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DKF Material(ish) Theme


Hey everyone,

I'm quite a big fan of Googles Material Design, so I've decided to modify DKF as best I can to closely match the design methodology behind material.

Below is an imgur album of what I've done so far. Lot's of finicky stuff for me to have to work on still, but will update this post as I do that when I have time.

I'm currently doing this using "Styler" (Chrome extension) to apply custom css so you'll need that extension at the moment if you want your DKF to look like this. If anyone is interested in using this design I'll have the necessary CSS changes up on pastebin soon hopefully. (In an ideal world I'd create an SMF theme so people could just switch, but that can be a later project).


Dafkk 4 badges ftttt im gone..

QAOP Spaceman:

--- Quote from: muscleandfitness on December 17, 2016, 04:32:02 am ---Dafkk 4 badges ftttt im gone..

--- End quote ---

 FailFish  ROFL


--- Quote from: muscleandfitness on December 17, 2016, 04:32:02 am ---Dafkk 4 badges ftttt im gone..

--- End quote ---

Hahahaha. #1 Aus right here sir.  <thefinger>  <stirpot>


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