Donkey Kong Forum

Streaming => Streaming Events => Topic started by: xelnia on September 24, 2018, 06:25:48 pm

Title: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on September 24, 2018, 06:25:48 pm
DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018

Tournament Registration
Score Submissions
Leaderboard (

Welcome to another Donkey Kong online tournament !!!!

Sock Master has created a special Halloween-themed version of his DK Remix, and we're having a tournament to celebrate!

Because of changes to the game logic, this will be a MAME-only tournament. Arcade Remix kits are not eligible for competition.

The romset will be available soon. It replaces (D2K version 1.1) and should be run from the command line. You will need both the tournament romset and regular DK romset. MAME will give you a checksum error at the command line, but the game is stil playable. If you're not comfortable with the command line, you'll need to download MisfitMAME 0.128 ( and rename the romset from to While not required, it is highly recommended that you record and save INPs of your games.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For anyone who is submitting a score for one of the top prizes or bounties, you must submit a valid stream as per the rules below. I will not accept pictures, photos, witnesses or anything else like that to take the place of a valid stream. It is your responsibility to make sure your stream is working properly, is available for me to review, and that the game settings are correct.  Thank you for understanding.

Start Time: October 1, 2018 12:00 AM Pacific Time
End Time: November 4, 2018 11:59 PM Pacific time
Entry Fee: FREE!

Competition Settings:
Starting Lives: 5
Difficulty: Normal
Bonus: @15k
Additional Bonus: Every 150k

1st place: $125 + DK Spooky Remix shirt
2nd place: $75 + DKF coffee mug
3rd place: $50
4th place: $25

Also, Jason Horner will donate $10 to any player who places in the top 4 who didn't place in the top 4 in the Christmas Remix tourney (up to $40 total). This excludes Ethan Daniels, Dan Desjardins, and Chris Psaros (Jason placed 3rd himself).

First to reach 22-1: $25 + DK Spooky Remix shirt  THIS BOUNTY IS CLAIMED
First to score 1,000,000: $25 + DK Spooky Remix shirt  THIS BOUNTY IS CLAIMED
Highest score on a Bonus stage: $25 CURRENT HIGHEST CLAIM: 8000

Anyone is welcome to donate to the prize/bounty pool!

NOTE: Ties always go to the first person who claimed the bounty
NOTE: Prizes and bounties might change in the future


IMPORTANT: The rules for the contest are laid out below. Please read through all of the rules carefully. Jeremy has the right to immediately reject any score submission if these rules are not followed as outlined below. ***NO EXCEPTIONS***

- Players MUST register in order to compete and must be registered before submitting scores. However, registration will be OPEN during the entirety of the contest.
-The registration link is at the top of this post.
- Any contestant may register for this contest, it is open to any person on this planet that plays Donkey Kong no matter what your skill level may be!!!

Stream Setup
- All contestants are required to live stream their games on Twitch. (NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON).
- Contestants are solely responsible for setting up their stream.
- Contestant’s stream quality must be sharp enough to read the level and score at a glance (as well as the rest of the game play).  If there is ANY question of score and level due to bad quality stream, that submission will be rejected, instantly, with no exceptions. I suggest that you test your streams and check them from time to time to make sure they are working correctly.
- Streams which are partial, glitchy, edited or manipulated in any way will be rejected.
- Streams must have sound enabled. We must be able to hear the contestant's voice and the game sounds.
- Streams must be available for review on the contestants registered streaming channel.  If for ANY reason the stream is not available for review on the contestant’s registered channel, the submission will be rejected.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Game Submissions
- The score submission link is at the top of this post.
- Contestant is solely responsible for submitting their own scores.
- Only the DK Spooky Remix Halloween MAME romset can be used for score submissions.
- Score submissions can be for any non-zero score.
- At the start of EACH new stream, contestant must state their full name.
- The entire game must be played only by the registered contestant who is identified at the beginning of the game.
- Bounties
   * Contestant is solely responsible for specifying which bounty they want to claim when they submit a score.
   * A contestant can only be paid for a maximum of 1 bounty for any one contest.
   * If a submitted game qualifies for more than 1 bounty, the contestant is solely responsible for specifying which bounty they are claiming and they can only claim a single bounty (and the refs will consider only the specified bounty for the score submission). For example, if I have a game where I am the first to a million points and a kill screen, I claim the million point bounty and the kill screen bounty remains open for other contestants to claim.
   * If a contestant tries to claim a bounty however is not awarded that bounty for some reason (i.e., they were incorrect about the bounty or another contestant's score submission invalidates their bounty claim), the contestant may try to claim another bounty on one of their next score submissions.
   * Bounties are considered in the order in which the score submissions are received.
   * Please remember that the bounty system was introduced for fun and to spread around some extra money to the contestants. Any disputes over the bounties will be settled accordingly by Jeremy, JC, and/or John.
- Jeremy will be validating all scores and reserve the right to reject any score for any reason.
- Games started before the official contest start time (no matter how close to the official contest start time) will not be eligible.
- Games started after the official contest end time (no matter how close to the official contest end time) will not be eligible.
- Last game can be started any time before the official contest end time (no matter how close to the official contest end time).
- Scores can be submitted up until 4 hours past the official contest end time.
- You cannot use save/load states, continues or any other types of cheats/tricks.

Prize Payouts
- Prize money will be issued in the exact amount stated, ONLY to the registered contestant.
- Prize money will be sent via PayPal or sent via U.S. post in the form of a registered money order, or check ONLY to the registered contestant.
- If the contestant rejects the prize acceptance guidelines, listed above, or chooses not to accept the prize, that prize will be dropped.
Closing Remarks
- Please remember, at the end of the day, this is for fun and to keep the community together.  Anyone who does not follow the rules, cheats, etc, will be removed from the contest, and possibly banned from all future contests.
- Good luck to all contestants !!!


Registered Players: 39
Jeremy Young - (
John Kowalski - (
Nina Haigh - (
Andrew Barrow - (
Wes Copeland - (
Jason Horner - (
James Magowan - (
Benjamin Sweeney - (
Chris Gleed - (
Raul Morales - (
Daniel Desjardins - (
Jeff Harrist - (
James King - (
Katie Young - (
Tanner Fokkens - (
Mathew McGill - (
Benjamin Falls - (
Tim Kreh - (
Chris Teter - (
Allen Staal - (
Nathan Brandt - (
Ethan Daniels - (
Jason Vasiloff - (
Jacob Ashley - (
Daniel Larsen - (
Tom Bell - (
Timothy Sczerby - (
Steven Kleisath - (
Dustin Myers - (
Richard Dziuba - (
Jeremy Price - (
Robert Racek - (
Todd Lalonde - (
Chris Psaros - (
Les Coffman - (
J.P. Buergers - (
"Sleepy Gary" - (
Chris Henry - (
Josh Mayden - (

Banned Players:
-Jason Corey Brittain
-That dude who cheated on <blinky>
- <Billy>
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Gettysburg1863 on September 24, 2018, 07:50:44 pm

I would like to donate $10 to any player who places top 4, that did not place top 4 in the Xmas Remix tourney (up to $40 total). Good luck, all!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on September 24, 2018, 08:11:18 pm

I would like to donate $10 to any player who places top 4, that did not place top 4 in the Xmas Remix tourney (up to $40 total). Good luck, all!


ty sir. I've added your donation to the the list of prizes.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on September 25, 2018, 06:26:55 am
I'm in. There - now nobody has to fear being last place Kappa
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: YesAffinity on September 25, 2018, 12:50:31 pm
Thank you for your sacrifice, Ben. :)

While I love DKF tournaments, and especially Remix tourneys, since it forces me to make time for a game I haven't spent enough time on, I also love playing on my cab.  A little bummed it's MAME only....but I've already gotten over it.  Looking forward to some fun comp.  <popcorn>
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: JAM on September 25, 2018, 06:20:40 pm
Hell yeah.  Thanks for setting this up, guys.  I'm in. 
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on September 28, 2018, 05:27:16 pm
The version of DK Spooky Remix for the tournament is pretty much ready!  I just have to play through it over the weekend to make sure no bugs come up.  It should be ready just before the start of the tournament.

For now here is a bit of teaser footage of the attract mode:
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: raulito on September 29, 2018, 01:22:24 pm
  8) :) I am looking forward to play Spooky Remix soon. It's worth a shot,that's for sure!!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on September 30, 2018, 09:27:43 am
The tournament starts tomorrow!  Good luck everyone!

To make sure everyone has time to figure out how to get it going, I'm posting the ROM a bit early.
Just copy the zip file into MAME's roms directory.  To run the game you *must* execute MAME from the Command prompt.

If this is new to you, type 'command prompt' into Windows' Start Menu to launch a command window.
In the command window type cd\directory\mame to change directory to wherever MAME is located (replace directory\mame with whatever file path it is on your machine).
From there, type whatever MAME's executable is named followed by the game and whatever options you want...  eg: mame64 dkongx11 -window

See the first post in this tread for alternate options.

And finally..  There are going to be some surprises in DK Spooky Remix.   I'm wondering if maybe we should start a thread for DK Spooky Remix discussion and strategies?  Maybe

Good luck everyone and I hope you all have a blast!

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on September 30, 2018, 09:50:23 am
Sock I wish there was more than  Kreygasm to acknowledge all your pumpkin and snek based hard work

 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm

Imagine making games fun and compelling, you've clearly made a dreadful mistake   :D
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: elskippo on September 30, 2018, 01:34:23 pm
If anyone needs a marquee for their Mame Cab, I had a little fun with photoshop, so here you go.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: blackraven15 on September 30, 2018, 01:41:05 pm
OMG that's amazeballs!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: raulito on September 30, 2018, 02:41:20 pm
It's really worth a shot!!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on October 01, 2018, 12:00:04 am
Tourney is live! GO GO GO!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: elskippo on October 01, 2018, 02:15:01 pm
OMG that's amazeballs!

Thanx, Blackraven.
And many thanx to make this your banner at facebook.
It's quite an honour.
The game is running smooth on the cab and it's so much fun.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on October 01, 2018, 06:56:46 pm
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: treborlicec on October 01, 2018, 09:59:57 pm
Not a streamer, so I can't compete, but I downloaded and tried this out.  Really cool twists and surprises.  Very well done.  Next up, DK Jr Remix St Patty's edition, lol.  :D
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: muscleandfitness on October 02, 2018, 09:36:40 am
i cant play it ..i dont know how to set it up .. HELP .... <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy>
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on October 02, 2018, 10:24:09 am
i cant play it ..i dont know how to set it up .. HELP .... <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy>

I'm just using a normal current version of WolfMAME and I believe you need three ROMsets to play this:

dkongx11 (posted earlier in this thread)

Check out this post from earlier:

The tournament starts tomorrow!  Good luck everyone!

To make sure everyone has time to figure out how to get it going, I'm posting the ROM a bit early.
Just copy the zip file into MAME's roms directory.  To run the game you *must* execute MAME from the Command prompt.

If this is new to you, type 'command prompt' into Windows' Start Menu to launch a command window.
In the command window type cd\directory\mame to change directory to wherever MAME is located (replace directory\mame with whatever file path it is on your machine).
From there, type whatever MAME's executable is named followed by the game and whatever options you want...  eg: mame64 dkongx11 -window

See the first post in this tread for alternate options.

And finally..  There are going to be some surprises in DK Spooky Remix.   I'm wondering if maybe we should start a thread for DK Spooky Remix discussion and strategies?  Maybe

Good luck everyone and I hope you all have a blast!

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: YesAffinity on October 02, 2018, 08:11:17 pm
I downloaded misiftmame, and renamed the spooky remix rom to  The rom isn't found and when auditing, I get a checksum error.  Thoughts?

:edit: well, command line it is for now, via wolfmame .174.  If someone could help getting misfitmame working, it would be appreciated.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on October 02, 2018, 09:16:20 pm
I downloaded misiftmame, and renamed the spooky remix rom to  The rom isn't found and when auditing, I get a checksum error.  Thoughts?

:edit: well, command line it is for now, via wolfmame .174.  If someone could help getting misfitmame working, it would be appreciated.

You'll get a checksum error no matter what. Make sure you have dkong as well. Auditing won't help anything, but if you go straight to the D2K v1.1 game in the menu and double-click it, it should run.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sokratz on October 02, 2018, 09:58:09 pm
I haven't played it enough yet to have seen everything but I like what I see so far!!  Thanks for all of the work on this.  It's great to see new DK versions coming out!

Here's my question.  It works as it should using the lr-mame2016 emulator when the rom is named but I want it to work as a different name so I can have both Christmas Remix and Spooky Remix on the same machine - as well as Donkey Kong (, Donkey Kong II (, Donkey Kong Foundry (, Donkey Kong Pauline Edition (, Donkey Kong Jr (, Donkey Kong 3 (

I tried to name the zip:, which is Donkey Kong US Set 2.    Didn’t work – Donkey Kong Hard (hack).   Didn’t work
Then tried to create a new zip which contains the Spooky Remix files plus the files.
   Called the new zip   Didn’t work   Didn’t work.

I imagine it would work if I named it but that would mean eliminating Donkey Kong II from the machine.

I used those two names, dkonghrd and dkongo, because they appear to be supported by lr-mame2016.

My goal is to get all of the DK games working on one mame cabinet.  Doesn't have to be the same emulator but does need to live in the same directory as the other DK files - thus the need for a unique zip name.

Any thoughts?


Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: YesAffinity on October 02, 2018, 10:12:44 pm
I downloaded misiftmame, and renamed the spooky remix rom to  The rom isn't found and when auditing, I get a checksum error.  Thoughts?

:edit: well, command line it is for now, via wolfmame .174.  If someone could help getting misfitmame working, it would be appreciated.

You'll get a checksum error no matter what. Make sure you have dkong as well. Auditing won't help anything, but if you go straight to the D2K v1.1 game in the menu and double-click it, it should run.

I do have, and did as you said.  It came back saying missing roms, gave the list of missing roms, and went back to the game selection menu.   :(
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Kewydee_17 on October 03, 2018, 09:11:32 am
Sock_Master really is the King of Remixes

His programming skills are a wonder to behold.

All the remixes are fantastic.

The only thing letting them down is this command line stuff. There has to be a better and easier way to access these Remixes

Anyone got any ideas how to make running these Remixes less of a technical faff?

I was thinking of maybe a KONGMAME version of MAME. One that has all the Remixes that Sock_Master has released.

A MAME dedicated to just Kong and remixes. One that is easy to set up and run.

That way, if there are any future remixes there will be a MAME all ready to run them.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: creech on October 03, 2018, 09:24:26 am
Sock_Master really is the King of Remixes

His programming skills are a wonder to behold.

All the remixes are fantastic.

The only thing letting them down is this command line stuff. There has to be a better and easier way to access these Remixes

Anyone got any ideas how to make running these Remixes less of a technical faff?

I was thinking of maybe a KONGMAME version of MAME. One that has all the Remixes that Sock_Master has released.

A MAME dedicated to just Kong and remixes. One that is easy to set up and run.

That way, if there are any future remixes there will be a MAME all ready to run them.
Please sir, do not take offense to my post because I have no intent to offend, but to run any mame game from wolfmame commandline doesn't take many steps. The same steps apply with this remix as long as you have the necessary roms in the roms folder and the path is right in the mame ini file. If you already had wolfmame set up then you're more than half the way home as far as running the remix rom.

If anyone has trouble I'm open to help by way of message, but I may not be available till night in US. I'm sure others if available can assist as well.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: YesAffinity on October 03, 2018, 10:47:04 am
It's a little bit of a hurdle, compared to other gui mame's, but not a lot once you get it set up.

For the uninitiated, hopefully this is helpful.

1) Download a newer wolfmame version (I'm using .174)
2) Extract or whatever, place the wolfmame folder on the C: drive (easier to navigate from command line if you don't have to go deep into folders).  If the name of the folder created is something different than wolfmame, then rename it to wolfmame (right click on the folder, click on rename, then type wolfmame)
3) In windows explorer, go to c: drive wolfmame folder, run wolfmame once (double click on executable), then exit out
4) In windows explorer, go to c: drive wolfmame folder, open .ini file (if it is not associated with a windows program, you can open it with notepad)
5) Make sure the roms directory is set to "roms" (no parentheses).  It will be this by default, but good to double check.  Save and close the .ini file.
6) In windows explorer, go to c: drive wolfmame folder, and make sure there is a roms folder present within the wolfmame folder.  If there isn't, create a new folder with the name roms.
7) Place the rom files in the roms folder:, and the file provided here by our illustrious Sock Master
8 ) Open a command line window (if you don't know how, google it for your version of Windows)
9) Windows' command line starts you at different locations, depending on the version of the OS.  In all cases, type "cd.." (no parentheses) and hit enter.  Then do it one more time.  You will now be in the C: drive, at the command line
10) Type "cd wolfma~1" (no parentheses).  You will now be in your wolfmame folder
11) Next (and last), you will type the command to run the game and record an inp.  Identify your wolfmame executable, you will need to know this for the command.  In my wolfame .174, the executable is mamearcade.exe.  So, the command in this case will be: mamearcade dkongx11 -record dkongx11
mamearcade - the executable, if your executable is different then type what your executable is in place of mamearcade
dkongx11 - the name of the rom that you want to run (and you do want to run this one, which was downloaded from the spooky remix thread and linked at the top of the DKF home page)
-record - initiates recording to an inp
dkongx11 - the name that will be given to the recorded inp file, if you want to name it something different then change this to whatever you want to name it

So, let's say your wolfmame executable is named wolfmame.exe, and you want to call your inp file spookyDK, then your command would be: wolfmame dkongx11 -record spookyDK

Lastly, your recorded inp file can be found in your c: drive wolfmame folder, within the inp folder

Hope this helps.  Basically, once you get things set up, then to play moving forward, you only need to do setps 8 through 11 after booting your computer.  If you have a terrible start of a run, simply press escape to exit out of the game, then press the up arrow once at the command line and hit enter to rerun/rerecord the game.  Pressing the up arrow once will produce the last command you typed, which will be your mamearcade dkongx11 -record dkongx11 or whatever you typed, followed by enter to execute the command. 
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: fuzzbop on October 03, 2018, 11:16:56 am
I am not in the tourney, but I did download the rom and mess around with it a little bit, I compiled a custom MAME that had it legit added (renamed it dkspooky for this purpose). I know You dont want the actual remix games in mame, at least not yet sockmaster, but these holiday versions and such I think would be excellent to at least toss at the HBMAME guys and get them into proper romsets. They are awesome awesome work, and it would be awesome to see them on a larger scale. I for one keep complete romsets and don't like to replace the files in my system (prolly obvious since I added it to the mame source by hand last night) it would also be nice for future plans you may have to allready have a line of communication open with someone like HBMAME and then you can get the patched roms ready for these kinds of events in the future and possibly have them added to proper sets the release before the event so its not so "hard" for people to be able to hop in and play.  I know this is all to be taken with a grain of salt, I am brand new to the community and as soon as I can come up with a DK cabinet, I intend to buy a kit for it, but it is at least good foor for thought for an awesome product!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on October 03, 2018, 11:56:03 am

Kewy, Allen and others, in the first post in the thread:

Quote from: Jry

 If you're not comfortable with the command line, you'll need to download MisfitMAME 0.128 ( and rename the romset from to While not required, it is highly recommended that you record and save INPs of your games.

I did it and if I can do it, any cunnox can do it :)
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Kewydee_17 on October 03, 2018, 11:55:59 pm
Thanks for all the advice chaps, and no offence taken at all  :)

But, this proves my point. If it takes 11 steps to get Spooky remix running, that's way too much faff.

Command line in 2018, really? That's a big nope.

I could probably sort this out, what I was hoping for is an easy solution so that anyone can run these remixes.

A simple, self-extracting installer. Double click and your in. That level of easy set-up.

Something that's do-able by someone with Allens level of tech skills. On his own.

Then new releases of remixes could just be added to the installer as and when they are available.

The easier it is to get up and running, the more people will play.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Barra on October 04, 2018, 12:46:34 am
Half of those 11 steps are redundant. I can download the rom and get it working in under a minute

1) Download MAME, unzip somewhere on your PC in a folder called MAME
2) Download the appropriate ROM. Put in the folder MAME/roms
3) Open command line and navigate to wherever you downloaded MAME using "cd", "cd.." and "dir"
4) Record/play/whatever using appropriate commands.

Done. Even 2 of these steps aren't needed if you already have MAME and already have the command line to open to the MAME directory.

It's easy. Don't be stubborn
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Kewydee_17 on October 04, 2018, 02:48:38 am
Hehe Barra, I'm not being stubborn sir.
I'm trying to make life as simple as possible for the least tech-savvy among us.

Imagine explaining point 3 to someone with no idea about windows. You'll get blank stares.
If it was made as easy as installing an app on a phone, wouldn't that be a good idea?

I'm not going to get into a back n forth on this. I had hoped it was a good idea, maybe we should get KT on the case  <thefinger> ;D
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on October 04, 2018, 09:03:39 am
Quote from: Kewy

But, this proves my point. If it takes 11 steps to get Spooky remix running, that's way too much faff.

Command line in 2018, really? That's a big nope.

At the risk of repeating myself, or rather, repeating Jry:

Quote from: Jry

If you're not comfortable with the command line, you'll need to download MisfitMAME 0.128 ( and rename the romset from to

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: YesAffinity on October 04, 2018, 09:22:28 am
Half of those 11 steps are redundant. I can download the rom and get it working in under a minute

1) Download MAME, unzip somewhere on your PC in a folder called MAME
2) Download the appropriate ROM. Put in the folder MAME/roms
3) Open command line and navigate to wherever you downloaded MAME using "cd", "cd.." and "dir"
4) Record/play/whatever using appropriate commands.

Done. Even 2 of these steps aren't needed if you already have MAME and already have the command line to open to the MAME directory.

It's easy. Don't be stubborn

I tried to over-explain it for those who may not be comfortable even with things that may seem simple to others, basically from a standpoint of: if this was my first time trying to get this working.  All too often, in step-by-step guides, seemingly easy/unimportant steps are left out, causing more confusion than if the reader simply tried to figure it out on their own.  I'm sure I still managed to do that, but again took a shot at outlining every detail that would need to be considered, for those who have never dealt with wolfmame or command line.

But, in the end, folks are either determined to play or determined to not play.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Barra on October 04, 2018, 09:25:47 am
I tried to over-explain it for those who may not be comfortable even with things that may seem simple to others, basically from a standpoint of: if this was my first time trying to get this working.  All too often, in step-by-step guides, seemingly easy/unimportant steps are left out, causing more confusion than if the reader simply tried to figure it out on their own.  I'm sure I still managed to do that, but again took a shot at outlining every detail that would need to be considered, for those who have never dealt with wolfmame or command line.

But, in the end, folks are either determined to play or determined to not play.

I completely understand and have done this before too, but neither seems to work for some people.  <Allen>
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Kewydee_17 on October 04, 2018, 02:24:04 pm
I think I may not have be putting my idea clearly.

I'll have another go.

Socks creations are marvellous, and I appreciate that some level of pc skill is involved in running the remixes.
I can cmd if I want, been a while but I could.

Maybe its really a wish. I wish there was a simple, easy to install Kong dedicated MAME. A one-stop shop for all the kongs, and all the remixes that Sock chooses to release. And whatever brilliance Sock has yet to dazzle us with.

Thats what I was hoping for. And yes, you could just load only Kong roms into MAME. I just thought a Dedicated Kong MAME would be nice.
Although is's also probably a huge copyright violation.

Easy to load, like an app and full of all the kong there is.

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: danman123456 on October 04, 2018, 05:03:09 pm
Ok what might be causing issues for some folks is you still need to have the rom files. JUST using this file alone does not work. Perhaps including the missing files that are needed in and putting them in this zip would be a good idea?

That might be why people are having issues. Anyway all as posted you NEED to get the (Donkey Kong) file as WELL as this one. You need BOTH! :D

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Flobeamer1922 on October 04, 2018, 09:23:17 pm
That's an issue I was having myself until just last year, Dan. You can't run clone ROM sets unless you have the parent ROM set; in this case, the parent is dkong, and the clone is dkongx11.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on October 04, 2018, 10:33:34 pm
fyi, I won't be able to verify any tourney scores from Friday morning to Monday evening...but don't stop submitting!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sokratz on October 06, 2018, 08:22:35 am
Maybe its really a wish. I wish there was a simple, easy to install Kong dedicated MAME. A one-stop shop for all the kongs, and all the remixes that Sock chooses to release. And whatever brilliance Sock has yet to dazzle us with.

Thats what I was hoping for. And yes, you could just load only Kong roms into MAME. I just thought a Dedicated Kong MAME would be nice.

This is essentially what I'm doing.  I'm running Retropie on a Raspberry Pi 3 in a cabinet.  Retropie has an "Arcade" mode that allows you to run different emulators for the roms in the roms directory - eg, I can have (Pauline Edition) running under lr-mame2016 and have (Donkey Kong) running under advmame-1.4.  The only requirement is that each rom name has to be unique because they're all in the same directory.  This why I was asking my question about file names earlier.  I can't find an emulator that will run Spooky Remix under any other name except (note: the emulator has to run under Retropie, not Windows for my setup).

Here's the games I have running so far and the emulator I'm using for them.  All on one cabinet.         Donkey Kong (US Set 1)                   advmame-1.4       Donkey Kong 3 (US)                         advmame-1.4    Donkey Kong Christmas Remix           lr-mame2016         Donkey Kong Foundry (Hack)             lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns    lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong Junior (US)                   advmame-1.4      Donkey Kong Pauline Edition              lr-mame2016    Donkey Kong Spooky Remix              lr-mame2016   This is the problem.  It will run under lr-mame2016 easy enough but I can't do it because the filename is the same as Christmas Remix.

Hope that makes sense...

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: treborlicec on October 10, 2018, 11:54:36 am
Maybe its really a wish. I wish there was a simple, easy to install Kong dedicated MAME. A one-stop shop for all the kongs, and all the remixes that Sock chooses to release. And whatever brilliance Sock has yet to dazzle us with.

Thats what I was hoping for. And yes, you could just load only Kong roms into MAME. I just thought a Dedicated Kong MAME would be nice.

This is essentially what I'm doing.  I'm running Retropie on a Raspberry Pi 3 in a cabinet.  Retropie has an "Arcade" mode that allows you to run different emulators for the roms in the roms directory - eg, I can have (Pauline Edition) running under lr-mame2016 and have (Donkey Kong) running under advmame-1.4.  The only requirement is that each rom name has to be unique because they're all in the same directory.  This why I was asking my question about file names earlier.  I can't find an emulator that will run Spooky Remix under any other name except (note: the emulator has to run under Retropie, not Windows for my setup).

Here's the games I have running so far and the emulator I'm using for them.  All on one cabinet.         Donkey Kong (US Set 1)                   advmame-1.4       Donkey Kong 3 (US)                         advmame-1.4    Donkey Kong Christmas Remix           lr-mame2016         Donkey Kong Foundry (Hack)             lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns    lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong Junior (US)                   advmame-1.4      Donkey Kong Pauline Edition              lr-mame2016    Donkey Kong Spooky Remix              lr-mame2016   This is the problem.  It will run under lr-mame2016 easy enough but I can't do it because the filename is the same as Christmas Remix.

Hope that makes sense...


I don't pretend to be any kind of mame or pi expert, but I was able to get spooky to run using the instructions in the very beginning of the thread:

The romset will be available soon. It replaces (D2K version 1.1) and should be run from the command line. You will need both the tournament romset and regular DK romset. MAME will give you a checksum error at the command line, but the game is stil playable. If you're not comfortable with the command line, you'll need to download MisfitMAME 0.128 and rename the romset from to

Perhaps you could add misfit mame to your pi and use those instructions to get it to run alongside the Christmas Remix.

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Robert on October 11, 2018, 06:27:02 am
As the developer of both MisfitMAME and HBMAME, I thought I'd let you know the game has been added as "dkspkyrmx" in the next version of HBMAME, due for release on October 31st. Hopefully Sock Master won't mind.

I also looked around for older tournament romsets to add, but seems they've been removed, or not generally available.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on November 04, 2018, 03:54:20 am
20 hours left! Get your scores in!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on November 05, 2018, 12:01:58 am
The tournament is officially over! Players have 4 hours to submit their final scores and then I'll post the final standings.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: xelnia on November 05, 2018, 04:17:37 am
And that's a wrap! The DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament is over and the scores have been tallied!

Congratulations to our overall winner, J.P., who WFLI'd his way to an insane score of 1,443,800...the highest score on any version/type of DK Remix! When Ben Falls comes to play, it's a guarantee we'll see him near the top, and he finished 2nd with a score of 1,158,500. Mat McGill continues to slay the Kongs and came in 3rd with 1,111,100. ChrisP finished among the top players in the Christmas Remix tournament and proves that wasn't a fluke by finishing 4th with 987,100. The top four players all reached Level 22! The winners will get some sweet prizes, along with Daniel Larsen who won the bounty for highest score on a Bonus stage at 8,000 points.

A huge thanks to Sock Master for creating another awesome Remix, JC for hosting and handling the registration/submission forms, and thank you to all the players that submitted scores!

See you all next time for Arbor Day Remix!

Rank     Name            Score
 1   J.P. Buergers     1,443,800 (22-6 KS) - $125 + DK Spooky Remix Shirt + $10 from Jason Horner
 2   Benjamin Falls    1,158,500 (22-6 KS)
-  $75 + DKF Coffee Mug + $10 from Jason Horner
 3   Mathew McGill     1,111,100 (22-4 KS)
-  $50 + $10 from Jason Horner
 4   Chris Psaros        987,100 (22-2 KS)
-  $25
 5   John Kowalski       536,500
 6   Daniel Larsen       468,000
 7   Jeremy Young        431,900
 8   Jeff Harrist        347,300
 9   Todd Lalonde        267,300
10   James Magowan       232,200
11   Dustin Myers        232,100
12   Nathan Brandt       220,500
13   Tim Kreh            212,700
14   Chris Gleed         211,000
15   Richard Dziuba      168,600
16   Benjamin Sweeney    162,200
17   Chris Teter         155,300
18   Josh Mayden         153,000
19   James King          143,000
20   Jacob Ashley        102,100
21   Nina Haigh           49,600

First to reach 22-1: Benjamin Falls - $25 + DK Spooky Remix Shirt
First to score 1,000,000: J.P. Buergers - $25 + DK Spooky Remix Shirt
Highest score on a Bonus Stage: Daniel Larsen - 8,000 points - $25
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Weehawk on November 05, 2018, 04:42:23 am
...Arbor Day Remix!

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on November 05, 2018, 05:00:47 am
Arbor Day Remix! You can just keep the hatchets for hammers and make all the ladders tree trunks. And I guess the barrels could be acorns :)
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 05, 2018, 06:33:40 am
Plant a 🌲 Remix. I can just see Giuseppe ripping limbs off as he's climbing the trees made of ladders 🤣. Thanks everyone for playing! Time to pack up the tater tots and play something else for a while. Thanks to John & Nina for this Spooky spooky game. And the DKF for being a great place for us Kong heads to hang out!!! JC & Jry much luv!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: QAOP Spaceman on November 05, 2018, 09:03:05 am
GGs everyone

Hats off to Sock for the magic and Jry for the verification legwork

 Kreygasm                     Kreygasm                            Kreygasm
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: riverdealer on November 05, 2018, 09:48:36 am
Great game --- Great job
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on November 05, 2018, 01:38:08 pm
Thanks everyone!  A huge thanks to all the players who participated.  Me & Nina had a lot of fun watching people play.  I hope everyone else had a blast too!

We had some amazing games with four players getting kill screens, three over 1 Million point players with J.P Buergers achieving an astronomical 1,443,800 points in his final-final 22-6 kill screen game!

The top 4 winners are:
1   J.P. Buergers       1,443,800 (22-6 KS)
2   Benjamin Falls     1,158,500 (22-6 KS)
3   Mathew McGill     1,111,100 (22-4 KS)
4   Chris Psaros        987,100 (22-2 KS)

And the 3 bounty winners are:
Benjamin Falls          First to reach 22-1
J.P. Buergers            First Million point game
Daniel Larsen           Highest Bonus Stage score

I'll be sending emails to the winners shortly to work out the prize details.

Who knows what next year may bring, but we shall try to make it awesome!

Thank you!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on November 23, 2018, 09:00:38 am
Just posting a little update.  Apologies for the delays in receiving your t-shirts - they should start arriving today or tomorrow or shortly thereafter if they have not already.

Canada Post has been on strike... seriously.   The t-shirts took longer than expected to arrive here, and they're taking longer than expected to get to their destinations.  Expect them in your mail soon!

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: syscrusher on November 24, 2018, 01:41:20 pm
Got mine yesterday, John!  Thanks!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 25, 2018, 06:42:42 am
Got mine last night. As I was watching Sock play Spooky kinda ironic LoL Thx to everyone again!!!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: DaLar on November 26, 2018, 01:58:29 pm
Got mine today (Monday).  Thanks!
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: kucarachi on December 03, 2018, 09:20:26 am
Sorry i am new to this, i found the Christmas Remix rom but have had no luck finding the Spooky Remix Rom. If i am stupid tell me because i have looked everywhere on this forum and i have 20 years computer experience. If someone could link me or point me to the rom i'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Weehawk on December 03, 2018, 10:08:45 am
Sorry i am new to this, i found the Christmas Remix rom but have had no luck finding the Spooky Remix Rom. If i am stupid tell me because i have looked everywhere on this forum and i have 20 years computer experience. If someone could link me or point me to the rom i'd appreciate it.

Not commenting on your intelligence, but the file is attached to this post:
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: kucarachi on December 03, 2018, 06:32:38 pm
If you are talking about the very first post by Xelnia? the only thing that is even downloadable or able to select is the misfit mame set. Maybe my browser is blocking it but i don't see anything and i have 2tbs of hyperspin roms i've collected and put together. so im guessing it's in plain site or not showing up at all?
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: kucarachi on December 03, 2018, 06:36:01 pm
nevermind....fair enough the intelligence remarks but it was very tiny and hard to see...and i usually only hear that from my gf.  But it was there so thank you.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: flippy on September 11, 2019, 08:02:34 pm
Any way to run the Remix on Open Emu? For iMac folk?

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: dnb642 on October 31, 2019, 10:55:37 pm
Maybe its really a wish. I wish there was a simple, easy to install Kong dedicated MAME. A one-stop shop for all the kongs, and all the remixes that Sock chooses to release. And whatever brilliance Sock has yet to dazzle us with.

Thats what I was hoping for. And yes, you could just load only Kong roms into MAME. I just thought a Dedicated Kong MAME would be nice.

This is essentially what I'm doing.  I'm running Retropie on a Raspberry Pi 3 in a cabinet.  Retropie has an "Arcade" mode that allows you to run different emulators for the roms in the roms directory - eg, I can have (Pauline Edition) running under lr-mame2016 and have (Donkey Kong) running under advmame-1.4.  The only requirement is that each rom name has to be unique because they're all in the same directory.  This why I was asking my question about file names earlier.  I can't find an emulator that will run Spooky Remix under any other name except (note: the emulator has to run under Retropie, not Windows for my setup).

Here's the games I have running so far and the emulator I'm using for them.  All on one cabinet.         Donkey Kong (US Set 1)                   advmame-1.4       Donkey Kong 3 (US)                         advmame-1.4    Donkey Kong Christmas Remix           lr-mame2016         Donkey Kong Foundry (Hack)             lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns    lr-mame2016        Donkey Kong Junior (US)                   advmame-1.4      Donkey Kong Pauline Edition              lr-mame2016    Donkey Kong Spooky Remix              lr-mame2016   This is the problem.  It will run under lr-mame2016 easy enough but I can't do it because the filename is the same as Christmas Remix.

Hope that makes sense...


Hey Sokratz, did you ever figure out a solution to your problem (running DK Christmas and Spooky from the arcade folder)?  I have EXACTLY the same setup as you and found this post last night because I was having the same problem.  Based on the responses that you received, they were not understanding the problem but I was.  I do have a solution so if you still need it, please let m know and I will post it here.  It's late now and I'm too tired to type all that out.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: PaulGoes on November 01, 2019, 08:33:40 am
I am playiong almost all DK hacks on retropie.

I am using lr-fbneo, because they support almost all DK hacks. They added a lot of them end of august. To enable the support I had to update the lr-fbneo emulator from source (possible from the retropie menu options.

Some hacks are not suported because they do not provide new functionality (my DK Freerun Edition, Sock Masters Springs trainer and DK Barrel Control Coloring as i remember correctly). I wanted them yo and had to change the lr-fbneo DK driver cpp and build the emulator from the changed sources.

Hope this helps?
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: GILLYKONG on November 02, 2019, 03:44:27 pm
Man I couldn't find where to post my score?
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: stazna01 on November 23, 2020, 01:00:51 am
Hey Sokratz, did you ever figure out a solution to your problem (running DK Christmas and Spooky from the arcade folder)?  I have EXACTLY the same setup as you and found this post last night because I was having the same problem.  Based on the responses that you received, they were not understanding the problem but I was.  I do have a solution so if you still need it, please let m know and I will post it here.  It's late now and I'm too tired to type all that out.

Hey dnb642, I now also have this same setup, and would love the solution you're using to be able to play the christmas and spooky versions on my retropie setup.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: muscleandfitness on July 04, 2021, 06:40:33 am
fk this i want every rom hack possible so i can make my yellow dk cab with all dk games on it lit.... <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy> <Walter> <Roy> <Wiebe> <Mruczek>
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on July 04, 2021, 01:41:38 pm
fk this i want every rom hack possible so i can make my yellow dk cab with all dk games on it lit....

I'm working on it, Allen.

Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Stavros75 on November 05, 2023, 03:27:15 am
Hello to all. How can i download and play this version?
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Simpsons99 on November 05, 2023, 02:11:23 pm
fk this i want every rom hack possible so i can make my yellow dk cab with all dk games on it lit.... <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy> <Walter> <Roy> <Wiebe> <Mruczek>
2 years later this has not happened
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on November 05, 2023, 03:01:36 pm
Hello to all. How can i download and play this version?

Check the 9th message from this thread.  It explains it all
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: ostmedkommensmag on August 02, 2024, 08:33:01 am
I've just downloaded the romset, and got it working with the command prompt. Only issue is that it is Spooky Donkey Kong and not Donkey Kong Spooky Remix.

Is there a way to get the Spooky Remix?
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on August 02, 2024, 09:35:04 am
I've just downloaded the romset, and got it working with the command prompt. Only issue is that it is Spooky Donkey Kong and not Donkey Kong Spooky Remix.

Is there a way to get the Spooky Remix?

The rom and instruction on how to get it running in MAME is here in the 9th post in the "DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018" thread.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: ostmedkommensmag on August 02, 2024, 11:08:58 am
I've just downloaded the romset, and got it working with the command prompt. Only issue is that it is Spooky Donkey Kong and not Donkey Kong Spooky Remix.

Is there a way to get the Spooky Remix?

The rom and instruction on how to get it running in MAME is here in the 9th post in the "DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018" thread.

But the rom in the 9th post you're linking to, is not the Remix version. The rom in the link is just a spooky themed version of DK, and doesn't contain the new boards and bonus stages from the remix version. I want the remix version.
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: Sock Master on August 02, 2024, 01:22:34 pm
But the rom in the 9th post you're linking to, is not the Remix version. The rom in the link is just a spooky themed version of DK, and doesn't contain the new boards and bonus stages from the remix version. I want the remix version.
Well, gosh, I guess there was a bit of a mixup at some point and the rom in that post was the Spooky DK Tournament Edition rom instead of the DK Spooky Remix rom.   I've replaced the file in the post with the correct one.

By the way, Spooky DK Tournament Edition was more than "just a Spooky-themed version of DK" as it has literally hundreds of game variations including all sorts of extra additions like warp pipes, new playable characters with different abilities from Jumpman, jump hammers, regenerating hammers and other new features...
Title: Re: DK Spooky Remix Halloween Tournament 2018
Post by: ostmedkommensmag on August 09, 2024, 10:56:57 pm
But the rom in the 9th post you're linking to, is not the Remix version. The rom in the link is just a spooky themed version of DK, and doesn't contain the new boards and bonus stages from the remix version. I want the remix version.
Well, gosh, I guess there was a bit of a mixup at some point and the rom in that post was the Spooky DK Tournament Edition rom instead of the DK Spooky Remix rom.   I've replaced the file in the post with the correct one.

By the way, Spooky DK Tournament Edition was more than "just a Spooky-themed version of DK" as it has literally hundreds of game variations including all sorts of extra additions like warp pipes, new playable characters with different abilities from Jumpman, jump hammers, regenerating hammers and other new features...

Thank you for replacing the file in the post with the correct one. I really appreciate it a lot and look forward to playing the Spooky Remix version.

Regarding the Spooky DK Tournament Edition, I wasn't trying to talk it down. It's also a really nice new version of DK. The thing is that I know a guy, who has a private arcade, and he has the Donkey Kong Remix modification kit for his DK machine/board, and I really wan't to practice the Remix version, so I can make a nice highscore on his machine. I hope you someday will release the original Donkey Kong Remix rom for MAME.

Thanks again.