Donkey Kong Forum

Other Classic Arcade Games => Classic Arcade Game Discussion => Topic started by: Fly on November 21, 2015, 12:50:37 pm

Title: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on November 21, 2015, 12:50:37 pm
This thread will be for anything T&F.  Questions, comments, personal bests, oddities ect...

One question I still have is about the 1000 point bonuses. They are on 5 of the 6 events. We can assume the space shuttle graphic was intended to be the bonus on the Hammer throw since this is the only event that does not seem to have one.  Was it ever in there or did they just not get around to making this bonus happen?

Now for a seemingly more simple one: How the Fk do you get a 9.76 long jump? Or any jump greater that 9.72? I've seen 9.74, 9.75 and 9.76. I did the 9.75 myself, but it is my one and only jump over 9.72 and I have no clue how I triggered it to happen after thousands and thousands of jumps. Probably 10k+ jumps in my life.

Another thing I noticed today is the high jump on my 4 player cocktail version seems to have different hit detection on player 4 compared to 1 and 2. I didn't try player 3 so I cant comment on that player. I did jumps that I swear would have been high enough to clear on player 1 or 2 side but they hit the bar. Just wondering if it's in my head or if there is any truth to it.

One thing for sure on the HJ is that gap that appears on the HJ uprights at 2.47 on player 1 and 2 didn't appear till 2.49 or 2.50 on player 4. I have to play again to see which one it appeared on.

So a question I have regarding the gap is: Does the gap not appear on player 4 on the upright version? I can easily switch my dips to upright and get the answer. Just thinking out loud right now.

You can see the gap in the bar clearly in this video. It gets one pixel bigger on each jump.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Barra on November 21, 2015, 01:05:43 pm
Regarding the 1000 point bonus, what happens if you get three hammer throws of the same distance?
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on November 21, 2015, 02:16:27 pm
I don't think 3 throws of the same distance is possible.  Maybe someone can prove me wrong.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on November 23, 2015, 12:44:42 pm
The gap on the bar appears at 2.47 on P1 and 2.50 on P4.

Also, compare how close I was to the bar on P1 2.47 height and P4  2.50 height first attempt. (
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on August 15, 2016, 06:24:04 pm
I did an interview for Rolling Stone/ Glixel about Track & Field. They put together a cool little story about the Konami competition from BITD. (

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: spectre on August 16, 2016, 02:12:55 am
“I start with the pointer finger,” he says. “I go pointer, middle, ring, pinky. A lot of people tell me I do it backwards. I tell them, ‘Hey – I’m the one who has the record.’”

Perfect  8)

Great read Hec
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on October 26, 2016, 05:51:47 pm
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Twitch Headquarters in San Francisco to play some games for The Save the Children Foundation. I was lined up to play Vs Excitebike, Vs Gradius and the main reason I was there was because they wanted to see me play Track & Field. It was a great experience and I got to hang out with a bunch of awesome people and gamers. Too many to list, but I'm sure you know about Wes Copeland, Robbie Lakeman, Andrew G. and LordBBH since they are active members here on this forum.

This "schedule" shows who played what, but not at what time. Technical difficulties lead to lots of adjustments to keep this thing rolling. (

The grand total raised for Save the Children was $47,142, half of which came from a donor that matched all other donations for the event.

Here's my Track & Field stuffs.

Track & Field by FlyHec (

Here's all the other stuff with time stamps and links.

Tetris: The Grand Master 1 by ApertureGrillz, EnchantressOfNumbers, KevinDDR, PoochyEXE (

Beatmania IIDX by PHNIX, 404 (

Ghosts N Goblins by PJdicesare (

Ghouls N Ghosts by Aquas (

Splatterhouse by SACaitlin, Zallard1 (

Dance Dance Revolution by Avalonstar, fungah (

Battle Garegga by KevinDDR (

Armed Police Batrider by Aquas (

Ibara by Softdrink117 (

Muchi Muchi Pork by Aquas (

Rolling Thunder 2 by Aquas (

Surprise Attack by Aquas (

Puzzle Bobble by totoroslayer (

Shinobi by LordBBH (

Crime City by LordBBH (

N.A.R.C by LordBBH (

Donkey Kong (No hammer WR attempt) by Robbie Lakeman (

X-Men by Funkdoc (

Final Fight by Murphagator (

Battletoads by PJdicesare (

Aliens vs. Predator by Murphagator (

TRON Legacy pinball by Dead_Flip, PinballJoe, KevinDDR (

Ketsui by Softdrink117 (

Beatmania IIDX: crazy edition by PHNIX, 404 (

Mushihimesama Futari by Gus (

Tetris the Grand Master 2+ by ApertureGrillz, EnchantressOfNumbers, KevinDDR, PoochyEXE (

Dance Dance Revolution by Avalonstar, fungah (

Donkey Kong Kong-Off by Robbie Lakeman, Wes Copeland (

Flying Shark by trap0xf (

Darius Gaiden by ZakkyTheGoatragon (

Raimais by Zerochan (

NAM-1975 by LordBBH (

The Ninja Warriors by ZakkyTheGoatragon (

Assault by Aquas (

Commando by Aquas (

Karnov by ZakkyTheGoatragon (

Trio the Punch by ZakkyTheGoatragon (

J.J. Squawkers by trap0xf (

Chimera Beast by LordBBH (

Pulirula by Funkdoc (

Haunted Castle by Funkdoc (

Knuckle Bash by Funkdoc (

Crime Fighters by Murphagator (

Vendetta by Murphagator (

Shock Troopers by LordBBH (

Metal Slug by LordBBH (

Punch-Out by Zallard1 (

Super Punch-Out by Zallard1 (

Vs. Gradius by FlyHec (

Track & Field by FlyHec (

Vs. Excitebike by FlyHec, AndrewG1990 (

Lord of the Rings Pinball by Dead_Flip, PinballJoe, KevinDDR (

Bionic Commando by PJdicesare (

Tetris the Grand Master 3 by KevinDDR (

Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ by KevinDDR (

Vs. Super Mario Bros (speedruns) by AndrewG1990 (

Vs. Super Mario Bros (WR score attempt) by AndrewG1990 (
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: WCopeland on October 26, 2016, 05:54:32 pm
Thanks for the post, Hec. I enjoyed the event and enjoyed seeing you there :)
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: TheSunshineFund on October 27, 2016, 04:40:11 am
Anyone have a link to the Chicken Farm play?  Want to read chat  <Pigger>
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on October 27, 2016, 06:25:50 am
Anyone have a link to the Chicken Farm play?  Want to read chat  <Pigger>

After Track and Field, just  before Excitebike.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: TheSunshineFund on October 27, 2016, 07:53:31 am
Anyone have a link to the Chicken Farm play?  Want to read chat  <Pigger>

After Track and Field, just  before Excitebike.


Damn I must have just missed it live.  I watched all the T&F and it got late so I went to bed right before the motocross.  I shall check it out tyty.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: TheSunshineFund on October 28, 2016, 04:46:58 am
Hmmm, I still can't find it.  I checked out the 48 hour archive vid and it goes from T&F to Hec interview to Excitebike.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on October 28, 2016, 09:34:04 am
My bad. Here it is.

Chicken Farm FKRZ!! (

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: TheSunshineFund on October 28, 2016, 12:08:30 pm
Love it.  Shall watch when I get home.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on February 12, 2017, 04:22:48 pm
T&F on MAME? I messed with the idea since I got mame set up for the Oi-Lympics. But so far it's been nothing but frustration. I long jump WAY after the jump line. I foul on the Javelin. I have no clue on the timing on Hammer throw, other than hitting the throw button sometime yesterday for a throw today.

So i was willing to struggle through this BS. But what was killing me was my 4 finger strum on my rt hand only registering 2 or 3 hits and my 3 finger on my left only getting 1-2. Funny thing about that is if I only do my rt hand over and over with no left hand involved ALL 4 hits register. I was getting 16 per second with just my rt hand. Same story with my left. All 3 hits register and I was getting 12 per second. I have a program that shows how many hits per sec.

Here's the real BS. When I use both hands my hits per second have been averaging 17-18 per sec. I double finger tap almost that fast! 16 rt hand and 12 left hand should easily fall into 25-28 range. I AM physically hitting the buttons that many times. In an 8 second trial I hit over 200 times and register only 140-150 hits. When I slow down and press about 160-170 times it registers 150-155. I get the same results with micro and leaf buttons. I ran a few races and was getting 8.30ish. I jumped on my cab and did the same timing on my run and got 7.90.

So MAME seems to have issues with me pressing over 20x per sec. Slower gets better results. I only have this issue on a real cab when I go over 30x a sec.

MAME gets a  <mad>  <thefinger> up it's booty from me!


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Barra on February 12, 2017, 04:35:13 pm
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: krehztim on February 12, 2017, 05:47:39 pm
There's some analysis out there, maybe by GStrain, about MAME only being able to register a certain number of button presses per frame, and it makes T&F, and Hyper Sports harder.  As for the hammer throw, thank god it's not just me.  I can never get the f'ing thing to work on MAME worth a damn.  The response time just doesn't seem to be there.  Archery on HS seems to be just off, too.  On a cab, I can get the apples every time.  Not on MAME.  If you're having issues, imagine how the rest of us feel  FailFish

T&F on MAME? I messed with the idea since I got mame set up for the Oi-Lympics. But so far it's been nothing but frustration. I long jump WAY after the jump line. I foul on the Javelin. I have no clue on the timing on Hammer throw, other than hitting the throw button sometime yesterday for a throw today.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on May 16, 2017, 10:33:33 am
Still looking for the answers to 9.72+ Long Jumps.  <thefinger>
( (

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Boognish on May 16, 2017, 10:53:54 am
Still looking for the answers to 9.72+ Long Jumps.  <thefinger>

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: krehztim on May 16, 2017, 08:21:13 pm
Juiced ROMs  Kappa

Still looking for the answers to 9.72+ Long Jumps.  <thefinger>
( (
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: marinomitch13 on May 29, 2017, 12:13:51 am
Hey, Hector, could I get a list of your personal bests for the events in Hyper Sports? I have a lot of friends getting into the game big-time at Up Down, and I'd like to know both for my own sake as well as for them what the sort of "top tier" marks are for the events. Thanks!
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on May 29, 2017, 07:01:42 pm
Hey, Hector, could I get a list of your personal bests for the events in Hyper Sports? I have a lot of friends getting into the game big-time at Up Down, and I'd like to know both for my own sake as well as for them what the sort of "top tier" marks are for the events. Thanks!

Some of these are approximates. Cant remember all of them off the top of my head.

Swimming 43.75 with no breath trick and 45.25ish without.

Skeet 21,200. here's a 20,200 clip. (

9.65 Long Horse. 9.60 on 1st round. Run up is faster which yields longer, higher jumps for more spins on later rounds.

4600 Archery like a million times.  <mad> I've done a non perfect 1st shot followed by 7 perfects on one round followed by 7 perfects and a non perfect on next rd. So 14 perfects in a row. I have yet to get all 8 in one try.  <mad>

Triple Jump 19.39. That's like the 9.72 LJ on T&F but a bit harder to get.

Weight Lifting 540kg (

Pole Vault 5.94. I've also had 10 moles in a row a few times.

170k 1st loop a few times but 140-150k 1st loop is still an excellent score to start off with.

Here's a 150k round with 8 moles in a row. (

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: krehztim on May 30, 2017, 06:21:43 pm
I used to play 4-man marathons when I was 13-14, at Aladdin's Castle.  Didn't archery have apples after you get perfect 600s on the bullseyes?  I can't do it anymore, I've tried 500 times.  540kg on weightlifting is ridiculous.  I've also topped out at 5.94 on the pole vault, but I've never had a sub-48 swimming.  I'd never heard of the 6 or 8 finger technique, so I either did 2 fingers on each button, or I also had a thing where I could just make my hands into the shape of a karate chop and just shake like I was having a seizure.  Great times, and a great game to play for a few hours with 3 other players.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on May 31, 2017, 06:43:32 pm
I used to play 4-man marathons when I was 13-14, at Aladdin's Castle.  Didn't archery have apples after you get perfect 600s on the bullseyes?  I can't do it anymore, I've tried 500 times.  540kg on weightlifting is ridiculous.  I've also topped out at 5.94 on the pole vault, but I've never had a sub-48 swimming.  I'd never heard of the 6 or 8 finger technique, so I either did 2 fingers on each button, or I also had a thing where I could just make my hands into the shape of a karate chop and just shake like I was having a seizure.  Great times, and a great game to play for a few hours with 3 other players.

I've only heard of the apples and have never gotten them. I did see a couple different machines with 11k and 13k on Archery. Also saw some with 21,800 Skeet which is probably from hitting 2 targets in the same box/one shot for 500 pts instead of the normal 100 each shot.  And that 540kg on lifting is on TG Arcade settings which are harder than the settings on MAME. I think I did 590 or 600kg on MAME.

6-8 finger doesn't work well on HS so I use a 2 finger tap on each button. Good for over 30 per second.

Much, much better game than T&F. Going for score can be frustrating though, since timing is so crucial to big big scores. One mistake and you either lose huge pts or even game over.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: marinomitch13 on June 08, 2017, 12:36:46 pm
6-8 finger doesn't work well on HS so I use a 2 finger tap on each button. Good for over 30 per second.

So I've finally started playing this a bit and I've noticed that not all mashing techs are equal. Any idea what techs work the best on which events? It just seems inconsistent between them. Do you use the wobble on any of the events?
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on June 08, 2017, 05:34:50 pm
6-8 finger doesn't work well on HS so I use a 2 finger tap on each button. Good for over 30 per second.

So I've finally started playing this a bit and I've noticed that not all mashing techs are equal. Any idea what techs work the best on which events? It just seems inconsistent between them. Do you use the wobble on any of the events?

No wobble from me. Have always used double tap on both buttons. Closest thing to wobble is my PV technique. Same as HJ on T&F. double tap on one button and thumb on the other. LOOKS like wobble but it isn't.

Title: Re: Track & Field Score Wars Stuffs
Post by: Fly on December 15, 2017, 04:04:15 am
A little more T&F. I'll be attempting to break the 1 man continuous loops score(about 5.1 mil)and the Marathon score(29.9 mil) at Meow Wolf. Feel free to raise the bar before then if you wanna be a dick.  Kappa

If I get put near Robotron I'll probably be distracted since I would really like to see Abdner play again. GOOD STUFF! As much as I would like to see him play if I am near the other stuff I will probably do better. The other stuff bores me. Galaga is cool too.  8) (

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Barra on December 18, 2017, 01:56:28 pm
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on February 02, 2018, 01:21:43 pm
Gonna put this here again since Photobucket wants $$$ to show the old pics now.

Real money($xxx. Not sure how much to offer) if you can figure out how to make anything better than 9.72 happen. No cheating or hacks. Say how it's done. Find a way to do it/repeat it. or have someone else be able to repeat /do it. I dont care. I just wanna know. I did it just once in probably over 10,000 tries.


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs, 1 Man WR during practice vid
Post by: Fly on February 05, 2018, 10:53:45 am
My dumb ass failed 3-4 times cuz I was trying to do 5.151 mil in 6 hours instead of just cruising at 6.5 hour pace. Easy as pie. Hopefully I can do it again at Meow Wolf and continue on to beat my 29.9 mil marathon game in the same game. We'll see. ( (
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs From Meow Meow
Post by: Fly on April 15, 2018, 04:35:00 am
Here are the World Records that were set at Meow Meow. There was too much fun to be had to even think about doing a 30 hour game so I stopped at 5.51m 7 hours in. 1 Man Record!


Listen to yourself breath and watch me play T&F!  <thefinger>

Not a valid youtube URL   [/youtube]

Title: Re: Track & Field Shtuffs: Can You Qualify?
Post by: Fly on October 18, 2018, 11:20:02 am
Don't worry, I'm not playing. I'm helping with the event.  ;D
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: dnickolas on October 21, 2018, 12:48:25 am
I decided against competing as I had literally never played the game before that day. Played a few games on the non-competition machine and couldn’t train my fingers quickly enough to copy some of the guys I saw with mashing strats.
Title: Track & Field Shtuffs
Post by: Fly on April 08, 2019, 07:44:19 pm
With Track & Field in BOTA I decided to double up!  ;)

Actually I have Hyper Sports in one of them.  ;D

Real truth is room for more drinks!

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs, Beta Testing Rearranged
Post by: Fly on July 30, 2019, 05:55:30 pm

Exciting news on some Track & Field Shtuff! I'll be beta testing and have been allowed to stream when I do it! Super cool! super crazy! I'm so hyped!  Any day now!

Before this they have only let out a few teaser videos. So the very first place you all can see the game (still in beta form) is here!

Possible new events! New practice mode per event. Online leader boards. Each game individually or Rearranged version. More info on the kit here.

This will be my personal website showing activity on my PCB. It currently has some stuff from a test run they did before they sent it to me.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs, Beta Testing Rearranged
Post by: BillyGaines on July 31, 2019, 08:34:24 am
It looks like the HSS kit will only work on a Hyper Sports PCB not a T&F.  Bummer. 


Exciting news on some Track & Field Shtuff! I'll be beta testing and have been allowed to stream when I do it! Super cool! super crazy! I'm so hyped!  Any day now!

Before this they have only let out a few teaser videos. So the very first place you all can see the game (still in beta form) is here!

Possible new events! New practice mode per event. Online leader boards. Each game individually or Rearranged version. More info on the kit here.

This will be my personal website showing activity on my PCB. It currently has some stuff from a test run they did before they sent it to me.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs, Beta Testing Rearranged
Post by: Fly on July 31, 2019, 10:30:43 am
It looks like the HSS kit will only work on a Hyper Sports PCB not a T&F.  Bummer. 

Not sure why that's a bummer. I'm guessing you have T&F and not HS.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs, Beta Testing Rearranged
Post by: BillyGaines on July 31, 2019, 11:44:11 am
Yep, that's the reality.  I'd love to have Hyper Sports pcb but they seem to be few and far between and pretty pricey.  I look forward to your streams beta testing streams. 

It looks like the HSS kit will only work on a Hyper Sports PCB not a T&F.  Bummer. 

Not sure why that's a bummer. I'm guessing you have T&F and not HS.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs 400M Race on Rearranged
Post by: Fly on August 05, 2019, 02:54:42 am
Have you seen it? Well, even if you have you gotta experience it!  ;D
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: krehztim on August 06, 2019, 05:17:55 pm
That 400m is insane.  I need to get my hands on Arrangement.

I'm still hunting apples.  Gotten to within needing 1 more Nice quite a few times, always seem to miss by a pixel.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on August 06, 2019, 06:21:27 pm
That 400m is insane.  I need to get my hands on Arrangement.

I'm still hunting apples.  Gotten to within needing 1 more Nice quite a few times, always seem to miss by a pixel.

I got 8 in a row the other day!! WOOOO!! Even got it on video! YESSS!!!!

But no apple.  :'( I did my usual of last 3 arrows perfect and first 5 of the next turn.  FailFish

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: krehztim on August 07, 2019, 02:40:27 pm
Very "Nice" Hec.  I need to get back on this.  Have fun w/ the HS roms.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on August 08, 2019, 08:18:27 pm
I ran V 1.1 for about an hour this morning. The one minor thing I found in 1.0 is fixed and no new issues. So far, So good! Gonna poke around some more right now. Live stream up in a few minutes.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 27, 2019, 10:57:35 am
So I was looking through the PlayStation Store to grab some games for the Calice Cup Tournament and I saw Track & Field! The arcade version is now available in the PlayStation Store. Don't know if it has online leader boards or if I can stream, but if I can stream I will be on in a few minutes. Probably gonna be all wonky/laggy like the XBOX version, but here goes nothing.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 27, 2019, 03:09:11 pm
PSN Version on PS4 is the worst T&F port EVER!!!

I tried with the PS4 pad. That's wireless, had major lag. Tried my fight stick which is wired. Same lag. Not sure how many frames there has to be between button presses, but 8 finger roll was slower than tapping with one or 2 fingers. My fastest technique on the PS pad which gets below 7 seconds on the PS1 version got ZERO inputs. ZERO!

Not that any of you would even buy this, but just in case you consider it....DON'T!!  Taking your $7.99 and shoving it in all your orifices dry would be more enjoyable.


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 30, 2019, 12:12:42 pm
Ok, so I had a few people over the years tell me to go to and go for the NES Track & Field Record. Yesterday took the 10+ years of dust off my cartridge and did just that.  looked through a few of the existing videos and didn't see any hand cams. So you know what I did? A hand cam, of course! I Played about 30 minutes and beat the WR 2X. Once within my first couple of tries and once more about 25 minutes into my stream.  Silly kids trying to compete with the Button Mashter.  Kappa


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on November 08, 2019, 12:50:48 am
Well I'm a sucker. First I bought this laggy ass PS4 Arcade Archives Track & Field. Then as I log on to my PS4 to delete what I call the worst version ever, I see that it has a 5 minute Caravan mode with a global leader board. Nope....I'm here to delete this POS! But Caravan mode....Leader Board...T&F....I just had to! Total Sucker!!

At least I feel like I got $7.99 worth of torture going for the top spot. Yes it was painful, but now I say it was worth it. Took about a dozen tries and I got the top spot.


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: bensweeneyonbass on November 08, 2019, 06:44:22 am
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on January 23, 2020, 09:07:41 pm
More T&F related things. First up is Hyper Sports on Arcade Archives PS4. I'm currently in 3rd on 5 minute Caravan mode. I missed 2nd by less than 1/2 a second. The game ended as it was measuring a damn good triple Jump that woulda put me in the #2 spot.

So since I was pissed off about it I went and did this.


I recently got the Nintendo Switch. My lame ass got the same game again(T&F Arcade Archives). Took me 2 attempts to grab this one on Caravan Mode.


Hey, look! They also have Excitebike! This was hard, but I got it. And it's T&F related cuz I did it. Suck on that!

Another 5 Minute Caravan top spot for me.


Star Girls Burlesque Chewbaca (Who? Youtube is your friend) approves. T&F related cuz my shirt.



Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: dnickolas on January 24, 2020, 11:06:00 am
You got the Excitebike top spot? I watched a bunch of the runs. I assume you "just" ended up getting a clean run finally with a bunch of wrecks?

The TG images render as 1px by 1px and I don't know what they are.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on January 24, 2020, 12:33:00 pm
You got the Excitebike top spot? I watched a bunch of the runs. I assume you "just" ended up getting a clean run finally with a bunch of wrecks?

The TG images render as 1px by 1px and I don't know what they are.

Yeah, fairly clean Excitebike run. Either 1 or no crashes. And good times on all the races so I had about a minute left for final race. Got 78,935. I gave up on it. Tweeted about being defeated and knowing when to quit. I was at it again the next day. LOL!

Sux about the TG pics. They look good on my side. I use TG to host my pics since Photobucket wants $$ now. FK them. I'll see if I can attach them instead.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on April 16, 2020, 02:49:25 am
This is what happens when you step on my turf. I get a bit territorial and will bite.

So here I was beaten 2 days ago. I had 7:06.70 and Andrew G got 7:06.016. I fired it up and got 7:02.910.

Then this guy got a small 100 point lead on my on the Switch version for a day.

The tweet says it all if you care to see it. But even if you don' know what happened.  ;D

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 25, 2020, 08:45:41 pm
So I was curious about the scores on Hyper Sports Rearranged. I didn't know if it rolled at a million or if it showed the digit and kept going. It took me about a dozen tries to find out. No small task. The 400m event is a forearm kill after 1 loop and I still felt it when I got to it on loop 2. So you can imagine how I felt when I got to loop 4 each time. And I needed to get to loop 5 for the mil. That takes about 90 minutes and I got 992k and 993k before I cracked the mil. Not on the same day. Fk that noise!

Well, here it is. The 1st mil on Rearranged  8)

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 25, 2020, 08:52:53 pm
I did an interview for Rolling Stone/ Glixel about Track & Field. They put together a cool little story about the Konami competition from BITD. (


Hey Hec,

I updated the link in this old post since the old link is dead.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on December 24, 2020, 07:41:56 am
RAKA TATA! This is what happens when you mix FlyHec tech and Tetris. He's new to it. Can't wait to see him master it! Beyond 18Hz was unheard of before. He goes 24Hz+ and said him and others have done 30Hz!

So what he came up with is a tech where he does the 4 finger roll on the BOTTOM of the controller with his thumb locked in position on the TOP on either left or right.  :o

Crazy cool stuff.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on December 24, 2020, 08:45:13 am
RAKA TATA! This is what happens when you mix FlyHec tech and Tetris. He's new to it. Can't wait to see him master it! Beyond 18Hz was unheard of before. He goes 24Hz+ and said him and others have done 30Hz!

So what he came up with is a tech where he does the 4 finger roll on the BOTTOM of the controller with his thumb locked in position on the TOP on either left or right.  :o

Crazy cool stuff.

<gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp> <gasp>
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on January 10, 2021, 06:59:54 pm
I am the Commander of the Click!  Kreygasm

The Button Mashter!  <thefinger>

Title: Re: Track & Field & other Fly Stuffs
Post by: Fly on February 17, 2021, 02:49:08 pm
So I recently have been playing a sht ton of Carvan Modes on Arcade Archives games on the Switch and PS4. About a year ago I got 1st place on Vs Excitebike on the Switch. It was a real B**** to get the score I got. Fast forward a bit and Andrew G. grinds it out for 20-30 hours and beats me. I did the same in return and got 1st again.

Here's a game where I fell 25 points short of his score.

All I got was a clip of the last 30 seconds of the new 1st place score on my Twitter.

I also started playing some Time Pilot again. I already have 1st on the Switch so I got it on PS4 now. My 1st would be like 5th on PS4!  <gasp> Fly don't play that. So session 1 I get 216k which is good for 3rd and easily passes my Switch score. Then I catch wind of there being a speedrun category at SR. So I switch gears and go for that. 1 paractice session and 1 recording session and BAM! New SR record. 3:53, beating a 3:59.

Now back to Caravan. Got a new PB but no 1st yet. 2nd........for now!

Trying to hammer out my "King of Konami" and "Player of the Centuri" titles.

Yes, I gave those titles to myself. But if you want them.....BEAT ME!


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on February 17, 2021, 06:23:50 pm
Great scores.  I am more all over the place with my scores.  Completely suck at Caravan. Can't even get 1st place on Donkey Kong 3 in Caravan mode.  ROFL
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on February 17, 2021, 06:34:55 pm
Great scores.  I am more all over the place with my scores.  Completely suck at Caravan. Can't even get 1st place on Donkey Kong 3 in Caravan mode.  ROFL

Really? Are you at least close to first? Now I'm going to have to try it.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on February 18, 2021, 06:28:56 am
Great scores.  I am more all over the place with my scores.  Completely suck at Caravan. Can't even get 1st place on Donkey Kong 3 in Caravan mode.  ROFL

Really? Are you at least close to first? Now I'm going to have to try it.

I'm 8th place.  The longer the game goes, the better I am.  I wish Caravan mode was just a little bit longer.  Like 15 minutes.  I know I could do much, much better with just a little extra time.  Somehow I actually have a higher placing in Donkey Kong Junior caravan.  With that, I am in 7th place.  So yeah, Caravan mode is not my strong suit.  LOL
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on March 05, 2021, 12:12:47 am
I forgot to post after I got 1st on Time Pilot on PS4.

And while I was busy playing that, someone beat my score on the Switch.

Title: Re: Track & Field Shtuffs
Post by: Fly on September 02, 2021, 09:13:37 am
A few months ago I got 1st on Vs Excitebike Caravan on the Switch.

Since then I moved on to the full 1-7 level run at SRC. I got 1st there.

Then I moved on to Individual Level runs. I wanted all 14. I got 'em!

So I now have 15/15 top spots at SRC.

And just to fk around, I play a 5 minute Caravan game of Circus Charlie once in a while, when I take a dump.

#2's have gotten me #2 so far.

Title: Re: Track & Field Shtuffs
Post by: ww on September 02, 2021, 07:11:36 pm

And just to fk around, I play a 5 minute Caravan game of Circus Charlie once in a while, when I take a dump.

twitch when?  jk, i wouldn't want u banned.
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on September 02, 2021, 08:56:46 pm
I ain't ascared. Been there. Done that!

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on October 14, 2021, 11:43:15 pm
Forgot to mention that I got 1st on Circus Charlie Caravan Mode. I only say this in hopes of someone else taking up the challenge so they can feel the same pain.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: GILLYKONG on October 15, 2021, 01:48:29 am
Oh man I'll check it out I didn't  think about  cc on the archive
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: andrewg on October 16, 2021, 04:39:47 pm
Going flyhec hunting
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on November 18, 2021, 10:07:27 pm
Going flyhec hunting

Low hanging fruit. I'm easy to find, hard to beat.  <thefinger>

This is a little interview I did.
Title: Re: Track & Field & Fly Shtuffs
Post by: Fly on April 29, 2022, 10:14:34 pm
I don't think I ever mentioned that I got all 15 of the speedrun WRs on Vs. Excitebike. All 7 main tracks, all 7 Challenge races and the full run of Tracks 1-7. 

I played a ton of Vs Excitebike and UniRacers during that covid lockdown thingy. So I also got 57/58 speedrun WRs on UniRacers. That's 54 Individual races and best laps + 3 full run variations. I never submitted one of the 58 due to the video missing a short 45 seconds of a 2 1/2  hour run. WACK! but I did beat it.

Here's all the Vs Excitebike main races. Lot's of bouncy bouncy.

Not a valid youtube URL
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on April 29, 2022, 10:31:28 pm
I think this has a nice look to it.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on December 31, 2022, 10:46:12 pm
It's been a while since I posted here, but I've been busy busting scores/times/runs.

I went nuts on NES Excitebike. Last year was Arcade Vs. Excitebike. I also went hard on UniRacers.

How crazy? How does 94 videos and 105 World records sound? And that's not even all of them.

Here's a playlist of my 2022 WRs.

Title: Re: Track & Field Shtuffs and now PunchOut!!
Post by: Fly on April 16, 2023, 10:01:49 am
Been taking a break from Excitebike and UniRacers since the new year. So just by accident I started to speedrun Arcade Punchout!!

This is my current PB. It's #2 at SR. Not a very deep list but the top time is SUPERB! I'd be happy cutting another 10 seconds and be done.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on April 17, 2023, 02:18:15 pm
Great job!  8)
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs & Galaga 88
Post by: Fly on April 29, 2023, 10:49:10 am
Another Arcade Archives Caravan top spot. Galaga 88!

I currently have:

Track & Field (Switch)
Track & Field (PS4)
Time Pilot (Switch)
Time Pilot (PS4)
Vs. Excitebike (Switch)
Galaga 88 (PS4)

Some other 2nd or 3rd place scores on Hyper Sports , DK3, Circus Charlie, Rush n Attack.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs & Rush'n Attack
Post by: Fly on May 14, 2023, 09:43:41 pm
Added 2 more 1st places to Caravan Modes.

Rush'n Attack

Cosmo Gang

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs and THPS2 Contest
Post by: Fly on August 06, 2023, 05:40:07 pm
Don't be confused.  This is a new article on an event I was at 23 years ago. It was the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 BIG Score Competition.  The grand prize was $10,000.00. I added the .00 to make it look bigger.  ;D

I can answer more questions about the event if anyone has any. It's one of my favorite events I was in and I love talking and reminiscing about it.
Title: Re: Today I play DK
Post by: Fly on October 05, 2023, 05:12:00 am
Later this morning I will play Donkey Kong on stream. Dude put up 10,000 channel points for your viewing pleasure.   FailFish

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs & Excitebike Bouncy Bounce
Post by: Fly on November 29, 2023, 08:57:21 am
Some updates on what this T&F guy has been up to.

I got sucked back into NES Excitebike. I was doing full runs and Track 4 and 5 kept killing my runs.  I got tired of getting my ass kicked by them so I started practicing on them specifically to be more consistent on my full runs. That soon turned into a PB(WR improvement) on 4 and then a bigger PB(4th WR improvement). 47.26! 3.54 Seconds faster than #2.

Most of my grind was on Track 5. My PB was around 49 and usually got 55-60. I was a novice here.  I was aiming for consistent sub 50 for full runs. I got down to fairly easy 45s. That was about 2 seconds off the top spot, so I started to work on that. The cut from 44 down to 42 or even 43 was much more significant that I thought. I grinded for 1 month and finally got a mid 42. Just a tic away from #1. So, the grind continued, but the goal wasn't #1. It was now SUB 40. There is an unsubmitted run on another players YT. He got 39.95, but for whatever reason, he never submitted it. I think he only does full runs but knew this was significant and saved the clip.  After another month of 2-3 hours a day, I finally get sub 40! 39.45! Here's the thing....I hit mud just before the finish and ruined a shot at sub 39.  FailFish  NotLikeThis I couldn't stand the thought of someone copying my run MINUS the mud and beating me. Another month on Track 5 and I finally get a clean run. 38.86 is where the record stands. I'm done with this track. Your turn!  <thefinger>

I took my newly found knowledge and skills to track 2C Selection A and Selection B and lowered those a few times. I actually have a faster time than anybody else on Selection B (opponents on the track) than they have on Selection A (No opponents).

I've rambled long enough. Short compared to my grind. LOL!

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: andrewg on November 30, 2023, 11:03:25 am
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Dallas Taylor on December 01, 2023, 12:45:06 pm
Incredible Sir Hector, Knight of the dirt tracks, Duke of all "tracks." A true MAN among men.
Seriously man, great stuff!
Title: Re: Track & Field Shtuffs
Post by: Fly on May 18, 2024, 05:15:26 pm
I've been playing a bit of T&F and Hyper Sports. I got some recent competitors on the online leaderboards with the Rearranged kit. They chimed in on some of my YT vids. One of the guys said Sal is very competitive. Boy, THAT was and understatement. Sal is a machine! He's a beast! He's like the Michael Myers of games. He just won't stop. I play about a game or 2 a day just to hope for a good score and he plays 20+!! He sees my PB for one loop of Rearranged and he beats it right away. He then ups it soon after. I'm not much for the 1 loop thing. I like multiple loops.  So I already had the top spot for multi loop and upped it. I thought it was safe. He beats it. So I'm busy trying to take it back and he puts up 483k on Hyper Sports! That's big! It took me a few tries, but I got 489k.

He also found my 1 loop HS WR at CAGDC. 157k. He gets 173k. Different settings, but settings don't change much. You can do simple math to determine what the score woulda/coulda been on the other settings. His score is better.

I now got 185k. Let's see how long this lasts. Same with my 489k.

There's more good stuff. I got new Weightlifting PBs and Swimming PBs. I'll post those later.

For now I need to focus on taking back the Rearranged top score.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: andrewg on May 19, 2024, 12:24:43 am
I love it! Keep up the good work, friend!
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on May 28, 2024, 07:36:47 pm
Top spot was 1.081m. Took a handful of 1.5 hours games and I finally got 1.087m.

Then I got this. 1.143.  :)

If I can pass that darn 9.60 Long Horse I might grab another 200k.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on May 28, 2024, 07:39:40 pm
Glad to see you finally get some challengers. I'm positive they probably know how to Flyhec  8)
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on June 08, 2024, 11:22:29 pm
Speed training update:  I'm still putting in at least 15 minutes a day on Track and Field and/or Hyper Sports.  I'm still getting faster. I'll keep going till I hit a plateau. BTW, my wobble amd 2 finger tap techniques are now faster than when I got my WRs on both Hyper Sports and Track & Field. 

I also met Cheez, the guy that put rolling into Tetris and took it to new levels.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on June 09, 2024, 07:56:53 pm
I heard on the Tetris broadcast how cheez mentioned meeting you. Cool that you two finally met

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on June 12, 2024, 02:50:14 am
I heard on the Tetris broadcast how cheez mentioned meeting you. Cool that you two finally met


Which live stream was that on? I know of at least 3 live streams just for the Tetris portion of the event.

Alos, I forgot to mention that I acquired another Track & Field PCB that is different from the other 9 I have. I finally got one that can throw the Hammer along the upper foul line. My other pcbs have 3 spots to throw. Bottom line, just above bottom line and just below bottom line. This PCB has those 23 spots as well as upper line.

That's what makes 99.99 and even roll overs beyond 100m. 99.49 is all my others could do, as far as I know.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: homerwannabee on June 13, 2024, 04:02:42 pm
I heard on the Tetris broadcast how cheez mentioned meeting you. Cool that you two finally met


Which live stream was that on? I know of at least 3 live streams just for the Tetris portion of the event.

Alos, I forgot to mention that I acquired another Track & Field PCB that is different from the other 9 I have. I finally got one that can throw the Hammer along the upper foul line. My other pcbs have 3 spots to throw. Bottom line, just above bottom line and just below bottom line. This PCB has those 23 spots as well as upper line.

That's what makes 99.99 and even roll overs beyond 100m. 99.49 is all my others could do, as far as I know.
How recognized were you at the convention? I imagine a lot of people knew who you were
Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Fly on June 13, 2024, 04:27:23 pm

How recognized were you at the convention? I imagine a lot of people knew who you were

Can't really say, but I did do a few pics with people that knew who I was. I just randomly got stopped for them. I also signed a few CTWC posters for other players and spectators. I also was granted access to the players restroom which I didn't need.

Daddy Artiaga knew who I was and we were chatting about NES Track and Field techniques that we used in the 80s. Sounds like he knew what he was doing and did fairly well. Felt 😎 know that 2 of the best had their pops knowing who I was.

Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs: Swimming PB
Post by: Fly on July 23, 2024, 06:02:35 pm
I was following up on some older posts and realized that I forgot to post my new Swimming PB.

My original PB from 2014 was 43.75. I beat that a few times a couple months ago. I'm down to 43.03 now.

Also, real life got in the way of my T&F speed training that I was doing for a couple months. I was working on my double finger taps and my "wobble". I continued to get faster as long as I played just a few minutes a day. It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since I've played, so I'm curious to see how much of this speed I've lost. Hopefully it's not much. We may know in the coming weeks.


Title: Re: Track & Field Stuffs
Post by: Dk_madness on July 24, 2024, 08:30:16 am
Congrats on the new PB sir!