Ok so Tanya's version is not an .inp file, it's the Pauline rom set in an original PCB. So all the .inp conversation is only relevant to my test or any .inp submissions. (I've attached it if anyone wants to play it back)
The .inp file can be read just fine using the Pauline rom, and plays until the end, so there is no question of it not reading correctly for a Pauline leaderboard, hell I'll submit it and more if we make one!

The issue is only when playing back with the dkong rom set.
The conversation is more about 'what's goin on here?' considering the hack is just suppose to be a sprite swap so in theory should run just fine in the dkong rom set.
Obviously I do not have the understanding of how these things work that you do. I have a hell of a time getting my own .inp files to playback

I can read what you and Rev John wrote, but for the most part, it's like trying to understand a foreign language.
That being said, I suppose if I were playing a "hacked" version of a game, it would be for my enjoyment, not expecting to have a high score recognized unless a HSL already existed. For me, the best example would probably be the "fixed" version of Junior. I might play it, but if I were to PB, I would not submit the score.
So it's really up to much smarter people than me to decide, but maybe it's time to create a HSL specifically for the Pauline version of the game, or perhaps add it to the existing list with an asterisk type of designator just to denote that it was the Pauline edition of the game.