Author Topic: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?  (Read 27401 times)

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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2020, 06:06:12 pm »
The reason I notice the lack of the badge is because aside from home schooling the kids, earning it myself is about the only other sense of accomplishment I hope this zombie apocalypse makes possible during my temporary (hopefully) unemployment. I know that once achieved, I will have earned the respect of...well...almost nobody irl. My kids will think it's kind of cool though, and my wife will think it's cool that I don't feel the need to play DK as much after that.

I thought about trying to stream, but haven't done anything but open a twitch account yet. I'm wondering if, as someone else itt suggested, it might feel like to much pressure at that point. I definitely already struggle with distractions around the home too, and might be tempted to get distracted by any chatter going on. I thought after I hit a couple of 500k+ games, I'd be able to keep cranking those out once in a while until I hit the KS. I haven't even hit the 400s since though, and the 300k games since have been feeling pretty long!

Keep at it dude. Have you tried watching a podcast when playing? Joe Rogans stuff always kept the time going fast for me as they're usually a few hours long. That way, if you fail a KS, it doesn't then feel like wasted time as you've been entertained at the same time.

Thanks for the thoughts man! I'm playing quite a bit every day since I'm stuck at home, and have been playing mildly interesting/entertaining podcasts as suggested. It does seem to make the games feel less long, and I just got to 12-6 and hit the 400s for the first time (3rd best game after the two times I've gotten into the 500s). I still managed a couple of silly deaths (leaving a foot on a ladder, missing an elevator jump), but hopefully can put together a game soon where I don't mess up too bad and the randomness likes me up until 22.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2020, 01:07:29 am »
The reason I notice the lack of the badge is because aside from home schooling the kids, earning it myself is about the only other sense of accomplishment I hope this zombie apocalypse makes possible during my temporary (hopefully) unemployment. I know that once achieved, I will have earned the respect of...well...almost nobody irl. My kids will think it's kind of cool though, and my wife will think it's cool that I don't feel the need to play DK as much after that.

I thought about trying to stream, but haven't done anything but open a twitch account yet. I'm wondering if, as someone else itt suggested, it might feel like to much pressure at that point. I definitely already struggle with distractions around the home too, and might be tempted to get distracted by any chatter going on. I thought after I hit a couple of 500k+ games, I'd be able to keep cranking those out once in a while until I hit the KS. I haven't even hit the 400s since though, and the 300k games since have been feeling pretty long!

Keep at it dude. Have you tried watching a podcast when playing? Joe Rogans stuff always kept the time going fast for me as they're usually a few hours long. That way, if you fail a KS, it doesn't then feel like wasted time as you've been entertained at the same time.

Thanks for the thoughts man! I'm playing quite a bit every day since I'm stuck at home, and have been playing mildly interesting/entertaining podcasts as suggested. It does seem to make the games feel less long, and I just got to 12-6 and hit the 400s for the first time (3rd best game after the two times I've gotten into the 500s). I still managed a couple of silly deaths (leaving a foot on a ladder, missing an elevator jump), but hopefully can put together a game soon where I don't mess up too bad and the randomness likes me up until 22.

Keep at it. I made a 396k first man last night, then jumped into a pie and lost the others shortly after on rivets. It should have been an easy KS but was over just shy of 600k. It happens with this game unfortunately.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2020, 08:43:57 am »
I'm glad to see there's a small group of folks in this skill/score range actively trying for the KS! I felt a little bit like a fraud asking about 200k-500k range players since I only had one score in the 300k range, so put together a game today that skipped the 400s all together for a PB of 539k and level 15-6. I had a great 1st man...getting all the way to 12-6, and could have survived that screen too after successfully doing the left jump by Kong's left foot to escape. But I was so shocked and flustered that I actually pulled off that move, having never done it before in game or practice, that I missed a chance to immediately go for the lower hammer when I could have.

The last few days I've been just focusing on barrel levels...simply replaying a 5+ barrel level again and again and again, trying to get my consistency higher. Even though it "feels" like I can pass the level consistently, if I play 100 times in a row while tracking my success, I'm actually only passing the level around 80ish percent of the time. After lots of replays, I'm feeling like I can recognize patterns and trouble spots a bit more now. Maybe today's game shows some progress there, as I had only one dumb barrel death that could have been avoided.

I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2020, 11:47:19 am »
I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.

Yeah, I found that vid extremely helpful. Even after watching it 2-3 times, I felt like just replaying a 5+ barrel level a few hundred times in a row helped to recognize various subtleties that you have to deal with. I think I'm pretty solid on barrels now, although I sometimes die when rushing the 4th girder and the transition to the 5th. Right now, dumb deaths on pies seem to be getting me quite a bit...I probably need to just replay that level 100x in a row. Otherwise, it's just the various random mistakes...getting a foot caught on a ladder, missing a jump, straight jumping when I mean to direction jump (or vice versa), etc.

I figure if I lose a life in levels 1-4 (which I don't always), then I need to pass about 6 levels with each of my remaining 3 lives to get a KS. But making it through 6 levels on average per life at this point is not typical for me at all. Right now, 2-3 levels (at levels 5+) per life is more typical. I'm not sure how to work on avoiding all those little mistakes aside from just continuing to put in play time to get the experience.
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Offline DonkeyShlong

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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2020, 11:52:59 am »
I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.

Yeah, I found that vid extremely helpful. Even after watching it 2-3 times, I felt like just replaying a 5+ barrel level a few hundred times in a row helped to recognize various subtleties that you have to deal with. I think I'm pretty solid on barrels now, although I sometimes die when rushing the 4th girder and the transition to the 5th. Right now, dumb deaths on pies seem to be getting me quite a bit...I probably need to just replay that level 100x in a row. Otherwise, it's just the various random mistakes...getting a foot caught on a ladder, missing a jump, straight jumping when I mean to direction jump (or vice versa), etc.

I figure if I lose a life in levels 1-4 (which I don't always), then I need to pass about 6 levels with each of my remaining 3 lives to get a KS. But making it through 6 levels on average per life at this point is not typical for me at all. Right now, 2-3 levels (at levels 5+) per life is more typical. I'm not sure how to work on avoiding all those little mistakes aside from just continuing to put in play time to get the experience.

If pies are your issue:

Are you straight jumping for the hammer?

Are you going back down to the bottom and standing still? In most cases they will go up and leave you alone. They aren't actually programmed to home in on you. Stay right also, you can outrun them going left.

If you see two freezers come down left, free pass up the right.

Are you paying for a split second at the top of the second to last ladder to see if a pie spawns?

Do all of the above and report back.
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Offline SithOfSpades

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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2020, 12:53:45 pm »
I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.

Yeah, I found that vid extremely helpful. Even after watching it 2-3 times, I felt like just replaying a 5+ barrel level a few hundred times in a row helped to recognize various subtleties that you have to deal with. I think I'm pretty solid on barrels now, although I sometimes die when rushing the 4th girder and the transition to the 5th. Right now, dumb deaths on pies seem to be getting me quite a bit...I probably need to just replay that level 100x in a row. Otherwise, it's just the various random mistakes...getting a foot caught on a ladder, missing a jump, straight jumping when I mean to direction jump (or vice versa), etc.

I figure if I lose a life in levels 1-4 (which I don't always), then I need to pass about 6 levels with each of my remaining 3 lives to get a KS. But making it through 6 levels on average per life at this point is not typical for me at all. Right now, 2-3 levels (at levels 5+) per life is more typical. I'm not sure how to work on avoiding all those little mistakes aside from just continuing to put in play time to get the experience.

If pies are your issue:

Are you straight jumping for the hammer?

Are you going back down to the bottom and standing still? In most cases they will go up and leave you alone. They aren't actually programmed to home in on you. Stay right also, you can outrun them going left.

If you see two freezers come down left, free pass up the right.

Are you paying for a split second at the top of the second to last ladder to see if a pie spawns?

Do all of the above and report back.

A piece of advice I remember seeing that really helped me with pies is that if you are only trying for a KS, most of your pie deaths should be time outs or very low time panic runs. If you are mostly killed by fireballs/pies with tons of bonus timer left, you could be less aggressive and probably survive some of those boards. Retreating to the very bottom of the board at the first sign of danger is what you want to be doing. The goal on pies is to get a very safe free pass and when that doesn't work out everything else is just safely buying time and hoping the fireballs go up top and get stuck. Once 2 are stuck up top, the board becomes much more manageable.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2020, 01:14:27 pm »
I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.

Yeah, I found that vid extremely helpful. Even after watching it 2-3 times, I felt like just replaying a 5+ barrel level a few hundred times in a row helped to recognize various subtleties that you have to deal with. I think I'm pretty solid on barrels now, although I sometimes die when rushing the 4th girder and the transition to the 5th. Right now, dumb deaths on pies seem to be getting me quite a bit...I probably need to just replay that level 100x in a row. Otherwise, it's just the various random mistakes...getting a foot caught on a ladder, missing a jump, straight jumping when I mean to direction jump (or vice versa), etc.

I figure if I lose a life in levels 1-4 (which I don't always), then I need to pass about 6 levels with each of my remaining 3 lives to get a KS. But making it through 6 levels on average per life at this point is not typical for me at all. Right now, 2-3 levels (at levels 5+) per life is more typical. I'm not sure how to work on avoiding all those little mistakes aside from just continuing to put in play time to get the experience.

If pies are your issue:

Are you straight jumping for the hammer?

Are you going back down to the bottom and standing still? In most cases they will go up and leave you alone. They aren't actually programmed to home in on you. Stay right also, you can outrun them going left.

If you see two freezers come down left, free pass up the right.

Are you paying for a split second at the top of the second to last ladder to see if a pie spawns?

Do all of the above and report back.

A piece of advice I remember seeing that really helped me with pies is that if you are only trying for a KS, most of your pie deaths should be time outs or very low time panic runs. If you are mostly killed by fireballs/pies with tons of bonus timer left, you could be less aggressive and probably survive some of those boards. Retreating to the very bottom of the board at the first sign of danger is what you want to be doing. The goal on pies is to get a very safe free pass and when that doesn't work out everything else is just safely buying time and hoping the fireballs go up top and get stuck. Once 2 are stuck up top, the board becomes much more manageable.

Not sure if this was already mentioned, but there's also a better chance going up the top left ladder when the fireballs are up top since they tend to gather on the right side of the screen. That's when you can't get a free pass anyway.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 01:16:28 pm by dollopuss »
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2020, 03:29:57 pm »
I found an old TG thread where it seemed the thought was that after you break into the 500s a few times, a KS starts becoming a reasonable possibility. I'm hoping for that to be the case...after my first man, my confidence in actually being capable of doing it in the near future is much higher. I like the idea of just trying to hit a score/level vs thinking KS each game, and think there may be a psychological advantage to that approach.

Anyway, good luck to everyone ITT...maybe we can use this thread to update on our progress, share tips, etc.?

This seems on to me about the range. I had a few games in the 500 Ks then a breakout 700 K game (I ended that on a self death because I had to take my daughter to a birthday party). My next big game was a KS.

If you haven't seen this: it really breaks down a very safe and sound strategy for dealing with barrel boards. When I came across it, the barrels quickly went from okay to basically danger free.

Yeah, I found that vid extremely helpful. Even after watching it 2-3 times, I felt like just replaying a 5+ barrel level a few hundred times in a row helped to recognize various subtleties that you have to deal with. I think I'm pretty solid on barrels now, although I sometimes die when rushing the 4th girder and the transition to the 5th. Right now, dumb deaths on pies seem to be getting me quite a bit...I probably need to just replay that level 100x in a row. Otherwise, it's just the various random mistakes...getting a foot caught on a ladder, missing a jump, straight jumping when I mean to direction jump (or vice versa), etc.

I figure if I lose a life in levels 1-4 (which I don't always), then I need to pass about 6 levels with each of my remaining 3 lives to get a KS. But making it through 6 levels on average per life at this point is not typical for me at all. Right now, 2-3 levels (at levels 5+) per life is more typical. I'm not sure how to work on avoiding all those little mistakes aside from just continuing to put in play time to get the experience.

If pies are your issue:

Are you straight jumping for the hammer?

Are you going back down to the bottom and standing still? In most cases they will go up and leave you alone. They aren't actually programmed to home in on you. Stay right also, you can outrun them going left.

If you see two freezers come down left, free pass up the right.

Are you paying for a split second at the top of the second to last ladder to see if a pie spawns?

Do all of the above and report back.

A piece of advice I remember seeing that really helped me with pies is that if you are only trying for a KS, most of your pie deaths should be time outs or very low time panic runs. If you are mostly killed by fireballs/pies with tons of bonus timer left, you could be less aggressive and probably survive some of those boards. Retreating to the very bottom of the board at the first sign of danger is what you want to be doing. The goal on pies is to get a very safe free pass and when that doesn't work out everything else is just safely buying time and hoping the fireballs go up top and get stuck. Once 2 are stuck up top, the board becomes much more manageable.

Not sure if this was already mentioned, but there's also a better chance going up the top left ladder when the fireballs are up top since they tend to gather on the right side of the screen. That's when you can't get a free pass anyway.

I try for the immediate free pass, and sometimes get caught trying to hang out on the ladder up from the first conveyor hoping the approaching fires might turn around and let me sneak past.

After that I drop back to the conveyor and grab for the hammer...not straight jumping (and sometimes missing), so will start doing that.

If I can't get the first hammer because the fireballs are too close, or if they are sticking around after the hammer runs out, I try to get to the far right bottom ladder and hang out near the top of that. If fireballs come down to the very bottom and close in, I get up on the conveyor and keep an eye for an opening to go up...this is often where I goof up by not looking at Kong and getting caught in a direction change. If the fireballs close in on the conveyor, I drop to the very bottom and try evading the best I can.

I'd say most of my pie board deaths come between the time the initial free pass gets thwarted to whenever I can make my way back to the level above the first conveyor...during the evading, and trying to work back up. I'm probably do too much aggressive/nervous jumping around when I have lots of time left, but there are other times I am just barely getting to the top with a few tics left on the clock. I haven't had too much trouble once I get past the fires and near the top in terms of getting caught by pies there on the side, and I definitely look to go left since there's always seemingly a pausing fireball on the top right once the initial free pass is gone.

Do you guys generally try to grab the 2nd hammer if you can when there's a fire still in that area? Like to try and speed it up a bit and see if it'll go up? Or just wait it out and try to possible sneak up if it comes down toward the center?

I really appreciate all the advice from you guys, and will try to incorporate these ideas more into my game!
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2020, 09:32:28 am »
I'm not in the 200-500k range but I am pushing for the KS. Hit my PB a the end of March with a 783,100 dying on L20 and so close I could taste it. Was having a lovely game yesterday, got to level 15 without losing a life, then the kids came downstairs, chaos followed and it was all over on L17  >:(


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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2020, 07:18:43 am »
I'm not in the 200-500k range but I am pushing for the KS. Hit my PB a the end of March with a 783,100 dying on L20 and so close I could taste it. Was having a lovely game yesterday, got to level 15 without losing a life, then the kids came downstairs, chaos followed and it was all over on L17  >:(


Wow, great games - sounds like you are super close to getting it! I can relate on the kids/chaos distractions. I try to remind myself that I should be able to play through some of those distractions, just like Wiebe in the movie with the kids yelling "wipe my butt" in his high score recording.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2020, 11:11:11 am »
Pretty sure I have those same plushies, except mine are looking out the hatch of my car!

I'm not in the 200-500k range but I am pushing for the KS. Hit my PB a the end of March with a 783,100 dying on L20 and so close I could taste it. Was having a lovely game yesterday, got to level 15 without losing a life, then the kids came downstairs, chaos followed and it was all over on L17  >:(


Wow, great games - sounds like you are super close to getting it! I can relate on the kids/chaos distractions. I try to remind myself that I should be able to play through some of those distractions, just like Wiebe in the movie with the kids yelling "wipe my butt" in his high score recording.
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I got sick of playing through levels 1-4, only to have my game always end before even reaching like the halfway point on level 12. So for the past week or so, I've just been starting from a MAME saved state at level 5-1 with all men left, and trying to get more consistent and reach the higher levels before even going back to attempt a true start at 1. I think it's helped to just focus on consistency at levels 5+, and I've had now had a decent number of games reaching levels 12 to 15. I maybe hit level 17 once, but I think I need to actually get even more consistent games that get to the 15+ range before going back to try for the KS from a level 1 start.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has used this approached, or what other tactics people might be using to improve?
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I got sick of playing through levels 1-4, only to have my game always end before even reaching like the halfway point on level 12. So for the past week or so, I've just been starting from a MAME saved state at level 5-1 with all men left, and trying to get more consistent and reach the higher levels before even going back to attempt a true start at 1. I think it's helped to just focus on consistency at levels 5+, and I've had now had a decent number of games reaching levels 12 to 15. I maybe hit level 17 once, but I think I need to actually get even more consistent games that get to the 15+ range before going back to try for the KS from a level 1 start.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has used this approached, or what other tactics people might be using to improve?

A wise move. I've been told by a few top players that many of them used MAME to expedite learning. It makes sense.

I'd just watch your own games back and learn where you die the most and work on that area. For me, I can get out of many situations where I thought impossible before.

Rivets used to do me over a lot, so I practised getting out of them rushing left. The best advice for this, is to abort star temporarily and run to the middle hammer but not collect it, wait it out. If they come up, get it, if not run left and hang off the bottom of the 2nd ladder in, and as soon as they go up top, jump across and down. One thing to be careful of here though, is don't jump straight for the hammer, wait to see if they immediately come back down. Hope that makes sense.

Only abort star if you REALLY have to, or timer is getting beyond 3k ish.
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2020, 06:13:52 pm »
So I just did it!!! Well, kind of...

I've been a little inconsistent with getting in play time for a couple of the past few weeks, but for some weeks now I've been mostly just practicing from a MAME 5-1 saved state with all men left. I don't think I ever made it past about level 15 or 16 or broke 600k, until just now. I actually just got to the kill screen with a 800k+ score! I've been pausing as needed throughout my saved state practices, sometimes pauses for phone calls and sometimes coming back to resume a game hours later depending on what's going on that day. I actually think that has made it a little tougher to get in a zone, and I'm not sure if I paused this game at all throughout (except on 22-1 to yell for the kids to come watch).

So this was kind of my "proof of concept." Now I know that I can actually do it, at least if I get to level 5-1 without dying. So I guess it's time to focus more on real attempts! I know it doesn't count, but it still feels pretty dang good to get there!
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Re: Who's scoring in the 200k-500k range and actively trying to get a KS?
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2020, 11:06:29 am »
Long time lurker here and I don't usually post, but I have a high score of 201k so yay I barely make this list. Getting back into and still practicing the basics springs and optimal paths not to die. As I'm not really that focused on point pressing unless I have a 0% chance of dying doing it such as taunting Kong on Rivets. Just seeing how far I can make it. I think it was level 7 that I finally ended up game overing in for my PB, but still at it and still learning new things.
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