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Other High Score Lists / Re: Crazy Kong Score Submissions
« Last post by jammvyy on July 07, 2024, 01:08:05 pm »
L22 Yes
Other High Score Lists / Re: Crazy Kong Score Submissions
« Last post by Dk_madness on July 07, 2024, 10:36:23 am »
Submitting for new Crazy Kong PB

Final score - 701,800pts

Twitch link:

Thank you!!!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on July 05, 2024, 02:45:38 am »
58,500 Level 4

wow gg...or gl? Whatever. Good job.  :) Verified and updated on the IBR list!

15,400 + 9,200 + 15,700 + 8,100 + 10,100 = 58,500
Other High Score Lists / Re: Donkey Kong 3 Submissions
« Last post by xelnia on July 05, 2024, 02:44:47 am »
Difficulty 4 - 5-man
WolfMAME 0.223

When will it end?!  Kappa Hopefully never. Keep going good, sir. Verified and updated on the DK3 HSL!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by rayfinkel on July 02, 2024, 10:59:10 pm »
Thank you, that is just what I was looking for.
The horizontal speed when jumping is slower than compared to walking, even if you factor out the landing pause. Walking is two frames of horizontal movement, then a frame of pause, then repeat. Jumping is one frame of horizontal movement, then a frame of pause, then repeat until the landing which is a 5(?) frame pause. So I guess that works out to walking being about 1.47x faster, horizontally, than jumping.
Is there any difference in Mario's horizontal speed when he is walking compared to when he is in the air?
Other High Score Lists / Re: Donkey Kong 3 Submissions
« Last post by Barra on June 29, 2024, 04:44:33 pm »
Other High Score Lists / Re: Donkey Kong 3 Submissions
« Last post by Dk_madness on June 28, 2024, 09:29:13 am »
Kongrats Jason! BBB
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