the infamous "Robbie vs Wes" thread where all the armchair experts came out and said I had no chance of scoring 1.2m.
I don't want to derail this great discussion, but Wes, you really need to go and
read that thread again if you haven't lately.
Out of a total of 23 posts, only
two expressed even a shred of anything less-than-effusive about your run or your gameplay at the time, and zero posts that cast any doubt whatsoever about your future potential. The rest of the thread was overwhelming praise, for both you and Robbie.
You talk about that "infamous" thread here and in your streams as if it were some sort of dogpile of disparagement and insults from "a bunch of armchair experts" until Ethan came along.
The first hint of doubt was Mitch, and the very worst of what he said is that "Robbie's the only one out of the two that has consistently shown that he has the long-term gameplay experience and pace to possibly maintain a 1.2m+ pace." Mitch quickly and politely recanted, and apologized to boot, for this (already politely and respectfully-stated) position.
The only other trace of a suggestion that the run was anything less than a stellar display of godlike ability was Mike G., who merely stated (accurately) that "1 screwing in Wes' game would make the gap between scores 10k+ rather than the slim 2k difference. Rare to get games with 0 screwings." You yourself recently coined a "law" stating that a world record run will almost never reach the end without at least two stolen lives, so this isn't a post that even you would argue with.
That's it. The rest of the thread is about how good you and Robbie are.
Seriously, read it again and be free of it. You're starting to sound like
