Donkey Kong Forum
General Donkey Kong Discussion => General Donkey Kong Discussion => Topic started by: Nelson Pandela on May 06, 2024, 07:03:36 am
I'm searching for high-resolution images of the 4 different boards. My plan is to print them as A3 posters and use them for discussing tactics before or after playing. I tried looking on Google but couldn't find anything of printable quality. I also attempted to take screenshots from MAME, but they always turn out black. Has anyone else had this idea and found a solution? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot i am new here and i hope i am following all rules, cheers to the community!
Something like this? This is a 2970x4200 pixel snapshot from MAME.
mame dkong -snapsize 2970x4200 -snapbilinear 0
Then press F12 and look in the "snap" folder in your MAME folder.
Thanks a lot, this is exactly what i was looking for. I am going to try the F12 while in MAME to capture the other boards and then post them here if thats ok for others to use. It might take a while as i have 2 small kids running around but if Wiebe can do it, so can i :) Thanks for the reply!!