Author Topic: Donkey Kong Online Open 2015 #3 self-reporting bounties claimed  (Read 3657 times)

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Offline Adam_Mon

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Donkey Kong Online Open 2015 #3 self-reporting bounties claimed
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:44:16 pm »
Figured I make a thread where people can report what bounties they are claiming in order to prevent people going for already claimed bounties (This is essentially a cut and paste job of Jeff Wolfe's idea from dko 2 2015 to keep track of who is claiming what)

Turns out there is already a  list on facebook (as per the discussion between Chris G and Eric T ) so this can essentially mirror it for those of us not on that platform.
So please consider reporting any bounty claims you make :- )!

The bounty list is below.


- $150 to the first player to achieve 1,000,000 points on their first jump man
- $50 to the first player to achieve 800,000 points on their first jump man
- $50 to the first player to achieve 1,000,000 or more points for their game submission
- $50 for the first person to claim their first kill screen who has not had a kill screen before
- $50 to the first player to claim a kill screen (if they have already achieved a kill screen before)
- $50 to the first player to beat the 1-1 World Record bounty of 13,600

- Mystery bounty #1 (a new prize!)
- Mystery bounty #2 (a new prize!)
- Mystery bounty #3 (a new prize!)
- Mystery bounty #4 - thanks to Nick Sheils!!!

- Bounties offered by players, thanks everyone!!!
   - Andrew Barrow: $20 to the first person to complete level 4-5 in under 7 minutes.
       - TG Timing will be used. 1P movement to the instant the last rivet is pulled on 4-5
       - This is a "start" speedrun and therefore must be on your first life.
       - If on MAME an INP must be provided to either myself or submitted at TG. Frame advance will be used to          accurately determine the time.
       - If on a cab, I'll do a manual timing and determine the overall time. If theres any disputes Ill get an outside party (aka Jry Kappa) to do the timing as well.   - Stephen Wagner: $27 bounty for the first person to jump 7 fireballs on level 7 rivets.
   - Scott Cunningham: $125 for the first player to score at least 9000 points on a Level 05+ elevator stage
     - If achieved on the arcade platform, a simple Twitch highlight is sufficient.  If achieved using MAME, the complete INP file must be provided for review (no save states allowed).
NOTE: Ties always go to the first person who claimed the bounty
NOTE: Places 1-3 are not eligible to win a mystery bounty
NOTE: Prizes and bounties might change in the future

Offline Adam_Mon

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Re: Donkey Kong Online Open 2015 #3 self-reporting bounties claimed
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 02:46:16 pm »
According to Eric:

Robbie Lakeman claimed the first 1,000,000 point game.