Donkey Kong Strategy > Basic Donkey Kong Strategy

Spring Death question

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Could someone take a look at this spring death and tell me what went wrong? I went for it on a long, and right leg gets caught on a short.

Did I not get a good enough head start, or is this a case where I'm supposed to retreat on a spring that's too short?

It looks like you could have been over to the right a tad more before take off, which probably cost you the safe ascent up the ladder. Regardless, try this: Wait in the safe spot and when you see a long spring, walk over to Kong's ladder and use Jumpman's nose as guide. Touch his nose to the ladder, pause, let the spring hop over you and then climb up. Eventually you will get a feel when you need to retreat back or not and often you don't have to do a full retreat back and can go up after a brief walk back to the left after a double/triple long.

Thanks for taking a look. I've been getting caught on some like this and didn't know if there was a long-short combo that could get you even if you had enough of a head start. I also still have a hard time telling the springs apart from where they enter the screen, so rely more on where they land at this point. So usually, I'm trying to start up the ladder before making the decision to back up on a second long one.


--- Quote from: dknetter on February 21, 2020, 06:52:59 am ---Could someone take a look at this spring death and tell me what went wrong? I went for it on a long, and right leg gets caught on a short.

Did I not get a good enough head start, or is this a case where I'm supposed to retreat on a spring that's too short?

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The long spring looks like a 14 or 15 and the short spring looks like a 0 or 1. Any combination of those is an automatic 0% chance of making the final climb:

Spring Theory


--- Quote from: xelnia on February 21, 2020, 08:06:51 pm ---
--- Quote from: dknetter on February 21, 2020, 06:52:59 am ---Could someone take a look at this spring death and tell me what went wrong? I went for it on a long, and right leg gets caught on a short.

Did I not get a good enough head start, or is this a case where I'm supposed to retreat on a spring that's too short?

--- End quote ---

The long spring looks like a 14 or 15 and the short spring looks like a 0 or 1. Any combination of those is an automatic 0% chance of making the final climb:

Spring Theory

--- End quote ---

So I looked again at that spring theory thread...I may be misunderstanding it, but I think you're reading it wrong. I'm approaching from the 2nd safe spot, so looking at the grid for Level 4 Combos titled "L4 2nd Safe Spot wiggle room (in frames)" - if the first spring is a 15 and the second spring is a 0, that gives me 16 frames of "wiggle room." A 15 followed by a 1 gives 20 frames of wiggle room; and a 14 followed by a 0 or 1 gives 16 or 20 frames as well. The -3 and -2 red squares in the top left corner of the grid would refer to a 0 spring followed by a 0, or a 1 spring followed by a 0.


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