Some updates on what this T&F guy has been up to.
I got sucked back into NES Excitebike. I was doing full runs and Track 4 and 5 kept killing my runs. I got tired of getting my ass kicked by them so I started practicing on them specifically to be more consistent on my full runs. That soon turned into a PB(WR improvement) on 4 and then a bigger PB(4th WR improvement). 47.26! 3.54 Seconds faster than #2.
Most of my grind was on Track 5. My PB was around 49 and usually got 55-60. I was a novice here. I was aiming for consistent sub 50 for full runs. I got down to fairly easy 45s. That was about 2 seconds off the top spot, so I started to work on that. The cut from 44 down to 42 or even 43 was much more significant that I thought. I grinded for 1 month and finally got a mid 42. Just a tic away from #1. So, the grind continued, but the goal wasn't #1. It was now SUB 40. There is an unsubmitted run on another players YT. He got 39.95, but for whatever reason, he never submitted it. I think he only does full runs but knew this was significant and saved the clip. After another month of 2-3 hours a day, I finally get sub 40! 39.45! Here's the thing....I hit mud just before the finish and ruined a shot at sub 39.

I couldn't stand the thought of someone copying my run MINUS the mud and beating me. Another month on Track 5 and I finally get a clean run. 38.86 is where the record stands. I'm done with this track. Your turn!

I took my newly found knowledge and skills to track 2C Selection A and Selection B and lowered those a few times. I actually have a faster time than anybody else on Selection B (opponents on the track) than they have on Selection A (No opponents).
I've rambled long enough. Short compared to my grind. LOL!