Donkey Kong Forum

General Donkey Kong Discussion => General Donkey Kong Discussion => Topic started by: Hawkins on July 15, 2024, 09:21:40 pm

Title: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
Post by: Hawkins on July 15, 2024, 09:21:40 pm
Given all the ink and hot air spent on this question, I am curious to know what the DK community thinks.
Title: Re: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
Post by: jammvyy on July 16, 2024, 03:21:43 am
We know he did , are like one them flat earthers :)
Title: Re: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
Post by: johnbart on July 16, 2024, 06:28:01 am
Jammvyy speaks reasonable on this topic. Facts speak, not opinions. The facts are clear as day that it was MAME.  Full stop.
Title: Re: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
Post by: jammvyy on July 16, 2024, 03:00:09 pm
It was a lengthy investigation where a lot of possibilities in the guesswork , but with many people and experts in Hardware and programing working on this TG case many things were discovered to proof it mame , all bullshit in the world not going to change my mind :)