Streaming > General Streaming Discussion


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The Butcher:
What's the best webcam under $50 to stream online with an arcade machine?

The one I have now is not in HD, has no zoom, etc. Worthless.

I was watching someone from here on twitch earlier using a machine and their cam was amazing. He couldn't remember which model it was but he said it was a logitech around $40.

I personally use a logitech 930c Pro HD 1080p, but it was like $80.

Bro get the Logitec c920 its the best so far its cheap bro

The Butcher:
$80 is not cheap.

The Butcher:
Didn't mean for that to be rude btw. But it must be under $50 for me.

I can't decide between these two:

Or this one


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