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Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Discussion


Thread for Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi strategy and tips.

Chosen by: MARP

ROMset: ket [WolfMAME 175 only]
Internal Defaults
Difficulty: Normal
Extend: 1st 20000000 2nd 45000000
Ship Stock: 3
Rapid Fire (Shot C): On

One of the best links to the scoring methodology and gameplay

Thanks, Tim. Exactly what I was after

I love the challenge of bullet hell shooters, but the some of the scoring systems in them are atrocious. Just let me play and pew pew pew stuff without the additional headache, pls and thx. Hard enough dodging shit let alone do math too lo


Supposedly, once you hit the first "5" point enemy, you can hold down for the super laser, and if you can time it right, each enemy should also drop a 5.  I don't see that actually happening, so I'm obviously not quite doing it right.  I'm having better luck just powering up and shooting close for 5's, using laser for larger enemies.  This one reminds me too much of Do Don Pachi.


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