Related Games > DK and DKJR Remix

Donkey Kong Spooky Remix

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This is the first remix tournament that excluded hardware due to changes in game logic.

To have been able to made hardware on top of the game would have likely doubled the two months Sock already put into this.

I am sorry you feel excluded

I don't feel excluded, my names already on the scoreboard, right there at the bottom (Bensweeney, where are you?!?!).  :D

I was thinking of it as more of an opportunity for you all, but again, probably oversimplifying something that is more hassle than any potential pay-off.  FailFish  I understand these things take time.  What we have in this rom revision is awesome.  And I understand adding additional pressures and deadlines probably increases the stress levels to the point of making it not worth doing.  Again, was just talking while I was thinking.  8)

well John is looking into it, it just never would have happened in time to be of any use for the tourney

We are a two person team but the bulk of everything is all John, I just help bounce ideas, take care of social media and sometimes solder the larger parts on boards

Been having an overwhelming sense of not being able to please everyone and I hate to say it but it gets really discouraging really fast for the both of us. We pour our everything into these projects.

I'm Nina Haigh on the list - haven't had a chance to submit a score though

And they are awesome! Don't stop!!! I'll order a DK JR Remix directly from you now even though i dont have a DKJR yet :D

Just message me the how much and ill paypal ya ASAP.

Trust me I get it but dont get discouraged please what you both do is really amazing.


--- Quote from: blackraven15 on October 03, 2018, 04:55:49 pm ---well John is looking into it, it just never would have happened in time to be of any use for the tourney

We are a two person team but the bulk of everything is all John, I just help bounce ideas, take care of social media and sometimes solder the larger parts on boards

Been having an overwhelming sense of not being able to please everyone and I hate to say it but it gets really discouraging really fast for the both of us. We pour our everything into these projects.

I'm Nina Haigh on the list - haven't had a chance to submit a score though

--- End quote ---

Aww Dan you are so sweet, its not money, we are more than happy to give some cool things to the community, we have been giddy for the past month solid wanting to share Spooky with you all and here still has the same vibe it has always had. It has mostly been my dealings with people on social media. There is a real no wining, can't please them, can't be good enough :/


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