Streaming > Streaming Events
Barry 'n Fink's DK Challenge
How dadkk do you log onto the site to join up fkk this abuse
Rev John:
--- Quote from: muscleandfitness on September 26, 2021, 12:38:40 am ---How dadkk do you log onto the site to join up fkk this abuse
--- End quote ---
Hi Allen
1/ You need to register first at this link:
2/ Once registered you can find the green login button OR click on this link:
3/ Then look for where it says "Barry 'n Fink's DK Challenge" etc OR here's a direct link to the tourny:
4/ The top score is currently 916,500, should be easy for you to beat mate!
Hmm. The $250 prize for new world record is only for a score of 1,272,900 or higher? That's weird. I thought 1,272,800 would surpass the current world record of 1,272,700 by John McCurdy which is listed at rank 1 on the leaderboard of this site. Perhaps xelnia could shine some light on this confusing situation.
--- Quote from: Ohrami on September 26, 2021, 09:36:13 am ---Hmm. The $250 prize for new world record is only for a score of 1,272,900 or higher? That's weird. I thought 1,272,800 would surpass the current world record of 1,272,700 by John McCurdy which is listed at rank 1 on the leaderboard of this site. Perhaps xelnia could shine some light on this confusing situation.
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It was put up by one of our generous donors. Nothing to do with DKF. Dont bring this shit in here
BABRA PLS FTT <Allen> <Allen>
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