Donkey Kong Strategy > Basic Donkey Kong Strategy

The Official Donkey Kong Manual Thread

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--- Quote from: muscleandfitness on June 23, 2023, 02:01:25 am ---Im in the book classic lit wht da brian allen , vincent wow .mitch wow classic..

 Star Pattern to what has become known as the ‘Staal’ Pattern (it is based off of the last name of the player who popularized it). Having to use the Staal Pattern is not the most ideal situation to be in, but it allows the player to retain some amount of hope for

Dadfkk  <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Billy>

--- End quote ---

(suggestion for creator or creator of messages similar to this one on this site: explain messages similar to this one or else be bound to serious consequences (such as regrets, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations))

wtf  FailFish


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