Author Topic: Submissions Using the "Pace" Feature on Remix Kits Are Now Acceptable  (Read 6999 times)

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Offline xelnia

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After having a community discussion/vote, arcade scores performed using the Pace feature on Sock Master's Remix kits are now eligible for inclusion on our HSLs. Currently, there is no evidence that the gameplay is affected by this feature and while there are some concerns about the "purity" of playing this way, that sentiment didn't appear strong enough to overrule the inclusion of these scores.

As with all scores achieved on kits: these scores will be reclassified or removed if problems are discovered in the future.

-Pace scores will have their platform listed as "Arcade-P"
-All other standards for arcade verification still apply
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 01:42:59 am by xelnia »
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Offline DonkeyShlong

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Re: Submissions Using the "Pace" Feature on Remix Kits Are Now Acceptable
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 12:27:58 pm »
Cheers Jeremy.  Now able to hunt for a TKG4 board and perhaps move on the DDK.  :)
Member for 5 Years DK Killscreener