In many competitive fields, when someone has cheated they get merely a slap on the wrist. Many sports figures come to mind. Which begs the question, if handled differently, would

have been able to still compete for places on some leaderboards? I am not suggesting so, but wonder what you guys think would have happened if he had handled it in a different way, one that was much better received. I probably sound like a newb, but what are the standards on cheating? I know TG had a permaban policy, but did other lists and associations, like Guinness, have a different policy? From my understanding, Guinness is of the persuasion that all of his scores have been legit, but if someone were to cheat at a WR in any category in relation to Guinness, would they except future achievements, or do they have a permaban too? I suppose events like KO have allowed him in, do other events? I'm just wondering in retrospect, what's the best

could have handled the situation. What would you guys do if you were in the same boat?