High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists

DK Individual Level and Stage Records

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The purpose of this topic is to track the highest individual stage & level scores achieved during "real" games (no save states).  If you surpass one of the records listed below, create a highlight and submit your score as a reply within this thread.  Please include your name, score, date achieved, and video URL.  We'll update the list and give you the recognition you deserve.

Level 05+ Individual Board RecordsStage  ​  Board Type  ​  Score  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  Source5-3​Barrels​18,700​Thomas Bauer​2016-05-23​MAME​Twitch9-2​Conveyors​13,500​John McCurdy​2018-09-29​Arcade​Twitch7-4​Elevators​9,700​John McCurdy​2019-02-10​Arcade​Twitch7-6​Rivets​12,900​Justin Elliott​2022-01-12​Arcade​TwitchL6​Level​75,200​Justin Elliott​2024-01-28​Arcade​YouTube
Level 05+ Board Average Records(Must complete the last of each board type)Stage  ​  Board Type  ​  Score  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  SourceL05+​Barrels​13,445​John McCurdy​2019-07-19​Arcade​1,250,100 - kongtrac.krL05+​Conveyors​9,329​John McCurdy​2019-07-29​Arcade​1,248,200 - kongtrac.krL05+​Elevators​7,971​John McCurdy​2020-09-16​Arcade​1,255,300 - TwitchL05+​Rivets​8,941​"ACU-AZU"​2021-07-27​Arcade​1,210,400 - YouTubeL05+​Level​65,271​John McCurdy​2020-09-20​Arcade​1,262,100 - Twitch
Level 01-04 Individual Board RecordsStage  ​  Board Type  ​  Score  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  Source1-1​Barrels​15,100​J.P. Buergers​2018-11-13​Wolf183​YouTube, INP (1, 2)1-2​Rivets​14,300​Jeff Willms​2011-12-01​MAME​TwitchL01​Level​25,800​J.P. Buergers​2024-11-28​Wolf251​YouTube, INP (1, 2)​​​​​​2-1​Barrels​14,500​J.P. Buergers​2022-06-17​Wolf234​YouTube, INP (1, 2, 3)2-2​Elevators​10,700​John McCurdy​2017-06-16​MAME​INP2-3​Rivets​15,900​Justin Elliott​2022-04-03​Arcade​YouTubeL02​Level​35,700​John McCurdy​2019-04-17​Arcade​Twitch​​35,700​J.P. Buergers​2024-09-23​Wolf251​YouTube, INP (1, 2)​​​​​​3-1​Barrels​17,800​Justin Elliott​2022-04-29​Arcade​Twitch3-2​Conveyors​11,600​Dean Saglio​2014-06-15​MAME​Twitch3-3​Elevators​10,700​J.P. Buergers​2023-10-11​Wolf251​YouTube, INP3-4​Rivets​15,200​J.P. Buergers​2021-09-24​Wolf149​YouTube, INP (1, 2)L03​Level​46,400​John McCurdy​2020-09-03​Wolf106​INP​​​​​​4-1/4-3​Barrels​18,200​Justin Elliott​2022-10-31​Arcade​YouTube4-2​Conveyors​12,600​John McCurdy​2017-01-26​MAME​INP4-4​Elevators​9,700​John McCurdy​2019-07-05​Arcade​YouTube4-5​Rivets​12,400​Robbie Lakeman​2018-08-16​Arcade​Twitch​​12,400​John McCurdy​2018-11-11​Arcade​Twitch, YouTube​​12,400​Justin Elliott​2022-08-08​Arcade​TwitchL04​Level​58,500​Justin Elliott​2024-07-03​Arcade​YouTube
Level 01-04 Cumulative High Scores(Cumulative = no deaths, Cumulative (minus deaths) = sum of individual board scores regardless of any deaths)Stage  ​  Board Type  ​  Score  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  SourceL01​Cumulative​25,800​J.P. Buergers​2024-11-28​Wolf251​YouTube, INP (1, 2)L02​Cumulative​58,600​J.P. Buergers​2023-09-23​Wolf251​YouTube, INPL03​Cumulative​98,700​J.P. Buergers​2018-08-23​MAME​DropboxL04​Cumulative​151,100​John McCurdy​2018-11-11​Arcade​Twitch, YouTubeL04​Cumulative (minus deaths)​154,200​J.P. Buergers​2023-09-23​Wolf251​YouTube, INP
Death RecordsRecord  ​  Category  ​  Score  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  SourceDeaths​Full Game​40,000​J.P. Buergers​2023-01-21​Wolf234​1,204,600 - INP (1, 2)Deaths​Any Game​52,700​J.P. Buergers​2021-04-28​Wolf149​221,900 - INP
Fastest to 1M, 1.1M, and 1.2M(Based on Level and remaining Bonus time, not real-time)Life  ​  Checkpoint  ​  Level - Bonus  ​  Player  ​  Date  ​  Platform  ​  Source1st Life​1,000,000​19-1 - 6400​Wes Copeland​2016-05-05​Arcade​1,218,000 - TG, Twitch, YouTube1st Life​1,100,000​20-5 - 6600​Wes Copeland​2016-05-05​Arcade​1,218,000 - TG, Twitch, YouTube1st Life​1,200,000​none​​​​2nd Life​1,000,000​18-1 - 4400​Robbie Lakeman​2020-08-12​Arcade​1,244,500 - kongtrac.kr2nd Life​1,100,000​19-5 - 3100​John McCurdy​2020-09-20​Arcade​1,262,100 - Twitch2nd Life​1,200,000​21-2 - 6200​John McCurdy​2020-09-20​Arcade​1,262,100 - Twitch3rd Life​1,000,000​17-5 - 4400​John McCurdy​2019-06-10​Arcade​1,192,500 - kongtrac.kr3rd Life​1,100,000​19-4 - 5800​Robbie Lakeman​2020-08-12​Arcade​1,244,500 - kongtrac.kr3rd Life​1,200,000​21-2 - 6800​John McCurdy​2019-05-25​Arcade​1,259,000 - TG, Twitch, YouTube4th Life​1,000,000​17-5 - 6700​Robbie Lakeman​2020-12-15​Arcade​1,046,300 - kongtrac.kr4th Life​1,100,000​19-2 - Finish (6700)​John McCurdy​2019-06-10​Arcade​1,192,500 - kongtrac.kr4th Life​1,200,000​20-6 - 7100​Robbie Lakeman​2020-09-22​Arcade​1,271,100 - Twitch, YouTube

We should probably specify that it must be during a "real" game.  From a save state, you would take risks you ordinarily wouldn't.  I've also gotten 11,800 on conveyers, but I'm pretty sure 12K+ has been done on both conveyers and rivets.  If no one claims one, I'll clip it.  I'm curious what the highest barrel on a real game is.  I'd guess around 16K.


Great idea, Dave, although I suspect my name will be conspicuously absent from the leader board (unless I submit something in the next 2 minutes).   :)

Yeah, that's why I put "in game" performance because I know save states over and over will eventually yield a high score. I did the 11K the other night, so grabbed that one, but it was a good starting point.

Well, I decided to get the middle prize on Level 5 and ended up with 11,900 Rivets tonight (updated link on top thread) but game fell apart after that.


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