Streaming > Streaming Events
Looking for classic gaming streamers for up coming event?
If anyone else wants to stream this weekend for this Fundraiser Event.. June 10th and 11TH .
I am going to try and stream Sunday afternoon. June 11TH From 1pm t0 5PM PST
I'll donate $50 to Brians Go F Me for every streamer who streams and links a Mappy game over 75k. $100 for players who make over 200k.
I'll take on other challenges for the cause, list them and we'll see,
--- Quote from: Scoundrl on June 06, 2023, 05:24:01 pm ---I'll donate $50 to Brians Go F Me for every streamer who streams and links a Mappy game over 75k. $100 for players who make over 200k.
I'll take on other challenges for the cause, list them and we'll see,
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TY Ken! Hopefully players try for this!
Don Hayes is Interested in playing for Mappy this Weekend ...Is he a member here?
--- Quote from: Simpsons99 on June 07, 2023, 09:54:18 pm ---Don Hayes is Interested in playing for Mappy this Weekend ...Is he a member here?
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Yup, found my login for here.
I'll stream some Mappy tomorrow, probably after noon eastern time.
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