« Last post by Dk_madness on Today at 05:52:45 am »
A lot has been going on the past few months. The quest for Rank A is picking up steam and I’ve been finding bits of time here and there to grind away.
One of my big goals has finally been achieved as I was able to squeeze out 1.1 for DK last month. Final score of 1,102,000 points. I really wasn’t expecting that but was a welcome surprise. I got a lot lot lot of work to do to refine my gameplay for that 1.13 but I feel a little more confident about getting there. I do plan on pushing it beyond that one day as next step will be 1.17. I am a big dreamer lol.
DK3 has finally been completed with a RBS on diff 3. This is definitely not the end for DK3 as I do enjoy playing it and plan to up a decent score for diff 4 one day in the future. I would still love to push up my diff 3 score a bit more maybe to the 5 mil mark or so.
News on the DK Jr front as I finally received a Jr. pcb and have been throwing down a few games on the island lately. 1.3 shouldn’t be much of a problem so hope to hit that in the next few months or so. Then the final push for 1.5 maybe? Who knows….
Getting close to Rank A on Crazy Kong with a score of 747k. I feel this is the easiest of the group to finish so this one will sit on the back burner until I complete the real hard stuff. At least Rank B is done with this.
Anyway, that’s it for now.
Intel next time….