Here is what i did to get 8 million (I really think I can beat the Innuendo score at this point but its only 4 points so got plenty of other things to play).
Here is a video of my 8 million Victories are the way to get a ton of points (Really the only way).
Johnny Cage Fatality - Stand Close and just press F, F, F, HP. Just spam forward a bunch of times and then hit HP. Its 100,000 points and SUPER easy to do.
To use the "Jump Kick" strat.
1. Start the round by jumping backwards. Walk backwards a split second before you jump and make sure Scorpion, Sub Zero don't launch projectile. If they do duck immediately (or at least press block). Also duck or block if Kang does his Flying Kick or Raiden does his torpedo move.
2. The goal is to get a entire screen distance between you and them.
3. Once a full screen away (It takes a few jumps backwards) wait for them to walk forward a step and then jump forward and you can either HK or LK. I press it just before the top of the jump. It will connect most of the time.
4. If it connects you than do the following. Either walk back to almost the edge of the screen or "jump" back to the far edge.
5. After they stand up proceed to jump again right as they start moving towards you. Kano or Raiden will likely torpedo / ball you. Just jump kick them again immediately in the opposite direction.
6. If you do this on a Sonya, Scorpion, Sub-zero start you can get at least one double flawless from Sonya and the odds are good to get at least 1 flawless on the other two. That is worth a good 1.5 - 2 million
7. If they block the kick this is where it gets fun. You need to jump back but will likely get frozen or speared. Just try and get a screen away and jump kick them to oblivion

8. You can do the jump forward and then hp combo over and over and over and over. ITs timing is super tricky. Basically they block. You wait for them to start lowering there hands and when about halfway down jump / hp again. If you start this on the far left of the map you will kill them by the time they get all the way to the right (Check the video to see what I'm talking about).
If you can get a few jump back / HP head punches in and do this its almost a guaranteed flawless but the timing is very precise.
9. Liu Kang you can kill with nothing but jump back / HP after jumping when he is close to you. Just make sure to DUCK immediately after doing it so he doesnt hit you with his flying kick or fireball.
10. If you get close you can block and immediately shadow kick (B,F,LK) and hit most of time too. This will work if you just want to win the matches without flawless.
The strats I use:
1. Any character except Sonya duck at the start. Sonya you can jump back immediately and just jump kick away for almost a guaranteed double flawless. If you don't its almost worth a restart as she is the EASIEST to get a DF on. Just make sure she is one of the first 3 people you fight. If she blocks your jump kick just jump back and if she fires jump kick in again. If not just jump back again to get full screen away. If you are "far" away (you will know) just hit LK or HK when you almost hit her. (Otherwise it will come up short)
2. This works great for everyone but Raiden who can "Torpedo" you if he decides too but he hardly ever opens with that move.
3. You can time a "jump back" punch by jumping backwards and then hitting HP (or LP) AFTER you jump when they are just about a step away from you. This hits them in the head. I duck down immediately after doing this.
4. After hitting them 2 times with this move just UP+F, HP into oblivion. Endurance round you can generally shadow kick the 2nd person who comes in as well.
5. Goro you can UP+F,HP to death but the DF jump kick will work with him as well. I lost 1.2 million at the end just beating the game since I knew I couldnt get 10 million at that point.
Good luck everyone!