I recently ran across a game first included in MAME in recent years called Dai San Wakusei Meteor. What was immediately intriguing to me is the similarity in basic game play mechanics between it and Centipede, although it pre-dates Centipede.
For the player to score the highest on Dai San Wakusei Meteor between now and Sunday February 3, 2019 at 2300 hours US Central Standard Time I have a t-shirt:
Post .inp files to this thread. You must use WolfMAME .199. Use MAME default settings. The inp file must play back for myself or someone that I trust. I reserve the right to invoke a one-hour time limit if players can play too long.
Additionally for the first player to complete War 8 (what they call the waves) by February 28, 2019, I will offer a $100 (usd) bounty.
For the monetary bounty, you must stream the performance live on Twitch, and at the time of the performance must be listed in the forum's Twitch streamer list, administrated in
this thread, so that we can see when you are playing. Afterwards you will need to save a video of the game on Twitch and attach the inp file here.
Again, I'm not going to lie to you. It's not a great game. Certainly no Centipede.