Donkey Kong Strategy > Advanced Donkey Kong Strategy
Advanced JRTFBDN Killscreen Barrel Strategy 101 - 30 minute guide
Shane I'm new to this forum and would definitely want to watch this vid. Is there any chance you could upload it to youtube? I've tried playing it a few times and it only plays about 3 minutes. Also I can't view it from twitch from my phone. Thanks my barrel game is definitely needing the most practice.
This is a really helpful video, helped me out no end on level 5 barrels.
Thanks for sharing!
Donkey Kong Genius:
Unfortunately, this video was lost on Twitch and there was no backup which means it will need to be done again. I already spoke with Shane about it this last week. You can watch the barrel training videos that I made but you will have to watch to see what would be helpful to you as one running boards because it is more thorough and contains content that is more geared towards advanced players. Another way to do this is simply watch basic running the boards killscreen games. I apologize for the quality of these videos since they were among some of my earliest videos. I have since learned how to do such videos in better quality and more sound.
I have linked my training videos here. You will find some other videos that may be useful but I have yet to add a basic killscreen game section which I will do soon.
This was my first killscreen. Sorry no sound. Just watch the barrel boards and try to pick out little tricks that might be helpful. Then just practice the barrel board with save states until you are familiar with all the little variations that can occur.
Donkey Kong Killscreen Game 893,800
Hey Corey,
Is it possible to permanently save previous twitch recordings?
Thanks, Al
Donkey Kong Genius:
Yes. I use OBS and have a setting checked that allows the program to save a local copy on my computer every time I stream. That way I always have a backup. Also, if you see a good twitch video out there you can always download it so that if it is ever lost on Twitch, you will have your own personal copy.
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