A small increase of 520 points this evening. 1,179,080 was the final score. Very upsetting and discouraging.
http://www.twitch.tv/clchambers00/c/5723196 Once again I get passed a million while still on my second man, and then within 200k I literally stop knowing how to play the game. Almost had one million on my first man. At this pace, the list will have to be updated 1000 times before I reach 2 million. So sit back and enjoy the 10 point increase that I will get a few days from now.

I am happy that this is the third million in ten days. No so hard any more. Just got to keep my mind doing what it knows how to do. I wish that I could get past this fatigue, anxiety, and mental block. I should be able to put up a 2 million game.