Kong League > Kong League

The 2020 FeBROary PB Challenge

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Bump - 50 hours left to register.

We have made a few modifications to the rules surrounding world records so that a world record on day one doesn't leave the other players with nothing to shoot for for the month. See rule 3a, and the modification to 3 that removes the "event is over" verbiage.

Summary: whoever has the world record at the end of the month gets the vast majority of the prize pool any way you cut it, but the first WR takes the 100 added off the top. Anything sub-WR as far as all performances go are per the initial rules.

Matt pls circus Charlie fttt only im the best at that game lit

Allen you are I have nothing for you Kreygasm

Just a quick update as to where we stand...
There have been 3 PBs so far (Jeff Wolfe, Craig Tubby, and David Gaither), with the largest Gap % Closed being 16.885% from Craig.  The scoreboard automatically updates to show the required score that you will need to win based on this, so feel free to have a look if you are competing in the tournament or if you are just curious.  As of now, the winner of the tournament will receive $405.  This increases by $25 with every PB.

We're a little over half-way done with the tournament, so keep up the good work guys!


FeBROary PB Challenge 2020 Results

Hi all,

This is a bit late coming, and all payouts/finalization has already happened. Someone asked about the results in a stream last week and I decided that it'd make sense to have a post for that purpose here. It would have been sooner, but there was kind of a global pandemic that had me far busier than usual.

Anyhow, thanks for a fantastic tournament. We had a pretty great turnout, and I loved seeing multiple DK runs being streamed at the same time.

Highlights for me:

1. On the first weekend, there was a point where Robbie and JP had identical scores after level 7 at the same time live on stream.
2. Seeing Jeff Wolfe really play. I've seen him at a couple Kong Offs, but that's his "easy million" mode and is a completely different set of skills from what he's capable of.
3. The overall positive attitude.

Anyhow, the final results (only people who PBed) are:

1. JP Buergers - 26.977% gap closure - Now #5 all time with 1,166,700
2. Craig Tubby - 16.885% gap closure
3. Jeff Wolfe - 10.950% gap closure
4. David Gaither - 0% gap closure (he PBed but did not break the lower bound of 748,400 for the tourney)

So JP won it all as per the tournament.

As you may have noticed, there's another event starting right now, so get on over to CAGTournaments.com and register for...

Kong League Game Of The Month Social
Register by: Wednesday Mar 25 '20 at 0:00 UTC

1st: $25 USD
2nd: KL Silver Tier Subscription
3rd: KL Silver Tier Subscription

All players submitting a score will receive Bronze Tier status in the Kong League Discord! Good luck

Online Tournament
Proof System: INP File or Video Link

It's free to enter, and the prize is an order of magnitude smaller, but there are some bounties in this one. Also note that it has to be played on the new Randomized rom created for KongLeague.

Since the levels are random, you never know what's coming next. No matter where a board pops up, if you break any of the following records during a run you will receive the bounty. Details for proof/submissions are available in the Discord as well as on CAGTournaments.com.

Bounty list:

Tie or exceed 18,700 using 1 Jumpman life on any Level 5 barrel stage: $187
Tie or exceed 13,500 using 1 Jumpman life on any Level 5 conveyor stage: $135
Tie or exceed 9,700 using 1 Jumpman life on any Level 5 elevator stage: $97
Tie or exceed 12,700 using 1 Jumpman life on any Level 5 rivet stage: $127
Tie or exceed 15,100 using 1 Jumpman life on any 1-1 barrel stage: $151
Tie or exceed any other of the Level 1-4 barrel, conveyor, elevator or rivet stage DKF record: $20

Stay safe, everyone, and if you happen to have some time to throw at competitive CAG gaming, please sign up!


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