Related Games > Donkey Kong Junior

Spring board strats

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haha jonesyyyyyyyy. that was great

heres a solid backup for when you miss the first jump on a L4+ spring board. there seem to be a few different ways this board can go after a missed jump, this is just one of them(and seems to be the most common).

few things to note...first drop is the most important as far as timing goes for the remainder of the board.

youll want to be slightly higher than you think is needed for the first apple drop. it seems counterintuitive, but it definitely helps with landing the drop more often.

make sure to drop the top apple so that it hits the left side of the trailing bird. missing either one of the first two drops will result in the pattern breaking off slightly. not a big deal, youll figure it out


these Phil Videos are gone because he delated his You Tube Account

Level 4 Springboard (Going the long way around, AKA Avoiding the Super Jump)

Not good for points, as this method takes time. I'd only use this if I didn't hit the initial super jump and if I am only aiming for a kill screen

I've tried it a few times in this video, and it seems to work consistently.



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