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Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by Simpsons99 on February 05, 2025, 07:45:40 pm »
Geoffrey Suttor
PB - 1,102,900
Arcade (no remix)

Twitch Upload

Congrads way to prove those guys wrong!
Donkey Kong High Score Lists / Re: DK Score Submissions
« Last post by Barra on February 05, 2025, 02:48:52 am »
Geoffrey Suttor
PB - 1,102,900

Woooo soooo happy for you mate! So well deserved  Kreygasm <HootLove>
Walter get in there and update that spreadsheet!    <Walter>
the video is very much a love letter to the game and the community

Exactly how I took it!  Your efforts are appreciated!
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: After 44 Years, Someone Beat the Donkey Kong
« Last post by JNugent on February 05, 2025, 12:21:14 am »
This video came up on my YT Feeds to make for some reason.   I felt the video was way to long..  Anyone that knows about the KS or the history of the game knows all this already. Then the fact at the end of the video it could never be used.. Felt like a huge waste of time watching the video.

I thought the video was well done, and potentially brings wider attention to the game, Brian.  FailFish
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: .
« Last post by 80sArcadeKid on February 04, 2025, 09:50:37 pm »
The video was super informative for me, I never really understood how the interger overflow worked and this broke it down really well.
The video was also brought some attention to the OG game we all love (and hate).
It was also explained well that it's not feasible to do as a human, but we all knew this as players. The main point was to show it was not the technical killscreen of the US version of the game, even if 22-1 is 100% the human killscreen.
First time i ever saw or played a DK Machine ... Was in 1981 Pizza Time theater *Chuck E Cheeses
General Donkey Kong Discussion / After 44 Years, Someone Beat the Donkey Kong
« Last post by Simpsons99 on February 04, 2025, 07:35:42 pm »
This video came up on my YT Feeds to make for some reason.   I felt the video was way to long..  Anyone that knows about the KS or the history of the game knows all this already. Then the fact at the end of the video it could never be used.. Felt like a huge waste of time watching the video.
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: .
« Last post by TheSunshineFund on February 04, 2025, 09:07:03 am »
Highly enjoyed.  Thanks for posting/working on this!
General Donkey Kong Discussion / Re: .
« Last post by johnbart on February 03, 2025, 08:33:52 pm »
Great video and glad it went big!  My son even asked me about it :)

Great to see post 22-1 boards for the first time!
Yeah, I really don't know why Ohrami is being pissy. You did a great job, sir. The video put a big smile on my face.

While we're at it, who is gonna TAS-exploit DK's barrel delay to infinitely leech a fireball? 10 million, go!

Edit: 500th post hype Kreygasm
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