Related Games > DK and DKJR Remix

Here is a compile of MAME directly supporting Dkong Spooky and Chritstmas Remix

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I just found these 2 remixes and liked the games enough to add them to my own compile.

Here I made a moderm compile of MAME 0.223 to directly include:
- Donkey Kong Christmas Remix (DKREMIX)
- Donkey Kong Spooky (DKSPOOKY)
- Removed nag screens
- ARCADE Target compile

Since these ROMS were released for a Tournament, it looks as if the  DIP switchs only
controls Cabinet style (Upright / Cocktail), and not # lives, Bonus, nor Extra man selections.

I read the Christmas Remix should be able to select level order too (REMIX A, REMIX B, CLASSIC).

It would be nice if a set was available of these 2 games, that allow the extra options above
(and high score save), like in DKONGX and DKONGX11 at start-up.

The zip includes the compiled Mame, ROMS and Source.

Here is some eye candy to complete it...

Some of the standard Donkey Kong cheats work on these,
such as: Infinite Lives, Finish this Level Now, no fireballs/barrels/jacks, but not other.

It would be neat to get these working on Spooky and Christmas Remix too:
- Select Starting Level
- Freeze Bonus Timer
- Invincibility

any luck on using these on a Arpicade? if so anyone have a link to the files?


The regular HBMAME release supports playing these 2 games and has for several releases now.  Although, you'll need to rename the ROMs to dkspkyrmx and dkchrmx.  What I want is to figure out what to add to the hiscore.dat file to get it to save my high scores.  The standard dkong entries don't work for these 2 games.


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