Started playing DK when it hit the arcades and was finally able to get an approximate date for my scores by finding old Electronic Games magazines on the internet.
Arcade 383,200 10/82 (submitted this one to the magazine since it topped their high score)
Arcade 421,xxx 11/82
Arcade 54x,xxx 1/83 (steve sanders was the top in EG at 863K)
2/83 (got first car, car>video games

4/83 (some nut got credit for 11.8 million, latter another claimed 14.271 million, scoreboard dicontinued 11/83)
Mame 740,200 8/01 (discovered mame and put top scores up on all DK and CK tracks at MARP)
11/01 (Ben Jos beats DK score)
Mame 8xx,xxx 12/01- 4/03 ( occasionally tried to be first to million point game, never got close, two hammer running boards, knew almost nothing of point pressing)
summer 11 (saw KOK, heard about Kong Off, thought I can compete in that

, found out it already happened

Arcade 949,xxx 10/12 (found out about KO2

, in Denver

,bought cab went for million died level 20 )
Arcade 973,100 3/13 ( WCR #2)
Arcade 997,800 5/13 ( WCR #3)
Arcade 1,054,900 9/22/13
Arcade 1,103,700 10/30/13