I am gonna have to vote no, just based on what's true for me personally.
I will never sniff being any closer than 20% of the way to either of these records, but of the two, I enjoy playing DK3 more, and if I HAD to pursue one, that's definitely the one I'd go for.
While DK3 can rile me up under some circumstances, I can also zone into it and float for long periods and feel pretty good.
With Galaga, there is not a moment where I don't feel constantly and insanely stressed over the threat of losing my doubled ship, or, if it's already gone, the naked, hungry desperation to get it back. I never feel at ease or "cruising", and it's gotten to the point where the explosion sound has an actual physical effect on my nervous system. This game can find and pull out rage that I didn't know I had.
See first 40 sec of this video, which, for me, is Galaga in microcosm: