Donkey Kong Forum

Streaming => General Streaming Discussion => Topic started by: JCHarrist on January 23, 2013, 07:51:24 pm

Title: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 23, 2013, 07:51:24 pm
This is a list of people who occasionally stream classic arcade games. If you go to their channel and "follow" them, you will get an e-mail notification every time they go live.

Dean Saglio - (
Dave McCrary - (
Vince Lemay - (
Jeff Willms - (
Mitch Elliott - (
Ross Benziger - (
Allen Staal - (
Craig Rout Gallant - ( / (
Chris Psaros - (
Phil Tudose ( / (
Jeff Wolfe - (
Robbie Lakeman - (
Chris Icenhour - (
Mark Kiehl - (
Ben Falls - ( / (
Jeff Harrist - (
John Salter - (
Steve Wiltshire - (
Daniel Dock - (
Mike Groesbeck - (
Daniel Desjardins - ( / (
Melkond DomBourian - (
Ken House - ( / (
Colman Paolo - (
Phil Timmons - (
Andrew Gardikis - (
Dustin Myers - (
Eric Tessler - (
Steve Wagner - (
Glen Updike - ( / (
Todd Lalonde - (
Chris Mansfield - (
Ethan Daniels - ( / (
Leo - (
Tyr1ck - (
Craig Ziegler - (
John McNeill  - (
Daryl Kiddy  - (
Jon McKinnell  - (
Svavar Gunnar Gunnarsson  - (
Eric Martin - (
Shane Mosher - (
Brendan O'Dowd - (
Grant Thienemann - ( / (
Jason Nugent - (
Jeremy Young - (
Mike Kasper - (
Joe Kassel - (
Tom Bradley - (
Shawn Robinson - (
Joseph Carroll - (
Dustin Pease - (
Asherk - (
Aaron Rounsaville - (
Scott Cunningham - (
Katie Young - (
Christian Van Meter - (
mrdontsmildride - (
Matt Z - (
Trooley - (
Graham Hawkins - (
DenverDK - (
Richie Knucklez- (
justin_js - (
Chassis Arcade - (
V3rby - (
Hank Chien - (
Joshua Lombay - (
arnthestampede - (
jbeannie05 - (
ctstylez - (
Martin Laing - (
Dan Corcoran - (
Jonathan McCourt - (
Eric Klopf - (
Estel Goffinet - (
George Strain - (
Steve Kleisath - (
Hector Rodriguez - ( / (
donkeykongsmom - (
Johnny Bonde - ( / (
Johnbart - (
Unkeptbeard - (
Nick_D - (
Stephen Boyer - (
Christer Kristensson - (
Wes Copeland - ( / (
Marcelo Mandaji - (
Andrew Barrow - (
Martin Bedard - (
Mitchell Meerman - (
Dallas Riley - (
Dick Moreland - (
Zetherman - (
Rick Fothergill - (
Brennan Brandt - (
DKJR - (
Robert Felstein - (
Bookoo Tabor - (
Hans Kollinger - (
George Riley - (
jumpman - (
Mick Winzeler - (
Rukako Hishimiya - (
iastsa - (
shnypz - ( / (
Miketastic5 - (
tilt - ( (
RLKDragon - (
Emil Thompson - (
Tim Hett - (
Tom Votava - (
Perry Rodgers - (
snicklefritzx - (
Chris Teter - ( / (
Jamie Tibbetts - (
Andrew Garrett - (
Michael Garber - ( / (
Jeremy Price - (
durden77 - (
Mike SP - (
jwade614 - (
Tim Sczerby - (
Benjamin Kortholt - (
Fred DeHart - (
Daniel Larson - (
Michael Sroka - (
Z82 Retrocade Sherwood - (
Michael Kibbey - (http://www.twitch.tvkibbey)
Kadows - (
billygaines- (
Jonesy_Kong - (
Underground Retrocade - (
zamboni93 - (
Brian Waldie - (
jmayden81 - (
Anthony Trujillo - (
Dave Gubernot - (
serginioso - (
Anders Lasbo - (
Matt Hall - (
Evunz - (
Rolledcigs- (
zmick_trick - (
Jakob Spring - (
YBE- (
Thomas Bauer - (
David Gomez - (
Bill Holmes - (
Justin - (
DJ Thorpe - (
kewydee_17 - (
yesaffinity - (
Peter Gorz (GGA guy): (
Vincent Cote - (
Aaron Truitt - (
David Manning - (
serphintizer - (
Muerto - (
jdllama - (
mrvaya - (
wvapinball -
multifariousgamer - (
rygar412 - (
rymincl - (
Tim Kreh - (
wolfman24 - (
neilhdz - (
tenser - (
Shaun Boyd - (
gettysburg1863 - (
bensweeneyonbass - (
twitchshane - (
wflimusic - (
Ky Staal -
weiwovaseiba -
SoltyD - (
blackraven15 - (
charliefar - (
aftershoke - (
Adam Wood - (
dazzer - (
owlnonymous - (
sock__master - (
qaop_spaceman - (
nsheeks - (
jumpmanjack - (
d3rtus - (
Matt Rocco - (
Clinton VanSciver - (
Netherworld Arcade - (
Battle of the Arcades - (
2084 Arcade - (
cmarshall088 - (
knife_horse - (
Carrie Swidecki- (
Flobeamer1922 - (
bubbalove48 - (
zedisdead - (
zapwai - (
Pincadia - (
SidSeattle - (
dzn_duke - (
meowwolf -
sleepygary -
creech -
ThadJarvice -
twinxen -
JoshtheGamer -
Mcporkchop54 -
sikraiken -
TryhardTroglodyte -
Jason Spindler -
M. Schrock -
Brad Williamson -
captnkong -
dollopuss -
Jasonv91 -
1971printer -
Pearl  -
Veryape121 -
vortexarcade -
Daniel Solis -
Arcadeplayer_abc -
mylar -
SithofSpades -
Lyriell -
Les.coffman -
rayfinkel -
Joseph Carroll -
tjb3531 -
Majesticone -
tarkus1977 -
Matthew Boyd -
Jacob Ashley -
Joe_Kongman -
NWNike -
Verne Voshell -
Rosebud -
FirebirdTPG -
fippi -
Pelly -
Michael Massaro -
Luke Bushell -
reinke0314 -
ILLSeaBass -
MattyK -
Itsmrpitchy -
Shaunanigans -
LauraKingNeville -
Sam McNear -
mattbu16 -
dearestabby -
godfather -
Fox -
kongkat2020 -
Alex Fatherly -
Aaron Raynor -
Neil Cairns -
Mitch Mitchell -
ww -
Dallas Taylor -
dknetter -
prow -
Sean_Taggsta_OutRun_86 -
evan04 -
synappzz -
MPL_Arcade -
bonerforce75 -
vern -
80sArcadeKid -
retrotonight -
FuriousWolf666 -
sapphire_drag0n -
kaizen088 -
Danny Fazackerley -
jimhappy -
Ryan Bowman -
Mike Hartman -

If you know of someone that's missing from the list, please post in this thread and I'll add them.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 24, 2013, 06:23:33 pm
Maybe add Ken House, Eric Tessler, Eric Howard, and the guy who streams at ( are a few others, like Phil Timmons, Brian King and that Italian guy who are starting to play a bit, but we can hold off until they really start going at it.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 24, 2013, 06:51:27 pm
OK, added Ken ,Colman, Eric, Eric and Phil. Brian King's channel seems to be private.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 24, 2013, 07:29:28 pm
Oh yeah, Andrew Gardikis too!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 24, 2013, 07:35:38 pm
Andrew added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 24, 2013, 10:22:53 pm
Thought of another one: Dustin Myers at (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 25, 2013, 11:26:23 am
Dustin added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on January 25, 2013, 10:26:39 pm
I have seen Hank stream before, but only once or twice.

EDIT:  Also, John Hunter plays sometimes at (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on January 27, 2013, 08:03:01 pm
Pretty neat list of names here!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: OzSteve71 on January 29, 2013, 06:38:01 pm
Add mine if you want to: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 29, 2013, 06:43:03 pm
Add mine if you want to: (

Added! Welcome aboard , mate! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: OzSteve71 on January 29, 2013, 06:48:17 pm
Add mine if you want to: (

Added! Welcome aboard , mate! :)

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on January 30, 2013, 05:59:15 am
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 30, 2013, 07:40:32 am

Steve Wagner added. Welcome Wags!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on January 30, 2013, 06:15:06 pm
Can we remove Allen's Link  No one really wants to see him play lol!!!!!!!! $hit game!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on January 31, 2013, 02:11:45 am
Wht da Ninglendo is not on that list fk that will never do. lol
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 31, 2013, 03:11:27 am
Allen is right! Add Glen!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 31, 2013, 08:43:25 am
Wht da Ninglendo is not on that list fk that will never do. lol

Good call mate. Ninglendo added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on January 31, 2013, 08:49:11 am
no he mostly plays console games.  Inless something has changed i don'nt know about.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marky_d on January 31, 2013, 09:21:36 am
No, I know for a fact he plays Donkey Kong series games, arcade as well.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Ninglendo on January 31, 2013, 09:29:00 am
no he mostly plays console games.  Inless something has changed i don'nt know about.
Yes, I play console games, but I also play arcade games as well. It still doesn't take from the fact that I play DK games. I just scored a million on Jr. for the NES a couple of weeks ago and I will be going for my first kill screen on the arcade version at MGC. Last time I read the name of the forum it said Donkey Kong Forum, not Donkey Kong Arcade Forum.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 31, 2013, 10:00:25 am
no he mostly plays console games.  Inless something has changed i don'nt know about.
Yes, I play console games, but I also play arcade games as well. It still doesn't take from the fact that I play DK games. I just scored a million on Jr. for the NES a couple of weeks ago and I will be going for my first kill screen on the arcade version at MGC. Last time I read the name of the forum it said Donkey Kong Forum, not Donkey Kong Arcade Forum.

Welcome aboard Glen!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on January 31, 2013, 03:42:21 pm
thanks for adding glen
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on February 07, 2013, 06:42:48 pm
Been awhile since I've seen him stream DK, but Chris Mansfield streams here... (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 09, 2013, 11:25:22 am
Chris Mansfield added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ChrisP on February 09, 2013, 02:09:03 pm
I thought he disliked DK (and rather strongly too)?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on February 09, 2013, 02:22:13 pm
Nah, he was playing a lot for awhile...not too far from a kill screen.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on February 09, 2013, 03:32:51 pm
Belive he told me this a few years back allso.  But anything can change
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on February 20, 2013, 12:29:53 am
Ethan Daniels: (

?: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on February 20, 2013, 08:42:23 pm
Leo(?): (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 20, 2013, 10:45:33 pm
Updated with new members.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on February 25, 2013, 12:30:08 am
Daryl Kiddy (
Jon McKinnell (
Svavar Gunnar Gunnarsson (
Nick Sheils (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Tyr1ck on March 01, 2013, 06:57:48 pm
I just started streaming my kill screen attempts today. Add me, guys!  Playing DK gets lonely! (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 01, 2013, 07:35:07 pm
I just started streaming my kill screen attempts today. Add me, guys!  Playing DK gets lonely! (

Added.  :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: craighiphopfish on March 03, 2013, 08:01:48 pm
I'm finally
Craig Ziegler
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 03, 2013, 08:26:35 pm
I'm finally
Craig Ziegler

Awesome Craig! Added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: craighiphopfish on March 03, 2013, 08:53:07 pm
Thanks Jeff!!!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ChrisP on March 11, 2013, 12:22:58 am
In addition to those Mitchell mentioned above, I see one more wildcard sign-up that isn't on this list:

John McNeill (

Add at your leisure.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 11, 2013, 12:32:41 am
In addition to those Mitchell mentioned above, I see one more wildcard sign-up that isn't on this list:

John McNeill (

Add at your leisure.

Thanks, I somehow missed that last post from Mitch.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Bliss1083 on March 12, 2013, 03:49:48 pm
Joseph carroll ( I hope this works.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 12, 2013, 03:55:06 pm
Joseph carroll ( I hope this works.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on April 05, 2013, 01:35:53 pm
Corey Chambers  -
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 05, 2013, 01:49:50 pm
Corey Chambers  -

Added! And welcome to the forum! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on April 06, 2013, 11:30:34 am
I have made three attempts to register with ( and for some reason I never receive an email to complete the process. Does anyone have that email and could tell me what the send address was so that I could add it to my allowed list in my spam folder? I assume that an email is being sent to me, but if not I am not sure what else I can do. Has anyone else had this problem?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: John73 on April 06, 2013, 01:52:10 pm
I have made three attempts to register with ( and for some reason I never receive an email to complete the process. Does anyone have that email and could tell me what the send address was so that I could add it to my allowed list in my spam folder? I assume that an email is being sent to me, but if not I am not sure what else I can do. Has anyone else had this problem?

Check your junk mail folder if you have one, your mail provider may be flagging the message incorrectly.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 06, 2013, 04:38:05 pm
I have made three attempts to register with ( and for some reason I never receive an email to complete the process. Does anyone have that email and could tell me what the send address was so that I could add it to my allowed list in my spam folder? I assume that an email is being sent to me, but if not I am not sure what else I can do. Has anyone else had this problem?

I can't comment on Aurcade, as I've never registered there.  I've experienced your problem with CAGDC and MARP.  In both cases, I'm confident the email was never sent.  Just business as usual.

Many email clients have an option that allows you to choose how to handle junk mail.  You can have it delivered to your spam folder, or automatically deleted.  Perhaps your setting is on auto delete?

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Scoundrl on April 06, 2013, 07:40:57 pm
I have made three attempts to register with ( and for some reason I never receive an email to complete the process. Does anyone have that email and could tell me what the send address was so that I could add it to my allowed list in my spam folder? I assume that an email is being sent to me, but if not I am not sure what else I can do. Has anyone else had this problem?

I just enabled the DonkeyKongGenius at aurcade for you. Not sure why not email was sent but it's all fixed now.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on April 06, 2013, 11:55:20 pm
Thanks, Ken!

I have made three attempts to register with ( and for some reason I never receive an email to complete the process. Does anyone have that email and could tell me what the send address was so that I could add it to my allowed list in my spam folder? I assume that an email is being sent to me, but if not I am not sure what else I can do. Has anyone else had this problem?

I can't comment on Aurcade, as I've never registered there.  I've experienced your problem with CAGDC and MARP.  In both cases, I'm confident the email was never sent.  Just business as usual.

Many email clients have an option that allows you to choose how to handle junk mail.  You can have it delivered to your spam folder, or automatically deleted.  Perhaps your setting is on auto delete?

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on April 09, 2013, 02:30:47 pm
Eric? (
Shane (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 09, 2013, 03:09:44 pm
Eric? (
Shane (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ebinsugewa on April 12, 2013, 09:30:06 pm
Brendan O'Dowd (me): (

I'm mostly a Street Fighter player, but I will be playing DK, other arcade games, and other console games on there. Once a week (Thursday as of right now) I will also be playing DK at, (,) which is a friend's stream devoted to Street Fighter and classic games. Please come to either and tell me what I'm doing wrong! ;D
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 12, 2013, 09:42:46 pm
Brendan O'Dowd (me): (

I'm mostly a Street Fighter player, but I will be playing DK, other arcade games, and other console games on there. Once a week (Thursday as of right now) I will also be playing DK at, (,) which is a friend's stream devoted to Street Fighter and classic games. Please come to either and tell me what I'm doing wrong! ;D

Added! And welcome! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on April 12, 2013, 10:29:20 pm
Grant has a machine now!: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 12, 2013, 10:36:21 pm
Grant added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on April 12, 2013, 11:02:20 pm
yes he does !  I was just watching him..   Thought it was strange it said he was streaming DK!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JNugent on April 23, 2013, 04:15:36 am
Go ahead and add me (Jason Nugent) when you get the chance.  Finally streaming, I ditched my old account and started a twitch account...
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 23, 2013, 11:11:53 am
Go ahead and add me (Jason Nugent) when you get the chance.  Finally streaming, I ditched my old account and started a twitch account...

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: xelnia on April 28, 2013, 03:06:08 am
I'll go ahead and throw my hat into this ring. I stream a lot of Pac-Man CE DX, but I will be adding DK to the rotation shortly.

Jeremy Young - (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 28, 2013, 05:23:46 am
Eric Martin, 294,700. Here is the link to the VOD, ( I re-recorded the .inp file. Score was done on 4/2/13. Thanks Corey!
Congratulations to Shane Mosher for his new personal best of 300,300 done live this evening on Twitch. See video starting at 2hr 54m 10s till the end. (

Hey Jeff, could you also edit the entries for Eric and Shane, to include their names?

Eric Martin - (
Shane Mosher - (

There are a few other semi-unknowns on page 1.  Hopefully, those can be updated when the info becomes available.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 28, 2013, 07:48:55 am
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: kalel on May 06, 2013, 03:30:32 pm
add   MIKEKASPER (   my stream is a little slow sorry. hopefully get it fixed later :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fast Eddie on May 09, 2013, 04:10:57 am
i came across this link for you to display your twitch status in forum links: (

put your twitch id in place of YourUsername and post in [im*g][/img] : (

displays your live status, viewer count and game title...

thought it would be cool to do this for everyone on the list so you can see at a glance everyone who is live, you can also put it in your sig if you want...

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 09, 2013, 10:20:49 am
That's very cool Jon. I may have to create a "see who is streaming" page. Thanks!

Mike Kasper has been added to the list. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JNugent on May 09, 2013, 01:21:42 pm
i came across this link for you to display your twitch status in forum links: (

put your twitch id in place of YourUsername and post in [im*g][/img] : (

displays your live status, viewer count and game title...

thought it would be cool to do this for everyone on the list so you can see at a glance everyone who is live, you can also put it in your sig if you want...


Very cool.  Just put it in my sig. 
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on May 13, 2013, 11:34:32 pm
I was just updated on the correct spelling of Dustin Meyers, it is actually Dustin Myers. Just an FYI. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 13, 2013, 11:40:03 pm
I was just updated on the correct spelling of Dustin Meyers, it is actually Dustin Myers. Just an FYI. :)

Fixed. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 14, 2013, 06:27:27 pm
The list now shows if someone is online or offline. It currently only works for Twitch channels. There's only 2 channels on the list that are still JustinTv, so I moved them to the bottom.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 14, 2013, 06:47:25 pm
The list now shows if someone is online or offline. It currently only works for Twitch channels. There's only 2 channels on the list that are still JustinTv, so I moved them to the bottom.

Vincent will be pleased to see his name above Hank's on at least one DK related list.   :o

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Milehighdt on May 14, 2013, 07:51:22 pm
Great job Jeff! I will now be using this instead of aurcade to find the streams.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ChrisP on May 14, 2013, 09:40:51 pm
This is BOSS!

Too bad there's not enough room on the frontpage for a "Who's Streaming?" box of some sort. A ticker would be ideal.

How was this accomplished, by the way? I've been thinking for a while of putting something like this on my blog.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 14, 2013, 10:03:29 pm
This is BOSS!

Too bad there's not enough room on the frontpage for a "Who's Streaming?" box of some sort. A ticker would be ideal.

How was this accomplished, by the way? I've been thinking for a while of putting something like this on my blog.

I'll be adding a "Who's streaming?" button  of some sort on the front page soon that will take you directly to the first post of this thread. For now there is a link in the news

Just use this link with img tags: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: mikegmi2 on May 15, 2013, 05:35:04 am
Very cool, the DK forums are pro.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 15, 2013, 10:03:52 am
Anyone know what happened to Estel Goffinet's channel? His link ( no longer works.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: danman123456 on May 15, 2013, 10:19:37 am
Looks like this site uses PHP. Can you put PHP code on it? If so it would be simple to have the "online" streams only show up in the top with the Top 10 above or on the front page.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on May 16, 2013, 03:57:26 pm
This is awesome, Jeff. Thanks for finding this and making it work on the Forum. Great work! I love it! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: jammyyy on May 20, 2013, 03:49:52 pm
here a few i like for you to consiter :)    the missal command guy       Richie Arcade               the qbert guy in florda     Steves friend in aussie                  Bill Carlton       Andrew is Jeff Willms friend             cat despira maybe see her play one day (         Chirs in seattle ?              Dawanye Richerds have see him in long time       dave rice ?     Joel west              Phil Torins in Canada mame guy      Rick Carter                ill stream one day soon
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 20, 2013, 04:03:57 pm
Hey Jammy,

This list is oriented towards people who stream Donkey Kong . Several of the people you listed are already on there. None of the others I have ever seen stream DK.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: jammyyy on May 20, 2013, 04:32:43 pm
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marky_d on May 28, 2013, 01:42:13 pm
need to add (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 28, 2013, 02:13:31 pm
need to add (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: jammyyy on May 31, 2013, 03:28:48 pm
i think your page is having problms there :(
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 04, 2013, 09:46:03 pm
The online/offline icons are working again. I'm using my own script to generate the icons now , so they should be a little more reliable. Let me know if you notice anything amiss. It's entirely possible I made some typo's somewhere.

If you want to use the icons in your signature, use [img] tags around the link : (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on June 05, 2013, 03:05:47 am
The online/offline icons are working again. I'm using my own script to generate the icons now , so they should be a little more reliable. Let me know if you notice anything amiss. It's entirely possible I made some typo's somewhere.

If you want to use the icons in your signature, use [img] tags around the link : (

Looks good, Jeff.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Milehighdt on June 05, 2013, 11:53:11 am
Thanks for fixing the list Jeff, looks good, I like the new colors for online/offline. I noticed that the top 10 list got a few of the platform specs wrong when the new link buttons were added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 05, 2013, 12:01:11 pm
Thanks for fixing the list Jeff, looks good, I like the new colors for online/offline. I noticed that the top 10 list got a few of the platform specs wrong when the new link buttons were added.

Good catch Jeff. Think I got it fixed now. Thanks.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 07, 2013, 03:17:25 pm ( (check to see if this one is still private... i can see it fine) ( (this is Shawn Robinson)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on June 07, 2013, 03:28:23 pm ( (check to see if this one is still private... i can see it fine)

I have no problem viewing the stream either, Mitch.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 07, 2013, 04:25:13 pm
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: SQUIIDUX on June 10, 2013, 05:59:00 pm
please add me (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ChrisJBenn on June 11, 2013, 04:16:44 am
I'll be streaming Donkey Kong while I try and get good at it. (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 11, 2013, 09:41:10 am
Squiidux and Chrisjbenn added.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: zeththedarkmage on June 12, 2013, 04:50:32 am
Feel free to add me to the list! (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 12, 2013, 09:26:50 am
Feel free to add me to the list! (

Added. Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on June 12, 2013, 04:00:26 pm
Feel free to add me to the list! (

Added. Welcome aboard! :)

Has the channel actually been added?  I can't find it on the first page of this thread.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: zeththedarkmage on June 12, 2013, 04:22:01 pm
oops forgot to add my name: Mark Cochran.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 12, 2013, 05:08:13 pm
Feel free to add me to the list! (

Added. Welcome aboard! :)

Has the channel actually been added?  I can't find it on the first page of this thread.

I guess that's what happens when I read the forum before I've had coffee. Either that or I'm losing my mind. :o
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Monstabonza on June 12, 2013, 05:18:30 pm
With all the great work you've done in the past few months, I'm sure your allowed this minor slip up ;)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 12, 2013, 05:30:25 pm
Nope. That's it, Jeff. I'm boycotting DKF. I'll let you know when Rudy and I have our first video up about it.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Bliss1083 on June 12, 2013, 07:32:51 pm
Just got twitch kind of working and I'm at (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 12, 2013, 09:17:17 pm
Just got twitch kind of working and I'm at (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Monstabonza on June 12, 2013, 09:35:33 pm
Dk streamers list is the only dk list that Hank is permanently on the bottom of. I find that amusing :P
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: cheetah33p on June 14, 2013, 08:14:22 pm (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 14, 2013, 08:50:14 pm
Added. Welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: joekassel on June 16, 2013, 01:42:43 pm
You can change 'summeraino' to 'Joe Kassel'. That is my real name. Thanks!!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 16, 2013, 01:47:14 pm
You can change 'summeraino' to 'Joe Kassel'. That is my real name. Thanks!!

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: SQUIIDUX on June 17, 2013, 04:38:20 pm
please update my stream: (

i ditched

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 17, 2013, 05:08:03 pm
please update my stream: (

i ditched


Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: asherk on June 19, 2013, 03:47:26 pm
you can add mine please (


Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 19, 2013, 04:02:43 pm
you can add mine please (


Added. Welcome! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JNugent on June 19, 2013, 07:49:22 pm
New DK streamer.  Met him during Dean's stream today.  Streaming right now. (

Can we add him to the list?

He said his pb is over 500k.  From watching him tonight, that claim looks legit!  Quite the Konger.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Monstabonza on June 19, 2013, 09:53:27 pm
Aaron was on my stream the other day as well, nice guy,
Said he has a 500k score a few 400k scores and the rest 300k.
I believe he's playing on the weekend too
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: hchien on June 21, 2013, 07:56:45 pm
Is it just me or is down right now?  During the WCR too. seems to be working fine though.  :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: dru on June 22, 2013, 01:19:03 pm
Andrew Purkett - (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Bookoo Tabor on June 22, 2013, 11:50:11 pm
i'm bookoo tabor and i would like to be put on the stream list. here is the link to my channel (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 23, 2013, 01:09:12 am
Added Andrew and Bookoo. Welcome guys. :D
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on June 25, 2013, 02:01:34 pm

Hey Jeff,

Could you add me to the list when you get a chance?

Scott Cunningham ( (

Might as well go with the 2nd one, since notifications won't work with the Justin TV channel.


Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 25, 2013, 03:08:08 pm

Hey Jeff,

Could you add me to the list when you get a chance?

Scott Cunningham ( (

Might as well go with the 2nd one, since notifications won't work with the Justin TV channel.


It's about time Scott! ;)

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: alumbrada on June 27, 2013, 09:57:36 pm
Aloha Jeff,

Can you please add me. For anyone who wants to watch a true beginner - relive your awkward learning curve moments vicariously through me.  :P

Katie Young (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 27, 2013, 10:07:48 pm
Awesome Katie!

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Ohrami on June 27, 2013, 10:56:47 pm (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 27, 2013, 11:01:43 pm (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: MrDontsMildRide on July 05, 2013, 11:13:51 pm (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 05, 2013, 11:25:00 pm (

Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: The Butcher on July 08, 2013, 03:23:42 pm
I'm up and running! (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 08, 2013, 03:37:15 pm
I'm up and running! (

Awesome! Added!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: The Butcher on July 15, 2013, 03:59:11 pm
I'm live for the first time!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Drunkguy89 on July 24, 2013, 04:34:31 am (  Heres Beardini's DK Arcade player
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 24, 2013, 09:23:34 am (  Heres Beardini's DK Arcade player

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Hawkins on August 09, 2013, 03:35:55 am
I can't promise much streaming because I'm on a Celeron lol, but here's my Twitch link:
Graham Hawkins - (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 09, 2013, 08:21:10 am
I can't promise much streaming because I'm on a Celeron lol, but here's my Twitch link:
Graham Hawkins - (

Added. Welcome! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Drunkguy89 on August 12, 2013, 12:45:24 pm (

new guy, 900k player
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 12, 2013, 02:51:26 pm (

new guy, 900k player

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on August 15, 2013, 07:01:50 am ( (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: dru on August 18, 2013, 10:03:59 pm ( (

Thanks for mentioning the DenverDK stream, Mitch! We appreciate it.
- DenverDK Guild
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Barra on August 27, 2013, 02:25:52 am (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 27, 2013, 10:47:04 am (


Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 27, 2013, 11:26:15 am
FWIW, I got my new webcam up and running last night, thanks to Ethan for helping me out on a  few issues.  I streamed some Pac-Land last night but I'll be doing more streaming of DK from my cab as well I would assume.

Edit:  Oh and.....Kappa.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on August 27, 2013, 11:57:08 am
FWIW, I got my new webcam up and running last night, thanks to Ethan for helping me out on a  few issues.  I streamed some Pac-Land last night but I'll be doing more streaming of DK from my cab as well I would assume.

I'm there.  Any chance of Fagen and Becker enhancing the audio portion of the broadcast?

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 27, 2013, 12:08:50 pm
FWIW, I got my new webcam up and running last night, thanks to Ethan for helping me out on a  few issues.  I streamed some Pac-Land last night but I'll be doing more streaming of DK from my cab as well I would assume.

I'm there.  Any chance of Fagen and Becker enhancing the audio portion of the broadcast?

Oh yer.  Like a boss-uh
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Justin on August 29, 2013, 09:52:17 pm (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 29, 2013, 10:38:47 pm (

Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Svavar on September 04, 2013, 09:49:04 am (

Live broadcast from Chassis arcade in Copenhagen, Denmark. Streaming DK, other games, and more importantly good times

It's on like DK
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 04, 2013, 10:50:27 am (

Live broadcast from Chassis arcade in Copenhagen, Denmark. Streaming DK, other games, and more importantly good times

It's on like DK

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: V3rby on September 14, 2013, 02:41:20 pm
I'd like to have myself added to the list of streamers.

my channel: (

thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 14, 2013, 06:40:56 pm
I'd like to have myself added to the list of streamers.

my channel: (

thanks in advance :)

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on September 19, 2013, 09:20:16 pm
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: hchien on September 19, 2013, 09:21:47 pm
OK, I gave into peer pressure and switched to twitch:

Thanks to Ken and Ethan for helping me set up.  And to everyone else who offered suggestions.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 20, 2013, 12:13:14 am
OK, I gave into peer pressure and switched to twitch:

Thanks to Ken and Ethan for helping me set up.  And to everyone else who offered suggestions.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: DiggingInNY on September 23, 2013, 03:31:43 am
I would like to be added to the list of streamers. Here is the link to my account: (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 23, 2013, 03:40:01 am
Welcome! I was watching you play some 5-man DD earlier. Sweet stuff!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: DiggingInNY on September 23, 2013, 04:02:14 am
Thanks man. I'm just getting warmed up. It's very different than playing it on marathon settings.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: hchien on September 23, 2013, 06:34:15 am
Josh!  aka "The Iron Sheik"

For those who don't know him, he's the WR holder on Timber and knows more than you about video game trivia. (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 23, 2013, 09:32:07 am
I would like to be added to the list of streamers. Here is the link to my account: (


Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: arnthestampede on September 23, 2013, 12:12:05 pm
Could I be added please? I have my stream set up and will be streaming every time I play: (

I'm just a beginner but I'm determined to keep at it and want to improve!

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 23, 2013, 12:14:33 pm
Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 23, 2013, 12:38:43 pm
Could I be added please? I have my stream set up and will be streaming every time I play: (

I'm just a beginner but I'm determined to keep at it and want to improve!


Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on September 30, 2013, 07:46:17 am
this guy streams some DK!: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 30, 2013, 01:40:39 pm
this guy streams some DK!: (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on September 30, 2013, 09:16:22 pm
this guy streams some DK!: (


Jeff, I don't see "arcadeplayerabc" on the list.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 30, 2013, 09:25:41 pm
this guy streams some DK!: (


Jeff, I don't see "arcadeplayerabc" on the list.

I was just testing you to see if you would catch it.  :D

Actually I must have hit preview instead of save again.

Thanks for looking out. ;)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 03, 2013, 03:09:20 pm
plays some NES DK: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 04, 2013, 09:43:45 am
Added Martin Laing, jbeannie05 and ctstylez.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: jbeannie05 on October 04, 2013, 08:32:08 pm
This is my website. ( Mute my sound if you watch my videos because of the sounds looping it sounds annoying.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corey.chambers on October 04, 2013, 08:50:18 pm
The sound loops because you either do not mute your stream when it is up or you have both you computer and your webcam, if you have one, that are both picking up sound. I can help you with this sometime if you continue to have problems. And Jeff added you already so you are good to go.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corky on October 09, 2013, 06:28:58 pm
add me please: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 09, 2013, 06:58:49 pm
add me please: (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on October 15, 2013, 12:25:36 am (

Don't know who he/she is. Just saw them on for the first time this morning.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: John73 on October 15, 2013, 02:03:40 am (

Don't know who he/she is. Just saw them on for the first time this morning.

Was it you that mentioned during his stream that he was playing with an XBox controller?

I decided to see what DK is like with my wireless controller (Logitech F710).  I thought using the left stick control would be more like a joystick, but without any restrictor plate it's rather hard for someone of my ability, the D-Pad is possibly a bit better but still feels a little weird.  I might persevere with it a little more :)  I do have an old control panel with an iPac attached, just haven't got around to rebuilding it to use on my computer

[/end topic derail]
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Dk_madness on October 15, 2013, 05:53:01 am
I had to create a new twitch account. My new account name for streaming is: (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 15, 2013, 10:01:21 am
I had to create a new twitch account. My new account name for streaming is: (

Added Jonathan McCourt , thelivingdaylights and Estel.

Welcome back mate! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: maximumsteve on October 26, 2013, 08:43:09 pm
Steve Kleisath playing Turbo Ms. Pac Man and original Mario Bros. (
Add to the list pls!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 26, 2013, 09:14:30 pm
Steve Kleisath playing Turbo Ms. Pac Man and original Mario Bros. (
Add to the list pls!

Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fly on November 04, 2013, 01:01:25 pm
Here's my link for streaming. Since I'm here on a DK forum my chances of playing DK have gone up 1% all the way up to 1%. Yes, the chances were ZERO before. But I will entertain the thought of playing this game one day. (

I do have a twitch account but can not figure out how to stream. I used to a few months back but have no clue how to get it going now. (

I'll probably stream some KO3 practice on Hyper Sports in the days leading up to the event.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on November 04, 2013, 01:09:15 pm
Awesome, Hector! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 04, 2013, 01:16:17 pm
Here's my link for streaming. Since I'm here on a DK forum my chances of playing DK have gone up 1% all the way up to 1%. Yes, the chances were ZERO before. But I will entertain the thought of playing this game one day. (

I do have a twitch account but can not figure out how to stream. I used to a few months back but have no clue how to get it going now. (

I'll probably stream some KO3 practice on Hyper Sports in the days leading up to the event.


Added. Welcome aboard, Hec!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corky on November 04, 2013, 01:21:12 pm
Hey Hector! Are you attending the KO?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fly on November 04, 2013, 01:26:53 pm
Hey Hector! Are you attending the KO?

Yes, I am. Not for DK though. Hyper Sports and Track & Field record attempts.

I should be sleeping. Good night all.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Monstabonza on November 04, 2013, 01:30:56 pm
Hector And Mitch should have a friendly game of Track and field at the ko
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: corky on November 04, 2013, 01:34:54 pm
Hey Hector! Are you attending the KO?

Yes, I am. Not for DK though. Hyper Sports and Track & Field record attempts.

I should be sleeping. Good night all.


Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on November 04, 2013, 02:09:19 pm
Hey Hector! Are you attending the KO?

Yes, I am. Not for DK though. Hyper Sports and Track & Field record attempts.

I should be sleeping. Good night all.


Looking forward to seeing you again, Hector. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: danman123456 on November 04, 2013, 02:18:56 pm
T&F is awesome! I can do ok at T&F but that stupid high jump messes me up every darn time. I love HS too. Getting that 3rd Clay Shot perfect is the real key to some monster scores! I've watched some of Hectors videos just crazy :D
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: danman123456 on November 04, 2013, 02:20:50 pm
Ya looking forward to meeting everyone. Gonna be da bomb.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on November 22, 2013, 07:44:14 pm (

I found this guy like a year ago and finally made contact with him a few months back. He just recently got MAME going and said he wants to get good at the game. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on November 23, 2013, 09:50:18 am (

I think it's about time I joined this awesome forum, have been a guest here since it startet. Time to join the fun :)

I will stream CK later ;)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 23, 2013, 10:13:20 am (

I think it's about time I joined this awesome forum, have been a guest here since it startet. Time to join the fun :)

I will stream CK later ;)

Added and welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on November 23, 2013, 03:54:12 pm
TY :) Anyone know how to record/save my video on twitch after streaming?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on November 23, 2013, 07:47:58 pm
TY :) Anyone know how to record/save my video on twitch after streaming?

The automatic archiving of videos was recently (2 or 3 days ago) disabled by default.  Here is a Justin TV article that explains the change, and what you can do about it: (

In order to automatically archive your broadcasts, login to your Twitch account and navigate to: (

Near the bottom of the page, check the "Automatically archive my broadcasts" option.

Note:  The videos are only saved for a limited time, so anything you want to keep should also be highlighted.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: johnbart on November 24, 2013, 11:17:10 am
I've got my streaming setup back up and will be running from time to time during CET hours but I warn you it's ugly.  :) (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 25, 2013, 09:26:31 am
I've got my streaming setup back up and will be running from time to time during CET hours but I warn you it's ugly.  :) (

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on December 04, 2013, 08:06:24 pm (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: unkeptbeard on December 05, 2013, 01:01:18 pm
Hey thanks Mitch I started streaming a couple of months ago and I'm pretty bad but I did hit a pb of 357k the other night. I need a mic and cam very bad... Thanks again!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 05, 2013, 01:02:22 pm
Hey thanks Mitch I started streaming a couple of months ago and I'm pretty bad but I did hit a pb of 357k the other night. I need a mic and cam very bad... Thanks again!

Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Nick_D on December 07, 2013, 06:11:45 pm
I'm a newer player (i.e. I suck) but I have setup my stream and stream DK occasionally.  Please add me to the list (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 07, 2013, 06:24:34 pm
I'm a newer player (i.e. I suck) but I have setup my stream and stream DK occasionally.  Please add me to the list (

Added. Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ebinsugewa on December 07, 2013, 08:52:33 pm
Note:  The videos are only saved for a limited time, so anything you want to keep should also be highlighted.
Incorrect. After you've 'automatically archived broadcasts' you must then navigate to the video you wish to save, click the gear under "Video Description" and then click "Save Forever." It's annoying to have to remember to save them manually, but you get like a day or so to remember. Twitch makes it very annoying to do, unfortunately.
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on December 07, 2013, 09:07:36 pm
Note:  The videos are only saved for a limited time, so anything you want to keep should also be highlighted.

Incorrect. After you've 'automatically archived broadcasts' you must then navigate to the video you wish to save, click the gear under "Video Description" and then click "Save Forever." It's annoying to have to remember to save them manually, but you get like a day or so to remember. Twitch makes it very annoying to do, unfortunately.

So, there's an additional option.  Good to know.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ripper on December 27, 2013, 08:37:12 am
Can I be added to this wonderful group of streamers?   ;D

Thanks! (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 27, 2013, 09:12:49 am
Can I be added to this wonderful group of streamers?   ;D

Thanks! (

Absolutely! Look forward to watching you stream, Stephen. :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ripper on December 27, 2013, 12:57:13 pm
Can I be added to this wonderful group of streamers?   ;D

Thanks! (

Absolutely! Look forward to watching you stream, Stephen. :)

Awesome and thanks!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: dimmu--borgir on December 27, 2013, 03:43:29 pm
Could you please add me too? (
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 27, 2013, 04:17:46 pm
Could you please add me too? (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: dimmu--borgir on December 27, 2013, 04:35:29 pm
Tjohoo! Great! Thanks!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ripper on December 28, 2013, 06:15:13 am
Ok, this HAS to be the best place to ask this question.   ;)  When I stream my games on Twitch, how do I save my replays in case I have a great game?  I also see people edit their videos to only show the few seconds where something crazy happened in their game.  Is there a website to show me how to do all of this?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on December 28, 2013, 07:05:12 am
Ok, this HAS to be the best place to ask this question.   ;)  When I stream my games on Twitch, how do I save my replays in case I have a great game?  I also see people edit their videos to only show the few seconds where something crazy happened in their game.  Is there a website to show me how to do all of this?

Recently twitch removed the "auto archive" feature as a default setting...
1.  Go to your account settings page (click the wrench next to your stream name on the left-side panel)
2.  Select the "videos" tab and select "Automatic archiving"; this will save your stream TEMPORARILY...
3.  Go to your "dashboard" and click on the "recorded" tab; this shows all previous recordings.
4.  Open desired saved video in a new page
5.  Directly under the video screen there is another "settings wheel"
6.  This list gives you the option the "save forever" (this saves the entire stream forever) or to "highlight"
7.  To highlight you just select the start and stop times manually and give it a title.

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ripper on December 28, 2013, 09:57:41 am
Ok, this HAS to be the best place to ask this question.   ;)  When I stream my games on Twitch, how do I save my replays in case I have a great game?  I also see people edit their videos to only show the few seconds where something crazy happened in their game.  Is there a website to show me how to do all of this?

Recently twitch removed the "auto archive" feature as a default setting...
1.  Go to your account settings page (click the wrench next to your stream name on the left-side panel)
2.  Select the "videos" tab and select "Automatic archiving"; this will save your stream TEMPORARILY...
3.  Go to your "dashboard" and click on the "recorded" tab; this shows all previous recordings.
4.  Open desired saved video in a new page
5.  Directly under the video screen there is another "settings wheel"
6.  This list gives you the option the "save forever" (this saves the entire stream forever) or to "highlight"
7.  To highlight you just select the start and stop times manually and give it a title.


Awesome!  Thanks so much for the detailed instructions.   I'll experiment from here to see if I can get something recorded and tinker with the video.   ;)  So let me ask you one more quick question.  You said it will save your videos "TEMPORARILY".  Any time frame as to how long it will save them?  Hours or days maybe?
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: WCopeland on January 09, 2014, 08:01:01 am
I've got a DK cab on the way and I'll be streaming soon. I've already streamed some Defender for the Williams group on Facebook. Can I be added? My stream link is: (

Thanks :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on January 09, 2014, 09:01:28 am

Hey Jeff, could you also add my Justin TV channel? (

I've rarely used the Twitch channel (3-4 times at most).  Perhaps both can be listed?

Yes, I realize one might reasonably argue that I never stream on any channel.   :)

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 09, 2014, 09:53:07 am
I've got a DK cab on the way and I'll be streaming soon. I've already streamed some Defender for the Williams group on Facebook. Can I be added? My stream link is: (

Thanks :)

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 09, 2014, 09:53:37 am

Hey Jeff, could you also add my Justin TV channel? (

I've rarely used the Twitch channel (3-4 times at most).  Perhaps both can be listed?

Yes, I realize one might reasonably argue that I never stream on any channel.   :)

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: ghamantorr on January 15, 2014, 08:27:23 pm
i will start to stream my progress :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Drunkguy89 on January 15, 2014, 09:06:58 pm (

got em..
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 16, 2014, 12:24:17 am
i will start to stream my progress :)

Added and welcome!
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on January 19, 2014, 04:33:31 am (

My good friend Rasmus Madsen, also from Denmark, is streaming right now.
Go tjeck it out, he's a great guy :)
Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: Barra on January 29, 2014, 06:39:28 pm
Can I request the Retro Uprising streaming channel be added? (

Title: Re: List of DK Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 29, 2014, 06:50:21 pm
Can I request the Retro Uprising streaming channel be added? (


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: The Pro on February 17, 2014, 06:04:28 pm
Please add me as well. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 17, 2014, 06:16:44 pm
Please add me as well. (

Added. Welcome aboard Martin!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lakeman421 on February 20, 2014, 11:48:55 am
I need to add lakeman421 on USTREAM: . Classic Video Games ( to my other channel since its my best quality stream at this point
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SanTe on February 20, 2014, 06:05:19 pm
Mine is: (

I can't stream as much as I used to since I'm on the road so much, but when I do it's usually Saturday night or Sunday night.  And it's probably gonna be Mario Bros. until I achieve my goals on that game.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: MJMeerman on February 20, 2014, 06:38:28 pm (

I stream a variety of stuff. I've got hours of Nibbler footage on there if anyone wants to go through that. I don't.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 20, 2014, 09:23:19 pm
Added Robbie's Ustream channel to the list , but unfortunately my script currently only supports Twitch/Justin so it won't show when he is online on that channel.

Added MJMeerman and Sante2 was already on the list . ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: D.B. Cooper on February 28, 2014, 08:05:57 am
Can I get added to the list? (

I haven't streamed in a long time but I will in the future.  For the next week or so, it will be doing practice for the BOTA.  After that, I intend to try and improve my DK play but most of the time if you tune into one of my streams, I'll be playing some of the lessor known games.  Thanks.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 28, 2014, 08:25:33 am
Can I get added to the list? (

I haven't streamed in a long time but I will in the future.  For the next week or so, it will be doing practice for the BOTA.  After that, I intend to try and improve my DK play but most of the time if you tune into one of my streams, I'll be playing some of the lessor known games.  Thanks.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ThomasTHC on March 22, 2014, 11:51:31 am
We made a channel so you can watch Kim. It's a shitty quality but better than nothing. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 22, 2014, 12:32:03 pm
We made a channel so you can watch Kim. It's a shitty quality but better than nothing. (

Added to the active streamer list. ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jumpman on March 24, 2014, 08:09:10 pm
I'm trying to get back into playing DK after a few years off. 3 kids under 5 has been a handful. I cast for a bit tonight and had a new personal best arcade score of 364,000. My previous was 346k in 2009. I was glad to find this forum it has already helped my game after only a few days of playing.
here is my channel. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 24, 2014, 08:35:18 pm
Added and welcome aboard! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on April 05, 2014, 02:21:04 am (

I don't think this guy is on the list yet.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 05, 2014, 08:12:09 am (

I don't think this guy is on the list yet.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 08, 2014, 07:37:39 pm

Tim Sczerby has created a new Twitch account. (

This should greatly facilitate score submissions, since Justin TV has temporarily removed its highlight feature, and archived broadcasts are automatically deleted after only 2 days.

Jeff, could you please add Tim's Twitch channel to the list of streamers?

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 08, 2014, 07:49:21 pm

Tim Sczerby has created a new Twitch account. (

This should greatly facilitate score submissions, since Justin TV has temporarily removed its highlight feature, and archived broadcasts are automatically deleted after only 2 days.

Jeff, could you please add Tim's Twitch channel to the list of streamers?

Added, but I notice he is still streaming from the Justin channel right now.

EDIT: Nevermind, he just switched.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Rick Fothergill on April 12, 2014, 09:54:29 pm
Add my channel please. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 12, 2014, 09:58:13 pm
Add my channel please. (

Added. :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: angrybeaver21 on April 24, 2014, 12:10:15 pm
You can add me if you would like!
My name is Brennan Brandt and my twitch name angrybeaver21 (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 24, 2014, 12:35:39 pm
You can add me if you would like!
My name is Brennan Brandt and my twitch name angrybeaver21 (


Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: DKJR on April 26, 2014, 11:22:47 am
I'd like to have my new twitch account added please. I got my webcam working for twitch.
DonkeyKongJunior83 on
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 26, 2014, 11:46:13 am
I'd like to have my new twitch account added please. I got my webcam working for twitch.
DonkeyKongJunior83 on

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 27, 2014, 07:00:21 am

Hey Jeff,

Could you remove my Justin TV channel from the master list? (

Given the direction JTV is headed, I highly doubt I'll ever use it.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on April 27, 2014, 07:51:57 am
What direction are they moving to and is it a bad thing?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 27, 2014, 09:16:58 am
What direction are they moving to and is it a bad thing?

Well, it's certainly not a good thing.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on April 27, 2014, 12:34:25 pm
What direction are they moving to and is it a bad thing?

Well, it's certainly not a good thing.
  • They have removed the "highlight" feature (temporarily, they claim).
  • If the "Automatically archive my broadcasts" option is selected, videos are only saved for 2 days (unless you're willing to purchase a premium plan, whatever that is).
  • Earlier this month, they announced, "Inbox messaging will be removed after April 14. We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause, but we can no longer support this feature."  It hasn't happened yet, as I was able to receive and send a PM yesterday, but we'll see how long that lasts.

What's the other options as far as streaming goes?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 27, 2014, 12:40:26 pm
What's the other options as far as streaming goes?

Stephen, you should be good.  I'm talking about Justin TV, not Twitch.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on April 27, 2014, 12:43:11 pm
What's the other options as far as streaming goes?

Stephen, you should be good.  I'm talking about Justin TV, not Twitch.

Gotcha.  I just hope they don't change as well.   ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: WCopeland on April 27, 2014, 12:50:02 pm
What direction are they moving to and is it a bad thing?

Well, it's certainly not a good thing.
  • They have removed the "highlight" feature (temporarily, they claim).
  • If the "Automatically archive my broadcasts" option is selected, videos are only saved for 2 days (unless you're willing to purchase a premium plan, whatever that is).
  • Earlier this month, they announced, "Inbox messaging will be removed after April 14. We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause, but we can no longer support this feature."  It hasn't happened yet, as I was able to receive and send a PM yesterday, but we'll see how long that lasts.

What's the other options as far as streaming goes?

You could always try ( ( will be coming back soon as well.
Twitch is still the de facto standard.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marky_d on April 27, 2014, 01:21:38 pm
And there is always I'm sure Russians would appreciate a good game of DK.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on April 28, 2014, 09:13:37 am
This guy streams a lot of 1943: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: maximumsteve on April 29, 2014, 03:59:24 am (

Catch me streaming Mario Bros. and Turbo Ms. PacMan
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ThomasTHC on May 03, 2014, 08:34:49 am (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Tony on May 03, 2014, 11:04:34 am (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 03, 2014, 12:07:51 pm (

Added. (

And added. Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: MickyWinz on May 03, 2014, 12:30:48 pm
Could you add me to the list please.  Mick Winzeler (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 03, 2014, 12:36:07 pm
Could you add me to the list please.  Mick Winzeler (

Added. :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on May 06, 2014, 08:34:07 pm
This person has been streaming some DK (sort of), and apparently they live in Japan.  Kreygasm (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 06, 2014, 08:51:15 pm
This guy streams a lot of 1943: (


This person has been streaming some DK (sort of), and apparently they live in Japan.  Kreygasm (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: RukakoHishimiya on May 13, 2014, 03:59:02 am
Here is my name! (
Thank you for adding it in a list.
How many people are there in the Japanese registrant?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on May 13, 2014, 04:54:42 am
Here is my name! (
Thank you for adding it in a list.
How many people are there in the Japanese registrant?

Welcome Rukako, I think you may be the first registrant to from Japan! 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 13, 2014, 05:22:52 am
Here is my name! (
Thank you for adding it in a list.
How many people are there in the Japanese registrant?

Greetings, Rukako!  Welcome to the forum.

I believe you are the first DK ambassador from Japan.

I looked at one of your recent DK broadcasts.  Good luck in your quest for 100K.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 13, 2014, 10:08:34 am
Hey All

Joystick fixed, quality webcam obtained and twitch account setup  Kreygasm (

I'm still trying to work out a good broadcast setup on my cab. I had an "ok" angle setup to my right using a tripod on a chair but the stream didn't look the best. Specifically, the top of the screen appeared washed out due to screen brightness (it seemed). I'm using OBS. Played with a bunch of settings but nothing seemed to help it. I tried a setup with the camera on top of the machine looking in but couldn't get the whole playing field into the shot. I'm using a LifeCam Studio if anyone has any tips.

I'll keep experimenting with it but until I get everything figured out, my streams won't be much to look at.  :-\
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on May 13, 2014, 10:40:22 am ( this is my lifecam setup, the angle /position is key. (See attached image)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 13, 2014, 10:54:25 am
Thanks, I was just looking at that thread.

Are there any settings to adjust to get the stream to appear portrait instead of landscape? I was trying out that angle last night but the stream was sideways. I couldn't find a rotate setting in OBS.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 13, 2014, 12:07:10 pm
Joystick fixed, quality webcam obtained and twitch account setup  Kreygasm (

Did you at least consider one of these channel names?   8) ( ( ( ( (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 13, 2014, 12:18:39 pm
Joystick fixed, quality webcam obtained and twitch account setup  Kreygasm (

Did you at least consider one of these channel names?   8) ( ( ( ( (

hahaha...yep but harpuabrah420 was already taken  ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on May 13, 2014, 12:38:10 pm
Thanks, I was just looking at that thread.

Are there any settings to adjust to get the stream to appear portrait instead of landscape? I was trying out that angle last night but the stream was sideways. I couldn't find a rotate setting in OBS.

As long as the camera is mounted top-up, there should be no issues with rotation, which is not an option in this version of obs. 
You can adjust the capture settings in obs. I use 800x448 and that fits the twitch player perfectly. 800x448@30fps <Allen> max bitrate at 500, audio mp3 @44.1khz 128bit. Stream resolution matches camera @800x448. Under camera settings disable Mic, under stream settings enable Mic (desktop + webcam). You can always set a custom capture resolution, but twitch doesn't like streams that are taller than they are wide. Hope this helps... :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 13, 2014, 12:46:05 pm
Thanks, I was just looking at that thread.

Are there any settings to adjust to get the stream to appear portrait instead of landscape? I was trying out that angle last night but the stream was sideways. I couldn't find a rotate setting in OBS.

As long as the camera is mounted top-up, there should be no issues with rotation, which is not an option in this version of obs. 
You can adjust the capture settings in obs. I use 800x448 and that fits the twitch player perfectly. 800x448@30fps <Allen> max bitrate at 500, audio mp3 @44.1khz 128bit. Stream resolution matches camera @800x448. Under camera settings disable Mic, under stream settings enable Mic (desktop + webcam). You can always set a custom capture resolution, but twitch doesn't like streams that are taller than they are wide. Hope this helps... :)

Awesome, I'll try those settings tonight. Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on May 13, 2014, 02:17:21 pm

Awesome, I'll try those settings tonight. Thanks for the info.

Some more info (camera specific settings)

Turn OFF: True color, auto exposure, auto focus and auto white balance.  I have the exposure set to -6, the brightness is at 30 (minimum), the white balance is at 5400, refresh is at 60hz and generally, from the distance shown in my picture, the focal point is somewhere between "8" and "11".  When I start my stream, I adjust the exposure, then the white balance then the focus.  One final piece of advice; If you can get a backlight that is reflected off of the monitor (like a ceiling light as seen at the beginning of my streams) that will really help you set the initial focus and exposure levels, such that you don't get that scrolling diagonal line.  If i start my stream (and configure my cam) without the backlight, it never comes out the same as when I do it with the backlight on initially, to be turned off after all of the scene settings have been set.

That being said, you should watch the first 2-3 minutes of one of my streams, just to get an idea of how important, and effective, camera settings truly are.  <YSG>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 13, 2014, 04:18:54 pm
Sweet man, thx for the continued advice.

Using a tripod, a piece of wood and some rubber bands, I've got the camera rigged in a similar position to what you have pictured. I'll play with it after the wife goes to bed.  <Wiebe>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 14, 2014, 07:33:56 am
Worked out the stream last night. Thx f_symbols!

OBS had the view extremely zoomed in. I probably did it when I was messing with the program at some point. Reset everything, configured as suggested and I was good to go. It probably needs a few more tweaks.

I need to get used to having the camera hovering just above eyes level...also shake off the "OMG people are watching" yips. Last night and this morning's games were trash. Biffed the girder jump on the electors this morning. That hasn't happened in while  FailFish
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 14, 2014, 08:29:12 am
Biffed the girder jump on the electors this morning. That hasn't happened in while  FailFish

The forum magistrate will most likely fine you $20 for that in-game infraction.

But first, we'll have to implement a new 2-digit code in our Kangaroo Court system for the extremely rare "elector biffing" violation.  I'll have to check with Mitch, but I'm pretty sure "68" is still available.   ;)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 14, 2014, 08:51:05 am
Biffed the girder jump on the electors this morning. That hasn't happened in while  FailFish

The forum magistrate will most likely fine you $20 for that in-game infraction.

But first, we'll have to implement a new 2-digit code in our Kangaroo Court system for the extremely rare "elector biffing" violation.  I'll have to check with Mitch, but I'm pretty sure "68" is still available.   ;)

haha...oof didn't even notice the typo.  FailFish

Just tell me where to send the paypal for my inexcusable actions  :-\ or we can see how tonight goes, I'll probably biff a few more electors. When it rains it pours.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 14, 2014, 09:49:08 am
Just tell me where to send the paypal for my inexcusable actions  :-\ or we can see how tonight goes, I'll probably biff a few more electors. When it rains it pours.

Just yesterday I was having trouble procuring a clean start (0 deaths).  I was repeatedly victimized by the usual suspects:  wild barrels, overzealous fireballs, nasty barrel combinations, etc.  Sprinkle that with a few questionable decisions and/or unnecessary risks, and you've got an unproductive DK session.

After a dozen or so restarts, I managed to reach the 3rd elevator stage (L4-4) with 116K.  After grabbing the top-right prize, I immediately jumped face-first into an oncoming spring (trying for the 100 point leech).  I can't remember the last time I did that, but it clearly indicated that it was time for a break.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on May 14, 2014, 10:19:40 am
I hear ya. At my current skill level, I define a clean start as no deaths before 4-1. Even that can be difficult. Outside of the usual gotchas, the freakin pie level is usually the culprit. If I don't get a free pass, my chances of survival drop to about 50%.  :P

I'm sure a few bonehead 1-1 deaths are on tap for tonight   <Allen>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on May 19, 2014, 12:43:14 am (

(typo is intended by me, but not by Mike! ;) See: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on May 19, 2014, 05:32:26 am

My preferred account has been successfully transferred from Justin to Twitch.

Might I request the following changes to the list of streamers?

Add (
Remove (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 19, 2014, 09:31:15 am (

(typo is intended by me, but not by Mike! ;) See: (


My preferred account has been successfully transferred from Justin to Twitch.

Might I request the following changes to the list of streamers?

Add (
Remove (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: PaperTig3rs on May 21, 2014, 05:20:08 pm
Hey there,

I was just wondering if you could put my name down for my stream title. Eric Klopf - thelivingdaylights

Thanks :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Drunkguy89 on May 31, 2014, 08:57:21 pm
Not sure if this guy got added? (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 31, 2014, 09:08:08 pm
Not sure if this guy got added? (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tilt on June 03, 2014, 08:03:48 pm
You can go ahead and add me to the list.  I'm going to start streaming soon. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 03, 2014, 08:37:59 pm
You can go ahead and add me to the list.  I'm going to start streaming soon. (

Added and welcome aboard!  :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: RLKDragon on June 04, 2014, 09:00:57 pm
I stream pretty much anything and everything, but when the Open gets closer, I'll be on Donkey Kong of course. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 04, 2014, 09:42:44 pm
I stream pretty much anything and everything, but when the Open gets closer, I'll be on Donkey Kong of course. (

Good to have you guys on board!

Added and welcome! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ziggy on June 21, 2014, 04:24:14 am
Hi :) Im occationally streaming a bit :)

Would be amazing getting if i could get my name up on that beautyful "active streamers" along the others :D (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 21, 2014, 10:12:16 am
Hi :) Im occationally streaming a bit :)

Would be amazing getting if i could get my name up on that beautyful "active streamers" along the others :D (

Added. Welcome to the forum! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: timhett on June 23, 2014, 06:03:04 am
Hello, could you please add me to the list?  I started streaming finally! (
thanks a bunch!  <Kuh>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 23, 2014, 09:54:06 am
Hello, could you please add me to the list?  I started streaming finally! (
thanks a bunch!  <Kuh>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: rdrunner on June 23, 2014, 11:28:35 am
First time posting here. Hi everyone! :)

I signed up here on Stephen Boyer's invitation.  A group of us are streaming a Mario Bros. contest this weekend and I hear this is the place to list our Twitch channel URLs.  The contest is this Saturday, June 28th, starting at 7pm EST.  Hope to see you there!

Here's my channel:

Tom Votava (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on June 23, 2014, 11:37:02 am
Wow.  Love it Tom sir.  Welcome!

~Steve Wagner
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on June 23, 2014, 11:39:45 am
Good to see you here Tom!  Start streaming some of those amazing games you have.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 23, 2014, 01:00:41 pm
First time posting here. Hi everyone! :)

I signed up here on Stephen Boyer's invitation.  A group of us are streaming a Mario Bros. contest this weekend and I hear this is the place to list our Twitch channel URLs.  The contest is this Saturday, June 28th, starting at 7pm EST.  Hope to see you there!

Here's my channel:

Tom Votava (

Added! Welcome aboard Tom!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: RetroPER on June 25, 2014, 12:22:40 am
Please add me as well -

Looking forward to the Bros. Down!

Perry Rodgers

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on June 25, 2014, 05:30:30 am
Welcome to the forum Perry!

Love it! 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: danman123456 on June 25, 2014, 08:23:16 am
Welcome Tom and Perry!!! Great to see you here and cant wait for the bro down!!  Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Snicklefritzx on July 07, 2014, 09:16:47 am
hi can u add me
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 07, 2014, 11:59:33 am
hi can u add me

Added. Welcome to the forum! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on July 09, 2014, 12:31:13 pm
Please add me (Chris Teter) to the official list of streamers:

You can also add Jamie Tibbetts, who is much better than I:
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 09, 2014, 12:50:22 pm
Please add me (Chris Teter) to the official list of streamers:

You can also add Jamie Tibbetts, who is much better than I:

Chris and Jamie added!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shamrock on July 25, 2014, 07:29:56 pm
Can you add myself as well?

Andrew Garrett (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 26, 2014, 08:11:30 am
Can you add myself as well?

Andrew Garrett (

Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: riffraff on July 26, 2014, 11:40:01 am
Michael Garber:

been streaming Crazy Climber.

JCHarrist, saw your 20m game of Robotron ended with a crash.  Thanks for posting that video, I think I'd only seen it once and that was live.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on July 26, 2014, 01:06:26 pm
Welcome.  I love crazy climber until it pisses me off.  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: riffraff on July 26, 2014, 01:33:54 pm
Yeah it likes to cheat for sure!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 26, 2014, 01:48:30 pm
Michael Garber:

been streaming Crazy Climber.

JCHarrist, saw your 20m game of Robotron ended with a crash.  Thanks for posting that video, I think I'd only seen it once and that was live.

Awesome, loves me some Crazy Climber! Added and welcome! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: syscrusher on July 26, 2014, 04:33:28 pm
Nice meeting you last night, Mike!  Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: durden77 on July 30, 2014, 07:46:46 pm
Hey all! New here and new to DK score game in general. Been streaming nearly all day, and have had a lot of help already from people in these forums stopping by the stream with tips. Thanks to you fellas.

Right now my goal is to hit 100,000 points. High score is currently 93,900. Oh and I'm streaming right now! (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Dk_madness on July 31, 2014, 04:07:04 am
Welcome to the forums Durden!!!

Looks like you're off to a great start. Good luck!!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 31, 2014, 12:33:00 pm
Hey all! New here and new to DK score game in general. Been streaming nearly all day, and have had a lot of help already from people in these forums stopping by the stream with tips. Thanks to you fellas.

Right now my goal is to hit 100,000 points. High score is currently 93,900. Oh and I'm streaming right now! (

Added. Welcome aboard! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: durden77 on August 01, 2014, 06:06:42 am
Thanks! Psyched to look through these forums. High score has already jumped up to 164,100 since that last post after finally getting the hang of level 4 springs. My late night runs earlier were bad though. I'll be streamin it a lot.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on August 01, 2014, 07:37:12 am
Nice work! You should be able to hit 200k around 7-1 or 2 with standard top hammer board running.

I had a similar goal when I first joined the forums. <Allen> Good luck!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: WCopeland on August 01, 2014, 08:42:46 am
Thanks! Psyched to look through these forums. High score has already jumped up to 164,100 since that last post after finally getting the hang of level 4 springs. My late night runs earlier were bad though. I'll be streamin it a lot.
Wow! That's a big jump from when I watched you earlier.

Be sure to go to the Streaming Events section of this forum and sign up for the DKO4!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: falcor781 on August 01, 2014, 04:37:35 pm
Hey all, MikeSP here! I've been cajoled to come over to the dark side :)

Here's my stream: (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on August 01, 2014, 04:40:04 pm
Dark side?   Whtda.  Welcome sir.   Pepper 2 hype
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 01, 2014, 08:51:03 pm
Hey all, MikeSP here! I've been cajoled to come over to the dark side :)

Here's my stream: (

Great to have you! Welcome Mike! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lakeman421 on August 02, 2014, 06:29:44 am
Welcome Mike! Try the Kool Aid it's delicious Kappa
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jwade614 on August 02, 2014, 08:05:15 pm
Hello. New member here. Been playing DK at the barcade down the street. Found this site and figured I'd try some MAME streaming. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on August 02, 2014, 08:46:44 pm
Love it, welcome aboard.   Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 02, 2014, 09:28:50 pm
Hello. New member here. Been playing DK at the barcade down the street. Found this site and figured I'd try some MAME streaming. (

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: WCopeland on August 03, 2014, 09:27:08 am
Hello. New member here. Been playing DK at the barcade down the street. Found this site and figured I'd try some MAME streaming. (

Mate what is your PB?  You're really solid for someone completely new to us.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jwade614 on August 07, 2014, 05:20:31 am

Mate what is your PB?  You're really solid for someone completely new to us.

Thanks for the compliment, Wes, and sorry, just saw this post. Didn't mean to ignore it.

My PB is 769,900. A little more info...

I started playing in February. In May, I researched how to get past the 3rd elevator stage and also learned about barrel steering in the process. In late June, I discovered and started watching live streams.

I didn't come out til now, because I had been playing strictly at the arcade. Just last week, I bought an x-arcade joystick so I can start playing on my PC.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: WCopeland on August 07, 2014, 02:53:23 pm
My stream URL is: (

Is it possible for both of my streams to be listed due to DKO rules?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on August 07, 2014, 06:33:11 pm (  BibleThump  <Tim>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 08, 2014, 11:51:11 am
My stream URL is: (

Is it possible for both of my streams to be listed due to DKO rules?

Yes, both are listed and there are separate online/offline image scripts for each.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on August 08, 2014, 01:21:34 pm
Please add my hitbox ( when you get a chance to my existing Twitch one. I actually kind of liked it better when I tried them both last night, but I am not sold either way yet.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Donkey Kong Genius on August 08, 2014, 01:44:38 pm
Jeff, it was ok to remove the stream account since I was not using it. I only created it to chat with others there. However, I will be trying out the Hitbox site so here is that stream page to be added, thanks. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 08, 2014, 02:01:26 pm
Jeff, it was ok to remove the stream account since I was not using it.

Justin TV no longer exists. ( ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Fly on August 08, 2014, 02:23:17 pm (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 08, 2014, 02:32:51 pm
Ben, Chris, Corey and Hector have all been added.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tilt on August 08, 2014, 04:59:04 pm (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: howhaveyouben on August 08, 2014, 10:09:14 pm
Hi, I was just wondering if you could take my channel (Ben Miller /Howhaveyouben) off your list... I only stream arcade games once a week (and never dk) and it's causing some confusion when people visit my non-arcade streams... If I plan to go for a record or something I'll make a post, but I don't do that too often...
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on August 09, 2014, 07:53:45 am
I'd also like to double-up with hitbox: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Dk_madness on August 09, 2014, 07:16:23 pm
Hitbox channel is (

Oh yer
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 09, 2014, 08:40:59 pm
Ben removed. Tilt, Jry and Estel added.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on August 09, 2014, 09:55:49 pm

It appears that Tim Sczerby has obtained a new Twitch TV channel.

<Tim>  => (

He's registered for the DK Open #4 under that URL.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shnypz on August 10, 2014, 09:48:14 am
Jumping on the hitbox train > (

Had a sloppy but solid game this morning. 1 free pass out of 5 and a bunch of avoidable deaths. No spring deaths! 2nd highest score ever.

Time to get back to streaming  <Allen>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 11, 2014, 04:45:37 pm
Updated <Tim> and Shnypz
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: B1T_G0D on August 11, 2014, 08:53:32 pm ( (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 11, 2014, 10:36:05 pm ( (

Added. Welcome aboard! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: riffraff on August 13, 2014, 04:43:42 pm
added hitbox as well: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on August 13, 2014, 11:54:08 pm (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 14, 2014, 09:16:33 am
added hitbox as well: (

Added. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Optics on August 14, 2014, 10:05:32 am
Benjamin Kortholt ( new here wanted to start puting out some scores my pb about 73k right now
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 14, 2014, 10:19:44 am
Benjamin Kortholt ( new here wanted to start puting out some scores my pb about 73k right now

Added. Welcome the forum! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: d3scride on August 15, 2014, 12:43:25 pm
Am also making the switch over to
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 15, 2014, 02:56:44 pm
Am also making the switch over to

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tudose on August 16, 2014, 01:17:28 pm (

just in case <YSG>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ninglendo on August 18, 2014, 07:35:32 pm
I'm selling out and making the switch to hitbox Kappa (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 18, 2014, 09:07:38 pm
Trudeaux and Glen added. 8)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: DaLar on August 21, 2014, 02:53:52 pm

Better get me on the streamers list (espc. since I signed up for the DK Open #4  c",) (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 21, 2014, 03:20:51 pm

Better get me on the streamers list (espc. since I signed up for the DK Open #4  c",) (

Added! Good luck in the tourney!  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: disjaukifa on August 22, 2014, 09:35:42 pm
I have a hit box account as well, its (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: michaelsroka on August 24, 2014, 06:48:26 pm
mine is (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 24, 2014, 07:27:25 pm
I have a hit box account as well, its (



mine is (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kibbey93 on September 27, 2014, 08:52:51 pm ( is my Twitch channel. Just an Aussie keen to be part of the DKF community.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 27, 2014, 09:30:38 pm ( is my Twitch channel. Just an Aussie keen to be part of the DKF community.

Added. Welcome aboard mate!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on September 27, 2014, 11:33:46 pm
Uh-oh watch out  <Allen>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on September 28, 2014, 04:59:52 am
I never know who is streaming anymore.  Was there a reason why the live or online icon was removed by each gamer's name other than it took the webpage longer to load?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on September 28, 2014, 05:01:48 am
Up the top on the right hand side it lists anyone who is live under the "active streamers" heading. (no one is live right now)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ripper on September 28, 2014, 05:07:38 am
I'll have to keep an eye on this.  I never even noticed that.  Thanks!   <popcorn>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JohnTheLawnMan on October 11, 2014, 09:03:30 pm
Jeff, can you add my new arcade channel?  I'm going to be doing a live commentary and upadate show during the online opens from this channel. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 11, 2014, 09:09:36 pm
Jeff, can you add my new arcade channel?  I'm going to be doing a live commentary and upadate show during the online opens from this channel. (


Cool John! Looking forward to it, Added. :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kadows on October 17, 2014, 06:41:54 am
Here is link to my Twitch: (

I'm just a beginner trying to learn. Recently got my first 100K. :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 17, 2014, 09:24:47 am
Here is link to my Twitch: (

I'm just a beginner trying to learn. Recently got my first 100K. :)

Awesome! Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: BillyGaines on October 17, 2014, 05:50:12 pm (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 17, 2014, 06:10:05 pm (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Jonesy on October 18, 2014, 06:22:57 am
I also now have a stream sorted out and recently started playing again. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 18, 2014, 02:05:02 pm
I also now have a stream sorted out and recently started playing again. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on October 29, 2014, 12:50:25 pm
Please add Underground Retrocade when you get a chance: (
I promise, they do not stream fighting games and Smite constantly like some other places in Chicagoland.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: zamboni93 on October 29, 2014, 05:05:22 pm
Here's my twitch stream - (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 29, 2014, 05:11:40 pm
Please add Underground Retrocade when you get a chance: (
I promise, they do not stream fighting games and Smite constantly like some other places in Chicagoland.


Here's my twitch stream - (

Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Bach730 on November 08, 2014, 10:07:55 am
Please add me: (

Brian Waldie
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 09, 2014, 10:40:50 am
Please add me: (

Brian Waldie

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JMayden81 on November 10, 2014, 11:11:32 am
I would like to be added to the list of streamers. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 10, 2014, 11:35:40 am
I would like to be added to the list of streamers. (


Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SteelCanadian on December 01, 2014, 10:21:14 am
hello can you add me, (,) thank you.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 01, 2014, 10:35:36 am
hello can you add me, (,) thank you.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 13, 2014, 02:09:44 pm
Adam Mon Twitch (

Many thanks.    <YSG>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on December 13, 2014, 02:21:40 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 13, 2014, 02:30:26 pm
Adam Mon Twitch (

Many thanks.    <YSG>

Added! Welcome back, mate! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on December 13, 2014, 03:17:03 pm
Adam Mon Twitch (

Many thanks.    <YSG>

I'm delighted by your return, my friend!

Let's exchange a few more great musical discoveries.   8)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: sevenup1203 on December 19, 2014, 12:00:41 am
You can remove my sevenup1203 Twitch channel and replace it with (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 19, 2014, 05:25:25 pm
You can remove my sevenup1203 Twitch channel and replace it with (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Beardini on December 29, 2014, 03:33:26 am
Anthony Trujillo ( HYOPPPPPEPEEE  <YSG>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lakeman421 on January 05, 2015, 12:00:22 am
Could you please add (  he will be streaming in the near future Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on January 05, 2015, 02:48:09 am
Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: homerwannabee on January 18, 2015, 06:07:20 am
Same name, and handle just different site now since is gone

George Riley
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 19, 2015, 10:31:26 pm
Same name, and handle just different site now since is gone

George Riley

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheABL on January 21, 2015, 01:52:55 am
Hi, I will be streaming Donkeykong on my channel please add me:

Anders Bondrup Lasbo - or Anders Lasbo (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 21, 2015, 09:23:40 am
Hi, I will be streaming Donkeykong on my channel please add me:

Anders Bondrup Lasbo - or Anders Lasbo (

Added! Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: BBH on February 01, 2015, 01:38:47 pm
hi I've been streaming some MAME Yolympics stuff lately (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 01, 2015, 05:04:44 pm
hi I've been streaming some MAME Yolympics stuff lately (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on February 02, 2015, 12:44:34 pm

First post here.
Been lurking for a while, and finally got an account  :)
I have built my own small arcade early 2009, but dedicated games are hard to come by in Denmark, so I have bought some in Europe and imported some from the US.





More pictures to be found here: (

Lately I have been streaming a little from my gameroom - feel free to stop by at (
It´s all classic gaming, and I really suck, but it´s fun  ;D

Best Regards
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: f_symbols on February 02, 2015, 01:09:24 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm              <Mruczek>               Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on February 02, 2015, 01:26:22 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm              <Mruczek>               Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on February 02, 2015, 01:31:19 pm
That bar is sick Muerto.  Nice.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 02, 2015, 04:22:05 pm

First post here.
Been lurking for a while, and finally got an account  :)
I have built my own small arcade early 2009, but dedicated games are hard to come by in Denmark, so I have bought some in Europe and imported some from the US.

More pictures to be found here: (

Lately I have been streaming a little from my gameroom - feel free to stop by at (
It´s all classic gaming, and I really suck, but it´s fun  ;D

Best Regards

Added! Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: danman123456 on February 03, 2015, 10:34:55 am
Awesome setup Welcome to the DKF!  8)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on February 05, 2015, 09:43:02 am
Thanks guys, The Shed will be <stirpot> up some streaming the entire weekend 27-28-01 Feb/Marts, mainly focused on Pleiads, Ice Cold Beer, Metal Slug and Elevator Action...  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Svavar on February 05, 2015, 03:46:47 pm
Awesome to see that you joined the DKF Michael!  <Billy> Seeing these pictures again makes me endlessly sad that I won't be coming this month.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on February 06, 2015, 05:12:27 am
Awesome to see that you joined the DKF Michael!  <Billy> Seeing these pictures again makes me endlessly sad that I won't be coming this month.

Im sure there will be another time!!  8)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Evunz on February 06, 2015, 07:48:25 pm
Hi all

This is my twitch channel, i live Mario Bros. (MAME) ps: i'm french player (

If it is possible to be in the list.

Sincerely Evunz
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 06, 2015, 10:57:50 pm
Hi all

This is my twitch channel, i live Mario Bros. (MAME) ps: i'm french player (

If it is possible to be in the list.

Sincerely Evunz

Ajouté. Bienvenue! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Evunz on February 07, 2015, 01:23:41 am
Ajouté. Bienvenue! :)

Thank you very much for your consideration.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jumpman on February 21, 2015, 07:45:43 am
I finally got OBS to work so I got switched over to Twitch from JTV. Please update to: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Rolledcigs on February 21, 2015, 02:48:21 pm
Rolledcigs wishes to broadcast his progress. I will likely stream other things as well, such as chess. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on February 21, 2015, 03:13:21 pm
Rolledcigs wishes to broadcast his progress. I will likely stream other things as well, such as chess. (

Love it! , I hear Mitch on here is quite the chess player too
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 21, 2015, 04:05:39 pm
I finally got OBS to work so I got switched over to Twitch from JTV. Please update to: (

Rolledcigs wishes to broadcast his progress. I will likely stream other things as well, such as chess. (
Added. Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on February 22, 2015, 02:13:15 pm
Rolledcigs wishes to broadcast his progress. I will likely stream other things as well, such as chess. (

Love it! , I hear Mitch on here is quite the chess player too

Lovit! Welcome!

Yes. I love da chess.  ;D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Zmick_tricK on February 25, 2015, 07:39:09 pm
Could I trouble you to add me to the list?

I do some speedrun races, but for the most part I play Donkey Kong (of course!) Robotron, Galaga, Bubbles and Joust- all on MAME.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on February 25, 2015, 07:58:04 pm
I do some speedrun races, but for the most part I play Donkey Kong (of course!) Robotron, Galaga, Bubbles and Joust- all on MAME.

Out of curiosity, do you also play Zoo Keeper?

The 2 capitalized letters in your user name are "Z" and "K".

I immediately notice stuff like that.  Nothing I can do about it.   :)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Zmick_tricK on February 25, 2015, 08:06:08 pm
I do some speedrun races, but for the most part I play Donkey Kong (of course!) Robotron, Galaga, Bubbles and Joust- all on MAME.

Out of curiosity, do you also play Zoo Keeper?

The 2 capitalized letters in your user name are "Z" and "K".

I immediately notice stuff like that.  Nothing I can do about it.   :)

Nah, sorry, I've never even heard of Zoo Keeper. For years, I've gamed under the name ZmickTrick (mostly playing card and board games), but for twitch, I set my name to Zmick_tricK because I like how it looks. The capitalized letters make it look somewhat symmetrical or palindromic, even though it isn't exactly.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 26, 2015, 12:04:23 am
Could I trouble you to add me to the list?

I do some speedrun races, but for the most part I play Donkey Kong (of course!) Robotron, Galaga, Bubbles and Joust- all on MAME.

Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Zmick_tricK on February 26, 2015, 06:37:50 am
Could I trouble you to add me to the list?

I do some speedrun races, but for the most part I play Donkey Kong (of course!) Robotron, Galaga, Bubbles and Joust- all on MAME.

Added! Welcome aboard!
Whoo hoo! Thanks! I feel as if I have finally "arrived".

I'm happy that we have this list. It's very hard to find arcade/mame streamers using twitch's search features.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ThomasTHC on February 28, 2015, 03:27:41 am
Jakob Spring: (
Playing Metal Slug right now, but he also sometimes stream shooters and other arcade stuff
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 28, 2015, 12:01:09 pm
Jakob Spring: (
Playing Metal Slug right now, but he also sometimes stream shooters and other arcade stuff

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TBE on March 07, 2015, 11:26:25 am
Starting today I'll stream DK and other CAG's. You're welcome to come by and harass me. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 08, 2015, 10:49:55 am
Starting today I'll stream DK and other CAG's. You're welcome to come by and harass me. (

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Zmick_tricK on April 11, 2015, 11:36:05 am
This guy (

All he does is play Robotron. He doesn't say anything, despite apparently having a microphone, and he doesn't respond to chat. But I'll be dangged if he isn't a fantastic Robotron player. Puts me to shame.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: KIG666 on April 13, 2015, 12:36:38 pm
Thomas Bauer: (

Starting tomorrow, I'll stream DK and nothing else for a while  8)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 13, 2015, 02:12:42 pm
This guy (

All he does is play Robotron. He doesn't say anything, despite apparently having a microphone, and he doesn't respond to chat. But I'll be dangged if he isn't a fantastic Robotron player. Puts me to shame.

His name is David Gomez, according to several TG Robotron submissions.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 14, 2015, 01:57:23 am
This guy (

All he does is play Robotron. He doesn't say anything, despite apparently having a microphone, and he doesn't respond to chat. But I'll be dangged if he isn't a fantastic Robotron player. Puts me to shame.


Thomas Bauer: (

Starting tomorrow, I'll stream DK and nothing else for a while  8)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ltmonkey on April 21, 2015, 12:27:26 am
Me (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marky_d on April 21, 2015, 12:40:54 am
Me (

what in the fkkk
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ltmonkey on April 26, 2015, 03:08:10 am
Me (

what in the fkkk

marky d you know who i am you know i play donkey kong and arcade games i was even in the bad arcade game tourney a long time ago what are you what in the fucking me about lol
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on May 04, 2015, 01:53:40 pm
Can you please add DJ Thorpe to the list? He's a newer Underground Retrocade / GGA regular, and I'm helping him with his stream setup now.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 06, 2015, 03:06:07 pm
Can you please add DJ Thorpe to the list? He's a newer Underground Retrocade / GGA regular, and I'm helping him with his stream setup now.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kewydee_17 on May 07, 2015, 08:12:22 am

Could you please add my stream to your list (

I mostly play Mr Do! although i love to watch great players do their stuff on DK

Cheers, maybe I'll see a few of you on my stream.

P.S When will  <Allen> return? I need some  <Allen>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 07, 2015, 03:51:45 pm

Could you please add my stream to your list (

I mostly play Mr Do! although i love to watch great players do their stuff on DK

Cheers, maybe I'll see a few of you on my stream.

P.S When will  <Allen> return? I need some  <Allen>

Added and welcome to the forum! :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: YesAffinity on June 03, 2015, 04:39:16 pm
Please add me.  I haven't gone live yet, going to try to get it working tonight after work.  If not tonight, I will get it working this weekend. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jammyyy on June 05, 2015, 07:44:28 am
Hi there   :-\
i dont know who to ask to do this, can have my stream info edited  its
 Robert Felstein - (
can you change to to
Robert Felstein - http://www.twitch (http://www.twitch).tv/jammyyy
i`m finally got somthing working here to stream with :) 
please and thank you

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 05, 2015, 10:25:13 am
Please add me.  I haven't gone live yet, going to try to get it working tonight after work.  If not tonight, I will get it working this weekend. (


Hi there   :-\
i dont know who to ask to do this, can have my stream info edited  its
 Robert Felstein - (
can you change to to
Robert Felstein - http://www.twitch (http://www.twitch).tv/jammyyy
i`m finally got somthing working here to stream with :) 
please and thank you

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jammyyy on June 05, 2015, 03:56:08 pm
thank you Jeff
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on July 12, 2015, 03:58:42 pm
Please add Peter Gorz (GGA guy): (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 14, 2015, 06:32:59 am
Please add Peter Gorz (GGA guy): (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on July 16, 2015, 03:33:37 pm
Please add Peter Gorz (GGA guy): (


Lit. Make sure you guys tune in and harass him. He's new to this streaming business, so he wants feedback and help from folks. He had good sound levels the last few times I watched since he did a lot of testing. Mr. Gorz is particularly good at racing games, as well as a lot of shoot 'em ups and beat 'em ups.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on July 20, 2015, 10:39:01 am
Got another one: GallopingGhostClassics on Twitch.
Should be able to start separating the fighters and arcade games now, hopefully.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 21, 2015, 01:35:44 pm
Got another one: GallopingGhostClassics on Twitch.
Should be able to start separating the fighters and arcade games now, hopefully.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: anningmay on August 10, 2015, 08:02:05 am
I want in! (

Mostly Pac-style games, FWIW.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 10, 2015, 10:11:38 am
I want in! (

Mostly Pac-style games, FWIW.


Added! Welcome aboard, Dave!  :)

 <blinky> <pacman>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: serphintizer on August 11, 2015, 08:07:50 am

Please add (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 11, 2015, 01:46:36 pm

Please add (

Welcome to DKF!

I caught the replay from your recent stream, very impressed!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 11, 2015, 02:36:00 pm

Please add (

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on August 14, 2015, 01:12:38 pm
Have a new streaming channel, that has the same name as my arcade :) (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 15, 2015, 04:49:31 pm
Have a new streaming channel, that has the same name as my arcade :) (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jdllama on August 17, 2015, 07:58:44 am
Let's do this like Buddhists! ( is my site.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 18, 2015, 12:30:13 am
Let's do this like Buddhists! ( is my site.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: mrvaya on August 18, 2015, 09:19:15 am
Finally made a DK steam: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 18, 2015, 09:56:50 am (

Requested to be on the list, he has a cab lit  <Allen>

Thanks Jeff.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 18, 2015, 01:48:59 pm
Finally made a DK steam: (

Added! (

Requested to be on the list, he has a cab lit  <Allen>

Thanks Jeff.

And added! Welcome!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on August 29, 2015, 04:26:48 am (

Pac player just recently started streaming,
He hangs out in some of the dk streams as well.
<pacman>  <blinky>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: anningmay on August 29, 2015, 07:34:04 am
Another Pac player? Awesome!

We will soon take over your silly forum.  ;)

 <pacman> <blinky>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 30, 2015, 02:56:50 pm (

Pac player just recently started streaming,
He hangs out in some of the dk streams as well.
<pacman>  <blinky>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: rygar412 on September 12, 2015, 07:24:07 pm
Just started a twitch page: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 14, 2015, 12:17:05 am
Just started a twitch page: (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on September 19, 2015, 07:37:55 pm
caught a closet DK player lurking silently in Ethans Channel, looks like he's new to streaming..pretty sure I've seen his name on the forum at some point. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: krehztim on September 22, 2015, 12:12:14 pm
Thanks to Barra, I'm taking the DK plunge finally (  Can't hide in RU forever . . . Tim Kreh
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on September 22, 2015, 12:33:43 pm

Now I know two crazy Tim's  ;)     

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on September 23, 2015, 03:02:25 am
Welcome, Tim!! Glad your stream worked out :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on September 23, 2015, 07:35:24 am
Welcome Tim! Looking forward to learning DK with you and Spaceman and Wolf.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 24, 2015, 12:16:54 pm
Thanks to Barra, I'm taking the DK plunge finally (  Can't hide in RU forever . . . Tim Kreh

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wolfman24 on October 05, 2015, 09:40:52 pm
going to be testing some streaming out right now. (

hopefully one day I will figure out how to stream with a more recent wolfmame  FailFish
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Neilhdz on October 17, 2015, 04:45:01 pm
just started a twitch page . can i be added to the list of active streamers ? (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 19, 2015, 07:25:50 pm
just started a twitch page . can i be added to the list of active streamers ? (

going to be testing some streaming out right now. (

hopefully one day I will figure out how to stream with a more recent wolfmame  FailFish

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wolfman24 on November 19, 2015, 03:47:44 pm
tenser stream (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 01, 2015, 06:02:56 pm (

Turns out Shaun Boyd isn't currently on the streamers list,
Could we get him added?
ty  Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 03, 2015, 01:24:44 am (

Turns out Shaun Boyd isn't currently on the streamers list,
Could we get him added?
ty  Kreygasm

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 08, 2015, 04:00:10 pm (

Joe discovered gettysburg1863  'Jason'  (not jcb)
new to streming DK,
Thanks Jeff!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 08, 2015, 05:33:43 pm (

Joe discovered gettysburg1863  'Jason'  (not jcb)
new to streming DK,
Thanks Jeff!

Added! Welcome aboard , Joe!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on December 09, 2015, 06:54:03 am
My Twitch stream (

Occasional DK but mostly an assortment of classic MAME stuff
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 09, 2015, 12:22:33 pm
My Twitch stream (

Occasional DK but mostly an assortment of classic MAME stuff

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 23, 2015, 01:32:57 am (

Looks like twitchshane from the forum has a stream up and running.
Could we have him added?

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marky_d on December 23, 2015, 01:52:14 am (

Looks like twitchshane from the forum has a stream up and running.
Could we have him added?


Added, sir.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on December 31, 2015, 04:46:43 pm
DaLar found a DKF member had recently started streaming DK. (

Pretty great 1-1 player by the looks of things Kreygasm
Could we get him on the list?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Phame on January 09, 2016, 08:28:29 am
If you want, you can add mine ~ (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 09, 2016, 10:01:56 am
DaLar found a DKF member had recently started streaming DK. (

Pretty great 1-1 player by the looks of things Kreygasm
Could we get him on the list?


If you want, you can add mine ~ (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: weiwovaseiba on January 09, 2016, 12:40:37 pm
stream account: (

mostly d2k.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: aarontruitt on January 20, 2016, 08:50:01 pm
I know ShookOne joined DKF - don't see him on the active stream list... this is his address: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lakeman421 on January 20, 2016, 11:37:59 pm
I know ShookOne joined DKF - don't see him on the active stream list... this is his address: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 21, 2016, 02:02:35 am
stream account: (

mostly d2k.



I know ShookOne joined DKF - don't see him on the active stream list... this is his address: (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SoltyD on January 21, 2016, 01:33:11 pm
My stream account: (

Mostly classic arcade games. Looking forward to playing with you all during Yolympics!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 21, 2016, 05:23:59 pm
My stream account: (

Mostly classic arcade games. Looking forward to playing with you all during Yolympics!

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: blackraven15 on January 31, 2016, 06:29:10 pm
Hi I would like to be added to the stream list

Nina aka Sock's gf streaming remix and a few other things, Mame, Stars Pinball etc (

Thanks :3
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 31, 2016, 07:15:15 pm
Hi I would like to be added to the stream list

Nina aka Sock's gf streaming remix and a few other things, Mame, Stars Pinball etc (

Thanks :3

Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: blackraven15 on January 31, 2016, 07:56:11 pm
Hi I would like to be added to the stream list

Nina aka Sock's gf streaming remix and a few other things, Mame, Stars Pinball etc (

Thanks :3

A big thank you!! Amazed by how quick you did that *bows*  <pacman> <blinky>
Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CharlieFar on February 07, 2016, 04:41:25 pm
Hi there!

My Twitch channel: (

I'm only just starting out streaming classic arcade game, so this is very new to me. Primarily streaming Galaxian as I'm attempting to improve my game to hopefully gain a world record eventually. (We can all dream). My current best is 1.3M and my stream best is just over 1M.
I will play other classic games eventually, maybe even DK for a laugh, but I'm nowhere near as good as most of the players here.

Nice forum!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on February 07, 2016, 07:27:16 pm
Welcome sir Kreygasm
Looking forward to some Galaxian and stealing some strats Kappa

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: timhett on February 08, 2016, 07:00:52 am
Welcome David, your Galaxian defenses are superior! 
don't worry, lots of games being played here, many of us don't play DK at all or not seriously.  (like me!)
<Pigger> FailFish Kappa
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 08, 2016, 11:42:52 am
Hi there!

My Twitch channel: (

I'm only just starting out streaming classic arcade game, so this is very new to me. Primarily streaming Galaxian as I'm attempting to improve my game to hopefully gain a world record eventually. (We can all dream). My current best is 1.3M and my stream best is just over 1M.
I will play other classic games eventually, maybe even DK for a laugh, but I'm nowhere near as good as most of the players here.

Nice forum!

Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CharlieFar on February 08, 2016, 02:09:04 pm
Thanks for the welcome, and for adding my channel. :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Jonesy on February 09, 2016, 01:18:56 am
Hey David, good to see you here.

You're DK skills aren't so bad sir, clocking 182k is pretty handy considering you rarely play it.

Your Galaxian skills on the other hand are a disgrace!!  ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CharlieFar on February 10, 2016, 02:21:46 pm
Hi Jonesy, the same names pop up all over the place :)

Never given DK a chance if I'm being honest. I must give it some decent playing at some point.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on February 12, 2016, 02:37:26 pm
Hey guys (

This is a tetris streamer who also hangs out in the other streams from DKFers,
I got her permission and she is ok with beeing added to the streamers list.
would it be ok to have her stream added to the list?

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: kalel on February 26, 2016, 01:43:24 pm
hey jeff wasnt sure how to message you.  can you update my new stream to the forum.  its (

the difference is one less 9   lo
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 26, 2016, 01:49:51 pm
hey jeff wasnt sure how to message you.  can you update my new stream to the forum.  its (

the difference is one less 9   lo

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on March 01, 2016, 07:49:08 am
Can somebody please add Zotmeister (Adam Wood) to the list of streamers?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 05, 2016, 09:42:27 pm
Can somebody please add Zotmeister (Adam Wood) to the list of streamers?

A link would be helpful here. ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tudose on March 05, 2016, 09:48:20 pm ( :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 05, 2016, 11:59:03 pm ( :)

Added! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tudose on March 13, 2016, 03:22:10 pm
add ( to the list please :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 15, 2016, 03:10:28 pm
add ( to the list please :)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tudose on May 06, 2016, 12:30:12 pm
pls add patrick to the list :) (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 06, 2016, 02:48:22 pm
pls add patrick to the list :) (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: MJMeerman on May 18, 2016, 01:18:39 pm
Sup dudes, mind editing mine (Mitchell Meerman)? Going to be streaming on ( from now on. Classic and modern games alike. Somewhat regular DK and Nibbler practice will be on there.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 19, 2016, 01:49:03 am
Sup dudes, mind editing mine (Mitchell Meerman)? Going to be streaming on ( from now on. Classic and modern games alike. Somewhat regular DK and Nibbler practice will be on there.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Sock Master on June 01, 2016, 06:40:09 pm
It's about time I add myself to the list of streamers. (

My current laptop doesn't cope too well streaming MAME, but I'll be fixing that soon.
I'll also be streaming DK, DK Remix, Stern Stars Pinball, maybe some other cabs and occasional other random things like the CoCo version of DK Remix (streaming from actual 80s hardware)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 02, 2016, 11:33:54 am
It's about time I add myself to the list of streamers. (

My current laptop doesn't cope too well streaming MAME, but I'll be fixing that soon.
I'll also be streaming DK, DK Remix, Stern Stars Pinball, maybe some other cabs and occasional other random things like the CoCo version of DK Remix (streaming from actual 80s hardware)


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 06, 2016, 03:53:57 am

Jeff sir, can you add me?

I think I've got it worked out. There will be balls-ups and mishaps a-plenty, no doubt.  <Allen> FailFish <confused> BibleThump Kreygasm (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 06, 2016, 08:47:01 am

Jeff sir, can you add me?

I think I've got it worked out. There will be balls-ups and mishaps a-plenty, no doubt.  <Allen> FailFish <confused> BibleThump Kreygasm (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on September 06, 2016, 11:26:53 am
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Adam_Mon on September 06, 2016, 11:39:28 am

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 06, 2016, 01:10:57 pm

Cheers sir  Kreygasm

Quote from: Barra

Quote from: Adam_Mon


Cheers sirs  Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Josephjo on September 07, 2016, 08:03:30 am
Christmas has come early.

 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: aarontruitt on September 12, 2016, 11:35:27 am
Nathan Skeeks has been streaming arcade DK as of late: (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 12, 2016, 04:24:38 pm
Nathan Skeeks has been streaming arcade DK as of late: (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JumpmanJack on October 23, 2016, 12:03:16 pm
Please add (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 23, 2016, 01:44:04 pm
Please add (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on December 20, 2016, 02:12:37 am (

Max streams a variety of CAGames. Hes a member here but just noticed hes not on the streamers list :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 21, 2016, 07:00:48 pm (

Max streams a variety of CAGames. Hes a member here but just noticed hes not on the streamers list :)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: KIG666 on January 02, 2017, 05:14:18 pm
New DK Streamer. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 02, 2017, 05:30:30 pm
New DK Streamer. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CaptainJivePants on January 06, 2017, 02:50:35 pm
Matt Rocco, one of the Chicagoland players and GGA's first Gamer of the Year, has set up an account.  He'll be streaming some BOTA practice, too. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 07, 2017, 04:39:35 am
Matt Rocco, one of the Chicagoland players and GGA's first Gamer of the Year, has set up an account.  He'll be streaming some BOTA practice, too. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Miketastic5 on January 27, 2017, 12:04:06 am
I would like to change my twitch account on this list to I finally got a new computer after several years so I can start playing again lol.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 27, 2017, 03:05:06 pm
I would like to change my twitch account on this list to I finally got a new computer after several years so I can start playing again lol.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on March 18, 2017, 12:55:30 am
Hey JC

Could Netherworld Arcade, (, be added? Should be live all next weekend for the Arcade event

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 18, 2017, 06:24:27 pm
Hey JC

Could Netherworld Arcade, (, be added? Should be live all next weekend for the Arcade event


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tippington on March 21, 2017, 06:26:56 pm
Hey JC,

My full name is Clinton VanSciver, feel free to update the list with my real name if you like. Cheers!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Boognish on May 09, 2017, 08:30:29 pm
can ( be added?

thanks. wonderful site
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: CMarshall088 on June 19, 2017, 02:29:55 pm
I recently started DK, I was wondering if you could add me to the list. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 19, 2017, 10:46:11 pm
I recently started DK, I was wondering if you could add me to the list. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wolfman24 on July 09, 2017, 09:58:48 am
can these 3 accounts be added? ( ( (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Svavar on July 15, 2017, 08:00:03 am
Can we please add

It´s me and my friend's joint channel, where we play classic games sometimes  <Billy> <Roy> <Walter> <Mruczek>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 16, 2017, 06:44:38 pm
Can we please add

It´s me and my friend's joint channel, where we play classic games sometimes  <Billy> <Roy> <Walter> <Mruczek>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lakeman421 on August 01, 2017, 10:15:44 pm
Carrie just started streaming DK to beat  <Allen> to 900 fousand
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 03, 2017, 04:06:38 pm
Carrie just started streaming DK to beat  <Allen> to 900 fousand

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Boognish on September 06, 2017, 11:06:46 am
please REMOVE ( from the list thank you
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Boognish on September 06, 2017, 09:07:03 pm
please REMOVE ( from the list thank you

i said please
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on September 06, 2017, 09:20:10 pm
please REMOVE ( from the list thank you

i said please

You've been removed from the list in the OP. JC will have to remove you from the Active Streamers list at the top of the page, which I'm sure he'll get to soon.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Boognish on September 06, 2017, 09:55:55 pm

You've been removed from the list in the OP. JC will have to remove you from the Active Streamers list at the top of the page, which I'm sure he'll get to soon.

thank you very much
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 06, 2017, 10:17:50 pm
please REMOVE ( from the list thank you

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Boognish on September 06, 2017, 10:57:06 pm
please REMOVE ( from the list thank you


thank you
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 06, 2017, 11:07:00 pm
 <confused> <confused> <confused> <confused> <confused> <confused> <confused>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: timhett on September 07, 2017, 05:21:24 am
If you're still streaming, I'm still gonna tune in!  sorry about it
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kibbey93 on September 30, 2017, 10:00:37 pm
Can I please have my entry changed from ( to (

Tack sa mycket
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 01, 2017, 04:21:23 am
Can I please have my entry changed from ( to (

Tack sa mycket

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 27, 2017, 09:14:32 pm
Could I be added to the list? (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 28, 2017, 12:58:22 am
Could I be added to the list? (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on November 05, 2017, 07:43:25 pm
I added one of the Japanese DK players to the list: (

JC, can you add him to the Active Streamers list? Thanks.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 06, 2017, 06:26:17 pm
I added one of the Japanese DK players to the list: (

JC, can you add him to the Active Streamers list? Thanks.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: bubbalove48 on November 19, 2017, 09:51:34 am
It was suggested that I ask to be listed here for my twitch streams.  My twitch handle is "bubbaloveretrogaming".  Thanks!!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 19, 2017, 04:25:13 pm
It was suggested that I ask to be listed here for my twitch streams.  My twitch handle is "bubbaloveretrogaming".  Thanks!!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wolfman24 on November 28, 2017, 01:07:49 pm ( is my new name on twitch no longer wolfman0024 or wolfman24
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: The Pro on November 29, 2017, 09:45:19 pm
Please update mine to (

About time I noticed you can change names.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 30, 2017, 06:28:52 pm ( is my new name on twitch no longer wolfman0024 or wolfman24


Please update mine to (

About time I noticed you can change names.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on December 24, 2017, 06:07:22 am
ACU-AZU is another one of the Japanese DK players, but he also streams other CAG stuff and is pretty good at Mappy, I reckon. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 24, 2017, 11:35:22 am
ACU-AZU is another one of the Japanese DK players, but he also streams other CAG stuff and is pretty good at Mappy, I reckon. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ZedIsDead on January 04, 2018, 08:24:58 pm
I only occasionally play arcade games, but if you want to watch some awful CAG gamplay, I can provide that. ;D (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: zapwai on January 18, 2018, 07:37:41 pm
I'm a twitch and DK newb, I'll be streaming my sessions. Thanks! (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 19, 2018, 12:53:17 am
I'm a twitch and DK newb, I'll be streaming my sessions. Thanks! (

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kibbey93 on January 25, 2018, 11:52:42 pm
Could you please add (

Another barcade in Brisbane.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 28, 2018, 01:23:41 pm
Could you please add (

Another barcade in Brisbane.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: D.B. Cooper on February 09, 2018, 08:41:08 am
I changed my username (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 09, 2018, 11:34:59 am
I changed my username (


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 23, 2018, 02:36:26 pm
Aaron Hightower
aka KongTower on the forum (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: dnickolas on February 25, 2018, 03:00:34 pm
I rarely stream, but it's always mame original DK. Come watch a bad player implement expert-level strats for a bit and then die randomly. (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 25, 2018, 03:08:02 pm
I rarely stream, but it's always mame original DK. Come watch a bad player implement expert-level strats for a bit and then die randomly. (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on March 27, 2018, 07:55:27 pm
The MeowMix thing will be streamed this weekend on
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: sleepygary on March 29, 2018, 10:57:30 am
Been learning to play Donkey Kong & streaming it -

30 days of play so far and I think I'm making progress  ::)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 29, 2018, 01:26:22 pm
The MeowMix thing will be streamed this weekend on

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 29, 2018, 01:26:54 pm
Been learning to play Donkey Kong & streaming it -

30 days of play so far and I think I'm making progress  ::)

Added! And welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: sleepygary on March 30, 2018, 03:58:39 am

This place has been a huge help to my game :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: GILLYKONG on April 02, 2018, 09:06:23 pm
Add me to list please.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 06, 2018, 01:05:57 pm
Add me to list please.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: creech on April 17, 2018, 09:25:20 am
Please add the creech to the list.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: stella_blue on April 17, 2018, 10:28:23 am
Please add the creech to the list.

Oh no, there goes the neighborhood!


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: creech on April 17, 2018, 10:42:37 am
Please add the creech to the list.

Oh no, there goes the neighborhood!

Scott pls, you love it.  <popcorn>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 17, 2018, 02:08:39 pm
Please add the creech to the list.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: UKP on April 22, 2018, 10:53:29 am
You can add me.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 22, 2018, 10:57:15 am
You can add me.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ThadJarvice on April 23, 2018, 09:35:50 pm
If you would like you can add me. Once i get the cab setup i will be streaming
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 23, 2018, 09:44:40 pm
If you would like you can add me. Once i get the cab setup i will be streaming

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: twinxen on April 27, 2018, 02:19:08 pm
Add please
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JoshtheGamer on April 30, 2018, 03:09:52 pm
Would you add me please? Thank you!!      <popcorn>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 30, 2018, 03:34:42 pm
Add please


Would you add me please? Thank you!!      <popcorn>

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wvapinball on May 07, 2018, 08:56:19 pm
Is there any way my link can be edited. The nocashvalue channel is gone. I'm now at:
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 11, 2018, 07:09:47 pm
Is there any way my link can be edited. The nocashvalue channel is gone. I'm now at:

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wvapinball on May 11, 2018, 07:31:16 pm
Thank you! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Mcporkchop54 on May 11, 2018, 08:17:29 pm
I'd like to have my channel added if it's ok
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 12, 2018, 12:26:23 am
I'd like to have my channel added if it's ok

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 18, 2018, 11:56:12 am
My Twitch Username was aahight before, but now it is KongTower.  Too many times I had to explain, "I'm KongTower" on the DKF.

Can someone please update me on the list of streamers accordingly?

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: colman paolo on June 14, 2018, 10:58:50 am
Hi friends
Someone can update my twich channel link?
My new channel is
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on June 14, 2018, 01:00:08 pm
Colman Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: colman paolo on June 14, 2018, 01:18:57 pm
Colman Kreygasm

great barra!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 14, 2018, 02:39:13 pm
Hi friends
Someone can update my twich channel link?
My new channel is


Welcome back Colman!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: sikraiken on July 04, 2018, 12:31:26 pm

I would like to try to start streaming occasionally (mostly shoot 'em ups). I used to sometimes watch KIG666 grind out DK runs this past year. It was always entertaining to watch.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 04, 2018, 12:42:00 pm

I would like to try to start streaming occasionally (mostly shoot 'em ups). I used to sometimes watch KIG666 grind out DK runs this past year. It was always entertaining to watch.

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TryhardTroglodyte on July 17, 2018, 01:08:28 pm
Hey!  KIG666 led me here when I was playing Donkey Kong Arcade on the Switch.  I don't play it constantly, but I love all things Donkey Kong, and I frequently play the arcade version since it released on the Switch.  :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 17, 2018, 01:46:28 pm
Hey!  KIG666 led me here when I was playing Donkey Kong Arcade on the Switch.  I don't play it constantly, but I love all things Donkey Kong, and I frequently play the arcade version since it released on the Switch.  :D

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: spindaddy56 on July 30, 2018, 10:40:27 am
Add me please

Jason Spindler
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on July 30, 2018, 11:49:53 am

I got a new account on twitch, so the old one don't stream any more..

Still stream classic arcade games :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 30, 2018, 03:08:45 pm
Add me please

Jason Spindler

Added! Welcome to DKF!

I got a new account on twitch, so the old one don't stream any more..

Still stream classic arcade games :)

Already listed!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TheSunshineFund on July 30, 2018, 05:18:09 pm
Add me please

Jason Spindler

Hey Jason good to see you here.  Hope you find that elusive Bouncer one day.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Muerto on July 31, 2018, 11:02:46 am
Add me please

Jason Spindler

Added! Welcome to DKF!

I got a new account on twitch, so the old one don't stream any more..

Still stream classic arcade games :)

Already listed!

- you may delete the Muerto - link :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: M.Schrock on August 12, 2018, 06:22:31 pm
I would like to be added please. I'm finally gonna go for a kill screen and try to get on the scoreboard somewhere  FailFish
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 16, 2018, 01:24:28 pm
I would like to be added please. I'm finally gonna go for a kill screen and try to get on the scoreboard somewhere  FailFish

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: bradtech519 on August 17, 2018, 07:47:47 am
Brad Williamson -

I just started playing DK last Friday 8/10/18.  Been streaming my progression on twitch since starting to play last week. Will also stream other arcade & 1990s/early 2000s PC games or NES/SNES. I used to be a competitive quake 2 player. So I'll stream some Quake as well when I need a mental break from Kong. But my primary focus now is Donkey Kong.  Hope to break 100k soon.

PB on Arcade is 70,300
WolfMame on keyboard 72,000

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 17, 2018, 12:36:40 pm
Brad Williamson -

I just started playing DK last Friday 8/10/18.  Been streaming my progression on twitch since starting to play last week. Will also stream other arcade & 1990s/early 2000s PC games or NES/SNES. I used to be a competitive quake 2 player. So I'll stream some Quake as well when I need a mental break from Kong. But my primary focus now is Donkey Kong.  Hope to break 100k soon.

PB on Arcade is 70,300
WolfMame on keyboard 72,000

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: spindaddy56 on August 30, 2018, 10:26:09 am
I changed my twitch account form thejcade to spindaddy


Jason Spindler
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: captnkong on August 30, 2018, 04:32:37 pm
Can I be added to the Twitch streamers list please:
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 30, 2018, 06:00:42 pm
Can I be added to the Twitch streamers list please:

Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 30, 2018, 06:04:31 pm
I changed my twitch account form thejcade to spindaddy


Jason Spindler

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: dollopuss on September 13, 2018, 07:15:12 am
Heya! Kig666 suggested I post here as I stream my DK games as well:

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 13, 2018, 11:44:41 am
Heya! Kig666 suggested I post here as I stream my DK games as well:


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JasonV91 on September 27, 2018, 11:37:31 am
Hi everybody - while I've been a member over at TG for just under 3 years, I'm new to DKF. I play mostly CAG (MAME), and usually mix it up a good amount, but recently I've played a good amount of DK, and just started up with DK3 a week ago after watching several of Barra's recent streams. Twitch link is here if you feel like watching the ongoing struggle! (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 01, 2018, 05:47:04 pm
Hi everybody - while I've been a member over at TG for just under 3 years, I'm new to DKF. I play mostly CAG (MAME), and usually mix it up a good amount, but recently I've played a good amount of DK, and just started up with DK3 a week ago after watching several of Barra's recent streams. Twitch link is here if you feel like watching the ongoing struggle! (

Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 1971printer on October 01, 2018, 09:12:07 pm
Hey there, can you add me please, new at streaming so my settings/quality are a work in progress, thanks.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 02, 2018, 02:32:41 am
Hey there, can you add me please, new at streaming so my settings/quality are a work in progress, thanks.


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 1971printer on October 02, 2018, 03:08:53 am
Thank you sir  ;)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Pearl on October 08, 2018, 12:53:13 pm

mostly shooting games, classic & modern.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 08, 2018, 01:03:41 pm

mostly shooting games, classic & modern.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: VeryApe121 on October 14, 2018, 11:49:15 am
Mind adding me to the list please?  Hopefully people will get to see some improvement.  I've upped my PB about 50k since I got a Jr cabinet and DK board to 187,400.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 14, 2018, 01:16:02 pm
Mind adding me to the list please?  Hopefully people will get to see some improvement.  I've upped my PB about 50k since I got a Jr cabinet and DK board to 187,400.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: vortexarcade on October 14, 2018, 03:56:17 pm
Please add these to the list. Thank you  :)
vortexarcade- (
Daniel Solis- (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 14, 2018, 04:06:09 pm
Please add these to the list. Thank you  :)
vortexarcade- (
Daniel Solis- (

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ArcadePlayer_ABC on October 23, 2018, 11:42:04 pm
hello could you please add my
 :) thanks  :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 24, 2018, 03:14:35 pm
hello could you please add my
 :) thanks  :D

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Phame on November 18, 2018, 07:54:38 pm
Just an update to my new stream link;



Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: mylar on November 18, 2018, 09:41:33 pm
Can  you add me to the list of streamers on Twitch? mylar -
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 19, 2018, 11:06:29 am
Just an update to my new stream link;



Thanks in advance!


Can  you add me to the list of streamers on Twitch? mylar -
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on November 19, 2018, 11:12:07 am
Just an update to my new stream link;




Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on November 19, 2018, 12:29:49 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on November 19, 2018, 02:24:09 pm
Allen... <confused>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SithOfSpades on November 19, 2018, 09:07:56 pm
I got DK arcade cabinet (it is actually a Double Donkey Kong board) in August and I just started streaming. Can you add me to the list of twitch streamers?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 20, 2018, 01:38:11 am
I got DK arcade cabinet (it is actually a Double Donkey Kong board) in August and I just started streaming. Can you add me to the list of twitch streamers?

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Lyriell on December 08, 2018, 07:09:26 pm
Hey all,

Can you add me? I've spent the better part of the weekend trying to get a stream going from my Namco machine.  It's not good, but will upgrade the quality later.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 12, 2018, 06:29:53 pm
Hey all,

Can you add me? I've spent the better part of the weekend trying to get a stream going from my Namco machine.  It's not good, but will upgrade the quality later.

Added! Sorry for the delay!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Les.coffman on December 15, 2018, 06:46:54 pm
Please add me to the list of streamers.   Thanks. 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on December 15, 2018, 09:31:12 pm
Please add me to the list of streamers.   Thanks.

Post by: StevenAdhep on December 20, 2018, 07:31:16 am
hi all
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: rayfinkel on January 02, 2019, 07:34:39 am
hey folks. i've begun streaming my quest for 1.1 million (i should probably hit 1 mil first... or even 900k... but 1.1 is my next goal :-D). i'm rayfinkel from twitch!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 02, 2019, 08:55:30 pm
hey folks. i've begun streaming my quest for 1.1 million (i should probably hit 1 mil first... or even 900k... but 1.1 is my next goal :-D). i'm rayfinkel from twitch!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Bliss1083 on January 12, 2019, 06:57:07 am
Hey this Is Joseph carroll I'm now streaming at
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tjb3531 on January 14, 2019, 02:08:04 am
Hi would you be able to add me to the list of streamers? My name is Taylor Braun, I go by tjb3531 on Twitch. Currently looking to hit 300k, gotta start somewhere!!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 14, 2019, 12:11:11 pm
Hey this Is Joseph carroll I'm now streaming at


Hi would you be able to add me to the list of streamers? My name is Taylor Braun, I go by tjb3531 on Twitch. Currently looking to hit 300k, gotta start somewhere!!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Bliss1083 on January 14, 2019, 01:50:37 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Les.coffman on January 20, 2019, 01:46:54 pm
I would like to update my stream info.  Old was the new link is  thanks
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 20, 2019, 02:17:43 pm
I would like to update my stream info.  Old was the new link is  thanks

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Majesticone on February 08, 2019, 11:57:35 am
 Please add me to the list of streamers
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 09, 2019, 06:32:02 pm
Please add me to the list of streamers

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kibbey93 on February 15, 2019, 07:50:17 pm
Could I please have my stream link updated from kingkibbey to kibbey :)

Forgot to request this when I changed my name a while ago.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on February 16, 2019, 10:40:11 am
Could I please have my stream link updated from kingkibbey to kibbey :)

Forgot to request this when I changed my name a while ago.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: tarkus1977 on March 11, 2019, 09:46:20 am
Hi, new member here. Please add me to the list of streamers.

Tips and feedback welcome. This website has been really helpful to me so far.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 11, 2019, 01:51:07 pm
Hi, new member here. Please add me to the list of streamers.

Tips and feedback welcome. This website has been really helpful to me so far.

Added! Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Matt on March 19, 2019, 10:02:58 pm
Hey, my name is Matthew Boyd, and i stream on twitch as DK_1981, can I get added please? Thanks!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 20, 2019, 06:09:36 pm
Hey, my name is Matthew Boyd, and i stream on twitch as DK_1981, can I get added please? Thanks!

Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: KongKlub on March 31, 2019, 11:26:50 pm
Jacob Ashley

thanks guysssss
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 01, 2019, 10:56:29 am
Jacob Ashley

thanks guysssss

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: andrewg on April 01, 2019, 04:54:35 pm
my name changed from andrewg1990 to andrewg
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 01, 2019, 05:10:39 pm
my name changed from andrewg1990 to andrewg

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: leejunfan777 on April 09, 2019, 04:00:22 pm
Renamed my twitch channel :


(Vincent Cote)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 09, 2019, 04:37:00 pm
Renamed my twitch channel :


(Vincent Cote)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Vern on June 05, 2019, 04:11:46 am
Please add me to the list of streamers.  Verne Voshell

I stream vs. Excitebike and occasionally starcraft2

Pleaee check out my channel and my recent WR game. [6,577,770 points may 31, 2019]

I just got affiliate and Jmayden is making some sick excitebike emotes for me.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 05, 2019, 04:43:08 am
Please add me to the list of streamers.  Verne Voshell

I stream vs. Excitebike and occasionally starcraft2

Pleaee check out my channel and my recent WR game. [6,577,770 points may 31, 2019]

I just got affiliate and Jmayden is making some sick excitebike emotes for me.



Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Rosebud on August 04, 2019, 10:18:09 pm
Hey everybody my name is Hailey and I stream Donkey Kong! My Twitch username is rosebud360.🌹
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: FirebirdTPG on August 04, 2019, 10:27:17 pm
If you would be so kind as to add my stream please.

I stream Mostly DK from my Cabinet. (New to streaming)


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 05, 2019, 12:05:47 am
Hey everybody my name is Hailey and I stream Donkey Kong! My Twitch username is rosebud360.🌹


If you would be so kind as to add my stream please.

I stream Mostly DK from my Cabinet. (New to streaming)



Added! Welcome to DKF!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: fippi on August 16, 2019, 09:41:09 pm
Hi all! Another aussie who's just started streaming some PB attempts. My twitch profile is Come say hi!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 16, 2019, 09:44:22 pm
Hi all! Another aussie who's just started streaming some PB attempts. My twitch profile is Come say hi!

Added! Welcome to DKF!  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Pelly on September 19, 2019, 10:18:53 pm
Finally got myself sorted and purchased a Mr Video. Started streaming as of yesterday! :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 19, 2019, 10:39:06 pm
Finally got myself sorted and purchased a Mr Video. Started streaming as of yesterday! :)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on September 20, 2019, 02:33:25 am
Greg buddayyy!! Time to take down Matt  ;D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: VIMikey on September 20, 2019, 12:04:05 pm
hi DK forum!

I am now streaming my DK high score attempts at

If you could add me to the list, I would greatly appreciate it.  ;D

Thank you,

Michael Massaro
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on September 21, 2019, 12:28:56 pm
hi DK forum!

I am now streaming my DK high score attempts at

If you could add me to the list, I would greatly appreciate it.  ;D

Thank you,

Michael Massaro

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: elbee85 on October 08, 2019, 01:50:07 pm
Hi there. My name is Luke Bushell. I actively stream my DK games at
Can I please be added to the list of regular streamers? Thanks.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on October 08, 2019, 02:25:14 pm
Hi there. My name is Luke Bushell. I actively stream my DK games at
Can I please be added to the list of regular streamers? Thanks.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: emart756 on November 28, 2019, 12:10:30 am
Hello! My old username on twitch was emart756 (Eric Martin on the list). That accountr is no longer active. Can you updated it to be instead? I don't stream DK each time, but I'm getting back into it now. Please, and thank you!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on November 28, 2019, 03:00:37 am
Hello! My old username on twitch was emart756 (Eric Martin on the list). That accountr is no longer active. Can you updated it to be instead? I don't stream DK each time, but I'm getting back into it now. Please, and thank you!

Updated! Welcome back!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Reinke314 on January 25, 2020, 11:54:51 am
I am a new DK streamer:  my PB is 393,200
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 25, 2020, 03:46:00 pm
I am a new DK streamer:  my PB is 393,200

Added! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ILLSeaBass on January 27, 2020, 08:45:06 pm
ILLSeaBass -

Thanks and glad to be here! - ISB
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 27, 2020, 09:42:52 pm
ILLSeaBass -

Thanks and glad to be here! - ISB

Added. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ohrami on January 28, 2020, 05:05:50 am
I would like to change my Twitch account to
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 28, 2020, 01:45:15 pm
I would like to change my Twitch account to

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: MattyK on January 28, 2020, 02:31:42 pm
Decided to get into the streaming after getting a PB at the local arcade.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on January 28, 2020, 02:42:39 pm
Decided to get into the streaming after getting a PB at the local arcade.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: marinomitch13 on January 30, 2020, 09:43:49 am
Decided to get into the streaming after getting a PB at the local arcade.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Itsmrpitchy on March 03, 2020, 07:29:35 am
Now I am getting closer to a kill screen I will start streaming at:
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 03, 2020, 07:40:03 pm
Now I am getting closer to a kill screen I will start streaming at:

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Shaunanigans on March 17, 2020, 03:21:30 am
I stream DK :D -
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 17, 2020, 05:08:44 am
I stream DK :D -

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: LauraKingNeville on March 28, 2020, 03:13:23 pm
i?ve been streaming on twitch.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 28, 2020, 03:44:49 pm
i?ve been streaming on twitch.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SamMcNear on March 30, 2020, 10:26:44 am
I've been streaming a lot on (

currently going for 10, top ten T.G. scores <Walter>

I need 15 more followers to reach Twitch affiliate  :o
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on March 30, 2020, 02:31:05 pm
I've been streaming a lot on (

currently going for 10, top ten T.G. scores <Walter>

I need 15 more followers to reach Twitch affiliate  :o

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: mattbuc16 on April 10, 2020, 10:29:22 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 10, 2020, 11:14:14 pm

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: godfather on April 29, 2020, 09:17:05 pm
I have been streaming quite a bit lately. Dk, D2K, Dk Remix, Dk3 (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on April 30, 2020, 05:52:07 am
I have been streaming quite a bit lately. Dk, D2K, Dk Remix, Dk3 (

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Fox on May 16, 2020, 07:11:05 am
Please add Xanderpants13 

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JMayden81 on May 27, 2020, 11:09:20 am
JC when you get a chance would you please add thank you sir
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on May 27, 2020, 06:23:01 pm
JC when you get a chance would you please add thank you sir

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: afatherlykong on June 19, 2020, 08:15:12 am
Hello JC

I've been streaming my DK runs on twitch as I am a beginner.  May I be added to the list of Streamers?   

Thank You, Jeremy.

Alex Fatherly
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on June 19, 2020, 08:25:17 pm
Hello JC

I've been streaming my DK runs on twitch as I am a beginner.  May I be added to the list of Streamers?   

Thank You, Jeremy.

Alex Fatherly

Added! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: TempestJCM on June 30, 2020, 10:33:11 pm
I've been streaming a lot on (

currently going for 10, top ten T.G. scores <Walter>

I need 15 more followers to reach Twitch affiliate  :o

Sam changed his Twitch name some time ago.  He now streams at

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: DennyDevito on July 01, 2020, 04:41:26 am
Hey, could you add me in also pls?

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on July 05, 2020, 05:07:37 am
Could you pls add my mates AAron and Neil.
Two Aussie blokes from Brisbane that streams DK.

Aaron Raynor - DK pb: 395,000
Neil Cairns - DK pb: 438,300 - (Neil is also the Wonderboy WR holder)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 05, 2020, 05:17:51 am
I've been streaming a lot on (

currently going for 10, top ten T.G. scores <Walter>

I need 15 more followers to reach Twitch affiliate  :o

Sam changed his Twitch name some time ago.  He now streams at


Hey, could you add me in also pls?


Could you pls add my mates AAron and Neil.
Two Aussie blokes from Brisbane that streams DK.

Aaron Raynor - DK pb: 395,000
Neil Cairns - DK pb: 438,300 - (Neil is also the Wonderboy WR holder)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: KongKlub on July 05, 2020, 12:14:21 pm
Please change Jacob Ashley's twitch info here from "" to "" . Im moving over to my own personal channel for streaming.Thank you!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 05, 2020, 05:32:13 pm
Please change Jacob Ashley's twitch info here from "" to "" . Im moving over to my own personal channel for streaming.Thank you!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Mitch Mitchell on July 06, 2020, 07:37:56 pm
Here's my channel. Thanks
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 06, 2020, 08:15:58 pm
Here's my channel. Thanks

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: aarontruitt on July 09, 2020, 03:31:38 pm
I know he is banned 4 lyfe, but BA would like his Twitch channel to show up for active streamers. Thought I would throw it up here in case that was something we'd do for him. I'm in his stream right now, and it is certainly worth visitng.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ww on July 12, 2020, 02:46:30 pm
hey, Jeff.  no hurry, but i spose i'll request an add to the streaming list.  thank you.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on July 12, 2020, 06:39:17 pm
hey, Jeff.  no hurry, but i spose i'll request an add to the streaming list.  thank you.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Dallas Taylor on July 29, 2020, 05:21:39 pm
Mat McGill suggested I add my Twitch channel here. If you would please and thank you.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 07, 2020, 03:24:37 pm
Mat McGill suggested I add my Twitch channel here. If you would please and thank you.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: dknetter on August 16, 2020, 06:36:48 pm

I replayed my KS inp to save on twitch so it can be watched there (who wouldn't love to watch nearly two hours of fun), and guess I'll start streaming some Crazy Kong games now too...if anybody likes to watch Crazy Kong games these days.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 16, 2020, 11:57:49 pm

I replayed my KS inp to save on twitch so it can be watched there (who wouldn't love to watch nearly two hours of fun), and guess I'll start streaming some Crazy Kong games now too...if anybody likes to watch Crazy Kong games these days.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Prow on August 17, 2020, 04:49:19 pm
My Twitch channel:

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Taggsta on August 26, 2020, 01:02:15 am
Could you please add me

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: JCHarrist on August 28, 2020, 04:28:40 am
My Twitch channel:


Already on the list! ;)

Could you please add me


Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Evan04 on December 17, 2020, 04:50:26 am
Would you be able to add my twitch channel. Thank you
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: creech on December 17, 2020, 06:16:00 am
Nice Evan, mgler
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Synappzz on December 29, 2020, 11:49:18 am
My twitch channel,

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: MPL_Arcade on January 15, 2021, 12:47:38 pm
I started streaming dk a couple months ago, MPL_Arcade on twitch. Thanks!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Kibbey93 on January 20, 2021, 12:51:06 am
Could please be added to the streamer list.

He's an Australian who mostly streams Nibbler. He's unofficially beaten my MAME WR twice, and from what I hear intends on going for the 1B.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Vern on March 01, 2021, 02:47:48 pm
I dont see me in that list.

please add,

Verne Voshell

I am current and 2x Vs Excitebike world record holder and soon taking the MAME WR too.

Ive been practicing DK and play a lot of retro games on stream.  Come check it out!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on April 18, 2021, 04:00:48 am
Happy to add my nooby gameplay to the list, always fun to have people to chat to as I play.  FailFish
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: retrotonight on May 27, 2021, 06:38:02 am
Here be me Twitch..

I stream all kinds of random retro games at random times.
Decent amount of DK whining :)
 <pacman> <blinky> <blinky> <blinky> <blinky>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: furiouswolf666 on July 20, 2021, 10:49:27 pm
Missing in that list too :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Barra on July 21, 2021, 04:19:12 am
JC budday can you add these two legends:

Cheers m8!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on August 06, 2021, 07:09:04 pm
I think Danny Fazackerley needs to get added
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jimhappy on August 24, 2021, 07:24:04 am
Please add me, if I'm worthy.

I'd love some pointers too. 
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: crazyfox351 on October 04, 2021, 03:04:15 am

My channel:
Ryan Bowman

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 2084 on October 05, 2021, 07:58:08 pm
Hi there,

You can list my channel, ATL_Arcade.  My DK play will probably make most of you feel really good about your game!

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on October 05, 2021, 09:04:23 pm
I think Danny Fazackerley needs to get added

Please add me, if I'm worthy.

I'd love some pointers too.


My channel:
Ryan Bowman


Hi there,

You can list my channel, ATL_Arcade.  My DK play will probably make most of you feel really good about your game!


All of these have been added to the "List of Streamers" post. I don't have the ability to update the actual "Active Streamers" list in the top right; JC will need to do that when he gets a chance.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ohrami on October 09, 2021, 05:14:29 am
Please change my channel (donkyousu) to N64duelist. Thanks
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Ohrami on October 20, 2021, 11:44:35 am
Please change my channel (donkyousu) to N64duelist. Thanks
Can this be done? Thanks
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Les.coffman on November 23, 2021, 06:09:53 pm
Please change over to

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: jdblacks7 on November 25, 2021, 08:34:08 pm
please ad ( thank you
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: bonerforce on December 11, 2021, 10:00:23 pm

Can be added to the streamer list please?

He streams DK and Pacman

Thx :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: bonerforce on December 11, 2021, 10:19:03 pm

Can be added to the streamer list please?

He streams DK and Pacman

Thx :)

Danny isn't appearing in the active streamer list
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on December 12, 2021, 10:54:58 pm
My apologies to everyone who has a submitted a request the past few months to be added to the Active Streamers list. That function is not currently being updated and I'm not sure when (or if) it will ever be updated again. I'm going to lock this topic for now, until updating resumes or another solution is found. Thanks for your understanding.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on May 12, 2022, 11:23:33 pm
Topic unlocked. For now, I won't be updating the actual list in the first post. It's getting a little unwieldy so I'm thinking about changing or reformatting it somehow. However, I will add (most) people to the Active Streamers list immediately, if they request it. Thanks for your patience.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: ww on May 13, 2022, 12:39:34 am
I'm thinking about changing or reformatting it somehow.

i selfishly hope u don't change it significantly, i really enjoyed quickly browsing the order of people in the list.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: geekgamer38 on May 15, 2022, 04:56:54 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: furiouswolf666 on May 18, 2022, 12:34:30 pm
Hello there! Will you please change my twitch link? I've changed my username to
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: duw0ng on May 24, 2022, 09:12:10 am
Thank you For doing this. If you can get around to it, My Name is Nick and I stream Donkey Kong regularly at
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on July 17, 2022, 02:37:55 pm
I do not know if this is still a thing?  Can you please add me to list of streamers?
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Animalchild on July 23, 2022, 01:08:23 am
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Robot on August 04, 2022, 08:57:15 pm
gonna stream some DK
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on August 04, 2022, 09:16:50 pm

Hello there! Will you please change my twitch link? I've changed my username to

Thank you For doing this. If you can get around to it, My Name is Nick and I stream Donkey Kong regularly at

I do not know if this is still a thing?  Can you please add me to list of streamers?

gonna stream some DK

Active Streamers list should now be updated.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on August 04, 2022, 10:12:25 pm
ty for adding me
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: M.Schrock on December 30, 2022, 03:08:47 pm
Would like to be added
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Fliplismc on April 17, 2023, 12:17:06 pm
Pls add our Swedish mate Pinge Ahlin to the list.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: roan_bag on May 22, 2023, 01:12:48 pm
can i be added my twitch is
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on May 23, 2023, 06:43:43 pm
Would like to be added

Pls add our Swedish mate Pinge Ahlin to the list.

can i be added my twitch is

These should all be updated/added on the Active Steamers list.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on May 24, 2023, 02:21:42 am
PIC ME ME ME LIT ... <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Billy>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on May 24, 2023, 02:46:52 pm
PIC ME ME ME LIT ... <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Billy>

Allen sir what on earth

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on May 25, 2023, 04:38:50 am
SPACIE PLS LOL CLASSIC ANY NEW VIDS  <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy> <Roy>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: aarontruitt on July 14, 2023, 04:13:34 am
Not sure if the Active Streamers section is down or if Netherworld Arcade is just not on there yet. The Aussie Kong Off is happening now on the following channel:

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Dk_madness on August 07, 2023, 05:33:04 pm
I was wondering if admin can update my twitch link as it has changed…
New link is…

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on August 09, 2023, 05:19:59 pm
I was wondering if admin can update my twitch link as it has changed…
New link is…


Updated sir
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: muscleandfitness on August 10, 2023, 12:56:35 am
And my score for dk 992900 for tracker cheers  <Allen>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on August 10, 2023, 11:45:16 am
that has nothing to do with this topic.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: reduxion_dk on August 28, 2023, 11:06:28 am
I just started streaming in the last month or two -
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on August 28, 2023, 12:45:58 pm
I just started streaming in the last month or two -

Added to the Active Streamers list! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: chungy on September 05, 2023, 10:48:59 pm
I usually play DK when I stream :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: croolis on October 28, 2023, 01:46:21 am
I'm a bit new to this but I'm going to be streaming some DK as I learn.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on October 28, 2023, 11:35:01 pm
I usually play DK when I stream :)

I'm a bit new to this but I'm going to be streaming some DK as I learn.

Added to the Active Steamers list!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Over_Score on January 28, 2024, 12:30:43 am
Hey, I'm fairly new to Donkey Kong, but as I play, Ill occasionally be streaming.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on January 28, 2024, 12:37:40 am
Hey, I'm fairly new to Donkey Kong, but as I play, Ill occasionally be streaming.

Added to the Active Streamers list! Welcome!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: aarontruitt on February 05, 2024, 11:03:54 am
hey friends - i've updated my name on Twitch to AaronTroot and have a new link:

 <popcorn> <popcorn> <popcorn>
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: SuperNinbendo on March 16, 2024, 02:16:43 pm
Hey there!

I've started streaming my Killscreen Quest recently  :D
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on March 17, 2024, 06:07:14 pm
Hey there!

I've started streaming my Killscreen Quest recently  :D

Added to the Active Streamers!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: BBH on March 29, 2024, 01:03:32 pm
Since users of this site have been very toxic towards me recently, I would prefer for my stream to be removed from the active streamers list. Thank you
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Weehawk on March 29, 2024, 01:31:09 pm
Since users of this site have been very toxic towards me recently, I would prefer for my stream to be removed from the active streamers list. Thank you

Can still click on the link in his sig.  Kreygasm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Weehawk on March 29, 2024, 01:47:00 pm
Since users of this site have been very toxic towards me recently, I would prefer for my stream to be removed from the active streamers list. Thank you

Can still click on the link in his sig.  Kreygasm

Removed it.  NotLikeThis
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: wc on March 29, 2024, 04:38:02 pm
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Simpsons99 on April 02, 2024, 04:37:34 pm
From  jammvyy Recent remarks in chat box .. I would like my stream removed from active streamers Thank You!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: GreenTie on August 08, 2024, 12:38:05 am

I'll mostly be streaming Donkey Kong!  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on August 21, 2024, 09:28:20 pm

I'll mostly be streaming Donkey Kong!  :)

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on September 21, 2024, 04:23:00 am
CrazyFox has new channel I think.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: Dk_madness on September 22, 2024, 07:10:44 am
Whenever you have some free time sir, my streaming tag is now dk_madness instead of Sega_.
Thanks mate!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lister-of-smeg on September 22, 2024, 07:23:11 am

I've been streaming DK (on MiSTerFPGA) on and off for a bit. I also stream other classic arcade games such as Galaga and Pac-Man. I recently streamed a Perfect Pac-Man, so now I'm focusing my attention on finally getting a DK KS. Posting here on the recommendation of Dk_madness, thanks for the heads up fella! (
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: crazyfox351 on October 14, 2024, 02:42:30 pm
Can I please have my twitch user name on the streamers list updated to crzyf0x  :)
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: kenneyaf on December 17, 2024, 01:57:50 pm
Can I please have my Twitch page added for the Active Streamers display?
Thank you!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: 80sArcadeKid on January 07, 2025, 02:35:49 am
Can you please add Patrick Silva a.k.a. animalchild
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: kenneyaf on February 15, 2025, 07:42:14 pm
Can I please have my Twitch page added for the Active Streamers display?
Thank you!
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on February 16, 2025, 09:09:47 pm
Can I please have my Twitch page added for the Active Streamers display?
Thank you!

Sorry, missed this one. Should be added now.
Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: lycant on March 02, 2025, 05:52:54 pm
Could I get added please? Gonna be streaming Crazy Kong until I get a kill screen then I'll prolly go back to DK.

Title: Re: List of Classic Arcade Game Streamers
Post by: xelnia on March 07, 2025, 05:21:19 pm
Could I get added please? Gonna be streaming Crazy Kong until I get a kill screen then I'll prolly go back to DK.


Added to the Active Steamers List!