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Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« on: November 01, 2016, 10:08:58 am »
 So a couple thoughts here. I watched Man Vs. Snake yesterday, which was a great doc and very well done! On the other hand what I am attempting to do at this event, albeit not as long in hours as what they were doing in Nibbler, time wise, is overall extremely more difficult than just running patterns over and over again. I want to make sure that there can, at the least, be a genuine understanding and acknowledgement of what I will be trying to do at the event, so people can understand the magnitude and difficulty level in person, that may cause more interest to watch the play of the game, as opposed to last year, when nobody had any idea nor cared about what I was doing with Mario Bros. Mario is the most recognized character in the world of gaming, hands down, period, and me trying to marathon, not only the catalyst, but also the hardest of Mario games, should be held in regard and understood by other gamers not for my own glory and praise, but for attention to the game and how important this game was and is in the eternal scheme of the most popular franchise in the world of gaming. I hope all who come to this event, will watch and realize what it really means, on Saturday November 12th, when I attempt to survive on one credit from open to close of this event, attempting to playing Mario Bros. for roughly 12 to 14 hours.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 10:12:15 am by maximumsteve »
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 11:07:59 am »
Good Luck Steve. 12 hours on one credit is no joke!

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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2016, 12:31:11 pm »
Good luck Steve!  That's a long time to play, although at least on the Japanese version you get extras every 30K for the first million so you can stockpile some lives.  Hopefully you won't see too much of the annoying slowdown that happens at times on the Japanese romset in MAME.

Also, for what it's worth, there's an old Mario Bros score from Sept 1984 that was listed in the Japanese gaming magazine Micom of 50,139,410.  Yeah, I know, pretty crazy.  No idea if it's legitimate or not, but would love to see you make a run at it sometime and try to take it down!


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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2016, 12:53:30 pm »
I know the game well enough to know he is not doing 50 mil on this game if he is given only 36 lives.  That's playing a world record game nine straight games.  Just not going to happen.
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2016, 02:42:45 pm »
good luck sir.
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2016, 03:42:47 pm »
Hey George. Can you post a link to that score or story please?? Thank you sir!
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2016, 03:49:02 pm »
Also for the record, it's an extra man every 40,000 points up to just under a million points, so the most men I can get if I don't die at all prior to the first million, is 24 extra men, and then stretch that out for 12 to 14 hours. I am trying for at least 8 million and hopefully 10 million if I can hold up. Thanks Ken and all for the support!  <Sanders>
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2016, 06:39:24 pm »
Also for the record, it's an extra man every 40,000 points up to just under a million points, so the most men I can get if I don't die at all prior to the first million, is 24 extra men, and then stretch that out for 12 to 14 hours. I am trying for at least 8 million and hopefully 10 million if I can hold up.
Very interesting that it gives you an extra man every 40K.  I just checked and in MAME in WolfMAME .106 I get an extra every 30K on the Japanese romset that is in MAME.  I can change when I get the first extra to be at 20K, 30K or 40K, but after that the extras come every 30K regardless of the extra life setting.  If you're getting them at every 40K I suspect you may have an "un-MAMEd" PCB.  Any chance you'd be willing to let the ROMs on your PCB be read so they can be compared to MAME and added if they aren't already in MAME? 

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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2016, 06:58:47 pm »
Hey George. Can you post a link to that score or story please?? Thank you sir!
Sure.  The score was listed in the old Japanese gaming magazine called MICOM BASIC.  This was a popular magazine in Japan that was published from around 1982-2003.  They had a scoreboard in the magazine, largely of older games.  There's another list of Japanese scores from the magazine GAMEST (formerly named Arcadia) which mostly has newer games including a bunch of shmups and Neo-Geo games.  The scores from both magazines were meticulously translated, compiled into web page format, and maintained by the Italian gamer GHEMANT

Here's a link directly to the MICOM BASIC scoreboard:
Here's a link to the parent page that has some more explanation:

The GAMEST list of scores generally has a solid reputation with "real" scores.  I'm not so sure how trustworthy the MICOM scores are though.  The parent page I listed above says:

Before the advent of Gamest, and 'been a computer magazine that dealt with the subject of the records relating to arcade games. This magazine, called BASIC MYCOM MAGAZINE (1982 ~ 2003) commonly referred to "BA-MAGA" published monthly a certain number of records made ??of very old games. What follows' the database of data retrieved from this newspaper. We want to point out that probably many of these records have not been verified, and therefore we can define them the most reliable. Thank OLD GAME ASSEMBLE for allowing us to publish this material that we have appropriately translated ..

I sent a PM to a Japanese player I know who knows a lot about the high score scene to find out if he knows anything about the listed Mario Bros score.  I'll let you know if I find out anything more.

Also note that the link I gave above that includes the GAMEST scores is I believe not the most current list of those scores, so if you're interested in those scores you should find a more recent posting of them by GHEMANT.

I first saw this 50M Japanese Mario Bros score listed probably 7 or 8 years ago.  It's so high and would require such a high level of play for so long (50+ hours) that it's hard to believe it's real.  Still, I'm not ready to say it's completely impossible either.  I suppose it's also possible that there is a Japanese romset that keeps giving extra lives after 1M.  If so 50M would certainly be possible.

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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2016, 07:49:32 pm »
Artwork and Logo for the event at Free Play Florida...
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2016, 07:40:19 am »
Hey George. Can you post a link to that score or story please?? Thank you sir!
Sure.  The score was listed in the old Japanese gaming magazine called MICOM BASIC.  This was a popular magazine in Japan that was published from around 1982-2003.  They had a scoreboard in the magazine, largely of older games.  There's another list of Japanese scores from the magazine GAMEST (formerly named Arcadia) which mostly has newer games including a bunch of shmups and Neo-Geo games.  The scores from both magazines were meticulously translated, compiled into web page format, and maintained by the Italian gamer GHEMANT

Here's a link directly to the MICOM BASIC scoreboard:
Here's a link to the parent page that has some more explanation:

The GAMEST list of scores generally has a solid reputation with "real" scores.  I'm not so sure how trustworthy the MICOM scores are though.  The parent page I listed above says:

Before the advent of Gamest, and 'been a computer magazine that dealt with the subject of the records relating to arcade games. This magazine, called BASIC MYCOM MAGAZINE (1982 ~ 2003) commonly referred to "BA-MAGA" published monthly a certain number of records made ??of very old games. What follows' the database of data retrieved from this newspaper. We want to point out that probably many of these records have not been verified, and therefore we can define them the most reliable. Thank OLD GAME ASSEMBLE for allowing us to publish this material that we have appropriately translated ..
So I heard back from Italian gamer GHEMANT and Japanese gamer Novice with some more information on this.

The 50M score was listed in the September 1984 issue of the Japanese Micom Basic magazine.  Here are the details that were given: “Mario Brothers”: 50,139,410 pts; player: 高田 and 井原 (maybe is a tag team?); game center: プレイシティキャロットガムガム (PLAY CITY CARROT GUM GUM); date: September 1984.  It's listed in a section of the magazine that lists top score achievements by game center (i.e. arcade).

However the score is not listed in the "official records" in that same September issue, and Mario Bros was no longer listed in the "official records" after that.  It had been listed in the August 1984 issue and prior issues.  It's not clear why Mario Bros scores stopped being listed in the "official records" starting in September.  It could be that a scoring exploit bug, an infinite pattern, or another problem was discovered in September, resulting in scores no longer being accepted and archived starting from September 1984.

Regardless, the fact that TWO players are listed in the details on the 50M score makes me think it is safe to discount as a single player score.  Perhaps it was a tag team score, although 50M with the limited lives you get on the known Japanese romsets would still be very difficult but could at least explain the possibility of a 50+ hour game.   And perhaps some scoring exploit was discovered, maybe a glitch of some kind or a way to keep getting extra lives after 1M.
Here's a link to a picture of the score from the Sept 1984 magazine:

Here's a link to earlier Micom score listings on Mario Bros from August 1984 and earlier when the game was still included in the "official records" list.  The top listed score was 3,819,230:

« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 10:21:16 am by gstrain »
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Re: Japan ROM Mario Bros. Marathon Attempt at Free Play Florida....
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2016, 11:21:06 pm »
Thank you so much for that info George!! I super appreciate it! Well me and Stephen Boyer plan to do a doubles marathon of Mario Bros. next year at Free Play Florida, so we may legitimately shoot for that possibly! I have found out that if you turn all the dips ON, you will get an extra man every 20,000 points up to right around or just before 1 million points. There is no difficulty setting in Japan MB, so I will probably set and film the dips as such for a new track for Twin Galaxies as the standard to give more opportunity for myself and others to marathon Mario Bros. longer potentially if so desired. I will send your info to Stephen Boyer too to check out! Just a couple days away from trying to play Mario Bros. for a half a day or longer. Here goes everything!!  <popcorn>
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