Author Topic: Robbie Lake confirms in Billy?s chat current rumors.  (Read 4127 times)

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Robbie Lake confirms in Billy?s chat current rumors.
« on: February 26, 2021, 10:47:26 am »

So once again I think this proves Dwayne correct. Theyre 100% filming KOK2 and Robbie is in Florida to set the new world record in a huge way.

Whats weird is hes not live streaming. So who knows when it will be complete and when they will announce it.

I would guess once we see Robbie leave Florida hes completed what he set out to do.
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Offline bensweeneyonbass

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Re: Robbie Lake confirms in Billy?s chat current rumors.
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 01:27:53 pm »
Why is it weird that he's not live streaming if they're filming something? Why would they let the cat out of the bag? Why would Robbie leaving Florida mean he's completed what he set out to do? Couldn't he have failed? Why am I even asking you questions?
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Re: Robbie Lake confirms in Billy?s chat current rumors.
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2021, 03:46:13 pm »
Why is it weird that he's not live streaming if they're filming something? Why would they let the cat out of the bag? Why would Robbie leaving Florida mean he's completed what he set out to do? Couldn't he have failed? Why am I even asking you questions?

If Robbie attempts to leave Florida before achieving a DK score of 1.28 million on a verified arcade cabinet, he faces a hefty $250,000 fine, incarceration for 5-7 years in a maximum security prison, or both.

It's quite unfortunate and terribly unfair.  But hey, it's the law.

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