General Donkey Kong Discussion > General Donkey Kong Discussion

Blue Vs. Orange Cabinets?

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The Rube:
So why 2 different color cabinets? I read rumors that when DK JR. came out that there was such a high demand for the original game that Nintendo started using DK JR orange cabs to fill orders. Is there any truth to this? Just Curious...

Hmm, that's a new one I haven't heard before. Just speaking from experience and from what I have read I'm kind of doubting that this was the case. In all my arcade travels back in the day, I don't ever recall seeing an "orange" Donkey Kong. When Donkey Kong Junior was released I believe Donkey Kong's popularity was waning a bit, so I really don't see this happening. If anyone has other information about this or recalls seeing an Orange DK, I'd be interested in hearing about it for sure!

Not an orange DK. But I do have a Blue DKjr.
the backplate states it as a DKJR.

The_Rube, there isn't any chance that you might be getting the DKJ orange cabinets mixed up with the Radarscope red cabinet conversions to Donkey Kong is there?

I do believe that's Mr. Rusty Quarters...


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