Cheap way to pass this board is use the floor skip (same as CK)
Yes, if i could pull that off, you'd be correct sir. 

I'll do up a pic to show you where to stand. If you position yourself correctly theres no reason you shouldn't get it at least 90% of the time.
Basically you want the back half of his foot to be directly above the top of the triangle in the girder, as shown by the yellow line here:

Technically, the only variable is how many pixels forward you move before you jump, and so you'll need to practice pressing jump+right at the exact same time. Do it a few times and you'll get a feel for it.
Also, if Jumpman's feet aren't in the stationary position like the picture, just jump once and he'll land like that.
You have plenty of time to get it lined up right, and eventually the only thing that kills you is if you rush.