Unofficial Speedrun Leaderboard1) Daniel Desjardins: 1:16:40* (Arcade) - 8/10/2014
2) Dean Saglio:
1:19:39 (MAME) - 2/23/2011
3) Vincent Lemay:
1:21:11 (MAME) - 2/23/2011
*The broadcast of Dan's game is broken up into 2 minutes chunks (Twitch pls), so if he re-broadcasts it I will link to the highlight.
As the 2014 NH Tournament was getting started I began to wonder about DK speedruns. The topic came up in Ross' stream last night so I thought I'd post some questions and information to see if anyone is interested in this "variation."
First, it seems the two fastest known killscreens are by Vince and Dean. Vince's game can be seen here:
Video Game World Champion on Donkey Kong: First Man Kill Screen Speed Run! Subscribe! I don't think Dean's game is available to watch anymore, but the details for it can be found in this CAGDC thread:
Speed run for Donkey Kong: 1h19 on my first man! Ironically, that thread was started by Vince to announce his own speedrun time (thanks Ben, for pointing out this thread).
Dean measures his overall time from when he presses Player 1 Start to when "Game Over" appears on the killscreen. Arguments can be made for what it means to reach the killscreen (final rivet? break screen? loading of girders? first control of Jumpman? first activation of the bug? final activation of the bug on the last man? "Game Over"?), but I feel that
Player 1 Start -> "Game Over" encompasses the FULL game and should be used for any speedrun times.
Player 1 Start -> "Game Over" we get these times for Vince and Dean:
1) Dean (self-reported): 1:19:39
2) Vince: 1:21:11
Vince, if you read this: do you still have the INP for this game?
So, is anybody interested in seeing a speedrun high "score" list? What kind of rules would we need? INPs would be easy to verify and the internal frame counter could be used for exact times. Old games could even be used to populate the list if people were interested in being on it.
I've played around with this for about a week and here are some "best segments" from my games:
Player 1 Start -> Break Screen after L4 (sum of best): 7:58.99
1-1 40.05
1-2 42.04
2-1 28.31
2-2 21.37
2-3 44.18
3-1 29.96
3-2 23.47
3-3 23.20
3-4 54.70
4-1 31.65
4-2 23.57
4-3 30.55
4-4 28.32
4-5 57.62
Best L5+:
Barrel: 29.59 (x51 = 25:09.09)
Pie: 23.37 (x17 = 06:37.29)
Spring: 24.34 (x17 = 06:53.78)
Rivet: 55.92 (x17 = 15:50.64)
Sum of best L5+ segments = 54:30.80
Sum of all "best segments" before killscreen: 1:02:29.79
I'll continue to play around with this even if there isn't widespread interest...what say the rest of you?