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Block Hole Discussion


Thread for Block Hole strategy and tips.

Chosen by: Virginiawillbehad

NOTE: There are known issues with this game in WolfMAME 106. WolfMAME 175 or RU are highly recommended.
ROMset: blockhl (Play on RU)
Lives: 1
Difficulty: Normal

Anybody have any strategies for this game? I've been grinding it with no real direction, but it seems like in the beginning when the blocks are moving really slowly you can build them up to be enormous and get more points from them that way... like if one is shaped like an upside down "U" i just build the legs both down really far then fill the middle in and it seems like i'm getting more points that way. Barra you have any tips? <popcorn>

Yeah you can point press the first stage a bit. Also hit the silver one as late as possible, to maximise points from when it clears the screen. Add a few blocks above it too for more points

In 106 theres 3 fire buttons you can map, for super fast firing. I can't control it as well so I just use 175 with 1 fire button.

Stage 3 onwards you need to group the blocks together to give yourself more time to shoot the rest, it gets too fast to do singles everywhere. - I haven't learnt this properly.

I've only just started playing it too. Will throw in some more tips when I learn a bit more :)

Ok I spoke with nick666101 (the current leader in the game for IGBY) and he linked me to a video on his YouTube page. Link is below. He is balls out awesome at this game. He uses .106 for multiple inputs and said once you get to about 100k it is pretty important that you do so. He also said the game crashes in .106. I'm going to see how far I can get in .175 with 100k as my goal for today. Our basement flooded, washer and dryer are broken, and Meg is sick again so we'll see how much I can actually stream  BibleThump


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