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elbee85's Kong Progress Blog

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I'm creating this for my own records and accountability. After AKO3 I came to the realisation I really want to improve my game and well, you have to practice to get anywhere.
I currently sit with a PB of 330400. I'd like to play a kill screen game at some point in the near future. I play on WolfMAME with a USB four way stick setup. I'm currently restoring an old lowboy cabinet which I hope to stream some games on as well.

I have watched the DK barrel training videos a number of times and am currently going through the big ass manual as well. I've been scanning through the forums and have found some great threads as well.

Over the next coming weeks I'll post averages of my weekly grinds and links to games. If anyone is interested in giving me some hints and tips I would very much appreciate it. Also any links forwarded to me of streams/videos of board running to a KS would be much appreciated.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this community... Lit  <Allen>

This will be the first of my weekly overview of scores to track my progress. I will also tally an average at the end. * denotes had all lives at the end of Lvl 4

13/8/2019: 122500, 93800, 172100, 205600
14/8/2019: 175900*,126200, 238500, 276200, 156500*, 92800
15/8/2019: 122500, 147400*
19/8/2019: 74200, 197800*, 64800, 168200

Weekly Average: 145993

I believe my new goal is to make that average between 200-250k consistently to begin with.


Get 'em, sir!

Week 2:
20/8/19: 119500, 104000, 105800, 68000, 93200, 211600*, 170500
21/8/19: 156000, 222300
23/8/19 159400, 153700

Weekly Average: 124863.

Not many games played this week. Was too busy restoring my cab project. Back to it.

Great stuff Luke! Go you good thing!!  Kreygasm


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