How would 6+1 factor into "individual board scores"?
IMO, that just points to the flaw that already exists with the criteria for those records (that it has to come from a "full game").
If the player is invested in not-dying, then he will play an individual board with a mind toward risk. But if he doesn't care (or cares less) about dying, then he will take risks that might be less-than-sensible.
Which puts us into the territory of having to make really hazy, hard-to-define, impossible to prove, subjective judgments about whether the player was "properly invested" in not-dying, and whether what the player does to get their points is a sensible risk. Ross does stuff on the barrel boards all the time that I consider to be less-than-sensible, and those boards are part of full games.
What if somebody is on their last man on Level 10, is ready to quit, but then decides to go nuts on a barrel board and ends up getting the highest full-game barrel board ever? Do we accept that? After all, it happened in a full game.
Where do you draw these lines? It's always been a problem waiting to happen.
If the prerequisite for these individual-board records is that they have to come from full games, then it'll make the scores artificially low, and won't actually reflect what's technically possible. If save states are allowed, then they'll be artifically high, and won't reflect what's practically-achievable. But they don't really reflect pratical achievability anyway, since the scores are already unlikely extremes pretty much by definition.
1-1 is the only board that's immune from these issues, since investment in not-dying is never a factor (as long as you're willing to play the board over and over again). People don't play it any differently than they would a save-state, so what you see there IS people's absolute max. That's what's cool and "pure" about it.
I'd imagine particulalrly durring DKO's 6+1 (or at least lives after number 4) will be invalid for bounties? since you could possibly warp to lvl 5 in an attempt to claim certain bounties eg: wags / scotts bounties using the extra lives..etc,
Anybody remember the time that Ben wanted a last-man bounty, and killed off all his guys on 5-1 to give himself 102 available boards?