High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists

Accepting Arcade Scores Using Sock's Pace Kit

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The question has come up recently (and in the past) as to whether arcade scores should be accepted where the player is using the Pace feature in Sock Master's Remix kit. This is too important an issue for me to decide on my own, so I want there to be some community discussion and a vote. There's no time limit on the vote; I'm going to let things play out until we hopefully get a clear consensus. Let's get a bunch of input from everyone. Here are some issues that might be of concern (but not an exhaustive list):

1) Is it ok for a "non-standard" version of the game to be accepted?
2) Is it ok to use in-game, automated help?
3) Is this different from using the Pauline pace app, or other similar pace apps, or other out-of-game methods people use to track score/pace while playing?
4) If these scores are accepted, should they have a different label on the HSL?

Here are my thoughts:
1.) When you use any kind of pace kit besides John's, you're not using the original roms. John's kit is the only one that still uses the roms, but cleverly injects the data for the high-score table when it is called. Every other kit just had a hacked rom hiding on the highscore save kit. These kits are allowed, so modified roms are clearly not the issue here. The issue is whether or not the GAMEPLAY changes.
2.) The pace variant on John's kit does not modify the game play. I'm sure he would be happy to verify this for anybody who is curious or unsure, but this is a fact. A bit of text for "highscore" is changed to pace, with the calculated pace under it, and then the "how high can you get" screen has pace information. This does not change the game play at all, and it is simply doing a math calculation internally and showing it on the screen.

All of that being said, the Pauline hack is simply a graphical variant on DK and does not change gameplay either. So my frame of logic is not very sound as graphical hacks should be accepted under that guideline. All of that being said, I am voting yes but I feel the line does need to be drawn at hacks that:
a.) Do not modify the gameplay itself in any way, and
b.) Do not modify the graphics in the core gameplay (elements that the player controls) in any way.

I'm curious to hear other's thoughts on this.

I'm divided on this.

I'm down on it, to the extent that it gives us more info that original rom players don't have.  For example, if we were allowed to use the trainer rom, we'd have all sorts of advantages, and things like time remaining for hammers would feel cheaty to me.  So at what point is the line drawn.

I'd probably like it a bit because I would enjoy seeing it while playing, and I'm sure it would be fun while watching others' deep-run games, perhaps even shorter ones.

I'm leaning to no.  Can we change our vote later, so we can vote casually, or is it permanent?  Thanks!


--- Quote from: ww on March 05, 2021, 11:08:37 pm ---Can we change our vote later, so we can vote casually, or is it permanent?  Thanks!

--- End quote ---

Yes, you can change your vote.

Also at issue, is this something just available for arcade cabinets, or is it there for mame, too?

I'm thinking I wouldn't even use it, as it would preclude me from submitting a performance elsewhere.


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