Author Topic: Robbie's 1.272  (Read 66018 times)

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Robbie's 1.272
« on: June 08, 2021, 10:30:24 pm »
Robbie Lakeman

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2021, 11:03:12 pm »
So lowering your voltage got you an extra 100 points?
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2021, 11:06:59 pm »
Robbie Lakeman

GG.  Not sure if it's just me, but there is no sound on the YouTube video for some reason :(
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2021, 01:49:19 am »
Robbie Lakeman

As it stands, I will not be accepting this score. Over the past several months Robbie has publicly declared his intent to manipulate DK hardware in an attempt to get more favorable RNG in his games, namely by lowering the voltage delivered to the DK PCB. While this specific hardware modification is not explicitly against the DKF submission rules, I do believe it's a violation of the fair play rules:

D. Special
      d. Any score may be rejected if a player uses a technique or method not mentioned here, if it violates the spirit of the game and the spirit of fair play.

To be clear, I am not rejecting this score because I believe Robbie has actually given himself an unfair advantage or succeeded in his attempts to improve the game's RNG. At best, modifying the game's voltage results in a placebo effect. At worst, it results in a malfunctioning game. In fact, considered in a vacuum, this game may very well be a completely legitimate performance.

I am rejecting this score because Robbie has shown a willingness to alter the gameplay, and the possibility of other alterations (either in this submission or in the future) can't be ignored.

Oh, and his submission has no audio ffs.

However, since Robbie considers me a "biased prick", it seems it would be judicious to get input from the community (which Robbie has recently labeled as "DKFairies", I believe). Please share your thoughts, whatever they might be.

I will be busy Thursday-Saturday and probably won't have time to respond to anything in that timeframe.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2021, 05:37:14 am »
Congratulations, Robbie!  Good game

I am not a fan of the poor sportsmanship, hypocrisy and abusive behavior towards other players.  Frequently accusing other players of cheating while simultaneously doing your best to cheat yourself (even if ineffectively) is not a good approach and is doing everyone, especially yourself a disfavor.   Please consider being more mindful of your position in the community and how it affects other players.

That aside, I think it's a valid game.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2021, 06:01:09 am »
As someone who thinks a lot of his ability to be judicious (lolz) I would say to Robbie that the first step in doing everything to ensure this performance is acceptable is providing footage that includes the audio. I suspect that if the board isn't operating under standard conditions the audio may be affected. If the audio sounds atypical it would be damning and the score shouldn't be accepted. I'm all for skepticism and conservatism when it comes to accepting/rejecting a score based on unsportsmanlike behavior that suggests foul play occurred, but I'd certainly like some more data on this particular performance to shore up that notion.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2021, 06:23:17 am »
I have a lot of feelings about this, but ultimately, I believe that the score is valid.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2021, 06:59:37 am »
Thanks xelnia - I appreciate your commitment to transparency and objectivity in assessing Robbie's score.

I don't know if it was Robbie's last one, but due to a blasting I witnessed on a recent stream of DKForum, its members, and his endorsement of the Mitchell lawsuits (against the community he apparently wishes to claim membership in and use as a platform to highlight his achievements), I'm actually shocked that he decided to submit his score here. It's sad to say, but in light of his recent pronouncements, his submission has the feeling of provocation rather than celebration.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2021, 07:43:41 am »
For the record, Robbie submitted this to TG also. Same video it would seem. No sound.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2021, 07:58:11 am »
Lots of thoughts and feelings.

The community that has grown around this game and the hard work Jeremy has put into score tracking is second to none.  If I was him, considering the circumstances he is under, I probably would have crawled under a rock and stopped tracking all scores.  I have the utmost respect for him and I understand why he would want to reject this score. It is his board and his hard work that keeps it going.  Nobody has a 'right' to have a score submitted, just like someone who is toxic in the forums deserves to no longer have the ability to post.

However; what I come back to every time is that the integrity of this scoreboard has to come before any of us.  I understand only too acutely the strain playing this game against a random number generator can take on its players mentally, and I am prone to many a bad word or two about the game and how unfair it is when I play.  However, I believe there's also a line to be drawn with poor sportsmanship. 

In the real world, if a player acted with the same kind of outward hostility for other players or team mates in the same way we sometimes see in this community, they would be ejected from a team and there would be repercussions.  Real sporting teams will fine players or side-line them if their behaviour throws a bad light on their sport.  No player is above the sport they compete in, even world record holders.  That being said, a score is a score.

Robbie, your skill at this game affords you a unique platform from which to demonstrate the depth of this game game and the amazing community that has grown from under it.  I understand that there are situations I am not privy to that have caused tensions in the past, but I still dream of a scenario when these things can be put behind all and we can focus on the game and maybe one day all of us attend a Kong off together.  I have not enjoyed being the target of false accusations or mocking etc..   Also, for the record, I do not care what voltage you play your game on, though I do not like the principle of what is going on here.  I am in agreement with Jeremy in that it is a placebo effect, so at the end of the day... if you believe it puts you on a level playing field with others, please continue to do so.  I however, do not wish to be accused of these things and I'm sure others do not either.  I also do not think it is in the right spirit of the game.

I say accept the score, but I am going to put forward a motion that in the future, sound be a requirement to these games.  I feel Robbie did a good job of validating his board and the gameplay looks genuine.  I have no qualms in saying Robbie is one of the best players there has ever, and is likely to be.   

Let's all be better people.

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2021, 08:00:08 am »
It seems that this forum accepts scores from gamers wearing masks with no actual identity, but rejects others due to their own insecurities.
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Congratulations Robbie  8)
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2021, 08:19:35 am »
The voltage is shown to be 4.7V

Can anyone shed light on this issue in a technical sense? I know 5V is specified in the manual. Is it 5V plus or minus a tenth or something? This is a technical question so feel free to give me the  <Pigger> and move this comment or something. This is the last remark I'll make and I'll take my answers off the air. Thanks.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2021, 08:21:01 am »
As much as I see the thoughts behind declining it, and echoing Matts post, the board should be based on facts and not feuds.  We all know from watching his aggressive play style, that it was just a matter of time before the score dropped.  His last few games on Twitch have been very focused and super high pace.

Do I agree with some of the stuff Robbie has said?  Absolutely not, but it's a two way street, and those people IMO need to get in the Discord voice chat and resolve it amicably.  I've had multiple DK players pm me saying how I shouldn't be friendly with Robbie because they personally have an issue with him.  One of them (who won't be named) blocked and unfriended me the other day purely because I get on with Robbie!  ???  It was someone I once respected as a person and a player, and supported every time he streamed.  It was pathetic keyboard warrior behaviour, and makes me not want to part of the community.

When I first started playing this daft addictive game, Robbie was the WR holder.  He messaged me god knows how many times giving me tips and supporting me on my stream, being nothing but a gent.  He even came on the stream with a few of us and we had a nice crowd enjoying the fun with no drama.  He could have quite easily just ignored a new player like me given his experience in the game.

Jeremy, just to clarify, that there's no sides from me here. You're a top bloke for putting in so many hours to track and keep the board running like you do, and we're all thankful for it.  8)
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2021, 08:26:45 am »
Robbie's behavior has been outright embarrassing. That said, lack of audio not withstanding, I think this score is valid.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2021, 09:50:51 am »

John?s WR video had no game sound. No one seemed to mind.
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