Author Topic: Donkey Kong (Arcade) joystick adjustment  (Read 2970 times)

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Offline naujoks

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Donkey Kong (Arcade) joystick adjustment
« on: May 13, 2019, 01:31:40 pm »
I noticed when checking out the joystick from behind that the joystick column is about 3mm away from the respective directional switch. There's no way to change that.
I've adjusted the jump button so that the moving plastic part directly touches the little wheel of the switch.
When I try to perform a left/right jump from a stationary position, often Jumpman only does a straight up jump - resulting in my death - although I was certain I pushed the joystick and the jump button at the same time.
Could the 3mm distance be responsible for my failure to execute this maneuvre?
I could move the jump switch 3mm away from the plunger, but I worry that this would result in constantly mushy jumps.

How have you adjusted your joystick?
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Re: Donkey Kong (Arcade) joystick adjustment
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2019, 06:55:18 am »
I've always wondered about this. I've also adjusted my buttons but haven't adjusted the joystick. I'm interested to see what others have done.
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Re: Donkey Kong (Arcade) joystick adjustment
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2019, 07:43:28 am »
You can bend the lever on the microswitch.  Of course if you don't want to mess with the original microswitches, you can get a set of the replacements that Mike's Arcade offers.  They're not exact OEM replacements (or weren't when I bought some a couple years ago)...I don't believe exact OEM's are available.  But, that gives you something to modify and see at what effective engage distance you get the best results.

I did modify the leafs on the joystick in my blue dk when I first got it, as I was used to japanese style sticks (fight sticks), and found the transition to vintage nintendo a bit challenging.  But, over time, I found that the stock design is the absolute best for the application.

One thing that is highly recommended, if you haven't already done it: service the stick.  Completely disassemble it.  Clean all parts thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol (90% or greater), or simple green.  The pivot ball requires the most attention - with the ball rotated so the stick could not be inserted into it, pour some IPA into the pivot ball area.  Don't be afraid to really douse it, IPA dries quickly.  Use whatever tools you have available - I used a flat head screwdriver and the stick itself - to rotate the ball.  Use compressed air, blowing into the pivot ball area.  The idea is to break up the decades of gunk and dried up lubricant that has caked itself in there.  On my red DK's stick, 10 minutes into doing this, I was still getting chunks of nastiness out of that area.  Once you are sure you've got the insides clean, then apply lubricant.  Some like a drop or two of 3-in-1 oil.  I personally prefer shin etsu:  It will be like a new stick if you've never serviced it and/or it's been many years/decades since it has been serviced.  ;)

« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 08:19:00 am by YesAffinity »
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