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Mitch's Gaming Goals

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Day 3: Got 247,050 on BurgerTime today! :) Once I perfect the boards this game covered, I'll be at around 550k. Then it will be time to learn the next board -which will give like 500k when done right! I think I'm closer to 1m than this score shows.

Day 4: 364,050 on BurgerTime (after 2 games). That was after only the first 3 boards. I had another game around 330K. I think J. D. Lowe and Bryan Wagner can do it at about 415-420K, so I'm getting super efficient with those patterns. However, I am often using 2 peppers when I ought to use just one (not watertight on the timing, so I get nervous that I may miss the last enemy with the pepper, so I do a second one to be safe). I'm getting a lot better at ad-libbing when things go wrong as well. I need to work out a pattern for the fourth board (I already know the 5th board), and then I think my score will be over 1m shortly!

Day 5 on BT: After only 3 hours of sleep and a full day of snow removal, I forced myself to keep at the BT. Got 385,050 (and several other 350k games. These games were actually significant improvements as I acquired many new skills for boards 4 and 5 (the tedious grouping on board 5, for example). The scores weren't all that much higher, as I 'ran' boards a lot more to get to 4 and 5 for the most practice. I'm sure next time will be the breakthrough game on those two boards, and then it'll be just one board left before I'll have the board types mastered and 1m+ will easily be within my grasp.

I also played some T&F again, and got some high 80's loops. I also got my second perfect long jump ever. I'm a little rusty on my hammer timing, so I'll need to improve that to feel comfortable marathoning the game. I've also been practicing the wobble for hurdles. Trying to dedicate more time on improving my weaker hand/finger skills/methods on that game.

Day 6 on BT: 398,200. Probably 5-6 games around 350k. I've gotten way better at boards, but have yet to put it all together in one game. Almost did twice though. Two times I was either 1 man or 1 pepper away from easily getting 500K (I was about to finish the cycle and get back to the boards I can easily beat). It's the calm before the storm.

P.s. I know I am doing posts that are not about DK in a DK forum. Bear with me until I get there. DK will have it's day again. :)

My problem with Burgertime is that I'm constantly paranoid about running out of pepper and I grit my teeth every time I press the button.

I feel guilty, like I should have figured some other way out of the situation than resorting to pepper and that I've doomed myself for when I'll REALLY need it.


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