on July 01, 2021, 05:28:12 pm
Hey Hey Hey
An (almost) PB to update my score up a few spots, not much
Thx!! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on July 02, 2021, 04:41:11 am
Not a great increase, but at least a 2 week-er and new PB. Want to record them all. Geoffrey Suttor WolfMAME 0.226 586,800
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on July 02, 2021, 04:44:41 am
Also Twicth clip here if it makes it easier to verify or more sources (sorry forgot to add it in last post)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: antelope84 on July 04, 2021, 04:31:13 am
Thanks guys
Hi Jeremy just an updated link, this one is 'highlighted' rather than just a vod. thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions - DKMikey77 New Start High Score List - 7/4/2021
Post by: VIMikey on July 04, 2021, 07:21:44 am
Hello DK Forum,
I have a new personal best score of 120,500 after completing level 4 without losing a life.
Here are the video links via Twitch and YouTube:
Thank you,
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: muscleandfitness on July 04, 2021, 09:02:44 am
konggrats lit <Allen> <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on July 05, 2021, 04:52:55 pm
I think this is my second best score ever but will be my highest official score. Hopefully next time I get that deep I can bring it home.
Score - 617,800
Video -
Platform - Wolfmame 0.216
I left the game running accidentally so the INP is about 25MB. Sorry! Does that make the process really annoying? I have uploaded it to my google drive since the attachment limit here is 8MB -
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! Full disclosure: I did not watch the last 13 hours of your INP. :)
Anthony T , 786400 , Wolfmame 0.222 , INP attached , July 1st 2021
Twitch video here, but im going to have to learn how to highlight videos there so it stays permanently - i will provide an updated link after i work it out, but for now VOD:
Hi Jeremy just an updated link, this one is 'highlighted' rather than just a vod. thanks
Stupid pies indeed. Still, you're right there. Any game, any credit will be the one. Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
An (almost) PB to update my score up a few spots, not much
Thx!! <Allen>
Oof...spring-mageddon. But a bigger, "true" PB is not far off! Keep going good! Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions Therexershow
Post by: therexershow on July 21, 2021, 04:53:56 pm
Is this how I lsubmit a score ? Through this link? I?d like to submit 528,400 . I can show my hardware in a separate video or something if needed.
Title: Re: Score Submissions Therexershow
Post by: xelnia on July 21, 2021, 05:11:56 pm
Is this how I lsubmit a score ? Through this link? I?d like to submit 528,400 . I can show my hardware in a separate video or something if needed.
Yes, you submit here. Check out the List Submission Rules ( to see what you hardware you need to show.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: bonerforce on July 26, 2021, 03:21:39 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: AMJ on August 02, 2021, 01:43:55 pm
Hi, my name is Anthony Jones and I'd like to submit my new pb of 640,600 on Arcade. Here's the full video footage of the stream:
Title: Re: Score Submissions 780,600
Post by: therexershow on August 05, 2021, 08:44:46 am
Greg Kiempisty submitting Arcade TKG4 score of 780,600. 8/4/21 . See twitch evidence My arcade machine details are in my YT video on
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Barra on August 05, 2021, 03:12:36 pm
Great scores guys!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 05, 2021, 07:38:59 pm
Another WR lit. <Allen> Fantastic game, sir. I think this is your first 1.2M where your raw pace was over 1.2M (in other words, your death points weren't needed to push you over the 1.2M mark). I guess that means you're getting pretty good! So keep going! :) Verified and updated on the HSL (
Hi, my name is Anthony Jones and I'd like to submit my new pb of 640,600 on Arcade. Here's the full video footage of the stream:
Great game! Verified and added to the HSL ( KS soon!
Greg Kiempisty submitting Arcade TKG4 score of 780,600. 8/4/21 . See twitch evidence My arcade machine details are in my YT video on
Nice video! The only thing I need to see is the actual underside of the control panel so we can verify it has the 4-way restrictor plate. Then you'll be good to go! Thanks.
Title: Re: Score Submissions 780,600
Post by: xelnia on August 05, 2021, 08:08:16 pm
Greg Kiempisty submitting Arcade TKG4 score of 780,600. 8/4/21 . See twitch evidence My arcade machine details are in my YT video on
Also, it looks like this highlight cuts off at 646, I would recommend re-highlighting the original broadcast to get the full game in there.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on August 07, 2021, 08:24:01 am
Greg Kiempisty submitting Arcade TKG4 score of 780,600. 8/4/21 . See twitch evidence My arcade machine details are in my YT video on
Nice video! The only thing I need to see is the actual underside of the control panel so we can verify it has the 4-way restrictor plate. Then you'll be good to go! Thanks.
Greg Kiempisty submitting Arcade TKG4 score of 780,600. 8/4/21 . See twitch evidence My arcade machine details are in my YT video on
Also, it looks like this highlight cuts off at 646, I would recommend re-highlighting the original broadcast to get the full game in there.
Greg Kiempisty (therexershow) submitting 862,200 on Arcade. 8-15-21
Thanks for sending me the control panel video! And with that all of these scores have been verified and the 862k has been added to the HSL (! Congrats! Tough break on that one, but I'm sure your next submission will be a killscreen! Also, since your 862k game had a Start score of over 100k (109,900), I updated the Start HSL ( with that score as well.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on August 24, 2021, 12:04:55 pm
I didnt see the usual write up with chart here so I asked Robbie if he had one for his recent PB. I just wanted to look at the simple things like highest level and lowest level and save it with the other big game charts I have. He got a 72K level as a high (huge!) and a brutal 59K for his lowest. If that lowest level was even a 62-63K his score would of been 3-4K higher, pretty nuts. Just sharing as I think stats can be cool.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on August 25, 2021, 01:40:19 pm
Name - Shaun Ruhland Score - 635,400 Video -
I was in a great position to finish it off. Two stupid deaths after 600k. I just need to learn from it and focus a little more.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on August 25, 2021, 10:49:03 pm
Hello DK Forum,
I finally reached my first Donkey Kong killscreen tonight with a final score of 962,500. I will have video prepared Thursday evening and will share. Regards,
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 26, 2021, 03:22:24 am
Congrats! <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on August 26, 2021, 08:39:42 am
I finally reached my first Donkey Kong killscreen tonight with a final score of 962,500. I will have video prepared Thursday evening and will share. Regards,
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
YES! Congrats man!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on August 26, 2021, 03:42:20 pm
Hello DKForum,
Here is my footage from Twitch with my killscreen score of 962,500. Unfortunately, I had an internet connection issue happen while I was finishing level 20 and starting level 21 and the stream did not capture that. At least the 2nd stream video was able to capture the final few minutes of level 21 and the killscreen on level 22. I hope this can be accepted, and I am acceptable if the DK Pace chart is unable to be completed since a few stage scores in level 20 and 21 will not be able to be entered. I have done previous cabinet video tours on my previous high scores and I hd some issues with the wireless webcam working at the end of the part 2 video.
Part 1 (Start of game to Level 20) Part 2 (Level 21, killscreen, and cabinet tour)
I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: ww on August 26, 2021, 06:26:53 pm
Great game, Mike!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on August 27, 2021, 07:18:33 am
Great game Mike! Congratulations! If you use OBS is has a setting to record locally while streaming. I have that set up, so I don't lose bits like this.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on August 27, 2021, 03:09:07 pm
At this time, I am using Streamlabs. I will have to double check on recording settings besides streaming.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on August 30, 2021, 09:20:37 pm
147,400 start justin elliott wolf 221
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on August 31, 2021, 08:28:46 pm
Apologies for the wait everyone...I'll get to all these in the next couple of days.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VIMikey on September 01, 2021, 05:32:48 am
No problem! 8)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2021, 05:57:16 pm
Sorry it was an INP instead of a ZIP for that start. Zip attached.
Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL ( and Start HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2021, 05:58:56 pm
I finally reached my first Donkey Kong killscreen tonight with a final score of 962,500. I will have video prepared Thursday evening and will share. Regards,
Here is my footage from Twitch with my killscreen score of 962,500. Unfortunately, I had an internet connection issue happen while I was finishing level 20 and starting level 21 and the stream did not capture that. At least the 2nd stream video was able to capture the final few minutes of level 21 and the killscreen on level 22. I hope this can be accepted, and I am acceptable if the DK Pace chart is unable to be completed since a few stage scores in level 20 and 21 will not be able to be entered. I have done previous cabinet video tours on my previous high scores and I hd some issues with the wireless webcam working at the end of the part 2 video.
Part 1 (Start of game to Level 20) Part 2 (Level 21, killscreen, and cabinet tour)
I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Michael Massaro DKMikey77
Congrats on your first KS...and with a 962k! Kreygasm Verified and updated on the HSL ( I made a stats sheet, but highlighted the missing scores in yellow. The little summary box at the top only includes score data from the video. There's no summary for this one, though, since I need full game data to enter there. Anyway...might as well knock out that 1M!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 05, 2021, 06:03:42 pm
Congrats on these great scores! They've been verified and the 636k has been added to the HSL ( The 619k score had a 103k Start, so that's been added to the Start HSL ( as well. Looks like you're on track for 900k KS pretty soon!
Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats, Noah! Huge 1st man...gonna have a breakthrough soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jimhappy on September 18, 2021, 06:37:05 pm
Title: Barry 'n Fink's DK Challenge Score Submission
Post by: Evan04 on September 19, 2021, 11:23:22 am
Barry 'n Fink's DK Challenge Score Submission
Hi everyone here is my 86,600 (wolf-235) score for the Barry 'n Fink's DK Challenge, Also posted on CAG Tournaments (
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Synappzz on September 19, 2021, 04:53:28 pm
Shannon Hamill Wolfmame 224 352,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on September 20, 2021, 02:33:21 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: crazyfox351 on September 20, 2021, 08:19:35 pm
Hi, I have been playing for a few months and lurking. Steady progress. About time to put up a game and then keep pushing to improve. Ryan Bowman 239300 21/09/2021 Wolfmame 235, inp attached. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Shaunanigans on September 21, 2021, 12:10:23 am
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 2084 on September 22, 2021, 09:32:55 am
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on September 22, 2021, 03:03:52 pm
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Nice score gg
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 2084 on September 22, 2021, 08:10:25 pm
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Nice score gg
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on September 23, 2021, 08:08:00 am
Finally after a 3 month dry period... KILLSCREEN! <gasp>
Kreygasm Well done, sir! Finally broke through that 17-2 hump! ;D Both of these scores have been verified. The 679k had a 105k start, which has been added to the Start HSL ( And of course, the main HSL ( has been updated with the 871k KS! Congrats!
Hi, I have been playing for a few months and lurking. Steady progress. About time to put up a game and then keep pushing to improve. Ryan Bowman 239300 21/09/2021 Wolfmame 235, inp attached. Thanks!
Welcome to DKF! Glad to see you decided to submit some scores! Both of these scores have been verified and the 463k has been added to the HSL ( That puts you one spot ahead of John...Bowman?! <gasp> Hope to see more scores soon!
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Thanks for submitting this score! Before I can get it verified, we need to see a walkthrough of your cab (4-way joystick, dips, etc.). Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 27, 2021, 12:18:44 am
4-way joystick, PCB tour, etc. drags on a bit at the end of the video cause I didn't know what to do and had to be guided by the stream. ROFL
Kreygasm <Allen> Kreygasm
Fantastic score, sir. I'm only verifying this score because you didn't beat me. Kappa Hope to see that 1M soon! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
"It's never too late to PB!" the scorekeeper said sadly, as he looked at the date of his own PB.
Pretty quick to knock off the rust, though. Keep at it and get that KS! Verified and updated on the HSL ( Congrats!
Kreygasm Well done, sir! Finally broke through that 17-2 hump! ;D Both of these scores have been verified. The 679k had a 105k start, which has been added to the Start HSL ( And of course, the main HSL ( has been updated with the 871k KS! Congrats!
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Thanks for submitting this score! Before I can get it verified, we need to see a walkthrough of your cab (4-way joystick, dips, etc.). Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
I really appreciate it and sorry about forgetting the cab walkthrough. Here it is:
Thanks again for all of your work on here!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 27, 2021, 11:31:26 pm
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Thanks for submitting this score! Before I can get it verified, we need to see a walkthrough of your cab (4-way joystick, dips, etc.). Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
I really appreciate it and sorry about forgetting the cab walkthrough. Here it is:
Thanks again for all of your work on here!
Looks good! Verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! Hope to see more scores soon!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Pelly on September 28, 2021, 12:42:30 am
Hi All, its been a while since posting, but I thought since I have been hitting Kong hard lately I needed to get back on here. Plus also registered the other day for Barry 'n Finks DK Challenge :D. Since my PB back at Aus KO 4 a couple of months back this is my second PB in the 500k range.. getting close to that 600k milestone!! :)
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 333,700 Video -
First submission, new personal best (beat my previous PB by more than 100k on my last man). Played on an TKG4 (2 stack) PCB in an original DK upright machine (with HSS kit installed).
Thanks for submitting this score! Before I can get it verified, we need to see a walkthrough of your cab (4-way joystick, dips, etc.). Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
I really appreciate it and sorry about forgetting the cab walkthrough. Here it is:
Thanks again for all of your work on here!
Looks good! Verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats! Hope to see more scores soon!
Hi All, its been a while since posting, but I thought since I have been hitting Kong hard lately I needed to get back on here. Plus also registered the other day for Barry 'n Finks DK Challenge :D. Since my PB back at Aus KO 4 a couple of months back this is my second PB in the 500k range.. getting close to that 600k milestone!! :)
Great score, sir. Have you done a cab walkthrough for us before? I don't seem to recall seeing one, so if you could make a quick video showing the relevant parts (4-way joystick, PCB, etc.) then I can work on getting this score on the HSL. Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on September 30, 2021, 10:52:54 pm
Hi All, its been a while since posting, but I thought since I have been hitting Kong hard lately I needed to get back on here. Plus also registered the other day for Barry 'n Finks DK Challenge :D. Since my PB back at Aus KO 4 a couple of months back this is my second PB in the 500k range.. getting close to that 600k milestone!! :)
Great score, sir. Have you done a cab walkthrough for us before? I don't seem to recall seeing one, so if you could make a quick video showing the relevant parts (4-way joystick, PCB, etc.) then I can work on getting this score on the HSL. Check out the List Submission Rules ( for more info. Thanks!
Greg sent me a video ( of his cab walkthrough. Everything looks good so this score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Couple of things to note: 1) Your last dip switch is in the down position. That's the cocktail/upright switch and that switch is player's choice here at DKF (all it does is flip the screen for Player 2 in 2-player cocktail game). Just worth noting in case you want to submit that score or future scores elsewhere...places like TG might not approve. 2) Please make a highlight out of that video so the video evidence remains permanent. Twitch automatically deletes past broadcasts after 14 days (for non-Partners).
Hello I would like to submit a score: apologies amended the score to be correct here? Name: Russell Thomas Score: 326,200 wolf MAME: 0.174 date: 8/10/2021
Imp file attached
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 08, 2021, 05:06:38 pm
Hello I would like to submit a score: Name: Russell Thomas Score: 326,400 wolf MAME: 0.174 date: 8/10/2021
Imp file attached
Thanks for the submission! The zip archive looks to empty/corrupted...can you try attaching it again? Thanks!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Retro Russ on October 09, 2021, 09:20:33 am
Trying to upload it again?
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on October 10, 2021, 01:49:12 pm
New Personal Best to hopefully inspire Creech and VeryApe... Come and get me!
wolfmame .184 802,600 Level 19-4 10-0-2021
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Charlie Milne on October 10, 2021, 05:59:38 pm
Back from a long hiatus and would like to make the following submission. Not a huge jump on my previous PB, only 40,200, but as I am now submitting on an Arcade machine i'll use it as an opportunity to have my cab verified for future submissions. I apologise in advance for my holey boxers, I wasn't expecting to provide a submission, if I was I may have dressed for the occasion...and then again probably not. ;D
I believe I've got all the requirements for the cab walk-through covered. Unfortunately the auto focus was off so its a bit blurry at times but hopefully it is clear enough to verify what is needed. If it is a problem I'm happy to redo a better walk-through, just let me know.
Name - Charlie Milne Score - 525,400 Hardware - TKG4 PCB Video - Many Thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Charlie Milne on October 10, 2021, 06:14:43 pm
Back from a long hiatus and would like to make the following submission. Not a huge jump on my previous PB, only 40,200, but as I am now submitting on an Arcade machine i'll use it as an opportunity to have my cab verified for future submissions. I apologise in advance for my holey boxers, I wasn't expecting to provide a submission, if I was I may have dressed for the occasion...and then again probably not. ;D
I believe I've got all the requirements for the cab walk-through covered. Unfortunately the auto focus was off so its a bit blurry at times but hopefully it is clear enough to verify what is needed. If it is a problem I'm happy to redo a better walk-through, just let me know.
Name - Charlie Milne Score - 525,400 Hardware - TKG4 PCB Video - Many Thanks
Glad you're back to submitting scores! Video looks good so your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
video -
done by 320K
Do you still have the original video file for this, and could possibly upload it to YouTube or Twitch? I don't know much about Rumble, but that video plays at like 125% speed and the audio cuts out after a few seconds.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Synappzz on October 15, 2021, 07:52:53 am
401,700 Wolf224
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Charlie Milne on October 16, 2021, 01:06:50 am
Glad you're back to submitting scores! Video looks good so your score has been verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Well done Shaun, great effort. Its on like Donkey Kong for the Aussies, I see Geoff also put up a KS and Pelly a very decent score
Thanks Mate! Yeah us Aussies are doing alright lately <Allen> <Allen> We should have a few more Killscreens coming up soon.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Lyriell on October 24, 2021, 08:37:59 am
Hello ladies and gents.
Justin reminded me it's been 8 months since my last PB, so I decided to tone it down a bit and play a bit safer.
New PB is 1,196,900. TKG-13, 24/10/2021 start > 25/10/21 AEDT.
Missed the bottom hammer on one of my levels (need to go back and check why... probably wasn't giving a fireball enough love) I think this is what cost me an easy 3k.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on October 24, 2021, 10:32:05 am
Justin reminded me it's been 8 months since my last PB, so I decided to tone it down a bit and play a bit safer.
New PB is 1,196,900. TKG-13, 24/10/2021 start > 25/10/21 AEDT.
Missed the bottom hammer on one of my levels (need to go back and check why... probably wasn't giving a fireball enough love) I think this is what cost me an easy 3k.
you just needed a gentle (and sometimes not so gentle <stirpot>) push in the right direction, sir! i told you you had the game to JUST get to the end and you would hit your goal and here we are! THE KING!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Dallas Taylor on October 24, 2021, 03:33:40 pm
Justin reminded me it's been 8 months since my last PB, so I decided to tone it down a bit and play a bit safer.
New PB is 1,196,900. TKG-13, 24/10/2021 start > 25/10/21 AEDT.
Missed the bottom hammer on one of my levels (need to go back and check why... probably wasn't giving a fireball enough love) I think this is what cost me an easy 3k.
you just needed a gentle (and sometimes not so gentle <stirpot>) push in the right direction, sir! i told you you had the game to JUST get to the end and you would hit your goal and here we are! THE KING!
Playing through when you know there's no chance at the WR is what I consider a grind. I catch myself throwing away perfectly good games because I know that a WR or PB is not possible. But, it's good practice and 1M+ games and kill screens are nothing to sneeze at. Just have to push through the tough ones to get to the REALLY good runs.
Well done King Matt!!! Great stuff sir.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: SithOfSpades on October 24, 2021, 03:54:29 pm
Justin reminded me it's been 8 months since my last PB, so I decided to tone it down a bit and play a bit safer.
New PB is 1,196,900. TKG-13, 24/10/2021 start > 25/10/21 AEDT.
Missed the bottom hammer on one of my levels (need to go back and check why... probably wasn't giving a fireball enough love) I think this is what cost me an easy 3k.
Amazing score! Long live the King!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on October 24, 2021, 04:19:13 pm
Justin reminded me it's been 8 months since my last PB, so I decided to tone it down a bit and play a bit safer.
New PB is 1,196,900. TKG-13, 24/10/2021 start > 25/10/21 AEDT.
Missed the bottom hammer on one of my levels (need to go back and check why... probably wasn't giving a fireball enough love) I think this is what cost me an easy 3k.
wow the KING. Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats! 3k away from retirement! Kappa
There is about as much chance of Matt retiring as Allen getting the mill. <popcorn>
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Synappzz on November 01, 2021, 07:07:31 pm
417600 wolf224
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 2084 on November 10, 2021, 04:31:39 pm
I'm back. Seemed like it took forever, but I finally knocked out my 398k. I hated that one (so close to 400k). Thanks again for everything that you do!
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 563,100 Hardware - TKG4 PCB with Remix board installed. Video -
After the fact, I felt a bit dumb for not resetting after my 2-1 death, but I'll take it.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 14, 2021, 05:02:24 pm
I'm back. Seemed like it took forever, but I finally knocked out my 398k. I hated that one (so close to 400k). Thanks again for everything that you do!
Name - Mike Hartman Score - 563,100 Hardware - TKG4 PCB with Remix board installed. Video -
After the fact, I felt a bit dumb for not resetting after my 2-1 death, but I'll take it.
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Sorry I forgot to post the video link on my previous post:
You literally got my exact score! Congratulation! Happy your charity drive went well. :)
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on November 23, 2021, 05:56:53 am
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to register a new PB of 343,700. It was done in my original DKcab tonight using a 14 genuine board, with Pauline roms. The game was streamed live via the following: starting at 54:45. At the end of the game, the board and all components were also recorded live to the stream. I have followed all rules, and hope you enjoy the game.
Kind regards,
Tanya. aka Sapphire_Drag0n
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jdblacks7 on November 25, 2021, 08:23:32 pm
Hi all, JD Black here! this is my first official score submission of 350,900. Here is the highlight to my video with the machine verification at the end ( This is Jmayden81's DK machine. We had to restream the video because forgot to click the save vod button on twitch. thanks
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on November 30, 2021, 09:46:24 pm
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats on the PB and congrats on the great fundraiser! If you get a chance, please ask Netherworld to make a highlight of your game to the video remains permanent. Thanks!
Hi all, JD Black here! this is my first official score submission of 350,900. Here is the highlight to my video with the machine verification at the end ( This is Jmayden81's DK machine. We had to restream the video because forgot to click the save vod button on twitch. thanks
Looks good! Verified and added to the HSL ( Congrats!
Hi Folks, I Tanya Lowe would like to register a new PB of 343,700. It was done in my original DKcab tonight using a 14 genuine board, with Pauline roms. The game was streamed live via the following: starting at 54:45. At the end of the game, the board and all components were also recorded live to the stream. I have followed all rules, and hope you enjoy the game.
Kind regards,
Tanya. aka Sapphire_Drag0n
I'm holding off on this one for now until the community can have a discussion about allowing Pauline scores on to the main HSL:
Title: Re: Score Submissions - withdrawal
Post by: sapphire_drag0n on December 04, 2021, 01:30:26 am
For the record, I had no idea that there was any difference (other than the images) between Pauline and DK. I'm having a beautiful Pauline cab made up and was testing out the roms for the first time. If Pauline is easier, harder or different to DK in terms of game play, then it really doesn't help my game play and practice. I never, ever wanted to cause or be involved in any kind of controversy or sides on anything that could have any kind of bad impact on an amazing community that I have enjoyed being part of and still enjoy being part of. For the record, I withdraw my submission for my new PB, and will do my best to get it or a better one again on my DK cab. ;)
Kind regards, Tanya.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: naujoks on December 07, 2021, 12:25:49 am
Submitting a new score, improving on my previously recorded one:
DK Arcade Points: 837,300 Video: (including lots of German swearing at the end, I'm afraid, but I mean, 1 screen away from a KS, come on!) Name: Martin Knizia
Components shown at the end of the video, as before.
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on December 12, 2021, 10:41:01 pm
Submitting a new score, improving on my previously recorded one:
DK Arcade Points: 837,300 Video: (including lots of German swearing at the end, I'm afraid, but I mean, 1 screen away from a KS, come on!) Name: Martin Knizia
Components shown at the end of the video, as before.
BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
Rough ending, but still a PB! Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
I'm assuming this is the game:
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Almost our first new 1M player of 2021...time's running out... BibleThump
shoulda been way bigger. second half was a massive letdown. #soon.
A PB is a PB sir! Well done. Your first game with a 13k+ barrel average and 63k+ level average. Even bigger things coming soon, I reckon. Verified and updated on the HSL (!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: VeryApe121 on December 17, 2021, 11:42:20 am
New PB for submission - 782,800 My first time ever seeing level 20. That got me nervous as ever, even though I knew I had blown past my PB. Also, I seem to PB around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New expect a Killscreen around New Years Day 2022. That is your only warning David. <Allen> <Allen>
Title: Re: Score Submissions - withdrawal
Post by: muscleandfitness on December 17, 2021, 11:56:15 am
For the record, I had no idea that there was any difference (other than the images) between Pauline and DK. I'm having a beautiful Pauline cab made up and was testing out the roms for the first time. If Pauline is easier, harder or different to DK in terms of game play, then it really doesn't help my game play and practice. I never, ever wanted to cause or be involved in any kind of controversy or sides on anything that could have any kind of bad impact on an amazing community that I have enjoyed being part of and still enjoy being part of. For the record, I withdraw my submission for my new PB, and will do my best to get it or a better one again on my DK cab. ;)
Kind regards, Tanya.
Tanya pls lol go for it lit
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on December 17, 2021, 07:49:22 pm
New PB for submission - 782,800 My first time ever seeing level 20. That got me nervous as ever, even though I knew I had blown past my PB. Also, I seem to PB around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New expect a Killscreen around New Years Day 2022. That is your only warning David. <Allen> <Allen>
I think you meant New Year's EVE 2022... Just saying.
Glad the picture is inspiring you to greater heights.
Regardless, sir, a hearty Congratulations are in order! Great Game brother!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jimhappy on December 18, 2021, 10:12:28 am
To Submit: NEW PB and Kill Screen!!!!!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: NWnike on December 18, 2021, 12:29:05 pm
Congratulations Jim! Hell of a good game there!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: jimhappy on December 19, 2021, 03:58:21 am
New PB for submission - 782,800 My first time ever seeing level 20. That got me nervous as ever, even though I knew I had blown past my PB. Also, I seem to PB around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New expect a Killscreen around New Years Day 2022. That is your only warning David. <Allen> <Allen>
Verified and updated on the HSL (! Don't wait a year for that KS!
That didn't take long...congrats on the KS! A little bit of a nail-biter at the end there. Verified and updated on the HSL ( to 1M!
Just in time before the end of Barry 'n Fink's DK challenge.
1,006,300 WolfMAME 0.183 1/1/22
Ringing in the New Year with your first 1M and some of that sweet tourney $$$! Verified and updated on the HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: afatherlykong on January 04, 2022, 06:14:11 pm
Evening Gentlemen.
After a year of grinding, I have PB'd a new score of 517,900.
Cabinet Verification Starts at 53:42
I had trouble finding the DIP Switches and my phone kept locking and cutting off the footage, so I did the verification passthrough several times.
I thought I didn't catch the DIP Switch K until I looked back and saw a glimpse at 01:01:45.
Jeremy, please tell me that I got everything after going through all that several times.
Hope this was enough.
Alex Fatherly
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: afatherlykong on January 04, 2022, 06:41:24 pm
Disregard last reply.
I screwed up the highlight.
Here is the correct highlight with full start of game:
Verification on my Cabinet starts at 1:09:29
Again, did several passthroughs of everything due to my camera locking itself and later had trouble finding the DIP switches, specifically DIP Switch K being Up.
At 1:16:57, DIP Switch K is shown
Hopefully this is everything.
Thanks again, Jeremy.
Alex Fatherly
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 13Charp on January 06, 2022, 07:28:14 pm
Hello, Below is the link to the highlighted game for my new PB 259,400.
Thank you, 13CharP
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on January 09, 2022, 05:32:38 am
wolf-0183 Level 1-1 8,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: Evan04 on January 09, 2022, 06:15:12 am
wolf-0183 Level 1-1 9,200
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: rayfinkel on January 12, 2022, 07:23:52 pm
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: 2084 on January 17, 2022, 12:06:34 pm
New Level 1-1 PB.
Name - Mike Hartman Date - Jan 17, 2022 Level 1-1 Score - 11,300 Hardware - TKG4 PCB with Remix board installed. Video -
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 17, 2022, 10:06:11 pm
I died on L22 before the killscreen glitch trying to be tricky with the hammer like a muppet (apparently this is a right of passage) ROFL
Note: The Twitch VOD is a replay of my offline game which was streamed.
Nicely done, sir...well, except for the very end. Verified and updated on the HSL (! Apologies for the delayed verification. Whenever someone beats my score I make sure to put the submission under extra scrutiny. Kappa
Here is the correct highlight with full start of game:
Verification on my Cabinet starts at 1:09:29
Again, did several passthroughs of everything due to my camera locking itself and later had trouble finding the DIP switches, specifically DIP Switch K being Up.
At 1:16:57, DIP Switch K is shown
Hopefully this is everything.
Thanks again, Jeremy.
Alex Fatherly
Looks good! Congrats on the PB! Verified and updated on the HSL (
Both of these have been verified, even though the minimum score for the Level 1-1 HSL ( is 9,000. The 9,200 has been put on the board. Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: xelnia on January 17, 2022, 10:16:45 pm
Name - Mike Hartman Date - Jan 17, 2022 Level 1-1 Score - 11,300 Hardware - TKG4 PCB with Remix board installed. Video -
Verified and added to the Level 1-1 HSL (! Congrats!
Title: Re: Score Submissions
Post by: therexershow on January 18, 2022, 08:16:55 pm