Donkey Kong Forum

General Donkey Kong Discussion => General Donkey Kong Discussion => Topic started by: maximumsteve on June 24, 2018, 12:36:44 pm

Title: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: maximumsteve on June 24, 2018, 12:36:44 pm
Please explain to me how this happened? Also I would like this thread to serve as a place for others to post their audio glitch anomalies they have experienced over the years playing DK, or footage that you have to view. Thanks guys!!  <Wiebe>
Title: Re: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: ChrisP on June 25, 2018, 12:14:28 am
It's rare, but sounds can occasionally trigger at random inappropriate times.

On two occasions I've had the "happy ending" music play in the middle of a barrel board.

marky_d's PCB loves to do it as well.

No clue as to the mechanism/cause. I assume that it's a hiccup on a RAM chip. I think some boards might be more prone to flaky RAM and are more susceptible than others. Pretty alarming when it happens!
Title: Re: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: Sock Master on June 25, 2018, 07:38:15 am
On DK hardware, the main CPU (for gameplay) and sound CPU (for digital sounds) are essentially two separate computers with almost no connection between them.  I guess an analogy would be each has their own room and there is a wall between them - except there is one little peephole that the sound CPU can look through to see if the main CPU wrote a word on one spot on a wall.
If the main CPU wants a certain sound to play, it writes the number corresponding to that sound in that location and the sound CPU will see it and start that sound.

But the peephole is not very clear.  Something is just a little bit flaky - the sound CPU is a little bit blind, or absent minded or something and... well, it's not supposed to, but sometimes the sound CPU goes off on a tangent and plays random sounds.

It probably doesn't happen often, at least if nothing is wrong with your PCB but I think a lot of people have experienced this happening at some point or other.
Title: Re: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: YesAffinity on June 25, 2018, 07:50:35 am
^Great info as always, John!

I've had the Donkey Kong "growl" play randomly at the end of the rivets stage, 2 or 3 times now.  I want to say it's been L=2 every time it's happened.  I think I started on it, with video.  I'll see if I can dig it up and post it here.
Title: Re: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: danman123456 on June 25, 2018, 12:18:09 pm
Yeah happened to me as well. Seems to happen more on Lvl 1 tho if that makes any difference. I've noticed it there a few times on Lvl 1 vs late in the game but could be im more aware of it then vs getting super focused later in the game.
Title: Re: DK Audio Glitch...
Post by: JCHarrist on June 25, 2018, 01:28:53 pm
I recently repaired a board that was playing the wrong digital sounds frequently and it turned out to be a flakey 2114 RAM at 3A on the CPU board. 

It also sounds like you have a bad capacitor in your jump sound circuit.