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Advanced Donkey Kong Strategy / Re: Spring Theory
« Last post by kenneyaf on July 25, 2024, 03:14:56 pm »
I'm working specifically on springs now at 4 months into playing the game.
When moving from right to left, I use the traditional means - look for a "short" spring on DK's right foot (his right foot). Proceed to let that spring begin to go over mario's head as I move to the left and to the safe spot near the yellow area.
Then, I go "off the reservation." Tradition tells me to wait for one extra-"long" spring, let it pass over mario's head as I proceed toward the ladder... If the next spring is long, head back to the safe spot.
I stopped doing the tradition when I realized that my brain was unable to process the position of a long second spring before I could react.
SO last night I save stated through about 200 attempts from L=04 through L=10 elevator boards. In my play, looking at the left edge of the screen as the springs enter was the way to go for me. As it turns out, all short springs enter higher on the left edge of the screen and all long springs enter lower on the left edge of the screen. The longest spring enters at a low point on the left edge of the screen that can look startling in comparison to others. This is the spring I go right on. In the 200 attempts, I did not need to check the next spring. I made it up the ladder just fine provided that I started in the absolute rightmost position I could. Weird, but I plan on running about 1K attempts and at some point I will capture footage from MAME and check it.
Waiting for the safest spring is of course not ideal for scoring, so there's more work I need to do in order to not kill the bonus.
Classic Arcade Game Discussion / Re: Track & Field Stuffs
« Last post by Dk_madness on July 24, 2024, 08:30:16 am »
Congrats on the new PB sir!
Classic Arcade Game Discussion / Re: Track & Field Stuffs: Swimming PB
« Last post by Fly on July 23, 2024, 06:02:35 pm »
I was following up on some older posts and realized that I forgot to post my new Swimming PB.

My original PB from 2014 was 43.75. I beat that a few times a couple months ago. I'm down to 43.03 now.

Also, real life got in the way of my T&F speed training that I was doing for a couple months. I was working on my double finger taps and my "wobble". I continued to get faster as long as I played just a few minutes a day. It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since I've played, so I'm curious to see how much of this speed I've lost. Hopefully it's not much. We may know in the coming weeks.


Add me to the official kong off list i won one lit Paul hornitskey ran it..
fkk this abuse im gone.fttt <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Billy> <Roy>
Other High Score Lists / Re: Crazy Kong Score Submissions
« Last post by Dk_madness on July 20, 2024, 03:41:55 pm »
Submitting new PB for Crazy Kong Arcade:

747,800pts L=22-4

Twitch Link -

So so close to Rank A  BibleThump Looks like 800K might be possible Kreygasm

Thanks for watching!!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by Stroganoff on July 16, 2024, 05:26:10 pm »
Not a PB, just want it added to kong tracker
wolf 186
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by Stroganoff on July 16, 2024, 05:15:50 pm »
Wolf 186
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
« Last post by jammvyy on July 16, 2024, 03:00:09 pm »
It was a lengthy investigation where a lot of possibilities in the guesswork , but with many people and experts in Hardware and programing working on this TG case many things were discovered to proof it mame , all bullshit in the world not going to change my mind :)
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: Billy Mitchell world record scores poll
« Last post by johnbart on July 16, 2024, 06:28:01 am »
Jammvyy speaks reasonable on this topic. Facts speak, not opinions. The facts are clear as day that it was MAME.  Full stop.
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