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Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Discussion


Thread for Street Fighter II: The World Warrior strategy and tips.

Chosen by: MARP

ROMset: sf2 (Play on RU)
Difficulty: Normal (This is “4” in 106 and “3” in 175)

Everybody do your best and everything, but fair warning: neither I nor you will be able to touch the top MARP scores, nor any other SF2 specialists who may be on other teams. The MARP players are on another level. If you're thinking to yourself "I can 1CC SF2! I'm good!", get ready to be humbled.

Being able to 1CC is nothing against MARP. That's like a starting point. They do shit with insane AI manipulation, like set up repeated double-KOs to play nine-round matches and milk for max points, and when they finally decide to win a round, they get effortless perfects. It's fucking madness. These people were grown in test tubes for the sole purpose of tearing SF2's eyes out and raping both of the sockets.

So, me (or you) vs. MARP on SF2 is like Allen vs. Wes on DK.

Try for perfects, especially on the bosses (which are worth 50K), and if you don't know the game very well, a decent strat is to play E. Honda and make liberal use of the Hundred Hand Slap.

Hahaha. So I'm guessing this is news to you? Fk that dbl ko crap. I used to mess with it but to that extent.


seems less like news and more like a heads up to the team :D

Fk MARP, and Fk this game. 


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