We've had a great 10 years...
JC of course will always be missed.
Not often we see eye to eye George, but you're spot on here

I came here and found a home with so many other Retrouprising refugees, Barra, Jojo, Tim K, DB Cooper and others
So many fun times

Christmas videos

The Miami Splice picture

Meeting Jry and Jivey and Mrs Jivey and Fred (Backdoor) and Fred (CKF) and Duc and Barra and Ninglendo and Wags and The Pro and Fruiiiitay and TiF and Tim H and Brendan and Mike S-P and Hank Chien and Wes and Robbie and others in person basically through the DKF chitbox

The Pig Newton t-shirt Ross got me

Too many good things - thank you JC, thank you DKF, long may your belches resonate <3